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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Friday Recap: Mika & Joe are back together in studio!. Donnie Deutsh is wearing a suit that is too big for him.

Heidi Prysbala joins the set .

The top news was the continuing MoronGate. NBC stands by the earth shattering comments made by Tillerson.

This is the first time i the history of the Republic that a cabinet member has disparaged a sitting President.

Tillerson is staying in the cabinet as a suicide pact according to Donie.

Donnie said that Trump was running a mom & pop store compare to Tillerson.

Mika is wearing a grey top with a Black cardigan. The Librarian wear is back.

Everyone on the panel was worried about Trump saying "The Calm before the Storm" Is Trump planning military action against North Korea?

Is he bluffing.

Trump has a fetish with CEO's & Generals. Heidi said that all CEO's behave & get along. Luckily she never met CEO of Miramax,  Harvey Weinstein:)

Donnie promised not to diagnose Trump.

Trump & Tillerson are tired of diplomacy in North Korea. The Koreans don't want to negotiate.

They showed a poll of 53% of people being optimistic about the economy.

joe said a rising stock market is good for people that own stocks.

The wrong track poll is 64% negative. That is bad & up since January.

Donnie said some of his NY friends voted for Trump because the taxes would be lower & the economy would be stronger than under Hillary Clinton.

Donnie said that some of his Trump supporting friends are discouraged by Trump's behavior & they won't support him again.

Donnie makes me laugh. Manhattan voted 90% for Hillary. It's unlikely to switch to Trump.

Joe went into a rant that hillary was the worst Democratic nominee & so unpopular that she lost to Trump. Joe said it was a referendum on Hillary.

Joe Biden got the Dr Z award & told a story about telling Putin that he has no soul.

Dr Z stepped outside the box & did not support the Washington Consensus on Foreign Policy.

Mika said that Trump was an embarrassement to the Presidency.

Donnie likes Pence because he s more empathic than Trump.

Donnie wants Pence to visit the worst hit areas of Puerto rico.

Donnie has friends who chartered jets to pick up people in Puerto Rico.

Heidi & the other panelists mocked Trump for not sending his jet to Puerto Rico & not donating more money to Puerto Rico.

Joe said that Mika would do an event for Puerto Rico.

Will Joe & Mika charter a jet for Puerto Rico?

Nick Confessore said Washington is full of suck ups.

Everyone hates that Trump has cabinet members suck up to him in public.

Joe trashed Obama for supporting the Iran Deal. Iran got billions in cash up front without having to do anything. Now they have to comply with limits on centerfuge.

Joe now supports the Iran deal because the USA gave up all the cash upfront.

Joe said Obama should not front load incentives for Iran.

Joe disapeared for Senator Amy Klobashar interview. He was mad at her last week for trying to debate Medicare for all with Bernie.

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Shockingly, at 8:56 am, Joe brought up the front page article in the NY Times about Harvey Weinstein's sexual harassment allegations. Donnie said that he was a good friend of Harvey & that this was an open secret in Hollywood. It was so open that no one mentioned it, icluding Donnie. Nick Confessore who was on the show since 6 am , was only allowed to discuss it quickly at 8:56 am. It's pretty ridiculous that Mika "Know Your Value" didn't bother bringing up the topic herself. Harvey is a big fan of Morning Joe & had tweeted in April 2017 that Mika was the "best" on TV. At first, Joe tried to pretend that he had no clue who Harvey was by saying " an important Hollywood figure". He has been a guest on the show several times, Joe!

Donnie said the culture in business is changing from the 1960's & that Harvey grew up in that era. So that makes it OK?

Donnie then blamed Trump for the Access Hollywood tape which he said was a bad sign for women's rights.

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I heard about the Weinstein thing back when Ashley Judd's book came out, and it had been a pretty known rumor going on Hwood for a while. I'm a rando normal, no H'wood insider.   What I love about these guys is the idiotic way they hit on women. Not trying to normalize or negate how awful it is, but to tell an actress to come to your suite, you open the door in your bathrobe and ask her if she wants a massage, or can you watch her shower.

