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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Joe shares with us that the most powerful, the most influential, the most prominent Republicans are telling him on the phone that "OMG, Trump can win this" and, in fact, "We don't know how to stop him." (Which I guess means that some of his insiders confide in him face to face but others do their confiding via phone.)

^^ After re-thinking, it differentiates between the little people who randomly come up to him and the powerful, influential and prominent who remain in close, personal touch.

Also, Mika went into cultural snob mode during mentions of the new Star Wars movie. Joe came back with a "Polish hillbillies" remark which I thought was quite patriarchal. Her mother is Swiss, so "Swiss-Polish hillbillies" would have been more politically correct, yes?

Edited by suomi
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Can Mika be a bigger snob?  Willie told a nice story about getting all 6 Star Wars DVDs and watching them with his young son.  Mika then said "that's the problem with America today".  Really?  It's not income inequality, Citizens United, global climate change, gun violence, ISIS?  No, according to Mika, the problem with America is people geeking out over a movie trailer and bonding with their kids and friends over it.  She really needs to stop taking herself so seriously!

  • Love 19

Can Mika be a bigger snob?  Willie told a nice story about getting all 6 Star Wars DVDs and watching them with his young son.  Mika then said "that's the problem with America today".  Really?  It's not income inequality, Citizens United, global climate change, gun violence, ISIS?  No, according to Mika, the problem with America is people geeking out over a movie trailer and bonding with their kids and friends over it.  She really needs to stop taking herself so seriously!

Plus, at one point she said "Star Trek" so she doesn't even know the difference between the two.


I don't watch MJ very often but I was looking at Mika today and it looked like she wasn't wearing a bra.

There's a Douchebag Hall of Fame? 

I'm sure there must be, and the former Mayor of NYC Rudy Giuliani ought to be there.

His face is rather punchable and boy did I want to after listening to his badge licking statements and his look of <SHOCK!>, how he wanted to clutch his pearls and that he'd never heard that Black parents have to school their children on a harsher set of rules dealing with police.

My aul' man refers to him actually as a scumbag, but douchebag/scumbag, both fit when it comes to Rudy.

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How Not To Be Called An Angry Woman


"Why are women constantly worried about making people feel comfortable?" asks Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, founder of Know Your Value, a multi-city event tour for women, and author of "Grow Your Value." Command respect first, says Brzezinski. "Once you have respect, it is very likely that friendship will follow, but constantly worrying about feelings will not get you anywhere and will detract from your message."




Uh, what?

  • Love 3

According to Cackles, what draws the republican voters to Ben Carson, is that he's so nice.

I wouldn't let that whackadoodle, holding a scalpel, within 100 feet of me.

Who are the republicans going to invite to their convention to talk to an empty chair in 2016 when they nominate Trump or Carson?

Edited by stormy
  • Love 5

Joe, Cackles & Smirky Kristol on the show today. Joe was hilarious in trying to attack Kristol for being wrong on Trump. Joe threatened to play all the clips of Smirky being wrong Joe would never allow clips to be played of all his wrong predictions. I couldn't stop laughing at Battle of the Blowhards.


Why hasn't this show done the due diligence to analyze how the delegates are selected to the GOP convention?

Some states are Winner take all, so Trump could win with 25%. Others are proportional, so Trump with 25% can't win a majority of delegates. The GOP probably has special delegates, like party bigwigs, governors etc , that would probably support an establishment candidate so Trump couldn't win.

It would be embarrassing for the GOP to nominate Trump as its candidate. Hillary has her faults but I think she would take the job more seriously than Trump.

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Speaking of Battle of the Blowhards, cannot wait to hear the MoJo bloviators pissing and moaning and bitching and complaining about Hillary's testimony today (while being grilled by those who lack both the talent and the intelligence to achieve a career anything like hers). Setting my alarm, now.

I didn't watch all of her testimony since I was busy at work However,from the clips I saw she seemed to do well.

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What's hilarious about the events of today is how the narrative has pivoted.  And within the pivot is the truth of the matter.  4 years and 8 investigations ago, the purpose of the investigations were to somehow prove Barack Obama was unfit to be President as he somehow allowed this attack to happen and he somehow covered up the "true" events to somehow help his reelection campaign.

Today, the narrative is it's Hillary's fault.

Since neither are true, the whole circus is surreal in its obvious shallowness.  And yet, assholes like Joe Scarborough still insist the Secretary of State is directly to blame for a secret CIA safehouse suddenly firebombed.  The CIA still doesn't know with certainty why it happened, but Joe fucking Scarborough sure as shit does.

