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Kardashians in the Media

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On June 29, 2016 at 6:48 PM, jadecorleone said:

The more I read about this family and watch their antics, they all remind me of a group of frenemies. They secretly cant stand each other, but they keep each other around only because no one else will put up with them.

And they all know each other's secrets. 

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Okay, I know ahead of time that millennium and a few others are going to want to talk about the audacity of this particular person doing what's described here:

Caitlyn Jenner lends GOP advice on how to treat LGBT community

To be fair, she at least denounced HB2 to the faces of the Republicans. Six months ago she would have found a way to hedge and not do that.

This almost sounds like an actual intelligent way to say this... I doubt she's changed a person that much, but she's being coached better to thread the needle and still seem Republican but "not on this one issue"...


Jenner expressed her concern over Republican support of anti-gay laws throughout the country, and she denounced a conservative argument used in the "bathroom bill" debate that says allowing transgender people community bathroom autonomy endangers children.

She noted there were male Republican lawmakers -- former U.S. Sen. Larry Craig, for one -- have run into legal trouble for what Jenner described "lewd behavior in a men's bathroom."

"...Maybe what we should do is ban Republican representatives at a state level from being in bathrooms, if we're trying to protect people," she said.

Edited by Kromm
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On June 29, 2016 at 6:48 PM, jadecorleone said:

The more I read about this family and watch their antics, they all remind me of a group of frenemies. They secretly cant stand each other, but they keep each other around only because no one else will put up with them.

They really don't like each other. I think before this show started they never really saw each other or hung out much. I think Khole and Kourtney were close but they lived together and they were the ones who worked at the stores they owed(the show also acted like Kim worked there too but I doubt that, she was off partying with Paris and the like so yeah). But the show tries to make it like they were a close family. And that's not even taking into account the way they  tried in the start of this show to make it seem like the Jenners were always a part of it as well. Years later Bruce would finally admit the truth)seriously if you watch the e true Hollywood story that e did before the series started , they pulled the "it was like the Brady brunch!") .

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2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

They really don't like each other. I think before this show started they never really saw each other or hung out much. I think Khole and Kourtney were close but they lived together and they were the ones who worked at the stores they owed(the show also acted like Kim worked there too but I doubt that, she was off partying with Paris and the like so yeah). But the show tries to make it like they were a close family. And that's not even taking into account the way they  tried in the start of this show to make it seem like the Jenners were always a part of it as well. Years later Bruce would finally admit the truth)seriously if you watch the e true Hollywood story that e did before the series started , they pulled the "it was like the Brady brunch!") .

In Greece, Kendall was so upset over not getting to spend time with her brothers and mentioned to Caitlyn that she hadn't ever even had a vacation with them before. Caitlyn just brushed it off, with "oh really"?

When she started spending time with Brandon and Brody in Malibu, Kris got her panties in a twist because Kendall blew off a couple lunch dates to surf with them. She was especially pissed when Kendall wanted to buy an old pick up truck like Brandon and Leah drive.

There were some quotes  from the VF article I think, that Kris gave about how it became a hassle having the Jenner kids over because they had to deal with their mother(s) and there was some friction. Apparently Linda Thompsen had waived child support for Brandon and Brody at first, but later took Caitlyn  to court, which angered Kris greatly( even then it was all about the MONEY), Caitlyn just pussyed up and said she'd wait till the kids were "out from under their mother's apron" to establish a relationship with them.

It was never the Brady Bunch. Even when Kim and Kanye got married, Caitlyn/Kris bought tickets for Brandon and Leah and not for Brody, and in my opinion, whether Brody was dating his GF for two weeks or two years, he should have been offered a plus one. I don't care how small the venue was or how many people wanted  to bring someone, he is her step brother and if Kylie could bring that idiot Jaden Smith, there was room for Brody's GF. Kim was just being a bitch about it.

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Wow, how dare Linda expect child support from the father of her children. The more I hear about Caitlyn's history, the less I like her. Child support disputes are no reason to bail out of your kids' lives. What a miserable family.

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Yup. I think it was easier to fake that everything was good because in the beginning, Brody was doing his own show(s) so the Ks could write the history they wanted. I agree it was never the Brady brunch, these people tried to act like it was(also side note I should have wrote Caitlyin instead of Bruce in my earlier post, my mistake).

