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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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Well, shit.


I'm sorely disappointed at this turn of events.  So really they didn't learn a damn thing...like at all.


And if they think they are playing the "Keep the end game couple apart til the end" fuck them for that.


Not even that as much as we want MORE ABBIE AND ICHABOD DOING STUFF. Not them being separated and him having women thrown at him.


This is exactly what I was afraid of.  Dammit I love Mison and Beharie and they deserve so much better than this.

Edited by catrox14
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Tweet from Leigh Dana Jackson:


Leigh Dana Jackson ‏@LDJackson  25m25 minutes ago
Interesting to hear folks like @io9 lament our casting without knowing ANYTHING about the story we're telling. Patience, guys. #SleepyHollow



He also followed that up with a reply to someone:


I wasn't here for S1 or S2. Neither was @CCInnuendo. Not carrying the baggage for what was good or bad. Again, patience.



And maybe that's part of the problem, there's too many people on the show now that aren't sensitive to what went on last season.  


ETA:  Alright, LDJ has convinced me to at least keep it on my tivo... but wow, thin ice here people.  Whoever okayed that release needs to look for another job.  

Edited by Wynterwolf
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My feelings are hurt. I will go soothe then by watching Buffy.

I just don't see where the show is going with this decision. Why not cast another male?! Since OJ is gone.


They did cast another male - season 2 with Matt Barr as NIck Hawley. Remember how that went??


Leigh Dana Jackson ‏@LDJackson  25m25 minutes ago

Interesting to hear folks like @io9 lament our casting without knowing ANYTHING about the story we're telling. Patience, guys. #SleepyHollow


He's got a valid point. We had a really hard time with the storylines last season, but I do remember that massive backlash and freakout over Abbie going back to the 18th century. Turns out the final episode was the best ever for the series.


I think we've just been burned so many times, we naturally expect the worst, when you never know, it could be really good.


Though the word "Patience" was used ad nauseum in season 2, so Leigh Dana needs to be a bit careful throwing that word around.


I'll be positive and give these guys the benefit of the doubt. Remember all of the fixes at the end of last season. They knew exactly what to fix and I guarentee you, FOX will have final veto on the stories/plotlines. There is no WAY that they will repeat the same mistakes as before. There is probably a checklist they follow of what to do, not to do.


And if they think they are playing the "Keep the end game couple apart til the end" fuck them for that.


This comment I've seen repeated so many times, but to be honest, it worries me. Because I think that everyone is going to go into season 3 with the expectation that Ichabbie will happen by episode 3, and if it doesn't, they are going to bail on the show. It's just the impression I am getting from many comments on twitter, tumblr and other forums for the last few months.


What worries me about this is it isn't going to happen quickly at all, and I don't think many viewers have the patience to enjoy the journey. I'm not talking about a seven year long game, a la The X-Files. But I think that a lot of people won't have the patience for the relationship to develop and mature what so ever.


Everyone is expecting Ichabbie to happen pronto, and any delays will be completely untolerated and the show is only about Ichabbie (it is, but there is more). And this is an unpopular opinion I am sure, but there was another ship that a small group of people focused on solely, to the point of not caring about anything or anyone else on the show no matter how bad it became. You know which ship I'm talking about.


I just don't want the awesome fans who fought hard for the show to turn into that....I hope I don't offend anyone, but I've been thinking this may happen for a long time.


ETA: Nikki Reed looks a lot like Stana Katic (Beckett from Castle). Coincidence?

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Is there no one with the show - or at least the network - who thinks through the PR ramifications of how they release this sort of information? Why would no one say, "You know, last year was a disaster because we didn't capitalize on the chemistry of our two leads, we marginalized our actors of color (most problematicly our lead actress of color), and we brought in a "powerful" white colonial woma to be the love interest for Ichabod. Maybe out first press announcement shouldn't be that we've hired another white woman to be another powerful colonial love interest and regular cast member. Maybe?"

If there'd at least been some previous chatter about how excited they are about Abby's arc for the season and the Team Witness dynamics and the Miils sisters and Ichabod and Abby's friendship, then adding in a character like their version of Betsy Ross might (admittedly MIGHT) not have resulted in people getting as worried about where the show is headed.

They need to get of the gate quick in addressing what was wrong last year and calls for patience won't be received well. They're going to have to earn fans' trust first. Then they can ask for patience.

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Holy fuck!


