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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Yeah O'Donell really loses it in regards to Trump.  I remember back in 2012?  On his show he went into the whole matter of money (when Trump dropped out because NBC "paid him too much money" to do another season of Celebrity Apprentice).  It went from cheering to jeering.  I was so embarrassed and I'm not a huge O'Donnell fan.  It got into this weird ranting pissing contest about what Trump was worth at NBC and O'Donnell bragging out his own history with The West wing etc.  I was horrified because it played right into Trump's pudgy sweating hands (rumor is he has a slick palm problem and his father said his handshake was like gripping an eel trying to squirm from the guts of a dead fish -- so avoid shaking hands in business matters -- the whole germaphobe a carefully crafted cover for palms even BP would say were slickly messy).


It is interesting that with all Scarborough's vast political expertise not to mention that pretty much everyone who isn't asking his advice is telling him, thanks to their insider perspective, what is really going on.  Nothing really gets explored at the growing but still fractured left in Israel that is very wary of Bibi WeeWee's push to keep the nation in a state of conflict or at least always on the verge.  Several have pointed out the similar approach that Cheney had when he went full elbow up sock puppet Bush II's ass and invaded Iraq.   Or how Putin managed to size so much power during and after his initial grab for power.  Or the Nazis in gearing Germany up against Soviet Russia.  Heck even 'Carthage must die' is part of the political trend of grabbing and holding power by aiming attention at an outside threat.  Iran is not a nation to admire or want to succeed to the level of its leaders hopes and wishes by any means.  But lessening threat of nuclear attacks by Israel justifed by some potential threat on Iran should be just as important as lessening the threat of that nation possibly getting the means to do the same. 


The irony of Wallace getting heaved from the View is she actually had greater scope to outright lie not to mention harangue by cherry picked omission there than she does here.  Here she is just another ball washer for Scarborough and has to face people who actually know and speak of the full facts than the head bobbing idiots over at the View.    Sure she is obnoxious when she still lies and avoids the fact she has Palin to her credit but also is one of the advisors who cheered McCain's blindness to the financial crises even as in the fall of 2008 his polls numbers were slipping and slidding.  Let alone the idea that she possibly 'co-authored"  the "let's put the campaign on hold" idea that followed. 


Poor Mika.  I bet she is thrilled Wallace got fired (jealous much?) but now there is another set of spot remover hand-creamed claws jostling for position to cradle Joe's little nads of ego any chance Wallace gets.  Then again maybe she can attach herself to one of the Republicans running.  Considering how bizarre and poll centric the Republican primaries were in 2012, she might be able to draw a check for almost a year.

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Trump was on the show again today. He said he got a tremendous crowd in NH yesterday. Apparently, LOD backed down last night from his claim that Trump didn't make much money from the Apprentice. Trump said the money he received was certified by accountants. O'Donnell said he couldn't bet his salary that Trump didn't make much money from the show. Trump seems to follow the show closely. He knew what all the panelists said & was shocked that Eugene agreed with him on one issue. Trump said the marines should have guns to protect themselves at the recruiting centers. Halperin asked him to release his transcripts . He said he might do it because he was an excellent student. Trump tried to get President Obama to release his records in 2012 , but Obama refused. Trump mocked Jeb Bush because he used pollsters to answer the questions on Iraq. Trump said the states should have decided same sex marriage but he respects the ruling. Trump said Obamacare doesn't work. The rates are rising & doctors are retiring because Obamacare is too complex to get paid. Trump favors healthcare for poor people. He was in favor of universal healthcare. Trump said Mccain was a dummy for graduating last in his class at Annapolis. Trump said Mccain raised a lot of money for Mccain 2008. Trump has a lot to say about everything. Trump hates illegal immigration.

I watched Lawrence O'Donnell's apology last night and it was cringe-worthy.  I didn't see Morning Joe yesterday but heard about it when I came to this forum.  Maybe Lawrence was over-the-top...like Joe NEVER is.  I kept wondering if Joe S (or one of NBC's minions) wrote the apology.  Joe is rude, arrogant and obnoxious every. single. day.  For the life of me, I can't understand how he gets by with his behavior, or why the guests put up with it.  Since I didn't see it, I don't know how bad Lawrence was on MJ (apparently pretty bad)...but if he was able to ruffle Joe/Mika, I'm all in.  Have a feeling Lawrence is as good as gone.  Too bad, I really like him.

