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Bring It! - General Discussion

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OMG - Rittany is only 30 - I had her pegged for late 30's - early 40's - I had to rewatch that segment to make sure I heard that right. I thought the DDPs did an awesome job dancing. The dress was not flattering to Rittany in my opinion but I was happy Anthony proposed - hopefully they'll survive marriage but who knows?

The girls - glad that Diana challenged them this week - Black Ice was spot on at the last competition and someone I would watch weekly if they had their own show. I lovedc both the stand and Captain's challenge - I wish we could see more of the dances performed.

Wow - the rest of the season looks really interesting - can't wait!

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I was surprised when she said she was turning 30.

I am tired of listening to Mimi whine.  She has been on my nerves for 3 years now.  Quit your whining.  Life is not fair.  I think I really am sick of the mom's and their whining and I have no words for Brandon.

As for Skye and Starr, I am glad to see them stepping it up this year.

Edited by iluvobx
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I was surprised that Rittany is only 30 years old. I kept thinking I am older than Rittany. I assumed I was younger than her.

I was not the biggest fan of the captain's challenge. The main reason is that then we have to hear Mimi whine about how Camryn might not get to dance. The first couple of seasons I liked Mimi, but then that whole season leading to Camryn being named captain and the seasons after it made me dislike Mimi more and more. 

I was glad to see Crystianna featured a bit, since we have not seen too much from her this season. 

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I also liked the episode. I felt bad for Makayla when Torrey confronted her and Crystianna about their routine not being good. It was sad to see her cry, but he was absolutely right. They couldn't expect to do some basic, boring dance moves and think that was enough to win their round. 

But how in the heck did all of the girls get that "spring yourself off the floor without using your hands" trick? That move is hard enough when do you use your hands. A lot of the girls were having trouble with it at practice. I wonder what it took to make sure they all had it by the time of the competition. But it looked beautiful. 

On 3/11/2017 at 7:29 AM, tessat said:

Black Ice was spot on at the last competition and someone I would watch weekly if they had their own show. I lovedc both the stand and Captain's challenge - I wish we could see more of the dances performed.

I would say I would watch that show, but the male coaches on this show make me roll my eyes. Sure, most of them are gay, which is fine. But why they do have to be soooo flamboyant, so finger-snapping-neck rolling, and so stereotypical. One of the only exceptions is Torrey, who, while he seems very gay, doesn't go out of his way to "girlfriend it up" when he's on camera.

And now I'm going to contradict myself because I'm super excited to see Tyson next week--in all of his glitter-wearing, Easter Egg head glory. Partly it's because he doesn't take himself too seriously. He dresses and talks the way he does to comedic effect, IMO. And he and Dianna seem to like each each other, despite their on-air squabbles. I just hope they show the clip from a few seasons ago of Tyson's "Wa paw!" kick next to Dianna's head. It's the funniest thing I have ever seen on this show, and I never get tired of watching it. 

Oh, and you can find full-length clips of the stand battles on You Tube. And you can hear the real music that they danced to. It makes me appreciate Dianna's choreography. And the girls' dancing skills. 

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Topanga - TY so much for reminding me of you tube - I never thought of that! Next week does look like fun - and I can't wait to see it! Had they done something like this with Dance Moms - it may have livened up the show a bit.

As far as the spring back - I think they actually had that perfected long ago and it was done to add drama with the girls just not completing something they could actually already do - like the lay backs. Despite it seeming more real than Dance Moms - it's still scripted.

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I missed 2 weeks of episodes and couldn't wait to get back here and see what everyone thought - where the heck did you guys go?  OK - first I was confused as I thought they changed studios this week - nope - as far a the DD routine - Diana and Kayla should have sat that one out - their presence and costumes was distracting for sure. I actually liked their dance more than the Prancing Tigerettes but obviously the judges didn't.

Loved the tag team idea although I was surprised Camryn wasn't picked but this I think was a kind of set up for Christiana becoming the next captain. I thought both Christiana and Camryn were the same age - but guess not. I did think it's funny that the announcer knew Christiana by name when presenting her the medal - I know that he's been with the show a long time but still....

A question for those in the South - did they have many majorettes competitions before Bring It or not. If not - I do think it's great experience to get the lesser known studios involved - but when we have the same announcer every time - pretty much the same judges every week - makes me wonder how much is a set up and how many teams there actually were before Bring It was developed.

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I watched last weeks episode the other day. I was confused as well, because I thought they were switching studios this week.

I did not really like the DD's creative dance. I too thought Dianna and Kayla should have sat it out, but maybe Dianna wanted to prove something to the Prancing Tigerettes coach. I have no idea, especially since she has danced before. It was a bit random and I hated her and Kayla's costumes.

I thought the tag team idea was fun. I was glad Christiana got to shine a bit. She has been in the background much of this season. 

Most of the time I do not mind Torrey, but I do hate when he throws digs at Kayla. Sure she isn't the best coach, but she does seem to try when put in charge. I would assume she is learning while going along. 

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I too don't like the digs at Kayla but I think it's scripted and done for drama. Like this week Kayla saying she's never seen nerves like this the day before competition - aw yeah we have - just a couple of weeks ago and before that - how about Christiana and some of the other girls getting nervous and forgetting routines.

All in all - I loved that they did this - I loved that the groups got to experience other coaches and how they train. For me the DDPs were a pain in the arse this week. Everyone - even their kids were inexperienced and had to be given a chance at one point. There was a first to make the battle squad - there was a 1st to make the call out group - I wanted to jump through the TV and wring their necks - it's about time others got put in the spotlight because I too am sick of seeing the same - o same - o kids week after week.

Now what I don't get is how the DDPs have been so nasty to the moms at the Birmingham studio - but they are all chummy chummy with tyrus's girls' moms - really? The competition was good - but both groups were off tho they made it seem that the Dolls were the only ones not together.

