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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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1 minute ago, teddysmom said:

Who was on set for the birthday bash?  did they force the panelists to stay and wish Joe a happy birthday? 

Why didn't Joe or Mika interview  Corn & Isikoff on their book?   too busy putting candles in the cake?

I loved Barnacle's chyron "veteran columnist".   That is lame.   And well deserved. 

I found it very insulting to the authors when Mika put on a show about giving their book to Scarborough as a birthday gift.   Obviously it was a joke, but still, it's like Mika saying, haha, here's a throwaway gift I put no thought into whatsoever -- and the guys whose baby that book is are sitting right there.

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13 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Who was on set for the birthday bash?  did they force the panelists to stay and wish Joe a happy birthday? 

It was Elise, two British guys who wrote a book, and Barnicle at the desk.  They looked like they wanted to be anywhere else but there.  Mika looked uncomfortable as well.  Joe just looked unimpressed and kinda pissed.

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Wow that was an uncomfortable and stressed group at the table today. The set seemed a mess and everyone was awkward. Capped off by the lamest bday celebration ever that was a baaaadddd show today. 

Perhaps we should go back to the Brady Bunch boxes. 

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Wait a minute.  The beginning of that segment had that economics dude here in Charleston at the port.  What was he saying?? 
I bet he thought he'd get away for some awesome spring weather, no such luck bro.

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3 hours ago, oakville said:

Every one wants Pruitt to leave the White House. There are ethical blunders.

Characterizing what Pruitt has been doing as "blunders" is gaslighting.  He's been very deliberate in his theft of taxpayer funds for his jaunts to Morocco and Paris, complete with an entourage, in private jets or first class.  He saw Tom Price get fired for that, so he has no excuse of "not knowing."  He deliberately searched out a provision in the Clean Water Act and deliberately misused it to give huge raises to his cronies, against the wishes of the WH which did not approve those raises, and against the purpose of the provision.  Virtually rent free housing for him, and free housing for his daughter in that condo owned by energy lobbyists whom he subsequently awarded contracts to is not a blunder - it's bribery.  Pruitt was an AG - he's not new to the law or to corruption.  Call him out for what he is instead of softening his actions to "blunders" as if he wasn't doing it knowingly.  Why is this panel pretending Pruitt isn't corrupt?  I really don't get it when it's so obvious.

Edited by izabella
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4 minutes ago, izabella said:

Characterizing what Pruitt has been doing as "blunders" is gaslighting.  He's been very deliberate in his theft of taxpayer funds for his jaunts to Morocco and Paris, complete with an entourage, in private jets or first class.  He saw Tom Price get fired for that, so he has no excuse of "not knowing."  He deliberately searched out a provision in the Clean Water Act and deliberately misused it to give huge raises to his cronies, against the wishes of the WH which did not approve those raises, and against the purpose of the provision.  Virtually rent free housing for him, and free housing for his daughter in that condo owned by energy lobbyists whom he subsequently awarded contracts to is not a blunder - it's bribery.  Pruitt was an AG - he's not new to the law or to corruption.  Call him out for what he is instead of softening his actions to "blunders" as if he wasn't doing it knowingly.  Why is this panel pretending Pruitt isn't corrupt?  I really don't get it when it's so obvious.

John Oliver listed all of his BS last night. The people he was renting the room from ended up locking him out, his lease was up LAST APRIL, and he wouldn't move out.  As far as him getting hassled on airplanes, gosh maybe stop fucking up the EPA and being such a dick. I don't recall Cabinet members in other administrations having all these problems when they went out in public. If they did it wasn't reported.  

His linkedin page still says "trying to shut down the EPA" or whatever it had on it from back when he was AG of OK.  Joe & Mika are probably afraid if they badmouth DC insiders, they won't get invited to foreign policy meetings.

Have they said if they're going to WH Correspondents' Dinner?  

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18 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Have they said if they're going to WH Correspondents' Dinner?  

I can't imagine Joe attending anything where a main award is going to his arch-nemesis Access Maggie. 

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1 hour ago, XOQueens said:
1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

Who was on set for the birthday bash?  did they force the panelists to stay and wish Joe a happy birthday? 

