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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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3 hours ago, Kemper said:

Here is a fresh one.  Joe has an "immigrant friend" who called him up. 

It's probably the man who runs the landscape company, wanting the code to the gate so they can get in and mow the lawn. 


56 minutes ago, SG429 said:

He leaned a little too hard on the illegal immigrant aspect of the young rape victim, as if that's what made the story horrific.

It's like no matter how Joe tries to distance himself from his "former party", it's muscle memory that triggers and he can't help himself. It's not the rape, it's who did it.  It's always the others, those scary people who aren't "like us". 

Seem to recall back in 2015-16, he had no problem joking around with a man who had several rape allegations leveled at him, but it's all fun and games til that person makes fun of your wife's facelift and won't talk to you at his NYE party. 

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15 hours ago, oakville said:

Mika isn't a fan of young female performers. Taylor Swift must wait 15 years before she is eligible for an invitation to her summit in Dubai.

I seem to recall Mika dancing on tables at that bar where Joe's garage band played back in the day. 

And let's not forget this little gem.  Miley is a performer, and her dancing and twerking are part of her act.

What part of journalism requires you to do a back stand on a table with your leg in the air, Mika? 


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Claire McK looked wonderful today.  She had her usual hairstyle but it seemed fuller or blown out more; also possibly new glasses.  Her makeup was really well done and her eyes sparkled.  Don't know if it is just new styling or a tweak or two.  But I'll have what she's having.  If that includes a side of Brad Pitt....more the better. She can go rings around Joe when it comes to politics. I seldom hear her mention her "Days in...."  

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3 hours ago, Kemper said:

Claire McK looked wonderful today.  She had her usual hairstyle but it seemed fuller or blown out more; also possibly new glasses.  Her makeup was really well done and her eyes sparkled.  Don't know if it is just new styling or a tweak or two.  But I'll have what she's having.  If that includes a side of Brad Pitt....more the better. She can go rings around Joe when it comes to politics. I seldom hear her mention her "Days in...."  

She is the GOAT

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50 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mika got feisty with Christie over abortions in NJ in the 9th month. Christie told her to stop setting up straw man arguments.

Mika told Christie not to mess with her and women's health issues.



Mika would not let him wiggle out of his stupid, inaccurate argument.  Mika did good!  Who needs Joe. 


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21 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe gets criticized for his comments today on abortion, which are at odds with his voting record when he was in Congress.


So Joe can't bring himself to say the same thing most people say about people who are "pro life", which at this point is rather ironic considering how Roe v Wade being overturned is endangering women's lives left and right. 

He has to make up an imaginary "immigrant friend" to explain it. At least he didn't say he wasn't racist because he has a Black friend. 

Good for Mika pushing back on Christie. Here's an explanation of Illinois' law, and Christie is completely misstating what the law says.  I wish Mika would have had the time to have her PA's  Google this so she could read it to him and watch his fat face turn red. 


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I saw the segment with Jason Sudeikis and his friend regarding the charity that helps amputees get the artificial limbs they need. 

I hope every CEO of every health insurance company is shamed by this and the regulations are changed by Congress. To tell a person who has lost a limb, for whatever reason, that an artificial limb isn't medically necessary is disgusting. 

 And they wonder why people hate health insurance companies. 

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Mika is off today. Joe is in the Washington Studio with a panel.

Joe thanked Biden for taking his advice to attack Trump more aggressively.

Joe said Biden was underestimated during the past elections.

Joe was mad that TJ had lights that reflected in his glasses. It was a truck parked out of the studio.


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Joe got into a heated debate with Mark Leibovich over Biden's chances to win the next election.

Mark is worried about too many people not wanting Biden to run next year.

Joe said Obama & Carter weren't popular a year before running for reelection. Joe said Carter beat Ted Kennedy for the Democratic nomination. Joe forgot that Reagan beat Carter

Joe is scared of Trump but he knows people who voted against him in 2020 won't vote for Trump in 2024.

Joe said Biden should go shirtless & do cross-training to show stamina & vigour.

Joe mocked Trump for playing golf.

I doubt Leibovich will be back on the show soon. Willie said his performance review will be ready at the end of the day. It only counts for 10% of his final grade.

It was strange because Joe usually gets along with Mark.

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The panel is worried about Senator Joe Manchin running for President. He could take votes from Biden.

Joe said Jill Stein is a Russian sympathizer.


Joe forgot to mention that he & Mika were guests on Manchin's yacht.

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The thing with Mika and Joe....when they have reporters and analysts on, sometimes there is going to be disagreement on certain subjects.  Biden's age and the enthusiasm of voters is an issue that is discussed often on this show.  It is reported on in most all news outlets. Both hosts need to take a small step back from their outrage when a topic hits close to home. Be professionals.




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On 11/8/2023 at 9:46 AM, oakville said:

I am surprised MSNBC doesn't develop a wind up toy with all of his catchphrases.

