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The Storybrooke Daily Mirror: OUaT in the Media, Cons and Other Real Life Encounters

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The CS fandom wasn't really invested, I don't think. Most are over the polls. The Olicity reblog post had over 500,000 notes on it though. Just for a no-name poll. It sounds like they weren't the only fandom to do this either. It makes me sad that people in that fandom would stoop so low. We just had a wonderful (and fair) match with them in the E! Polls last spring. What's happened?

Done discussing this though, because it's turned off-topic.

I still think that first little Dark Swan promo gif looks like it came from a videogame. You know, like when they show the playable characters in a commercial that's advertising the game. It's interesting to say the least.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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That little clip is pretty cool. I think it's the first piece of "ad" that it looks like they spent some effort on, in a long long time. They should make it an actual scene cause it's a pretty cool shot. And the makeup and brows don't bug as much-probably cause it's from far away.


It's got a very Dark Knight vibe about it though and the tagline or title doesn't help.

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He definitely took that "make tacos" joke from the fandom! In the episode, wasn't it Emma making tacos to take her mind off the horrible image of her parents in bed? But the fandom took it and ran with it.

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I wish there was a way I could only purchase the special features and nothing else. You couldn't pay me to watch the 4B episodes again. 

Yeah. there are 26 minutes worth of deleted scenes alone.


In the "Defrosting Frozen" featurette, Elizabeth Mitchell says that as much as people were interested in the Frozen stuff, most just wanted to know what Colin was like. LOL

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He definitely took that "make tacos" joke from the fandom! In the episode, wasn't it Emma making tacos to take her mind off the horrible image of her parents in bed? But the fandom took it and ran with it.

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. It was Emma that suggested making tacos mostly to divert Henry's attention. It just became a big joke in fandom.

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Apparently, there was a scene that they filmed for 406 but then cut (and didn't put in the DVD, grrr) about Hook telling Emma about his father and being abandoned etc.


Fans tweeted Adam about it, and he actually supplied the script of what was cut! Though he cautioned it's not canon & may be revisited.

Edited by Souris
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Fans tweeted Adam about it, and he actually supplied the script of what was cut! Though he cautioned it's not canon & may be revisited.


While I'm glad Adam supplied the missing script, I have a rather long-winded rant about why it was cut that should probably go into the Hook thread.

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Interesting he specified it wasn't canon, since he seems to feel most of the deleted scenes are canon.  I guess he wanted the freedom in Season 7 to decide Hook's father was Frollo.


It was a nice scene, but in some ways, I would rather see a future flashback built around his father instead of just hearing about it.  At least this dialogue was better than David's story about his father.

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I agree Camera One. I think it's obvious they cut it because the writers are about to change the story they came up with. It was exactly what happened with Rump's dad story. They said they filmed and cut a scene of kid Rump seeing his dad get killed by debtors as he was running away and abandoning him, in Manhattan. It was also considered not canon and not included in DVD deleted scenes and the reson was obviously because they came up with Pan post filming Manhattan.

At least he as nice enough to post the script. I predict other fans will now be screaming for their fair share of cut scenes, however.

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I predict other fans will now be screaming for their fair share of cut scenes, however.


You are correct, madam! His mentions are now filled with OQers & SQers saying they never get anything and he ignores them, where are their deleted scenes and an SQ hug, etc., etc.

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Well, maybe if they asked nicely instead of being confrontational all that time, they might get something too. Let this be a lesson on how to properly interact with show creators and others celebrities on social media.

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Fun fact for those like me interested in such things: Ginny changed her stylist, which I think was a VERY good move - I've liked what she's worn last week more than everything else she's ever worn! And apparently she also styles Nina Dobrev and Lizzy Caplan, who very often wear looks I love! I hope they continue working together.


I know Jennifer's stylist is also a very big deal - she also works for Angelina Jolie, but I think she goes for beige/black&white too often. While Ginny's stylist loves color, as do I ;)

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No, Merida never said that.  Maybe she says it in Season 5 to someone.  Maybe

she says it to Belle to inspire her to keep fighting for Rumple.


A more accurate ad for "Once Upon a Time" would be none of the arrows hit the mark.

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Ginny is so pretty in that flowered dress. And you can't see it in the photo, but she's wearing some amazing shoes as well. Plus if you look on her stylist's Instagram, she had another great look from last weekend -- a long, layered red dress with a black belt. It was unusual and really pretty on her. PLEASE, Once wardrobe people, take a cue from Ginny's stylist and IMPROVE HER WARDROBE. Stop dressing her in frumpy, matronly clothes!

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The only problem I had with that red dress is that it wasn't very flattering for her arms. At least get something cut just a tad bit higher in the arm holes. But overall, that look was awesome. I've seen her show up in similar shapeless dresses with no color and such for things already. The bright colors and nice shapes are awesome.

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I too wish the OUAT costume department would take a clue or two from Ginny's new stylist. Ginny has got to know how unflattering her

Storybrooke clothes are. Why doesn't she try to get involved? In Season 1 and 2, she was dressed so much better!

