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S15.E09: Hollywood Round #3

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Ugh, is this my least favorite show of Hollywood Rounds when they try to make us care about people they've given short shrift to so far by cramming their "journey" into the time it takes them to walk to a chair or a hotel room or is that tomorrow?  Or both?

Edited by Qoass
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Rarely venture to the grassy knoll, but I'd be very intrigued to learn whether there was some producer intervention that allowed Chosen Teen A (Tristan) to get her preferred song. Glad to see Malie survived switching songs and laryngitis too.

I always get a pang of sadness when I diagnose the "No" room. Not too many surprises though. Maybe just John Wayne and Joshua Wicker. I'm shocked that he didn't outlast that Jordan Sasser.

Jessica Cabral stood out again. Sarah Sturm too. The budding romance/friendship with Lee was a bit much though (is 18 and 15 a cradle robbing scenario?). Same with the saga of John Wayne's missing hat...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Hmm not much happened. I didn't see Trent (Mono Dude) perform, but he apparently made it through.

That annoying 16(?) year old that was sooo 'nice' to the other teen in the last episode, apparently made it through.


Felt bad for the singers who had to perform with laryngitis and other issues. Is it just me, or did they really show more of the sick stuff than they have before? I don't recall them showing people coming down with something or getting sick or whatnot as much in the past. 

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STFU, whoever girl you are, pick a different song and quit crying about it. And saying "What Hurts The Most" is about her feelings about her mom being in the military or whatever, it isn't quite as bad as semifinalist Jared way back when dedicating "Let's Get It On" to his parents, but it's close. 

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Rarely venture to the grassy knoll, but I'd be very intrigued to learn whether there was some producer intervention that allowed Chosen Teen A (Tristan) to get her preferred song. Glad to see Malie survived switching songs and laryngitis too.


Can someone give me the full details?  I didn't get this.  What did removing her name from that list entail? 


Felt bad for the singers who had to perform with laryngitis and other issues. Is it just me, or did they really show more of the sick stuff than they have before? I don't recall them showing people coming down with something or getting sick or whatnot as much in the past.


Personally, no -- I feel like it happens every season!!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I feel like we can pretty much pick the top 10 the judges will foist upon us - or I bet we could guess nearly all, with maybe one or two surprises.  They show the same 10 people singing every week.  Since the judges are picking the top 10 this year (ugh), does that mean we'll have 7 or 8 girls?  Or maybe they'll just make sure the 5 guys aren't contenders.  


The room that went home was so insanely obvious, because most of them we've never seen, let alone heard sing.  And it's not a Season 15 episode without at least 5-7 minutes of Tristan.  I can't believe we haven't heard Collette (ginger lush) since her audition, but she's still in it, at least.  A little variety would've been nice, show.  Quit trying to tell me who to like - it never works.

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Each song had a cap at 3 singers. Malie signed up 3rd for What Hurts the Most, and Tristan possibly not realizing that was the first come, first serve rule signed up 4th. Cue teenage emotional breakdown, and cut to Malie saying something about how much Tristan connected with song...then cut to Malie crossing her name off of that song and ultimately switching to Shawn Mendes' Stitches song.

I just wonder what steps did they conveniently leave off of TV...

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I liked that Dalton admitted being uncomfortable this whole week. Heh. Found it kind of funny. Just his whole bit really. I think he thought he was prepared for Hollywood Week and then it came and he was like... Nope. 

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Sorry to see that big slab o' man John Wayne go. Purely for viewing purposes. 

Honestly, I figured he was a goner, because I think he would pose a serious threat.  He's not really my cup of tea, but he's a cute, male, country singer, which is dangerous to their 'Kelly bookend' dream.

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OMG I did not like how they crammed so many performances and we only got to see like 10 seconds of each. There were also many contestants we didn't get to see that I was hoping to see (La'Porsha, Trent, Adam). On the other hand, they highlighted some we haven't seen as much of like Mackenzie, so that was good. The super short performances sucked though. Honestly I feel like very few people actually came out swinging this round, for most it was not their best. It must have been a tough week for all of them. So what I got from it is that they could either choose a song from a short list or they could do an original? Interesting.


Stephany Negrete - Set Fire to the Rain - So much better than her audition. She has a Cher-like quality to her tone. But all she is is a decent voice IMO. I'm not seeing an artist up there.


Thomas Stringfellow - A Thousand Years - We didn't see enough, IMO. From the 2 lines I heard he sounded good (even if he still does that annoying squeaking thing I hate). Would have liked to have heard more than 10 seconds of it.