And I know this is scripted but I sometimes think Brody hilariously goes off script at times, like when he tried to confront Cait when they were out to lunch with Kylie and Kendell "you were never like that with me" and Cait was like "why are you doing this now?" Or when Kendell and Kylie ran off during vacation and everyone was like "omg we have to go find them!" Brody was like "yeah I'm going to eat breakfast "

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1 minute ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yup. I think it was easier to fake that everything was good because in the beginning, Brody was doing his own show(s) so the Ks could write the history they wanted. I agree it was never the Brady brunch, these people tried to act like it was(also side note I should have wrote Caitlyin instead of Bruce in my earlier post, my mistake).

And I know this is scripted but I sometimes think Brody hilariously goes off script at times, like when he tried to confront Cait when they were out to lunch with Kylie and Kendell "you were never like that with me" and Cait was like "why are you doing this now?" Or when Kendell and Kylie ran off during vacation and everyone was like "omg we have to go find them!" Brody was like "yeah I'm going to eat breakfast "

The best was when he told Kris flat out "I felt you never gave two shits about  Brandon and I"

And top it off with the look of absolute horror on Brandon and Leah's faces when he told them about Kris oiling up his back and comparing it to Caitlyn's "back in the day"

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Brody is kind of the Best on this mess. He had some funny moments when he was on The Hills but he shines really good here. Probably because he doesn't give a damn. He also said something awesome about liking Reggie more than Kayne once. Never change Brody 

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2 hours ago, iwasish said:

In Greece, Kendall was so upset over not getting to spend time with her brothers and mentioned to Caitlyn that she hadn't ever even had a vacation with them before. Caitlyn just brushed it off, with "oh really"?

When she started spending time with Brandon and Brody in Malibu, Kris got her panties in a twist because Kendall blew off a couple lunch dates to surf with them. She was especially pissed when Kendall wanted to buy an old pick up truck like Brandon and Leah drive.

There were some quotes  from the VF article I think, that Kris gave about how it became a hassle having the Jenner kids over because they had to deal with their mother(s) and there was some friction. Apparently Linda Thompsen had waived child support for Brandon and Brody at first, but later took Caitlyn  to court, which angered Kris greatly( even then it was all about the MONEY), Caitlyn just pussyed up and said she'd wait till the kids were "out from under their mother's apron" to establish a relationship with them.

It was never the Brady Bunch. Even when Kim and Kanye got married, Caitlyn/Kris bought tickets for Brandon and Leah and not for Brody, and in my opinion, whether Brody was dating his GF for two weeks or two years, he should have been offered a plus one. I don't care how small the venue was or how many people wanted  to bring someone, he is her step brother and if Kylie could bring that idiot Jaden Smith, there was room for Brody's GF. Kim was just being a bitch about it.

All of Caitlyn’s children are of age now and can spend time with whomever they please, including their half siblings. Who’s stopping them? Kendall travels all over the world and surely can make time for her Jenner siblings if she wants to. Burt and Casey Jenner stay under the radar so I respect that, but Brody was a fame whore before Kim was famous and he jumped onto the KUWTK fame train when his younger sisters were still preteens. He has had plenty of time to establish a relationship with them if he wanted to. So boo hoo, Kris never loved him or gave a crap about him. So what? He had a mother, Linda Thompson, who, despite being having been Elvis Presley’s lover and David Foster’s wife, was still a loving maternal figure to him and Brandon. She, by the way, is now penning her own autobiography, candidly describing her memories of life with Caitlyn. I don’t blame her; everyone is entitled to cash in. Why not her? If Brody’s worst trauma is that his girlfriend was not invited as a plus one to Kim and Kanye’s stupid wedding, he will be a lucky man indeed. He needs to keep it real.

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I don't think Brody was boo booing his life, Kris was the one who was so upset that he "didn't get her" and love her the way the way SHE wanted to be loved.

Kendall is certainly grown now and can make her own choices, but I imagine it's tough when your mother is resentful and jealous of the time you are spending with a half sibling (and Greece was several years ago, she was younger and maybe less able to buck her mom) Kris is a master manipulator of her kids emotions and loyalty . 

If Brody's goal was fame whoring on the scale of the Kardashians he could easily have sucked up to the family as much as others have, Jonathan, Malika etc. He may have had his day when younger but I don't see him craving fame as much as Kim or Khloe or Kris do. 

I doubt Brody really cared about the wedding. I do think though that it is hurtful to hear that your  father was aware that his wife was picking up the tab for one son and his wife and yet not offering to do the same for you ( and the plus one was not an issue with the plane ticket). Caitlyn tried to play it off as though she was ignorant of the situation, when, as usual she was just taking the path of least resistance ( a coward). I imagine Brody took it as yet another sign of his fathers disregard for him. He may be an adult and it's easy to say grow up and get over it, but I can speak from a similar situation, that those childhood hurts go deep. Caitlyn talks a good game on moving forward and building a relationship but for every step forward , there are 2 backward.   