The results - they both did good - although I give Tryus more credit because he went with unknowns for the call out where Diana had at least 1 captain. Another thing I noticed is that the Elites looked like they had more younger members than the Dolls - who have the Babies to throw the younger kids into. Also the Dolls are pretty muscular - they don't have fat girls - they may be a bit bigger like Skye, Star and Kayla - but their fit and toned - whereas I've noticed a lot of other teams have kids who are less than fit - I'm not saying they can't be good at majorette dance - because some are very good as we've seen at the competitions - but I do think it makes a difference with stamina and how certain moves look.

I actually wish they would do more of these as it's great to see new faces and less of the DDPs.

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I really liked the coach swap. It let us see more girls. I appreciate Tyrus going with girls who we don't see every week for the same reason.  I do agree that it seems like the Elite Stars may not have as many levels/developmental teams as the Dancing dolls do.  And maybe they're a younger (as in years under the same coach) team overall, as well as possibly in age. 

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10 hours ago, dmmetler said:

I really liked the coach swap. It let us see more girls. I appreciate Tyrus going with girls who we don't see every week for the same reason.  I do agree that it seems like the Elite Stars may not have as many levels/developmental teams as the Dancing dolls do.  And maybe they're a younger (as in years under the same coach) team overall, as well as possibly in age. 

I also liked the coach swap. But this was one competition that seemed to have a predetermined outcome. I agree that the call out dancers were comparable. And I'm fine with the Elite Stars winning that one. But the Dancing Dolls' field show had more complicated choreography, and it was executed well. No way they should have lost that one. 

Torrey was pretty quiet this week. Funny that he keeps his criticisms to himself when it comes to Diana or Tyrus but has no problem tearing down a 19-year-old assistant coach. 

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I liked the coach swap as well, but I was a bit bored by the episode. I guess I would rather see more of the various Dancing Dolls than the Elite Stars and their parents. I did think Dianna helped the Elite Stars look a bit more polished. I thought it was a toss up during the call out rounds. I agree with @topanga that the Dancing Dolls looked better in the field show.

I was fine with Tyrus using the non-battle squad dancers. I like seeing some of the others get more solos than Camryn and whoever else Dianna gives solos to that week.

I was actually okay with some of the DDP's giving Tyrus the side eye for using the newer girls for the call out round. The DDP's tend to go to dramatics though. I do hate how they act like the newbies should not get their time to shine. I remember the crap they gave Dana when Faith was new and on the battle squad.

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On 3/24/2017 at 9:48 AM, tessat said:

I missed 2 weeks of episodes and couldn't wait to get back here and see what everyone thought - where the heck did you guys go?  OK - first I was confused as I thought they changed studios this week - nope - as far a the DD routine - Diana and Kayla should have sat that one out - their presence and costumes was distracting for sure. I actually liked their dance more than the Prancing Tigerettes but obviously the judges didn't.

Loved the tag team idea although I was surprised Camryn wasn't picked but this I think was a kind of set up for Christiana becoming the next captain. I thought both Christiana and Camryn were the same age - but guess not. I did think it's funny that the announcer knew Christiana by name when presenting her the medal - I know that he's been with the show a long time but still....

A question for those in the South - did they have many majorettes competitions before Bring It or not. If not - I do think it's great experience to get the lesser known studios involved - but when we have the same announcer every time - pretty much the same judges every week - makes me wonder how much is a set up and how many teams there actually were before Bring It was developed.

I'm not from the south but I went to school there a LONNNNGGGGGGG time ago and majorette was a big thing back then. Not the current "drop it like its hot" version, but there has always been a big marching band, majorette, dance squad thing. There are a lot of these groups, but it's very definitely a regional thing, and you don't really see it much north of the Mason-Dixon line and west of Texas.

I think that they have managed to move seamlessly away from some of the other teams and coaches where there was drama (the team with the coach accused of sexual assault, the one that took a former DD and had her rip up her costume, etc) It feels like the larger majorette community is supportive and I haven't seen the level of off-show drama within that community the way there has been in competitive dance with Dance Moms.

Edited by Rlb8031
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I loved this LA episode--it's always nice to see something different. The non-stop advertising was a little weird, though. I think I would've screamed if I heard one more person say, "The fully-animated feature, 'Smurfs: The Lost Village." 

I liked the dance audition, although I wonder why Daija wasn't invited. She's one of the strongest and most diverse members of the Dancing Dolls.  Maybe it's because her parents weren't there to take her to the audition. Or maybe Mimi and Co. didn't want the competition.

I liked the creative criticism from the judge at the MSA agency For example, instead of telling Kayla she didn't have the right body or technique to be a professional dancer, he told her she should take more dance classes to improve her technique and condition her body. I thought that was a kind thing to say. But he told Faith she needs to be grittier, which I don't understand. Is that similar to the DDPs saying last season that Faith "dances too cute"?

I didn't like any of the creative dances, but I'm glad the Dancing Dolls won. 

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I too loved the LA episode but..... now we have to listen to Mimi going on and on about Camryn - I'm over it just like I was over Melissa talking about Maddie on Dance Moms. As good as Camryn is - there are others I think are better. I use to like Camryn a lot but it's wearing on me.

I loved the audition and knew that Kayla wouldn't get signed - it's not that she can't dance in commercials but only see her in something with maybe a hip hop ghetto routine where size isn't as important as what the dancer brings. Faith - well she sure showed plenty of attitude in the choreographer's challenge and I think in many ways she's a better dancer than Camryn and much more versatile so was surprised that she wasn't signed. Unless we have another producer driven episode where since Camryn is the captain - no one should outshine or do better than her. The other moms being upset - well I would be too -

As far as the team dance - I personally thought the 1st team did the best - wasn't thrilled with the beginning but they were good. The dolls routine was cute - but there were mistakes throughout and people were behind on many moves - surprised they won but it is their show! Actually like Diana said - there was too much to watch - and the Smurfs should have exited stage left and let the dolls have the floor.