  • Love 3

Why does Lawrence O'Donnell let Donald Trump get under his skin?  What is it about Donald Trump that drives him batshit crazy?  Why does he even care about Donald Trump?   


Maybe O'Donnell needs to take a break and figure out the answers to my questions.  I generally like him but his obsession with Trump is just.....bizarre.

  • Love 3

I think it would take a lot more than LO having a shouting match with anyone over Trump before MSNBC would chuck him.

Hell, LO probably represents the majority of MSNBC viewers regarding Trump.

Oh I don't think they'll chuck LO over Donald Trump either, and they shouldn't.  And I agree that he probably represents the majority of MSNBC viewers regarding Trump, including me.  But his obsession with Trump does strike me as OTT though.

It's pretty unprofessional of any fair, straight, serious political analyst or commentator to apply upon Trump any - ANY - measure of gravitas or seriousness.  He should be discussed as an afterthought, and then only as a joke.  How could Donald Trump make anyone mad?  He's a fucking clown and history will be brutal in its recounting of his fake, cynical stab at political office.  He makes Machine Gunner Joe McCarthy look like Jimmy Carter.

And he leads the Republican polls.  That says all you need to know about your fellow Americans.

  • Love 3

It's pretty unprofessional of any fair, straight, serious political analyst or commentator to apply upon Trump any - ANY - measure of gravitas or seriousness. He should be discussed as an afterthought, and then only as a joke. How could Donald Trump make anyone mad? He's a fucking clown and history will be brutal in its recounting of his fake, cynical stab at political office. He makes Machine Gunner Joe McCarthy look like Jimmy Carter.

And he leads the Republican polls. That says all you need to know about your fellow Americans.

All you need to know about 17% of Republicans.

  • Love 1

Fair enough, SFoster21
But, your figure represents the people who claim they'll vote for Trump, not the greater number of those who agree with him and are "refreshed at his candor" and willingness to speak freely.  Wasn't aware that ejaculating intentionally divisive nonsense is now a prerequisite for the Presidency.  It's overtaken "I'd have a beer with him" in terms of voter requirements.

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So Bloviatin' Joe thinks it's despicable what Trump said about McCain and that nobody should demean anyone who served their country. Was Joe just as upset when his Republican buddies swiftboated John Kerry? Or when McCain campaigned for Saxby Chambliss who said some really ugly things about Max Cleland in their senate race? Or that twit who disparaged Tammy Duckworth in their House race? Republicans are such hypocrites.

  • Love 15

Joe is upset that Al Franken who made a joke about Mccain sitting out the war in Vietnam  gets a pass but Trump is criticized.


Joe said he was not upset at the barrage of criticism he is getting on twitter for supporting Trump.


Joe likes Uber so his kids can get home from bars. Plouffe who works for Uber blasted Rubio because Uber picks up minorities while many cabs don't stop for minorities in NYC. Blasio says Uber causes congestion.


Hey, did you know that Joe talks to people.  ;-)

 Oh, and as usual, whatever the topic, the only that matters is how it affects Joe. In the story about the growth of Uber cars on the street, the important thing is that Joe likes the app for him and his kids. No mention of the point that Deblasio had about unregulated growth clogging the already packed NY streets.

Edited by LuciaMia
  • Love 1

Mika & Joe must be very upset at Trump for making the nasty comments against McCain. I think the show wants to be the go to place for all things Trump. Trump likes to call in to the show. The sooner the Trump campaign blows up, the less time for the show to get a ratings boost from covering Trump.  A few years ago, the show was the go to place for Chris Christie.

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FWIW, Al Franken's comment was said as a joke 15 years ago about the 2000 campaign, at least 7 years before Franken got professionally involved in politics.  His job at the time of the comment?  Comedian.

But, standard Joe Scarborough to deflect from Trump's aggressive, divisive rhetoric and shift blame to elsewhere.  Context Schmontext.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 8


Oh I thought it was hilarious the way that Joe inserted Sen. Al into the conversation no less than three times with an attempt at false equivalency.