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7 hours ago, Artsda said:

I find that to be more worrisome than Rob deleting his Instagram pics for the umpteenth time. Even though he's appeared happier than he has in a while the fact that he pretty much became a recluse for nearly 3 years shows something wasnt quite right with him. If hes bipolar like has been speculated that doesnt go away and it doesnt take much to trigger an episode. A few weeks ago he was on a Snapchat (I think it was one that Khloe or Kourtney posted) and he looked so uncomfortable. Khloe was mugging for the camera and blowing kisses and he looked odd, I couldnt put my finger on what was wrong with him. 

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I don't think Rob is really any better than he was before. I do believe he has some form of mental illness. He moves into that house and then days later he wants to move out? Even if he's just jerking his mom and sisters chains, that shit ain't normal.  He seems impulsive and unpredictable. It makes me wonder about Chyna too. This may not be politically correct to say, but no way would I consider having a baby with someone with his recent behaviors . If it's some kind of bipolar or other mental illness, while it may not be technically hereditary, the people ( and there's only a few) that I know who suffer from it, there always seems to be at least one or two others in the family, not necessarily parent or sibling, but closely related, who also suffer. I'd need to see someone much more stable and established in their life before I'd bring an innocent kid into the mix. Not just for concern that the child could also have issues, but I wouldn't want my child to have to deal with a parent who is unstable mentally. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. And I do understand that many people have mentally ill relatives that they dearly love and wouldn't trade for the world. But it's not an easy situation and for me, I wouldn't risk it. 

If Rob is really ill, putting him in a TV show and all that goes with it is not a good idea. 

Kris and Kim seem to feel Chyna motivated Rob  some way, drew him out, something family, friends and perhaps professionals couldn't do. Khloe, in her crude way, credits good pussy. Both of those ideas are too simplistic. Only Kourtney seems to grasp the notion of a child being born into what could become a disaster. She herself is facing the possibility that her kids may have challenges in their lives if Scott is unable to maintain his sobriety. ( and she has to acknowledge that her decisions make her partially responsible for any hardships they face).

No one hides in their house for years, merely because they are overweight and embarrassed by that. His distancing himself from everyone, being MIA from family functions ( even with no cameras present), sneaking out to places unknown with persons unknown, it's more than antisocial behavior, or being in a "bad place". And you don't just wake one day like a bear from hibernation and emerge as though all is well.  They are fooling themselves if they think the last few years are but a  bad memory.

Then it could all be just so much Kardashian fakery and Robs actually been hidden away working on some top secret governmental project that will bring about world peace and prosperity. 

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49 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

ALL of their kids are going to grow up with issues, IMO.

I agree. North and Saint have two self-absorbed narcissists for parents, the Disick kids have an alcoholic father and the Rob/BC is the product of a mentally ill father and a mother with a clear agenda. Throw in the obscene wealth and twisted values and it'll be a miracle if any of them make it to 18 without two stints in rehab under their belts. 

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7 hours ago, iwasish said:

It makes me wonder about Chyna too. This may not be politically correct to say, but no way would I consider having a baby with someone with his recent behaviors .

Well, she's had a kid with Tyga, so picking men to father her children is obviously not her strong suit. And I'm certain her decision to get pregnant was at least partially motivated by the exposure and revenue the pregnancy would get her. If (or more likely, when) Rob goes back to his old ways, she can still hit up PMK for cash. The K's may not like her, but they wouldn't let a Kardashian baby grow up destitute.

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3 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Well, she's had a kid with Tyga, so picking men to father her children is obviously not her strong suit. And I'm certain her decision to get pregnant was at least partially motivated by the exposure and revenue the pregnancy would get her. If (or more likely, when) Rob goes back to his old ways, she can still hit up PMK for cash. The K's may not like her, but they wouldn't let a Kardashian baby grow up destitute.

Destitute is the last thing I'd worry about.  A family that thinks Rob is suddenly cured because he's back on "social media"  isn't the kind of family that might be observant enough to see issues that kid might have long before they escalate to the stage they noticed Rob's.

But as Bitter Apple says, all the kids are looking at a rough road ahead.

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5 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

By all accounts, BC was doing fine even before Rob came along. Not destitute.