From your lips to MSNBC's ears: They did! It's Mika!!! Check out her latest Instagram post and count how many times she says the most over-used, hated phrase ever (IMO): "Circle Back." OMG. She apparently just realized it's a thing. There's a great video out there somewhere with clips of every pol and pundit saying it. Makes my head explode. And, you'll find out she's learned to demand respect. Ha. Not from me.

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On 11/10/2023 at 9:15 PM, Kemper said:

The thing with Mika and Joe....when they have reporters and analysts on, sometimes there is going to be disagreement on certain subjects.  Biden's age and the enthusiasm of voters is an issue that is discussed often on this show.  It is reported on in most all news outlets. Both hosts need to take a small step back from their outrage when a topic hits close to home. Be professionals.




Will the network do a better job of screening guests & topics that upset Mika or Joe? Guests should be warned not to bring up anything negative about President Biden.

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So this morning, Jim Vander-are-u-high stated that many Americans are supporting Robert Kennedy Jr. because they don't like Trump or Biden and want a more normal candidate.  And said Kennedy's candidacy will hurt Biden more than Trump.

Thank goodness Scarborough handed him his ass, saying, "I know Robert, and there's nothing normal about that guy at all.   He's a crazed conspiracy theorist ..." and ranted for the next five minutes about how much in common Kennedy has with Trump's supporters.

Meanwhile Vanderhigh sat there the whole time looking really pissed and didn't say another word.   When the break came, Mika bumped him from the panel.  LOL.

Edited by millennium
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Joe has made it clear that he won't accept Bibi staying in power much longer.

VanderHei won't be back on Morning Joe for a while.

Joe is happy that the Biden campaign is listening to him & using clips of Trump against him.

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11 hours ago, tres bien said:

I wish Elise Jordan would be a little less smirky.

However her recounting of working for Rand Paul's presidential campaign in 2016 pretty much sums it all up. 

She rarely brings up working for Rand Paul or President Bush. She does an excellent job of agreeing with Mika & Joe throughout the show.

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9 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe is happy that the Biden campaign is listening to him & using clips of Trump against him.

The campaign should use clips of Joe.   It's a shame all that piss and vinegar is wasted on those who already mostly agree with him.

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20 minutes ago, millennium said:

The campaign should use clips of Joe.   It's a shame all that piss and vinegar is wasted on those who already mostly agree with him.

Joe's rants are very entertaining.

I laughed when Joe told Vanderhei that he knew RFK Jr very well & called him a conspiracy theorist etc. Joe has tried to act like a Kennedy for several years by vacationing in Martha's Vineyard & adopting Kennedy hairstyle & clothes .

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10 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe's rants are very entertaining.

I laughed when Joe told Vanderhei that he knew RFK Jr very well & called him a conspiracy theorist etc. Joe has tried to act like a Kennedy for several years by vacationing in Martha's Vineyard & adopting Kennedy hairstyle & clothes .

Fake it til you make it. 😎

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9 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe's rants are very entertaining.

I laughed when Joe told Vanderhei that he knew RFK Jr very well & called him a conspiracy theorist etc. Joe has tried to act like a Kennedy for several years by vacationing in Martha's Vineyard & adopting Kennedy hairstyle & clothes .

I guess it makes sense then, that as an imaginary family member, he is suitably disgusted by his cousin-who-isn't

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It has been hours since I watched this segment.  I cannot remember who the panelists were.  But.  The talk got around to everything that Biden is juggling right now.  I think World War III was mentioned.  And the fact that contrary to naysayers about his age, he is doing fine.  This resulted in Meeka shrieking and Joe shouting in agreement. Staying calm while making your point would go a long way.


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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

I can't stand watching John Kirby because his constantly fluttering hands when he talks make me dizzy. 

It's the "deer in the headlights" look on his face so often that gets me...though I do believe he's the most good looking spokesperson out there.

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19 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

It's the "deer in the headlights" look on his face so often that gets me...though I do believe he's the most good looking spokesperson out there.

I was thinking the other day that he was nice looking! Donny looked good  - don’t know why I noticed. Didn’t seem as entitled or manufactured “cool” as usual? Then again, I only saw about 20 minutes of Show.

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22 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

It's the "deer in the headlights" look on his face so often that gets me...though I do believe he's the most good looking spokesperson out there.

Different strokes, lol.  I think he's got "sad eyes", so I don't think he's attractive.

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1 hour ago, mispickel said:

...And Mara Gay glancing back and forth around the table is making me dizzy again. I wish she would look at one person, or the camera, and continue looking in that direction.

She always looks like she's being held hostage and being made to talk.

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A bit hypocritical for Scarborough to repeatedly ridicule George Santos' purple Joker jacket this morning, i.e., "What is he wearing?" when one of his frequent panelists is a personification of the Skittles slogan, "Taste the rainbow."

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All these smart people and Joe is interrupting them. Shut the f up Joe. At one point Michael Steele is making an interesting point and Joe interrupts and says this is my show wait til I’m done. He makes digressions about stupid things “I’m not a boomer’. He takes away the train of thought. No wonder lemire talks so fast. He knows at any moment big mouth in coming for him. Does Joe not know the meaning of host and guests?  I actually yelled at the tv. I had to turn him off. 