He's doing it again today.  He's now not attributing Donald Trump's initial comments and then oft-repeated comments to Donald Trump, he's calling it, "Donald Trump using an unfunny Al Franken joke," as way of letting Trump off the hook.  Despite Trump's initial insistence he's right, qualifying comment, "I like the people who weren't captured," and his lack of explanation that he's a huge Salon fan and was parroting his favorite 15 year old Al Franken joke... uh.. that is until his researchers later found it and attributed it after the fact.

Scarborough is such a douche bag.

Mika asked Joe what he thinks of Kasich's entrance and his chances, and Joe, with nothing thoughtful or germane to say, reminds us he was once in Congress.  Drink.  Would be nice if the bloviating salesman would actually prep for his own television show.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 6

The Franken reference is laughable.  Nice catch by one of the producers that Mika consistently bashes on air.  Such a lovely princess she is.


With regard to the new ads against the Iran Nuclear agreement and the discussion in the previous block, the GOP are such assholes, "Leadership".  Bullshit, the rest of the P5+1 are done with sanctions, there is no "better deal" all there is Iran going on their merry way without the agreement which gives them a missile in a few months correct?  The arrogant GOPers need to stop beating their fucking chests and bleating about "better deals" because there isn't one.

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I've been watching this show for years now and I have come to the conclusion that there is something seriously wrong with these people.  


Both NBC and MSNBC can't leave Trump alone for a second.  They love him.  They'll air any crap he spews, forever.  And Joe and his minions have really cranked up some false equivalency with this Franken angle.  That is pretty twisted, that one.  


I was reading some man on the Iowa street interviews with Trump supporters and the theme seemed to be that although he says outrageous things his real draw is as a great businessman. He has billions of dollars so he can get the country out of debt and set us on the right business path.  I guess that's true.  The first thing a President Trump would do is declare the US bankrupt and wipe out the bad debt. That's what he does. Four times I think?  He's such a great businessman, The Donald is.  People are such idiots. 

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ITA   I'm sick to death of them dragging Al Franken into this for something he said as comedian on his radio show 15 yrs ago.  I believe John McCain was his guest at the time.

I live in MN and Al is a classy guy that since he ran for the senate and won two elections has remained serious and not done his shtick.  Which is far from what we see from sitting republican members in congress.  Al's a Harvard grad.  He's got the brains so I hardly think anyone on this show could one up him on too many subjects.

  • Love 4

I really wish MIka would have given a better explanation about why Mitch McConnell"s comments about the "gender card" are offensive.  Let's take a look at Hillary Clinton's credentials.  Yale Law grad, successful lawyer, very involved first lady of Arkansas and then the US who advocated for health care and children's welfare, senator from New York and then Secretary of State.  Would any man with these credentials be accused of playing the "gender card"?  If Mika wants to be a champion for women, she needs to do a better job of explaining exactly how the GOP is out of touch on these issues.  Instead, she just lets Joe joke about it.  Too bad Katty Kay wasn't on today, she can speak very eloquently on these issues. 

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Morning Trump is losing credibility if they keep on trying to defend him. Since when did Trump quote Al Franken? On Fox news last night, they showed Chris Rock making fun of McCain getting caught in 2008. Chris Rock's joke was that it's better to vote for the soldiers than escaped being a POW etc..


I think NBC is being lazy by not covering other candidates & the serious issues affecting the country.


Aren't there more important issues to discuss than whatever group Trump has decided to insult. ?


Richard Haas said that the Iran deal may not bring about a change in Iran's political system. He said  Iran will extra $$$ to cause mischief in the Middle East. Iran will support Shiites in Iraq & help Assad in Syria.


I was confused by Mika's statements about Hillary. It seems logical that some people will vote for Hillary because she is a woman.


Others may vote for Rubio because he is Latino.


President Obama was successful at increasing African American turnout.

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LOL at Joe, actually saying Trump "quoted" (QUOTED?!) a "bad punchline from an Al Franken joke" and then said 20 times over that McCain was a hero. There would be no type of show like Morning Joe if they immediately stopped covering it when a politician apologizes or said they misspoke (which I don't even think Trump did on O'Reily) when they make a gaffe. Willful ignorance from Joe as usual.