Fine might be okay for most of us, but I doubt she pulls in anything near what the lowest paid Kardashian (adult) does. Plus all the comped vacations and other freebies. If her ex is being hounded for back rent and having his autos repossessed, her child support may not be all that secure in the future.  

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17 hours ago, iwasish said:

I don't think Rob is really any better than he was before. I do believe he has some form of mental illness. He moves into that house and then days later he wants to move out? Even if he's just jerking his mom and sisters chains, that shit ain't normal.

If Rob is really ill, putting him in a TV show and all that goes with it is not a good idea. 

No one hides in their house for years, merely because they are overweight and embarrassed by that. His distancing himself from everyone, being MIA from family functions ( even with no cameras present), sneaking out to places unknown with persons unknown, it's more than antisocial behavior, or being in a "bad place". And you don't just wake one day like a bear from hibernation and emerge as though all is well.  They are fooling themselves if they think the last few years are but a  bad memory.


Great post, and these are the points I agree with the most.  

There are so many red flags that travel along with Rob, even a casual observer can see them.  I find it odd (although "odd," when used to describe this family, takes on a completely different meaning) that Chyna went to Grandma's party and Rob stayed home.  Odd that Kim is once again besties with Chyna, ignoring the fact that Chyna and Rob had a fight serious enough for Rob to miss the party.  And if the fight wasn't that big a deal, the fact that he was once again a no-show at a family gathering suggests that he could be sliding back into the dark place that I don't think he ever really left.  If a family member of mine misses several important family milestones and gatherings, I'm going to worry, and worry a lot.  I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Rob once again disappears for a length of time.

I think he has issues that go way back to how his sisters treated him as a kid, and the fact that his dad passed away.  He's never seemed comfortable on the show like his sisters seem to be, especially seeing him in these new episodes.  Between Rob, Scott and Lamar, I don't know who is sicker.

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Between Rob, Scott and Lamar, I don't know who is sicker.

 I have the most hope for Scott. 

Kim crawling up Chyna's ass is what bugs me the most. SO fake. Taking pictures with her and caressing her baby bump.. if I were Chyna, I'd tell her to keep her hands off. I mean she dumps her as a friend cause her underage sister takes up with Chyna's BF and now, clearly for the image she wants to show to the public she's back with her again, putting on a pasted on smile and offering mothering advice?

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Kim and Kanye are on the cover of the new Harper's Bazaar. I was reading elsewhere before that these two are being honored at the upcoming New York Fashion Week and are being given a huge bash at the Plaza because of their contribution to the world of fashion lol And this is why these two will never go away regardless of how much of a crazy douchebag Kanye is, for whatever reason he still gets a ton of industry respect. Its even more bizarre why he gets so much in the fashion world considering how hideous his designs are.


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47 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Kim giving parenting advice? Right, like she's ever done any of the shit work in raising her two kids. Kim does the Disneyland trips and Snapchat videos. The rest is farmed out to the help.

Mother of two and she can't remember if her first born said mama or dada first. She had to go home and check. I guess the nanny left notes. My dog walker does the same thing.... "Hi Mommy, Abbey took two big dumps today on our walk"

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51 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

Kim and Kanye are on the cover of the new Harper's Bazaar. I was reading elsewhere before that these two are being honored at the upcoming New York Fashion Week and are being given a huge bash at the Plaza because of their contribution to the world of fashion lol And this is why these two will never go away regardless of how much of a crazy douchebag Kanye is, for whatever reason he still gets a ton of industry respect. Its even more bizarre why he gets so much in the fashion world considering how hideous his designs are.


They sound like two real geniuses in this interview. Kanye admits he doesn't like to think, but its been pretty clear that he doesn't so I didn't really learn much. Just another few digs at Taylor Swift. Grow up you two, Taylor may well be a liar, but as time goes by and you keep carrying on, you just look petty and childish.

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2 hours ago, howmanywords said:

And this is why these two will never go away regardless of how much of a crazy douchebag Kanye is, for whatever reason he still gets a ton of industry respect. Its even more bizarre why he gets so much in the fashion world considering how hideous his designs are.


It's all because for some reason Anna Wintour likes Kanye. I don't know why, I don't think anybody knows why, but she's the reason he gets industry respect, she's the reason he gets fashion awards, she's the reason they get to be on the cover of magazines. Maybe he has pictures of Anna styling Satan or something.

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3 minutes ago, GaT said:

It's all because for some reason Anna Wintour likes Kanye. I don't know why, I don't think anybody knows why, but she's the reason he gets industry respect, she's the reason he gets fashion awards, she's the reason they get to be on the cover of magazines. Maybe he has pictures of Anna styling Satan or something.

