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S10.E06: A Little Trip to the Big Easy

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I was so busy laughing myself silly over Will’s dramatic exit, “It’s over!”, and all the other hilarious antics of Will and Zoey at the photo shoot and restaurant that I completely missed this telltale sign of possible marital tension in the Klein-Arnold household. Now I think I’ll also have to reexamine Will’s cute offer to “order drinks for you guys”. Hmm, what could this mean? Secret tippling in the home perhaps? The plot thickens…lol.

Wait, Will saying, "It's over" means something about the Klein-Arnold marriage. I usually catch the subtleties of the English language quite easily, but I cannot compute that meaning. 

  • Love 6

Wait, Will saying, "It's over" means something about the Klein-Arnold marriage. I usually catch the subtleties of the English language quite easily, but I cannot compute that meaning. 

Oh sorry, MButterfly. I was just joking. What I really meant to say was that in my opinion, Will was just being his amusing, adorable self and his "It's over!" was just Will being dramatic. When I watch this show, I see two bright, spirited children growing up in a loving, enriching, and stable home. Every episode has something educational, heart-warming and just plain hilarious. Sorry again if I confused you. I think Bill's tongue-in-cheek humor is rubbing off on me : - )

  • Love 7

It really does make me happy to see that folks on this site enjoy the show that much and really like the family. I wish I could feel that way but the more I watch, the more i find myself cringing . I feel like I am watching Icarus starting to fly too close to the sun or something. Bill and Jen are becoming so materialistic and phony and not doing a good job of raising their kids. Sure they buy the kids tons of toys and bribe them with food...sushi no less.  This speaking engagement in New Orleans for the hospital--Moonlight and Martinis-- was a very fancy event. Ticket prices ranged from $125 per person to --get this-- $25000 for some tables including passes for the Meet and Greet with Jen and Bill which was 6p-7p. So make no mistake, Jen and Bill were not just hanging out with regular people. People were paying big bucks to meet them. And Jen's speaking fee is approx $30,000. So the cancer survival thing has been profitable. And in New Orleans no less. Of course moocher Dave and Judy were there--I thought why couldn't they take Bill's folks or the nanny?? Did the nanny have to stay behind and walk the dogs?? We see one episode that that Dave and Judy are getting ready to move and the next thing you know they are carrying the kids all around New Orleans. Moochers. And the hokey psychic probably made more being on one episode of the The LIttle Couple than he makes all year. So for goodness sakes, Jen--buy the beach house--I know you can afford it. OOps i mean BUILD it because you are so competitive and materialistic, you would not want your mom to have a beach house retirement home built that you always wanted. I also think there is a lot of fighting in that family going on behind the scenes. I was surprised to see Will scream " Its Over" and storm away. Who did he see do that in their home? Anyway, i wish Bill and Jen would do more for Rainbow Kids other than meeting Martha for beignets. That was useless. Or host a fundraiser for LPA since they helped with the adoption of Zoey I think. They consider themselves celebrities and can attract $$$$$ obviously so do it.

Those "moochers" weren't just some folks Bill and Jen picked up on the way to New Orleans.  They are Jen's parents and the kid's Grandparents, and have been an enormous help to Jen and Bill.  Wow, really?


You can earn money and help a charity at the same time.  The two are not mutually exclusive.


Also, Bill and Jen do not need to explain to anyone, why they would or wouldn't adopt more kids.

Edited by Honey
  • Love 11

Someone upthread said Will's declaration that "it's over" and stomping off must be a result of what he is exposed to at home.  Well, let me tell you that one time my husband took our (then) 3 year old son to the grocery store to pick up a few things.  Looking up at a woman nearby, son asked Dad, "Why does that lady over there have a mustache?"  And guess what?  Not once had either of us EVER said that at home!  There is a famous saying that goes, "Out of the Mouths of Babes........"

  • Love 3

I think that Jen may actually have a shopping addiction. Even though they have the money, her spending seems over the top to me.