I'm pretty sure I'd be lmao as I turned and walked away, and then calling every news outlet I could think of.  Like there isn't another studio that wouldn't want to take Weinstein down a peg or two? 

At least buy a girl dinner you fat fuck. 

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16 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Not trying to normalize or negate how awful it is, but to tell an actress to come to your suite, you open the door in your bathrobe and ask her if she wants a massage, or can you watch her shower.

I know!  Real smooth, right?!

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I don't know why they couldn't have one panellist on this morning to really discuss "the calm before the storm" remark.  They couldn't get a former general to get up that early?

Over on CNN they had on their Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr and General Mark Hertling. Among other things, they agreed fatty treats the presidency like a  reality show. Great.

Edited by stormy
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I think some are ignoring it becos it is just what he wants, he says something outrageous and everyone freaks out, and he loves that shit.   Maybe JoMika have finally wised up, too. 

Rachel Maddow made a vow on Day One. We will cover what this Admin does, not what Trump says.   It should become a mantra of the MSM.  

I realize he's "the President" (barf) and normally what POTUS says has significance, but Trump says stupid shit all the time and it never amounts to anything.  And it's exhausting to keep paying attention to this insanity. 

He's like a toddler or a dog. They throw a fit and if you ignore them, they realize they're not getting anywhere and they stop. 

If he fires Tillerson, or orders the Army to attack NK, cover it. 

All Trump has ever wanted was fame and attention. MSM gives him what he wants. They pay attention, and attack him, and give him a reason to attack them.  Then his followers go apeshit on twitter, and it's just same shit different day. 

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1 hour ago, stormy said:

I don't know why they couldn't have one panellist on this morning to really discuss "the calm before the storm" remark.  They couldn't get a former general to get up that early?

Over on CNN they had on their Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr and General Mark Hertling. Among other things, they agreed fatty treats the presidency like a  reality show. Great.

I am convinced that they don't have a proper guest booker anymore.  Joe was asking for a clip montage today of Trump saying stupid things & it wasn't ready. The show's quality is suffering because the panelists keep repeating themselves.

They have also given up on doing almost any non political stories. In the "good ole days" they have a longer segment discussing economics or dealing with kids on facebook, or Syria etc.

Why don't they have someone from Puerto Rico come on to discuss the economic & political issues that make it more difficult for the island to recover.

They basically waste too much time on the dumb things Trump does like throwing paper towels at people.

I noticed that Moyahadin is on Early Morning Pre Joe. Why can't he stick around and talk about the Middle East?

It's as if Syria,Libya & Iraq have no problems anymore.

I understand that NBC is hyped up about MoronGate, but I am sure people insult each other behind their backs in Washington all the time. They probably call Trump worse in private.

I remember how Joe would go bonkers when he found out that some random Democratic Senator or Congressmen have never been invited to the White House for dinner & Joe would blast Obama as a loner who was anti social. Trump is having almost daily dinners at the White House. Is that better?

Edited by oakville
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8 hours ago, oakville said:


Everyone on the panel was worried about Trump saying "The Calm before the Storm" Is Trump planning military action against North Korea?

Is he bluffing.


I became disgusted when members of the panel tried to excuse the self-serving titillation by saying "We have to remember that he is a showman, and he approaches everything with that mindset."

By the time Cohen came on and squarely and objectively put the NFL covfefe into perspective by contrasting it with Charlottesville, I was thoroughly depressed.   Why is everyone on television still pretending that this country isn't totally fucked?   We still have at least three years of this.   SOMETHING bad is going to happen, and it won't be anything that Scarborough or Donnie will feel like chuckling about.   

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4 hours ago, oakville said:


Mika is demanding that Weinstein resign!. She is willing to accept the financial consequences of not proceeding with her book deal. Kudos to Mika!


I can't tell if this is sarcastic.

