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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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I just saw this and came here to post!  Currently, Abbie trails Clarke Griffin from The 100 by 1500 votes (9,556 to 8,091).  Number three, Peggy Carter from Agent Carter, follows with 2,801 votes.

I voted. I've never even heard of the 100 but I feel very secure in saying both Abbie and Peggy should be ranked above her.

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I just saw this and came here to post!  Currently, Abbie trails Clarke Griffin from The 100 by 1500 votes (9,556 to 8,091).  Number three, Peggy Carter from Agent Carter, follows with 2,801 votes.

Wow, fans of The 100 must have gotten moving because Clarke Griffin jumped up to 12,708 (28.67%)!  Abbie (9,888; 22.3%) and Peggy (3,410; 7.69%) are holding on to 2nd and 3rd.  Somebody tweet Orlando about this!


Interestingly, Orphan Black is way down in 8th place.  I wonder if that's because you have to vote for Sarah; if Cosima had been the choice (hell, even Helena or Allison), things might look a bit different.

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I watch ten of those shows (yikes!), and for me, it's a tough call between the top 3, and Elizabeth from The Americans, and Sarah from OB, but all things considered, honestly, I'd give it to Clarke. But I'd be happy with any of the top 3 for sure.

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"I was thinking to myself
This could be Heaven or this could be Hell":


Debbie Lamb ‏@deblamb67
Get excited #sleepyheads for a cool live tweeting event with @abaiers on August 29th! #SleepyHollow

More info:

Aaron Baiers ‏@abaiers:
Pilot for sure. Working with @TomMisonFans to pick the other ep. And maybe a bonus 3rd one too for us west coasters!

First episode titles (maybe:)

Episode 3.01 - I, Witness
Episode 3.02 - Whispers in the Dark
Episode 3.03 - Blood and Fear

I like these...

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BTW: doeat it make me a troll if I'm still here even though I am still firmly in the 'meh, probably won't watch' camp?

I definitely am intrigued and incredibly optimistic about the one year time jump.

Everyone has already stated their point but I will say that even the witnesses' relationship can gain from this. The chemistry and accord was so instant that there weren't many places to go. It was either stagnate or go romantic and that's not something that can happen quickly. Now it's possible to see them re-acclimate to each other as well as their roles and I actually think there's growth in that as well. When they first accepted their mission there was no choice to make really. They reacted to things going boom. If done well, this can be a great way to truly evaluate their commitment and the reasons behind it.

HalcyonDays, belated happy birthday (go Leos) and I feel you on the Crane...dissatisfaction, shall we say kindly? I was always more of an Abbie fan but I really enjoyed the dimension added in the finale and it crystallised what his battle and sacrifice was and should have been from the beginning: he's a refugee trying to rebuild a home while looking back and imagining what it would be like to go back even if there are few chances for it to be possible. I also find it annoying that apparently female casting = LI for Ichabod, it's getting ridiculously annoying. Anyhoo, the beauty of the show is watching those two crazy kids making it happen and seeingwho they bring along this crazy ride on the journey. I want consequences to be a thing: what are the exact terms of being a witness?

I agree with whoever said that even them being WITNESSES loses appeal of they are scrapping all biblical mythology. I'm not Christian so maybe I am not as sensitive about representation as others might be but I have always felt that going full on with the bible stuff was the most interesting road. Even non canonically biblical stuff can be linked to it somehow. That's what they're being payed for right? Finding ways to link stuff together.

Here's my one demand though, lol. Please make Ichabod a combination of modern day Ichabod and Captain Crane with emphasis on the Captain.

I wholeheartedly second this. So much more real. Out of loop Crane is funny, aimless Captain is touching, personable and heartbreaking. As well as hilariously technologically challenged still. Not gonna lie, also waaaaayyyyyyyy more attractive. The stray puppy type bores me. But a gentleman soldier ready for action...*she trails off while waggling her eyebrows suggestively.*

Ps: not that kind of action, ya pervs! \{@* o *@}/

Edited by fantique
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You know, your post just sparked a thought for me.  I'd just been pondering how I don't think we saw Headless in the back half of Season 2, after Moloch was shanked by his sketchy foster son.  When we see Henry, he's clearly using witchcraft, but doesn't have his suit of armor.  It's not until the penultimate episode that Ichabod realizes that Henry is no longer War.