Anyone read Leigh Dana Jackson's twitter in the last hour?? (he was hired this year as a writer)


A) This reminds me of last year.

B) This reminds me of Metzner

C) Sometimes the drama behind Sleepy Hollow is better than the show

D) I feel bad for him

E) I feel bad for the fans

F) No one can ever win

G) This fucking show, man. This fucking show...

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WOC leads are under siege right now.

Kerry is a lead IN NAME ONLY on Scandal.

Used to prop Shonda's pet Bellamy Young, I turned out long ago.

Soon as Amy Acker and Shari Shahi became regulars, Taraji got white washed off of POI.

I'm told Barry's getting his own Felicity on The Flash.

Alexandra Breckenridge was hailed the new Mrs. Rick Grimes on TWD.

Now here comes Sexy Betsy Ross to SH, like Nicole and Lyndie aren't?


Cliff gotta show me more, than following POC on Twitter.

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Holy fuck!


Anyone read Leigh Dana Jackson's twitter in the last hour?? (he was hired this year as a writer)


A) This reminds me of last year.

B) This reminds me of Metzner

C) Sometimes the drama behind Sleepy Hollow is better than the show

D) I feel bad for him

E) I feel bad for the fans

F) No one can ever win

G) This fucking show, man. This fucking show...


They're cutting down to white meat, the sting of S2 is still fresh.

Folks ain't here for him saying Be Patiet.

That same word was tossed around last season, while Struggle Witch continued to hog the show.

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If they're interested in having people focus on the story they want to tell, maybe they should talk a little more about the story they want to tell, less about how totally hot their new character is, and not all all about how much she resembles a (totally hot) character in a completely different genre. Because no, the new writers weren't there for season 2, but they also weren't there for season 1. I don't think they can count on anyone to assume that they get what went wrong if their PR is clumsy.

Edited by Julia
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If they're interested in having people focus on the story they want to tell, maybe they should talk a little more about the story they want to tell, less about how totally hot their new character is, and not all all about how much she resembles a (totally hot) character in a completely different genre. Because no, the new writers weren't there for season 2, but they also weren't there for season 1. I don't think they can count on anyone to assume that they get what went wrong if their PR is clumsy.

The casting announcement set off red flags, that's why dude is getting dragged on Twitter.

Do. Better. Show.

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Someone accused him of lying, dude blocked them.


Dude can't win, man. He can't win whatsoever. Metzner should have warned him.


But this old saying holds too true for SH ---> Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I think that's what we are trying not to do - be fooled.


Thought right now, this is so me:



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Dude can't win, man. He can't win whatsoever. Metzner should have warned him.
But this old saying holds too true for SH ---> Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I think that's what we are trying not to do - be fooled.
Thought right now, this is so me:


Many feel that he's low key scolding them for the skepticism.

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WOC leads are under siege right now.

Kerry is a lead IN NAME ONLY on Scandal.

Used to prop Shonda's pet Bellamy Young, I turned out long ago.

Soon as Amy Acker and Shari Shahi became regulars, Taraji got white washed off of POI.

I'm told Barry's getting his own Felicity on The Flash.

Alexandra Breckenridge was hailed the new Mrs. Rick Grimes on TWD.

Now here comes Sexy Betsy Ross to SH, like Nicole and Lyndie aren't?


Cliff gotta show me more, than following POC on Twitter.

I remember when I began sounding the Scandal bell in Season 2 when I saw them expanding Mellie's role and altering the backstory. I was basically attacked on another forum who screamed that Shonda the great would never do that to a black woman. I found this funny considering the general white focus on her other shows, and the fact that she is an employee for ABC, can we talk about the long history of racism at Disney.

The minute PoI brought in the Shaw character, I was clear that Taraji would not be long in the forefront. TPTB never forgot or forgave Taraji for not "staying in her place" when she complained about her treatment. Again, they wanted to use her to bring in viewers of color, but wanted nothing more than for her to be the gloried token. Naturally the usual band of Susie's hated and attacked her from day one and were beyond overjoyed when she was gone.

I expect Candace Patton's Iris to get the Joss/Abby treatment and am only watching for her and Jesse Martin. Once she (they?) are marginalized and isolated, I'm out.

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This comment I've seen repeated so many times, but to be honest, it worries me. Because I think that everyone is going to go into season 3 with the expectation that Ichabbie will happen by episode 3, and if it doesn't, they are going to bail on the show. It's just the impression I am getting from many comments on twitter, tumblr and other forums for the last few months.