People in Mika's circle have known about Weinstein for decades (Tina Brown, friend of the show, worked for him at "Talk" magazine. Rebecca Traister wrote a great piece yesterday worth googling about how he called her a C when she worked at that magazine). The reason why monsters like Weinstein and Ailes and Trump and O'Reilley get away with their monstrous behavior is because their powerful buddies tolerate it (powerful people of all political leanings.)  I have no interest in Mika's books but I would imagine she had a few choices among deals.  Her protestations sound hollow.

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13 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I can't tell if this is sarcastic.

People in Mika's circle have known about Weinstein for decades (Tina Brown, friend of the show, worked for him at "Talk" magazine. Rebecca Traister wrote a great piece yesterday worth googling about how he called her a C when she worked at that magazine). The reason why monsters like Weinstein and Ailes and Trump and O'Reilley get away with their monstrous behavior is because their powerful buddies tolerate it (powerful people of all political leanings.)  I have no interest in Mika's books but I would imagine she had a few choices among deals.  Her protestations sound hollow.

I was being sarcastic.! We still don't have a sarcasm font for posts. Once again, Mika & Joe gets too close to a powerful figure & it backfires. They were very friendly with him when he appeared on the show & were gleeful when Harvey tweeted that Mika was the best on TV. I suspect that  re tweet will be deleted.

Joe retweeted a joke about 30 Rock TV show knowing about Weinstein's behavior a few years ago, but he hasn't commented on the issue yet. This is bizarre since it affects his fiancee.

I could tell that they didn't know how to handle the Weinstein scandal because they waited until 8:56 a.m. to discuss it when they had Nick Confessore from the NY Times on the show from 6 am & waited till the show was almost over to discuss it.

The Mika "Know Your Value" brand would be damaged by being associated with Harvey Weinstein publishing the book.

I did read the Rebecca Traister article. Thanks!.

It seems that the Weinstein model was to buy off media personalities with contracts or settlements , so they wouldn't disclose what they knew about him.

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Kudos to Mika!. She has won her battle against the Weinstein Company. They buckled under the pressure of not being able to publish her soon to be nominated  Pulitzer Prize calibre novels. Harvey Weinstein has been fired from the Weinstein company. Mika's book deal can proceed!. Mika is truly the Susan B Anthony of her generation.

Will this be the opening topic on Morning Joe tomorrow?

Will it be Trump's attack on Senator Corker?

Will Joe do a special rant on VP Pence leaving the football game?

Will Joe brag about the Red Sox finally winning a post season game?

Stay tuned.!


( This is my sarcastic font)

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Well it figures the one day I remember to tune in from the beginning of the show Mika manages to make me want to throw the remote through the screen with her fury and outrage at Weinstein (whom she says she has never met even though it's my understanding he has been on the show).  Joe had to quietly remind her that they had met socially a few times and she hissed at him that she still doesn't know him or doesn't know anything about him (although his behavior was one of the worst kept secrets on the planet) and both she and Joe are furious that Weinstein insisted on leaking her signing her book deal and boy let me tell you the publisher better be ready for a few chapters on old Harvey (stay tuned folks!).  Katy Kay looks like she is making a hostage video, she isn't even trying to smile.  Oh well, off to New Day as my fave rave Bill Weir is sitting in for Cuomo plus Smerconish is a guest.

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I wonder if somewhere during Mika's rampage against Weinstein (who's a pig), if she remembered he 10 women who accused Donald Trump of sexual harassment; and how, after that she still sucked up to him and went to Mar-a-Lago for a New Year's party. She is such a hypocrite. Everybody else has to prostrate themselves in shame, while she and Boyfriend are holy and righteous and can't possible be held accountable for anything.

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Can somebody help me here? . . . I am hearing Mika walked away from a lot of money but then I hear Mika say she would miss working with those two woman editors?  I've heard it twice now.  Her last official tweet says she would walk away if Weinstein wasn't fired which he was so is she in or is she out?

eta:  and now they changed outfits?  This is hilarious I really need to start watching this show again . . . 

eta 2:  never mind, she just clarified her statements . . . she needs more from the publishers before she makes her final decision (and in turn genuinely walk away from the money instead of just threatening it) . . . okey dokey . . . .