Just watched the results and glad to see Inferno placed second - what's funny tho is how this must have been taped out of sequence as instead of still having their smurf costumes on - the girls are back to their leotards.

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I thought it was pretty sad when Kayla tried out for the agency and did not get selected, her self admission about not knowing anything but hip hop was kind of sad. Professional dancers need all kinds of skills because dance styles leak back and forth. I think dance school owners need a variety of skills. I hope she decides to co to college with the money she gets from this show or makes a good investment. 

SO far Camryn has won two scholarships, one a full one  and She is getting older, Most colleges are pretty good about accommodating occasional absences of professionals in the student body, we had a model in my dorm who got to take tests at different dates than the rest of us.. so she can do both. 

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I really like Kayla - but she reminds me of the star quarterback or head cheerleader who had it all until they graduated and were considered just like the rest of us once we hit college. She was top dog and I know she so wants to dance and own a studio but she needs to lose weight and take business classes as well as continue dance classes in other genres. Kayla is young and was thrown into the spotlight. She was the head doll - captain - had t-shirts with her name and picture on it ect.. ect... and I think it went to her head and she didn't realize how much more she has to learn.  I love Kayla - but she's no longer per se a doll and yet she really isn't that good of an assistant coach. I really wanted her to get a scholarship and get away from all the hoopla.

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I think Kayla is dealing with a lot. She's put on weight since the show started, and the focus by others on her body and weight don't seem to have helped the situation. What's so interesting is that her mom has slimmed down (A LOT) since the show started. When I saw her this summer she appeared to be a healthy size 14 at most. I know weight loss is hard as a teenager, especially when you have skinny friends who live off junk food and sweets, but unless Kayla makes a concerted effort to develop more of a dancer's body, all she'll be able to do is teach. Even in a world where people are trying harder to judge less, you still don't ever see plus sized dancers. Bring It is certainly the exception on TV with respect to showcasing dancers that have a broad variety of body types and shapes, but the standard is still long and lean. 

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5 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

I think Kayla is dealing with a lot. She's put on weight since the show started, and the focus by others on her body and weight don't seem to have helped the situation. What's so interesting is that her mom has slimmed down (A LOT) since the show started. When I saw her this summer she appeared to be a healthy size 14 at most. I know weight loss is hard as a teenager, especially when you have skinny friends who live off junk food and sweets, but unless Kayla makes a concerted effort to develop more of a dancer's body, all she'll be able to do is teach. Even in a world where people are trying harder to judge less, you still don't ever see plus sized dancers. Bring It is certainly the exception on TV with respect to showcasing dancers that have a broad variety of body types and shapes, but the standard is still long and lean. 

Has there been a focus on Kayla's weight? In the three years since Kayla has gained weight, I remember Dianna bringing it up on one episode. This season, Kayla and her mom were walking together once, and Kayla mentioned that her mom lost weight, and she needs to, also. And then at the audition, the agency rep mentioned that dance classes would help Kayla condition her body. I wonder how Tina and Kayla eat. In the early seasons, there would be at home footage of Tina and Kayla cooking unhealthy food. I would think that some of Tina's healthier habits would start to rub off on Kayla.

I like that the Dancing Dolls aren't all stick thin. But I hope there's unseen footage of someone talking to them about health and nutrition as dancers. Then again, Dianna brags about her love for Cheetos and Nachos, so she doesn't model healthy eating behavior. 

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I thought her mother had surgery to lose some of that weight. 

I think she is a bit old to be starting ballet, but hey, I know nothing of the dance world besides it being portrayed on TV. I did like the scenes where Diana counseled Kayla, and I like how Tory welcomed her and was happy to have her in his class. Her mother's attitude was not as open good thing she does not have to go to the class. 

Even if Kayla wants to be an instructor, she needs to have a wider experience. 

As far as that pool, who wants to have water on their floor, certainly not Diana,  you warp your floor and it can be expensive,  

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I was happy to find out that Kayla is in college.  Her confidence sure has taken a hit in the past few weeks. And I didn't understand what Dianna meant about Kayla being too comfortable. Her role as an assistant coach is different than her role as a team captain, and I don't know if Dianna ever made her expectations clear to Kayla. 

The creative dance represented one of the rare times I did not like Dianna's choreography. I thought the Beyonce tribute was boring and uninspired, and I'm surprised they won. There was no variety in costuming, choreography, or mood. I know they were limited by the space on stage, but why couldn't the different sections wear different colored Beyonce-inspired costumes? Everything was black. Sure, there was a group in hats, but it wasn't a distinct look. I honestly felt the Purple Diamonds had a more original and entertaining concept. 

And is Angel still a Dancing Doll? I haven't seen her the past few weeks. Only Angela (I do like Angela and the uncle). 

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On 4/6/2017 at 0:25 AM, topanga said:

Has there been a focus on Kayla's weight? In the three years since Kayla has gained weight, I remember Dianna bringing it up on one episode. This season, Kayla and her mom were walking together once, and Kayla mentioned that her mom lost weight, and she needs to, also. And then at the audition, the agency rep mentioned that dance classes would help Kayla condition her body. I wonder how Tina and Kayla eat. In the early seasons, there would be at home footage of Tina and Kayla cooking unhealthy food. I would think that some of Tina's healthier habits would start to rub off on Kayla.

I like that the Dancing Dolls aren't all stick thin. But I hope there's unseen footage of someone talking to them about health and nutrition as dancers. Then again, Dianna brags about her love for Cheetos and Nachos, so she doesn't model healthy eating behavior. 

I think there has been much more commentary on social media, not on the show. The irony is that IRL while she is larger than the rest of the girls she is much smaller than she appears on the show. Looking at her on tv, you'd guess she's a 16 or 18. IRL, I'd say a 14 and she may even be smaller than that. 

