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TAR Fantasy Casting

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I didn't see if a casting thread was up, so I created this. Note to anybody reading on the West Coast . . . this post contains spoilers for the TAR27 finale.


I don't really have any fantasies about recruiting people to be on TAR, aside from the occasional daydream about cast members from Road Rules trying their luck on a far greater stage than even The Challenge. . . . and even then, it's usually non-dramatic folks.


With TAR27 in the books, I can see five teams coming back for an "All Star"/"Unfinished Business" season.


Tanner & Josh: Who knows if they would have done better if they didn't sightsee through (pre-terror attack) Paris. Or if they edged out the Cheerleaders and missed the Speed Bump. I feel they ran a good race, and they might have won if they lasted longer.


Denise & James Earl: Admit it . . . you were waiting for the other shoe to drop on these two. And if Margie & Luke can get two return trips . . .


Tiffany & Krista: Back-of-the-pack team that overachieved from time to time. Krista's five attempts on their final Roadblock had to be the most heartbreaking moments of this season. They'd be like bringing back Jaime & Cara, only they're nicer.


Logan & Chris: If Teri & Ian can come back, I can't see why these two wouldn't. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if CBS demanded their return, ugly racing and all.


Justin & Diana: Think of it this way . . .  if they don't get an invite to the next alumni season, they'd better keep the locales on the down-low. Otherwise, we'd have the first reality show to end with a hostage situation. Justin strikes me as that big of a fanboy.

If I were casting another All Stars or Unfinished Business season from the recent-ish seasons, I'd cast the following:


Jaymes and James (the Chippendales) (Season 21) - genuinely nice guys, beat by the awful Beekman Boys


Chester and Ephraim (NFL Players) (Season 23) - wish we had seen more of them


Whitney and Keith (Survivors) (Season 25) - double U Turned out, but would have lost anyways


Shelly and Nici (Flight Attendants) (Season 25) - can they handle the pressure this time


Adam and Bethany (Surfers) (Season 25) - she could be pregnant, but would love to see them back


Harley and Jonathan (New Kid on the Block) (Season 26) - Jonathan is a Superfan but not obnoxious


Aly and Steve (Olympians) (Season 26) - got a flat tire in Africa


Jazmine and Danielle (Track Stars) (Season 27) - multiple poor decisions in one leg cost them


Tanner and Josh (Texas) (Season 27) - wouldn't pass a cheerleader holding the Jewish food


Then we need two "villain" teams.  I refuse to consider Justin.  My two villain teams would be:


Tim and Marie (Season 23) - oddly, I grew to tolerate her


Hayley and Blair (Season 26) - same



I was looking at the Wikipedia list of racers, and sadly, even though I only considered racers from seasons 21 and up, I couldn't even picture the faces of some of these people.

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I'd love to see some "Blink and you missed them" teams get another shot. Not sure you could do a complete cast. Maybe take a page from the Blind date disaster and do half new teams, and half teams that were eliminated in 9th place or earlier during their previous seasons...


Matt and Ana: The first ever elimination on TAR Season 1


Joe and Avi & Lena and Kristy: the Jewish teachers and awesome sisters from Season 6


Lisa and Joni: the Glamazons from Season 9


Bilal and Sa'eed & Vipul and Arti: the double diversity whammy from the very first leg of Season 10 (Bilal and Sa'eed got eliminated at a midpoint, something that had never happened before or since). I also loved the father/daughter duo of Duke and Lauren who went out 2 weeks later


Mariana and Julia: Latin sisters from Season 12


Misa and Maiya: The poor girls who simply could not find Phil on the grounds wherever that first pit stop was in Season 20


Amy Purdy and her partner Daniel from Season 21. Still one of the most brutal examples of bad taxi luck ever.


The Metal guys (James and Mark) from Season 21 also. They'd break my arbitrary 9th place rule though.


Matt and Daniel or Idries and Jamil (Season 22, 11th and 10th, respectively)


I too would like to see Chester and Ephraim from Season 23 get another shot.


Harley and Johnathan from NKOTB (Season 26, 9th place)


Adam and Alex and/or E-knock and Jin Lao (This past season, 10th and 9th place respectively)


Oh yeah, the poor yoga hippies who never even got out of the country because they lost a task at the starting mat. I couldn't find their names/season online and/or didn't look hard enough.


The other crazy thing TAR could do is recruit a mixed cast of former TAR competitors along with former contestants from TAR Asia, China Rush, Latin America, Israel etc. Make it a one off, TAR: Global Domination season or something like that lol.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
  • Love 2

I like the rest of your cast, but I'd probably replace Matt & Ana (who are divorced) with any of the four 'eligible' TAR3 teams. Heather and Eve probably won't do it again, but Dennis and Andrew definitely will (Andrew told a story on Facebook once that he tried auditioning for Survivor a few years back and the casting people suggested he'd be better on TAR if he could find a decent partner, not realising he already had been), Tramel and Talicia would be a hoot, and Gina and Sylvia have a strong case - winding up on the last of three charter buses and then apparently finishing the back-half of the leg faster than any teams on the two previous buses - but I don't know how memorable they are.