Forgive me if this has already been discussed, but does that give us our explanation of Dear Headless' fate?  If Moloch's death caused Henry to revert to being a powerful, but mortal, witch, then did Headless revert to the human, but headless, Abraham?  In other words, d-e-d, dead?


It's a good question, and one I hope they'll answer in s3.  Abraham's last appearance was in Paradise Lost, when he tells Katrina that he still wants to regain his humanity, but on his own terms, iirc.  The logic is fuzzy because the show was so damn dumb by that point and I couldn't keep up.  


But I would have figured the same thing you did: that Moloch's death meant Abraham/Headless would die as well.  But he didn't so I assume he's still alive.  Maybe he left Sleepy Hollow and became a roadie or something.  Seriously, killing off Moloch was one of the stupidest moves Goffman made.  Which brings me to another question: are Abbie and Ichabod even Witnesses anymore?  The whole premise of the show was their work as Witnesses to defeat Moloch, so now that he's gone, what are they?  Does the seven year thing count anymore?  Oh crap, this is making me mad again.

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The Headless Horseman is the most iconic character of Sleepy Hollow, no matter what incarnation we're talking about. Not Ichabod Crane (not even Johnny Depp's version) or Katrina or any other character in the book. The first image that comes to mind, when I think about Irving's SH, is the Headless Horseman. It's awful that Goffman destroyed such a badass character, but I don't think he was beyond repair. I mean, they still have Crane, don't they? Are they going to replace his iconic image in scripts, merchandise and anything promoting the show with a box now?


The time jump: As much the thought of Crane sobbing into Katrina's corset fills me with glee, I don't want to actually see it. I don't even think there is a downside, because I don't believe for a fraction of a second, we would get Abbie's decision process to go to Quantico as well. This is Sleepy Hollow on FOX we're talking about, the camera would never veer from Crane's face. "What is an Abbie?" is this show's motto. 

I guess because I love Crane (and Mison), I get tired of seeing so much vitriol against the character (though deservedly).

I understand not wanting to see hate for a character you love, but you admit it is deserved and I can't lie about how I feel about this character. I think Mison is an okay actor. He's doing a nice job for the most part, although I admit I've never found him convincing as a romantic lead. I never found Crane attractive, BUT personality goes a long way. I could have found him sexy on some level if the personality he showed in the first few episodes had been developed. Sadly right now I don't think this dude has any redeeming qualities, that could make me look forward to any Crane stories ever again. This is not the type of show that would hold him accountable for his actions.


You are in luck though, because we all know the show would never ever sideline him, to feature more Abbie stories. The Abbie-less flashbacks, his new romances (even if they happened in the past), his conflicts with modern technology and way of life, all of those are guaranteed.

So when a few fans, myself included, ask for more Abbie stories, that are not crumbs (the obligatory Jenny/Abbie tears and hugs twice a season) and the overwhelming response is: No! the show needs more Ichabbie! More Witnesses!, it frustrates me to no end. Abbie deserves more, she has earned more than being part of the bait and switch that is Ichabbie. She needs to be treated like a lead.

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It's a good question, and one I hope they'll answer in s3.  Abraham's last appearance was in Paradise Lost, when he tells Katrina that he still wants to regain his humanity, but on his own terms, iirc.  The logic is fuzzy because the show was so damn dumb by that point and I couldn't keep up.  

I'll forgive Headless for fuzzy logic since he literally has no head.  Show needs Headless (but not Abraham as presented in S2).


The Headless Horseman is the most iconic character of Sleepy Hollow, no matter what incarnation we're talking about. Not Ichabod Crane (not even Johnny Depp's version) or Katrina or any other character in the book. The first image that comes to mind, when I think about Irving's SH, is the Headless Horseman. It's awful that Goffman destroyed such a badass character, but I don't think he was beyond repair.


Abbie deserves more, she has earned more than being part of the bait and switch that is Ichabbie. She needs to be treated like a lead.

See above about Headless.


