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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Is the non-stop coverage of Trump actually an MSNBC tactic to buoy him in the polls and provide him an even greater profile?  The longer Trump is emanating noise and disrupting the GOP's talking points, the longer they are straying from issues to react to Trump's nonsense.  Nobody comes out of this looking presidential.

That has to be it, right?  It can't be that producers on Morning Joe are just lazy as hell and content to pick the absolute lowest hanging fruit, right?


Also, I don't understand the issue behind Hillary's personal server.  It's wrong to send classified messages off the gubmint's servers, right? That's the issue?  Ok, beyond that, what's at issue?  I honestly don't understand.

So the same people who HATE gubmint and don't want to follow it's rules (Cliven Bundy, off the top of my head), HATE Hillary for not following the gubmint's rules?  That's about it?

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It's all of the known elements tearing away at the Clinton fabric.  WAPO and NYT always hated them, as did the beltway.  There might be a real problem, but this is just the normal treatment that the Clintons always receive from these folks.  And this isn't even the right wing attack dogs.  This would be why I did not want her to run again.

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ITA   it's unfortunate that I feel like I won't be able to vote for the first female POTUS :(

On a humorous note, despicable Carly Fiorina wrote an editorial on CNN touting her fabulous resume vs Hillary's.  She states she is running on her accomplishments, i.e., the first female CEO of HP.  LOL.  She doesn't talk about she almost bankrupted the company and got fired.

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It's all of the known elements tearing away at the Clinton fabric.  WAPO and NYT always hated them, as did the beltway.  There might be a real problem, but this is just the normal treatment that the Clintons always receive from these folks.  And this isn't even the right wing attack dogs.  This would be why I did not want her to run again.


That's what really pisses me off, though. The Republicans and the media manufacture and hype all of this "scandal" around the Clintons, the Clintons are just shady enough to make it all seem like there must be something there, and then everyone says she can't win because she's "too polarizing."

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Moreso than the NYT and the WaPost constant Clinton attacks, I think Ron Fournier of the AP might be the most dangerous to her presidential chances. The AP stories are what get picked up and run in every newspaper across the country big and small whereas the NYT and WAPO aren't read by all that many people relatively.


Fournier is really attacking and making up claims about Clinton's email, which, by the way, it's probably better that she had a private server since the government's email systems are under constant hack attack from China and probably most other countries. The two emails that Screaming Mika and Bloviating Joe are shrieking about are two that she received - it's important to note that the controversy isn't about her sending classified information even though that's what is implied by all the right wing outrage - and one of them was a discussion about a news story on the drone program in Pakistan and the other possibly could point back to highly classified material. FFS it was a news story which means it was already published out in the public domain and the other didn't contain the classified information, it obliquely referred to it.


The media, which includes all the yahoos at Morning Joe, are so irresponsible about the accusations they make and the scandals they sensationalize with false information. Few people bother to research these stories and they just go by the headlines they read or hear screamed out on crap programs like MJ.


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Clinton must have pissed in Fournier's Wheaties back in Arkansas at some point, I really wonder what happened back in the day.  Thankfully @shok he's no longer with AP, but unfortunately he's still all over the media with his role at National Journal.


Men, especially Republican men seem to go rage red about Hillary - it's actually rather entertaining.

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The two emails that Screaming Mika and Bloviating Joe are shrieking about are two that she received -

Actually, that's even worse because that meant that she had no control over the content of the emails, which were classified.


I mean, is the whole email controversy blown up for political reasons?  Of course, what else is new?  But in this case it just feeds into the notion that Hillary Clinton didn't feel like she had to follow policy or rules.

I don't know what to think about Hillary and her server and her emails.

But the republicans are loving every minute; equating it to General Petraeus' emailing classified information to his girlfriend, grand jury subpoenas being issued and FBI investigations.

They make up ridiculous accusations to feed red meat to their crazy base that is too infatuated with an over blown nut case, a neurosurgeon that is whacko and a former CEO of a computer company that she almost sent into bankruptcy and the whole bunch that would shut down the government over Planned Parenthood.

Edited by stormy
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I don't know what to think about Hillary and her server and her emails.

But the republicans are loving every minute; equating it to General Petraeus' emailing classified information to his girlfriend, grand jury subpoenas being issued and FBI investigations.

