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S08.E09: Shade For Days

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absolutely not.  There is an implied covenant of good faith that is read into every contract.  If you're stalling sending a picture than you're not acting in good faith and you've breached the contract and therefore you owe the other party under the contract.  She is legally incorrect, and where there are not specific timelines in a contract, courts will read them to mean that the time frame is "reasonable."  So, if you're taking 2 years to send a picture, in order not to pay what you owe, that is not reasonable.


And I would want to see that contract, Todd may dress like a 12 year old boy, but he came correct with ALL his paperwork which makes me think he is a much more savvy businessman than I would have thought.  I could see him, or his attorney either drafting the agreement or checking the agreement for things like this, so it wouldn't surprise me to learn that there are performance timelines written into the contract.  But even if there isn't, the timeframe the courts use is "reasonable."  And its not "reasonable" to take years to send a picture.


Apollo is all of those things, but liars and thieves can tell the truth.  And given what a sneaky snake Phaedra is, I don't think she is any more honest than he is.  So when their stories conflict, I look at whose version makes more sense.  And many times, his poorly worded version of the truth makes more sense than what she is saying.


This is the same dude who when his wife was nearly apoplectic that he hadn't signed the prenup the day before their wedding, told her to do what she wanted about the wedding, but he wasn't signing anything until his attorney had had a chance to review it.   That's what he said to a woman he loves.  Lol.  Sleep on his slouchy gear and unassuming luggage if you want to but Todd is not the one.


Phaedra said something about the DVD NOT being done and final payment due UNTIL she gave Todd a photo of herself when she was pregnant. IF that was written into the contract, as long as she stalls giving him the photo, then the final payment can be stalled as well, right? That does not mean that Phaedra is "right" morally but she may be "right" legally though.


IMO, Phaedra should just cut him that final check, keep her comments about Todd checking the couch cushions for change to herself, for no other reason than it makes HER look bad/worse and appear very petty while Todd comes out smelling like a rose in the end.


As for anything Apollo said or has to say, he is an admitted, convicted THEIF/Liar and I would NOT trust anything he had to say about Phaedra or anyone else at this point. Even his friend, the one that came to visit Phaedra/boys, admitted you can't trust what Apollo says.


Actually Todd said this (to indicate that it was Phaedra who was holding up production just in case that was the thing she was hanging her hat on).   What Phaedra said was: it's not done until I say it's done.    At best, inconvenient timing, at worst, a shitty delay tactic. Point is the onus for project completion and payment was and always had been on Phaedra and she knew it.  Those receipts he brought were about letting her know that he knew she knew it too.  But let's just pretend for a second that she were completely without account.  If you're not mad or wrong, there's no foundation for being slick at the mouth about your debtee.  Is there?

  • Love 14

This is the same dude who when his wife was nearly apoplectic that he hadn't signed the prenup the day before their wedding, told her to do what she wanted about the wedding, but he wasn't signing anything until his attorney had had a chance to review it.   That's what he said to a woman he loves.  Lol.  Sleep on his slouchy gear and unassuming luggage if you want to but Todd is not the one.




And honestly I have to say I gave Kandi the serious side eye with that bullshit stunt she pulled. Giving him hardly any time to even go over the prenup and then acting stank cause the man doesn't want to sign a serious contract like that without feeling comfortable about what's stated in it. See this goes to show how messy she is regarding official shit and how he can stand his ground somewhat (cause I still think he caved a little bit) when it comes down to the nitty gritty.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 5

And honestly I have to say I gave Kandi the serious side eye with that bullshit stunt she pulled. Giving him hardly any time to even go over the prenup and then acting stank cause the man doesn't want to sign a serious contract like that without feeling comfortable about what's stated in it. See this goes to show how messy she is regarding official shit and how he can stand his ground somewhat (cause I still think he caved a little bit) when it comes down to the nitty gritty.

I thought Kandi said that she gave Todd the prenup weeks before the wedding. That he put off having his lawyer look it over was on him, not Kandi....unless that was nothing more than a "storyline" and not how it really happened. LOL

I thought Kandi said that she gave Todd the prenup weeks before the wedding. That he put off having his lawyer look it over was on him, not Kandi....unless that was nothing more than a "storyline" and not how it really happened. LOL

