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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I was just coming to ask you guys to explain to me how the issue with the children at the border is "of the President's own making", to quote Boehner. (Speaking of Orange)   Did the President say he wouldn't negotiate on the supplemental bill? Is that the bottom line on the amount of money they need to start working on getting those kids better housing, hiring more judges and border security?   I try to stay aware of what's going on, but for the life of me I cannot see how anyone is their right mind thinks the is the President's fault. 


Do we think it would help anything if he did go visit one of the facilities?  What would be the negative for him if he did that? 


I have a friend who is pretty staunch Republican and was blaming the President for the issue, and I explained to him the 2008 law allowing these children to be declared refugees, that they are from Central America, not Mexico, and they're basically turning themselves in the minute they get into the U.S., as they know they have a shot of being here for a while. It's a crisis trying to take care of them, and the courts are backed up on hearings, and that the President can't just willy nilly order deportations. My friend acquiesced on his opinion and said,"I had no idea that was the case, so yeah he pretty much can't do anything without getting more money to get them to facilities and get them processed and sent home.  I'm glad you explained it to me". 


I told him this is what the President deals with daily.  People hear these lies, for lack of a better word, and believe them, and it's not like they are also turning on MSNBC or another source to find out the actual truth.  

  • Love 7
Mika said her daughter Carly who is an intern on morning joe was rude to her.



What a "shock." Your daughter probably learned how to be a mature professional from you, Mika. Frankly, if this is such an issue that it must be discussed on air, taking up precious time, then perhaps you should not hire your own daughter to work on your show and instead hire someone not related to anyone on the show who will probably not throw things at you, at least literally.


And another thing ... I am sick and tired of Mika's constant segments on women's empowerment and I say that as a feminist. Mika's form of discussing the issue is usually all about her, it's usually very whiny and unattractive and, lastly, it's never reflected in her actual daily actions, where she sits there posing and mewling and cooing at the men around the table. I've never seen anyone act less empowered than you, Mika.

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I try to stay aware of what's going on, but for the life of me I cannot see how anyone is their right mind thinks the is the President's fault.


Obama Derangement Syndrome. 


I lasted for 5 seconds when Joe went on about how, when he was in Congress, Clinton worked with them.  It's hard to work with filibusters on everything and a Congress that won't take yes for an answer.

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Did anyone else notice how the group talked about how companies were incorporating overseas to give less money to the US government, and companies are further treating their workers as one-offs. Talk about what "have you done for me lately". This is the same group that goes off about how sorry the current workforce is and how there is no loyalty to the company.  


One of the last guys on the show talked about how US living standards have dropped in the past 20 years. Huh, I wonder why.


I just looked it up.  Accenture, the company that sponsored the report is incorporated in Ireland, taking advantage of their 4% corporate tax rate. The were formerly part of Arthur Anderson, who went bankrupt because of Enron. They did Enron's books.

  • Love 2
Did anyone else notice how the group talked about how companies were incorporating overseas to give less money to the US government, and companies are further treating their workers as one-offs. Talk about what "have you done for me lately". This is the same group that goes off about how sorry the current workforce is and how there is no loyalty to the company.



Not only that, but companies are now persons with free speech rights for the purpose of political contributions and have religious beliefs as well, which the workers must abide by or be forced to pay out of pocket for the privilege not to.


On another topic, is Mika like a dog with a bone or what?! She latches on to someone and they, then, become her answer to every problem and the potential savior of the country. First it was Chris Christie, Chris Christie, Chris Christie and now it's Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth Warren. Apparently, there are no other governors nor senators in the nation, let alone another politician who might be able to solve a problem.

Edited by Nidratime
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On another topic, is Mika like a dog with a bone or what?!


I forget what the subject was, she kept using one of her favorite lines: "Why are we talking about this?" - but she was the one who kept returning to it and kept saying "Why are we talking about this?" Joe finally got fed up and said "Then stop talking about it!" and there was a lot of crosstalk from the others (Is Dad mad? I think Dad's mad). She got flustered and tried to act like we all didn't hear what Joe said. But we did.

War on coal is killing me. TN has more people working in the auto industry than coal. Mountain top removal uses less people than digging in the mountain. As a bonus, its worse for the environment.