Why didn't Joe or Mika interview  Corn & Isikoff on their book?   too busy putting candles in the cake?

I loved Barnacle's chyron "veteran columnist".   That is lame.   And well deserved. 


OMG I couldn't even watch all of it.  Get up off your ass and go get the stuff Mika, stop ordering people around. 

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4 hours ago, teddysmom said:

loved Barnacle's chyron "veteran columnist plagiarist"

Had to correct their chyron.

4 hours ago, XOQueens said:

Wow, those two really know how to throw a party.  Guess I won't be too bummed to not be invited to the wedding.  I was reading through the responses to that Twitter post, hmmmm, didn't see anything from Avenatti in there.

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One of Joe's birthday wishes from twitter 

Morning Joe used to be a quality program with intelligent conversation from both sides of an argument. It has turned into a personal vendetta and a one-sided conversation. Unless you are a sycophant of Joe Scarborough you will not be a guest on the program.

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It's really uncomfortable looking at the uncomfortable guests waiting for Joe to finish his speechifying, so that they can answer the questions that he asked them! 

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36 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

One of Joe's birthday wishes from twitter 

Morning Joe used to be a quality program with intelligent conversation from both sides of an argument. It has turned into a personal vendetta and a one-sided conversation. Unless you are a sycophant of Joe Scarborough you will not be a guest on the program.

Nothing says Happy Birthday! like getting punched in the face over Twitter . . . oooof!

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5 hours ago, izabella said:

Characterizing what Pruitt has been doing as "blunders" is gaslighting. 

This is right up there with what OJ Simpson said on that "If I Did It" special "Nicole fell down and hurt herself". 

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3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

OMG I couldn't even watch all of it.  Get up off your ass and go get the stuff Mika, stop ordering people around. 

She better go mix him a strong drink as it looks like Avenatti did just send him a birthday gift.  They raided Cohen's office and it sounds like it's in relation to the Porn Star matter . . . five bucks says whoever was lined up for tomorrow's show is rapidly looking to make alternate plans.  I'm not going, YOU go . . . I'M not going, YOU go . . . abandon ship, abandon ship!

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12 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

She better go mix him a strong drink as it looks like Avenatti did just send him a birthday gift.  They raided Cohen's office and it sounds like it's in relation to the Porn Star matter . . . five bucks says whoever was lined up for tomorrow's show is rapidly looking to make alternate plans.  I'm not going, YOU go . . . I'M not going, YOU go . . . abandon ship, abandon ship!

Just coming to post the same thing!  Tomorrow is gonna be off the hook!!!  Hey Joe, how stupid does Michael Avenatti look now?  Enjoy your birthday cake, tomorrow you'll be eating crow. 

mic drop

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1 minute ago, teddysmom said:

Just coming to post the same thing!  Tomorrow is gonna be off the hook!!!  Hey Joe, how stupid does Michael Avenatti look now?  Enjoy your birthday cake, tomorrow you'll be eating crow. 

mic drop

Mic drop, yes!

This response made me laugh so hard:


Poor Joe, they ruined his birthday.  And he looked so happy earlier <<<insert eye roll here>>>

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  • Will Michael Avenatti appear on Morning Joe tomorrow?
  • Is the President tearing out the remaining whisps of his face as we speak?
  • It must be aviation gridlock over Syria with Russia scrambling to get their stuff out of there before Trump dumps everything we have into the region tonight.  Welcome to the NSA Mr. Bolton!
  • Hey, how did Michael Cohen fall out that window of the burned out 50th floor unit in Trump Tower?

This and more on As the Morning Joe Stirs . . . . 

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Mika should not be allowed to read the news anymore. She is so BAD at it. This morning, she was trying to tease Lester Holt's interview with Loretta Lynch and ended up implying that Holt would be interviewing her on her plane, when really she was trying to say that he would be interviewing her about the conversation with Clinton that took place on her plane. Joe had to gently correct the impression for viewers.

Edited by Eliot
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2 minutes ago, Eliot said:

Mika should not be allowed to read the news anymore. She is so BAD at it. This morning, she was trying to tease Lester Holt's interview with Loretta Lynch and ended up implying that Holt would be interviewing her on her plane, when really she was trying to say that he would be interviewing her about the conversation with Clinton that took place on her plane. Joe had to gently correct the impression for viewers.