They had been TALKING about the prenup for a while and Todd was urged to get an attorney but didn't get one until right before the wedding. It was his error to wait til he felt the prenup was to his liking before getting an attorney but here's the thing I don't think he thought he would need an attorney to negotiate any terms. I think Todd felt that they would have no problem so big that they would need to even negotiate with lawyers to that degree. So yeah, the last minute issue does fall a bit on Todd but had there not been so many issues that needed correcting 2 days would have been all the time he needed anyway.  I still feel that it was pretty shady how she tried to shade Todd the way she did about it all. And the terms that were an issue did seem suspect AS HELL from the little bit that was shared and then I read up on more of the details and damn Kandi sure seemed to be all up in Todd's pockets while making damn sure he wasn't profiting on a damn thing if there were to get divorced. Even going as far as trying to get half of what he makes but him NOT getting half of any of her projects regardless of whether he's involved or not during the course of the marriage. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now if only she could be that demanding about money when it comes to her people. Helllluuuurrrr!?

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4

They had been TALKING about the prenup for a while and Todd was urged to get an attorney but didn't get one until right before the wedding. It was his error to wait til he felt the prenup was to his liking before getting an attorney but here's the thing I don't think he thought he would need an attorney to negotiate any terms. I think Todd felt that they would have no problem so big that they would need to even negotiate with lawyers to that degree. So yeah, the last minute issue does fall a bit on Todd but had there not been so many issues that needed correcting 2 days would have been all the time he needed anyway.  I still feel that it was pretty shady how she tried to shade Todd the way she did about it all. And the terms that were an issue did seem suspect AS HELL from the little bit that was shared and then I read up on more of the details and damn Kandi sure seemed to be all up in Todd's pockets while making damn sure he wasn't profiting on a damn thing if there were to get divorced. Even going as far as trying to get half of what he makes but him NOT getting half of any of her projects regardless of whether he's involved or not during the course of the marriage. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now if only she could be that demanding about money when it comes to her people. Helllluuuurrrr!?

There is MORE Joyce attitude in Kandi than she will ever admit to IMO! LOL

  • Love 4

I actually do not think Kenya wants kids or a relationship.  These were things easily in her reach at one point, but she chose a different path.  I am actually glad she did not end up married to a Peter or an Apollo. 


If Kenya is authentic about her desire to become a mother, it is smart of her to try to repair and heal the damage her traumatic childhood caused her.  She does not want to bring these issues into motherhood, particularly the abandonment fears caused by her mother's refusal to acknowledge her.

I think Kenya wants a relationship.  I don't think she wants to have a real relationship on camera.  Reality TV seems to be the touch of death for most relationships, so it seems like the smart move to me.  And completely agree about her not marrying a Peter or Apollo, which is what I think happens when women feel like they absolutely must have a man in their life or else they are less than a woman.  Which is the overall atmosphere when women behave like having a man is some sort of colossal accomplishment in and of itself.  Phaedra was fond of constantly throwing her crappy marriage in people's faces to prove superiority.  How did that make her better than anyone else when she was married to a barely literate felon?

  • Love 9

This is the same dude who when his wife was nearly apoplectic that he hadn't signed the prenup the day before their wedding, told her to do what she wanted about the wedding, but he wasn't signing anything until his attorney had had a chance to review it.   That's what he said to a woman he loves.  Lol.  Sleep on his slouchy gear and unassuming luggage if you want to but Todd is not the one.

I'd have done the same thing. I had a lawyer review my severance agreement when I was laid off. I make sure my paperwork is legit, dammit! The timing of the prenup is whatever - I can't remember who gave what to whom when, but absolutely no one should sign a prenup without their own representation present. I would give serious hesitation to a man who showed up talmbout "I had this drawn up, sign it." I'm pro-prenup, but they should be mutually agreed upon.


And "sign this or we're not getting married" is a good way to get a prenup thrown out - it can be voided if it's proved that it was signed under duress.


I related to Kenya a bit this episode, when she said "I can't keep dating and failing."

  • Love 6

I'd have done the same thing. I had a lawyer review my severance agreement when I was laid off. I make sure my paperwork is legit, dammit! The timing of the prenup is whatever - I can't remember who gave what to whom when, but absolutely no one should sign a prenup without their own representation present. I would give serious hesitation to a man who showed up talmbout "I had this drawn up, sign it." I'm pro-prenup, but they should be mutually agreed upon.


And "sign this or we're not getting married" is a good way to get a prenup thrown out - it can be voided if it's proved that it was signed under duress.


I related to Kenya a bit this episode, when she said "I can't keep dating and failing."

I believe in my state you have to be represented by independent legal counsel in order for a pre-nup to be enforceable.  But its just the smart move...like you said. A completely one sided pre-nup may also be seen as unconscionable and thrown out by the court.