I wasn't necessarily meaning just romance either. Most viewers seem to love Ichabbie in whatever incarnations we get it. If they are just going to be partners and besties then give them both a love interest. My concern is the Betsy Ross being a series regular is going to cut into regular platonic Ichabbie because it will be a triangle in the viewers eyes.  I'm not cool with that.

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Leigh Dana Jackson ‏@LDJackson  · 2h2 hours ago 
@CherryCinnaMoon I can't speak to the Orlando thing. That's business stuff. I tell stories and I work hard to tell the best ones I can.



So the 'Orlando thing' was business? Then why was the casting agency looking for a stand-in for OJ? That doesn't make sense, but then again, this show hasn't made sense for a long time.

So they hired a white woman to play 'smart, sexy Betsy Ross? Nicole or Lyndie aren't smart or sexy enough? Seems to me that the Powers That Be are still trying to pull in the male 18-49 demographic. What the PTB don't seem to understand that males in that demographic who like the 'spooky, supernatural stuff' are already watching and the ones who don't like it won't watch even if Angelina Jolie is playing Betsy totally naked. (Of course jhlipton and Riddley Walker would be glued to their screens).

I've lost all interest in watching this show now.

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I'm not hopeful but this is interesting...




After reading about @amandlastenberg and her thoughts on cultural appropriation I want to write Macy episodes from now on! #sleepyheads


Possibly referring to this Tweet by Amandla Stenberg:: https://twitter.com/amandlastenberg/status/620443549532876801


won't watch even if Angelina Jolie is playing Betsy totally naked. (Of course jhlipton and Riddley Walker would be glued to their screens).


How little you know me.  I much prefer Nikki and Lyndie -- they are both so beautiful!  (I've seen Nikki naked in Shame and YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!)  LOL



Either the PR people or the writers for this show are total morons!  



More from Leigh:


I wouldn't be on this show if I didn't want Abbie (and others who look like her) represented in genre TV.

Edited by jhlipton
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I guess I don't understand why this man is injecting himself into the dialogue at this point. As far as I can tell, he's got a relatively thin resume writing for shows few people watch, he's new to the show, and he's not the showrunner. How is it his place to stir it up on social media on behalf of Sleepy Hollow?


I can't speak to the Orlando thing. That's business stuff. I tell stories and I work hard to tell the best ones I can.

You know, that's a fine idea. How about you concentrate on that, OK?

Edited by Julia
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Everyone knew they were hiring Betsy, so the tantrum throwing by people on Twitter I find ridiculous. Why are people shocked they hired someone for a role that was reported they were casting.


I'm glad they hired someone good, someone who has shown action type sequences in movies before. I'm actually interested in the new fresh season that we were lucky to even get.

Sleepy Hollow, Bones Crossover Eyed for Spring


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Everyone knew they were hiring Betsy, so the tantrum throwing by people on Twitter I find ridiculous. Why are people shocked they hired someone for a role that was reported they were casting.


I'm glad they hired someone good, someone who has shown action type sequences in movies before. I'm actually interested in the new fresh season that we were lucky to even get.

Sleepy Hollow, Bones Crossover Eyed for Spring



The fuck? That's the cross over?? I knew the blind item, but didn't think Sleepy and Bones. Okay...I like the books and writer but have never watched Bones...


Well, if they give me a really good murder case with twists and turns and lots of awesome forensic science, then I'm good.


And you never know guys - Bones and the other guy working together solving cases  = Eventual Romance. Crane and Abbie working together solving cases = hint hint...

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Oh dear.

Here's hoping, but if I ruled the world, there would be a restraining order keeping [bones showrunner] Hart Hanson at least one full internet away from anyone writing a procedural show.

Interesting, though, that they chose now to release that information. Maybe the response to the Betsy Ross news was not what they'd hoped.

Edited by Julia
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Oh my gods. Bones, Sleepy Hollow crossover is the stupidest fucking idea I have EVER heard of.


I mean I've figured out how to get the Winchesters over to Mystic Falls to kill vampires. I can even figure out how to get them to Starling City or Central City...but Bones and Sleepy Hollow?  I just....WAT?

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but Bones and Sleepy Hollow?  I just....WAT?

Brennan (someone has made a cultural reference): I don't know what that means.

Ichabod (who spent the last couple of hundred years underground): I understand, dear lady. It was difficult for me to understand as well, at first. But I have researched it on the internet, and what it means is...

