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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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24 minutes ago, oakville said:

Gilian Tet was a guest on the show. She used to a regular on the show.

Oh I'm sorry I missed her, she was always a good guest.

8 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

What standing does she have that they would meet with her?   Do rando former Senators just show up and meet with members of Parliament?

Very good question.  Man it must have killed her to lose that Senate seat.  For me, once you are no longer in power so to speak you shouldn't be chatting with those that are especially outside the US.  Yikes.

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12 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

What standing does she have that they would meet with her?   Do rando former Senators just show up and meet with members of Parliament?

Claire is a friend of Joe's. Joe told all the leaders to meet with Claire while he was on his honeymoon. The leaders agreed to meet with her as a  courtesy. Joe is working on a new album while he is in Europe. I think he will be using the Beatles recording studio.

I was upset that they didn't let Joe's band perform at Buckingham Palace.

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7 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

Oh I'm sorry I missed her, she was always a good guest.

Very good question.  Man it must have killed her to lose that Senate seat.  For me, once you are no longer in power so to speak you shouldn't be chatting with those that are especially outside the US.  Yikes.

She might be part of an association of ex- Senators that meets with ex- parliamentarians?

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1 hour ago, Chloesmom said:

Man it must have killed her to lose that Senate seat.  For me, once you are no longer in power so to speak you shouldn't be chatting with those that are especially outside the US.  Yikes.


I did like her sticking it to Sean Duffy.   And the look on Kasie's face was priceless.  

I will watch this show every day with Willie hosting it.  And Yasmin.  She runs First Look like a champ and deserves a better time slot for her talent. She is the real deal. 

Edited by teddysmom
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7 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

Was there someone there from the CoC?  All I saw was Duffy saying well WM hasn't raised their prices yet (well seeing as though the tariffs haven't kicked in yet I would hope they wouldn't for heavens sake) so see everything is fine.  Just fine.

No, my bad. I saw "US Chamber of Commerce President something something " in a chyron under his mug and thought that's who it was.

3 hours ago, izabella said:

Is Duffy the twit from MTV Real World who married the other twit from Real World?  How do these people get elected?!

They announced last week that they are expecting their ninth child. (Better you than me).

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9 hours ago, stormy said:

Kasie said Jared got testy with Jonathan Swan. Yep it was pretty funny since he was looking at Jonathan with a deer in the headlights look.

That scene right there was worth the price of admission - altho another description would be reptile in the headlights.

Each time I see him I can't help wondering if he snags flies with his tongue. 

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The British correspondent on the show this morning, the one who made the aforementioned "might or might not have said" remark, annoyed me because he was all jolly and laughing, like Trump is amusing to them.   At first I thought it was just this one guy, but every British reporter I have seen today is brimming with mirth.

Maybe they see it as karmic payback for the American Revolution.

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9 minutes ago, millennium said:

The British correspondent on the show this morning, the one who made the aforementioned "might or might not have said" remark, annoyed me because he was all jolly and laughing, like Trump is amusing to them.   At first I thought it was just this one guy, but every British reporter I have seen today is brimming with mirth.

Maybe they see it as karmic payback for the American Revolution.

Yeah I saw that too but it's just British shade and they know how to throw it.  Right now they are projecting pictures of a John McCain baseball cap on Madame Trousseau's Wax Museum and another scorcher on the Tower of London.  Tomorrow should be a scorcher.

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Ah nothing like waking up to the dulcet tones of the Queen of England schooling the leader of the free world on history while rocking about 50 pounds of the most blinding jewelry I have ever seen.  God Save the Queen!

I'm glad they showed those pictures I talked about earlier and added one I didn't see that will be appearing at the protest later today of the president on the golden throne yelling all sorts of things at the crowd.

British shade, nothing like it.

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Did anyone else see Joe's D Day piece?  Boy was that a rambling, pull together some news footage, not thought out waste of time. 