I have several doctors in my family and my ex is an ER doctor. In general people in that profession are very much about the show. Whether it's having their kids in the "right" private schools or belonging to the "right" country club, there's a certain Keeping Up With the Joneses mentality, albeit with more disposable income. You have to be a pretty competitive person to make it in medicine as it is, so I think some of that drive spills over into the personal life.

  • Love 3
I think when Zoey said "Aw, man!" at the photoshoot it was a cleverly coded commentary on the state of her parents' marriage.


Based on....?  


These kids go to school.  They are around the TLC crew.  They are with their grandparents.  They have multiple medical appointments.  They are out in the public on a regular basis.  You don' t think Zoey might have heard that phrase anywhere but in her home?


Two words constituting  a commentary on the state of her parents' marriage seems like quite a stretch to me.

  • Love 3

Based on....?

These kids go to school. They are around the TLC crew. They are with their grandparents. They have multiple medical appointments. They are out in the public on a regular basis. You don' t think Zoey might have heard that phrase anywhere but in her home?

Two words constituting a commentary on the state of her parents' marriage seems like quite a stretch to me.

I think she was being facetious:)

  • Love 3

Based on....?

These kids go to school. They are around the TLC crew. They are with their grandparents. They have multiple medical appointments. They are out in the public on a regular basis. You don' t think Zoey might have heard that phrase anywhere but in her home?

Two words constituting a commentary on the state of her parents' marriage seems like quite a stretch to me.

Someone else also thought Will's "It's over!" meant the same.

But when Will got punished by Jen, when he said something/someone was "stupid" in an ep from a couple weeks ago, she said--in a talking head or voice over for that scene--that Will was apparently picking up (& starting to use, unfortunately) certain words at school which Jen & Bill are trying to teach both the kids not to use because they're not nice when you use them about other people, etc. Zoey may have picked up the "Aw man!" at school too. Although I wouldn't say using that was as bad as Will's "stupid" was considered by Jen.

Edited by BW Manilowe
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Here's Bill's speaker fees at half of what his wife is getting.  Jen is definitely the breadwinner in that household!    




"It's over!" and walking off the photo shoot by Will was very odd, the word choice, his angry look and leaving the room like that.  I hope the Kleins aren't going through relationship problems that often come with fame. 

I don't think people even think in terms of breadwinner in today's marriages. 

  • Love 4

I disagree as well. Never felt my EX used his higher wages as a "power tool" in our marriage.

Jen is a woman, an MD, a cancer survivor, a little person and she is entitled to be an imperfect human being like the rest of us. I admire her accomplishments. Never heard her say she was perfect. I don't care about her speaker fees. She has earned them.

I am sure the charity event raked in a lot of money! Appreciate her doing the event since my father died of cancer and my roommate is undergoing treatment for ALL. (leukemia)

  • Love 12

I disagree. I think that both people in a marriage are very aware of who's bearing most of the financial responsibility for the family. I also think that the "breadwinner" has the upper hand in the marriage.

I would imagine that a couple knows which of the two make more money.  But that doesn't mean that the one that makes more necessarily has any upper hand in the marriage.  I'm a SAHM and I have never felt like my husband tried to use the fact that I don't earn a paycheck against me in any way.  Maybe it's a sign of the times, a generational thing....  My husband and I are right around the same age as Bill and Jen.  It is kind of obvious to us though in some marriages of friends/relatives that the "bread winner" does have the upper hand, but the ones that I can think of are usually older couples, at least a generation or two older than us.  

  • Love 4

Everyone knows who the breadwinners are in relationships. Jen is clearly the alpha and the breadwinner in the Klein family, but no one is saying there's anything wrong with that. I do think Jen is under considerably more pressure than Bill though. If Rocky and Maggie's tanks, meh, life goes on. But if Jen lost her 300k+ job at Texas Children's? That would be a big hit. I like Bill, but he gets to dabble in something fun because his wife makes the bulk of their income.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 3

Technically, a breadwinner is anyone who earns money for the household. I don't see a power issue (and I'm probably one or two generations older -- Gloira Steinem generation). I have seen -- back in the day SAHHWs who wielded the power without ever bringing home a paycheck. I'm not convinced Bill and Jan have a power imbalance. 

