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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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1 hour ago, nittany cougar said:

Mika said, "Sorry Trumpy!" and laughed at herself.  Mika you are the only one who's laughing because that wasn't funny.  You suck at making jokes. 

I happened to catch this as I was clicking my way to CNBC. Pro move, Meeks. My, what a sophisticated, thoughtful journalistic pundit you've become. Maybe your brothers will nominate YOU for the next Brzy award. Some are stressed by her; I'm disgusted.  

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Haas said Iran has more nuclear material now than it did when Trump took office. The USA exited the nuclear agreement with Iran, so it purchased more materials.

Haas said Trump would like to take a pop at Iran before he leaves office. It would be bad to start a war just before he left office.

Didn't President Bartlett send troops to Kashmir during the transition to President elect Santos ?

Edited by oakville
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46 minutes ago, oakville said:

Heidi is back. She looks great but her lighting is off.


Heidiiiiii! Oh man, i missed her! i wonder what happened, she used to be a regular. Her reporting is stellar and she just has this rich, precise voice

18 minutes ago, oakville said:

Haas said Trump would like to take a pop at Iran before he leaves office. It would be bad to start a war just before he left office.

Didn't President Bartlett send troops to Kashmir during the transition to President elect Santos ?

Bartlett and Santos were secretly coordinating behind the scenes, because in alternate universes, national security trumps egos!! go figure . also I think it was Kazakhstan, but also, it may have been Utopia, Freedonia or Narnia. idk, their foreign policy was weird.

this is gonna sound weird but watching news coverage about what "DJT wants to do" I often feel like there are things...he wouldn't even have thought of, or known were technically possible, unless shows like Morning Joe speculated about it as a possibility. it's this weird circularity.


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Ratner appeared from one of the wings of his Manhattan Penthouse. He had charts. The economy is stalled & there are still fewer people employed now than when the pandemic started. Mika tried asking questions about  soft pockets of the economy, but it didn't make any sense.

Willie said that restaurants are suffering & there needs to be a new stimulus packages.


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1 hour ago, Eliot said:

Why must Mika harangue her guests who are only commenting on bad policies versus actually enacting them? We're all outraged about the coronavirus spikes and how no one wears masks and the government isn't cooperating in the transition - YES. That's true. But why must she shriek at the guests about it? It's not their fault.

It's the same as when Joe is frustrated with the GOP and takes it out by yelling at the viewers... this exhausting, misdirected anger and stress and tension... that we really don't deserve, as loyal viewers, when we've just woken up, and that *guests* who dragged their asses out of bed *definitely* don't deserve...it's like they're in this outrage bubble where they've totally forgotten who their audience and guests are, and that people usually watch morning shows in the, you know, *morning*.... gaaaah 

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Joe is back & re wearing his brown blazer. It's better than his election year sweater. Joe called Rudy Guiliani a grifter. Joe attacked formerly Conservative tv networks for being anti-anti-Trump. Joe is mad at the GOP for playing along with Trump. 

Mika used her "breathless bad news voice" to report on the Coronavirus crisis.




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3 hours ago, neona said:

i wish they would explain why there is no legal action the Biden admin could take to get the transition stuff they're entitled to??  

I can only speculate, but I imagine it's the same problem the House ran into trying to enforce its subpoenas. The administration ignores the orders and ties the process up in court for so long it ends up becoming moot. I think the Biden team has just decided that the problems they are going to face are massive enough that they should just assume they will get no cooperation and spend their time devising workaround strategies versus tying up their resources in court.


Mika used her "breathless bad news voice" to report on the Coronavirus crisis.

Is it just me, or does anyone else notice the weird way she pronounces "coronavirus"? It's hard to explain, but she over-enunciates every syllable, like "cah-RONE-a-VI-russsssss" with an extra emphasis on hissing the final "s."

Edited by Eliot
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33 minutes ago, Eliot said:

but she over-enunciates every syllable, like "cah-RONE-a-VI-russsssss" with an extra emphasis on hissing the final "s."

I get what you're saying. We can tell she's been practicing that one! She sounds it out phonetically so she doesn't mess up like she does on common words so often. The hiss (did she give up on the invisalign?) is her way of showing (more) contempt for DJT, IMO.

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Joe is wearing a navy blue blazer with a striped tie. He must be getting ready for hi book tour.

Joe used a southern accent to make fun of people in the Ozarks at 6:02 am.

Joe has a weird story about swimming in Pensacola Bay. You have to watch for the rip tide. Joe made fun of tourists from Alabama that get caught in the rip tide . Mika was puzzled at Joe's story.

Joe wants Trump to stop filing legal lawsuits over the campaign.

Joe said the transition of power should begin.


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joe looks cute! he got a haircut!

but man every time he starts yelling at me that I shouldn't be allowed to operate a blender, it makes me wanna go to the blender and make a Bloody Mary, just to make it through the show... dude, stop yelling at the choir! it's not *our* fault your relatives are nuts!   

no Zeppelin for Tom NIchols?? did i miss it? i like those small traditions

Noah Rothman found his balls!!! Good for him. 

now going to look up the word "pugilist" in a dictionary  

eta: This Jonathan Rauch discussion is so important. Finally someone points out the obvious - i feel like Kasie and Mika have sort of vaguely been trying to say this, but this spells it out clearly 

Edited by neona
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Joe is mad at his friends that share conspiracies about the election. They shouldn't use blender.