I can't watch another season of Hayley screeching at Blair.  But I would watch Hayley paired with someone who can give as good as they get.  Hayley and Logan would be perfect.  Yes, I now want to see that happen.  


I can't with Justin.  But I would like to see Team Texas, Team TMZ and Team Track Stars back.


I think TMZ was out early, but I think it could have really just been a bad day for them.  They changed tasks pretty late and I think they were just super frustrated when they got to that puzzle.  I also think they would have been fun, but I like snark.  Team TMZ could be one of those teams that could turn into a villain team for people who hate snark.

The best candidates from recent seasons would be Kim and Alli, whI are one of the best-performing female teams the show has ever had. I would say they are a shoe-in for the next all-stars (and they were at the TAR27 start line so they are trying to stay in folks' minds).

I think the only team I could tolerate from the blind dating disaster would be the new kid and his partner. That guy so obviously loved the race (without reminding us every second) that I'd like to see them get a chance. Plus it was never really clear why they were eliminated, all of a sudden on the last flight out of Japan.

Honestly, I could see almost any team from 27 returning, with the exception of the Chacs, the TMZ girls, and Logan and Chris. Both guy teams eliminated in South America have strong cases despite being early boots. As much as people hate it, Justin and Diana are probably shoe-ins. The cheerleaders are also probably getting called back, and maybe the Texas boys if they want to renew the 'rivalry' with J/D.

Though lets be honest, we'll probably get Margie and Luke and the cowboys again...

Edited by TheRabbi

Does anybody have casting ideas outside of TAR? Or anti-choices? It seems that Caleb from Big Brother (aka "Beast Mode Cowboy") is doing the next season of Survivor, and that's causing a ruckus for some. For me, I imagine folks from Road Rules . . . most of the time, the saner folks, those who don't make The Challenge their lives.


Christian & Timmy (RR2): I don't remember much from their season, but I know the nudnik from Norway and the corny guy from Pittsburgh hit it off. Timmy called it quits from The Challenge after he wrecked his legs in an Inferno against Abram.


Dan & Roni (RR5): Actually, you could pick anyone from Northern Trail and it would be good for me. These two were the most normal, and Dan was a stud on his season and The Challenge, albeit under the radar.


James & Theo (RR9): This one's out . . . Theo's too famous from his stints on Last Comic Standing and the hidden-camera show on TBS whose title I can't remember. These two were the definition of "bromance" before the term was coined.

I have an idea that is quite hate-able: celebrity edition for charity.


What with the G-list social media people and the recycled folks from other reality TV shows, would it be that much of a stretch? I envision this as one of two things: the last ever season of TAR, or a desperate attempt to revitalize the franchise if it's perceived as teetering on the edge. My concept is that this happens once, then never again. 


I also like the idea several posts above, bringing in stars (winners?) from various international editions.

  • Love 1

Lantern7, you got me thinking. Admittedly my Real World and Road Rules sweet spot only runs from Seattle to Vegas, and for RR stops with the Semester at Sea season. I remember the two military school guys from RW Seattle (they came from VMI or the Citadel), I liked Malik, Coral and Rachel from RW: B2NY, Matt (the outspoken Christian guy) and Julie (the one who got kicked out of BYU) from RW: New Orleans, and Jahquise (probably couldn't get Jamie Chung to jump on board at this point) from SD. Mallory Snyder from the Paris season went on to have some success post RW as a model (even making it into a couple SI Swimsuit editions) and Yes and Pua from the RR:Semester at Season are the only other ones that stand out.


Alek got to do DWTS.....maybe the other two guys that stopped the Paris train attack could run TAR as a team.


Anybody familiar with Rodeo and Western Sports (where Jet and Cord came from) might know the married team of Stran and Jennifer Smith. He's a living legend and she's a long-time on air personality.


I'm surprised we haven't had an American Ninja Warrior crossover yet (if ANW was a CBS property it would've happened a couple seasons ago for sure). Brent Steffenson and Kacy Catanzaro would certainly be the first couple of ANW, the Moravskys (Rob and Joe), Sam Sann and his daughter (she might need an age waiver though), or a team of Meagan Martin and Michelle Warnky (two of the strongest female contestants in ANW history) would all be formidable competitors in a TAR setting...


If they can already get a former NKOTB member, maybe try to get two members of En Vogue or SWV, or the two non-Lachey members of 98 Degrees, or a couple other than Darius Rucker from Hootie, or any other 80's/90's/early '00s group or band of your liking.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15

Yes, I want Justin vs. Rob.