Geez, she couldn't even get the teleprompter right?  Maybe her mom and her family were on to something when they would always remind her she had the lowest test scores in the family.  I thought they were being mean but maybe they were trying to tell her something.

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25 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

Will Mika Brzezinski appear on Morning Joe tomorrow?

Maybe Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein can join the coosome twosome this week as I bet both of them are going to be back in the job market in the next couple of days.  Boy that dirtbag Pruitt dodged a bullet with this mess unfortunately (although I would like to see the show "freshened up" I never want to see him on MJ).

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Watching the clip of Trump discussing the " break in" at his lawyers office, does anyone know who was the asshole shouting, "why don't you fire they guy? Just fire him." Was that a journalist or does Trump have people in the background yelling things out for him.

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36 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

Watching the clip of Trump discussing the " break in" at his lawyers office, does anyone know who was the asshole shouting, "why don't you fire they guy? Just fire him." Was that a journalist or does Trump have people in the background yelling things out for him.

I wondered that myself.   It didn't seem like a typical reporter's question.   It's like asking, Why don't you just nuke North Korea?

Ugh, Mika and that scarf.   She looks like a priest on Pentecost Sunday.

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Ugh, Mika and that scarf.   She looks like a priest on Pentecost Sunday.

UNITARIAN scarves!!! (tm oakville)

I don't know what to say about this AM.  they aren't harping on the Cohen thing, they are actually talking mostly about Syria. Sad.

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9 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

UNITARIAN scarves!!! (tm oakville)

I don't know what to say about this AM.  they aren't harping on the Cohen thing, they are actually talking mostly about Syria. Sad.

Right?! They spent so much time talking about Trump ad nauseum and now, when it's a real story, they focus on other news. Guys!

Mika's scarf is gone. The left side of her hair has gone rogue. 

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22 hours ago, millennium said:

This show is a perfect example of what's wrong with cable news right now.   Outlets discovered that being pro-Trump or anti-Trump won them huge ratings in the first year, so they thought let's go with that.  Let's put all our eggs in a Trump basket.   They seem to have never considered that sooner or later Trump fatigue was bound to set in.   Now they find themselves locked into a Trump format even as viewers become tired of it.    CNN is just as bad, eschewing 99% of coverage of non-Trump-related news.   The only non-Trump news that gets traction on CNN is mass shootings -- but only so it can blossom into an NRA --> Republican Party --> Trump debate.   It's sick what news/commentary has become.

I heard Negan has a new op-ed piece in the Washington Times ... er, Post. 

A thousand likes ! Millenium. I remember watching CNN in the early 1990's during the First Gulf War. It was so interesting. They covered other countries, different issues etc. Now I have to watch France 2 in French to see what is happening in Europe or Asia.

Morning Joe used to have at least 6 different topics during the 3 hour episode. They used to interview people plugging movies or books or new companies.

Now it's all Trump all the time. I remember the week before the election, Joe said that Trump would start a TV network after the election called Trump TV. No one would watch it unless you were a Trump sycophant.

All 3 cable networks are now Trump TV. Some Pro-Trump like Fox & the other 2 are anti-Trump.

Now , Morning Joe has become Morning anti-Trump with Bunker Joe & occasionally Mika. It's tiresome.

I am off work today, so I just started watching. Recap coming soon.

5 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

Right?! They spent so much time talking about Trump ad nauseum and now, when it's a real story, they focus on other news. Guys!

Mika's scarf is gone. The left side of her hair has gone rogue. 

Mika is wearing a red scarf with blotches. Her eye makeup is too black. Why was KCDC given a lightning intro on a serious news day?

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11 minutes ago, oakville said:


Why was KCDC given a lightning intro on a serious news day?

It was a very self conscious lightning intro, cut 1-2 seconds short I think.

Where did Waldo go for the last segments?

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Ok, I just turned the show on and I see Joe is glowering from his bunker and Mika is in the regular studio.  Looks like somebody didn't enjoy his birthday very much.  Oh no, they just pulled the camera back . . . PEGGY NOONAN.   Tina Brown and Sophia (sorry, forgot her last name) are always very good.