I'm sure it was nothing but an excuse to show Reagan's speech in 1984.  There was no back story to D Day, the weather issues, the planning, no more than maybe 10 seconds of footage, and half of the air strike footage was not of D Day at all, it was just stock footage. 

Even if you're only given 5 minutes, why go into Vietnam and Iraq in this piece?   Why blast what happened in Vietnam when you don't explain  how not for the grace of God D Day was even pulled off.  

If you want to honor D Day and remember it, then talk about D Day.   Oh and of course show footage of yourself because when would Joe Scarborough not make a day that will live in infamy about himself? 

Edited by teddysmom
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8 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

Seriously it's like he put together/edited the whole thing himself using his Most Serious Edward R. Murrow voice.  What a waste.

I kept saying "pretend it's not him watch it objectively, but all I could think was WTF is he even talking about?  I expected a tribute to D Day to be more of the back story of planning, that the actual name of the event was Operation Overlord, that "D Day"  was the designation of the start of the operation, June 5 was D-1, June 6 was D Day, June 7 was D+1, as it related to planning.  Do people even know that?  Give your audience information that makes the story interesting, don't just pull together stock footage from the internet. Explain how it was supposed to be June 4 but was pushed back because of the incoming inclement weather, they needed low tides and a clear evening so moonlight could help illuminate landing areas.

The mistakes of not arming the C 47 transport planes, launching the naval craft too far out which caused capsizing, the troops losing their weapons in the water or worse, drowning, and then lucking out when the Germans couldn't get additional Panzer divisions after the attack which gave the Allies time to regroup.  

It was obvious no one with any interest or knowledge of D Day had anything to do with this.

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1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

I'm sure it was nothing but an excuse to show Reagan's speech in 1984.

HA!  I said, "'Reagan!' Drink!"
How many times do you suppose Joe asked his sound tech, "do you think my voice was solemn enough?"
The net result from: his ridiculous tone of voice, showing Reagan as the most important thing that ever happened to D Day, footage of himself, and including Vietnam... was hilarious.  It couldn't have been worse.

Edited by Landsnark
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3 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

The net result from: his ridiculous tone of voice, showing Reagan as the most important thing that ever happened to D Day, footage of himself, and including Vietnam... was hilarious.  It couldn't have been worse.

So it wasn't just me.  It should have been called  "Let's Remember the Remembering".  I know when I think about that day my first thoughts go to "What did Joe think about this?  Wasn't Reagan's speech awesome?" 

Because this is what we should remember. 


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What is so tragic that, as memories fade, WW2,  and all the lives lost and sacrifices made, may be sadly forgotten, just like WW1. The Korean War is getting more notice now than before. I just wonder how much time in History class is now spent on either World War? Those haunting faces in that picture brings me to tears.😢

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56 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

HA!  I said, "'Reagan!' Drink!"
How many times do you suppose Joe asked his sound tech, "do you think my voice was solemn enough?"
The net result from: his ridiculous tone of voice, showing Reagan as the most important thing that ever happened to D Day, footage of himself, and including Vietnam... was hilarious.  It couldn't have been worse.

We haven't seen the actual show yet. It will be solemn-in-stereo plus her cry-talk voice and her meaningful glances and off-the-beat pauses.  We probably shouldn't get cocky and think we're already out of the woods. I'm pretty sure there's worse to come. 

The curdled icing on the snarling cake is how they milked a honeymoon (and seats for Liverpool?) out of this. Gah!!!

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9 minutes ago, PennyPie18 said:

What is so tragic that, as memories fade, WW2,  and all the lives lost and sacrifices made, may be sadly forgotten, just like WW1. The Korean War is getting more notice now than before. I just wonder how much time in History class is now spent on either World War? Those haunting faces in that picture brings me to tears.😢

responded in small talk

7 minutes ago, suomi said:

We haven't seen the actual show yet. It will be solemn-in-stereo plus her cry-talk voice and her meaningful glances and off-the-beat pauses.  We probably shouldn't get cocky and think we're already out of the woods. I'm pretty sure there's worse to come. 