For what it's worth, Phaedra address the DVD in her Bravo blog..... http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-atlanta/season-8/blogs/phaedra-parks/phaedra-this-has-become-an-attack-on-my


She says the DVD was done for "Nida Fitness" which is co-owned by BOTH her AND Apollo. Which begs the question some of us have been asking, Why didn't Todd get the money from Apollo when they were out at the strip clubs together BEFORE he went to prison? She also says that she paid him 1/2 of the amount owing at the meeting we saw, with the balance due when she gets the final product. Kandi has NOT said anything about Todd getting that payment, nor has Todd on his social media either.

  • Love 1

For what it's worth, Phaedra address the DVD in her Bravo blog..... http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-atlanta/season-8/blogs/phaedra-parks/phaedra-this-has-become-an-attack-on-my


She says the DVD was done for "Nida Fitness" which is co-owned by BOTH her AND Apollo. Which begs the question some of us have been asking, Why didn't Todd get the money from Apollo when they were out at the strip clubs together BEFORE he went to prison? She also says that she paid him 1/2 of the amount owing at the meeting we saw, with the balance due when she gets the final product. Kandi has NOT said anything about Todd getting that payment, nor has Todd on his social media either.

More Phaedra deflection.  I don't care if they "co-owned" the company, she was the one in charge of the finances, which is why SHE wrote the other checks to Todd and Apollo had nothing to do with it.  Which is why SHE admitted that she owed him money on camera.  Todd was under no obligation to go to Apollo to get the money since Apollo clearly wasn't the one writing the checks.  He was probably only listed as a "co-owner" so that she could tell people Apollo was a "business owner" instead of "ex-felon"


If that is Phaedra's best explanation for her behavior, she is even more pathetic than I thought.  And the saddest part is people will cling to it as a way for her to not be at fault, when she so clearly is.  The fact is, she still owes him money.  Two years later and she is still looking for any way out of responsibility for her own bad behavior.  She is such a miserable excuse for a human being.


I wonder how many more years it will take before she manages to find a suitable picture for a DVD she is never going to release.  I surely hope this ends up in court because I would be amused if Phaedra ended up with a judgment against her for trying to be cute.  I mean, is she broke, maybe she needs to check her couch cushions for some money so she can pay her debts.

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 10

More Phaedra deflection.  I don't care if they "co-owned" the company, she was the one in charge of the finances, which is why SHE wrote the other checks to Todd and Apollo had nothing to do with it.  Which is why SHE admitted that she owed him money on camera.  Todd was under no obligation to go to Apollo to get the money since Apollo clearly wasn't the one writing the checks.  He was probably only listed as a "co-owner" so that she could tell people Apollo was a "business owner" instead of "ex-felon"


If that is Phaedra's best explanation for her behavior, she is even more pathetic than I thought.  And the saddest part is people will cling to it as a way for her to not be at fault, when she so clearly is.  The fact is, she still owes him money.  Two years later and she is still looking for any way out of responsibility for her own bad behavior.  She is such a miserable excuse for a human being.


I wonder how many more years it will take before she manages to find a suitable picture for a DVD she is never going to release.  I surely hope this ends up in court because I would be amused if Phaedra ended up with a judgment against her for trying to be cute.  I mean, is she broke, maybe she needs to check her couch cushions for some money so she can pay her debts.

I do think the fitness thing was a way to make Apollo look legit and give him something of his own so to speak, as he was the fitness "instructor". LOL Yes, she admitted to owing Todd the money and IMO, should have paid him way back when BUT that does not mean that Todd couldn't have gotten the money off of Apollo and then Apollo get the money from Phaedra. I am interested to see if either Kandi or Todd say that he didn't get anything from her at that meeting. If they say nothing, then I suspect she did pay him but if they say she didn't pay anything, I will take their word over Phaedra's. Oh, and I am NOT "clinging" to anything. LOL

  • Love 2

They had been TALKING about the prenup for a while and Todd was urged to get an attorney but didn't get one until right before the wedding. It was his error to wait til he felt the prenup was to his liking before getting an attorney but here's the thing I don't think he thought he would need an attorney to negotiate any terms. I think Todd felt that they would have no problem so big that they would need to even negotiate with lawyers to that degree. So yeah, the last minute issue does fall a bit on Todd but had there not been so many issues that needed correcting 2 days would have been all the time he needed anyway.  I still feel that it was pretty shady how she tried to shade Todd the way she did about it all. And the terms that were an issue did seem suspect AS HELL from the little bit that was shared and then I read up on more of the details and damn Kandi sure seemed to be all up in Todd's pockets while making damn sure he wasn't profiting on a damn thing if there were to get divorced. Even going as far as trying to get half of what he makes but him NOT getting half of any of her projects regardless of whether he's involved or not during the course of the marriage. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now if only she could be that demanding about money when it comes to her people. Helllluuuurrrr!?

