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Wishlist: Hoping for a Cure (Or Not)

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I could see AJ having a kid and keeping him away from Port Charles. I'd even buy that seeing unknown kid is where Monica really goes on her many "cruises", as I've never believed she'd be happy with Michael forgiving Sonny so easily. I'd imagine AJ and Monica purposely kept unknown son away from Port Charles to protect him from Sonny, Jason, and Carly. "Jason is your uncle, but he is a serial killer. Carly is your brother's mother, but she's a succubus. And Sonny? He murdered your father."

AJ was this alcoholic, spoiled playboy. I'm sure he has children from other women *coughKeesha Ward cough * who know about Sonny and would keep their kid away. It's the easiest story to write. It also adds males/females that aren't Corinthos spawn nor Spencers. Which is essential to the damn show as the majority of the 20ish age group is Corinthii. AJ was also gone a lot as well, so who knows what the hell he did. I buy him having 5 kids more than Sonny or Jason, Honor Mafia.

  • Love 7

i want Recast!Lucky to come back to PC on the trail of Valentine Cassadine. Robert recruited him into the WSB for what they both thought was a pretty simple mission that ends up becoming very dangerous. He comes across rumors of DNAJake while working looking into Valentine but doesn't stay after dropping him off because of "danger" or whatever. He gives Luke the dumb darkness excuse because he doesn't want Luke getting involved in this case while he's struggling with NOT!DID.

Since I hate having Sam as a member of the Jerome family, I'd make Valentine her father. If he was crazy and ruthless enough to give Helena pause - then Mikkos getting rid of Alexis's kid and faking the child's death actually makes a little sense. It would also make Alexis's issues with relationships and unwillingness to tell Sam about her father make more sense.

It would give Alexis something to do other than plan this wedding, give Julexis non-mob conflict, give Recast!Lucky a Cassadine to face, Nik a chance to redeem himself - or not and give Sam something to do other than worry about Jason

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 2

Instead of Morgan being a VerySpecial!Morgan, I think the show is perfectly set up to do a false rape storyline with Morgan being accused by Darby. Morgan with his bipolar disorder and issues not taking his meds, his casual sexual relationship with Darby while sniffing around Kiki (for some ungodly reason, I don't know), his family ability to get away with serious crimes, I could see a jealous Darby accuse Morgan of raping her. They could have Kiki and Michael lean towards believing Darby with Kiki's experiences with a unhinged Morgan and Michael identifying with a rape victim and not forgetting about the time Morgan drugged him. I want Darby to be clever enough to tape record her conversations with Carly and Sonny. While Carly would never show her hand, Sonny would be stupid enough to threaten Darby. And if one Carly hatches one of her plans, I want it discovered and Darby to use it to drum up more sympathy for herself. While in the end Morgan is exonerated, I want nothing to happen to Darby, even if it is revealed the sex was completely consensual as what often happens in false rape stories. For once, I want Carly and Sonny unable to get revenge.

I definitely do not want to see a false rape accusation story out there for multiple reasons.  One, I don't want to see poor victim Morgan.  He's an asshole, full stop.  I don't want to see it turn into some thing where he's the victim of anything, and eventually all the people he's been a shit to are going to have to suck it up and apologize for not believing his lame ass.  Second, I just hate when that notion even gets put out there.  Too many people, in real life, are quick to jump to "she's lying" when a woman says she was raped, so it makes me automatically cringe when we see stories of false rape accusations played out on TV or movies.  

  • Love 9

I definitely do not want to see a false rape accusation story out there for multiple reasons.  One, I don't want to see poor victim Morgan.  He's an asshole, full stop.  I don't want to see it turn into some thing where he's the victim of anything, and eventually all the people he's been a shit to are going to have to suck it up and apologize for not believing his lame ass.  Second, I just hate when that notion even gets put out there.  Too many people, in real life, are quick to jump to "she's lying" when a woman says she was raped, so it makes me automatically cringe when we see stories of false rape accusations played out on TV or movies.  

Where is this slew of false rape stories played out on TV or movies? Maybe movies, because it is more dominated by men, but rarely on tv. Some people say false rape accusations are lower than 1%, some reports say it is as high as 40%. If anything it is usually promiscuous woman is raped and she is eventually believed or even vindicated that are the stories. If I have to watch Ava and Nina the victim storylines played out, don't see Morgan can't have one too, especially if it turns into a wake up call to curb his reckless behavior and get his life on track and it isn't like Darby is some great character that needs to be protected. It is usually the assholes that get the false rape accusations, because they are just that, assholes. They treat a woman poorly and behave reckless and since like attracts like, they get women that behave just like them. Nice guys like Lucky and Tony that woman dupe into claiming paternity.