Avalon Young - One Last Time - Interesting arrangement. Would have liked to have heard more, she's good.


​Olivia Rox - Original song - OMG why did they have her talk over almost all of the performance? From the few bits I heard of the song it sounded like it was probably pretty good, but I couldn't hear anything because of the voiceover. 


John Wayne Shulz - John 3:16 - That hat schtick was so scripted. I liked him in his audition but this performance was so flat. It seemed very one-note and not much range. Not a good song at this stage in the competition but I guess they didn't have much choice, eh? He should have worn the hat, or at least found a new one to wear. He looks odd without it. There was also not much emotional connection to this performance, maybe 'cause the song itself reeks.


Mackenzie Bourg - Original song "Roses" - OMG Love! I'm so glad we got to see more of him tonight. Great original song. Only thing I didn't like was that his high notes are kind of weak and breathy. But I like him, he's good. And really cute. 


Shelbie Z - Alone - She sounded great from the few seconds they showed of her. But I think she's kind of pretentious. Who does she think she is with that American flag thing on her mic? Steven Tyler? And then after she found out she made it to the top 51 she says "I'm quitting my job because I'm going to be the next American Idol!" Girl, you made the top 51, not the finale. Calm down. Getting a bit head of ourselves aren't we?


Kory Wheeler - Fix You - I did not like what I heard in this brief snippet. I didn't even recognize the song until I heard the line "Fix you." Ok then.


James Dawson VIII - Wicked Game - He actually sounded good here, much better than his audition. He has a very distinct voice IMO. I don't think he is as bad as people say he is. He just has a very unusual voice and it's sort of an "acquired taste" type of sound IMO.


Tristan Macintosh - What Hurts the Most - Ugh, this girl cannot get off my screen fast enough. Enough with her already. Enough with the army mom sob story. Enough with the princess whining and crying until someone was nice enough to let her have their song. She will not survive this competition if she gets this upset over not getting her way. I understand emotions run high at this point of the competition, but seriously, it's only going to get worse and much harder from here. She is way too young to handle this. Did not see anyone else reacting like this, even the other young kids. She screams "spoiled princess used to getting her way" to me. Girl, bye.


Sonika Vaid - One Last Time - I'm fully on board with this girl now since her audition. Beautiful voice, beautiful tone. So simple and refreshing. But she needs to connect better onstage I think. She needs some serious coaching in stage presence and interacting with the audience.


Lee Jean - Stitches - His voice is good but there's nothing going on in his eyes. No connection. 


Sarah Sturm - Somewhere Only We Know - She really strained on those high notes. Still better than her original audition though. But OMG the "we're BFFs" skit was so scripted it wasn't even a bit believable. Jax and Qassim 2.0.


Jenn Blosil - True Colors - OMG why did she think she did bad? She was one of the best tonight! Her offstage space cadet personality confuses me, but I love her voice and when she gets onstage. 


Emily Brooke - What Hurts the Most - Her version was miles better than Tristan's, even though she was clearly struggling with illness. Sucked it was in the wrong key for her. But you didn't see her cry and throw a tantrum over it, she just rolled with it and did her best. 


Malie Delgado - Stitches - Ironic song choice, this girl clearly needed some stitches for her throat. I love her voice and love the rasp when she's ill. I hope the judges are a little more understanding for those who are very clearly suffering from illness or who obviously have tired voices. How nice of her to give up her song to the whiny brat.


​Mionne Dynasty - Chains - Who the hell was this girl? Clearly she didn't make it far if we're just seeing her now. She was ok, but nothing remarkable.


Jessica Cabral - I don't remember what song she sang, but damn, this is what she sounds like at only 50%? She is better than most at 100%. 

I can't believe she doesn't make top 24.


Joshua Wicker - A Thousand Years - Yeah this was not good. 


CJ Johnson - Go Your Own Way - Not his best nor a great song to show off his voice but at least the performance part was on point.


Jeneve Rose Mitchell - Danny's Song - I didn't think this was a particularly good vocal from her.


Dalton Rapattoni - Hopelessly Devoted To You - They saved my fave for last! I love Dalton, he is my snowflake this year. And I love that they showed so much of him in this episode. But I have to say I don't think that was quite his best. But at least he brought out the performance chops, unlike so many of the others. He is clearly capable of handling what the competition is going to throw at them, while I'm not so sure about some of the others they put through. He knows how to play to the cameras well. The big fuss they made over the "guitar malfunction" drama was just mega stupid. The editors really aren't trying this year, are they? Dalton <3


I hate those stupid judge fakeouts. 


