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S15.E09: Hollywood Round #3

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I think Jeneve is popular. From my quick views of the audition videos on YouTube, she has over a 1.2 million views, second only to Tristan who has almost 3 million.

Interesting that Lindita has a million views as well.

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Well, I just skimmed the comments on YouTube and there was a spoiler about her so I don't recommend reading them. <br /><br />But no one mentioned her hat. She had about 1000 likes, so I don't know how much people like her, but they seem to be watching her audition.

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Last night confirmed that I'm officially too old and crotchety for what this show has become, because I really don't care about budding high school romance, and don't want to see little girls break down into tears because they don't get to sing the song they want for Mommy. (At the risk of appearing to not be a 100% gung ho patriotic "thank you for your service" American, her mother didn't get drafted. Being a career military officer is a choice you make, knowing that it might require separations from your family. And as a major stationed in Kuwait, it wasn't like she was in hand-to-hand combat with Isis. It's more like being a corporate executive taking an overseas assignment.)


Drama, drama, and more drama. Will "who stole John Wayne's hat?" be the next subject of "American Crime?" So many contestants sick and dying. (Well, not quite). Emily Brooke forgetting to put on the bottom half of her dress. And not since "Gone With the Wind" has there been anything like the drama of Sara's desperate search through the survivors to learn if Lee had been killed at the front. I mean, whether he'd gone on to the next round.


So, not much singing, and what I heard was all shades of mediocre. I don't know who I want to go home faster. Jeneve Rose with her stupid cowgirl outfits or Shelbie Z. with her squatting and canned "sassy, in your fact country gal" act.


And does every performance need to be someone pouring out their emotional pain and sensitive suffering? I remember when people used to come on this show and try to be entertaining, Do songs that are actually fun to listen to. Like I said, I'm just too old.

Edited by bluepiano
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As for Tristan I hated the weeping and stuff about A SONG. As for her mom, I appreciate that she chose to enlist in the military bc without folks  enlisting the draft will likely come back. We need some kind of military, so if they choose to be there , that's better than being forced imo. Moving on...


Why was Shelbie Z wearing some kind of truncated lampshade treatment from DIY?


I , too, am sick of seeing JLO mouthing the words to songs. We get it. You know the songs. And I say that as a fairly avid   JLo fan.

Edited by ari333
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And not since "Gone With the Wind" has there been anything like the drama of Sara's desperate search through the survivors to learn if Lee had been killed at the front. I mean, whether he'd gone on to the next round.


HEE!  She seems kinda young.  She's like "He's my best friend! (insert unicorn and stars here) and I'm sure that he is like "I'm gonna tap that"  Because he is a MALE,although he's as cute as a junebug and all that syrupy crap.

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And yeah, Shelbie Z is bound and determined to be hot! fierce!, and sassy! We get it, and it's exhausting. Style-wise, she does look like someone who hasn't updated her look in 20 years...which is why this 20-something looks 40-something. She also seems to lack humility, never an appealing trait.



Why was Shelbie Z wearing some kind of truncated lampshade treatment from DIY?



Shelbie Zed (as we call her here in Canada) is going to remind me of those girls from the pageant show that want to win Miss Supreme.  When they get the sound bites they sound like they have been brought up to think they are the absolute best, and then they stomp on stage and have no clue how they look.

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And does every performance need to be someone pouring out their emotional pain and sensitive suffering? I remember when people used to come on this show and try to be entertaining, Do songs that are actually fun to listen to. Like I said, I'm just too old.

Then I'm old too. That's why I liked the cat who sang Fleetwood Mac because it was FUN and didn't sound like a fucking funeral dirge. An uptempo song never killed anyone for cod's sack.

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I think I'm gonna root for Dalton for his quip about Hollywood Week and also he appeals to me as a singer, and yeah I kind of get Phillip Phillips vibe from him, but just a little. I loved Phillips for his drive on the show, so it's not bad. I'm hoping Trent makes it through too, so I'll be rooting for those two guys. I know there's a few months intbetween these episodes and the live shows, so hopefully if Trent makes it through he'll have the proper amount of time to recover.


None of the girls so far are doing it for me, but we'll see if any stand out once the top 24 are picked. But right now, rooting for Trent and Dalton. 

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Then I'm old too. That's why I liked the cat who sang Fleetwood Mac because it was FUN and didn't sound like a fucking funeral dirge. An uptempo song never killed anyone for cod's sack.


Yes! That was the one performance that stood out. To be honest, it sounded kind of ragged, but at least it had energy and he was trying to entertain. (I think Dalton was also, but the editors chopped his performance into so many pieces. Since he's clearly one of the chosen ones, why not let us actually hear him sing?)


All the super seriousness is a product of the show skewing towards the teenaged contestants, because when you're young it's all about your fragile emotions and the cold, cruel world trying to crush your gentle spirit. Nothing says "artist" like suffering.

