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Bring It! - General Discussion

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I love this show! I happened across it and thought I would give it a chance. The moms aren't over the top yelling at each other and Dianne is tough but not mean (a la Dance Mom's Abby). I like that she is respectful to all the girls and appears to be teaching them all and not just a favored few. She also seems to care about the girls and is trying to also instill hard work and self-esteem in everyone. I think you can be tough and still be respectful of people. Critiquing and teaching is different from yelling and screaming. Hopefully the show will catch on.

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Let's see, there were only two weekends this year that had enough snow/ice to shut things down in Memphis at all, and every little town has a Christmas parade (the other weekend was in Feb, which isn't a parade time of year), so this pretty much has to have been filmed in early December, if anyone wants a timeline.


As far as the "Street Battle" goes, I'm calling foul. Because, honestly, outside of a judged event, how is it going to prove anything? Just seems a way to ramp up drama in an episode that, due to not having a competition, didn't have much. But again, it's a lot more realistic that sometimes competitions don't happen. I also have to say I like that they have a variety of routines and are working on all of them, but for the most part, the only new content added in a given week might be a short part of the stand battle, and that different girls do different dance classes/teams.



I think that the approach that they use with the dances (girls have a set number of routines, then they modify them slightly week to week as appropriate) is far more realistic than the "learn a new dance every week" approach some other dance shows have. Sure if you are a dancer going from job to job that might be appropriate, but as a kid on a team, you should be learning, refining and improving your technique from week to week, not getting a new dance every week.

I love the follow-up episode with some of the battles from the season replayed from their competitor's perspective, complete with talking heads from the other captains and coaches. It really allows a full view of the competitions and lets viewers get inside the kids heads. It also helps a cynical audience realize that unlike another lifetime show, the results from these competitions aren't fudged for the show.

I caught this show for the first time tonight. I must say, I like it way more than I do Dance Moms for all of the reasons mentioned above. The only thing that irritated me was the fact that some of these kiddos have the worst posture I've seen in a long time. The former dancer in me kept wanting to scream at the screen. LOL. It says a lot about the show that the posture is the only thing that bothered me. 

I caught this show for the first time tonight. I must say, I like it way more than I do Dance Moms for all of the reasons mentioned above. The only thing that irritated me was the fact that some of these kiddos have the worst posture I've seen in a long time. The former dancer in me kept wanting to scream at the screen. LOL. It says a lot about the show that the posture is the only thing that bothered me.

I saw it for the first time last night, too--I mean, really watched more than a few minutes. I caught the marathon. Hopefully, since the new season just started, there will be more discussion. Because I'm gonna need to discuss that red wig with SOMEbody.
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It's back!

Again, I really like that this what they always do, although I'm sure the show got more girls at tryouts (I have to be honest, I would have been tempted to drive my daughter to Jackson to do the clinic, just because). The girls weren't surprised or stressed beyond what is reasonable for trying out for a competitive team. Compare that with the whole last season of dance moms, and it's a whole different world. I still adore Ms. Dianna, and her true enthusiasm and joy in watching the tryout solos was refreshing.

The moms seem great through the whole process. They're competitive, but not in a way that breaks down the other girls to make theirs look better. I loved Camryn's mother and how supportive she is.

I think Sunjai may just be too fragile looking to be quite as effective at this dance style as, say, Kayla. I've seen that in my daughter's dance studio-often the girls who look best in ballet look downright silly doing hip-hop, even when they're amazing dancers with great technique. I like the girl, but she just seems like a better fit for a more classical program.

Crystianna simply panicked a bit. At 11, she has all the time in the world, and she certainly is skilled. Her getting the position is the only thing that makes me think producer intervention.

I assume Camryn is taking dance classes elsewhere as well. I wanted to hug her and reassure her that a performing arts school isn't the only route towards becoming a professional. I'm glad she got the co-captain spot.

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I'm so glad this show is back!!!! My favorite unnamed dancer from last season has now been featured. Tamia has so much charisma, and my eye is immediately drawn to her 1000-watt smile. I agree, Camryn does look cross-trained. It would be nice to see some of that training happen at Miss D's studio. I cringed watching the lyrical clips. I think Sunjai will grow into the style. She looked very confident dancing in heels for the MJ number. I think her strength will be slow stands. 

Shouldn't this thread be season 2?


Anyone else have trouble keeping track of the  whole captain thing? The way Dianna explained it, it sounds like they have


Head Co Captain

Co Captain

Head Drill Master

Drill Master


But when they announced the captains, I could swear I saw 7 girls standing up, not 5. I also did not understand Dianna's explanation of the different roles. She said they have the same responsibilities, but not the same title. What?


Kayla is still captain, which I didn't understand, because didn't they say last season that she was graduating? If the auditions are in February of Kayla's senior year in high school, what happens when she graduates? Does the head co captain take over? Or is it based on age rather than graduation and Kayla can be captain until she's 18?


Mimi's jacket said Head Drill Master, so does that mean camryn was trying to jump from that to head co captain? There was no way Dianna is going to leapfrog her over an older girl who has been on the team longer. Besides that, it seems strange to me to choose captains based on a solo and not consider their leadership ability.


