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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Joe went on a tirade at 7:25 about how he was the only pundit voice who knew that 45 could/would be elected. He asked Robert Acosta a three-paragraph question and Acosta, bless his heart, not only was able to discern his cue but also stayed on that bull for 8 seconds. 

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19 minutes ago, suomi said:

Joe went on a tirade at 7:25 about how he was the only pundit voice who knew that 45 could/would be elected. He asked Robert Acosta a three-paragraph question and Acosta, bless his heart, not only was able to discern his cue but also stayed on that bull for 8 seconds. 

He kept complaining about how he and Meeks were "mocked and ridiculed" for saying Trump had a chance. He failed to acknowledge that they were mocked and ridiculed for sucking up to Trump, giving him free air time and a daily tongue bath.

Kasie Hunt can get off my television set right now, thank you very much. She is clearly angling to be the new Chuck Todd (as if we needed another one) with her tired, Beltway-standard questioning about "dissension in the Dems." Sheesh. There's a primary coming that will hash out a lot of these ideological differences! And, btw, Kasie, AOC does *not* "call herself a socialist"; she calls herself a "Democratic socialist," which is a different thing. Granted, it's a torturous distinction that flies over the heads of most of the public, but a so-called "pundit and journalist" should read up on the difference.

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Many, many people will not vote for any kind of socialist, and I think that was Scarborough's subtext this morning.  He said something Friday about how Trump would fare against a Democratic socialist candidate -- like it was a foregone conclusion that's what the contest is going to come down to.  

Edited by millennium
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Watching the Chris Christie interview.  Is this a rerun from the 6:00 hour?  Because he and Joe are kind of locking heads.  Joe tried to interrupt and Christie wasn't having it; Meeka said "let him talk" - meaning Christie.  Then!  Joe smugly said "that's right, you have a book to sell" .... I almost need popcorn.

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34 minutes ago, millennium said:

Many, many people will not vote for any kind of socialist, and I think that was Scarborough's subtext this morning.  He said something Friday about how Trump would fare against a Democratic socialist candidate -- like it was a foregone conclusion that's what the contest is going to come down to.  

I completely agree. That's why I made the comment about the "torturous distinction." Remember when Obama was accused of being a socialist, a communist, a fascist, and a Muslim all at the same time?

Without delving into personal politics, my point was, having people like Kasie, who's supposed to be some sort of political expert, perpetuate that misunderstanding is not helpful. She should at least be attempting to educate the public, but she's so focused on regurgitating stale talking points she's foregoing that opportunity.

Oh, and I didn't think it was possible for Commentary magazine to put forth a pundit more punchable than Noah Rothman, but whoever that bearded blowhard was that they had on during the capitalism-vs-socialism segment could not have been more pompous and condescending. He took what could have been a good, thoughtful exploration of distinctions and differences and reduced it down to tired tropes and slogans.

Edited by Eliot
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3 minutes ago, Eliot said:

Oh, I completely agree. That's why I made the comment about the "torturous distinction." Remember when Obama was accused of being a socialist, a communist, a fascist, and a Muslim all at the same time?

Without delving into personal politics, my point was, having people like Kasie, who's supposed to be some sort of political expert, perpetuate that misunderstanding is not helpful. She should at least be attempting to educate the public, but she's so focused on regurgitating stale talking points she's foregoing that opportunity.

You're right, she ought to make that distinction.  

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54 minutes ago, millennium said:

Many, many people will not vote for any kind of socialist, and I think that was Scarborough's subtext this morning

There are alternatives who aren't 80 years old. They had one on a few weeks ago. 

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27 minutes ago, Eliot said:

Without delving into personal politics, my point was, having people like Kasie,

 She isn't an expert in anything.  She was a Congressional reporter, and Scarborough elevated her because of her politics. 

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4 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

 She isn't an expert in anything.  She was a Congressional reporter, and Scarborough elevated her because of her politics. 

She has her own show now, which makes her at least nominally a "pundit." Not that I think she's worthy...she is clearly showing she's not!

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4 minutes ago, Eliot said:

She has her own show now, which makes her at least nominally a "pundit."

Agree. What I meant was that, at least from what I've gathered, Joe & Mika might have had a little to do with her getting that show.  

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Did Chris Christie tell Joe and Mika that they are to blame for giving Trump oxygen and a platform early on?  My wife yelled that to me from the other room.  If they did, wouldn't that have enraged Joe and cause Mika to sputter?

Also, I don't blame Kasie for using the term "socialist" as a label.  Bernie is a self-described Socialist.  It's why usage of this term is currently an issue.  If he's he's too lazy to explicate his meaning to the media... is it Kasie's responsibility?

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1 hour ago, Landsnark said:

Also, I don't blame Kasie for using the term "socialist" as a label.  Bernie is a self-described Socialist.  It's why usage of this term is currently an issue.  If he's he's too lazy to explicate his meaning to the media... is it Kasie's responsibility?