Edited by bluepiano
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To their credit they had to choose from a limited list of songs. It's not their fault if most of them were stuff like A Thousand Years. Also most of the time upbeat songs do not showcase the voice well enough. It makes perfect sense why most of them chose ballads, especially if that was pretty much all their options.

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I'd say Jessica is probably the best singer of this bunch. She does sound a bit like Kelly Clarkson but her look isn't really in her favor. I feel that will come into play unfortunately. Mackenzie is easiestly the best guy there and that was a good original song even though it sounded almost exactly like Damian Rice's Delicate. He, Dalton and Trent will likely be the last three men in the competition. If I'm basing it on talent mixed with popularity of course. I wanted John Wayne to stick around simply because he's so pretty and seems like a really good person. Lee is definitely Daniel sievy territory. A lot of the girls are good but I'm still pretty sure we're gonna have a Dalton or Mackenzie win. Unless the judges get rid of them. Which could definitely happen. They would get a lot of shot for it tho because that would be some blatant manipulation.

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Who is Jessica? I don't recognize that name.<br /><br />I agree that the show wasn't good, but I think that was because everyone was tired and gave average or bad performances. <br /><br />The Tristan drama I'm sure was producer driven with her crying about her Mom so they can push her story for the show.

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Tristan needs to stop crying and STFU.  It's just a stupid song and if she can't sing any other song then she doesn't belong there.  If I were one of the other contestants with the song she wanted, I wouldn't have given it to her. If she can't read directions then that's her stupid problem.  Where is her mother, Afghanistan?  Send Tristan there.


Shelbie Z - ugly, skanky clothes, american flag bandana, I-must-poop squats...she's really swinging for the trailer trash fences.


Thomas Stringfellow - I thought he sounded good. Why was that a terrible song choice?


Yeah, I thought he did really well too.  I liked MacKenzie and his original song as well.


I kind of like Luna Lovegood.

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I noticed that they let Typhoid Trent sit in a room full of people even though he was apparently too contagious to perform with a group.

THIS is simply hilarious and so true. WOOT Good catch!

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I noticed that they let Typhoid Trent sit in a room full of people even though he was apparently too contagious to perform with a group.

I did notice no one was giving him congratulatory hugs or high fives. He was like lurking by himself at the back happily. Lol.
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I noticed that they let Typhoid Trent sit in a room full of people even though he was apparently too contagious to perform with a group.

Michelle Marie's mom wrote on IDF that Michelle ended up contracting mono from spending too much time around Trent. So much for keeping him away from all the other contestants.

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  La P's wig has got to go, it is hideous.   


Wow- you think it is a wig?  I'm imagining the wig maker designing that one!  I assumed it was real hair because who would buy that wig?!


J Bosil I am afraid will be Joey 2.0.  Quirkiness Alert!


Blosil wore out her welcome with me before she sang her first note; studied quirkiness irks beyond belief.


Totally agree.  And what makes it worse is that they constantly tell her HOW QUIRKY she is!  It's just giving her positive reinforcement, so she keeps it up!  Ugh.  Can't stand people like that.  Just be who you are.


Please make the squatting stop.

I hate it too when they approach the judges table while singing like they're  brave and confident.


There seems to be an excessive amount of approaching the judges' table this year!  It's like a couple people have gotten the idea in years past, and now everyone has latched onto it!

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What bugs me about Shelbie Z is that she is workin' the !SASSY! angle to the bone.  And her clothes, hair, makeup, nails, jewelry scream 45 year old at a bingo hall.


And she's a hair stylist.  At a Wal-Mart, maybe?  I actually picture her in a little small-town salon with those 50s stand hair dryers.  Maybe they showed it on The Voice is why.  


LOL at Jessie from Toy Story, for Jeneve.  It'd be funny if she's wearing John Wayne's hat next ep.


Tristan's stock fell to the ground for me.  Pick a new damn song and get over it.  You know you'll have 12 more chances to sing What Hurts The Most.  And when her mom was on screen all I could think was, "Damn, how many months since auditions?  She looks a lot heavier!"  Tristan's styling is really cute, though.  


I'm going to miss this show.  I love Hollywood week.  They really need a reality show that just captures the AI Hollywood week/SYTYCD Vegas week dynamic.  

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Sorry, but the squatting that Shelbie Z was doing. Uh, just NO. Any move that looks like you are in the labor and delivery ward pushing out a baby is not attractive.


Maybe that was her tribute to Fantasia..remember her signature move "The Bobo" that looked like she was getting ready to take a dump onstage.

I was disappointed to see her go through..there are other singers they let go that were much more talented. She had her chance on The Voice..I found her annoying on that show too.

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Is it a wig?  I hope so, because then it will be easy to get rid of.  It looks like a giant rusty Brillo pad.  She would be so much prettier with a more subdued hairstyle in a natural dark color.  I like her voice but that hair is really distracting.


I feel like in the audition room I saw it lift away from her hairline, so I'm betting yes.

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