Did the group really say that Warren doesn't like big government?  She's one of the few people that praises government and what it provides for everyone.  The lack of governing is what led to the financial crisis.


I think I have an idea why Warren and Hillary is liked better in TN than Barack.



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Mika was in the gossip column of today's Washington Post. (It's the "Reliable Source" column in the Style section.) Apparently, she just bought a condo in Georgetown.


Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” has snagged a two-bedroom, two-bath condo in Georgetown.

According to real-estate records, the author of “Knowing Your Value” paid $925,000 in June for the airy digs, located just a block off Rock Creek Park.



The column also states that she shares a "gorgeous Tudor style" home in Bronxville with her husband and two daughters.


And, in the online version of the column, they show three rooms of the condo -- galley kitchen, living room and one bedroom.




Question is, why does she need a condo in D.C.? Is Joe running for office again? ;-) Is she going to work for her hero, Elizabeth Warren? Or, is she expecting Chris Christie to run for and win the presidency?


My last guess is that her daughter's moving here to intern and needs a place to live.

Edited by Nidratime
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Someone on the panel mentioned Romney's low tax rate, I don't remember the exact number, Joe quickly countered that Obama's tax rate was quite similar.  Then Ratner, the lone voice of reason on this panel of shitheads explained Obama's income was considerably lower than Romney's.  Does anyone besides Ratner challenge Joe on his bullshit anymore?

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Joe's going to stop inviting Eugene to hang out in the morning.




Yes, sugarbaker design, check out irisheyes' post above about Monday's show. There wasn't a great deal "said" but I got a very strong vibe of unspoken subtext (and maybe off-camera conversations) between the 2.


I don't think I've seen it mentioned. From what undisclosed bunker (and for what reason) is Joe remotely broadcasting?

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Mika was happy that Joe was back on set today. Mika said Joe was muttering about wearing khakis & sweaters onset.


Joe was confused by the Christie Christie poll numbers. he misread unfavourable as favourable . Joe said the other candidates are bunched up.


There was a big debate over Hillary's $250K speaking fee for the University of Buffalo.

Mika & Joe argued about whether or not Reagan had reacted quickly to the Russian attack on the South Korean airliner in 1983.




Joe was upset that Obama was eating cheeseburgers & refusing to stop the fundraising during the last week.


Mika & Joe were doing comedy stand up this weekend in Nantucket. Mika was impersonating Joe fawning over Bill Clinton.


Heileman is back.


They also discussed Israel, James Garner & the Ukraine

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I only lasted about 15 minutes this morning. Joe isn't attending today's bloodbath. Mika gleefully announced the latest Hillary polls that show (and I apologize I don't recall the actual percentages) that about 38 percent of people polled think Hillary did not do a good job as Secretary of State (a dramatic dip according to a rapturous Mika). Barnacle finally said what kind of poll is this and who do they ask because he said he didn't think 38 percent of the population even knows that Hillary was Secretary of State (and given the polls that show the majority of the American public can't name their governor of congressional representative I tend to agree with him...lord, it's the apocalypse because I find myself agreeing with Barnacle the majority of time lately).

I swear Mika has her assistants or interns looking for any and all poll results that reflect poorly on Hillary. Perhaps that's why her daughter threw something at Mika because she couldn't find anything negative about Hillary that day and Mika went nuts.

Okay I'm going to sound really old here but I want election probability polls not these bullshit polls that ask stupid questions about stupid stuff AND I think polls are showing an inherent weakness given the recent pre-election polls and the actual results from the Cantor and Cochran elections that were way, way off. Hell, even 538 is showing flaws. The only poll winners are the pollsters that must be making a fortune now between the actual election cycles.

Mika ignored Barnacle and said well, her unpopularity is probably due to Hillary's outrageous speaking fees (jealous much?). I don't understand why, when speaking of Hillary's fees that no one mentions those fees go to The Clinton Foundation not to her personal bank account. So Mika do you give your fees to your foundation or some charity? I think NOT.

Look, do I think Hillary is flawed? Yes, but the daily Hillary bashing under the guise of "reporting" is more then I can take. Even Halprin pushed back a little bit but then they started talking about anonymous "sources" and I couldn't listen anymore...because "everyone" does it and so it must be okay (or how else would Game Change 3 ever be written)?