They make up ridiculous accusations to feed red meat to their crazy base that is too infatuated with an over blown nut case, a neurosurgeon that is whacko and a former CEO of a computer company that she almost sent into bankruptcy and the whole bunch that would shut down the government over Planned Parenthood.

The email thing is bullshit. A Whitewater for the 21st Century. Whatever media guys.

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Actually, that's even worse because that meant that she had no control over the content of the emails, which were classified.


I mean, is the whole email controversy blown up for political reasons?  Of course, what else is new?  But in this case it just feeds into the notion that Hillary Clinton didn't feel like she had to follow policy or rules.


No, they were NOT classified. At the time they were received (which she has no control over what people are sending her) they were not about classified information. The State Dept, as situations subsequently developed around the world, has since declared some information classified but there is no proof that Hillary emailed anything that was classified at the time. The NYT has completely capitulated and withdrawn their claims and admitted they were wrong in their story that originally had Shreaky Mika and Bloviating Joe losing their shit. A lot of the mess is a fight between the CIA and the State Dept over what should be classified or not with the CIA wanting to protect a lot of stuff from FOI (Freedom of Information) requests from the public and the media to protect their own asses.

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No, they were NOT classified. At the time they were received (which she has no control over what people are sending her) they were not about classified information. The State Dept, as situations subsequently developed around the world, has since declared some information classified but there is no proof that Hillary emailed anything that was classified at the time. The NYT has completely capitulated and withdrawn their claims and admitted they were wrong in their story that originally had Shreaky Mika and Bloviating Joe losing their shit. A lot of the mess is a fight between the CIA and the State Dept over what should be classified or not with the CIA wanting to protect a lot of stuff from FOI (Freedom of Information) requests from the public and the media to protect their own asses.

Point is, none of this would have been an issue if she had followed the damn rules-classified or not.  She brought this shitstorm on herself.  

This "shitstorm" is fallout from the ridiculous Ben Ghazi nontroversy.  She's a Clinton so they'll just make shit up as they go along to attack her.


Which the Clintons know. Which makes these damned unforced errors so infuriating. It's like they just hand this crap to their opponents to beat them with.  Sometimes I just want to throttle them myself for being so arrogant and thoughtless. 


And Joe is really loving this, and they are still on the Trump train.  It's a long way until election day. I'm not sure I'm gonna make it without stroking out. MJ is not helping matters any. 

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I'm starting worry for Joe's cardiac health.  He's spinning so fast and behaving in such an apoplectic manner he's gonna stroke out or have a heart attack.


They WERE NOT CLASSIFIED AT THE TIME, they are being deemed as classified as they are being reviewed.  (Does Joe remember all the actually top secret Clinton diplomatic communications that were made public via Chelsea Manning/WikiLeaks?)


I thought the joke about snap chat was cute, canned or otherwise.


And I'm a Bernie supporter for crying out loud.

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Morning Trump goes into its second month. Trump leads the polls. Trump can do no wrong. Trump offers helicopter rides to kids who think he is Batman. Joe made fun of everyone who thought Trump's campaign would fizzle out by now. Cackles apologized for calling Trump a clown. Joe went on a tirade against Hillary's emails. He said she shouldn't joke about snapchat. Joe said his brother is highly educated & likes Trump. Katty Kay said too many candidates are bland. Woodward came on & said there should be a discussion of substantive policies of Trump & others. Ed Rendell said Trump gave his campaign $5million but he didn't give him a casino license. 


Halperin said Trump can win Iowa.


Woodward said they should look at the trail of people who received email from Hillary.


Mika was off today. Joe doesn't like Hillary's sense of humour.

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Does anybody even care what Woodward thinks about anything anymore?  After his deep defense of Judy Miller and what we learned afterword about her selling the Iraqi war on the cover of the NYT, does he have any credibility left?  That said, I did like him hitting the gang over the head about their endless Trump chatter.

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Woodward is an embarrassment to the to the legacy of Watergate!

Katy Kay? She's dull and boring so I guess her assessment of the republican field is spot on. 

And Halperin, why can't he stay on his own show on Bloomberg where at least Heillemann can reign him in from his constant gushing over the republicans. 

It's hard to watch more than a few minutes of this crap but I guess making Trump the lead story everyday is the payoff NBC made to keep The Apprentice off the air.