The curdled icing on the snarling cake is how they milked a honeymoon (and seats for Liverpool?) out of this. Gah!!!

I know!

Since we know no women fought at Normandy, how can Mika tie in KYV? Maybe she'll dress up like Rosie the Riveter and pretend to know what a drill is?  Do they even have cake in France?  

The last three days have been so enjoyable not listening to those two babble about nothing. 

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What?  Nobody said "The Rose"?

But then, right after that bit, the panel dives into the purely repulsive:

Trump tells lickspittle Piers Morgan he "WASN'T A FAN OF THE VIETNAM WAR."

Who the fuck was?   Of all the kids who died over there, who among them identified as a Vietnam fanboy?  Whose parents received the dreaded telegram or met the officer at the door with the words, "Well, that's great, because our dead son was a big fan of the Vietnam War."

And THEN Trump, when you think it can't get worse, Trump says he's making up for it by making MONEY for America.

He even pats himself on the back for not running to Canada.  Well, who would run if they were wealthy enough to get bone-spur diagnoses?

And incredibly, Geist and the gang JUST LAUGHED IT OFF.

I hope veterans groups hear that Piers Morgan interview.   I hope every family who lost someone over there hears that interview.

Edited by millennium
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20 minutes ago, millennium said:

I hope veterans groups hear that Piers Morgan interview.   I hope every family who lost someone over there hears that interview.

I'm glad they covered it and hope it pops up every hour.  That needs to have as many eyes and ears on it as possible.  So gross.

I am again enjoying today's show as I am actually hearing/learning things like us shipping sensitive nuclear intelligence over to of all people the Saudi's because everything about them speaks to being level headed and not over-reactionary at all.  Good grief.

And the best Bette Midler movie is Ruthless People.  Silly, funny movie.  Goofy plotline but a stellar cast.  I bet they had a blast making it . . . 🤣

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WTF is with Geist bestowing a "conscientious objector" designation on Trump?  Is he out of his fucking mind?   Trump didn't say anything in that interview about it being against his conscience.  His objection was "It was a far away war" and the enemy wasn't the Nazis.   Nothing, nothing, NOTHING about being a conscientious objector, yet Geist has said that TWICE now, like a Republican working a new talking point.  Please pardon my pottymouth this morning, but what a crock of shit.

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1 hour ago, millennium said:

Trump tells lickspittle Piers Morgan he "WASN'T A FAN OF THE VIETNAM WAR."

Who the fuck was?   Of all the kids who died over there, who among them identified as a Vietnam fanboy?  Whose parents received the dreaded telegram or met the officer at the door with the words, "Well, that's great, because our dead son was a big fan of the Vietnam War."

And THEN Trump, when you think it can't get worse, Trump says he's making up for it by making MONEY for America.

He even pats himself on the back for not running to Canada.  Well, who would run if they were wealthy enough to get bone-spur diagnoses?

And incredibly, Geist and the gang JUST LAUGHED IT OFF.

I hope veterans groups hear that Piers Morgan interview.   I hope every family who lost someone over there hears that interview.

The one thing that surprised me about the interview was that PM mentioned, with a straight face, that Trump didn't serve because of bone spurs. How does someone say that with a straight face? Is there anyone who actually believes he had bone spurs??

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4 minutes ago, Jordan Baker said:

The one thing that surprised me about the interview was that PM mentioned, with a straight face, that Trump didn't serve because of bone spurs. How does someone say that with a straight face? Is there anyone who actually believes he had bone spurs??

If you noticed, Morgan couldn't look Trump in the eyes.   As he says "bone spurs," he looks off to the side pensively.   Then he comes back around as he attempts to rehabilitate Trump by asking, Oprah-like, "Do you wish you could have served your country?"

A perfect lay-up for Trump to seem conciliatory or more mature ... but, God love him, Trump explains it wasn't a cool war like World War II and it was happening in a far-away place (like maybe he might have gone if it had been in Long Island), so no, not a fan. 