Considering the last few rapes that made national news (one that even was covered by the Rolling Stones) all turned out to be hoaxes, some with made up people, I think it is topical.

American Crime has a very good was it rape/wasn't it rape story going this season. If they at GH dared touch something kind of like it with these writers and painting BC as a potential victim, it'd be suicide for the daytime division. (Considering that NLG has already made GH look so great in the news with her personal commentary on ABC primetime winner Viola Davis/Shonda Rhimes. It'd be shots fired.)

I could see with good writing a story where Cam eventually becomes a school shooter. He'd have to be a teen though. I'd imagine he'd be bullied for his home life, his brother, his bio dad, and then come home to a very unstable home life. Audrey won't live forever. So, he'll have Jason, a murderer, picking him up from school while mom works? Or Uncle Love Interest?

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I don't want to stray too OT here, so I'll just comment that the 40% number is, in any study I've ever seen, cases that did not proceed.  That's not the same as "false accusation," not by a long shot.  


As for this show in particular - I'm not concerned with protecting the character of Darby.  Her character is essentially Morgan's blow up doll (and I could go on about how offensive it is that the show is actually writing a female character to be nothing more than some douchebag's sex plaything).  Her characterization is already offensive enough, no need to make her existence on this show even more offensive and misogynist.  And, yes, false rape story lines do exist on TV and movies.  Not on a daily basis or anything, but they exist.  And, there's rarely reason for it, beyond using rape as a plot point.  And the damage done by perpetuating that stereotype (especially as horribly as this regime would write it), is certainly not worth it, in my opinion, to make Morgan the victim.  Should Morgan suffer consequences for his actions?  Absolutely.  But the idea that being falsely accused of rape is somehow a punishment for being a douchebag is problematic for me.  This kind of thing would be similar to when shows decide to redeem a "bad girl" by having her raped. We should be beyond that at this point. Also, it feels kind of sex-shaming to me to assume that Darby is "bad" because she is sexually active with a guy she's not dating.  


Should Darby call Morgan the asshole that  he is and tell him to never call her again after realizing that he was trying to sleep with her because he wanted to prove he could get it up before trying it out with the girl he (claims he) actually likes?  Yes.  But falsely accusing him of rape, to me, just perpetuates some of the greater issues we have in society.  I'm not remotely interested in seeing that play out on any level, but especially with this crew.  Between the writing and BryDog's acting, it would be a disaster.  

  • Love 10

Yeah. Now I could see a story with Morgan being an abusive boyfriend on or off his meds but he doesn't believe he's abusive because he's following the example of the relationship set by his parents.


That would make some sense.  His parents' relationship is not a remotely healthy model, and both of his parents are overgrown bullies.  Add in his clear emotional issues (outside of the bipolar), and it would not be remotely surprising for him to be emotionally abusive.  

  • Love 7

I don't want to stray too OT here, so I'll just comment that the 40% number is, in any study I've ever seen, cases that did not proceed.  That's not the same as "false accusation," not by a long shot.  


As for this show in particular - I'm not concerned with protecting the character of Darby.  Her character is essentially Morgan's blow up doll (and I could go on about how offensive it is that the show is actually writing a female character to be nothing more than some douchebag's sex plaything).  Her characterization is already offensive enough, no need to make her existence on this show even more offensive and misogynist.  And, yes, false rape story lines do exist on TV and movies.  Not on a daily basis or anything, but they exist.  And, there's rarely reason for it, beyond using rape as a plot point.  And the damage done by perpetuating that stereotype (especially as horribly as this regime would write it), is certainly not worth it, in my opinion, to make Morgan the victim.  Should Morgan suffer consequences for his actions?  Absolutely.  But the idea that being falsely accused of rape is somehow a punishment for being a douchebag is problematic for me.  This kind of thing would be similar to when shows decide to redeem a "bad girl" by having her raped. We should be beyond that at this point. Also, it feels kind of sex-shaming to me to assume that Darby is "bad" because she is sexually active with a guy she's not dating.  