Edited by Julia
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Brennan (someone has made a cultural reference): I don't know what that means.

Ichabod (who spent the last couple of hundred years underground): I understand, dear lady. It was difficult for me to understand as well, at first. But I have researched it on the internet, and what it means is...


Oh god, just... kill me now.  There's a reason I don't watch Bones.  

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The fuck? That's the cross over?? I knew the blind item, but didn't think Sleepy and Bones. Okay...I like the books and writer but have never watched Bones...

Well, if they give me a really good murder case with twists and turns and lots of awesome forensic science, then I'm good.

And you never know guys - Bones and the other guy working together solving cases = Eventual Romance. Crane and Abbie working together solving cases = hint hint...

Have you ever see. The mindless dreck that is Bones. Even in its heyday, which came and went five years ago, it was something a two-year old could write in their sleep. If you needed more proof that Sleepy Hollow should have just been cancelled, this is it. They couldn't pay me to watch this cross-over. No interest in Bones, no interest in seeing them on Sleepy Hollow. Why don't the show runners just bring on the cast of Duck Dynasty so the real bottom feeding can commence.

Edited by Happytobehere
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I watched Bones just to see David Borenaz be someone other than Angel (RIP Angel top 5 show of all time for me). 


I watched like maybe 10 episodes here and there? BORING

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Have you ever see. The mindless dreck that is Bones. Even in its heyday, which came and went five years ago, it was something a two-year old could write in their sleep. If you needed more proof that Sleepy Hollow should have just been cancelled, this is it. They couldn't pay me to watch this cross-over. No interest in Bones, no interest in seeing them on Sleepy Hollow. Why don't the show runners just bring on the cast of Duck Dynasty so the real bottom feeding can commence.


No, never seen the show - just read some of the book series, so I don't know. Also, never watched Buffy and it's spinoff Angel, so don't know anything about Borenaz.


I would rather have an Elementary/SH X-over, or the ultimate wish - X-Files/SH. That's what should have been done, dammit! I mean, come on. It's like the perfect match.


It's a hellava news day in Sleepy Hollow land, I tell you.

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If they're interested in having people focus on the story they want to tell, maybe they should talk a little more about the story they want to tell, less about how totally hot their new character is, and not all all about how much she resembles a (totally hot) character in a completely different genre. Because no, the new writers weren't there for season 2, but they also weren't there for season 1. I don't think they can count on anyone to assume that they get what went wrong if their PR is clumsy.



IA.  I think this is one reason why I'm so turned off by the whole Betsy Ross thing.  I don't think she'll be dumb as a post, but they're going out of their way to describe how "hawt" she's supposed to be.  We already know that Nikki is attractive.  But I'd rather hear about Betsy's compassion, brains, wit, something else besides her going all Lara Croft in Sleepy Hollow.  And if she's really there just to get Ichabod's tongue wagging, then ew.  She can't be friends with Abbie or Jenny?


Also, the last person they brought back from the past was Abigail Adams, and she sucked.  The character sucked, Michelle Trachtenberg's portrayal of her sucked (although she's not a bad actress), the whole damn episode sucked.  Hearing this description of Betsy Ross doesn't inspire much confidence.  


I'm not too surprised that Orlando got the boot, if that really is the case.  I love his tweets and all (God knows he was honest when no one else was), but I can't imagine that would go well with TPTB.


The crossover with Bones...ok.  So that's happening for some reason.  Never had an interest in Bones, and I'm not sure how these two shows can translate.  

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Everyone knew they were hiring Betsy, so the tantrum throwing by people on Twitter I find ridiculous. Why are people shocked they hired someone for a role that was reported they were casting.


I'm glad they hired someone good, someone who has shown action type sequences in movies before. I'm actually interested in the new fresh season that we were lucky to even get.

Sleepy Hollow, Bones Crossover Eyed for Spring



Seriously?  First the nonsense with Betsy Ross and now this?  Ugh, this sounds so desperate especially since one is a procedural that takes place in the real world and the other deals with the supernatural.

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Wow.  I've really been out of the loop because I didn't realize that Orlando Jones wasn't going to be returning next season.  That sucks.


A crossover with Bones?  That works for Sleepy Hollow, not for Bones.