If I recall correctly, Todd didn't retain a lawyer earlier because Kandi didn't present him with a workable prenup until the last minute. Kandi had the bright idea that Todd should just hire a lawyer to draft something in concert with her lawyer. Just think of the cost to Todd for that scenario. Kandi was wrong on this issue. She wanted to protect HER estate, then HER lawyer needed to draft the prenup and present it in a timely manner.

  • Love 2

I do think the fitness thing was a way to make Apollo look legit and give him something of his own so to speak, as he was the fitness "instructor". LOL Yes, she admitted to owing Todd the money and IMO, should have paid him way back when BUT that does not mean that Todd couldn't have gotten the money off of Apollo and then Apollo get the money from Phaedra. I am interested to see if either Kandi or Todd say that he didn't get anything from her at that meeting. If they say nothing, then I suspect she did pay him but if they say she didn't pay anything, I will take their word over Phaedra's. Oh, and I am NOT "clinging" to anything. LOL

So again, its on Todd to chase behind Phaedra and company for the money that is owed to him.  Its not just on Phaedra to pay the money she admits she owes. Apollo wasn't the one handling the money, which is why Phaedra wrote the other two checks.  It would be like me wanting a refund for a broken toaster oven and calling the guy who drives the trucks they are hauled around in.  Why would I call him?  Yes, he works for the company, but all that guy does is drive the trucks.  I would call the person who handles the money.  Todd would contact the person who handles the money, and that is Phaedra.  Its not up to Todd to have the chase the guy driving the trucks and waste his time doing that, hoping that the guy driving the trucks can talk the person who is handling the money into paying the money.


That doesn't make any sort of sense, especially since Phaedra has known she owed the money and simply wasn't going to pay it.  Its not that it slipped her mind because she knew exactly what she owed.  She knew she owed it, she wasn't going to pay it.  So, since it wasn't a matter of forgetting, it wouldn't even matter if Todd went to Apollo, because Phaedra wasn't going to pay the money she owed.  It was as simple as that.  


I'm not particularly talking about you, but from what I see there has been a rush to try to find ANYTHING and ANY reason to either find a way for this not to be Phaedra's fault, or to mitigate her fault by finding that some of this mess is Todd's fault.  "Well, I mean, its Phaedra's fault, BUT Todd is at fault too for not going to Apollo"  "Well, its Phaedra's fault, but Todd should have sent 10 more invoices"  "Well, its Phaedra's fault, but Todd should have hired a sky writer"


This is Phaedra's fault, and Phaedra's alone.

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 12

For what it's worth, Phaedra address the DVD in her Bravo blog..... http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-atlanta/season-8/blogs/phaedra-parks/phaedra-this-has-become-an-attack-on-my


She says the DVD was done for "Nida Fitness" which is co-owned by BOTH her AND Apollo. Which begs the question some of us have been asking, Why didn't Todd get the money from Apollo when they were out at the strip clubs together BEFORE he went to prison? She also says that she paid him 1/2 of the amount owing at the meeting we saw, with the balance due when she gets the final product. Kandi has NOT said anything about Todd getting that payment, nor has Todd on his social media either.

I don't think it begs the question-Phaedra is claiming there is not a finished product and she is withholding final payment.  Production is hired to deliver a product-if Phaedra doesn't like it she can't withhold payment.  The elephant in the room is that Apollo is perhaps in the video and with his incarceration the video may not be marketable.  It is not Todd's fault.  in reality Apollo's lap top and car were seized about four months after they filmed the video.  I think that was the final nail in the coffin for marketability-which is not the responsibility of the production company.  I think Phaedra should pay up and stop making excuses.  She had zero remorse for what she said about Todd-that is why this woman can't and should not be trusted.

  • Love 4
For what it's worth, Phaedra address the DVD in her Bravo blog..... http://www.bravotv.c...an-attack-on-my


Hmm.  I can't believe anything Phaedra says much less anything she writes in a blog, especially when it comes to incarcerated Apollo.  Apollo wasn't pregnant and  Todd hasn't been waiting on Apollo's picture for the DVD menu.


Many claim that Phaedra has gotten a bad edit.  I don't think she has gotten a bad edit...she has just been busted lying, repeatedly. 