Were they talking about Sanders in particular? Or a specific policy. Social security was called socialism, as was Medicare. Lawrence O'Donnell had a great segment on socialism, and that the wealthy like it when they get it, ie tax abatement, etc. but not when the non rich do.  And vice versa. 

Not criticizing what you said, just wondering how she used it in what context.  Bernie is a socialist, he admits it.  But I don't think he wants millionaires not paying their taxes. Any time the government provides something to the public, the program or policy can be declared socialist. 

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10 hours ago, Eliot said:

He kept complaining about how he and Meeks were "mocked and ridiculed" for saying Trump had a chance. He failed to acknowledge that they were mocked and ridiculed for sucking up to Trump, giving him free air time and a daily tongue bath.

He was eviserated on Twitter for that statement. Exhibit A, just one of many:

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There's probably not much I agree with Tom Nichols about politically, but I give the guy credit for having principles. On the show this morning he basically said that no policy and no judge in the world is worth the trade-offs so-called conservatives are making right now.

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The Politico/Axios guy was getting a little bitchy about Jane Mayer's New Yorker piece.  "Everybody already knows that!!!". 

So, everybody "knew" Trump was a serial cheater, but then 20+ women showed up describing what he did, and two women proved he paid them off to stay quiet.   Were you tsk-tsking those stories? 

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I have to admit that I don't entirely understand how the "tropes" cited by Scarborough (repeatedly and vehemently) are inherently anti-Semitic.   I keep hearing people on TV leveling that accusation, but I don't get it.  The criticism by the Muslim congresswoman seems to be more about Israel as a nation rather than Israelis/Jews themselves.   I mean, I can have a negative opinion about Russia as a nation, but that doesn't mean I hate Russian people.   What am I missing?

Edited by millennium
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Also want to add that Scarborough seems to be on the Republican payroll when it comes to broad-brushing Democrats as ultra-left.  He goes out of his way now every day to point out how far to the left the party is allegedly leaning. 

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Mika & Joe are back in Florida. Joe complained about Trump failing on all core issues like trade & immigration etc. Joe said Trump is losing!.

Two weeks ago Trump was unstoppable.

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Joe is mad at Rep Omar & AOC for making anti semitic tweets.

Joe said Jews can be loyal to America & Israel.

Joe said he was pro Israeli.

Joe said the Democrats should not dissolve into a radical left party.

Joe does not like Jerymy Corbyn.

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We're back to the anti-Semitic accusations again.   But even Scarborough was unconvincing when trying to explain why Omar's statements were anti-Semitic.  The most specific he could get was to say her remarks have "anti-Semitic undertones."   I guess we're supposed to accept that because he said it.  

I have no problem conceding that Omar may or may not have made  anti-Semitic remarks because I have no dog in this race.  But if Scarborough or anyone else is going to shout in my face that I need to regard her words as anti-Semitic, they should at least be able to provide a cogent reason why.

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A trope is a trope is a trope. According to our very astute Mika this morning.

And when Joe can't get Sam Stein to agree with him he turns to Willie to bail him out.

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Oh goodie Aaron Schock.  Poor put upon Aaron Schock.  Who can't help it that he attracts attention by overspending his budget by double on decorating his office ala Downton Abbey as a freshman representative and then the fun/grift just kept rolling from there.  He was a rep in my state and folks couldn't wait for him to go as he was such an embarassment (he was a R in the deep and very red district in southern IL).  I am sorry MJ is wasting their air time on him trying to repair his image as he wants to run for office again.  And I'm sure the people that are texting him for ways to reform the system are the same people that are always accosting Joe in the airport.

Glad they had the fabulous Rep. Lauren Underwood on.  She is a terrific representative (she's in the district next to mine) and I am so glad she is getting some airtime as she is one of the good ones and did a great job in that awful hearing yesterday.

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Adam Schizzinger just said that what he wants to stop is the legal way to get here as a refugee, victim of violence.  How do these people get elected? 

Good luck with stopping cartels, Adam. 

I thought Joe was off today.  He must have watched Colbert last night. Willie was on, and Colbert asked him why Joe isn't on the show much. 

Mika needs to take lessons on reading teleprompters, or diction classes. She can't get two sentences out with stumbling. 

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Oh goodie Aaron Schock.  Poor put upon Aaron Schock.  Who can't help it that he attracts attention by overspending his budget by double on decorating his office ala Downton Abbey as a freshman representative and then the fun/grift just kept rolling from there.

I was hoping Willie would ask Rep. Schock if wanted some cheese with his whine.  

HEE!! Kemper!  I came in late to the broadcast and to myself I  thinking "Who is this whiner?"  HOWEVER, Schock "was able to "set many meetings with CEOs and help America greatly because he was on the cover of Mens Health." And Joe, as chameleon-like as 1/2 the animal population of any American desert, sagely agrees that  basically all the the Justice Department investigations are !WITCH HUNTS!, don't produce any indictments, ruins good men's lives, etc etc.  This is exactly what we need to hear now Joe.  Spanks alot.