About the new cast member, I think this show does need some new characters for Ichabod and Abbie to interact with.  Last season it seemed like the show consisted of the same 7 characters (with the Horseman thrown in occasionally) and nobody else.  They never did a good job establishing the town as a character and made Sleepy Hollow seem very small.  But if they are introducing a new character to get between Ichabod and Abbie (not romantically but as partners) then it's clear that the new showrunner and Fox didn't learn a damn thing from last season.

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WOC leads are under siege right now.

Kerry is a lead IN NAME ONLY on Scandal.

Used to prop Shonda's pet Bellamy Young, I turned out long ago.

Soon as Amy Acker and Shari Shahi became regulars, Taraji got white washed off of POI.

I'm told Barry's getting his own Felicity on The Flash.

Alexandra Breckenridge was hailed the new Mrs. Rick Grimes on TWD.

Now here comes Sexy Betsy Ross to SH, like Nicole and Lyndie aren't?


Cliff gotta show me more, than following POC on Twitter.


Shari Shahi isn't white.  She's of Iranian and Spanish descent.

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Shall we have a little chuckle to make us all feel better in light of today's news??


Tweeted from Orlando Jones:

Joseph Sheldahl ‏@JoeTheNiteOwl May 5

@TheOrlandoJones what's a good comedy of yours to watch?


Orlando Jones ‏@TheOrlandoJones 15m15 minutes ago

.@JoeTheNiteOwl Um.... Sleepy Hollow Season 2? #KiddingNotKidding


OH. MY. GOD. */deadonfloor/* Don't hold back, dude. Never ever hold back! Bawahahaha!

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Tweet from Leigh Dana Jackson:



He also followed that up with a reply to someone:



And maybe that's part of the problem, there's too many people on the show now that aren't sensitive to what went on last season.  


ETA:  Alright, LDJ has convinced me to at least keep it on my tivo... but wow, thin ice here people.  Whoever okayed that release needs to look for another job.

It's incredible to me that he doesn't realize this is not a new show and that it has baggage, whether he wants it or not. It has a history and they all have to deal with it.

Patience? What about giving us something positive instead of this trash?


Oh my gods. Bones, Sleepy Hollow crossover is the stupidest fucking idea I have EVER heard of.

YAY, more nonsense!

Have patience though! Wait and see!

Shall we have a little chuckle to make us all feel better in light of today's news??

Tweeted from Orlando Jones:

OH. MY. GOD. */deadonfloor/* Don't hold back, dude. Never ever hold back! Bawahahaha!

Woooow! Now I know for sure he's not coming back. LOL! Edited by Indi
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I ... don't even know what to say about this supposed crossover. Good luck with that? It's almost a guarantee that these are the final seasons for both shows, so they should just go for it...?

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I think I figured it out -- the SH writers are dyslexic or something.  All summer long,they kept seeing #AbbieMillsDeservesBetterBetsy!  See, not their fault!

Edited by jhlipton
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Sorry, jhlipton. Never meant to imply your taste isn't refined. It definitely is. Was just referring to the 'boobage' aspect of someone playing Betsy naked, since you are our resident expert and Riddley Walker is your admin assistant.

Yeah, with all the news last night and today, it isn't even fun to make jokes anymore. I'm out too.

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Well...I guess I'm officially done. 


I’d love to give the show the benefit of the doubt, but I’ve already envisioned scenarios where Abbie is mysteriously absent from a key moment and its Betsy instead who’s kicking ass alongside Crane.  Or she’s marching into a scene with a sword strapped to her back, bosoms spilling out of a leather corset as she helps Crane slay some bad guys, who manage to effectively drool over Betsy’s hotness before succumbing to whatever.  And lets not forget Headless.  I’m sure he’ll be smitten with Betsy too, which will lead to Crane having to save her from his evil, lust-filled clutches.


I wasn't even that invested in an Ichabbie romance, I'm still on the fence about that.  Its that "we finally have a sexy and edgy female on the show" shit.  Nothing at all sexy and edgy about Abbie Mills, even though she's got a banging little body and can fuck up villians with the best of them. 


I'm feeling stabby.  Is there anyway Nicole Beharie can sue her way out of her contract?


And I’m not a fan of Nikki Reed at all. 



Edited by FierceAfroChick
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Leigh blocked me because i was "aggressive".  Dumb-ass.

I'm advising all my friends to drop the show.  I'm out.

I'll be by here to see if anything improves.


I've been checking his tweets and it's unbelievable, how obtuse he is. He's so busy feeling offended and defending his honor, that he can't see that he's not addressing any of those legitimate concerns. He's not even denying the nature of Betsy's role, which means that sexualized quaker and love interest for Ichabod is going to happen.