Mika said she had friends went to Yale and believe the conspiracies about the New World Order.

Joe used his southern accent to make fun of "The working man from Osh Kosh."

Joe is upset that wealthy educated people believe conspiracies.

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Joe said he survived mean tweets from President Trump.

Lemire said the GOP wants Trump to campaign for the Senators in Georgia.

Noah said that 2/3 of Democrats believed that the Russian tampered with voting machines in the 2016 election.

Noah said that Trump is not an effective pugilist after losing all these court battles.

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Like another MSNBC show (or more than one) it is the guests that provide insight, not the host(s).  Sad, when not even all the guests can contribute valid and unique input.

TRJ Lemire explained how Republican's fear Trump tweets, which IIRC was "exposed" to all by Robert Costa yesterday.  At least TRJ Lemire is listening to Costa.

It seems like there are too many minutes to fill, or I have failed to accept the show as the outrage bubble/coffee klatch it has become. 


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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Joe is wearing a navy blue blazer with a striped tie. He must be getting ready for hi book tour.

Joe used a southern accent to make fun of people in the Ozarks at 6:02 am.

Joe has a weird story about swimming in Pensacola Bay. You have to watch for the rip tide. Joe made fun of tourists from Alabama that get caught in the rip tide . Mika was puzzled at Joe's story.

Joe's joke is in poor taste since a lot of people drown in rip tides. 

It is enjoyable how Joe posits as the expert on the ocean, the country, and every city he spent more than two hours visiting.  

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Willie was surprised that schools in NYC are being closed. The restaurants & bars are still open.

Lemire said there is friction between Cuomo & De Blasio.

Joe said his kids are still going to school.

Joe doesn't support the 3% positivity rate . It's arbitrary.

Joe got mad at teacher's unions for pushing De Blasio to close schools. Barnicle defended the unions. Teachers don't want to die in the classroom.

Willie said not all kids can succeed with online learning.

Joe said rich kids can hire SAT tutors.


Edited by oakville
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Mika was upset that Gov Newsom had dinner with lobbyists without wearing masks.

Joe is yelling at Lemire about Newsom being on a different planet. Joe complained about Newsom sending his kids to private schools while closing public schools.

Lemire said not all Democrats are following the rules that they impose on the public. He was glad that Newsom apologized.

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Joe told the story about meeting Barnicle in Nantucket & sat on a bench together this summer .

Barnicle had been isolating . They had coffee at the Hub.

Joe was upset that the photo was posted on social media. Joe follows all the regulations.

Joe admitted having dinner with Mika & Barnicle & his wife in Nantucket. They were nervous.  Mika doesn't like to swap air.

Joe bragged about ordering take out to help the economy.

Joe told the democratic congresswoman that lost her seat that people hated socialism.

She said Latinos were getting disinformation from the media. She also said that Latinos wanted businesses to open .

Mika used her sad voice to discuss the Democrats losing seats in the election.

Kaie was upset that her sources predicted that Democrats would gain 10 seats in Congress. The opposite happened.



joe is now a guest on his own show!! You can't make it up. i love that the reality of "Joe's book month"  is even more hilarious than our trolling predictions 

at least it's funny and kinda tongue-in-cheek. i think. anyhoo, i'm here for David Ignatius 

eta: It *is* actually an interesting discussion rn. i just hope it's not gonna be the *same* discussion over and over, every day...

Edited by neona
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I actually hate to wish ill will on anyone, even Joe.  But am I the only one hoping his book flops?  His ego is beyond out-of-control at present; I can only imagine how big his head will get when/if it makes the NYT best seller list.  It is unseemly for a host of any show to spend weeks plugging his/her book on-air. Chris Matthews was another one who was shameless about it.  Rachel and Lawrence O were very low-key about their books.


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3 hours ago, neona said:

joe is now a guest on his own show!! You can't make it up.


2 hours ago, oakville said:

Mika is interviewing Joe about hi book

Are you guys serious?!?!? I assume he wrote out questions for her to ask? And then he gave the answers he practiced? The hubris runs deep. He can't possibly think that that was a legit interview. How insulting to real authors who go on shows to shill their books. Sure, they have a pretty good idea of the questions that will come up but to actually have your wife and partner in crime ask the questions is just laughable. Again, is there not an adult producer type that oversees this nonsense? To allow this kind of braggadocios behavior on the network is outrageous. Take it to your social platforms.


3 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe told the story about meeting Barnicle in Nantucket & sat on a bench together this summer .

Barnicle had been isolating . They had coffee at the Hub.

Joe was upset that the photo was posted on social media. Joe follows all the regulations.

Interesting that he's bringing this up now, just as he's chastising others for not following the regs. I'd think a manly man would address it immediately after it was posted for the masses to see. Did hypocrite Meeka sit there with her arms crossed, looking all hateful at him as she does with all others who get caught? I doubt it.

