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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Allow me to start with this statement, I would much rather see Elizabeth Warren (I wholeheartedly also support a Bernie Sanders primary challenge but I think he is unelectable in a general election) run than vote for Hillary Clinton, hell, I'd support Joe Biden again as I did in 2008 in the primaries.


That said, Joe is so fucking transparent with the daily visits from infamous Hillary hater National Journal's Ron Fournier (of the AP last time 'round in 2008) to flog the email story.  As Fournier said blatantly this morning, he'd much rather be flogging the CGI foundation contributions from foreign countries scandal but that story at this point in time just doesn't seem to have legs.  Mika's clucking and simpering says a lot as well, she was highly critical of Hillary and supportive of Obama last time.  This would be all well and good if Warren running were a certainty, but it's not.  So I'm not as patient with this nonsense as I was in 2008.  Mika, if you really are a moderate, for crying out loud, stop taking part in Joe's transparent nonsense with regard to Hillary, we see what both of you are doing here.  We also know that your father is a long time Clinton hater as well.


And Mika?  I love Senator Amy, but she is no fucking progressive, she's about the same temperature as Hillary.


eta: of course, we get a focus on Dowd's critical opinion piece about the Clintons, she also has zero Clinton love, lol.  I know this is a big issue, but the way these things get handled are often hilarious to watch, they are utterly predictable.  I do agree that Hillary can't afford to wander out some time this week to address this, she needs to do it today!

Edited by NextIteration
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$225 would be fairly inexpensive for a professional conference, IMHO.  OTOH, it'd be expensive for disadvantaged women.  Too bad they can't tie it into a mentoring program, e.g. having the participants sponsor another woman and/or a non-profit to reserve a certain # of slots per program for disadvantaged women.  That way, a portion of a (higher) fee would be tax deductible for those not either running it through their business accounts or attending on their employer's dime. 




If her KYV tour also included career advice for disadvantaged women that would be excellent, heck they could do some sort of adjunct evening thing with classes on resumes and give away interview clothing.  But, that is clearly not what this is, the 10k that she and Brooke Shields will decide about giving away will be based on the most compelling essay or whatever that will be written by a highly educated gal.  Doing this the best way would be a win/win all around, but that's not what's going on here - it's an attempt to raise ratings.

Edited by NextIteration
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If her KYV tour also included career advice for disadvantaged women that would be excellent, heck they could do some sort of adjunct evening thing with classes on resumes and give away interview clothing.  But, that is clearly not what this is, the 10k that she and Brooke Shields will decide about giving away will be based on the most compelling essay or whatever that will be written by a highly educated gal.  Doing this the best way would be a win/win all around, but that's not what's going on here - it's an attempt to raise ratings.


Agree, in general but IMHO it's about Brand Mika, first and foremost, beginning with Mika's personal ego.  Then, it's Mika's books and speaking fees and Mika anything else, including Morning Mika ratings, i.e. ratings for the last 30 minutes of MJ and, very importantly, Mika's Q Score.  Yes, MJ ratings are somewhere down that list, benefitting from the sparkle and shine that is Brand Mika.


Ok, it's either sparkle and shine, tight white jeans and/or skirt hiked up with legs posed provocatively above desk, combined with family connections, lol.

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There are much better, more well known and respected annual conferences for women to network and learn at, I think it's all connected to trying to up the ratings of this flagging show.  Sure, Mika has a friendship with Valerie Garrett and has been to the White House for round tables about women's issues - but to the general public I just don't think she's a great "leader" or example.  She was born into privilege and has had the benefit of white privilege her whole life, along with all the connections that her father's place in this country has bestowed upon her.  


I sure wouldn't waste a dime on her book or her conference. 


Nor, does it help that the image of Joe pointing his finger in Mika's face and her later apologizing to him just kills whatever credibility she has about women knowing their worth.

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Mika has clarified her comments on the rapper who used the N word in his songs . Al Sharpton agreed to appear with her on the Cycle.




I don't listen to rap music, but my teenage daughter assures me that that the term is used casually in rap songs.

Use of the "N" word in rap music is one thing, singing a song about hanging people from a tree before letting them join your fraternity?  That's like comparing rape to a woman joking with a girlfriend about "bitches be crazy".  Oh well she said "bitch" so it's okay to assault her, men can't be held accountable for violence if women say words. 


Apples and oranges. 