Edited by Chloesmom
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1 hour ago, Lokiberry said:

I wonder if somewhere during Mika's rampage against Weinstein (who's a pig), if she remembered he 10 women who accused Donald Trump of sexual harassment; and how, after that she still sucked up to him and went to Mar-a-Lago for a New Year's party. She is such a hypocrite. Everybody else has to prostrate themselves in shame, while she and Boyfriend are holy and righteous and can't possible be held accountable for anything.

I could not have said this better myself. Mika is on her high horse today about Weinstein, yet on Friday she was pretty quiet about it. The NY Times released the article on Thursday, so she had enough time by 6 am on Friday to react.

It's hilarous to watch Joe cal out the Obamas, Clintons for not speaking about about Harvey.

If Harvey was so bad, why did Mika sign the book deal with him in July?

Mika wanted to capitalize on her feud with Trump after he said she had a facelift at Mar A Largo in Dec 2016.

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2 minutes ago, Maire said:

I never notice such a total wardrobe change on both of them as I did today.

I haven't seen that part of the show yet, but I suspect they might be going to the baseball game in Boston this afternoon.

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18 minutes ago, oakville said:

f Harvey was so bad, why did Mika sign the book deal with him in July?

So either EVERYBODY knew, Mika, or it was rumors floating around, like in all of Hollywood, in which Weinstein was paying women to stay quiet, and like Cosby, it was a dirty secret until it's not.

Instead of this holier than thou bullshit that you & Joe revel in,  where was your outrage when you went to Mar A Lago on New Years Eve to chat it up with a sexual predator??!!   Weren't you & Joe still trying to talk to him after the Access Hollywood tape, and even after the election?   Apparently you were cool with his bullshit until he insulted your face lift.   

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14 minutes ago, oakville said:

I haven't seen that part of the show yet, but I suspect they might be going to the baseball game in Boston this afternoon.

How rich would that be that Joe goes to a Red Sox baseball game wearing a Morning Joe fleece . . . they really are hilarious.

Edited by Chloesmom
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Today Bob Corker is a hero. How pathetic that the republicans, including Corker, rallied around trump, didn't stand up to him and now it takes retirement to speak up against him.

I always like seeing Steve Schmidt.

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17 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

How rich would that be that Joe goes to a Red Sox baseball game wearing a Morning Joe fleece . . . they really are hilarious.

Joe was upset that the Red Sox wouldn't let him & Mika sit in the dugout with the other players this year.

In 2013, Mika & Joe did a show at Fenway Park during the playoffs & they interviewed players & coaches during the show. They also got a tour of the scoreboard area.

The Red Sox won the World Series that year & the coaches & players thanked Joe for the coaching tips he gave them. Joe told the pitchers when to throw curve balls & the hitters when to shorten their swing.

6 minutes ago, stormy said:

Today Bob Corker is a hero. How pathetic that the republicans, including Corker, rallied around trump, didn't stand up to him and now it takes retirement to speak up against him.

I always like seeing Steve Schmidt.

Ratner mentioned that he was upset that Corker beat Harold Ford Jr in the Senate race in 2006 by using the sleazy ad of Ford Jr attending the Playboy mansion.

Edited by oakville
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1 minute ago, oakville said:

Joe was upset that the Red Sox wouldn't let him & Mika sit in the dugout with the other players this year.

In 2013, Mika & Joe did a show at Fenway Park during the playoffs & they interviewed players & coaches during the show. They also got a tour of the scoreboard area.

The Red Sox won the World Series that year & the coaches & players thanked Joe for the coaching tips he gave them. Joe told the pitchers when to throw curve balls & the hitters when to shorten their swing.

I had no idea his talents expanded to major league baseball coaching.  Maybe he can also teach them his superpower of flying like Superman so there will never be another home run hit over the Green Monster . . . :)

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I wonder if Joe will be reprimanded for calling out Saturday Night Live for not mentioning the Harvey Weinstein scandal.