I like Ichabbie, but Abbie does need to be a lead that exists independent of Ich.  I love TM/Ich and NB/Abbie, but Abbie was a virtual non-entity (unless propping up a Katrina storyline) in S2.  I guess that is true of Ich too, but he had more screen time in his propping.

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but he had more screen time in his propping.


His propping? His character was nearly destroyed last season via Katrina propping. Is that what you mean? That he had more screen time because he was propping Katrina?

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That Leigh Jackson interview was a whole lot of nothing. Why even bother giving an interview if you can't say anything? The only questions he actually answered were about himself or the fan blowback. It was stuff he's said before, like how he wasn't going to put up with certain behaviors. Yeah, we get it. Got anything to say about the show?

The EW article was interesting. Honestly, I'm still not looking forward to the crossover (mainly because I don't like Bones), but I liked some of what the Fox Chairman said, in particular about balancing Abbie in the real world with Crane in the fantasy world. I'm glad to see someone acknowledge the need for both of them, as well as the need for the real world to ground the fantastic elements. I enjoyed the show much more when Abbie had just as much, if not more, focus as Crane in the first part of the first season. She's the audience entry point, the person we can identify with, our touchstone in all the crazy. She helps us navigate the wild world of Sleepy Hollow as much as she helps Crane navigate in the modern world. Plus, Abbie and Crane are like a great comedy duo with Abbie as the straightman. It's not the flashy role and it might seem easy and even unnecessary, but it's important to the whole. Crane's great and Mison's a treasure, but the show lost its anchor when they backgrounded Abbie, especially since they also jettisoned the real world of the police station that orbited around her. I think that was a big loss, since many people who are turned off by straight fantasy had the crime procedural aspect to hold on to. That combo plus the Abbie/Crane partnership made the show different and special. Those things were a huge part of the draw, not just a quippy, hot Tom Mison in a long coat with a epic romance.

However, I don't agree that the heavy mythology was the problem with season 2. I think it was more that the mythology was boring and focused too much on a small group of petty characters. Season 1 had as much mythology, but was executed better.

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Here's the latest on the dreaded crossover with Bones:


I'm racking my brain trying to think of who Crane's past nemesis is? Can't be John Noble. Headless isn't coming back. Abraham though? (Not appearing as headless?) What, are they going to find a dead and buried Abraham?

I have no clue. Never mind - from here:

9:11 AM: More details on the SLEEPY-BONES crossover: Booth and Brennan will find a headless body on BONES; they’ll be fighting “zombie red coats” on SLEEPY. - See more at: http://www.givememyremote.com/remote/2015/08/06/fox-at-tca-executive-session-live-blog-5/#sthash.h1vGaG3g.dpuf  Gotta be Abraham. Or the Kindred sans head.


Sadly right now I don't think this dude has any redeeming qualities, that could make me look forward to any Crane stories ever again.


I had a hard time with anything that had him with, or him mentioning She Who Must Not Be Named. Every Single Scene (except the two he got pissed with her). I am more interested in background of his life in the 18th century (pre-SWMNBN), his relationship and falling out with family, how he is really dealing with the insanity of zooming 200+ years into the future and the culture shock, and the fact that he lost his self-sufficience. That is what interests me. None of that was addressed two, and similarily addressed with Abbie.


His character was nearly destroyed last season via Katrina propping.


This exactly. Two of my favourites were side-lined last season and one was character assassinated. I love Crane, but I had a really hard time watching the episodes last season as I mentioned above. Only the few scenes with him and Abbie were interesting to me.


I like Ichabbie, but Abbie does need to be a lead that exists independent of Ich.


Absolutely. So have any of you thought of how to do this? I have (because these potential stories interests me). First, Abbie's an FBI agent now. So how is she going to deal with Jenny (and Joe) running around doing some illegal breakins and acquistion of artifacts. Remember first season, the mention of Abbie's jurisdiction (when they went to see the Sin Eater). As Agent Mills, her jurisdiction is everywhere and she is more accountable. That is going to be interesting how she deals with that and how it changes the way she thinks/approaches her job and witness duties.