Has to be more than just "styling" Satan.

In all honesty though, I think it's more that,  they get the attention from the  press and entertainment news shows which brings attention to stuff most people wouldn't be bothered to watch or read about. 

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39 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Has to be more than just "styling" Satan.

In all honesty though, I think it's more that,  they get the attention from the  press and entertainment news shows which brings attention to stuff most people wouldn't be bothered to watch or read about. 

That's what I'm thinking as well. Nobody in the fashion world takes Kanye seriously, but train wrecks make for great publicity. 

I will admit I'm loving Kim's makeup on the cover though. I wish she'd stick with that kind of pinkish blush palette instead of the heavy, black smokey eye and dirt streak contouring.

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I always figured Anna played a huge part in Kanye having the clout that he does but it still baffles me.  I mean, I think I would understand it more if Kanye really did have some unique, amazing style but he doesn't.  Calling him a fashion icon is laughable.  His regular "look" is some form of either a white or black tee and ripped pants. Karl Lagerfield actually shot the photos for the spread. Do these people not have any shame?  

29 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I will admit I'm loving Kim's makeup on the cover though. I wish she'd stick with that kind of pinkish blush palette instead of the heavy, black smokey eye and dirt streak contouring.

I really like her makeup inside the mag, too. Really pretty.

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19 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Kim giving parenting advice? Right, like she's ever done any of the shit work in raising her two kids. Kim does the Disneyland trips and Snapchat videos. The rest is farmed out to the help.

She can't even go to Disney without "help."

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What's the obsession with ripped and ragged clothes? Ugly ass stuff. 

Kim's got her family feeding into his ego by being "supportive" and appearing in his (alleged) creative vision. 

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Kim basically confirms that all the Kardashian pets got dumped in shelters or left behind when the family moved. Just when you think they couldn't get any more despicable:

*warning: if you're an animal lover, your blood pressure is going to skyrocket


Edited by BitterApple
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She's so fake. Just an episode  or two ago she was giving the side eye to Kylie's dog and commenting on how she just can't see herself ever having a pet. 

They give Christmas and Birthday gifts away like outgrown clothing? But Kendell is pissed because Rob give the I pad she gave him to BC. What's the difference?

All those cutsey pics of her with the pets were just for posting, to make her look she as if she likes animals. 

The Bengel kitten was beautiful but I don't think they make good pets for young children. They aren't like a regular domesticated  cat. 

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14 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

That list was the most awful thing ever. I could never be cavalier about just tossing my pets aside. It's kind of gross actually. 

Especially considering they're all multi-millionaires who can well afford to hire trainers, dog walkers, pet sitters etc. I'd have a little more sympathy if we were talking about an average Joe who lost his job, got foreclosed on and had no other options, but tossing an animal aside because you're bored with it is just disgusting, IMO. 

Edited by BitterApple
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Right?!!?!? It's clear they're only getting these cute puppies and kittens and etc for the photo ops but then they're like "oh I have to care for this too?" And they do have the ability to get help so I mean there really is no excuse. 

Honestly I'm not surprised. I'm most surprised Kim actually admitted about All the pets that are MIA.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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2 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Right?!!?!? It's clear they're only getting these cute puppies and kittens and etc for the photo ops but then they're like "oh I have to care for this too?" And they do have the ability to get help so I mean there really is no excuse. 

Kris goes overboard with the XMAS gifts every year, she gives excessively to all of them. One year, she gave each person a Vespa type scooter, and that was just one of many gifts she gave to each of them. I'm sure many of the gifts are never even used. I guess every couple years she's stumped by what else she can give and falls back on the stereotypical Christmas puppy(ies). Then weeks later the kids have no interest in them and they're pissing and shitting all over the house, so Kris re-gifts them to a family friend or they just disappear. But the wonderful memories are all captured on film and you know how Kris loves those memories!! I doubt she looks at those pictures and gives a thought to that puppy or wonders if it's still alive. All she cares about is the beautiful picture of her beautiful daughters with their beautiful matching Labrador puppies. Another beautiful memory. The puppies are nothing more than this years Barbie or Cabbage Patch or other hot gift of the year.

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I feel so sorry for those animals. To me, when you take a pet into your home, the pet has a "forever home" and is a member of your family for the rest of its life. I hope that the discarded Kardashian pets have more secure homes now.