Lorne Michaels did say after the show that Weinstein was not mentioned because he was from NY.

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11 minutes ago, oakville said:

Lorne Michaels did say after the show that Weinstein was not mentioned because he was from NY.

I still don't get what him being from NY has to do with anything.

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Loren Michaels didn't call him out on it because it takes one to know one.  I have read more than a few articles about Loren and his assistants (his current wife used to be one).  Loren is another one that isn't easy to work for and yet is powerful and people are hesitant to challenge or speak against.

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They have also given up on doing almost any non political stories. In the "good ole days" they have a longer segment discussing economics or dealing with kids on facebook, or Syria etc

That's because covering almost anything other than what Trump is doing is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic!!! He's that awful and that inept! We are the Titanic and Trump is the iceburg.

Lotsa good stuff on this AM. I missed some segment, maybe concerning Pence going to the football game for like 3 minutes and like $250,000--but it was something about using an old photo and they thought we wouldn't notice???

I am not being sarcastic, but I seriously thought the shit Weinstein was pulling on actresses was happening all the time in Hollywood.  Actresses (and sometimes men too) would always be having to give a BJ in the limo, or whatever, to get the part.  WHEN DID THIS STOP?  I'm serious here--but then again how would I know.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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10 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

That's because covering almost anything other than what Trump is doing is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic!!! He's that awful and that inept! We are the Titanic and Trump is the iceburg.

Lotsa good stuff on this AM. I missed some segment, maybe concerning Pence going to the football game for like 3 minutes and like $250,000--but it was something about using an old photo and they thought we wouldn't notice???

Whineandcheeze, it took about five minutes for Twitter to explode that Pence used a photo from four years for his original tweet:


Edited by Chloesmom
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9 minutes ago, Jaded said:

I still don't get what him being from NY has to do with anything.

Lorne Michaels is from Toronto, but has lived in NY for many years. The Daily Mail reported that they had planned a joke about Weinstein but since Weinstein grew up in New York & was a friend of Michaels, he was exempt from criticism.

I don't agree that "friends of the show" should be exempt from criticism.

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Joe is really making Rattner uncomfortable by mentioning that he was a groomsman in Weinstein's wedding.

Joe is calling out Gwyneth Paltrow, Meryl Streep & Hillary Clinton for not attacking Weinstein.

Joe is demanding that the Oscars & other shows stop wearing phony ribbons to their awards shows.

I can't stop laughing when Mika & Joe get on their high horses and start shouting how right they were about Weinstein & Trump.

Joe said he warned the GOP last August that Trump was unfit to be President because he kept asking General Hayden about using nuclear weapons.

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Elise & Schmidt are on the verge of fainting over Trump's behavior. Joe says there could be a nuclear holocaust.

Joe said the GOP would be held responsible for the nuclear holocaust & would cost them control of  Congress in 2018.

Steve Schmdit can't believe that Trump is qualified to be the Commander in Chief yet he was responsible for picking Sarah Palin to be VP to a 70 year old GOP nominee who had a history of cancer.

I can't take Steve Schmidt seriously

Mika's head is bobbing back & forth today more than usual.

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In the interview w the Puerto Rican official Joe was stupid and rude. He was barking questions about the statistics around water and electricity availability. The official was giving complete, interesting answers while Joe was stuttering under his breath wanting to interrupt and get back to hearing his own voice. He wasn't listening to the answers. When speaking about the electricity the official said they can't just rebuild the grid they are working with Tessa to upgrade etc. interesting! Joe did not follow up but said ( rude and challengingly) yeah how many people have water!?  What a dick.  Overcaffeinated much?

Edited by novhappy
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21 minutes ago, oakville said:

Steve Schmdit can't believe that Trump is qualified to be the Commander in Chief yet he was responsible for picking Sarah Palin to be VP to a 70 year old GOP nominee who had a history of cancer.