Edited by stormy
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Woodward said something really creepy yesterday about how having "all" of Clinton's emails would give us some insight into her personal life - um hello?  Why the hell does the public have the right to know anything about her truly personal emails?  Now, of course she was heavy handed about this whole thing, but while I listen to a bunch of D.C. hacks that have always been frustrated by and disliked the Clintons discuss nothing but innuendo - am I the only one that remembers that it was acknowledged about 3/4s of a year ago that there were known hackers in the State Department servers that they were struggling to sniff out and get rid of?  I'll have to hunt around to see if I'm just imagining this.


I'm so tired of Joe's bullshit diatribes on this subject, if I ever meet him in person I'm going to punch him in the nose.  Oh wait, I think I've made that promise several times over the years based on many other diatribes he's gone on.  It just makes my skin crawl to hear him, Halperin and Todd go after her in every way from Sunday, it's starting to feel like the 2008 cycle, and I'm sorry maybe it's because I'm female, but there is starting to be that familiar tone of sexism creeping in again.




eta: found it, of course it says "unclassified system" but if what we see now is true, sometimes unclassified can become classified, later.

Edited by NextIteration
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The general public could not give a rats ass about Hillary's email.  


The media is now screaming FBI at the top of their lungs to try to get some traction with this story, and it's not working.  The only two things that are happening in the election coverage is the travesty of Donald Trump and the bullshit of Hillary's private server. 


If it wasn't for these two stories, no one would even be paying attention to politics other than something the White House or Congress is doing, and these dipshits would be twiddling their thumbs looking for stories to talk about. 

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Morning Trump & Hillary's email show continues. Joe & Mika were gleeful that the FBI has found as many as 300 potentially classified emails. Mika was happy that Eugene Robinson was very disappointed with Hillary's emails. Joe said the receiver & sender of email have to decide if the info is classified.

Joe had some jokes about Woodward behaving like Fonzie on Happy Days when it came to Trump.

The other major topic was Trump's immigration plan which would violate the Constitution. Trump wants to deport babies born in American to illegal immigrants. There would be immigration officers in all maternity

wards. Trump's border wall idea is very expensive & wouldn't stop people coming by boat or plane.

Joe was upset that Republicans policies on immigration & abortion are more extreme than 2012 so they will lose the 2016 election.

Joe said Rubio should have completed one term in the Senate before running for President.

Dr Z came on the show to support the Iran deal. He was upset at Israel for not supporting the deal. He said it would be bad to let the deal fall apart.

Joe was very deferential to him today & called him a good salesperson for the deal.

What would they talk about if Trump drops out of the race or Hillary is acquitted of any wrongdoing over her emails?

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"The media is now screaming FBI at the top of their lungs to try to get some traction with this story, and it's not working. The only two things that are happening in the election coverage is the travesty of Donald Trump and the bullshit of Hillary's private server"

I don't understand why President Obama doesn't put an end to the investigation of Hillary's emails by saying he fully supported her using the private server? Surely, someone must have realized what she was doing over 4 years. Didn't anyone notice her email account had a different address than other Secretaries of State?

It's surprising that illegal immigration & abortion are the top issues in the campaign.

A storm blew up just as that rat-faced goon from Wisconsin agreed with Trump that being born in the US should no longer afford the baby citizenship.  I saw Joe Scarborough, of all people, make this face  O_o  when he heard Ryan's remark.  Because is no one aware that the 14th Amendment affords citizenship to babies born here?  Aren't Repubs strict Constitutionalists? I guess they are until they aren't.   Joe complained that they are going waaay off the rails and are going further right than ever before to establish "true" conservative bona fides.  He complained that a general election would be unwinnable with this rhetoric and was disappointed in Ryan.

Then the storm knocked out my satellite signal and I couldn't follow that segment.


This election cycle is insane, right?  I mean the "scandals" and rhetoric and Barnum & Bailey-ness is worse now than in memory, right?  Or am I just forgetful because it's happening now?

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I think Trump is just trolling the rest of the republican candidates now and is having a ball doing it.  First he says things like we should get rid of birthright citizenship so all the other candidates have to see who can tear up the constitution the fastest.  Then he says he wouldn't tear up the Iran deal on his first day in office because that isn't practical.  He also talks about single payer healthcare working in other countries and how corporate inversion is bad.  The other candidates have no idea how to respond to these more liberal ideas.  He has them so tied up in knots that they can't think straight.  