Edited by SpringTulips
  • Love 6

I don't think it begs the question-Phaedra is claiming there is not a finished product and she is withholding final payment.  Production is hired to deliver a product-if Phaedra doesn't like it she can't withhold payment.  The elephant in the room is that Apollo is perhaps in the video and with his incarceration the video may not be marketable.  It is not Todd's fault.  in reality Apollo's lap top and car were seized about four months after they filmed the video.  I think that was the final nail in the coffin for marketability-which is not the responsibility of the production company.  I think Phaedra should pay up and stop making excuses.  She had zero remorse for what she said about Todd-that is why this woman can't and should not be trusted.


Phaedra does not seem to be the type of woman not to know how her husband is making money.  Either she knew exactly what Apollo was doing or she chose not to know what Apollo was doing because she knew he was doing something illegal.  


Kandi has been pretty chill up to this point about how Phaedra felt about Apollo.  Its interesting that Kandi said that Phaedra wanted Apollo to go long before he went to prison which I think is true.  Apollo was not shy about showing his lack of respect for Phaedra and she dropped her veil a few times over the 2 season before his incarceration, revealing that she was not to pleased with him either.  At any rate, Phaedra tried her hand at developing her Pygmalion and it did not work.  Her ego is bruised because Apollo made her look like a fool in public, but she is okay.  She has her money, her kids and her mother.  All is well in her world.


When Kandi learned that Todd had allowed Apollo to stash those bikes at their home, she should have asked Todd to have those bikes removed.  I don't think the Tuckers were trying to take sides, but they put themselves in the middle of a domestic situation and they should have stayed on the sidelines.  Phaedra needs to go ahead and write that check to Todd however.


Porsha should have stayed out of the situation between Phaedra and Kandi.  There is a way you can be friends with people without getting in the middle of their disputes.  Being there for Phaedra and being friendly with Kandi or any of the other women is not mutually exclusive. 

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 6

If I recall correctly, Todd didn't retain a lawyer earlier because Kandi didn't present him with a workable prenup until the last minute. Kandi had the bright idea that Todd should just hire a lawyer to draft something in concert with her lawyer. Just think of the cost to Todd for that scenario. Kandi was wrong on this issue. She wanted to protect HER estate, then HER lawyer needed to draft the prenup and present it in a timely manner.

See I remember that as well but I wasn't a hundred percent sure how to present it and I wasn't sure I remembered correctly enough to post that specifically but yeah that's how I remember that happening as well. All I'm saying is that for a woman who was so damn detailed and a bit fucked up with regards to protecting HER money and HER best interest she seemed extra cavalier about how Todd should be conducting shit on his own behalf. Honey if you gonna go in looking like the YOU all about the money then hey that's your business but then to turn around and act like Todd isn't supposed to be as diligent on his end, supposed to succumb to YOUR camps wishes without a second thought AND try to shade HIM for his hesistation??? Chile, Please! I'm just amazed that she actually was trying to claim half of ALL of Todds earnings while turning around saying that she would get 100% of all of her projects profits. Even the one's Todd worked on. During all that Todd didn't seem greedy either. He seemed a bit hurt and rightly so cause she was extra stank and dismissive of Todd during the whole exchange like he was some sorry dude begging for her handouts. It's was just very ugly to watch and it change my perception of Kandi a bit. Although she does have the habit of rolling her eyes and acting like something "ain't that serious" when she gets call on some bullshit I was extra surprised that she took that tone with Todd over their MARRIAGE and this prenup. Like not giving a fuck about his feelings at all cause that wasn't the issue. The issue was her money and him getting none of it and it was like she couldn't understand why he wasn't getting it completely ignoring the reality that GUURRRLLLL, that shit was cold!

I believe in my state you have to be represented by independent legal counsel in order for a pre-nup to be enforceable.  But its just the smart move...like you said. A completely one sided pre-nup may also be seen as unconscionable and thrown out by the court.

See and I think this is also why he waited so long. I really think he had planned on getting his lawyer for the formal part of it. You know in order to sign and it being legit but not to actually negotiate anything. I felt real bad for him cause you could tell he was expecting it to be done in good faith and not that Kandi would take such liberties and throw in such obviously self serving shit.