Edited by Rumsy4
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Yeah, but I think that might be a choice made by Ginny.  Her style changed when she was pregnant which is completely normal.  I saw a clip of her "Who do you think you are" episode and the shirt she was wearing was very Mary Margaret.  I think it was probably that she felt more comfortable that way.  


I'm just assuming, obviously.  That red dress was really nice though.

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Michael Raymond-James teamed up with some of his friends, including Sean Maguire and other actors like Donal Logue or Ben Barnes, to record a beautiful music video with a clear anti-bullying message.




Edit: About that Rumple and Robin deleted scene. Goes to show that Adam once again responded to people who were polite. He was initially confused and thought fans were asking him for a deleted scene with them from episode 4.12, but then listened when they, patiently, explained the scene was featured in a special that aired before 4.12 and they assume it's from 4.17, then went back to look for it in the script to share it. At the same time you have some of the worst SQ bad apples in the responses to those very tweets, accusing him of god-knows-what and bashing the characters or the writing before they demand he post something for them too.

Edited by RedKeep
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RedKeep, on 21 Aug 2015 - 04:19 AM, said:

Michael Raymond-James teamed up with some of his friends, including Sean Maguire and other actors like Donal Logue or Ben Barnes, to record a beautiful music video with a clear anti-bullying message.




Edit: About that Rumple and Robin deleted scene. Goes to show that Adam once again responded to people who were polite. He was initially confused and thought fans were asking him for a deleted scene with them from episode 4.12, but then listened when they, patiently, explained the scene was featured in a special that aired before 4.12 and they assume it's from 4.17, then went back to look for it in the script to share it. At the same time you have some of the worst SQ bad apples in the responses to those very tweets, accusing him of god-knows-what and bashing the characters or the writing before they demand he post something for them too.

Well, what can you expect from these folks? They're only mirroring Regina's behavior is all. They seem like such lovely people.

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I was reading a review of the Season 4 blu-ray when I read this:


•Audio Commentary: Mother – Writer Jane Espenson and Lana Parilla (Regina) talk about why Regina episodes are the best ones and give great insight into this episode.

I guess I won't be listening to that one.

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I was reading a review of the Season 4 blu-ray when I read this:


I guess I won't be listening to that one.


Nor I. You'd have to pay me a SIGNIFICANT amount of money to listen to that one, plus I'd have to be very, very drunk.


Does anybody know which audio commentary is the one that's exclusive to the Blu-Rays?

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Sympathy for the De Vil is the one that is exclusive to blu-ray.


In the audio commentary Jane does say she loves writing for Regina as she has such interesting reactions to things - "she goes from zero to 60", and Jane says it's such fun to write for characters like that, and Lana loves Jane's scripts.  


The bar scene between Regina and Robin was meant to be the same bar that Emma and Neal had the drinks in Manhattan, but they couldn't get the bar, so they made the set specifically.  They even made sure that Regina and Robin sat in the same seats as Emma and Neal - I don't really get why they want to have Regina/Robin have the same or similar moments as Emma/Hook - they did the same in the finale with the hand bandaging scene, coz to me Regina/Robin always come off looking 2nd best and it just looks kind of desperate from the writers…….

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Well, I can imagine why they would want OQ to have similar moments to CS - maybe they think some of their popularity will rub off on OQ. But the same moments as Emma and Neal?! That's a couple even less popular than OQ! That makes no sense that they would go to the expense of building a set just for that... I really don't get it.

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They even made sure that Regina and Robin sat in the same seats as Emma and Neal - I don't really get why they want to have Regina/Robin have the same or similar moments as Emma/Hook - they did the same in the finale with the hand bandaging scene, coz to me Regina/Robin always come off looking 2nd best and it just looks kind of desperate from the writers…….


'Desperate' is exactly the word I'd use to sum up OutlawQueen. 'Cloying' would be the other one. At least Neal and Emma had their own dynamic, albeit not one I found healthy or enjoyable but it was theirs.

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I got Rumplestiltskin. Huh. Well, I like him better than Regina, Neal, and Snow nowadays, so I suppose that's not the worst option I could have gotten. He's still not my fave though.


Didn't see this posted yet, although I'm sure all of you have already seen it if you've been browsing twitter or tumblr.

It's the graphic they posted for today.

I'm pretty sure I'll have nightmares.

And this one's from a couple days ago:


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BuzzFeed has a clickbait 'Can We Guess Who Your Favourite OUAT Character is?' thing. I did it for a laugh and it's weird as hell. I chose light magic always, love as my motivator, Regina as being 'the worst' and I put that I miss Graham. Who did it give me as my fave?




Because of course.


I can beat that.  I got Henry.

Why can I see Josh and Sean blaring this at him as a practical joke? How funny and random is that?


Yeah, and you just know they'd do it, too!

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Someone needs to tweet a link to that song to Josh and Sean. Sean is probably more likely to see it.


I tried to answer "truthfully" and I got Robin Hood. Which is funny, considery I chose Regina as the worst.

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