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I don't understand why Kayla's mom was objecting to her taking classes with Torrey. Not only does he know his stuff, but even if he hadn't explicitly said that she could take classes for free, she probably could have done so at a deeply discounted rate because they're both Dollhouse employees. That's not minor for a college student teaching dance part-time.  I do wonder what she's majoring in. If she were majoring in dance, she'd probably be dancing several hours a day. 

I assume she's had Ballet in the past, but dropped it to work on Hip-hop.  

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17 minutes ago, dmmetler said:

I don't understand why Kayla's mom was objecting to her taking classes with Torrey. Not only does he know his stuff, but even if he hadn't explicitly said that she could take classes for free, she probably could have done so at a deeply discounted rate because they're both Dollhouse employees. That's not minor for a college student teaching dance part-time.  I do wonder what she's majoring in. If she were majoring in dance, she'd probably be dancing several hours a day. 

I assume she's had Ballet in the past, but dropped it to work on Hip-hop.  

Honestly, I don't think many of the girls have had any ballet training--except for Camryn, Faith, and Daija. And Melissa (?)--did she graduate? And Tina doesn't have much to do these days except talk, so that's what she does. 

I really liked tonight's episode, but it was heartbreaking to see the dancers getting cut. 

Am I mean to say that I'm glad Camryn didn't win the scholarship? I really like her as a dancer and a person, and I think she deserved the scholarships and talent agency gig she won, but I also like to see other dancers excel. And prior to the audition, Kayla did a good job of teaching the girls hip hop. 

I also liked the underground hip hop competition. The dancing dolls looked good. But did Star really freeze, or was that staged? 

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Loved the episode tonight abd was happy to see one of the other girls excel - but I really thought Makayla was going to get that scholarship. Cameryn is a great dancer but didn't do it for me, Makaya's dance seemed repetitive with elbow stands over and over - whereas Makayla was more contemporary and soulful. You never know what they are looking for - but I figured it wouldn't be Faith, Sky, or Cameron as they'll be on tour.

Loved the underground hip hop competition - it gave us a whole different vibe to the DDs. I was shocked that Kayla didn't win that as she was awesome. Sorry but I see way too much popping and it seems old when compared at the way these kids do hip hop today.

For all the hate for Tory - I thought he handled things well - letting the moms know who was going on in the competition - I'm liking him more and more.

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I love these girls (the moms - not so much).  Not that I know anything about dance, but I thought Makayla would win.  Her dance was amazing!  Makaya is one of my favorites, though, so I was happy.  I feel like Cameron is too overexposed - not that  I don't like her, but it is nice to see the other girls shine.  I wish Sunjay would make an appearance!

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Last night's episode - I enjoyed it as far as the trio - I felt the dolls were the most synchronized from what we saw. I do wish we saw more of the dances and less of the moms. I'm not a Rittany fan but have always like Christiana and have to say - I was hoping that she would have been Captain. I use to love Camryn and think she's a great dancer but I've grown to detest Mimi and Camryn has changed. The attacking of Rittany because she utilized Tory seemed reminiscent to the Dance Moms going after Melissa when Maddie had those "special" classes - but how many times did Mimi have Kayla come over and coach Camryn on the qt? So she's one to talk. She pretends to be so confident in Camryn but doesn't want anyone else to get a piece of the spotlight.

The twins - Star and Skye look like they've really slimmed down. They'll always have a bigger physique like JJ but you can see their improvements this season.

The amt of girls in the dollhouse varies from week to week and keeps getting smaller.

All the groups I thought did good in the stand battle competition and I wish I could have been there to watch it. I loved the Divas costumes. Those colors popped. I'm at the point tho that I don't understand why either Kayla or her mom are there. Although I enjoyed Kayla being in the spotlight last week as she seemed like her old self - she blends in to the wall in most episodes - if there was more interaction between her and the girls - I could see her being there but Tory has more of a presence.

Now it surprised me that the Olive Branch dancers during stand battle used an oriental theme to some of their moves and then the dolls did also - how scripted is this show? Noticed Camryn and a couple of the other girls had holes in their tights - I went back and Camryn had the holes during the triple dance competition. Now when I danced the 1 thing everyone had was extra pairs of tights just in case one pair tore. Presentation was one of the things the judges scored us on - maybe it's not that way in Majorette - but she just looked sloppy.

Glad he Dolls won - but Neva's team was very good and Diana shouldn't look down her nose at them.

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3 hours ago, tessat said:

Last night's episode - I enjoyed it as far as the trio - I felt the dolls were the most synchronized from what we saw. I do wish we saw more of the dances and less of the moms. I'm not a Rittany fan but have always like Christiana and have to say - I was hoping that she would have been Captain. I use to love Camryn and think she's a great dancer but I've grown to detest Mimi and Camryn has changed. The attacking of Rittany because she utilized Tory seemed reminiscent to the Dance Moms going after Melissa when Maddie had those "special" classes - but how many times did Mimi have Kayla come over and coach Camryn on the qt? So she's one to talk. She pretends to be so confident in Camryn but doesn't want anyone else to get a piece of the spotlight.

The twins - Star and Skye look like they've really slimmed down. They'll always have a bigger physique like JJ but you can see their improvements this season.

The amt of girls in the dollhouse varies from week to week and keeps getting smaller.

All the groups I thought did good in the stand battle competition and I wish I could have been there to watch it. I loved the Divas costumes. Those colors popped. I'm at the point tho that I don't understand why either Kayla or her mom are there. Although I enjoyed Kayla being in the spotlight last week as she seemed like her old self - she blends in to the wall in most episodes - if there was more interaction between her and the girls - I could see her being there but Tory has more of a presence.

Now it surprised me that the Olive Branch dancers during stand battle used an oriental theme to some of their moves and then the dolls did also - how scripted is this show? Noticed Camryn and a couple of the other girls had holes in their tights - I went back and Camryn had the holes during the triple dance competition. Now when I danced the 1 thing everyone had was extra pairs of tights just in case one pair tore. Presentation was one of the things the judges scored us on - maybe it's not that way in Majorette - but she just looked sloppy.