I like Hillary and hope she can survive the email investigation but there is a part of me that would really love to see a Trump/Biden debate!


I wonder what Hillary ever did to Mika that makes Mika hate her so much.  She seems to be enjoying Hillary's troubles just a little too much for it not to be personal.

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About the idea of him running the long con on the GOP (it does feel that way sometimes) didn't he take a pretty big hit to his branding with the rapist remarks?  Or is there upside in the end?  I just don't know.  He was the number one birther asshole and Obama humiliated him at that the correspondents dinner (where Obama chuckled while he ordered the Bin Laden hit).

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I wonder what Hillary ever did to Mika that makes Mika hate her so much.  She seems to be enjoying Hillary's troubles just a little too much for it not to be personal.


Could be Joe making her toe the line.  


I don't agree with the email bullshit, but Hillary can be her own worst enemy at times. She doesn't seem to be able to speak off the cuff very easily.  Of course Bill is the king at that, but even the President has gotten really good at taking cold questions and not being so stiff.  


That's where I think Joe Biden would excel.  He's got the gift of gab.  And he's so charming he could sell ice to Eskimos. 

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That's where I think Joe Biden would excel.  He's got the gift of gab.  And he's so charming he could sell ice to Eskimos. 


I ♥♥♥♥♥ Joe Biden, but that off the cuff gift of gab is what gets him trouble sometimes.  Bill Clinton it the master bubba making everyone feel loved and understood, I think he's a once a century type talent.  Shame he hadn't been just a bit more liberal.


I heard a report that the Obama folks that are now on the Clinton campaign are using the "no bedwetting" rule.  I hope they can turn her ship around only because I'd really hate to see her die on the vine this easily - her legacy deserves better.  And I repeat, this is why I didn't want her to run again.

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I ♥♥♥♥♥ Joe Biden, but that off the cuff gift of gab is what gets him trouble sometimes.  



But it seems that this is what people want. Someone who says what they mean, doesn't hem haw around, cuts thru the bullshit.


Example A - Trump. 


Biden's advantage is he knows what the fuck he's talking about.  He's not going to ignore the 14th Amendment, or take Iran's oil to make them kowtow, or whatever other idiot shit Trump has said the last couple days.   


Remember how when Gore lost the 2000 election, and after licking his wounds and when he made Inconvenient Truth, he did the talk show circuit again and everyone was so shocked at how intelligent and easy going he was. Nothing like the Human Plank of Wood that ran for President. 


Nothing against Al. I voted for him.  But it's time that we let these people be themselves and let the chips fall where they may. 

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Today was Morning Hillary Email scandal. Joe said her press conference in Vegas was a disaster. Apparently, they found the server in a bathroom in Colorado.

Joe said top people from her campaign tell him that they are upset with her handling of the email scandal.

Joe said the top people at the White House tell him that they are outraged at Hillary's behavior.

Forurnier came on the panel to discuss everything Hillary did wrong since her days in Arkansas.

After 30 minutes, they moved on to Morning Trump. Trump leads GOP candidates against Hillary. Joe said he knew it all along.

Joe & Mika were upset at Sam Stein for covering him as an entertainer. Joe said Arianna is upset at Trump personally after Trump said that Mr Huffington left her for another man.

They discussed Iran with the former General. He wants a military authorization attached to the deal so that if they cheat, the USA can bomb Iran.

Joe needs a god damned pants on fire meter attached to his mouth.  He opens the top of the show insinuating that he watched the Clinton press availability live and then when Matthews shows up he says he caught it during Hardball, which is it asshole?


She got fed up with Ed Henry, supreme asshole of FoxEntertainmentChannel whom Obama took down for being an asshole just weeks ago.  I wish Clinton were quicker on her feet so that she could have taken him down as well, it was dispiriting to see her walk away in frustration.


I just linked to an article yesterday that defines the State Department's "unclassified email system", I think that some of this murkiness has to do with the State Department AND the White House not wanting to make public exactly how actual classified documents are exchanged and discussed digitally.  I don't expect to know or want to know that, it shouldn't be public - because if it is, then it will be subject to hacking.  And lord knows our government is inept at defending against hacking.