Should Darby call Morgan the asshole that  he is and tell him to never call her again after realizing that he was trying to sleep with her because he wanted to prove he could get it up before trying it out with the girl he (claims he) actually likes?  Yes.  But falsely accusing him of rape, to me, just perpetuates some of the greater issues we have in society.  I'm not remotely interested in seeing that play out on any level, but especially with this crew.  Between the writing and BryDog's acting, it would be a disaster.

 I  am sure these kids weren't too far off Morgan's personality and it still seemed to be false rape (though the dad should be arrested). So now it is the Duke case, Columbia mattress girl, the Rolling Stone story and this. While I agree about Bryan and the writers dubious dubious talents. We can have women murder other women (and men) and have a woman destroy or attempt to destroy men's lives and come out on the other side with 3 healthy children and a hotel, but a girl accusing some asshole of rape is beyond the pall? Why is okay for this show to bend over backwards to make Ava sympathetic, but not Morgan (if it is the actor, replace him)?

That would make some sense.  His parents' relationship is not a remotely healthy model, and both of his parents are overgrown bullies.  Add in his clear emotional issues (outside of the bipolar), and it would not be remotely surprising for him to be emotionally abusive.

Exactly. Morgan has only seen control, lies, and manipulation. I also don't buy that mental illness "makes" a person do things. I believe that people should own their actions, as it's the best step to recovery. Too often you hear alcoholics blame alcohol for their actions. No. It lowers your inhibitions. So, I'd like to see Morgan actually confront it, embrace it, and then have Sonny/Carly have to ask themselves why they keep doing this to themselves and their kids. Then even Michael can confront his feelings about having to be the gatekeeper and never dealing with his stuff. It'd be an umbrella story with historical elements.

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Why is okay for this show to bend over backwards to make Ava sympathetic, but not Morgan (if it is the actor, replace him)?


They're already are bending over backwards to make Morgan sympathetic. They're explaining away all his terrible behavior and his douchebag personality as 'bipolar' so we'll all feel sorry for him. It's actually pretty gross and also written terribly, but the point of it is 'make Morgan sympathetic.'


It's already so prevalent in our society for people's reaction to rape accusations to be, 'She's lying. She's just a whore,' and I really don't need this particular show, what with it's terrible writing and acting, to perpetrate that anymore.

Rape is not a plot point.


Also this. Forever this.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 10

They're already are bending over backwards to make Morgan sympathetic. They're explaining away all his terrible behavior and his douchebag personality as 'bipolar' so we'll all feel sorry for him. It's actually pretty gross and also written terribly, but the point of it is 'make Morgan sympathetic.'

Fine. Then lets put a moratorium on all storylines designed drum up sympathy for all characters that are terrible and/or have done really terrible things. That means no more blowing up houses, no more kids in accidents and having to be transferred to Shriner's Hospitals. No more evil mommy/insta-husband trying to steal money. No being shot in the back and paralyzed (looking at you Sonny and now Kiki). And that means that just about all of Ava's storylines:the cancer, the attack by Nina, her being blackmailed by Paul, her nearly falling to her death, now Kiki being shot.


It's already so prevalent in our society for people's reaction to rape accusations to be, 'She's lying. She's just a whore,' and I really don't need this particular show, what with it's terrible writing and acting, to perpetrate that anymore.

That might have been the case 30 years ago, but most rape accusations are taken at face value, especially on college campuses. The government is now doing away with due process at colleges, which would allow actual courts to use the proceedings on campus tribunals to get convictions in trials, which is why when the last batch of rape hoaxes,the men in question have been suing the colleges. I have seen two stories where guys have been put in prison for years because of allegations from women were proven false, and it had nothing to do with the women in question prior sexual history(and believe it or not, I don't think a woman's sexual history should be used against her in rape cases). And if we can believe in present day Western society that men can still be so evil that they can rape a woman and think they can get away with it, can we also believe it is possible that a woman can be cruel enough to accuse a guy of date raping her?


While I think that a writer like Sri Rao or a Claire Labine are probably the few writers that might be able to pull off this storyline, I agree that GH hasn't been blessed with that type of writer in nearly 20 years.

Using a false rape accusation to redeem someone or teach them a lesson sounds just as problematic as using actual rape to make someone sympathetic or turn them into a "good girl/boy". Yes, false rape accusations happen in real life but these writers would for sure make that type of story wildly offensive to everyone. 

  • Love 6

I think there is a story to be told about false accusations. I do not think this is the particular time in our culture to tell it given how much we have marginalized rape as something other than a very serious crime, and this GH certainly is not the show to do it.