Joe & Mika were out-tap dancing Fred & Ginger this morning, trying to walk back their bullshit from yesterday.  The Daily Show summed this up very well.  African American kids need to stop calling each other names in rap music, pull up their pants and get a job.  But if white kids sing songs about hanging African Americans, etc.  well that's just because they were driven crazy by rap music and can't possibly be held accountable.  Oh and Ferguson, and Donald Sterling, and OU, and making hateful comments about the President and First Lady on cable news shows, etc., those are all isolated incidents, except when you look at it as something that happens almost every day and it finally dawns on you that racism is still very much a part of every day life in America. 

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Regarding Joe & Mika blaming rap for racism this morning, I wonder how or if they'll comment tomorrow on twitter blowing up this morning. It's pretty hilarious. 




I guess if I were to use their logic, heavy metal music is the blame for satanism; classical music is the blame for cannibalism; country music is the cause of suicides; and I'm a saint because I like gospel music. 


I didn't realize that rap music was around during the Missouri Compromise; when South Carolina seceded from the Union; when the Civil War was fought; during Reconstruction; at the time of the Dred Scott decision; when the KKK was founded to keep newly freed slaves in their place; and during the canonization of Jim Crow laws.  Oh, and what about those social events where folks came from miles around--with picnic baskets!--to witness a lynching?  Yep!  Rap music is the blame for that, too!  Evidently, my history teachers were woefully ignorant and my school system should be sued for mis-educating me.  They sure as heck didn't teach this during "Negro History Week" when I was growing up!  


The breadth of Joe and Mika's deliberate obtuseness is simply astounding.  Joe and Mika, do us all a favor.  How about staying in your lane and doing whatever it is you do best [cough! cough!] and leaving the lessons on racism to the experts.  Deal?

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I listen to Sirius radio daily. Political talk stations.  They've been running the most annoying promo commercial all week for Morning Joe's show saying to watch for Mika's Women Who Run Things series this week and that Arianna Huffington and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand will be on. Oh my - I never get to see those two - especially that Arianna - she is never around on media anywhere.....sarcasm. Wonder what she thinks about stuff. 


Big fat fucking eyeroll. You know what, I am so bored and tired of almost all of talk TV. Nothing new or innovative. 


This has nothing to do with Morning Joe - but I don't know here to post this and I have to vent - but it does relate to the deteriorating quality of all news and talk tv in general: this morning I happened to tune in to that CBS morning show, the one with Gayle King, Charlie Rose, et al.  


They showed a brief video clip of some kid playing a pro tennis player somewhere and the kid beat the guy. I saw that same clip several times in the last day or so on the INTERNETZ. So they show the same You Tube clip (now old news and easily available all over the internet). Then they cut to Gayle King and she says, "Wow, wonder how old that kid is..."




And does it seem like all the TV hacks rotate from show to show to show,... the pundits, the newscasters,...the guests... everyone. Gayle King and Charlie Rose have had nine lives on TV. Go away. And take Halperin, David Brooks, William Kristol, Michael Steel, Peggy Noonan, George Will, McCrash McCain, Huckelberry Graham Butchmeup, ...take all of them with you. RETIRE ALREADY.  

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Nor, does it help that the image of Joe pointing his finger in Mika's face and her later apologizing to him just kills whatever credibility she has about women knowing their worth.


Was thinking the other day, when I initially read this, that Mika lost all credibility years ago, forever, on this issue when she posed with her legs above that desk.


Can't figure out why anyone, in their right mind, would drop a red cent on one of her ridiculous, vanity books!


Thanks to Bossa Nova, above, to beating me to return posting and locating the photo that was in my head!

Edited by aguabella
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"Huckelberry Graham Butchmeup"

Oh dear lord, that is the BEST!  All these years I've just referred to him as Miss Lindsey with the Purple Purse.  heh.


NextIteration,...glad you love the name but I must give credit to where credit is due. Political writer/satirist, Charlie Pierce, calls Graham that name . Charlie has quite a few really funny names/turn of phrases for politicos. If you are not familiar with Charlie, he blogs for Esquire Magazine. (see below).  Also, his commenters are very good - he attracts a great crowd. The link below is Charlie's recent post about the 47 traitors, that letter, and Senator Cotton.




And just another note on the Mika hoisted-up- on-the-desk, gynecological exam photo:


I think that thing needs to be trotted out every once in awhile and re-posted. Let us not forget her unique statement about her TV success.  ~cough~ 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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And just another note on the Mika hoisted-up- on-the-desk, gynecological exam photo:


I think that thing needs to be trotted out every once in awhile and re-posted. Let us not forget her unique statement about her TV success.  ~cough~ 


Agree, it truly does, Bossa Nova.


Daddy, Dr. Z, must be so proud!  If Joe's "Stunningly Superficial", what does that make his sidekick, porn star wannabe, daughter Mika?