I also thought it was strange that the girls were auditioning in uniform. That doesn't seem fair to the girls who weren't on the team the previous year. They should've had everyone audition in shorts and t-shirts so it was a level playing field.


I loved the street battle aspect.  There's something so culturally familiar about it.  This is a competition squad but it felt very much like house parties/street parties where groups and individuals go up against each other head-to-head for nothing but bragging rights.  I enjoyed watching every second of it.  The other squad (the Divas of Olive Branch - somebody please tell their supporters that there should be no apostrophe s) really do have an added touch of trashiness that kind of blows me away.  I can't believe their coach/director encourages those young girls to use dance moves that I learn in my striptease classes at a local gym.  

I like Sunjai.  She seems sweet and like she really wants to be a good dancer.  I think she's been handicapped by her mother who has probably told her that she's prettier than everyone else and doesn't have to work as hard to be recognized because of it.  She's been given "special snowflake syndrome" and that's the fault of her parents (likely Selena) and you can tell when she got cut in Memphis.  Sunjai ran right down to get her mama and they went parading back, hair swishing, shocked and open-mouthed.  Come on.  Sunjai can't remember the choreography and is a hindrance.  That's a reflection of her lack of effort.  She's not special - any of the girls could've been cut at any time.  Having danced in a competition troupe, I know what it's like.  I've seen it happen.  No one cares about your pouting, sweetheart.

Edited by SistaLadybug
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I like Sunjai.  She seems sweet and like she really wants to be a good dancer.  I think she's been handicapped by her mother who has probably told her that she's prettier than everyone else and doesn't have to work as hard to be recognized because of it.  She's been given "special snowflake syndrome" and that's the fault of her parents (likely Selena) and you can tell when she got cut in Memphis.  Sunjai ran right down to get her mama and they went parading back, hair swishing, shocked and open-mouthed.  Come on.  Sunjai can't remember the choreography and is a hindrance.  That's a reflection of her lack of effort.  She's not special - any of the girls could've been cut at any time.  Having danced in a competition troupe, I know what it's like.  I've seen it happen.  No one cares about your pouting, sweetheart.

I agree with everything you've written. I also think it's interesting that the show chose to feature sunjai and not her twin sisters who are also on the team. I'm curious to know if Selena is as over the top with them as she is with Sunjai.

I loved the street battle aspect. There's something so culturally familiar about it. This is a competition squad but it felt very much like house parties/street parties where groups and individuals go up against each other head-to-head for nothing but bragging rights. I enjoyed watching every second of it. The other squad (the Divas of Olive Branch - somebody please tell their supporters that there should be no apostrophe s) really do have an added touch of trashiness that kind of blows me away. I can't believe their coach/director encourages those young girls to use dance moves that I learn in my striptease classes at a local gym.

I was thinking the same thing! The little Tick Tock/ Stinky Diva (and don't even get me started on how inappropriate the whole 'stinky' part of it is) were moves we tried at my friend's Naughty Girl/ Pole Dance Birthday thingie.

I've been looking at the real performances on YouTube. I figured they probably didn't want to pay for licensing to play the songs they actually danced to, and so that's why there's always a pop flavor to the songs we hear on the show. Footage on YouTube isn't great, but you can get into it more when you hear what the dancers and the crowd are hearing. Kind of raunchy at times (the lyrics), but that's what they're using.

One thing I really love is how supportive Dianna is of the girls-not only being OK with missing practice or competition for events in their lives, but setting it up for her boyfriend to ask her. I was also glad to see the lyrical because that is a different style, and one that some of the girls may never have had a chance to learn (as I said on TwOP, I used to teach at a school in Memphis that had a majorette team, and for most of the girls, it was the first dance class they'd ever taken.). Sunjay and Kayla's discussion was neat for the same reason.

It's so different from Dance Moms that it's hard to believe it's on the same network-this hardens more back to Cheerleader Nation.

I agree. I like that Dianna can be hard on the girls, but yet really care about them and also, okay when the team has a loss, like last weeks episode. I could only stomach a couple episodes of Dance Moms, because so many of them were horrible people, and do not get me started on Abby. I also, like how Dianna speaks about their competition. She is very diplomatic about the teams that they face, and acknowledges how those teams are good too.

I think they were in the intramural gym at Tennessee State University-if so, it's not a huge gym (although it does have more seating than most high schools would). The layout and parking looked right, and I know TSU does rent that building for community events (my DD cheers at a rec level, and their state competition is usually in that building).

I do have to ask-do they not sell tickets for these competitons, even a limited spectator fee? One major reason for doing so is to avoid going over capacity. It just seems strange that the competitions are so poorly organized.

I was trying to figure out where they were too (I live outside of Nashville). I'm not surprised the competitions were poorly organized in season 1 but I would have expected for them to be much better organized and promoted for this season. I was bummed I hadn't heard about the Nashville comp but considering how it went down, I guess I am glad I didn't know. I was a little surprised they didn't finish the competition for Lifetime but maybe they liked the drama. 

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