This is, more succinctly, what I was trying to say.  There's just no way that, on this show, with that actor, the story wouldn't be, at minimum, horribly offensive.  

  • Love 5

GH, honestly, is the last daytime soap that has any right to do much of a rape story. I think there's a reason that Liz's rape story was the first one on this show since Laura's (other than the fact that, you know, rape stories should be as rare as possible unless they're done right): I know why L&L were paired together because of the chemistry, but when your most popular supercouple ever (and the one with the most watched wedding in soaps, of course) had their love story begin with a rape, I think people have a right to side eye this show on that issue as much as possible.

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I want Liz to go back to her old house one more time, remember all the bad shit that happened their (Jake being kidnapped, the end of her second relationship to Lucky, the house being blown up) remember the shame she eventually felt knowing someone(Jason) bought the house for her, and say "Fuck this place". She then sells the property and gives the money to Shriners Hospitals for Children with 22 locations across the United States because the money is even more tainted than before and decides to move her boys off the island to an apartment.

  • Love 2

I decided this was better suited for this thread, since it's just If I Ran the Show and piggybacking off recent rumors of Tamara Braun returning, either as someone new or as Carly. I said I don't think they'll ever replace LW unless she chooses to leave or fights them over money, and I don't see either happening. Further, if Tamara did return I don't think she'd ever play a Sonny/Carly marriage again. That got me thinking about how at loose ends the Carly character is now, period, and what I'd do here regardless of whether Laura or Tamara was in the role (excepting my preferred favorite, Sarah Brown, with whom I'd probably do something different):

They already have this mystery transplant story going with Josslyn - fine, that's a decent enough entry to some kind of story. But Laura does not have romantic chemistry with Michael Easton IMO, just platonic. That's not a way out for Carly vis a vis Sonny. And Finn has the most chemistry with Tracy Q, and considering this is like his fourth fucking character on the show and Finn is a deeply kooky type I think it behooves them to use this man with whom and what he's actually, finally shockingly good at - hanging with Tracy.

Whether or not they were to replace Carlys, say Carly and Finn's quest takes them overseas investigating some sort of mysterious organ swapping. Tracy becomes involved because the money trail is inexplicably traced back to an ELQ subsidiary dating back to the 2000s. Intrigue! Mystery! I dunno, I hadn't thought it through but the bottom line is that it leads back, of course, to undead A.J. I know, you're all shocked. Long story short because I haven't thought it out, Monica (and Michael, who learned he was alive later on) hid his recovery and A.J. has linkages to the former subsidiary and it becomes some kind of minor globetrotting little mini-adventure for Laura Wright/Tamara Braun, Sean Kanan and yes, Michael Easton and Jane Elliot all hanging out in some poorly-disguised but fun jungle shrubbery just like that pointless monkey virus follow-up in 2006. It would look like Shakespeare compared to this show, and you'd have two new/old couples - A.J. and Carly, Finn and Tracy (and possibly a competing younger female and older or younger male to challenge Finn and Tracy's May/December passion).

Look, it's a slow Tuesday.

  • Love 7

Monica faked AJ's death. He was in a coma that she thought he'd never wake up from and she wanted Sonny to go to prison for murder since the violence that trails in his wake had cost her 3 of her children.  Works for me.

LW is being wasted as Sonny cheerleader and talk-to for dumb Carlyspawn. Carly/AJ as Monica/Alan 2.0 shifts the center of the show to a non-mob family dynamic and SK was the best chem that LW has had since Carly/Jax

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 5

Oh I'll never not be convinced that Monica hasn't been visiting AJ during those medical confrences.   I also think Griffin is AJ and Nikki Langston's son.   They threw the Duke Lavery kid gauntlet too soon for me, combined with Michael being CEO of ELQ.   Nah.   There's always another Q out there.  And Matt Cohen looks like Stuart Damon.   I just see this manipulative, I'm leading you somewhere,  I know something thing when he's about forgiveness in those scenes with Anna and Sonny.  

The fact that Ned and AJ have one kid each is some bullshit.    Ned is a playboy and AJ is spoiled, drunk rich kid.  Writers want to add new characters?   That's where they should come from.  Easy af and believable.   I wouldn't doubt any twenty something saying they're Ned or AJ's kid.  Hell, AJ could have a young child to a twenty year old.  So could Ned.  That's how you add a dynamic name actress to the show or a talented young actor.   Its believable that people would pop up to get money,  etc from the Qs.  Maybe a spot at GH from new CoS.  Maybe they're afraid of being found out they're a Q because Monica is CoS.  What's not believeable and really stupid is everyone wants to be a mobster.   We live in the information age, so why would anyone want to be Sonny?  He knows nothing.  