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Too much emphasis on Zuckerberg today.   Why does Scarborough keep touting him as a Presidential candidate?   Reminds me of the crush he had on Jared Kushner.

Edited by millennium
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Mika thinks women getting paid more will "solve" the #MeToo problem. I assume she means workplace sexual harassment. ?

ETA: Does Mika not even suspect Joe helped her out with money in a bid to get in her sheath? 

Edited by XOQueens
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9 minutes ago, millennium said:

I hate that people forget how Facebook began -- as a way for Zuckerberg and his friends to cruelly ridicule female Harvard students who didn't rise to their standards of attractiveness.

Or stealing it from the Winkleveii twins?  

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10 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

Mika thinks women getting paid more will "solve" the #MeToo problem. I assume she means workplace sexual harassment. ?

ETA: Does Mika not even suspect Joe helped her out with money in a bid to get in her sheath? 

She had to dance on a few desks to get that sheath my friend . . . :)

The last 10 minutes were tough to watch.  Tina barely even looked at her as Mika kept babbling away and then at the end she didn't even thank Gloria for being on the show.

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ETA: Does Mika not even suspect Joe helped her out with money in a bid to get in her sheath? 

She had to dance on a few desks to get that sheath my friend . . . :)


We ARE talking about a sheath DRESS, right?  A sleeveless form fitting dress. RIGHT???  If not, even I cannot go there.


Or stealing it from the Winkleveii twins?  

I was so totally thinking the same thing when it was on!!  Poor, gorgeous, aristocratic, Olympic rowing (I think?), 6'5" tall Winklevii, who settled for paltry millions from Zuckerberg.

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5 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

I was so totally thinking the same thing when it was on!!  Poor, gorgeous, aristocratic, Olympic rowing (I think?), 6'5" tall Winklevii, who settled for paltry millions from Zuckerberg

The best line from that movie "you sit there in your hoodie and your Fuck You flip flops" pretty much sums up Zuckerberg for me.  As far as I am concerned they all deserved each other but Zuck isn't the genius everyone thought he was and it's all coming out now.

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"So u r right!"  That just set afire my last nerve.  Way to break down the legalese while knowing your worth, genius.
I wish I hadn't read the comments beneath her post.  Yes, I'm aware of the irony, but Twitter and Facebook comments are the least productive, potentially most destructive, use of any sort of communication.  They're scary, they're alarming, they're deeply discouraging.  There is nothing informative, just attempts to take pot shots and win the snarkiest or meanest comment.  Mean often succeeds, humorous almost never.
It's this mentality that causes CNN not to do deep pieces on global news.  No major news outlet's goal is to solely inform, it's also to maintain a level of friction so the network is more entertaining.

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I know there was a lot of ground to cover from yesterday but did they happen to mention that Trump said farmers in the Midwest were going to feel some pain but that he would make it up to them?  I'd love to hear some discussion around that bullshit and hey, how about some tariffs on imported Chinese made silk ties and knock off woman's shoes?

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33 minutes ago, stormy said:

JFC if I look at one more repeat of Vito Corleone defending Michael, I'm going to throw up.


Speaking of Michael Cohen, there was a time when Consigliere actually meant something. 

Trump needs Saul Goodman, a "criminal attorney". Instead he got Barry Zuckerkorn.   Could be worse he could have Joe Scarborough, the "Old Country Lawyer". 


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2 hours ago, millennium said:

Too much emphasis on Zuckerberg today.   Why does Scarborough keep touting him as a Presidential candidate?   Reminds me of the crush he had on Jared Kushner.

I am surprised that they haven't discussed Gov Rick Scott running for Senate against Nelson. It's big news in my winter home in Sarasota Florida.

Scott will make it a competitive race against Nelson.

During the glory days of Morning Joe in 2010, Joe was considered by himself to be a possible GOP candidate against Rubio or Charlie Crist.

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Yuck! We finally move to FL earlier this year and the weaselist of weasels is running for Senate.

Meanwhile back in my home state of MN my new favorite Richard Painter is thinking of doing the same. Bad timing?

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