  • Love 6

Technically, a breadwinner is anyone who earns money for the household. I don't see a power issue (and I'm probably one or two generations older -- Gloira Steinem generation). I have seen -- back in the day SAHHWs who wielded the power without ever bringing home a paycheck. I'm not convinced Bill and Jan have a power imbalance. 


There is no power imbalance as long as Jen has the majority of it! 

  • Love 3

Everyone is entitled to their opinion so here is my two cents.

I'm a pretty literal person and I take people at their word. We only see a small slice of the Klein/Arnold lives. Do they have a lot of money and stuff? Sure. Do their small children say odd things at times? Sure. I don't see anything underhanded. This is their lives.

Jen makes money as a speaker and she was paid to speak about her cancer. If people weren't interested in what she had say, then she wouldn't be a public speaker. The cancer was a part of her life experience. If this event was willing to pay to have her speak about that experience, then so what?

  • Love 13

Yes, in spite of the fact that they say that they do the show to educate, they hold back or lie about a lot of information that we see on the show. That is why viewers tend to speculate about things that they see. When things aren't explained or obviously lied about, people try to come up with their own explanations.

I personally think that if people were actually trying to educate their viewers, they would just explain things truthfully and not leave them to the viewers to try to figure out.

People who just wanted to make money, wouldn't really care if they educated their viewers or not. That's what I think is going on with Jen and Bill.

Since you quoted me, I want to say:

Wow. I completely disagee with you. I enjoy the show as it is, for what it is. Just a reality family that I like to spend an hour with on Tuesday. For me, it's just that.

Edited by toodles
  • Love 11

Just because Jen and Bill say they do the show to educate doesn't mean the viewing audience should be privy to every detail of their lives. I think their idea of educating is showing that a little couple deal with the same things every other family deals with. Watching their lives is pure entertainment for me, and I really enjoy watching how far Will and Zoey have come and how they are thriving.


Also, I doubt Jen and Bill pay much attention to how much of each of them put in the bank to pay the bills. And I had to laugh at the remarks insinuating that things the kids say being an indication of Bill and Jen's relationship. Talk about overthinking and looking for hidden meanings! 

  • Love 11

In spite of the fact that they say that they do the show to educate, they hold back or lie about a lot of information that we see on the show. That is why viewers tend to speculate about things that they see. When things aren't explained or obviously lied about, people try to come up with their own explanations.

I personally think that if people were actually trying to educate their viewers, they would just explain things truthfully and not leave them to the viewers to try to figure out.

People who just wanted to make money, wouldn't really care if they educated their viewers or not. That's what I think is going on with Jen and Bill.

Since you've stated as a fact that they lie (see bolded sentence), can you provide proof that they have actually "lied" about a lot of information we see on the show?

  • Love 13

Personally I believe the Kleins are in no way as calculating, exploitative and driven as some posters think they may be. But by the same token, they're not the glowing paragons of virtue that some believe either. Bill & Jen are not better than other people because they're short-statured. Many people have physical conditions that they have managed to rise above in their lives. They're not more worthy of their success, financial or otherwise, just because they've endured multiple surgeries either. Many people contend with medical or physical issues on a daily basis, some with less support and many with fewer resources than the Kleins. And most importantly, in a forum such as this one, they shouldn't be considered exempt from criticism just because they've been bullied or rejected in the past. My guess is that everyone here can honestly describe themselves as people who've worked hard for what they have, and yes, even as children who were teased, rejected and/or bullied, albeit for different reasons. It's quite simple. Bill & Jen are no different than the vast majority of us. And personally I think this is what Bill & Jen would most want people to know about them. That they're basically good, honest, hard-working, well-intentioned people, but certainly with their own flaws. Flaws that obviously become more apparent after how-many-now years of TV? You don't notice X or Y about a friend right away. It sometimes takes years for certain things to become apparent. And it must be said, they CHOSE to put their lives on TV, so it is as fair to criticize them as it is to praise them. Posters here often talk about how educational The Little Couple either is or isn't. I'll tell you the #1 take-away I've gained from this program. Everyone has a story worth telling...