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16 minutes ago, jacourt said:

All these smart people and Joe is interrupting them. Shut the f up Joe. At one point Michael Steele is making an interesting point and Joe interrupts and says this is my show wait til I’m done. He makes digressions about stupid things “I’m not a boomer’. He takes away the train of thought. No wonder lemire talks so fast. He knows at any moment big mouth in coming for him. Does Joe not know the meaning of host and guests?  I actually yelled at the tv. I had to turn him off. 

I happened to see that moment as well and I really wish when Joe does this, the guest he interrupted would take off his microphone, stand up and tell him "Okay pal, see how "your show" goes when you can't book guests because you're such an obnoxious asshole".  They already scrape the bottom of the barrel when it comes to who they get to come on the show.  

Joe here's a little hint. When you are "the host", you let your guests talk. You don't interrupt them because you think you have some brilliant insight into what is being discussed, because YOU NEVER DO. 






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3 hours ago, millennium said:

A bit hypocritical for Scarborough to repeatedly ridicule George Santos' purple Joker jacket this morning, i.e., "What is he wearing?" when one of his frequent panelists is a personification of the Skittles slogan, "Taste the rainbow."

Wait. Are you saying Joe Scarborough is a hypocrite? That he says one thing one day and then screams at people who point out exactly what he did and calls them idiots who live in their mother's basement eating Cheetohs? 

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2 hours ago, tres bien said:

The psychoanalysis of the Evangelicals drives me nuts. Basically I am and have been sick of them for decades 

Joe considers himself to be an expert on Evangelicals. He used to regularly recite bible verses on the show to impress guests on the show. He is also an expert on African-American churches. During the 2020 campaign, he ridiculed Senator Warren & Mayor Pete for not knowing how to behave in those churches.

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19 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe considers himself to be an expert on Evangelicals. He used to regularly recite bible verses on the show to impress guests on the show. He is also an expert on African-American churches. During the 2020 campaign, he ridiculed Senator Warren & Mayor Pete for not knowing how to behave in those churches.

No doubt about it. He took us back to 1979 this morning with his and his family's history of being Evangelicals. And the Evangelicals takeover of the Republican party in 1979 once they realized they could be in  control of it by becoming the anti abortion party 





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6 hours ago, jacourt said:

At one point Michael Steele is making an interesting point and Joe interrupts and says this is my show wait til I’m done.

He did more than that, lol.  He hammered Michael Steele's point of view into a fine powder, then Steele meekly explained that Scarborough had not heard him correctly. 

I thought his take-down of Mike Johnson was great.  

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On 11/17/2023 at 2:25 PM, oakville said:

Joe considers himself to be an expert on Evangelicals. He used to regularly recite bible verses on the show to impress guests on the show. He is also an expert on African-American churches. During the 2020 campaign, he ridiculed Senator Warren & Mayor Pete for not knowing how to behave in those churches.

what isn't he an expert on?

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Nine panelists to discuss Roslyn Carter's passing.

Naw, that's not overkill.  

Hate when this show goes full-on political nostalgia.  I think they do it mostly to promote Mika's boring pedigree.   By the way, can't wait for that new book by Ed Luce derived from Dr. Z's diaries.  Snore.   The Carter administration was almost 50 years ago!  Bad enough we still have the fucking Beatles and Rolling Stones in our faces after half a century or more, now this.    If you're old enough, try to remember back to the 70s ... do you recall news shows doing twenty-minute tributes to political figures who died in the 1920s?    Hell no.   (And getting back to the Beatles and Stones, do you remember radio stations in the 1970s still playing big hits from the Gatsby era on a daily basis?  "And after the break, we're gonna play a block of Eddie Cantor!  Be sure to stay tuned for your chance to win Josephine Baker tickets!")

The future is on fire and these fossils just want to wax poetic about the long, long ago.

Edited by millennium
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1 hour ago, millennium said:

Nine panelists to discuss Roslyn Carter's passing.

Naw, that's not overkill.  

Hate when this show goes full-on political nostalgia.  I think they do it mostly to promote Mika's boring pedigree.

Your entire post is perfection. When I heard the news re: Mrs. Carter I just knew Mika would be gleeful and chomping at the bit to show her connection to the story. I knew what was coming so avoided the show.

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I'm not a fan of Andrea Mitchell but this morning she was emotionally recalling her experiences with Mrs Carter and it was sweet.

I believe there are people that came to feel differently about the Carter's after they left office and left a wonderful legacy. Even Joe seems to have converted 

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4 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Your entire post is perfection. When I heard the news re: Mrs. Carter I just knew Mika would be gleeful and chomping at the bit to show her connection to the story. I knew what was coming so avoided the show.

Mika was happy that Mrs Carter enjoyed her mother's tree sculptures & let her play with Amy Carter.

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