  • Love 5

I do think the fitness thing was a way to make Apollo look legit and give him something of his own so to speak, as he was the fitness "instructor". LOL Yes, she admitted to owing Todd the money and IMO, should have paid him way back when BUT that does not mean that Todd couldn't have gotten the money off of Apollo and then Apollo get the money from Phaedra. I am interested to see if either Kandi or Todd say that he didn't get anything from her at that meeting. If they say nothing, then I suspect she did pay him but if they say she didn't pay anything, I will take their word over Phaedra's. Oh, and I am NOT "clinging" to anything. LOL

I'm sensing that it was expected that Todd lean over to Apollo in the strip joint and ask him for that money and then expect him to whip the cash out of his wallet and throw it on the table. It's business with a bit of concessions thrown in for the friends aspect of it. Nothing more, nothing less. Todds still going to expect it come from the company account and the payment made through the proper channels and not Apollo just handing over a wad of cash. No receipt, no record.. I mean, this wasn't just a loan that Todd was trying to get repaid it's payments for a job. My fiance owns his own company. Consists of his work truck, tools and 2 men that work with him, his friends. He has his business checkbook and his personal checkbook. It's contract work and sometimes they work so little that he owes each maybe a hundred or so but guess what? He still gets out the company checkbook and writes out checks from his Business account. I'm pretty sure Phaedra has the key to THAT particular checkbook. And to suggest that Apollo just "get the money to Todd" and worry about balancing it out later at home? Really? I mean that's more unprofessional that waiting this long. And again, I don't believe they felt is was an issue back then. Or that they wouldn't being seeing that money or that Phaedra would go as far as to deny payments. So yeah they missed that window with Apollo but I don't think that really matters all that much or is even relevant considering they weren't feeling things were shady yet.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 7
I'm sensing that it was expected that Todd lean over to Apollo in the strip joint and ask him for that money and then expect him to whip the cash out of his wallet and throw it on the table. It's business with a bit of concessions thrown in for the friends aspect of it. Nothing more, nothing less.



Maybe if Todd would have dropped like it's hot then Apollo would have made it rain. 

  • Love 3


he says the DVD was done for "Nida Fitness" which is co-owned by BOTH her AND Apollo. Which begs the question some of us have been asking, Why didn't Todd get the money from Apollo when they were out at the strip clubs together BEFORE he went to prison? She also says that she paid him 1/2 of the amount owing at the meeting we saw, with the balance due when she gets the final product. Kandi has NOT said anything about Todd getting that payment, nor has Todd on his social media either.


This doesn't even make sense.


For Phaedra to have paid Todd "half" of the balance, with the other half due when she gets the final project, this would mean she owes Todd around $17,000, because she paid Todd 2 installments of $8400 +/-


Todd is saying there were 3 installments of $8400 +/- ; he received the 1st two payments but hasn't received the final installment.


She also claimed to Kandi she only owed Todd $5000.


So which is it?


Was the total budget $10,000...Todd received "half" which was $5000 but got $16,800 from Phaedra, meaning Todd actually owes Phaedra $6800?


Was the total budget $33,600 ...with Phaedra paying half (2 installments of $8400 ea), meaning she owes him another $16,800?


Or was the budget $25,200 (3 installments of $8400 ea) ... she claims she's already paid him "half" which would be $12,600 ...BUT...she's already paid Todd $16,800, so she only owes him $4200? (the closest amount to the "I only owe $5000" figure)


Whatever funny new math Phaedra is using, she owes that man at least $8400 so she needs to take Aiden & Dylan to Chuck E Cheese next time and pay Todd his money.

  • Love 3

Surprisingly RHOA gained viewers this week.  A 500,000 viewer drop hasn't happened yet though it was pretty close between episodes two and three. That aside, S8 season has been pretty steady.


Nene, who? 

LMAO -- according to Nene, Andy Cohen was damn near going to have to declare bankruptcy after she left.  


I know I missed the first couple of episodes, but I think the season is pretty good.  I really don't even notice that Nene is gone.  I also think that Kim has probably served her purpose and maybe they should let her go next season, I'm not sure this is the right forum for her talent.

  • Love 10

Phaedra does not seem to be the type of woman not to know how her husband is making money.  Either she knew exactly what Apollo was doing or she chose not to know what Apollo was doing because she knew he was doing something illegal.  


Kandi has been pretty chill up to this point about how Phaedra felt about Apollo.  Its interesting that Kandi said that Phaedra wanted Apollo to go long before he went to prison which I think is true.  Apollo was not shy about showing his lack of respect for Phaedra and she dropped her veil a few times over the 2 season before his incarceration, revealing that she was not to pleased with him either.  At any rate, Phaedra tried her hand at developing her Pygmalion and it did not work.  Her ego is bruised because Apollo made her look like a fool in public, but she is okay.  She has her money, her kids and her mother.  All is well in her world.