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This morning's show was surreal.  Joe is now simply calling Trump's comment "a retelling of a bad Al Franken joke," even though that's an out and out lie.  It's not a retelling.  Trump wasn't aware of Al Franken or his joke until after he made his comments and after the time he spent defending his comments.  So why are Mika and Joe obviously contorting logic in defending Trump????

And, what was with that montage where they edited clips of Trump saying repeatedly, days later, that McCain IS a hero to every outlet that interviewed him?  At the clip's end Joe looks so smug and Mika too as she counts up the number of times Trump says everyone got what he said wrong, and that and McCain is a hero... like "the media" and stupid people like me are the problem, not Trump's actual comments and attitude immediately afterwards.  What the what is going on here?  Does Morning Joe take the unpopular stance just to create friction and buzz, or... what?


BTW, Trump's apologies?  This is Trump giving in to "the PC media" and backtracking and recanting and apologizing... all things his supporters love him for not doing.  Why is this not being highlighted and mocked?

And what's the most insane of all of this is his most rabid supporters claim Obama is an "emperor" or a "messiah" or a "king."  All the precise things they want Trump to be... a unilateral decision maker who doesn't negotiate or listen.

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I am convinced that Mika & Joe are going out of their way to support Trump so that he gives them interviews & access. This will boost ratings for a while. Morning Joe needs to increase ratings .  In 2011, Chris Christie was their favourite GOP candidate . I remember Mika & Joe being very upset when he decided not to run for President.


I predict Trump's comments about Senator Graham & Rick Perry will lead the show tomorrow.

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"I am NOT carrying Donald Trump's water here..." as Joe carries Donald Trump's water.  Jackass.

Joe just can. not. deal. that HuffPo put Trump in the Entertainment section and for that reason he is being rude to Sam Stein.  As is Mika.

They claim "the media" plays no role in Trump's rise.  None.  Joe asserts that "the media" is simply observing Trump's rise in the polls and has zero net effect in Trump's campaign's notoriety with the electorate.  Stein says he's a product of irresponsible coverage that panders to the lowest common denominator, like a reality tv show.

Stein swatted them down.

Love how Mika has adopted Joe's manner of interrupting to force her ill-considered agenda.  She demanded Sam admit that HuffPo's stance on Trump is illegitimate because they didn't do the same thing to Palin 6 years ago. 


Joe claims Trump raised "valid points" about immigration.  What are those valid points?  Where are they being soberly discussed?  What's Trump's solution? Why does everyone sagely agree that Trump's stance on immigration is legitimate??   This is all surreal.

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I'm a little surprised about Mika's snide and haughty remarks since Arianna is one of her BAEs.


However I was delighted at the idiocy of Mika's remarks about HP covering Sarah Palin.


What is most ridiculous about how much media coverage Trump is getting is that he is not being asked or challenged about his policy positions or being vetted in any other way.  Lounge act indeed.

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Good for Huffington Post on their editorial position with regard to Trump.




Joe's reasoning for Trump being a serious presidential candidate is that he is a successful businessman and that he has a very popular TV show.  Doesn't that back up Huffington Post's decision to cover Trump in the Entertainment section.  The man is famous for having a TV show!


Mika's comparison  to Sarah Palin is just idiotic.  Palin was a sitting governor and chosen vice-presidential candidate, the very definition of politician.  



They claim "the media" plays no role in Trump's rise.  None.



Joe and Mika's willful ignorance on this is laughable.  Joe is always boasting how his show frames the debate and how all the political insiders watch it to see what the buzz is.  This is exactly the point Sam Stein was trying to make.  Of course Trump's poll numbers are going to rise when he receives the majority of coverage on the nightly news.  Equal time laws are a thing of the past, all the media care about is the "bright shiny object".  



Lounge act indeed


Loved Capeheart's story about this.  James Brown really hit the nail on the head here.

Edited by ShuFace88
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On Morning Trump today, Joe went on & on about Trump. Mika & Joe are very mad at Sam Stein for putting Trump in the entertainment section.