  • Love 7

Again, don't hate Duke, but if some dead guy is going to get a new kid, why can't AJ? I would love to see the look on Michael's (and Carly's!) face if new AJ heir, be it a boy or a girl, demands Michael's goodies. Bonus points if the unknown sibling can throw it in both of their faces that at least his/her mom didn't set out to destroy his/her father.

Speaking of AJ, considering how anti second amendment the current writing team is, why can't they write a storyline with Monica campaigning that Sonny and his staff being striped of the privilege of owning a gun. If she going to have the absurd gun buy back supporting an event for Toys for Tots, shouldn't the man that killed her unarmed son with a gun no longer have a gun?New York is a may issue state and if Sonny is going to convince everyone he is on the straight and narrow, he doesn't need one and has proven that he is incapable responsibly owning one has he murdered an unarmed man. I still want Monica to get her hands on the recording (that should have rightfully belong to her all along) so she can own Ava and Sonny for the next 16 years, and take Ava, Carly, Sonny and Julian for all they are worth. If they are going to exist on the show, they should be punished somehow according to their crimes, not the Perils of Pauline shit we get to make them be sympathetic.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 4

Bringing on Ned and AJ spawn is literally the best way to save this show.   Bring on Scotty's daughters as well.   I'd also bring Jagger for a temporary guest run to introduce a Jagger daughter, as the younger set is Corinthos/Kiki.  With a Jagger daughter and Scotty's daughters, you introduce the idea that it's okay to not like Sonny/the mob.  Gradually introducing that with putting the existing characters that are loved in good stories will work.   Jason could become a paramedic.  Sam and Curtis could open up their own PI firm with Anna and Jordan.  Maxie, Lulu, and Nina run Crimson.  Finn and Tracy hang out and be awesome.   Finn and Tracy learn Carly switched Avery's paternity and blackmail her into helping Tracy get dirt on Paul.  She gets them into the room.  They get the recording and hand it over to Monica.  Carly is apologetic and wants to atone.  She's sick of all the lies.  Sonny is forced to live under Monica's thumb.  Tracy blackmails Ava.  Carly thinks she's cool with the Q's.  Enter Not Dead AJ.  

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Hell no.   Barf to that.   I want the delicious creamy soap gooeyness of AJ having an unknown male heir stepping up and calling Michael out on everything.  I also want Undead AJ to confront Sonny, Ava, and Carly.  I'd prefer SK because I love his chemistry with LW and his shit eating grin would be fabulous.   But I'd take a recast.  RoHo would've made a great AJ recast, but TSJ would actually do.   He could bring a rough hardness to AJ that would be needed.  AJ has seen some stuff.  Dude can be angry.   

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I just had an impossible idea.   JVP as a lookalike, law abiding brother of Carlos.  He comes to town and is a lawyer (because PC needs a non mob lawyer) and represents  Tracy in the eventual custody battle for Baby Eduardo.  Sabrina is drawn to him because he looks like Carlos, but is a law abiding citizen. But he only has eyes for Tracy.  He and Tracy raise Eduardo together as Michael vows to win Sabrina back by trying to get Eduardo back full time for Sabrina.  Tracy agrees to share custody as long as Sabrina keeps the baby away from anyone mob related.  Michael grows more desperate and turns to Sonny.  Tracy worries about her nephew's son losing his way and turns to Finn and Monica for help.  They agree that it's time to bring the one person back who can get him away from Sonny-  his real father, AJ. But AJ isn't ready to come back.  So, Finn uses Carly to get into Paul's room to steal the recording.  Monica threatens to  send a copy  of the recording  to Jax, who  will take custody of Joss from Carly, unless Carly signs over the Metro Court to her.  Carly agrees, thinking she can use it to help Sonny.  Monica signs the Metro Court over to AJ Quartermaine.  

  • Love 3

That Nellie Hayes is the long lost daughter of Jax and Brenda, when Brenda was presumed dead. Her mother also survived the crash and Luis Alcazar gave her tons of money and the baby to rise as her "second chance", so he could keep Brenda for himself. However, Veronica mental state again deteriorated, forcing Nellie to institutionalize her with the money Luis left them and Nellie having to find ways  to support herself. Through some of Veronica's ramblings, she learned about her parents identities but was reluctant to reveal herself after learning they had started new families. When she saw the article about Joss, her curiosity got the best of her and contacted Carly. 