Second - we know Joe Corbin's coming back. Joe Corbin leads to August Corbin which leads to his files and research and WHY Abbie and Jenny are the witnesses. This is the season they can cover that (over a few episodes even) which is also very interesting to me.


The woman who wrote the fluff piece got her interview after all.


Yeah, there is nothing really in there of substance. Well, if anything, the writers/showrunners are good at keeping secrets.


She's the audience entry point, the person we can identify with, our touchstone in all the crazy.  <snip> Crane's great and Mison's a treasure, but the show lost its anchor when they backgrounded Abbie, especially since they also jettisoned the real world of the police station that orbited around her.


This point (and your whole post) Abbie is the audience. We see the SH world through her eyes and her reactions. She anchor's the audience and sets the tone and pace. We need to see her work, her world around her, and how she deals with things. That's why I mentioned above that potential Abbie storylines that could have run as a theme throughout the season.

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I'm blinking in astonishment at that article on Color Web Mag. Someone stop Goffman 2.0 from doing more interviews, please!

The crossover still sounds terrible and boring, as expected. Is S3 trying to turn Abbie into Scully? Because that summary seems to indicate that's the case and I'm not here for that. Abbie is as rooted in fantasy as Ichabod. I hope they don't put her in the "serious professional" box, while Ichabod has all the fun stuff.

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Because that summary seems to indicate that's the case and I'm not here for that.


Wait, what?? Okay, you need to explain this shit? Abbie not Scully? I've viewed her as exactly that.


I hope they don't put her in the "serious professional" box.


Of course she is - she has to be. First, with her responsibilties as Lieutenant in SH's local police force, and more significantly, in the FBI. There is no "laid-back" Scully. She was always skeptical and side-eyeing Mulder's mission's, but went along with it for reasons (trust, semi-belief, etc). Now, if Crane has these "selfish missions", as Mulder frequently did, is that okay? Let's remember that Mills initially believed the "insanity" coming from Crane's head.


Hate Crane as you must, but he is the character that spurred Abbie to find her mission, her ultimate purpose in life.

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Wait, what?? Okay, you need to explain this shit? Abbie not Scully? I've viewed her as exactly that.

Of course she is - she has to be. First, with her responsibilties as Lieutenant in SH's local police force, and more significantly, in the FBI. There is no "laid-back" Scully. She was always skeptical and side-eyeing Mulder's mission's, but went along with it for reasons (trust, semi-belief, etc). Now, if Crane has these "selfish missions", as Mulder frequently did, is that okay? Let's remember that Mills initially believed the "insanity" coming from Crane's head.

Mulder is also an FBI agent. How is it that he gets to be laid back, but not Scully? Ichy was a soldier in the revolutionary war and a Witness. How is it that he gets to be laid back and not Abbie? There is no reason at all. If the point of this comparison is that the writers like to reduce Abbie to the role of "no fun and no life" character, while Ichy gets to be fun and the most specialest among the special, I can't deny that.

Beyond that and the height difference, I don't see the similarities. Abbie might have started as a Sculliesque kind of character, but she soon evolved beyond that. Her belief that the insanity was in Crane's head lasted three metaphorical seconds. Not believing Crane at the beginning doesn't make her like Scully, it makes her human. If she had insisted on his craziness and in her disbelief of the supernatural to this day, then I would accept this Scully comparison, but we all know that's not what happened.

Abbie was the one, who saw Moloch and War, when she was a kid. She lost her sister as result of that experience. If anything, her story arch parallels Mulder's rather than Scully's, although the way they reacted to their experiences is different. She might have a mixture of some M&S traits in her to some extent, but that comes with the genre and the job she has, but, of the two, Abbie is the true believer and the one who never stopped fighting, not Ichy.

Similarly, Ichy might have started as a vaguely Mulderesque character, but he also lost any kind of resemblance soon. He turned into the cliche romantic hero in a bad gothic romance novel, whose whole mission was to fight for his 1 Tru Luv , the Apocalypse be damned. If Mulder had been like him, he would have forgotten about the alien conspiracy mid S1 (and given Scully to the aliens in the process).