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I don't even understand this picture. What is she supposed to be portraying? And she's a news person. With a cause. Okay.....


I know, right?  The contrast between her and Joe couldn't be more evident in this picture.  His face and body language lets the reader know that he believes that he's the shit.  Meanwhile, there she is with one of her gams hiked up in the air in a dress so short that the mystery is all but gone.  She gives him this come-hither look, or is that a look-at-me!--look she's directing Joe's way?  They can't even pretend to hide the dynamic that comes across when they are on the air together.


I've always said that she looks like a wannabe Bond villain.  I won't repeat which one...

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I know, right? The contrast between her and Joe couldn't be more evident in this picture. His face and body language lets the reader know that he believes that he's the shit. Meanwhile, there she is with one of her gams hiked up in the air in a dress so short that the mystery is all but gone. She gives him this come-hither look, or is that a look-at-me!--look she's directing Joe's way? They can't even pretend to hide the dynamic that comes across when they are on the air together.

I've always said that she looks like a wannabe Bond villain. I won't repeat which one...

But I doubt it's really all that galore...

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Boo!  Harold Ford.  Double Boo!  Amy Holmes!  You disingenuous twat comparing Shock to Kerry, Kerry's lifestyle is not based on fraudulent manipulation of  taxpayer's dollars.  Not sure I can hang around for Arianna's snark against Hillary - she was ridiculous Friday night on Maher, and nasty in the 2008 primaries.  Yawn, we get it, you hate Hillary Clinton.

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Amy Holmes!  You disingenuous twat comparing Shock to Kerry, Kerry's lifestyle is not based on fraudulent manipulation of  taxpayer's dollars.


Thank you!!!  I turned it on just as she was saying "chicken bleep" and yelling at Robert Gibbs about something. 


You're being too kind calling her a twat.  In the privacy of my living room I took it up (or down, considering your pov) a few notches.  

Here's a report on the argument between Gibbs & Holmes.




Holmes was upset that Obama's aides were making rude comments about Netanyahu.


Gibbs was correct that Obama had not endorsed the North Korean government.


The pre election polls were wrong. Richard Haas  said they usually underestimate Likud support.


Joe was off today.


Mika was upset that Shock resigned. She liked him but warned him about his photos on Instagram.

She only liked him because he's attractive. Turn your gaydar on, Mika.  He's not going to be your new BF. 


Yep, that's it.  And we all know how important attractiveness is, correct?


Anyone else notice that Mika's contest awards 3 semi-finalists (for each city) with advance coaching and miscellaneous consultation to assist them with their conference presentation / live pitch?


If I understood it correctly, the semi-finalists receive a wardrobe consultation, the J&J wellness seminar (apparently focused primarily on weight loss) plus "professional coaching from Mika & other experts". 


So happy to learn that "expert" Mika defines KYV, or (possibly) 2/3 of it, on attractiveness! 

Why is the odious Amy Holmes on my TV? She is vile, humorless, and stupid.


Honestly, I'd rather a full show of Joe's pre-scripted rants than five minutes of her spouting her robotic right-wing nonsensical talking points.


Isn't she another one (ala Roland Martin, is that his name?) who lost their CNN contract?  And/or anyone who was on the new, improved (hahaha), now cancelled Crossfire, right?  (Did 2-3 viewers see that?)


Same thing for Carville-Matalin but didn't Jim at least land on Fox - for a least a small period of time??

Edited by aguabella

Today's show was criticized by a conservative website.




Mika was on her own today. Willie & Joe were off today.


Mika was hyper during the first segment. She introduced Donnie by asking when she would be on his new show. Donnie wants Mika  to be his love interest on his "Curb your Enthusiasm show". That's ridiculous.


How can anyone take Mika seriously when she wants to be on a USA network sitcom? Is that "Knowing your Value"?? 


Mika was excited about the feud between President Obama & Prime Minister Netanyahu.


Luckily, Richard Engel was there to tell her that there were more serious problems in Yemen,Syria, & Iraq than any spat between Obama & Bibi.


Richard Haas was there to say that Iraq could split into three countries , with the Kurds, Shia & Sunnis each having their own regions.

MSNBC's ad with Oprah touting this show is comical.

Really, you need Oprah to try to get viewers?


It's also an old-assed ad from at least five years ago.


@oakville - Morning Joe is on NewsBusters almost daily, if for no other reason then to call Scarborough a RINO or some such (which is a lie).


Mika is beyond obnoxious this morning..

Edited by NextIteration

Mika was on her own & out of control by the 6 minute mark of the show.