Glad he Dolls won - but Neva's team was very good and Diana shouldn't look down her nose at them.

Good post.  I don't think Diana looks down on the dancers so much as her justified dislike of Neva causes her to not look beyond her personal animus toward Neva to acknowledge the dancers, something she consistently manages to do with other team.

Just for me, I think Neva needs to be backburnered for a while.  I DVR the show and whenever there is a Neva episode, I find myself ff through every moment she is on the screen.  I find her to be a nasty piece of work and just too much.  She always comes across as living through her dancers and using hemas battering rams against a world that might have wronged her as a black woman and possibly a larger sized woman in the world of dance.

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5 hours ago, tessat said:

The amt of girls in the dollhouse varies from week to week and keeps getting smaller.

I noticed that earlier in the season. It looks like they no longer film practice sessions with the entire squad (babies, DDs, and battle squad) but only film battle squad practices with a handful of additional girls invited to participate. If I'm looking at this correctly, I think battle squad is ten girls, plus five alternates. Those fifteen are in almost every episode even if its for no more than one shot. That group includes Sky, Angela and O'Shea. Then there are another five or so girls which include Star and the other twin that sometimes come to battle squad practice, but in almost every episode don't make it through cuts and don't perform. 

But, at certain competitions they have the larger group, for example when Boo Boo Kitty coached, the team looked like it was the full DD squad (30 or so kids) and not just battle squad.

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That's a different way of looking at it and you may be right - although I think a lot of this is scripted / edited just like other reality shows to make everyone else the villain.

The video on youtube shows a little different perspective on Neva and the girls and I really enjoyed it. I think her goal - like Diana's is to empower the girls and make them confident in themselves.

You're right on how they are filming it. I'm wondering how many of the girls are graduating this year and if any are on the battle squad. I love O'shei but

what happened to that other cute Babydoll who was featured whenever they used the babies? I really enjoyed her and don't remember seeing her this season.

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I thought I remember seeing one of those little baby doll captains had graduated to the DDs but as one of the younger and smaller members wasn't a battle squad member. But the little, teeny one that used to be on the opening credits seems to have disappeared.

I wish they would do what they did at the end of the first season where they had an episode that featured all the opposing teams with the battles shown from their perspective. I'm sure that was easier back then, because most (if not all) of the teams they competed against were local to Jackson or a couple of hours away. I'm sure it wasn't difficult to get additional footage. Not sure that would be possible now with teams from all over the country.

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Just now catching up on long over due posts.. I have to say I really liked the "battle for Broadway" episode (4/14/2017). I am getting tired of battles with the same ole crew that always include: (a.) a staged hallway confrontation with Miss D and the opposing coach ,(b.) 8 times out of 10 the Dolls will all rounds and (c.) the camera keeps cutting all over the place where you can't see the entire routines from either team.

It is PAST time for everyone to open their eyes and update their skills on different genres. Yes, the focus is on the summer internship class, but a couple of the girls are knocking on the door of college admissions. The week intensive with Torrey, and perhaps Kayla should have been held multiple times before the week of, the big audition. I guess because the Dolls have a baby division, is the reason why the girls didn't take ballet/jazz/tap in their earlier studies. Maybe Miss D, will make some class-offering changes in laying the training groundwork early. To be honest, I'm sure the NY class costs a small fortune, but the top 5 girls need to go, even if it means paying out of pocket. The parents need to think of it as an investment in their education and training.

RE: Kayla - I don't know what to say, w/o sounding too mean about someone's kid-adult. I'm not sure if I should be mad/disappointed her or feel sorry for her.

I guess Kalya is one of those who learn best from the school of hard knocks, as opposed of just doing what is told or expected. I think that audition in CA, where a teacher told her to keep taking classes (dance and/or aerobic) , if only to stay in shape really hit home for her. But she needed a wake up call. I wonder it is too late for her to get enrolled in a traditional 4-yr college, so she could take dance classes (out side of hip-hop), be on a dance team, and still study business classes to help her own her own dance studio. I do put a small blame on Mommy-Tina. Yes, let you adult children make their own decisions, but some do need a little guidance and push in a direction. Tina is holding onto a 20+ year grudge of when someone told her what to do when she was Kayla's age - which I suspect had a lot to due with being a teen mother.

Edited by sATL
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sat - I agree - I love Kayla - I always thought she was humble and a hard worker - but it's like the high school jock or cheerleader - they're out of high school and don't know what to do with themselves as they are now just another face in the crowd. I know they keep Tina on the show due to Kayla - but really - time to add another mom and ditch Tina. As a matter of fact - I was thinking that I'm surprised Mimi is still hanging around as Camryn got that brand new car - now maybe she can't drive after dark - not sure what the laws are there - but most of the dolls I'm sure are dropped off and picked up when they are done. I wish the show would focus more on the girls and less on the moms or introduce us to more of the moms and girls - the show is about the teams not the adults - their BS has gotten old.

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1 hour ago, tessat said:

sat - I agree - I love Kayla - I always thought she was humble and a hard worker - but it's like the high school jock or cheerleader - they're out of high school and don't know what to do with themselves as they are now just another face in the crowd. I know they keep Tina on the show due to Kayla - but really - time to add another mom and ditch Tina. As a matter of fact - I was thinking that I'm surprised Mimi is still hanging around as Camryn got that brand new car - now maybe she can't drive after dark - not sure what the laws are there - but most of the dolls I'm sure are dropped off and picked up when they are done. I wish the show would focus more on the girls and less on the moms or introduce us to more of the moms and girls - the show is about the teams not the adults - their BS has gotten old.

My favorite part of the show is learning about the girls--and their parents, but only in relationship to the girls. Which is why Chrystianna remains one of my favorite Dolls. Learning about her and Rittany's relationship early on made me like both of them. Since then, Rittany has started getting on my last nerve. But I did like that in this latest episode, she was focused on getting Chrystianna ready for her solo and wasn't commenting as much about other people's children. 