But, I also want some folks who are famous here and might not be famous around the world like a team of NASCAR drivers and a team of baseball players or Tim Gun  and Zac Posen from Project Runway. Stick shifts with crappy Indian Tatis would be mandatory.

I'd like to see some rivalries paired up as teams. Who wouldn't want to watch Gordon Ramsey and Robert Irvine as a team?

Find some celebrity superfans and let's go. For charity.

  • Love 1

Yes, I want Justin vs. Rob.

But, I also want some folks who are famous here and might not be famous around the world like a team of NASCAR drivers and a team of baseball players or Tim Gun  and Zac Posen from Project Runway. Stick shifts with crappy Indian Tatis would be mandatory.

I'd like to see some rivalries paired up as teams. Who wouldn't want to watch Gordon Ramsey and Robert Irvine as a team?

Find some celebrity superfans and let's go. For charity.

Michael Kors + Nina Garcia!  Oh, he would be the best!

I dig the idea of Justin and Diana racing against Rob and Amber, but it would be an interesting twist to pair up Justin and Rob (I mean hell, it's not like pairing up strangers is unheard of on the show now). I'd love to see Rob's reaction when Justin began to cry because they weren't in first or when Justin tried to berate Rob for some perceived failure.


As the years have passed, I don't feel nearly as negative towards Rob and Amber; I suppose the fact that they went away and aren't nearly so present helps - they seem to be happily living a family life when I google them. I can deal with that better than I can deal with the personalities that get their 15 minutes of fame and then go through all sorts of histrionics to stretch it out, kind of like the Jon and Kate people (didn't watch the show but god knows I knew who they were).

  • Love 1

Who wouldn't want to watch Gordon Ramsey and Robert Irvine as a team?


Um, me.  That would be the one season I'd be absolutely guaranteed not to watch, since I refuse to allow Robert Irvine on my tv ever again.


But the celebrity race for charity idea is pretty interesting.

My fantasy casting idea would be to go back to the early days and cast teams not composed of famous people, former contestants on other reality shows or mactors, but made up of ordinary people.

  • Love 1

Thinking about it . ..  are there any pairs from the latest Challenge worth casting on TAR? I've found two sets of cousins, and both have been eliminated: Cohutta & Jill and Leroy & Candice. I can't get behind anybody else, and I wouldn't encourage any romantic pairings. That includes Abram & Cara Maria. That guy is a ticking time bomb.


ETA: You know who I would want to see on TAR from MTV? Drama and Big Cat from Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory. These two were in the shadow of their skateboarding cousin, and I'd be interested to see them race. And Rob put them in lots of ridiculous costumes over the years, so the more bizarre TAR tasks wouldn't faze them.

I have an idea that is quite hate-able: celebrity edition for charity.


What with the G-list social media people and the recycled folks from other reality TV shows, would it be that much of a stretch? I envision this as one of two things: the last ever season of TAR, or a desperate attempt to revitalize the franchise if it's perceived as teetering on the edge. My concept is that this happens once, then never again. 


I also like the idea several posts above, bringing in stars (winners?) from various international editions.

Yes, a celeb season for charity would be interesting. But only if there were celebs who have actually watched TAR, and who will compete, not just mug for the cameras. And if the race wasn't "dumbed down" for the celebrities.

I saw the celebrity versions of cooking shows where people did not seem sincere in competing, they just wanted to recapture their fame. That would ruin TAR for me. I bet there are singers or actors who are fans of the show who might be interested.

For the celebrity idea we already have one team- Jonathan and Harley (NKOTB).


Here's one interesting view of a 'dream cast'



This one is old from 2007 (one team wouldn't work anymore since Corey H. died in 2010...)



Found the above while trolling google to see if there were any celebs who said they liked TAR... did see that Bill Murray mentioned he liked it.

I vaguely remember Rosario Dawson mentioning years ago on a Late Night show (Craig Ferguson maybe) appearance that her and her bf at the time watched TAR religiously.


What's the more realistic fantasy....having each team have one celebrity, and one quote unquote normal person from their everyday lives? Or would it be straight up pairs of celebrities? If the latter:


Ted Allen and Geoffrey Zakarian, Chopped judge/host.....maybe a 21st century Team Guido?


Kaley Cuoco and her sister Brianna, Brianna's already made one reality show foray on the Voice...


Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabelo, hot "of the moment" young singers who are supposedly dating.


Ryen Russillo and Danny Kanell, ESPN personalities and co-hosts of the popular sports talk radio show Russillo and Kanell.


Melissa Benoist and Mehcad Brooks, Supergirl co-stars. CBS Cross Promotion! CBS Cross Promotion!


James Corden and his bandleader Reggie, More CBS Cross Promotion!! Actually, they would be hilarious and hysterical.