I can't take Steve Schmidt seriously

Yeah, I know. As much as I appreciate Schmidt speaking out, I can't help feeling like the elevation of Palin really set us on this trajectory toward nominating incompetent nincompoops because they supposedly "understand the 'real' America."

Nicolle Wallace too, although I think she understands her complicity to a greater extent than Schmidt does.

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Joe is calling out Gwyneth Paltrow, Meryl Streep & Hillary Clinton for not attacking Weinstein.

Hmm Joe, why not call out Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Quentin Tarantino? Always the women's fault.


Ratner mentioned that he was upset that Corker beat Harold Ford Jr in the Senate race in 2006 by using the sleazy ad of Ford Jr attending the Playboy mansion.

The ad was worse than that. It was a chirpy blonde woman asking Harold to "call me" and blowing a kiss to the camera. It was designed to dog-whistle racist hatred of white women with black men.  A smart remark at Trump when he decides not to run does not erase Corker's horrible actions as a candidate or a legislator.


Joe said the GOP would be held responsible for the nuclear holocaust & would cost them control of  Congress in 2018.

Lol. We could all be living under highway underpasses and roasting stray dogs on a fire pit for sustenance and these shitheads would be discussing the NBC/WSJ polls as to how the nuclear Holocaust affected swing voters.

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I didn't like that Joe called Ratner out and made him speak to standing up in Weinstein's wedding not once but twice today.  I give him credit, if I had his kind of money I would have gotten up and left.  It was the same thing with Katy and Sam Stein having to praise Mika for her courage.  It was like they were both reading off of a script and both looked like they were sitting on broken glass.  I guess that's what happens when they are live for the final hour of the show instead of wandering off to wherever they usually go.

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I find all the emotional outbursts over Pence showing up at the football game to be hilarious. The Morning Joe panel forgot to mention that Pence's son serves in the Marines, so it was justifiable for him to be offended by the kneeling down of the players. It's a culture battle that the GOP can win with the people that watch NFL Football.

Didn't George HW Bush run the 1988 Presidential Campaign on blasting Democrats for Flag Burning?

Bush kept showing up in flag factories during that campaign.

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1 hour ago, Eliot said:

Joe spent the weekend talking to "the most powerful people in Hollywood" about Weinstein.

Everyone comes to Joe for his opinion.

I wonder if Trump consulted Joe on the selection of the best paper towels launched at the people in Puerto Rico.

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Didn't George HW Bush run the 1988 Presidential Campaign on blasting Democrats for Flag Burning?

Bush kept showing up in flag factories during that campaign.

Not sure...the Supreme Court ruling that flag burning was protected under  First Amendment happened during Bush I's adminstration. But Bush I made political hay out of the fact that Dukakis was a member of the ACLU. It was pretty disgusting. That's why I always find the nostalgia that some have for Bush I a little puzzling.

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9 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

Hmm Joe, why not call out Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Quentin Tarantino? Always the women's fault.

The ad was worse than that. It was a chirpy blonde woman asking Harold to "call me" and blowing a kiss to the camera. It was designed to dog-whistle racist hatred of white women with black men.  A smart remark at Trump when he decides not to run does not erase Corker's horrible actions as a candidate or a legislator.

Lol. We could all be living under highway underpasses and roasting stray dogs on a fire pit for sustenance and these shitheads would be discussing the NBC/WSJ polls as to how the nuclear Holocaust affected swing voters.

Someone on the panel did mention that Matt Damon should be called out for supporting Weinstein.

Mika & Joe would survive the Nuclear Holocaust by broadcasting from the various bunkers in Connecticut or Martha's Vineyard.

Mika & Joe would complain about poor cellphone reception after the Holocaust.

I fondly remember the first block segments of the show being derailed by Mika & Joe complaining about dropped calls on Verizon or AT& T.

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16 minutes ago, oakville said:

I find all the emotional outbursts over Pence showing up at the football game to be hilarious. The Morning Joe panel forgot to mention that Pence's son serves in the Marines, so it was justifiable for him to be offended by the kneeling down of the players. It's a culture battle that the GOP can win with the people that watch NFL Football.