I'd really like to know about Daija. How did she come to the Dollhouse? She's only been there about two years (based on the footage I've seen), but she's definitely around the same age as Cameron or Makaya. So where was she before she was a Doll? She's one of the best dancers at the studio, and she's obviously had training elsewhere. I'd love to meet her parents. 


On 4/22/2017 at 7:43 AM, tessat said:

All the groups I thought did good in the stand battle competition and I wish I could have been there to watch it. I loved the Divas costumes. Those colors popped. I'm at the point tho that I don't understand why either Kayla or her mom are there. Although I enjoyed Kayla being in the spotlight last week as she seemed like her old self - she blends in to the wall in most episodes - if there was more interaction between her and the girls - I could see her being there but Tory has more of a presence.


2 hours ago, sATL said:

It is PAST time for everyone to open their eyes and update their skills on different genres. Yes, the focus is on the summer internship class, but a couple of the girls are knocking on the door of college admissions. The week intensive with Torrey, and perhaps Kayla should have been held multiple times before the week of, the big audition. I guess because the Dolls have a baby division, is the reason why the girls didn't take ballet/jazz/tap in their earlier studies. Maybe Miss D, will make some class-offering changes in laying the training groundwork early. To be honest, I'm sure the NY class costs a small fortune, but the top 5 girls need to go, even if it means paying out of pocket. The parents need to think of it as an investment in their education and training.

I think the Dancing Dolls have the benefit of more complex choreography than most of the other groups--their moves are more difficult, and their formations are creative and varied. Now everyone lacks in the technique department, so it doesn't end up hurting the Dancing Dolls. When they face most majorette teams, that is. But when they face other teams that do other styles of dance -- like the Miami team-- they look very sloppy and amateurish. I know someone posted a while ago that the Miami team (I'm blanking on their name) wasn't doing majorette-style dancing and therefore shouldn't have been competing against the Dolls, much less winning. But it still boils down to the fact that when the two faced off, the Miami team looked better than the Dolls--more synchronized, better technique, and more precise moves.

I agree that the Dolls should be learning other styles of dance. They can incorporate what they learn from ballet, jazz, and even tap to make their majorette routines even better. 

All of that being said, I'm still impressed and amazed at the talent among the Dancing Dolls. These little girls are strong, flexible, acrobatic, graceful, and they learn choreography very quickly (despite Dianna yelling at them every week that they're not learning fast enough). And they're handling their fame very well, IMO. The Dancing Dolls are virtual celebrities in Jackson, so they could very easily be arrogant and diva-like. They're popular in school and have a boat-load of Instagram followers and probably a lot of SnapChat friends.  But for the most part, they remain humble and sweet.

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The team from Florida was the YCDT Supastarz and I loved the spinoff they had on that team but it only lasted 1 season. Here's an old youtube video of a competition between them and the dolls - look how much smaller Kayla was when she had reg workouts.

This is the Battle Royale between the 2 in 2015 - it's nice to see the whole thing unedited - boy these girls have stamina!

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9 hours ago, tessat said:

The team from Florida was the YCDT Supastarz and I loved the spinoff they had on that team but it only lasted 1 season. Here's an old youtube video of a competition between them and the dolls - look how much smaller Kayla was when she had reg workouts.


This is the Battle Royale between the 2 in 2015 - it's nice to see the whole thing unedited - boy these girls have stamina!

Thanks! Great footage 

I can see that the Dancing Dolls had better choreography overall and were better majorette dancers. One of the YCDT's stands, for example, used 90% of their time to build a pyramid and have a girl fall of it. Impressive, yes, but that's not dance. That's cheerleading. And even afterwards, they mainly skipped around to the beat. 

 But I do have to say that they were cleaner, more precise, and more synchronized than the Dolls. That's only one aspect of judging, but it's one the judges seemed to have prioritized. 

Edited by topanga
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On ‎9‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 10:15 AM, topanga said:

--I suppose I'm simply being a mother hen when it comes to Kayla. I think she's smart, nice, a great dancer, and an even better person. And the longer a person delays college, the harder it is to return. Family, jobs, children, escalating debt, etc. all become obstacles. It's not impossible for a working adult to go to college. Just more difficult than it is for a person who recently graduated high school and has little debt or responsibility for other people. 

Fellow mother Hen, here. One important point to add to the list for dance & athletes is AGE.  Yes, we all age and there is nothing to do to stop that , BUT there are  limited years when you are at your peek. Approaching the 20s, which has some metabolism changes, one needs to be working overtime on your physically-fit technically required craft.

actually, I am trying to think of an athlete, who went on to be professional , who sat out  two college years (or seasons), by choice. Sitting out b/c of injuries, maybe. IIRC, Kayla graduated HS in 2016. I think some of the current Dolls can out-dance her - esp. when it comes to energy, intensity, and tricks. Can she still do a 3-4 minute routine with splits, back rollovers, low "bucking", high kicks, and death drops ?

I'm watching the rerun of "lemons to Lemonade". Miss D told Kayla she is "coasting".  I hope she said more to her off-camera.

Surely Kayla didn't postpone college to keep filming at the same place she's been since middle school. Her going to college and possibly featuring her classes, dance team, competitions, could have really added a new dimension to the show.

Edited by sATL
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Tina - baby #5??? and we do know you have a 20 yr old.... you had major plastic surgery 2 yrs ago (link)..gotta be knocking on the "40s" door ( i.e. possible high risk pregnancy).. 'mm-kay...

I must have missed the episode or conversation when she mentioned the other 3 kiddos -

Congrats on the new addition to your family. See you in five years as a DDP of the baby dolls.