Melanie Griffith and Dakota Johnson, Eh.....this really was just the first mother/daughter acting duo that popped into my mind.


Steph Curry and his wife Ayeshathey've had a number of WAGS compete....she's currently the most famous.


Ice T and Coco, just because they are Ice T and Coco.


Garfunkel and Oates (aka Kate Micucci and Riki Lindholme), More hilarity would ensue.


The guys in Rae Sremmurd, They might end up in Antarctica while everybody else correctly makes it to Paris. Or they might win the whole thing lol.


Ok, even my brain won't allow me to really imagine true A-listers like Tina and Amy because of the logistical nightmares it would require, and because seeing true global superstars who probably could care less about TAR get harrassed every second they weren't inside a cab or other form of public transportation really wouldn't make for a compelling tv show.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15

I've gone back to watching some of the early seasons and would love to see Will (Tara & Will), Colin (Colin & Christie), Rob (Romber) and Justin (Justin and Diana) race each other. I could take them with or without their partners but talk about some intense guys that could drive each other crazy and still be entertaining.


I wouldn't mind seeing an unfinished business season with just second place teams from previous seasons coming back. To be so close and just miss the million...

As the years have passed, I don't feel nearly as negative towards Rob and Amber; I suppose the fact that they went away and aren't nearly so present helps - they seem to be happily living a family life when I google them. I can deal with that better than I can deal with the personalities that get their 15 minutes of fame and then go through all sorts of histrionics to stretch it out, kind of like the Jon and Kate people (didn't watch the show but god knows I knew who they were).


You mean like selling their wedding to a TV network or going on the same game show 4 times before winning, and another game show as a two-time loser? No more Rob Mariano for me. Ever. I don't dislike Amber. She was never as nasty or as impressed with herself. I despise Rob, and never want to see him anywhere again.

  • Love 2

I don't think there's a podcaster team this season. Did they even ask Dave and Tara for team Extra Hot Great?  Or are they technically Canadian and thus disqualified?  Then you could cast Sarah and Joe.


There are tons of podcasting duos that could have been cast, though many of the most popular have their properties in other media (Chris Hardwick, Scott Aukerman, Mark Maron, etc.).


One long time podcasting team that I don't know has crossed over but would have a fascinating relationship is Keith and the Girl, who have been podcasting forever, started off as a couple, broke up and continued podcasting without letting their audience know they broke up for quite a while. They've since both paired up with other romantic partners while still podcasting together.  I don't listen to their show, but their relationship seems tailor made for TAR.  But if I thought about it I could come up with 100 potential teams from the ranks of podcasters. 

I don't think there's a podcaster team this season. Did they even ask Dave and Tara for team Extra Hot Great?  Or are they technically Canadian and thus disqualified?  Then you could cast Sarah and Joe.


There are tons of podcasting duos that could have been cast, though many of the most popular have their properties in other media (Chris Hardwick, Scott Aukerman, Mark Maron, etc.).


One long time podcasting team that I don't know has crossed over but would have a fascinating relationship is Keith and the Girl, who have been podcasting forever, started off as a couple, broke up and continued podcasting without letting their audience know they broke up for quite a while. They've since both paired up with other romantic partners while still podcasting together.  I don't listen to their show, but their relationship seems tailor made for TAR.  But if I thought about it I could come up with 100 potential teams from the ranks of podcasters. 


Sarah and Tara answered why they aren't on the race: https://twitter.com/TaraAriano/status/700804917246582784. Not that I wouldn't enjoy watching that -- at least for a few minutes.

Edited by auntlada

Since all star seasons have been happening every 6 or so, and with the rumors of a 'strangers' themed TAR29, I got to thinking that we're probably due for another season of returnees for season 30. And I was trying to think of who would/should be asked back. And I'm leaving out winners per the show's recent trends.

From 25, I'd say Kim and Alli are the only locks. Strong competent female teams are a rarity these days. I could see either Misty and Jim or Bethany and Adam returning, but probably not both. No one else from the season really left an impression.

I suppose we have to acknowledge season 26....I wouldn't mind the New Kids team being asked back if their schedules permitted it. They showed such love for the show and only got eliminated due to a bad flight. I could also tolerate the team that came in 5th. Matt and Ashley I think? Just no blind daters returning please.

As much as people loathe the Green Team, they are certainly a lock to return. I personally didn't mind them. I would say the cheerleaders would also be decent female candidates. I could see them inviting the Texas boys back just to revive that stupid rivalry with Green.

While we don't know who wins this season yet, based on the first 5 episodes, Tyler and Korey are about the only ones I could see again. I liked 2 of the 3 girl teams, but all of them out in the first half means it's unlikely they will return.

So there's my thoughts, though let's be honest. We'll probably get the cowboys, Margie and Luke, the globetrotters, and Brendon and Rachel again.

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