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The EW article was interesting. Honestly, I'm still not looking forward to the crossover (mainly because I don't like Bones), but I liked some of what the Fox Chairman said, in particular about balancing Abbie in the real world with Crane in the fantasy world. I'm glad to see someone acknowledge the need for both of them, as well as the need for the real world to ground the fantastic elements. I enjoyed the show much more when Abbie had just as much, if not more, focus as Crane in the first part of the first season. She's the audience entry point, the person we can identify with, our touchstone in all the crazy. She helps us navigate the wild world of Sleepy Hollow as much as she helps Crane navigate in the modern world. Plus, Abbie and Crane are like a great comedy duo with Abbie as the straightman. It's not the flashy role and it might seem easy and even unnecessary, but it's important to the whole. Crane's great and Mison's a treasure, but the show lost its anchor when they backgrounded Abbie, especially since they also jettisoned the real world of the police station that orbited around her. I think that was a big loss, since many people who are turned off by straight fantasy had the crime procedural aspect to hold on to. That combo plus the Abbie/Crane partnership made the show different and special. Those things were a huge part of the draw, not just a quippy, hot Tom Mison in a long coat with a epic romance.

However, I don't agree that the heavy mythology was the problem with season 2. I think it was more that the mythology was boring and focused too much on a small group of petty characters. Season 1 had as much mythology, but was executed better.

This, all of this a thousand bazillion times.

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I'm blinking in astonishment at that article on Color Web Mag. Someone stop Goffman 2.0 from doing more interviews, please!

Right, well. He's coming from a little show nobody paid any attention to. They handed him a show under fire, a staff who are smarting from pretty much everything they did in the last year being loudly and repeatedly rejected by not just the viewers but the press and the network, his newest writer (also from a little show nobody paid any attention to) let his ego blow up into a fan battle on the intarwebs about a season that hasn't been written yet, and he's having conversations about how to run his show with Hart Hansen. All he needs to do at this point is hire Stephen Nathan and Andrew Marlowe to write in John Francis Daley as Ichabod's undead psychiatrist and he has a perfect storm of how not to interact with your viewers.

Why not feed softballs to fawning 'journalists' who nanny the trufans? It's just the next step down that road, and it'll make it so much easier to get spoilers onto TVLine.

And yes, he really needs to stick to his job and stop talking.

Edited by Julia
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I'm racking my brain trying to think of who Crane's past nemesis is? Can't be John Noble. Headless isn't coming back. Abraham though? (Not appearing as headless?) What, are they going to find a dead and buried Abraham?

I have no clue. Never mind - from here:

9:11 AM: More details on the SLEEPY-BONES crossover: Booth and Brennan will find a headless body on BONES; they’ll be fighting “zombie red coats” on SLEEPY. - See more at: http://www.givememyremote.com/remote/2015/08/06/fox-at-tca-executive-session-live-blog-5/#sthash.h1vGaG3g.dpuf  Gotta be Abraham. Or the Kindred sans head.






Zombie red coats?

 That does not inspire confidence.

Edited by OakGoblinFly
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However, I don't agree that the heavy mythology was the problem with season 2. I think it was more that the mythology was boring and focused too much on a small group of petty characters. Season 1 had as much mythology, but was executed better.


Exactly, S1's mythology was so much more interesting.  Everything became too entangled with Crane family drama that it became too melodramatic, which is a far cry from the ridiculous, fun show we had back in S1.

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How is it that he gets to be laid back, but not Scully? Ichy was a soldier in the revolutionary war and a Witness. How is it that he gets to be laid back and not Abbie? There is no reason at all. If the point of this comparison is that the writers like to reduce Abbie to the role of "no fun and no life" character, while Ichy gets to be fun and the most specialest among the special, I can't deny that.


Thanks for the clarification, Indi! Much appreciated. And you are absolutely right. On the above snippet - I think that is a typical trope that ALL/MOST females who play cops or agents or someone in a high position of power get written as on TV and movies. They always are so serious and come off cold or unapproachable or even "bitchy", while the man gets to be laid back, mellow dude. I've seen that trope countless times, and SH employs it too.

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"Betsy Ross and Ichabod might have something. Who knows". This does not make me feel warm & fuzzy.


Ugh, it sounds worse than the previous Sexy Betsy Ross description.