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The cat I currently own and have for the last 5 years was originally brought to a shelter because someone asshole got his wife a kitten for her birthday and they dumped it at the same shelter when they decided they didn't want a "big" cat anymore. That infuriated me so much and these people are even worse getting rid of animals like they are worthless possessions.  How careless can you be leaving behind a pet during a move? At least Kim is being straight up honest about it. I dont care that she isn't an animal person..not saying you have to be one at all but when you do have one you take on a responsibility.  I'm glad she's not rushing to get North a dog just because she wants one.  Just a few weeks ago I brought up the Bengel Kourtney had wondering what happened. She was posting pics non-stop.  I guess even with her nannies a cat was too much with a new baby. Sickening.

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On May 18, 2016 at 9:05 PM, ms.o said:
2 hours ago, howmanywords said:

The cat I currently own and have for the last 5 years was originally brought to a shelter because someone asshole got his wife a kitten for her birthday and they dumped it at the same shelter when they decided they didn't want a "big" cat anymore. That infuriated me so much and these people are even worse getting rid of animals like they are worthless possessions.  How careless can you be leaving behind a pet during a move? At least Kim is being straight up honest about it. I dont care that she isn't an animal person..not saying you have to be one at all but when you do have one you take on a responsibility.  I'm glad she's not rushing to get North a dog just because she wants one.  Just a few weeks ago I brought up the Bengel Kourtney had wondering what happened. She was posting pics non-stop.  I guess even with her nannies a cat was too much with a new baby. Sickening.

LOL, they probably read this board to decide what to put on their websites. I thought it was a stupid move when Kortney got the Bengal in the first place. They're not like regular cats, are bigger, and they need a lot more care than one. Jackson Galaxy had one show with a Bengal. They are all over the place, very active. Not a good pet for children at all.

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On 27 July, 2016 at 6:21 PM, Veronique Bette said:

…  Linda Thompson, who, despite being having been Elvis Presley’s lover and David Foster’s wife, was still a loving maternal figure to him and Brandon. She, by the way, is now penning her own autobiography, candidly describing her memories of life with Caitlyn. I don’t blame her; everyone is entitled to cash in.

She's an interesting one and does a little of rewriting history, herself.

If you follow her Instagram, which I don't, but sometimes check, she was one of Elvis' great loves, when in reality, she was one of many. That's just one example. 

Mostly I'm fascinated with how pretty she once was and now is a frozen, plastic altered, big boobed, fake teethed Real Housewife.  Not that they seem to want to hire her. I often wonder if she misses her once beautiful face and body.

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Actually, Linda Thompson is an Emmy award winning songwriter, from Wikipedia


She began her career as a lyricist with the Kenny Rogers single "Our Perfect Song" from his 1985 album The Heart of the Matter. Thompson collaborated with composer Richard Marx on Josh Groban's first hit record, "To Where You Are", with composer Steve Dorffon the Celine Dion hit "Miracle", with Andreas Carlsson for "Drowning" by the Backstreet Boys, and composer David Foster on several compositions, including "No Explanation" for the 1990 film Pretty Woman, and "I Have Nothing" for 1992 motion picture, The Bodyguard, for which they were nominated both for the Academy Award for Best Song in 1993 and the Grammy Award for Best Song Written Specifically for a Motion Picture or for Television in 1994, and "Grown Up Christmas List".[citation needed]

In 1999, Linda Thompson, Clint Eastwood & Carole Bayer Sager wrote Why Should I Care for the 1999 film True Crime. In 2011, Thompson, Foster and Jackie Evancho collaborated on the title track for Evancho's album Dream With Me.[citation needed]

Thompson and Foster received the 2003 Emmy for Outstanding Music and Lyrics for "Aren't They All Our Children" for the "The Concert for World Children's Day", which aired November 14, 2002.[11

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14 minutes ago, GaT said:

Actually, Linda Thompson is an Emmy award winning songwriter, from Wikipedia

She was a bit more than one of many of Elvis's girls. They were together for quite a long time and I think she left due to his drug use. She was the first person Lisa Marie called when Elvis died. 

If she chooses to cash in on Caitlyn coming out, out of all the players in it, she doing it bothers me the least (along with the first wife). It's been insinuated by both Kris and Caitlyn, that it was Linda who was at  fault in the boys not seeing their father, that her changing her mind about child support was somehow so problematic that it made child visitation impossible. I'd like to hear her side of things. Not that I won't do so with a grain of salt, but so far her credibility is less in question than Caitlyn's  or Kris's. 

Sad that she too has fallen for the plastic surgery, botoxed look. 

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