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 9

We live in an era where it seems as if every other TV show is deemed "reality."  And the crux of these shows seems (to me) to be "victimization."  Watching TV these days is a tear jerking experience--ie--"I weigh 600 pounds because my parents didn't love me,"  "I deserve to be the world's best singer because when I was a kid, no one liked me,"  "I should have gotten a rose because I've known you for 2 days and I slept with you."  Being bombarded with people being spotlighted simply for the deprivation they have suffered has made many viewers wary of so-called "sob stories."   The LC shows us real reasons for struggles without the unhappiness and entitlement we see in other shows.  They show us the hardships of being different but also the success of moving onward in spite of those hardships.  If viewers cannot (or will not) see that for what it is, or think there is something underhanded and deceptive about the LC, then that is on them.  I choose to continue seeing a happy family consisting of two successful and well-educated parents and two children who have been offered a wonderful opportunity that, without those two adults, would never have been possible.  


And I do not understand the mind set that if you put your life in the public eye, you open the door to criticism and insults.  I feel that is more true for those shows that rely on chicanery and heart-tugging sympathy stories than for those shows that portray someone trying their best to overcome the adversity they were handed in life.  

  • Love 12

I tend to look at it a little more cynically. I think anyone who does a reality show is in it for the money and fame. Bill and Jen are a class and education level above the rest of TLC'S trainwrecks, so they're not quite as obvious about it. Whether people watch the show to enjoy the family or snark on them, at the end of the day it's ratings. Without ratings Bill and Jen wouldn't have their book deals, custom built house and lucrative speaking engagements. Jen would just be one of a million cancer survivors, not a celebrity cancer survivor. The Kleins profit handsomely from putting their lives, along with their children's, out there as public fodder. Are they horrible people for it? No, but they're not on some moral high ground above other reality families who choose to do the same.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 8

And I do not understand the mind set that if you put your life in the public eye, you open the door to criticism and insults.


I do see your point.  I think unfortunately there's difficulty in finding the line between decency and curiousity.


To give a non inflammatory example - on an episode of CSI, I learned something about dwarfs that went beyond decency into an area that while, it's true, I don;t know that I need Bill or Jen admitting this.


Most dwarves need a reaching device to wipe themselves in the bathroom. If you think about it, it makes sense (the stubby arms and reach problems) Now to me, that tidbit while amusing on CSI, is not something I'd want to see on a reality show even if the reality show was about educating people about dwarfs. Why? Because while it's certainly factual, it's also kind of personal and there's a line of decency where I don't need Bill or Jen, or Matt Roloff to explain the assistive devices they need for private functions. Much like how Jen can take a kid to Gymboree and not explain how she's not physically capable of participating... no matter how how much truth or interest might be involved, its also rude to ask.


The speaking fee situation is different but I allow I am cynical in this regard. If someone on a tlc show is a guest speaker at some event, I simply assume they are being paid. Its part of the business. Unless they expressly state they are doing it for free, they are being paid. Likewise any treat or vacation filmed by any TLC - if its on camera, TLC is paying and I don't need the families in question to "be honest" about it because its the very nature of the reality show.



That said

  • Love 6

We live in an era where it seems as if every other TV show is deemed "reality."  And the crux of these shows seems (to me) to be "victimization."  Watching TV these days is a tear jerking experience--ie--"I weigh 600 pounds because my parents didn't love me,"  "I deserve to be the world's best singer because when I was a kid, no one liked me,"  "I should have gotten a rose because I've known you for 2 days and I slept with you."  Being bombarded with people being spotlighted simply for the deprivation they have suffered has made many viewers wary of so-called "sob stories."   The LC shows us real reasons for struggles without the unhappiness and entitlement we see in other shows.  They show us the hardships of being different but also the success of moving onward in spite of those hardships.  If viewers cannot (or will not) see that for what it is, or think there is something underhanded and deceptive about the LC, then that is on them.  I choose to continue seeing a happy family consisting of two successful and well-educated parents and two children who have been offered a wonderful opportunity that, without those two adults, would never have been possible.  