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Thanks for the clarification, Indi! Much appreciated. And you are absolutely right. On the above snippet - I think that is a typical trope that ALL/MOST females who play cops or agents or someone in a high position of power get written as on TV and movies. They always are so serious and come off cold or unapproachable or even "bitchy", while the man gets to be laid back, mellow dude. I've seen that trope countless times, and SH employs it too.


Yep! It's lazy, it's boring and it doesn't make appreciate the wacky male lead or the writers more.




Sleepy Hollow: First photos of Nikki Reed as Betsy Ross



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Seriously, I know nothing about period costumes, but is this really accurate colonial garb? Either way, it's hideous.

Also, I'm not liking the idea of the supernatural flag being so central to the plot. It sounds like SBR is going to be a huge part of season 3. :/

Edited by cynic
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Seriously, I know nothing about period costumes, but is this really accurate colonial garb? Either way, it's hideous.


I was wondering that myself.  Going on my extremely limited knowledge of colonial wear (thanks, American Girl!) the sleeves and neckline do look pretty accurate to the time period.  However, the accessories and hairstyle are giving me upper-crusty Marie Antoinette vibes.  Could that be the "sexy" aspect of the character?  


Colonial women usually wore bonnets when they were out and kept their hair tied back demurely when they were home.  So I'm wondering if this scene is a party or she's entertaining guests or something, because that's not an casual dress.  In all fairness, I have no idea if this look is intentional to the scene at hand, or if Betsy Ross was just well-off and wore stuff like this daily, so take all this with a grain of salt.


Despite all that, the dress looks cheap.  I can't tell if that's satin, silk or polyester, but whatever it is, it looks cheap, and poorly made.

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She was a middle-aged quaker and the working mother of seven, so even if anyone in the colonies who wasn't engaged in negotiable affections was wearing their breasts pushed out of their bodice (not really), it wouldn't have been her.

Edited by Julia
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I sincerely hope they aren't trying to pass Reed off as middle aged.  Maybe she's time traveling or something.  I know the concept of middle aged was significantly different in the 1700s, but that is not a picture of a middle aged woman with seven kids.  

Edited by Amethyst
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Betsy Ross was born in 1752, so she wouldn't have been 30, even, at the latest that Ichabod could have crossed paths with her in the past (since he "died" in 1781). She did have seven children in total, but five of them came after her third marriage in 1783. She'd been widowed twice before and had no children with the Anglican John Ross, with whom she eloped at 21, leading to her expulsion from her Quaker congregation. With the second marriage, she had two kids around 1779-82. The Wikipedia entry mentions "speculation" about Betsy being the "beautiful young widow" who distracted a general after a battle in 1776, leading to further British losses. There's no proof it was actually Betsy Ross, but tidbits like that are catnip to the SH writers. Their portrayal of her is bound to be glorified real-person fanfic, but given the timeframe involved, she was not quite a woman old enough to be Ichabod's mother whose looks had obviously gone to seed after popping out so many children.

Edited by Dejana
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See, if I had realized that their Betsy Ross was going to be a french prostitute from the 1800s I wouldn't have worried nearly as much.


*LOL* This comment is awesome! Nicely done.


Seriously, I know nothing about period costumes, but is this really accurate colonial garb? Either way, it's hideous.


Well, if TURN:Washington's Spies is even somewhat accurate in costuming, then her neckine is actually somewhat reserved and "covered up". But then, the exposed ones were characters that were very wealthy.


For comparision, here is a shot of Onira Tares from season 1. Neckline (and coverage) very similar and feather is in her hair too. So they are not dressing her with the heaving bosoms that look painful (anyone see Claire's wedding dress in Outlander??)


Despite all that, the dress looks cheap.  I can't tell if that's satin, silk or polyester, but whatever it is, it looks cheap, and poorly made.


Yeah it does, particularily the ruffles. They look uneven. Ironically, considering BR was a seamstress so you'd think - if she made the dress - that it would be better sewn.


Oh and NR looks incredibly uncomfortable in that full shot, like the corset is made of metal and pulled way too tight.


So the flag she sews is "supernatural". Okay. Is it "THE Flag", the one in the Smithsonian. Because that one is huge and kinda hard to lug around.