I hope tomorrow night they show us more than 10 seconds of each person's performance. But I have the feeling it's going to be one long recap show of each top 24's entire Idol journey thus far with only a few seconds of the showcase performances. Meh. 


My faves tonight (of longer performances):








Wish we could have seen:





Edited by BogoGog24
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I didn't even see, did Tristan make the final 51? Because if so and she sails through to voting I will be happy to not vote for her. Fuck that noise. You can't read? Too bad.

Wait the judges are putting through the top 10? Then what is the point of the top 24?

That worship guy with the cap sucked so bad I was glad he was cut. He wasn't so much singing as pointing and grunting at the judges.

Very disappointed Celine-loving guy and the platinum blonde with the fried curls are moving on because their voices could not be less pleasing to my poor ears.

I appreciate that Shelbie is comfortable in her own body but I would have given a side-eye to her skimpy ass outfit regardless of who was wearing it.

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I liked that Dalton admitted being uncomfortable this whole week. Heh. Found it kind of funny. Just his whole bit really. I think he thought he was prepared for Hollywood Week and then it came and he was like... Nope. 

Heh I like him too. Honestly I thought it was a pretty mature and insightful response that he said it's good to be uncomfortable and go outside your comfort zone. He has the right attitude towards the competition IMO because that is what it's going to be all about and he seems prepared to have do that, while some of the others do not.

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I didn't even see, did Tristan make the final 51? Because if so and she sails through to voting I will be happy to not vote for her. Fuck that noise. You can't read? Too bad.

Wait the judges are putting through the top 10? Then what is the point of the top 24?

That worship guy with the cap sucked so bad I was glad he was cut. He wasn't so much singing as pointing and grunting at the judges.

Very disappointed Celine-loving guy and the platinum blonde with the fried curls are moving on because their voices could not be less pleasing to my poor ears.

I appreciate that Shelbie is comfortable in her own body but I would have given a side-eye to her skimpy ass outfit regardless of who was wearing it.

Yes Tristan made the top 51. I also will gladly not be voting for her. She has a voice in there but IMO needs a few more years to really figure out what to do with it. She is not vocally or emotionally ready for this IMO.

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Surprised they did not show Trent or La Porsha!  Why is Colette called Ginger Lush?


Thought J-Blo's acid wash mom jeans did terrible things to her figure.


Worship guy sounded just awful.  


I really like Sarah Sturm.  


I wish I understood Sonika but I don't, and haven't since the auditions.  She's pleasant looking and sounding, but I can't hear anything distinctive.  I couldn't even tell which voice was hers and which was the background singers. 


The top 10 is being telegraphed pretty clearly.  I would be shocked if a certain few didn't get in.  I really hope Shelbie Z isn't in it- I don't watch the Voice, but it sounds like she's already had her 15 minutes and it's someone else's turn now.  

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Oh, it couldn't be more obvious who will be in the Top 10.  I can't see them making the same mistake of Season 12 - of putting through a bunch of mediocre guys.


I don't think Tristian is TCO.  Other than her back story, there's really nothing that interesting about her.  And after her meltdown tonight, I question whether she is ready.  It's only going to get tougher.

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Mackenzie Bourg - Original song "Roses" - OMG Love! I'm so glad we got to see more of him tonight. Great original song. Only thing I didn't like was that his high notes are kind of weak and breathy. But I like him, he's good. And really cute. 


Loved him. he reminds me of Damien Rice and that is a very good thing. I would pass out if he performed a Damien Rice song on the actual show. I kind of love Dalton too. He reminds me of Adam Lambert (his eyes and attitude). Sorry, but the squatting that Shelbie Z was doing. Uh, just NO. Any move that looks like you are in the labor and delivery ward pushing out a baby is not attractive. Wasn't she on The Voice? If so, I am shocked that they let her get this far. 

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Loved him. he reminds me of Damien Rice and that is a very good thing. I would pass out if he performed a Damien Rice song on the actual show. I kind of love Dalton too. He reminds me of Adam Lambert (his eyes and attitude). Sorry, but the squatting that Shelbie Z was doing. Uh, just NO. Any move that looks like you are in the labor and delivery ward pushing out a baby is not attractive. Wasn't she on The Voice? If so, I am shocked that they let her get this far. 