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     It was painful watching Mika prompt Jon Meacham to "ask Joe a question" about Harry Truman.  Meacham's one of the most distinguished historians in the country--he doesn't need Joe Scarborough to teach him anything about Truman.

     The first time, Meacham struggled a little to form his thought into something resembling an interrogative, but the next time Mika told him it was his turn to ask Joe a question, he was more prepared to handle the insult.

     And I hear we'll be repeating this stroke job with other guests, who are also smarter than Joe.  Can't wait.



I thoroughly enjoyed the two full days without Horatio Hornblower.  I recorded the episodes to watch and savor later in the day, like a treat with my coffee.





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5 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:


Are you guys serious?!?!? I assume he wrote out questions for her to ask? And then he gave the answers he practiced? The hubris runs deep. He can't possibly think that that was a legit interview. How insulting to real authors who go on shows to shill their books. Sure, they have a pretty good idea of the questions that will come up but to actually have your wife and partner in crime ask the questions is just laughable. Again, is there not an adult producer type that oversees this nonsense? To allow this kind of braggadocios behavior on the network is outrageous. Take it to your social platforms.


Interesting that he's bringing this up now, just as he's chastising others for not following the regs. I'd think a manly man would address it immediately after it was posted for the masses to see. Did hypocrite Meeka sit there with her arms crossed, looking all hateful at him as she does with all others who get caught? I doubt it.

Yes, Mika did interview Joe and mentioned that her mom LOVED the book. !

It was bizarre to have Mika prompt Meacham to ask Joe questions about Harry Truman. Meacham is an expert on US Presidents.

Mika said there would be more guests during the next week to ask Joe questions about his book.

Mika did not appear during Joe's discussion with Barnicle about not wearing a mask in Nantucket.

It was bizarre for Joe to even consider bringing up the incident several months after the fact.

Joe insisted that he followed all the local rules about wearing masks because he & Mike Barnicle have family members with health issues that would be worsened by contracting Covid. This contradicts what people had posted on social media at the time.


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i love Meacham but whyyyy does he always look like he should be holding a skull in his hand while doing his anguished talking? my brain literally refers to him as "Hamlet". and why on earth is there no light in his fake-ass library? it makes no sense because he's actually really smart and interesting...like whats with the unnecessary gloom and doom... 

1 hour ago, plumbago blues said:


Are you guys serious?!?!? I assume he wrote out questions for her to ask? And then he gave the answers he practiced?

No, she was sweet and funny with him, I liked that part. It really *was* kinda tongue-in-cheek.

Tbh aside from the set-up, it was totally fine. But at the same time, they seemed to cover all their Truman bases *today*...so I really wonder what the next couple of weeks will be like. It's just the thought that they're gonna...re-hash the same ideas over and over that makes me tired...siiiiigh...  

Edited by neona
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14 minutes ago, neona said:

No, she was sweet and funny with him, I liked that part. It really *was* kinda tongue-in-cheek.

Tbh aside from the set-up, it was totally fine. But at the same time, they seemed to cover all their Truman bases *today*...so I really wonder what the next couple of weeks will be like. It's just the thought that they're gonna.... to re-hash the same ideas over and over that makes me tired...siiiiigh...  

Hmmm. Mika usually does not do "tongue in cheek" well, IMO. (Witness those cringy zoom KYV skits.) 

Guess they're gonna fill time formerly used for hating on Trump with "Gee, Joe, tell us another story about Truman." Gah.

And, yeah, Meacham has the worst face for tv. That pained look of consternation with a little "who farted" is not pleasant.

Edited by plumbago blues
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12 hours ago, oakville said:

Noah said that 2/3 of Democrats believed that the Russian tampered with voting machines in the 2016 election.

That's a hell of a reach by Rothman to invoke conspiracy both siderism. And he knows it. The Senate intel committee found that Russia had penetrated election systems in every state. And they had the ability to manipulate data, although there was no evidence they did so.

Technically he is correct, but that's not remotely comparable to believing that dead people voting/stolen ballots/fake ballots etc. should invalidate the votes of millions.

Edited by xaxat
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Why is Noah Rothman anywhere near this show?  Virtually, anyway.  I see him and that know-it-all smug look on his face and I start to think that Joe is not so bad.  All the while, my tv crush, Nick Confessori is hardly ever on; I even love his beard.  As Erma Bombeck said, "I have cookie sheets older than him" ... and it is so true.

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13 hours ago, Kemper said:

I actually hate to wish ill will on anyone, even Joe.  But am I the only one hoping his book flops?  His ego is beyond out-of-control at present; I can only imagine how big his head will get when/if it makes the NYT best seller list.  It is unseemly for a host of any show to spend weeks plugging his/her book on-air. Chris Matthews was another one who was shameless about it.  Rachel and Lawrence O were very low-key about their books.


I just took a look at the digital free sample of Joe’s book, and in the first sentence, Joe mentioned that he served in Congress. 

Edited by cased
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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