When Kandi learned that Todd had allowed Apollo to stash those bikes at their home, she should have asked Todd to have those bikes removed.  I don't think the Tuckers were trying to take sides, but they put themselves in the middle of a domestic situation and they should have stayed on the sidelines.  Phaedra needs to go ahead and write that check to Todd however.


Porsha should have stayed out of the situation between Phaedra and Kandi.  There is a way you can be friends with people without getting in the middle of their disputes.  Being there for Phaedra and being friendly with Kandi or any of the other women is not mutually exclusive. 

I don't think Porsha took sides, she listened to Phaedra and said that money shouldn't come between friends and she was NOT repeating what Phaedra said to anyone else. Kandi seems to expect Porsha to run back to her, repeat Phaedra's comment in order to get Kandi's side in order for her to consider Porsha a friend of hers.

  • Love 4

I don't think Porsha took sides, she listened to Phaedra and said that money shouldn't come between friends and she was NOT repeating what Phaedra said to anyone else. Kandi seems to expect Porsha to run back to her, repeat Phaedra's comment in order to get Kandi's side in order for her to consider Porsha a friend of hers.

Porsha got in trouble for doing the exact same thing she did last time.  She wants to sit around and laugh and make little snide comments and then claim "but I never said anything!"  You can't sit around laughing in a group of mean girls and then act like a victim when you get called out for it.  Porsha should have a little more allegiance to Kandi, who gave her a role in her play even though she didn't have to, even though Porsha behaved terribly and couldn't sing as well as others and didn't have the requisite experience.  Kandi has done more to help Porsha than Phaedra has, and odds are, the minute Phaedra can throw Porsha under the bus for something she will.  If Porsha was a friend to Kandi she would have changed the subject, instead of encouraging it by continuing to ask questions so Phaedra can continue to talk crap.  Make an excuse to leave if you don't want to be a party to that conversation, say you want to run inside and get a drink and change the subject when you get back out.


And yes, you should get both sides of the story if you're friends with both people -- why wouldn't  you do that?  But Porsha is part of Phaedra's game of deflection, talk shit about someone to another person who won't say anything or will encourage you to keep talking shit and won't shut it down.  That way you get your side of the story out without any interruption or being challenged.  I wouldn't have expected a friend of mine to just sit there and basically encourage someone to talk shit about me.  It's funny that Phaedra shut up real quick when DJ, who is a REAL friend to Kandi came around, because he is one person that could challenge her made up narrative.  She was fine to talk smack right up until someone who could challenge her version of events showed up.

  • Love 7

Porsha got in trouble for doing the exact same thing she did last time.  She wants to sit around and laugh and make little snide comments and then claim "but I never said anything!"  You can't sit around laughing in a group of mean girls and then act like a victim when you get called out for it.  

It's funny that Phaedra shut up real quick when DJ, who is a REAL friend to Kandi came around, because he is one person that could challenge her made up narrative.  She was fine to talk smack right up until someone who could challenge her version of events showed up.

Exactly. She likes to say little slick mouth shit, just enough that she doesn't have to take responsibility and can play her non apology bigger person role.

I maintain, Phaedra is nothing on the spot. All she can do is gather herself behind the scenes to come up with rehearsed drags. Anytime anyone steps to her directly, she is 'above the fray', but is quick to talk dirty after she's thought up a few quips. She couldn't say shit to NeNe, Apollo, Todd, Chuck, Kenya, etc in the heat of the moments. It's only AFTER that she has something to say. I can't imagine she'd be worth much in an actual adversarial trial in open court. Best she stick with weed summons and child support complaints.

  • Love 9

Exactly. She likes to say little slick mouth shit, just enough that she doesn't have to take responsibility and can play her non apology bigger person role.

I maintain, Phaedra is nothing on the spot. All she can do is gather herself behind the scenes to come up with rehearsed drags. Anytime anyone steps to her directly, she is 'above the fray', but is quick to talk dirty after she's thought up a few quips. She couldn't say shit to NeNe, Apollo, Todd, Chuck, Kenya, etc in the heat of the moments. It's only AFTER that she has something to say. I can't imagine she'd be worth much in an actual adversarial trial in open court. Best she stick with weed summons and child support complaints.

What really kills me is that even her practiced in the mirror reads are lame!  I mean, if you're gonna wait and practice your material, at least get some good material.  Scrambled eggs?  WTF?  Do you do crack?  Huh?   I have no idea why people think she is the queen of reading people, her reads are so practiced and ridiculous.  


Thank you though, I'm glad someone else can see Porsha's game.  When I see it, its so obvious what she is doing.