Mackenzie needs to follow the P2 and Alex Preston songbook and do "Volcano" at some point. I've seen several people compare Dalton to Adam Lambert and I hope that bodes well for how well he will do on the show, since Adam was and still is one of the most popular contestants ever to date. Haha yeah I hated that squatting thing too, that was... uncomfortable. IMO Shelbie has a great voice, very powerful, but she's generic as hell. I think she's ultimately just a really good karaoke singer, not the next country superstar.

Oh, it couldn't be more obvious who will be in the Top 10.  I can't see them making the same mistake of Season 12 - of putting through a bunch of mediocre guys.


I don't think Tristian is TCO.  Other than her back story, there's really nothing that interesting about her.  And after her meltdown tonight, I question whether she is ready.  It's only going to get tougher.

I hope that you are right that Tristan is not TCO because it's certainly come across that way to me since before her audition even aired (they posted it early online before the premiere to drum up interest). I also hope they put some deserving guys through too.

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Lee Jean - Stitches - His voice is good but there's nothing going on in his eyes. No connection. 


Yeah, I didn't get this guy.  Harry was all like, "Oh, he's going to be good, this should be good, he's going to be good at this."  Influencing the other judges before the guy even comes out?  Then this happened which I didn't even get anything from? I am missing something here.

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Jessica Cabral - I don't remember what song she sang, but damn, this is what she sounds like at only 50%? She is better than most at 100%.

She sang "Up to the Mountain" and killed it. Not a surprising pick since Kelly C. loves that song and sings it all the time. I remember J. Lo hearing shades of Kelly in Jessica's voice, and I agree.

SpoilerI can't believe she doesn't make top 24.

. What??!!

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She sang "Up to the Mountain" and killed it. Not a surprising pick since Kelly C. loves that song and sings it all the time. I remember J. Lo hearing shades of Kelly in Jessica's voice, and I agree.

SpoilerI can't believe she doesn't make top 24.

. What??!!

Yup perfect bookend to Kelly that they're looking for. 

Sadly tis true.

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Stefany (Miss Mexican Idol) - very pretty.


Thomas Stringfellow - I thought he sounded good. Why was that a terrible song choice?


Did somebody steal John Wayne's hat? I thought he sounded really good.


Oh, stfu with the crying over a freaking song.


Why was Mackenzie allowed to do an original song instead of picking one from the approved list?  He was good, though.  I like him.


That may have been the best I've heard from Shelbie.


James VIII is using that shtick for his name still, huh?  smdh


Lee Jean was really good.


Joshua Wicker was pretty bad.


Jeneve dresses like a sideshow act.  She looks ridiculous.


Dalton is quite the performer.


Why did we not get to see Trent perform tonight?

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Mackenzie needs to follow the P2 and Alex Preston songbook and do "Volcano" at some point.  I've seen several people compare Dalton to Adam Lambert and I hope that bodes well for how well he will do on the show, since Adam was and still is one of the most popular contestants ever to date.

I would stay away from Volcano.  That's considered an iconic performance from Phillip Phillips, who has morphed into one of the most successful winners.


I would also stay away from the Adam Lambert comparison.  There's only one Phil.  There's only one Adam.  They were successful because of who they are - not because they were similar to previous contestants.

Edited by ifoundit
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I would stay away from Volcano.  That's considered an iconic performance from Phillip Phillips, who has morphed into one of the most successful winners.

Is he? I think the show agrees with you, because they keep referencing him, but outside of his song "Home," which I know was a big hit, how is he considered such a success? Has he had other hit songs/albums?

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So Shelby and La Portia moved on?  Ugh.   Image is huge especially if you are a woman, you gotta have the entire package.  The top 10 must all be potential winners or this season is not going to be the grand finish they desire and me, too.  Fine with me  if they push for  a Kelly bookend winner.  I would love to have a dynamite female win and make a mark for herself.  


La P and Shelby do not radiate winner, to me.  La P's wig has got to go, it is hideous.   

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Why was Mackenzie allowed to do an original song instead of picking one from the approved list?  He was good, though.  I like him.




Olivia Rox also performed an original song. It seems like they could either choose from that very limited list (and only 3 people could perform the same song) or they could do an original. Of course if you don't have any original songs or don't think the ones you do have are good enough, you're stuck choosing from the list, so those who had good originals fared well this round. I really enjoyed both songs from Olivia and Mackenzie.

I would stay away from Volcano.  That's considered an iconic performance from Phillip Phillips, who has morphed into one of the most successful winners.