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What I thought was interesting is that they've been going on and on about Hillary's speaking fees -- and I'm not quite sure what their spin is since Mika at first seems outraged about them and then declares it would be so much better for Hillary if she would just "own them" and declare how wonderful it is that a woman can get such fees, just like men of her rank have been getting -- but then right after that, and quite unironically, they report on the Forbes list of the most well paid ACTORS. At the top of the list is Robert Downey Jr. who made about $75 million, second was The Rock, whose earnings I can't remember, and then Bradley Cooper who came in at $45 million.


They had no problem with this at all and, in fact, I had no idea why they were even talking about it since they had nothing to say other than "good job?!" But they're outraged and go on daily about Hillary making $12 million, including advances on her book (or is it Hillary *and* Bill, together, making $12 million?). I don't know. But, in any case, it just seems so ridiculous why these huge actors' fees are hunky dory, but not Hillary and Bill's income, some of which goes into the Clinton Foundation.


It's not like Hillary and Bill took a vow of poverty, and therefore are hypocrites, as opposed to these actors or anyone else who makes a huge amount of money.

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Mika & Joe argued about whether or not Reagan had reacted quickly to the Russian attack on the South Korean airliner in 1983.





Ay yi yi yi. I only skimmed through some of that article but those right wingers are insane - absolutely delusional and insane. Jon Stewart read from Ronald Reagan's own autobiography last night and Reagan was on a 25 day (!) vacation (can you imagine the faux outrage there would be if Pres Obama tried to take a 25 day vacation???) and Reagan said himself that he flew back to Washington FOUR days after the incident and was right pissed off that he had to cut his vacay three days short.


The best part was that Jon showed Joe Douchborough ranting about St Reagan acting immediately. Do these idiots not realize that there are films and books about what actually happened and their lies and fanciful tales about Reagan can be easily found out and will be laughed at?

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The best part was that Jon showed Joe Douchborough ranting about St Reagan acting immediately. Do these idiots not realize that there are films and books about what actually happened and their lies and fanciful tales about Reagan can be easily found out and will be laughed at?


Facts? We don't need no stinkin' facts! Facts have a libural bias.

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Maybe I just have the same interest as Nantucket Joe, but I can't get into this show at ALL this summer (and I'm not even in Nantucket). He seems checked out or doesn't show up at all, and all I hear as I'm waking up in the morning is Mika blathering on and on with her same stupid buzz words that someone talk* her in a journalism 101 class (that she probably failed). Everything is either a HUGE deal, or she doesn't get it. Why was she so outraged over the flag on the Brooklyn Bridge today? People do stupid shit things and don't get caught doing them. She seemed to want it to be something more shocking. Maybe Hillary did it.


I turned it off when I heard her bitching about Apple's profits and "Why don't they wait?" - meaning people should wait until the fall to buy the brand new expensive phone instead of buying phones now. Newsflash, Mika - I'm sure I won't be able to afford the 500 or so bucks they'll be asking for it, so I will sales shop now and buy some 4's or 5's on sale for practically nothing. And I will add to the Apple profits. Suck it, Mika.


*Ahh look at me - bitching about someone's journalism skills while putting in completely wrong words. TAUGHT, taught (Hillary screwed me over here somehow)!

Edited by stacey
Inappropriate nickname
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I turned it off when I heard her bitching about Apple's profits and "Why don't they wait?" - meaning people should wait until the fall to buy the brand new expensive phone instead of buying phones now. Newsflash, Mika - I'm sure I won't be able to afford the 500 or so bucks they'll be asking for it, so I will sales shop now and buy some 4's or 5's on sale for practically nothing.



I happened to catch Barnacle saying the same thing this morning "Don't these people know that new ones are coming out in September?"  It's this kind of elitist attitude that turns me off even more than Joe spouting his convenient lies.  I get it, you're not poor, you're well off, but that doesn't mean you can't imagine what it's like living on a budget, buying a 4 at a discounted rate because a new 5 is coming out.  Assholes.

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Haven't we seen both Barnicle and Halperin ordering new Apple stuff (from their Apple phones) the SECOND it becomes available? On air?  At least Rattner, who has all the cash in the world, doesn't tell us about it. Joe and Mika do like to constantly talk about his money though (and the Clintons) as though they have none.