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As far as Kayla - she's 20 but graduated in 2016 - so she either entered school a yr of more late or was held back. College may not feel enticing to her - she may not be good at studies and is delaying it because she's hoping another opportunity pops up. I do think that she realizes she's stuck in a genre of dance and not as versed as she should be. I love her tho - I feel she's a good person and when she cried this episode - I cried - because it's the end of seeing her except for guest appearances and I completely understand how alone and afraid she feels.

I have to say this episode was the most entertaining for me in all the years I've watched it. I wish it had been a 2 hour so we could have seen all the routines. I did not like what we saw of the Prancing Tigerettes at all - but thought Black Ice and the California Team were wonderful. I would have preferred the stand off battle to be between Black Ice and the Dolls but the CA team was very good.

The Dolls now have a prop dept. - gone are the days of Diana and her husband doing it all by themselves - business must be good - but they more storylines and props you use - the more the judges and the viewers will expect.

I'm totally confused with the Camryn - Christiana thing - they are best friends - supposedly both wanted Captain's spot - Cam got it Chris is head co-captain but I always thought they were the same age - which supposedly they are not - and that's why I questioned Diana's comment about Christianna passing up the chance for captain. I do feel that Camryn is always the one in the spotlight - but each of the girls got great roles and I think Christianna's probably got the best applause as that costume change was awesome!

Here's the ages - I've been able to find:

 Camryn Harris - 16, Crystianna Summers - 14, Faith Thigpen - 16, Makalah Whisenton - 16, Daija Wilson - 16, Makya Griffin - 15, Sky & Star  - 17, Zatia - 16, Taelar Felton - the little one I miss - 10

Tina - kayla's mom - 38, Dianna - 38, Rittany - 30, Can't find out how old Mimi is

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I believe Kayla is in college. I think is one of the previous episodes this season she mentioned going to school and working with the Dancing Dolls. She has tweeted about studying a few times. I have not wandered to her Instagram in awhile, but there was a picture of her in scrubs, with her saying she had to wear scrubs to school that day. I always thought Kayla going to school and working for Dianna was a nice setup. 

Rittany wanting to leave the Dollhouse seemed way more about Rittany than Crystianna. We really did not get Crystianna's viewpoint, except that she was disappointed in not getting a solo, which is understandable. I do feel that the solos seemed more varied when Kayla was captain and when Camryn first got the captain title than the past season or so.

I thought last week that the main solo would go to Camryn. I feel is Camryn tries out for a solo, she generally gets it. Mimi is so obnoxious. I wouldn't mind seeing Camryn not get solos just to take Mimi's ego down a few pegs. 

I was not really a fan of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory routine. It was ambitious, but I did not like it. Anyone know how long the routine was? The brief snippet that we saw felt long to me. Also, did the fire actually ruin anything or was it some fake storyline, because it looked like the Dancing Dolls had a fair amount of props. I thought the Oakland team and Black Ice had great creative routines. I was not crazy about The Prancing Tigerettes routine. 

Edited by Misslindsey
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Crystianna!   Nooooooo!!!!  She was my favorite doll. Maybe not the #1 technical dancer, but she was still one of the best. And is such a nice person. She seems much more mature than 14.

So is she gone for real? It's interesting that there was no more footage of her or Rittany--or even a TH interview with Dianna--after the two of them left. Was everyone too emotional? I'd like to see how Crystianna feels about leaving. I remember when Dianna and Rittany had a conflict in Season 1, Dianna kicked out the two of them. Crystianna was in tears. And she was away for a few days until she convinced Rittany how much she wanted to be part of the Dolls.

And I feel sad for Kayla, but Dianna is totally right. Kayla will never be able to grow and determine if dance is something she really wants to do if she doesn't continue to study and train. I find it interesting that Dianna encouraged her to go to LA or New York, but Kayla said she's afraid to leave the familiar. But isn't that what kids do when they go away to college? I know Tina's world has remained somewhat small--she was a teen mom and has never lived away from Jackson. But I wish she would encourage her child to want more than what she has.  And I'm with you guys--where are her 3 other kids?


3 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I thought last week that the main solo would go to Camryn. I feel is Camryn tries out for a solo, she generally gets it. Mimi is so obnoxious. I wouldn't mind seeing Camryn not get solos just to take Mimi's ego down a few pegs. 

I was not really a fan of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory routine. It was ambitious, but I did not like it. Anyone know how long the routine was? The brief snippet that we saw felt long to me. Also, did the fire actually ruin anything or was it some fake storyline, because it looked like the Dancing Dolls had a fair amount of props. I thought the Oakland team and Black Ice had great creative routines. I was not crazy about The Prancing Tigerettes routine. 

I wonder if Camryn even wants all of those solos. I remember a few weeks ago, when Crystianna and Makalah were chosen for the duet solo (thanks for the spelling of the names, tessat), Camryn smiled and sighed, saying something like, "Thank you, Lord." I'm sure she gets tired of the extra work that preparing a solo involves. But she's also relatively sensitive and humble, so it probably does bother her that she is given 90% of the solos, while other dancers are left out.

But yeah, Mimi is the worst. I'm sure most of her lines were scripted, but she sure loved saying them. What a nasty woman.

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1 hour ago, topanga said:

Crystianna!   Nooooooo!!!!  She was my favorite doll. Maybe not the #1 technical dancer, but she was still one of the best. And is such a nice person. She seems much more mature than 14.

So is she gone for real? It's interesting that there was no more footage of her or Rittany--or even a TH interview with Dianna--after the two of them left. Was everyone too emotional? I'd like to see how Crystianna feels about leaving. I remember when Dianna and Rittany had a conflict in Season 1, Dianna kicked out the two of them. Crystianna was in tears. And she was away for a few days until she convinced Rittany how much she wanted to be part of the Dolls.

Crystianna and Faith are my favorite Dolls, so Crystianna leaving made me diappointed. The ending was a bit weird with no TH's with Dianna or Crystianna (I also thought the ending would address Kayla leaving to the team). I wish I knew more about Crystianna's perspective on leaving the DD's, because it felt like it was all Rittany. 