I would also stay away from the Adam Lambert comparison.  There's only one Phil.  There's only one Adam.  They were successful because of who they are - not because they were similar to previous contestants.

It is an iconic performance from him but I dislike the idea of contestants never being able to perform something just because it was "iconic" for another contestant. It might be a smart idea for the contestant so as to not draw comparisons, which will most likely be unfavorable, but for the musical aspect of it, I don't see why not.


I don't think Dalton is very much like Adam Lambert, except basically in styling, but I just meant that a lot of people compare them or get a similar vibe and I'm just hoping that means he's picked up some fans who want to vote for him and take him far like they did for Adam. I wasn't comparing them as artists because I don't even think they are really that musically or vocally similar. I said on IDF that if the finale ended up being Dalton vs. Mackenzie it would be like a repeat of Kris vs Adam, oh how I only wish that could happen. 

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Is he? I think the show agrees with you, because they keep referencing him, but outside of his song "Home," which I know was a big hit, how is he considered such a success? Has he had other hit songs/albums?

Money.  Phillip Phillips had made the Forbes list of highest earning Idols for 3 yrs in a row.  There was the legal battle between Idol's 19 and John Mayer's management, whom 19 accused of stealing their most successful client.

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It is an iconic performance from him but I dislike the idea of contestants never being able to perform something just because it was "iconic" for another contestant. It might be a smart idea for the contestant so as to not draw comparisons, which will most likely be unfavorable, but for the musical aspect of it, I don't see why not.


I don't think Dalton is very much like Adam Lambert, except basically in styling, but I just meant that a lot of people compare them or get a similar vibe and I'm just hoping that means he's picked up some fans who want to vote for him and take him far like they did for Adam. I wasn't comparing them as artists because I don't even think they are really that musically or vocally similar. I said on IDF that if the finale ended up being Dalton vs. Mackenzie it would be like a repeat of Kris vs Adam, oh how I only wish that could happen. 

From a strategic standpoint, it's never a good idea to do a song that was made iconic by a popular winner.  Also, Jennifer Lopez was the judge that season and she continues to speak very highly of Phillip.   The new Idols need to make their own iconic moments - that's how they will earn their creed.

The same with building their own fan bases.  I would never rely on the Idol fan base, since they are known to quickly move on once the season ends.

Edited by ifoundit
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Malie signed up 3rd for What Hurts the Most, and Tristan possibly not realizing that was the first come, first serve rule signed up 4th.

I thought the implication was that Tristan actually signed up third but that she put her name at the bottom of the sign-up sheet, allowing someone else (Malie) to sign above her name and technically grab the third and last slot. I can see the compromise and the gesture by Malie if that were the case, maybe producer-driven for drama.


But, seriously, as I said to my wife when it happened, just pick another song. Tristan didn't know the song would be there to begin with (I assume), so why all the drama over not being able to sing "her" song.

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I think the producers have shot themselves in the foot regarding Tristan:  she was certainly one to watch given that emotional audition but now they're overselling her and I believe the viewers will rebel and decline to support her going forward.


If I were a contestant in the same waiting room as LaPorsha, I would have just breathed a sigh of relief and put my feet up.  No suspense there.


Re: "Ginger" Lush.  I actually like that she called herself a redhead which was the common term pre-internet era.

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Also, Jennifer Lopez was the judge that season and she continues to speak very highly of Phillip.

She irritates me a little bit, with this, because she gave Phillip shit about singing the Dave Matthews song because it was a risk to sing a song people don't know. Which is garbage because that was his best performance IMO.

And Steven definitely hated Phillip changing the melody to "The Letter" and I think Jennifer piled on that too.

It just makes me chuckle whenever she mentions Phillip this season because it comes across like she's taking retroactive credit because he's so successful.

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I think that's why they persist in showing J-Lo singing along with every single song:  to prove that she's not completely ignorant of any music outside of post-1990 Top 40 pop.  (psssttt... not working!)


I'd like to give a huge standing O and a big bottle of Excedrin to Ricky Minor and the band.  They had to meet with every single contestant to arrange and perform the song of their choice this week!  Can you imagine being a professional musician at the top of your game having to collaborate with seventy 15 year old sleep-deprived Adele wannabes in a row?  Respect and awe!

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She irritates me a little bit, with this, because she gave Phillip shit about singing the Dave Matthews song because it was a risk to sing a song people don't know. Which is garbage because that was his best performance IMO.

And Steven definitely hated Phillip changing the melody to "The Letter" and I think Jennifer piled on that too.