I've been to the Betsy Ross house in Philly as I am sure some of you guys have been to. Very cool house - small but cozy. I'll be interested to see if they show her house on the show, what it will look like.

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If "the flag" existed (there's not a lot of evidence that it did), it wasn't the one in the Smithsonian. She's supposed to have sewn a sample to show Washington with five-pointed stars on it instead of six (that part was ostensibly her idea). The only record of any of that happening, though, was Ross family legend. Her business did make flags for the colonial navy.

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From the article: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/08/05/sleepy-hollow-nikki-reed-betsy-ross


"In season 3 of Fox’s historical fantasy, Ross is the only female member of George Washington’s “Culper Ring” of spies, and her 13-star flag has supernatural properties which will help Crane (Tom Mison) and Abbie (Nicole Beharie) throughout the season. Since Reed has equestrian skills in real life (last year she adopted a horse with husband Ian Somerhalder), Hollow will also take advantage of that (luckily for Crane and Co., producers will keep the show’s other rider — the Headless Horseman — in the stable this season)."



No, no, no, no.  Betsy Ross was never a member of the Culper Spy Ring; a spy ring that had several female members.  Sheesh, if you're going to use history as your backdrop, at least get the basics correct.  Better yet, don't name the Culper Ring - make up some other spy ring .... it's not like anything has been remotely historically accurate.


This only works for me if this is an alternate reality/version of our world where a "sexy, Mrs. Smith-lite" Betsy Ross can exist.


And not having Headless certainly does not work for me; in this reality or any other.

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I was wondering that myself.  Going on my extremely limited knowledge of colonial wear (thanks, American Girl!) the sleeves and neckline do look pretty accurate to the time period.  However, the accessories and hairstyle are giving me upper-crusty Marie Antoinette vibes.  Could that be the "sexy" aspect of the character?  


Colonial women usually wore bonnets when they were out and kept their hair tied back demurely when they were home.  So I'm wondering if this scene is a party or she's entertaining guests or something, because that's not an casual dress.  In all fairness, I have no idea if this look is intentional to the scene at hand, or if Betsy Ross was just well-off and wore stuff like this daily, so take all this with a grain of salt.


Despite all that, the dress looks cheap.  I can't tell if that's satin, silk or polyester, but whatever it is, it looks cheap, and poorly made.



The "posh" ladies of that time period most certainly did copy Marie Antoniette's style, especially the high rolled hair (Le Pouf).

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it's not like anything has been remotely historically accurate.


Having her be part of the Culper Spy Ring wouldn't bother me, considering all the other historical liberties they've taken (The British being in league with Eeeeeeevil is the most offensive in my opinion).  See your quote above.

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So can you have two shows with the same content back to back?


Because say Sleepy Hollow ends when the new season of Turn starts it'll be an epic battle of who's more accurate in their portrayal. So does that mean that Turn will have to cast a Betsy Ross too?


Too bad they can not cross over with Turn. Because I think that would work way better then Bones. Heather Lind notwithstanding.

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Leigh Dana Jackson ‏@LDJackson 5h5 hours ago

Lotta Seamus the Shaman talk today...


Nooo....Fuck off...!! Hell yeah! Michael Teh I think is the one person from so many guest stars I personally would LOVE to see come back. If this is the case - hell ya!!


Bring him back, bring him back, please bring him back....


(for the record, my excessive amount of swearing is always all in love....)

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So close but so not close.  Final votes of The Geekiary's Fiercest Female Lead Poll:


Clarke Griffin - The 100             35.63%            (131,252 votes)
Abbie Mills - Sleepy Hollow        33.12%            (122,024 votes)

Trailing far behind at number 3:
Phryne Fisher - Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries       4.91%       (18,082 votes)

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Not sure how I feel about Lance's addition to the cast just yet but I certainly welcome his beauty on my TV screen.


I am beyond thrilled Joe Corbin/Zach will become a series regular - I've wanted that since his short appearance on the show. The character makes perfect sense as a member of the team and the casting folks did a truly great job (Zach looks just like a younger version of Clancy Brown).


I think I'm feeling a bit more optimistic about the season now.

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