No, it was absolutely NOT justifiable because the kneeling has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TROOPS. Or the flag. Or the national anthem.

It's a peaceful protest against a nation that turns a blind eye to the fact that unarmed African American men are being murdered in our streets by individuals who are supposed to be protecting and serving the public.

Maybe what the panel should have noted was that while Pence flew around pissing away $250K + of taxpayer money on a political stunt, Colin Kaepernick is donating $1 million of his salary to causes that fight social and racial injustice.

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17 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

I didn't like that Joe called Ratner out and made him speak to standing up in Weinstein's wedding not once but twice today.  I give him credit, if I had his kind of money I would have gotten up and left.  It was the same thing with Katy and Sam Stein having to praise Mika for her courage.  It was like they were both reading off of a script and both looked like they were sitting on broken glass.  I guess that's what happens when they are live for the final hour of the show instead of wandering off to wherever they usually go.

Mika said that she was sad that she couldn't work with the two women at Hachette Publishing anymore but if Weinstein quit wasn't she tweeting that she would allow the book deal to go through.? I am confused!

Now, Joe was saying that Weinstein leaked the book deal to the NY Post to flatter himself. Mika was pretty happed when the book deal was signed. They were trying to take advantage of the extra publicity from being attacked by Trump over her alleged facelift.

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Nicole Wallace defended a lot of the things that Bush did.  Probably still does.

I wonder if she criticizes Trump out of loyalty to Bush or if she really has problems with Trump.

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3 minutes ago, Eliot said:

No, it was absolutely NOT justifiable because the kneeling has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TROOPS. Or the flag. Or the national anthem.

It's a peaceful protest against a nation that turns a blind eye to the fact that unarmed African American men are being murdered in our streets by individuals who are supposed to be protecting and serving the public.

Maybe what the panel should have noted was that while Pence flew around pissing away $250K + of taxpayer money on a political stunt, Colin Kaepernick is donating $1 million of his salary to causes that fight social and racial injustice.

There is a difference between what the protests are supposed to be about which is the racial injustice issue & how Trump & Pence & the GOP are making it about which is disrepecting the flag & the troops.

Morning Joe forget to discuss the chaos over the CBS reporter claiming that Kaepernick would stand for the anthem if he got a full time job offer in the NFL. It turned out to be wrong.

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How realistic is it to publicly call out a friend or even an acquaintance?

Weinstein is a public figure.  Are the people in his social circle suppose to hold a press conference?

If a good friend of yours was having an affair or sexually harassing women at work, would you tell his wife or report him to his bosses?  Most people would tell each other "it's none of our business."


But the least they could do is distance themselves from that person, if they're not going to report him.

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2 hours ago, scrb said:

Nicole Wallace defended a lot of the things that Bush did.  Probably still does.

I wonder if she criticizes Trump out of loyalty to Bush or if she really has problems with Trump.

Cackles did not call out Trump when he was on the show in 2015 & 2016. She was always very deferential to him & bragged that her parents were strong Trump supporters.I would have had more respect for her if she had called out Trump when Mika & Joe were BFF's with him.

Edited by oakville
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17 minutes ago, oakville said:

There is a difference between what the protests are supposed to be about which is the racial injustice issue & how Trump & Pence & the GOP are making it about which is disrepecting the flag & the troops.

Right. So let's not perpetuate that here by saying it was justifiable for Pence to be offended.

Also, I continue to find David Ignatius just pathetic, the way he prattles on about Trump's "agenda" (as if there were one). He's clinging to this idea that there is some sort of structure and order or strategy in this effed up White House and it is just ludicrous.

Finally, Joe is foolish if he thinks that Corker won't support Trump's tax cuts just because Trump insulted and lied about him. I'm happy that Corker is speaking out and all, but I doubt he's going to be the one to kill the dream of trillion-dollar cuts to Medicaid to fund another trickle-down boondoggle.

Edited by Eliot
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