The whole morning line-up was basically booked to attack Hillary Clinton, nice work!  It was nice to see Matthews and a measure of objectivity.  Eugene is butthurt because Clinton doesn't give two fucks about him and his opinion pieces.

Edited by NextIteration
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The whole interview with Senator Menendez (who is currently under indictment) was such a farce.  Why didn't anyone ask him how much money Sheldon Adelson has donated to his legal defense fund?  Chris Matthews even made a comment about it last night on Hardball.  I guess in Joe and MIka's world donating to the Clinton foundation is buying influence but donating to Menedez's legal defense fund is done out of the goodness of one's heart.


Sam Stein tried to bring sanity and reason to the panel but I think finally he just gave up.  Joe and Mika were so smug and condescending about the Huffington Post's decision to cover Trump as entertainment that I wouldn't blame him for never appearing on the show again.  He also tried to discuss Trump's actual policy positions such as forcing Mexico to pay for the wall when Michael Steele responded "but that's besides the point".  Doesn't that back up their decision to cover Trump as entertainment.  No one cares about his political positions, they just want to be entertained.

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I flipped around this morning... I saw Ron Fournier smugly insult Hillary so I flipped to sports... flipped back and it was Trump, Trump, Trump and Joe said "We knew, I knew, from the beginning he was the real thing."  Matthews' face in this was priceless.  so I flipped away, because Joe just lied about being on Trump's side from the get-go.  I flipped back and Woodward's ancient face had a chyron underneath "bla bla blah emails are like Nixon tapes," and as he took a breath to speak, I decided to not watch any more.

Mika looked terrible this morning.  Very red lipstick looks bad on her, it washes out her face.  And her awkward cardigan looks sloppy and odd.  SO frumpy and not preppie.

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Thank the gods for the responses on this board. When I watch these buttheads on TV I think I am the crazy one. ( well I am for not changing the channel... I admit that). So happy to see James Carville come out and put people in their place.

Dr. ZB is a beacon on the Iran deal discussion. His statement today made perfect sense. Bob Menendez is pissed because Obama is not sticking up for him in his own scandal.

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 Bob Menendez is pissed because Obama is not sticking up for him in his own scandal.



They don't call him "No Drama Obama" for nothing, Bob.   You fucked up, You're on your own. 


He hasn't even gotten into the Hillary email stuff.  All he said was she was a great SoS, and that he wants transparency and is glad she (finally) turned over all her emails.  

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"The whole morning line-up was basically booked to attack Hillary Clinton, nice work! It was nice to see Matthews and a measure of objectivity. Eugene is butthurt because Clinton doesn't give two fucks about him and his opinion pieces."

Chris Matthews is usually more supportive of Hillary on his own show. He was quieter today on Morning Joe.

Poor Sam Stein. He looked shell shocked at trying to defend their policy of putting Trump in the Entertainment section. Fournier said Hillary belongs in the fiction section.

He had a story that many working class Americans loving their country & supporting Trump because that's all they got.

Is there a chance that Hillary would agree to appear on Morning Joe to rebut the allegations against her?

Is there a chance that Hillary would agree to appear on Morning Joe to rebut the allegations against her?


I don't think there is any chance that she'll appear on Morning Joe unless and until she's dominating in the primaries or she's the nominee in the general election.  And even with that - if their behavior continues along the path it's on, why should she bother?  Mika has always been hateful and smug towards her - going back to the 2008 election cycle, when I think I only remember Clinton appearing once.

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If I was Hillary, I'd go on all the other shows,and not MJ.  She's not going to achieve anything by being on the show.  She'll get attacked by a very antagonistic show, and she won't change minds or win points.  She'll just weather a willfully biased storm.  No point.  She can rebut them at speaking engagements.

Also, I'd simply just hold a grudge.

Today on Morning Trump, it is Groundhog Day.  Emails and Trump.  Trump called in and spoke for 20 minutes, dominating the topics as Mike and Joe lay prostrate at his feet.  Disgusting.  Muted it.

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Is the non-stop coverage of Trump actually an MSNBC tactic to buoy him in the polls and provide him an even greater profile?


I really don't know what the thinking is behind this.  They interrupted Politics Nation (not a bad thing) and went about 10 minutes into Hardball to show Trump's press conference and town hall last night.   I don't know if they're doing it because they know people will keep watching, ie ratings, or to make sure their viewers know how batshit crazy Trump is. 

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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