  • Love 12

I didn't watch all of her testimony since I was busy at work However,from the clips I saw she seemed to do well.


Much of the questioning was rude, snarly and condescending. At one point she laughed (at the question "You say you were home alone that evening. Were you home alone all night?") and was rebuked for laughing. (She was probably thinking, "Hmm, that sounds more like a question for my husband than for me.") But she ate everything they dished out, and swallowed. She didn't flare, she didn't get rattled. Not that I saw, anyway, and I watched a whole lot of it. And as Rachel Maddow said, the lone individual being continually questioned for 11 hours matched and even outdid the stamina of the committee whose members got to lay back between their turns at asking questions. I think HR came across as presidential, and large and in charge. The 'publicans looked much less than chipper when it was over while HC was all light and smile-y, greeting supporters and receiving atta girls.


** To be truly presidential she would have cut the bastards off at the knees at different points along the way, which of course she could not do (as a candidate).

  • Love 7

I am shocked. Shocked:


Joe: Hillary won by TKO, altho her victory was perhaps merely theatrical - more will be known when all evidence is considered. Americans will say: if that's all you got ... why??? the investigation??? Joe: most telling moment? When Trey Gowdy couldn't come up with anything new learned today.


Barnicle: Questioning was hostile, and disrespectful of her office.


Eugene Robinson: Committee couldn't decide which narrative was valid, what their motive was.


Then they quickly moved on to Trump's and Carson's latest numbers. I saw a clip of Carson tonight and it looked like his eyes were closed or as good as closed the whole time he was talking. stormy was right about not letting Carson within 100 feet with a scalpel. I gets the cognitive dissonance re him being this first class, aces, ground-breaking surgeon because he seems like such a chucklehead.

Edited by suomi
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The GOP probably has special delegates, like party bigwigs, governors etc , that would probably support an establishment candidate so Trump couldn't win.


They do not, it's the Democrats that have Super Delegates, and a lot of them are already committed to Mrs. Clinton for 2016.


I was watching for Robinson to go 180 after his appearance on The Last Word, he did not, but I am still not ready to lose my side-eye for some of his recent asshattery when it comes to Mrs. Clinton.


Joe couldn't move off the topic of Mrs. Clinton's utter perfection during the hearing yesterday fast enough, douchecanoe.  Back to Trump speculation because THERE'S A NEW POLL!  And then speculation about Ryan as the new Speaker, I wonder why Robinson chose that topic and not Mrs. Clinton's successful showing at the circus, er um hearing yesterday for his column this morning.

The 'publicans looked much less than chipper when it was over while HC was all light and smile-y, greeting supporters and receiving atta girls.


Did you see how much of a sweat soaked mess Gowdy was?  Ba ha ha ha, that's what he deserved.  Compared to Cummings, who didn't sweat a bead, and Clinton who's makeup was still perfection, the juxtaposition was hilarious.

Edited by NextIteration
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 I was home sick yesterday and got to listen to most of Hillary's testimony.  The end was interesting because one of the Democrat's kept asking how long they were going to continue the hearing. She did not get an answer but the chairman said there would be another round. Then I noticed some empty seats around him, and he suddenly ended the hearing. I expected more discussion from MJ this morning. Maybe they will pick it up later. 


I was going to wait awhile before deciding who to vote for but I'm going to commit to Hillary after watching her testimony and seeing how poorly she was treated. The money spent on this farce of a committee could have been better spent on our people out in the field facing dangerous situations. The Republicans should be ashamed.

  • Love 4

I was going to wait awhile before deciding who to vote for but I'm going to commit to Hillary after watching her testimony and seeing how poorly she was treated. The money spent on this farce of a committee could have been better spent on our people out in the field facing dangerous situations. The Republicans should be ashamed.


This.  I've stated before that I could go either way (for completely different reasons) but the calmness, in the face of a bunch of mostly men playing gotcha with her for 9 hours of testimony spoke volumes to me.  When it comes to relevant experience and foreign policy chops, she blows Bernie out of the water in my eyes.  He'll still be great doing his thing along with Warren in the Senate.

  • Love 7

I just watched Joe long enough to hear him say the committee was asking her the wrong questions.  That she should have borne the blame for the ENTIRETY of Libya... the Air Force and Naval bombings, the partnerships with rebels, the threats of genocide by Qaddafi, all of it.  He said that is what the committee should have grilled her on, and stuck that on her.