As for Kayla, I know I went to college in the same state as my hometown (Sparty on!) and loved it. I did end up moving to a big city, but that is something I always wanted. If Kayla is college in Jackson (which I am assuming she is) is it so bad for her to finish there and continue helping out at the Dollhouse? Sometimes I think Kayla would like to be a professional dancer, but other times I think she would be happy coaching and teaching classes. Maybe it is time for her to choose, but if she went the coaching/teaching route I have no problem with her staying in or around Jackson. Some people love their hometowns and are perfectly content there, others not so much.

I do think Camryn seems perfectly fine. It is her mother who makes me crazy. Mimi's obnoxiousness is making me root against Camryn though.

Is there not a reunion or anything? Some seasons seemed to have them tacked on at the end.

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I pray for a reunion like they did the one season - they may have done one every season but this old brain has a hard time remembering these days!

Everyone is right - Kayla is in college but if she had to wear scrubs - then it's more than likely she's at a community college in a medical or dental field - the girl needs to dance and that's why I wish she would have gotten the opportunity for a dance scholarship!

I can commiserate with not wanting to leave home - I was like her - my family never traveled except a few times for dance - I only knew our general area - was never in the cliques at school and didn't come out of my shell until years later. I had scholarships to go away to school but didn't as it frightened me - not knowing anyone. TG my boys didn't have the same fear and traveled - went away to school ect.. because I do believe it gives you opportunities to grow - and many times - if you don't do it while your young - you may not get the chance.

I love all the girls but as someone stated - during Kayla's time as captain - others were given solos ( I think most went to Camryn ) whereas this year it's most always Camryn. Maybe it's always Mimi's bragging that gets to me as I've always been one to root for the underdog like Sunjai and Christianna.

I'm sure the fire happened but was put out before there was much damage - they played it up tho. Glad they used the Birmingham team and would love to follow them for a week or so and see their girls - more of the moms and their competitions. I'd also like to see different judges - I can't believe they do all the judging for all the competitions across the US.

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15 hours ago, tessat said:

I pray for a reunion like they did the one season - they may have done one every season but this old brain has a hard time remembering these days!

Everyone is right - Kayla is in college but if she had to wear scrubs - then it's more than likely she's at a community college in a medical or dental field - the girl needs to dance and that's why I wish she would have gotten the opportunity for a dance scholarship!


Yes. I too hope for a reunion.

I'm lost... I don't watch the fan chat episodes so maybe I missed something.. How did Kayla get from wanting to be a dancer,dance teacher and/or a dance studio owner, to going to college where scrubs are required ? No wonder the girl doesn't look happy - she's not following her heart and her dreams. And I agree, she didn't have to leave Jackson to accomplish something in the dance or business (small business owner) field. I just did a mapquest - Jackson state University is just 2 miles from the dollhouse via hwy 80/MS-18. Hinds Community College, where I think Miss D. hubby is (or was) one of b-ball coaches, is five miles west of Jackson (according to website) has a dance team - not exactly majorette but it's a start (link). They also offer dance classes (link). Some of the earlier season competitions were filmed at Hinds. I mean for how many YEARS did the team travel states just to compete? She couldn't be all that fearful of leaving Tina's nest, to travel a couple of miles . Actually, for the type of dance she does well, she probably should stay at least in the south - as long as she gets the training in other genres. - follow Miss D steps, so to speak.

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On 4/28/2017 at 6:19 PM, sATL said:

Can she still do a 3-4 minute routine with splits, back rollovers, low "bucking", high kicks, and death drops ?

Kayla appeared in the BringIt Live Tour. All of the girls that performed danced together in opening and closing routines that were 5-10 minutes in length and each one had a solo, plus a couple of duo/trio dances. She didn't appear to be lagging behind any of the girls at that event, but they had all been dancing together through rehearsals for the show and all summer at that point. I'm assuming she is participating in this year's tour as well, although it may turn out that isn't the case. 

I'm still wondering what the Crystianna thing is all about. Remember last season (two seasons ago??) she was injured at the end of the season with what seemed to be a significant injury. That was right around the time her dad died. Then they come back this season and she is literally MIA for the first half of the season. No talking heads, no solos, no features, and some episodes no lines. She finally come back to the forefront and its all around how she isn't being showcased and her confidence is shot. I wonder if Dianna moved away from giving her parts while she was healing, and in the meantime, she's been eclipsed by girls like Faith and Deija. I could also see Rittany being someone who resented ballet and lyrical girls coming in and being featured in a majorette group, and rather than giving Crystianna encouragement to learn those styles being more like "you just need to out buck them". She's not comfortable at the Dollhouse anymore because its not just majorette and bucking and she's not comfortable with that kind of change.

Edited by Rlb8031
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I hope that Rittany hasn't pulled Crystianna from the Doll House.  I prefer both of them to some of the others.  Rittany did go to Torry to work with Crystianna, so I don't think she is opposed to that.  Time will tell.  I am surprised that Rittany hasn't shoved something down Mimi's throat.  Mimi is more than obnoxious.  She always has been.  She was tattle tale from the get go and was proud of it.  Said she would do anything to get Camryn ahead at the Doll House.  Mimi is one DDP that I will be glad to see gone.

Wishing Kayla the best of luck in whatever she chooses to do.  

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Well woke up today hoping to find an Aftershow Chat online - but they must not be doing that this season - to bad as I love to watch those. I also notice the change in hair color.

Mimi is to Bring It - what Melissa is to Dance Moms - except most of Melissa's bragging was in the talking heads.

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I had Friday night withdrawals.... BringIT ... Rap Game and for a quick minute Pop Game, was a wonderful fun way to end the work week. I actually looked forward to the show(s). ... Now what to watch.

I wish Lifetime would plan their schedule better - when one show ends, premier another one of similar type (like the Miami dance team), in its place.

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