See how weak his arguments are:


Leigh Dana Jackson ‏@LDJackson 13h13 hours ago

@Elaina__G assuming it's gonna be like S2 means you think we either don't know or don't care what happened. I can tell you neither is true.

You see, I'm not interested in seeing a better version of Katrina. I didn't ask for a more competent replacement and I didn't ask for another romance for Ichy and yet here we are. I think the problem here is that these guys are bent on proving they can develop Goffman's concepts better than him and that means that, no, they haven't learned a thing.



Leigh Dana Jackson ‏@LDJackson 15h15 hours ago

@KirstenBurstinn look at my picture. Do I look like someone who plans to sideline PoC??? People like... Myself?

Oh, please! Does Albert Kim ring a bell to him? A POC, writer and producer, who has never given a shit about Abbie. The show had a black man in the writing room in S2 and it didn't mean squat. Goffman himself tweeted socially conscious stuff all the time and yet he only cared about Ichy's drama. Jackson's blackness doesn't tell me anything. Hell, his words don't tell me anything. You know what does? Casting "Mrs. Smith to Ichabod's Mr. Smith".



Leigh Dana Jackson ‏@LDJackson 7h7 hours ago

@ShawnaJeneen there's no world where I would allow her to be diminished for someone else. I work hard to make TV look like the world.

But then he says:



Leigh Dana Jackson ‏@LDJackson 14h14 hours ago

@ShawnaJeneen @Elaina__G you're right. But that doesn't mean we all subscribe to that same philosophy.

This is replying to Shawna's tweet that, to TPTB, "sexy Betsy Ross sounds... well... sexy. Sex sell, how can they go wrong?". So what is it? Can he or can he not prevent things he doesn't subscribe to?


There is no way I can believe, he wouldn't allow Abbie to be diminished. In fact, he has by hiring a replacement for Katrina.

And finally:


Leigh Dana Jackson ‏@LDJackson 14h14 hours ago

@ShawnaJeneen @Elaina__G again, I can tell you as a producer of this show that people involved love both the actress and character.


Leigh Dana Jackson ‏@LDJackson 14h14 hours ago

@ShawnaJeneen @Elaina__G that's not actually true. From the inside I can tell you many people involved think she's sexy and awesome.

Sure, that's why Wiseman declared Betsy would be the woman in charge of bringing the sexy and the smart, implying the show has been devoid of it. They all love her so much that they've been waiting for the right moment to give her a personal story, friends, lovers, a rich world of her own. That moment would be after the show is canceled, of course, because they don't want to actually see it.


You do you, Jackson. Stay outraged and unconvincing.

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You see, I'm not interested in seeing a better version of Katrina. I didn't ask for a more competent replacement and I didn't ask for another romance for Ichy and yet here we are. I think the problem here is that these guys are bent on proving they can develop Goffman's concepts better than him and that means that, no, they haven't learned a thing.


Exactly, the whole point of the reboot was so that they could avoid these mistakes again, not rehash them again with new characters.

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Clifton Powell retweeted LDJ's "patience" tweet.  I would love to be a fly on the wall in the writers room to see how they're reacting to the backlash.  Wonder if they will adjust whatever writing they've already done.   Because seriously, they've got to be and if they aren't...


Maybe they should've gotten rid of Len Wiseman too.

Edited by FierceAfroChick
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Shari Shahi isn't white.  She's of Iranian and Spanish descent.


I believe that Iranian and Spanish are both considered Caucasian.  


As for the show, I won't watch.  I won't waste my time.  TV producers have their agenda, they want to promote Caucasian women at the expense of WOC, especially black women.  


This article says it all.  I don't need to watch this show, there are SO many things on TV and streaming these days.  If Fox ceased to exist I wouldn't even notice, or care.



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I believe that Iranian and Spanish are both considered Caucasian.  


Pretty sure that people from present-day Iran are considered semitic, and spanish is not a race?

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I believe that Iranian and Spanish are both considered Caucasian.  


As for the show, I won't watch.  I won't waste my time.  TV producers have their agenda, they want to promote Caucasian women at the expense of WOC, especially black women.  


This article says it all.  I don't need to watch this show, there are SO many things on TV and streaming these days.  If Fox ceased to exist I wouldn't even notice, or care.




I don't know about Iranian, although the ones I've met look white, but Spanish people are most definitely white.


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