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I had to turn off the whiner; tuned back in to see the Republican guest...I think he is a Congressman; probably not a Senator.  He is young-ish, attractive and was in the military.  Joe was properly deferential.  Is it my imagination, or today was Joe leaning back towards his old views; criticism of our judicial system, sucking up to the Republican guests on the show.  Was it worse today or did I miss something - I didn't see a good bit of the show.

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I thought Schock resigned.  

Joe and Maggie Haberman seem to be having a meeting of the minds. She was defending Trump writing checks to Cohen for the Stormy pay off as "he didn't know it wasn't just a retainer", and Joe is declaring DOJ investigations witch hunts.

Does that apply to Bill Clinton, Joe?  Or Hillary? 

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Did Mika really start an author interview with (paraphrase) "I know what you are writing about because I covered it in my book Know Your Value (available at bookstores everywhere)." And end it with "I haven't read your book yet, but it sounds like good advice." ?

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16 minutes ago, xaxat said:

Did Mika really start an author interview with (paraphrase) "I know what you are writing about because I covered it in my book Know Your Value (available at bookstores everywhere)." And end it with "I haven't read your book yet, but it sounds like good advice." ?

JFC. What a twit.

I was half listening to that interview here at work.  I saw her last night on an MSNBC show, for a minute I thought it was Megan Mullaley. 

So my sister said, I believe on Monday's show, that Joe or Mika mentioned they've asked 2020 candidates on and no one wants to be on the show?  Or is just not getting back to them.  

I can def see why.  Mika's an idiot and Joe will attack every idea they have as socialism/won't work. 

All due respect to the recently deceased, but were your parents cashing those Social Security checks, Joe?  Using Medicare cards when they saw the doctor?  

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10 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

So my sister said, I believe on Monday's show, that Joe or Mika mentioned they've asked 2020 candidates on and no one wants to be on the show?  Or is just not getting back to them.  

I think they'd have better luck if they were actually in studio doing face to face interviews instead of using Skype.

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2 hours ago, xaxat said:

Did Mika really start an author interview with (paraphrase) "I know what you are writing about because I covered it in my book Know Your Value (available at bookstores everywhere)." And end it with "I haven't read your book yet, but it sounds like good advice." ?

Yes.  Yes she did.  And whenever she remembered to hold up the book she kept flopping her hand over the cover so you couldn't see/read the title.

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4 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

And whenever she remembered to hold up the book she kept flopping her hand over the cover so you couldn't see/read the title.

The title to the guest's book? 

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2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

So my sister said, I believe on Monday's show, that Joe or Mika mentioned they've asked 2020 candidates on and no one wants to be on the show?  Or is just not getting back to them. 

If it was the segment I saw they were yet again defending themselves about how often Trump was on as they asked other candidates to come on but they didn't.  This could be true as I have heard other shows/hosts say Trump got the most time as he literally never said no to an interview.  My reply to that is when you saw what was happening, as journalists, maybe you shouldn't have asked so often or are they locked into generating advertising revenue and he made things easier?

I saw the very tail end of Willie's spot on Colbert including what Colbert said about Joe.  You could tell Willie was going to stroll right past it but Colbert wouldn't let it go.  I truly wonder what the rest of the industry thinks of all this.

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1 minute ago, teddysmom said:

The title to the guest's book? 

Oh yes sorry, the cover of the guests' book.  Since I didn't see the whole segment I would have liked to look it up.  I'll check MJ's twitter feed for the title but for me it's a no brainer that the title of the book should be clearly displayed for the viewers to see and possibly purchase.

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24 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

I saw the very tail end of Willie's spot on Colbert including what Colbert said about Joe.  You could tell Willie was going to stroll right past it but Colbert wouldn't let it go.  I truly wonder what the rest of the industry thinks of all this.

Stephen flat out asked Willie why, given Joe's frequent absences, the show's not called Morning Willie.  Willie joked his way out of it, but probably in the back of his mind, he wonders the same thing.

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Scarborough's antics re: Representative Omar this morning seem to be part of a Republican ploy to force the Democrats to turn on their own and implode from within.  The high dudgeon this morning was wildly disproportionate to the subject matter.   He sounded like Tucker Carlson.

Also, the way he kept steering the discussion back to it while pounding his chest about how supportive of Israel HE is makes me think he is trying to ingratiate himself with a targeted demographic.   Hmm, why would he be doing that?

I think even he perceived that he was OTT because he tried to rationalize it as "Whenever we see members of either side doing something wrong, it's our job to call it out.  Today it's the left wing of the Democratic party, but remember we also called out the Republicans after Charlottesville" or some mealy-mouthed statement like that.

Edited by millennium
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47 minutes ago, Sader87 said:

How many times did Fmr. Rep. Schock mention he was on the covah of 'Men's Health?' I lost count aftah 4....

I'm sure it was all the buzz in waiting rooms across America.

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