She started the show by getting upset with John Heileman for saying it was early & he was groggy.


She was outraged at Donnie's Deutsche's behavior after yesterday's show. She said Donnie was all "handdsy" & giving her wet kisses & licked her chin. She pretended to vomit & asked for an apology from him . WTF? Did this really happen? Several Years ago, Donnie used to bring her Jimmy Choo shoes when he had upset her.


Mika's top story was Israel spying on Obama during the talks with Iran. Mika was mad @ Bibi & called it a horror show.


The panel did not agree with her & she demanded to know what they were afraid of? She wanted them to insult Bibi.


Matt Lewis said President Clinton got along with Bibi in the 1990's.


Ron Fournier said both sides were at fault.


The conservative website wrote about the segment today.



Mika calmed down later when she had to cover the breaking news story about the plane crash in France.


Mika behaves completely differently when Willie & Joe are not on the set. She should have decaf when hosting on her own.


There are valid reasons to worried about Israel's government but given what is happening in Yemen, Syria,Iraq & Tunisia, Mika should be more focused on those issues.


Bring back Richard Engel ASAP!. What happened to Aymen Mohaddin? He used to be a regular.

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There were some good panel discussions on Friday's show. one topic was whether Hillary's emails would affect her campaign.


The panel said the media "echo chamber" was upset about Hillary, but most americans weren't worried about it.


The panel discussed Hillary's message for 2016. One panelist said that "Hillary is on your side " as a message.


Mika said women were excited about Hillary. She & Chuck Todd want her to have a campaign announcement speech like Obama's in 2007. Chuck would be upset if she announced her candidacy by email or tweet.


There was a guest on from the CIA who said that Iran could develop a nuclear bomb within a couple of years. Iran controls 4 capital cities in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia & the Gulf states & Israel are opposed to a nuclear Iran.


The Cia director said Iran could have an EMP weapon to detonate over the USA which would knock out the electricity grid.


Cokie Roberts asked if the US was being naïve in making the nuclear agreement. Chuck Todd said the USA wants Iran to be in the tent.

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I wonder if a guaranteed number of Meet the Press appearances are part of his newest contract



I think they offered him that as a consolation prize for not getting the host job of Meet The Press. IIRC he & Mika were competing with Chuck Todd & Jon Stewart for the job when Gregory was fired. Jon Stewart turned NBC down.


Joe was shouting at the other panelist over Hillary's emails. Chuck lost control of the discussion. Chuck needs a whistle to stop Joe.

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I think they offered him that as a consolation prize for not getting the host job of Meet The Press. IIRC he & Mika were competing with Chuck Todd & Jon Stewart for the job when Gregory was fired. Jon Stewart turned NBC down.


Joe was shouting at the other panelist over Hillary's emails. Chuck lost control of the discussion. Chuck needs a whistle to stop Joe.


IIRC, the network contacted Jon Stewart.  From what they said at the time, I didn't get the impression Jon ever seriously "competed" for the MTP host position.  He was actually offered the gig so no competition required.


ETA:  I don't normally see MTP but have noticed that each time I happen to see a minute or two of one of their gazillion replays that Chuck's attempting to wrangle a gaggle of participants.  Was that his revolutionary format idea / change - invite a bunch of pundits who'll constantly try to shout each other down / overtalk?  That working for him?

Edited by aguabella

Joe was incensed that people were annoyed at the new Indiana law. If 19 other states did it, Bill Clinton signed something and Obama (when he was in the statehouse?) signed it, why is it different now? Some other dude mentioned he talked to TWO law professors and they assured him that it was perfectly constitutional. Hmm, maybe because times are changing. Just because we used to do it, doesn't mean that we have to like it now. Consider it the driving while fast rule. The first and last fast car will get the most attention from the cop. The ones in the middle have a lower chance of getting flak.


I'm sure you can get any two law professors to agree to anything.

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Joe was incensed that people were annoyed at the new Indiana law. If 19 other states did it, Bill Clinton signed something and Obama (when he was in the statehouse?) signed it, why is it different now? Some other dude mentioned he talked to TWO law professors and they assured him that it was perfectly constitutional. Hmm, maybe because times are changing. Just because we used to do it, doesn't mean that we have to like it now. Consider it the driving while fast rule. The first and last fast car will get the most attention from the cop. The ones in the middle have a lower chance of getting flak.


I'm sure you can get any two law professors to agree to anything.


Joe is so predictable. "But Obama did it too-oooooo!"


From what I understand, the states that have similar legislation in place ALSO have strong anti-discrimination laws already on the books that serve as protection against the most hateful aspects of these laws.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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