He said the entire enterprise was a failure and her fault because later on, 4 Americans died and the government in Libya is still in tumult, and she should be made to answer for that.  Because Secretary of State Clinton is directly responsible for all things that occur on Earth, and if not her, then Obama, and oh, they are responsible for only bad things not good things... and they are weak leaders who cannot do anything.

This from the same asshole who just last week was demanding she answer for the four deaths of Americans because we still don't know what happened and their families deserve answers.  Well... now what, jackass?  I guess you just blame her for something else and move right along to another topic.  Sort of wonder who is using the families this morning as a prop or cudgel or lazy rhetoric conceit? 

Edited by Landsnark
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The problem with Hillary Clinton is that she's disdainful of anyone who would dare to question her about anything.  Granted, the Republicans wasted taxpayer money on these stupid hearings.  However, if she hadn't acted like the Bengazhi situation was just a nuisance, things wouldn't have gotten this far.  Same thing with her emails.  I still have a vision of her in that orange (or was it tangerine?) pantsuit, walking away from the microphone like a weeble, hands thrown up in the air and so dismissive, like she just couldn't be bothered anymore.   


Honestly, I think it's a sad situation for both Democratic and Republican voters and there will be a lot of nose-holding when they go into the voting booths.  I have never sat out an election before, but this might be the first time because if she gets the nomination, I just cannot, and will not, vote for her. 


And things won't get any better if she does get in the White House because she's already made it clear that the Republicans are her enemies. 

Edited by Ohwell
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MJ was actually quite funny this morning. Hillary Clinton was so terrific yesterday in the hearing, especially compared to the Republicans who really outdid themselves in the stupid category, that poor Joe knew he should just shut up and say nothing. I'm sure he's hurting deeply after spending months hurling insults and abuse at Hillary but he didn't even do his usual spluttering attempts at building up the Repubs and denigrating Hill. Chastened Joe instead of Bloviatin' Joe? Nah!

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I would be disdainful if opponents in government tried to use the horrible death of my friend as a tool to lie about me, my work, my State Department and the American military in order to score petty political points in this new hyper-contentious politicized world.  Disdainful wouldn't begin to describe my demeanor.  Spittle-flecked, neck-veined rage would be a more apt description.

And then when the opposition carried this investigation through 8 more iterations as an excuse to pick through my entire life to find anything they can expose to hurt me, I'd remain disdainful.  Perhaps, my disdain would grow.  Perhaps it'd show on my face.

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Clinton was under fire the whole time and the rest had their time outs - and melted. Loved her laughing at Roby's question. And they are not going to stop investigating this.

BTW - what about the 13 embassies attacked under GW - 60 dead? Not a word. And very easy to google for sources and facts.

Sooooo.....Joe has the right questions to ask after years of this investigation and 8 hearings?

Sigh....now there is going to be one on Planned Parenthood.

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According to Cackles, what draws the republican voters to Ben Carson, is that he's so nice.


Wonder how she'll square that with his admission that he almost stabbed somebody once, and that he used to be so angry he'd throw rocks at people.


I have a feeling ol' Ben is on some major meds to keep his anger/aggression in check, and that's why he seems half asleep all the time. 

  • Love 8

Why was Joe going on and on about Trump insulting Jeb. ? Trump insults everyone

Joe said it was wrong for Trump to attack Jeb for talking to his parents. Joe said the Bush campaign was devastated etc.

Joe said Jeb shouldn't have said he has better things to do if they pick Trump. Joe said that Rubio shouldn't complain about being in the Senate.


I am happy that Joe has stopped talking about Hillary's emails but surely there must be something else to talk about than Trump?

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So, funny story Mika.  My daughter texted me no less than 10 times the night of the debate, outraged by Bernie saying "shouting about guns".  Now, I do think that Bernie meant all of us shouting and not Hillary shouting, but the way he said it could be interpreted either way.  AND, Mika, now my 21 year old oh so important millennial daughter, has completely switched from FeelintheBern to supporting Hillary, because Gloria Steinem and feminism.


So, long story short, Mika, maybe you don't understand some millennials as much as you think you do, (they see micro-aggressions EVERYWHERE) and it isn't so "Veep" of an issue.  Maybe, just maybe, the Clinton campaign is playing this just right for young feminists?


(I'm not stating this is the case for sure, just relaying my experience.)

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 4

So, funny story Mika.  My daughter texted me no less than 10 times the night of the debate, outraged by Bernie saying "shouting about guns".  Now, I do think that Bernie meant all of us shouting and not Hillary shouting, but the way he said it could be interpreted either way.  AND, Mika, now my 21 year old oh so important millennial daughter, has completely switched from FeelintheBern to supporting Hillary, because Gloria Steinem and feminism.