It just makes me chuckle whenever she mentions Phillip this season because it comes across like she's taking retroactive credit because he's so successful.

It was his performance of DMB The Stone.  But it was a song J-Lo wasn't familiar with.  And I remember the press piling on her for that.  The Letter wasn't his best moment though.

The show has gotten a lot of flack in the media for not producing successful winners in recent years and she likes to remind them that she was on the panel the season Phillip Phillips was on.

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I'm hopping off the Tristan train (you're welcome, Tristan fans)....  If the girl is gonna break down during Hollywood week because she couldn't sing a particular song, no way she can handle lives, at least IMO.


Lee Jean = DSWAG (Daniel Seavy w/ a guitar)


Jordan Sasser...I just can't.  I know he's just fodder, but I just have zero interest in seeing/hearing him again, especially if he gets to choose the song.

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Jeneve dresses like a sideshow act.  She looks ridiculous


They are sooo picking her for T24 for the drama of the makeover,which she will most assuredly refuse, wanting to stay true to her boondocks roots.  You can see this coming at you like a semi on I-80.


J Bosil I am afraid will be Joey 2.0.  Quirkiness Alert!


What bugs me about Shelbie Z is that she is workin' the !SASSY! angle to the bone.  And her clothes, hair, makeup, nails, jewelry scream 45 year old at a bingo hall.

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It would've been nice to have seen more than a dozen of the 51 performances for this round, and to not have contestant interview bits run over top of those that we did see.  That said, most of the contestants we saw were pretty good, imo.  There were one or two who got through despite off performances in this round, but overall the choices were better than in a lot of other years.

Hmm not much happened. I didn't see Trent (Mono Dude) perform, but he apparently made it through.

That annoying 16(?) year old that was sooo 'nice' to the other teen in the last episode, apparently made it through.


Felt bad for the singers who had to perform with laryngitis and other issues. Is it just me, or did they really show more of the sick stuff than they have before? I don't recall them showing people coming down with something or getting sick or whatnot as much in the past. 

There was one season, maybe 4 or 5 years ago, where the 'everybody is sick' thing took over the Hollywood week shows, but other than that, yeah, I think you're right.

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Loved him. he reminds me of Damien Rice and that is a very good thing. I would pass out if he performed a Damien Rice song on the actual show. I kind of love Dalton too. He reminds me of Adam Lambert (his eyes and attitude). Sorry, but the squatting that Shelbie Z was doing. Uh, just NO. Any move that looks like you are in the labor and delivery ward pushing out a baby is not attractive. Wasn't she on The Voice? If so, I am shocked that they let her get this far. 

Yes, she was, and so was Mackenzie.

She sang "Up to the Mountain" and killed it. Not a surprising pick since Kelly C. loves that song and sings it all the time. I remember J. Lo hearing shades of Kelly in Jessica's voice, and I agree.

SpoilerI can't believe she doesn't make top 24.

. What??!!

I actually disliked her performance, but then I hate every time someone oversings this particular song, and hers wasn't the most egregious example.  (I still have Crystal Bowersox's exquisitely subtle version on my I-Pod.)  She did have a good voice, though; I just wish she'd reined it in a bit.

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La P's wig has got to go, it is hideous.

Is it a wig?  I hope so, because then it will be easy to get rid of.  It looks like a giant rusty Brillo pad.  She would be so much prettier with a more subdued hairstyle in a natural dark color.  I like her voice but that hair is really distracting.


I'm beginning to distance myself from Tristan as well.  I thought she was a shoe-in to win the whole show at first but now she's starting to bug.

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They are sooo picking her for T24 for the drama of the makeover,which she will most assuredly refuse, wanting to stay true to her boondocks roots.  You can see this coming at you like a semi on I-80.


J Bosil I am afraid will be Joey 2.0.  Quirkiness Alert!


What bugs me about Shelbie Z is that she is workin' the !SASSY! angle to the bone.  And her clothes, hair, makeup, nails, jewelry scream 45 year old at a bingo hall.


I'm not sure Jessie from Toy Story should be anyone's fashion muse.


Blosil wore out her welcome with me before she sang her first note; studied quirkiness irks beyond belief.


And yeah, Shelbie Z is bound and determined to be hot! fierce!, and sassy! We get it, and it's exhausting. Style-wise, she does look like someone who hasn't updated her look in 20 years...which is why this 20-something looks 40-something. She also seems to lack humility, never an appealing trait.

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