And I do not understand the mind set that if you put your life in the public eye, you open the door to criticism and insults.  I feel that is more true for those shows that rely on chicanery and heart-tugging sympathy stories than for those shows that portray someone trying their best to overcome the adversity they were handed in life.  



I agree wholeheartedly with your first paragraph. But I don't think I can with the second - for this reason. If people are worthy of the public's admiration, praise and respect because of what a reality TV show displays about them - and we can all agree that the Kleins have definitely received these things - they must also accept criticism as well. No pendulum swings only one way - and no single public has only one universal view.

  • Love 5

I really don't care if Jen got paid to speak or not; it's really none of my business.  I'm sure the majority of the people at the hospital benefit were there to support the hospital and not to see Jen.  Personally, however, I would probably not support a charity event that paid a large sum of money to a speaker.  That money could be spent for the charity's purpose instead.

I think it is shallow and greedy to collect her $40k per episode and be filmed getting paid for her side gig.  Say what you want about the Arnold's being different.  They are just nice and shiny.  They are still exploiting themselves and THIER children.  Greed and materialism is what drives these 2.


And an adult sucking her thumb through the bar would be an attorney that I would not choose.  Egad, break the habit!

  • Love 5

I think it is shallow and greedy to collect her $40k per episode and be filmed getting paid for her side gig.  Say what you want about the Arnold's being different.  They are just nice and shiny.  They are still exploiting themselves and THIER children.  Greed and materialism is what drives these 2.


And an adult sucking her thumb through the bar would be an attorney that I would not choose.  Egad, break the habit!


It's possible, but I really don't think that greed and materialism are what drive Bill and Jen. At least I don't think they started out with $$ in their eyes. But I do think they've been genuinely-surprised to learn how much they really like being on TV - and all it brings them. Expensive fertility, surrogacy and adoption procedures. Heavily-comped activities and outright-freebies, including pricey parties, designer clothing for designer closets and a custom home with premium tech features, a pool, even attached income property. The additional income streams of speaking engagements, endorsements, books/merchandise and now maybe even pet store franchising? I don't imagine Bill would be Mr Mom now without TLC, because I doubt he would have sold his business or started the pet store. Maybe they wouldn't even have adopted yet, or at all. Personally I don't believe they'll willingly end the show until the deed is signed for a beach house very much like the one Jen toured last Summer. But all bets are off after that. I don't get any vibe that they'd find it painful to leave fame behind. Jen might miss it somewhat but she will still have her speaking engagements so there's that.

Edited by Wellfleet
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I think Bill went into it with dollar signs in his eyes.  But I'm not saying that in a negative way.  Bill is a business man, they generally don't do stuff just to do it, they do it to be successful and make money. Starting out it was probably just easy money.  Be filmed and get paid. 

I wouldn't doubt that Jen did it more so to get her hospital in the public eye.

  • Love 1

I think some people just can't stand for others to be nice and successful people.

This forum is singular. I watch the show, enjoy it, and grin from ear to ear. But even I want to gag at some of the overly twee comments about this show. I realize that posters are protective of this family, but I notice some snarking the poster instead of the show, which I thought was a no-no.

This particular comment strikes me as just as condescending as attributing criticism to jealousy, and one of the reasons I rarely comment on this forum.

With all due respect, the rudeness comes from both sides.

  • Love 4

This forum is singular. I watch the show, enjoy it, and grin from ear to ear. But even I want to gag at some of the overly twee comments about this show. I realize that posters are protective of this family, but I notice some snarking the poster instead of the show, which I thought was a no-no.

This particular comment strikes me as just as condescending as attributing criticism to jealousy, and one of the reasons I rarely comment on this forum.

With all due respect, the rudeness comes from both sides.

Totally agree with your comment. Very well articulated. Thanks!
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