More  polls were released showing the main GOP candidates beating Hillary in Iowa, Colorado & Virginia. Joe was very happy but Chuck Todd warned him that Obama was weaker in those states in the summer prior to the election but he won them anyway.


Barnicle said Hillary doesn't wear well.


The panel agreed that if Trump runs as a third party candidate, Hillary would win easily.


Joe said Trump should stop insulting Lindsey Graham.


Agree with everybody on Joe's ass kissing of Trump, and I guess he had a little chat with Mika that she would also be on this ill conceived bandwagon.  


Comparing Trump and Palin as far as their idiotic statements is one thing, but Sarah Palin WAS chosen to be a vice presidential candidate by the Republican nominee, whereas all Trump did was file some paperwork and start the shitshow.   


It would have been nice when Matt Lauer interviewed him Monday instead of bringing up the McCain stuff, which doesn't deserve anyone's time or energy, he asked Trump point blank, okay you say McCain has let down the vets.  What are you going to do for the veterans? SPECIFICALLY.  And you don't want Mexicans coming into the US.  Tell us, other than your idiotic idea about building a wall or charging the Mexican government, which by the way DOESN'T love you, a fee for every immigrant. And tell us your experience with nuclear facilities and how you will handle Iran.  SPECIFICALLY.  


Everybody with a brain knows all Trump wants is attention.  And the media is giving it to him.  They are giving 24-7 coverage to the crazy guy on the corner screaming that the foil hat he's wearing is keeping the government from reading his mind. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 10

I live in MN and Al is a classy guy that since he ran for the senate and won two elections has remained serious and not done his shtick.  Which is far from what we see from sitting republican members in congress.  Al's a Harvard grad.  He's got the brains so I hardly think anyone on this show could one up him on too many subjects.


You're lucky to have both Al and Amy Klobuchar in the Senate.  Maybe I should move to MN.

  • Love 2

You're lucky to have both Al and Amy Klobuchar in the Senate.  Maybe I should move to MN.


It's a great place to live and the quality of life is spectacular, it's so nice to finally have our political leaders align with the state.  We had some time in the wilderness, lol.


eta: just make sure you don't choose to live in the 6th Congressional District! ;)

Edited by NextIteration
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I wonder if Morning Joe will try to have some mini debates with 2 or more GOP or Democratic candidates during the show. This would be more informative than Morning Trump.


Joe hasn't specifically disclosed his location. Is he in Martha's Vineyard or Pensacola? A few years ago they tried to show Joe on Skype from Martha's Vineyard. It was hilarious because he was smoking on air while wearing sunglasses.


Mika was very upset at Sam Stein of  Huffington Post & Capeheart from the Washington Post as well today. She accused their  media outlets  of sustaining Obama in 2007 with favourable coverage.

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On Morning Trump today, thay have spent the first half hour of the show talking about him. Mika thinks he will run as a 3rd party candidate. Heileman joked about the conspiracy theory that trump is helping out Hillary by taking votes away from the GOP. Joe thinks it's possible he can win with 24% support & a billion dollars in the bank.


Bill Smirky Kristol came on the show & mocked Joe & Mika for spending too much time discussing Trump. He said that he knows Trump has peaked since the show spends too much time on him. Kristol compared the show's love of Trump to the love of John Huntsman in 2012.


Joe got very upset at being criticized . Joe said they talked about Obama in 2008 for 20 minutes & he became President.


Joe is a kingmaker!. Obama's success was not dependent on being discussed on Morning Joe.


Rubio made fun of Obama for giving interviews to You Tube stars. Heileman mocked Rubio for doing the same thing & talking about Hip Hop stars.

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Major shakeup at MSNBC. I wonder if Alex Wagner, Ed Shultz & the panel from the Cycle will join Morning Joe as panelists.




Joe has now guaranteed that the GOP will win Arizona,New Mexico, Colorado, Virginia etc wih Jeb Bush as the nominee. Joe said jeb is very popular with Latinos.


The Clinton campaign was very upset with the polls showing Hillary losing Colordo, Virgnia & Iowa. The poll ampling was more GOP leaning than the actual voter turnout in 2012. Hillary's best favourable rating was 41% in Virginia.

Edited by oakville
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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