Edited by stacey
Inappropriate nickname
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The Star Wars franchise was mentioned, which allowed Mika to say that she didn't recognize the Star Wars theme as it began to play. But the timing of her feigned ignorance when she began her "What is that - What IS that?" when the music started seemed a bit awkward. Maybe the show was way too early this morning.  She also got the opportunity to say that she's never seen a SW movie. Well, it turns out she did see the first few minutes of one. But it was "just so weird" that she had to walk out. Muttering and sputtering all the way, no doubt. But the bestest part came after that when the guys all told her that it was the SW theme and she asked one of them "Are YOU a Trekkie?" Her timing on that one was perfect, so maybe she was waking up. There was a lot of crosstalk while the Big Men On Campus set the little gal straight about Star Wars v. Star Trek, and, I shit you not, she hung her head and did that hunched-shoulder giggle that girls used to do in junior high after making stoopid to flatter the boys. Because their mamas told them that was the way to get boys interested in you.  (They don't do that anymore, do they?)


Where is Joe? Divorce court? Is that finalized? Because something's up with him rarely being there, and then speaking from the bunker when he does appear.

There was a lot of crosstalk while the Big Men On Campus set the little gal straight about Star Wars v. Star Trek, and, I shit you not, she hung her head and did that hunched-shoulder giggle that girls used to do in junior high after making stoopid to flatter the boys. Because their mamas told them that was the way to get boys interested in you.



This must be why a lot of old men on Capitol Hill like this show. It reminds them of how "little ladies" used to act and, in their opinion, should act.



On another topic, look what I just saw tweeted:


Will Dancin' David Gregory Be Replaced With Mika And Joe?


Edited by Nidratime
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Viewership is down a whopping 43 percent compared to when Gregory ascended to the moderator's chair in December 2008, after the death of Tim Russert. The show finished in third place behind CBS' "Face the Nation" and ABC's "This Week" in the second quarter of 2014.




Oh, good, it's not just me.

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So it would appear that the new head of NBC (or NBC News?) said in August 2013 that Joe and Mika won't host MTP after Gregory is canned, reversing his predecessor's earlier decision.  As a group, do we remember Joe & Mika as being smug up to August of last year, and angry afterwards?

I would like to watch them host MTP.  The slow-motion-crashedness of it would be AWESOME TV.  It'd ruin NBC's news division forever, and end the show, obviously.  And Morning Joe would likely be changed and programmed differently.

Joe and Mika hosting MTP would be the worst high-profile political journalist panel discussion show ever.

Joe's not a journalist.  He's a self-important bloviating salesman.  Mika's a twit.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 9

When was the last time Uncle Pat Buchanan was on this show? (I can't remember why he was banned from the network, but I have no doubt it was deserved.) Anyway, I needed to pop into Politics and Prose this evening, the indie bookstore in D.C., and there he was signing books. He must have just given a talk. He actually looks like he's holding up well.

Mini Recap.

Mika on set & Joe broadcasting from his private studio. TJ was back. Halperin & Meacham were on & a panelist . Mika said she had trouble raising her teens this weekend. One of them was misbehaving.

The big topic was Gaza. Joe said Hamas is using people s human shields & building terror tunnels with funds raised by the UN.

Joe said Israel should be able to defend itself. Joe said 1000 dead civilians is bad Pr for Israel.Joe said Hamas was in political oblivion but now is doing better in the polls because they are seen as protecting Gaza.

They showed a clip of Charlie Rose asking Hamas if they would recognize Israel. they said no.

Next topic was Ukraine. Hillary said she was skeptical of Putin .

Halperin said Obama had no strategic vision of the world crisis & what the USA should do.

The new panelist said that the USA could give Ukraine the locations of the missile launchers in Russia. Meacham said there are too many Russian spies in Ukraine so the USA could get in trouble with Russia & it would escalate the war.

Halperin or Joe said Obama has to stop allowing other countries to cross red lines.

There is a scandal with Cuomo stopping his own ethics commission because the commissioners asked his allies troubling questions.

Joe said Chris Christie would never get away with that & this was worse than Christie closing bridges.

Halperin said Cuomo isn't treated as a national figure so his scandals are OK. Joe said Cuomo was bubble wrapped .