So, long story short, Mika, maybe you don't understand some millennials as much as you think you do, (they see micro-aggressions EVERYWHERE) and it isn't so "Veep" of an issue.  Maybe, just maybe, the Clinton campaign is playing this just right for young feminists?


(I'm not stating this is the case for sure, just relaying my experience.)


Mika's poutrage was laughable. While the Clinton campaign might have overreached a little bit with the sexism claim, so what? Sanders gave her the opening and she pounced. Good for her! I'm stick of the meme that female candidates are supposed to somehow hover above it all and be more noble and forgiving than their male counterparts.


And Mika, you don't "know sexism." You play right into it.

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So...since Mika says that a comment isn't sexist, then we have to universally accept that it wasn't sexist? For the record, I didn't see/hear anything wrong with what Bernie said, but obviously some people did. I don't understand why she is so snide where Hillary is concerned.


Coincidentally enough, Nextteration, my millennial daughter finds Bernie to be a little patronizing, too. And you are so correct...micro-aggressions abound.


At this point, I wish that the Trump campaign would hire Joe, just to get him off the air for a while. Even Joe's criticism of Trump sounds like praise. Also, enough with early morning the phone interviews - Trump sounded like he was literally awakened by the phone ringing.

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Here's the transcript from today. It looks like Mika is facing a firestorm of criticism for calling Hillary pathetic. I wonder if Mika will be forced to suspend her "Know your Values" campaign ?. Joe should stop goaded her into saying negative things about Hillary.



So the Koch Brothers "we're just two wild and crazy guys, so don't mind us as we attempt to disassemble the regulatory state" charm offensive drives to these tools next week. I guess I should only be surprised that it took this long.


I do remember that Mika & Joe going on an all expenses paid weekend to see the Koch brothers earlier this year. It may have been in Denver or Vegas. Mika & Joe should remind the viewers of this before they interview them again.

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“That was pathetic. I know that she’s the frontrunner and I’m sure she’s going to win…I’m glad, I want a Democrat to win — but that was like ‘Veep.’”

“I know sexism. Hillary Clinton knows sexism. She should know better than to let her staff make her do that.”

"They should stop writing lines for her — they’re bad, really bad.”

“Let’s not denigrate it with that stupidity.  I’m like cringing.”


Mika really picks and chooses what to become hysterical about, doesn't she?  She called Mrs Clinton stupid.  There must be an explanation for her hyperbolic reaction to Mrs Clinton simply doing what all politicians do. 

Also, despite what Mika says, there is no way in the world she's going to vote for Hillary Clinton.  Mika hates her.  She can't contain it.  It's bewildering.

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Mika hates her.  She can't contain it.  It's bewildering.


It's so personal, it must have to do with Clinton/Carter administration issues and her father's role in Carter's administration, don't you think?  She was almost as bad eight years ago but then the Obama enthusiasm by everyone in the media hid it better.

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Ok, I appreciate that Joe said Rubio really wasn't that good, and for telling Nicole that she was wearing black today because of Jeb. The "response" that Joe said Bush should have had for Rubio though.."I showed up to work every day, I'm not like Barack Obama, I'm like Ronald Reagan!" Hehe, I think Joe sees himself as sooo much more clever than the candidates, and it's just embarassing.

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Lying, starting wars, tripling the national debt, exploding the deficits, blowing up the global economy, all, always, okay if you are a Republican.


That debate was a joke, and that characterization doesn't even count the lying.  I've always been shocked about Rubio being elected, because he has a shady/questionable past in FL politics when it comes to money.

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That debate was a joke, and that characterization doesn't even count the lying.


There's such a double standard with this show's coverage of the Republican vs. the Democratic debates.  Rattner was trying to point out the idiotic tax plans that these candidates have and Joe basically said "that doesn't matter".  That's right Joe!  Math and economics just don't matter!  Would he let Hillary or Bernie get away with answers like this?  I guess the smart move for Republicans now is to just blame the moderators and the mainstream media.  



Cackles' answer to Rubio's and Trump's obvious, outright lies?  "That's why they have moderators!!"  I presume she means that Presidential candidates really ought to lie to the American people and if the moderators don't confront the lies, then the lies don't count.


The sad thing is that there are millions of people out there who watched this debate and will believe the lies because they don't have the time or resources to fact-check everything that was said.  Someone needs to invent a "pop-up video" style bubble that pops up next to any candidate who says something untrue.

  • Love 4
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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