Skye has already met Nellie because she initially thought she might be Luis's daughter and wanted to test Lila to see if they are related, as all other Alcazars are dead. 

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I've more or less reconciled myself to the fact that we're stuck with RoHo (maybe that was FV's terrible idea and not RC's) so this serial killer story should have been the 'Who Killed Franco' murder mystery - the killer could just be AJ (played by RoHo with a frikkin hair cut) in self-defense (because, Reasons/Helena/Commercial Break)

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I might be a one of the few people that liked Duke, but I agree about the utter waste of making Griffin his son, considering Matt Cohen’s physical resemblance to a young Stuart Damon. RC justified the rather strange choice of making Franco Scotty and Heather’s kid because Alan was dead, so after seeing the stunning resemblance MC has to SD and the chem between Jane Elliot and MC, they should have changed course before ever trying to connect Griffin to Duke and made him Ned’s son and Tracy’s grandson. If I was writing GH, still have it be that Lucas knew Griffin, and instead of making Griffin a priest, have him be someone that flirted with priesthood, but felt “God” directing towards medicine. I wouldn’t mind that Griffin and Lucas put aside any animosity that Griffin’s faith might have caused when they both discovered that they both had been adopted as small children and quickly bonded over that. We then find out during the year that Griffin has connected with his birth mother and low and behold, Griffin’s birth mother is an ex lover of Ned’s from his teenage/college years, when Griffin was conceived and born.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I might be a one of the few people that liked Duke, but I agree about the utter waste of making Griffin his son, considering Matt Cohen’s physical resemblance to a young Stuart Damon. RC justified the rather strange choice of making Franco Scotty and Heather’s kid because Alan was dead, so after seeing the stunning resemblance MC has to SD and the chem between Jane Elliot and MC, they should have changed course before ever trying to connect Griffin to Duke and made him Ned’s son and Tracy’s grandson. If I was writing GH, still have it be that Lucas knew Griffin, and instead of making Griffin a priest, have him be someone that flirted with priesthood, but felt “God” directing towards medicine. I wouldn’t mind that Griffin and Lucas put aside any animosity that Griffin’s faith might have caused when they both discovered that they both had been adopted as small children and quickly bonded over that. We then find out during the year that Griffin has connected with his birth mother and low and behold, Griffin’s birth mother is an ex lover of Ned’s from his teenage/college years, when Griffin was conceived and born.

I would love to see an actual bisexual character on soaps.  Kristina doesn't count because she never counts.  I want a legit bisexual character.  Maybe Griffin had an affair with Lucas and still has feelings for him, but also is attracted to Maxie.  And there's Tracy, just wanting the absolute best for her newly discovered neurosurgeon grandson.  Honestly, I think Tracy would pick Lucas because he has a steady job. 

  • Love 2

Cam would be SORASed especially with this kidSpencer-List-Actor-Dating.jpeg.

If done correctly he would totally rock, especially when dealing with Franco. Every week can be him beating the shit out of Franco for one of his creepy, gross moves, or just the desire to keep him away from his kidnapping victim, Aidan. I would love if part of his hatred is when Franco helped hide AJ's murder, because Cam liked AJ and had high hopes for him and his mother. 

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At this point, the only cure I'm hoping for is cancellation. It's obvious the audience will never get anything we want, not as long as FV is in charge. It's like a game to him, how far in the complete opposite direction can he go from what is logical and would be good storytelling. The fact ABCD renewed his garbage ass contract along with Jelly's tells me they have no fucks to give about this show, so why should the audience?

  • Love 2

This came to me out of the blue a moment ago: Grant Aleksander (Phillip Spaulding, GL) as Jeff Webber. Cerebral, handsome and potentially dangerous. You could do anything with him, and he projects authority in a potential COS role or whatever else.

I'd also bring on Liz and Sarah's mysterious mother as a scheming, brilliant neurosurgeon or something - ideally I'd have cast Melody Thomas Scott but she is never leaving Y&R, so it would likely have to be someone like Colleen Zenk or someone really, really good. She'd come on under another name (likely her maiden name) and interact with other people for a few weeks as part of some unrelated intrigue, and then she would be revealed as Liz's mother and Jeff's (estranged) wife. Then comes Dr. Jeff, and so on and so forth.

Problem is they'd need much better stories and writers.

Edited by jsbt
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