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1 hour ago, millennium said:

WTF is with Geist bestowing a "conscientious objector" designation on Trump?  Is he out of his fucking mind?   Trump didn't say anything in that interview about it being against his conscience.  His objection was "It was a far away war" and the enemy wasn't the Nazis.   Nothing, nothing, NOTHING about being a conscientious objector, yet Geist has said that TWICE now, like a Republican working a new talking point.  Please pardon my pottymouth this morning, but what a crock of shit.

My pottymouth was also going crazy after those "conscientious objector" remarks. I don't get Willie at all. Was someone telling him to use that phrase? Or does he really believe it? The D Day footage is amazing...such bravery shown by those solders. 

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2 hours ago, millennium said:

WTF is with Geist bestowing a "conscientious objector" designation on Trump?  Is he out of his fucking mind?   Trump didn't say anything in that interview about it being against his conscience.  His objection was "It was a far away war" and the enemy wasn't the Nazis.   Nothing, nothing, NOTHING about being a conscientious objector, yet Geist has said that TWICE now, like a Republican working a new talking point.  Please pardon my pottymouth this morning, but what a crock of shit.

I know!! I was in the kitchen and leaned over the bar and yelled WTF?!!??!?!   

At least this morning there was some discussion about the lead up to D Day.    Doris was right, that one day and how it impacted the world is not just a footnote in history, it is the dividing line between what could have been and what is. 

That being said, every time Willie says "Joe & Mika WILL be back tomorrow" I yell back "NO ONE IS ASKING FOR THEM!!!" 

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4 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

I know!! I was in the kitchen and leaned over the bar and yelled WTF?!!??!?!   

At least this morning there was some discussion about the lead up to D Day.    Doris was right, that one day and how it impacted the world is not just a footnote in history, it is the dividing line between what could have been and what is. 

That being said, every time Willie says "Joe & Mika WILL be back tomorrow" I yell back "NO ONE IS ASKING FOR THEM!!!" 

I liked the discussions about D Day. It could have easily gone wrong.

I think Wilile was being sarcastic about Trump being an objector to the Vietnam War.

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22 minutes ago, PennyPie18 said:

I agree that Willie might have given the GOP a new talking point to use in the 2020 election. PM was not the guy to interview trump....he is an ally and hardly an objective interviewer. I wonder if those questions were given to trump prior to the interview???? It's happened before.

Wasn't Piers Morgan on Celebrity Apprentice?

I hope, hope, hope that was sarcasm by both Willie and Kasie. Honestly, I can't tell. But what if it's taken as "truth" and used in the 2020 campaign???? On another today's topic, I so enjoyed Doris Kearns Goodwin's speaking about the day before June 6th and all the uncertainties that were felt by Churchill and Roosevelt. She is very interesting. 

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29 minutes ago, PennyPie18 said:

I hope, hope, hope that was sarcasm by both Willie and Kasie. Honestly, I can't tell. But what if it's taken as "truth" and used in the 2020 campaign???? On another today's topic, I so enjoyed Doris Kearns Goodwin's speaking about the day before June 6th and all the uncertainties that were felt by Churchill and Roosevelt. She is very interesting. 

 I was just thinking about that and looked at the clock, it's almost 9 pm in England, so what was going thru everyone's mind at 9 pm on June 5 1944.  

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Geist is a professional second banana.  A suck-up.  It doesn't surprise me much that he would try to give Trump cover on this very important point.   Maybe he's trying to create some buzz for himself on Media Matters.

I doubt Geist's  "conscientious objector" remark would go unchallenged were Scarborough, Barnicle or Donnie present on the set.

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3 hours ago, izabella said:

Both Willie and Kasie should be dragged on Twitter for calling him a conscientious objector.  Fake bone spurs do not a conscientious objector make.  They are feeding lies to people.  If it were sarcastic, they wouldn't make that same mistake again.  Instead, Kasie repeated it.

Replying in Small Talk

Edited by stormy
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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