  • Love 8

Porsha got in trouble for doing the exact same thing she did last time.  She wants to sit around and laugh and make little snide comments and then claim "but I never said anything!"  You can't sit around laughing in a group of mean girls and then act like a victim when you get called out for it.  Porsha should have a little more allegiance to Kandi, who gave her a role in her play even though she didn't have to, even though Porsha behaved terribly and couldn't sing as well as others and didn't have the requisite experience.  Kandi has done more to help Porsha than Phaedra has, and odds are, the minute Phaedra can throw Porsha under the bus for something she will.  If Porsha was a friend to Kandi she would have changed the subject, instead of encouraging it by continuing to ask questions so Phaedra can continue to talk crap.  Make an excuse to leave if you don't want to be a party to that conversation, say you want to run inside and get a drink and change the subject when you get back out.


And yes, you should get both sides of the story if you're friends with both people -- why wouldn't  you do that?  But Porsha is part of Phaedra's game of deflection, talk shit about someone to another person who won't say anything or will encourage you to keep talking shit and won't shut it down.  That way you get your side of the story out without any interruption or being challenged.  I wouldn't have expected a friend of mine to just sit there and basically encourage someone to talk shit about me.  It's funny that Phaedra shut up real quick when DJ, who is a REAL friend to Kandi came around, because he is one person that could challenge her made up narrative.  She was fine to talk smack right up until someone who could challenge her version of events showed up.

AMEN! And exactly! Same thing happened last season when they were oh so curious about the level of Kandi's loyalty to Phaedra during everything with Apollo. Kandi has her side eye behavior no doubt but it mainly comes from her lack of backbone for those she cares about and even more so for her family so at least her flaws come from a genuine place of loyalty and caring. I thought Kandi manuevered through a lot of BS surrounding Phaedra and what people were saying and trying to involve her in. Now THAT'S being a friend. She spend a lot of last season no speaking on anything that came up about Phaedra and would even throw in a couple of "nah, it ain't like that or I doubt that" sort of one liners when she couldn't get around it. What I couldn't stand was while Kandi was bobbin and weavin' through all the talk about Phaedra for most of the season Pheadra took every and all opportunities Porsha and Nene and whoever else afforded her to show her disappointment in Kandi's lack of ass kissing.


Look Phaedra felt a certain kind of way mainly when Kandi made her position clear about taking the kids to see Apollo in jail. Instead of just opening up and setting things straight right then and there she pulled out her monogrammed laced hankie and dabbed the corner of her dry eyes while responding to OTHERS inquiries about whether Kandi is diligently performing her duties as a friend. Let's also not forget that Porsha played that same wide eyed role where she "innocently" wonders why Kandi isn't this that or the other, ya know being Phaedra's friend and all. I thought it crazy shady how often Nene or Porsha would be reflecting on Kandi's actions or lack there of whenever something went down with Phaedra. Like damn. How did Phaedra's and Apollo's mess turn into scrutiny over "what the Tuckers are doing".


Chile, please I find it completely ridiculous that they all claimed (Phaedra Nene or Porsha) that there was nothing that went down that even suggested they were throwing shade about Kandi and Phaedra's friendship. Yeah uh huh. And here we have Porsha, again "unknowingly" creating a viable environment that is perfect for Phaedrah's Bullshit to be nutured and thrive and take on a life of it's own. Guess you can call Porsha Phaedra's fertilizer. LOL!


Girl stop acting like you don't know you being grimey as hell. AGAIN! Just staaawwwwwpppp!

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 7

I tried to stay away, but I just can't. Phaedra is in the wrong on this one big time. It doesn't matter if Todd wears a suit and tie or a freaking sweat suit and backpack. Phaedra admitting on camera to holding up giving Todd the photo to avoid giving him the money blows my mind. She seems like a terrible lawyer. Or one who knows she can slither out of anything. Too bad Todd won't sue because I would love to hear Phaedra speak to a judge. (Flashbacks to the last time she was questioned.)


Apollo and Phaedra are perfect for each other. One steals cars, the other steals people's labor and time.I don't believe they're over.


I have no idea why Phaedra is letting herself look this bad on TV. I would never want it to look like I don't pay my debts, and I don't put honor into my word. VERY STRANGE. Even if its a pretend story line (which I don't think it is) Phaedra has nothing to gain from this. It's $8,000- not $80,000 pay and move on.


There are real women out there who can't afford their bills  when hubby goes to jail. Does the bank care?  Phaedra, who by all accounts is rich, gets no sympathy from me.

Edited by Granimal
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