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Oh Mika, mika, mika...STFU. Her efforts to seem impartial in the Stephen A. Smith debate over domestic abuse and "provocation" comes across as ill informed and wishy washey (no surprise). She asks the question "Can't we debate this and have a conversation?" is akin to having a KKK grand wizard on to have a conversation about why whites are superior. No, you can't have a conversation about something so fundamentally wrong. The all male panel (no surprise there either) had to defend the position that provocation is not a valid excuse for someone to hit another person. Jebus, does this woman know anything about domestic violence? Look Stephen Smith finally figured it out (too little too late IMO) but you want to open up the un-debatable so you can pretend to be fair and balanced...yup, why don't you go to FOX News...you'd be perfect.

She follows up by having the video of a baby in a bouncy chair with a puppy crawling up along side the baby. Her Awwws and "I want that baby" reached a decibel that only dogs could hear. We get it Mika you pretend to have motherly instincts but your not fooling anyone. Go home and mother your own children.

Thanks so much for thinking you know YOUR value but you don't shit about life threatening women's issues.

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Just what in the bleepity fucking bleep is Obama supposed to do? Since when is he the Emperor of the World?


This times a gazillion!  If he takes a stance he's a dictator, if he holds back and tries to let diplomacy work, he's a weakling in Dad jeans. 


Also, Steve Schmidt needs to dial it back a little re: Israel.  Even if they are 100% justified, they are doing themselves no favors.  When you lose Jon Stewart and Middle America, you better slow your roll. 

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I like how she has motherly instincts today, but started yesterday's show bitching about how miserable life is with teenagers.  Because, you see, she's the first human on earth to have teenaged children, and her problems are unprecedented in that regard.


Stephen A. Smith's comment:

But what I've tried to employ the female members of my family, some of who you all met and talked to and what have you, is that again, and this what, I've done this all my life, let's make sure we don't do anything to provoke wrong actions … we got to also make sure that you can do your part to do whatever you can do to make, to try to make sure it doesn't happen.

That's right, battered housewife.  Read the part in bold.  Do your part, you idiot, to stop getting yourself hit so much.  It's YOUR fault you get hit.  So straighten up, or you'll just get more of the same.  I should hit you right now for not doing more.

This enrages me.

I don't think that yammering fools whose job it is to yammer foolishly should necessarily always be fired when their yammering bleeds outside of the lines of propriety.  The show he's on with that eel Skip Bayliss on ESPN, is a foul, evil, lower-than-lowest-common-denominator, warped take on male gossip and hate speech wrapped in the merest facade of sports talk.   The show does well.   People like that pandering filth.   But I don't see how he can continue to be employed by ESPN with his misogynistic perspectives.  Apologies or no.

  • Love 5

Oh Mika, mika, mika...STFU. Her efforts to seem impartial in the Stephen A. Smith debate over domestic abuse and "provocation" comes across as ill informed and wishy washey (no surprise). She asks the question "Can't we debate this and have a conversation?" is akin to having a KKK grand wizard on to have a conversation about why whites are superior. No, you can't have a conversation about something so fundamentally wrong. The all male panel (no surprise there either) had to defend the position that provocation is not a valid excuse for someone to hit another person. Jebus, does this woman know anything about domestic violence? Look Stephen Smith finally figured it out (too little too late IMO) but you want to open up the un-debatable so you can pretend to be fair and balanced...yup, why don't you go to FOX News...you'd be perfect.

Thanks so much for thinking you know YOUR value but you don't shit about life threatening women's issues.


But, isn't she the same woman who famously allowed her co-host to point his finger in her face and loudly berate her, only to turn around a few days later and apologize to him?


I often wonder how this fool is able to effectively parent children who can't stand being around her.


I often wonder how this fool is able to effectively parent children who can't stand being around her.


I think we all know Mika is not effectively parenting anyone. She couldn't find her ass with both hands and a mirror.   Why doesn't her husband tell her to stfu about her daughters on air?  



But, isn't she the same woman who famously allowed her co-host to point his finger in her face and loudly berate her, only to turn around a few days later and apologize to him?

Mika and Joe are a classic example of an abusive relationship.   Can you imagine anyone else allowing that buffoon to scream and berate them the way he does Mika, and not march straight into MSNBC's HR Department and file harrassment complaints? 

  • Love 4
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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