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MSNBC: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Vaulted)

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13 minutes ago, represent said:

Welcome aboard if you're just coming to this conclusion. It's quite validating to see others view this man as I do.  Not to mention, he's just like all the rest they want a story, not the real story, but a story.  They are whores to the sound bites.

I don't know if he hates Hillary, but I do know he has a boy crush on Trump and is living vicariously through him. He knows that Trump has filed bankruptcies and probably isn't worth all he says he is. He knows he's stiffed the small business owners, but he doesn't care. He still wishes he had a plane with his name on it and a "Melania." He's pathetic.  He appears to have had a pretty legitimate career in politics, in political media, he seems to have made a nice family, yet this chump is admiring the likes of Trump.  I see it all the time, he can't hide it and I find it pathetic that a man like him, with his hard earned success, would have googly eyes for the likes of Trump. 

That's what I was trying to figure out, has Trump released his medical records? WTF?  Then they don't want the likes of me throwing around the word sexism. How can I not? He's got himself and folks on the panel out right demanding she release her medical records as if Trump has done the same.  What?  All I see is a bunch of male, sexist surrogates and one males sexist reporter in Matthews thinking they have the fucking right to know more about one candidate's medical history over the other, because they have a right as men to demand it.  That's all I get keeping in mind that I'm already sensitive, but what else should I conclude? Because they show clips of her "tripping", coughing, shaking her head, they are now qualified to demand her medical records? I mean if they were demanding Trump's medical records to see what kind of decease has caused him to turn fucking ORANGE...then that would fair. But they're not so...

Bold mine.

He has. Read it and laugh. This is Newsweek (opinion) and I'm pretty sure I heard it debated on MSNBC yesterday morning. I was driving and flipping. 

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23 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

Bold mine.

He has. Read it and laugh. This is Newsweek (opinion) and I'm pretty sure I heard it debated on MSNBC yesterday morning. I was driving and flipping. 

Yeah that is funny, especially to anyone who has ever taken a physical and gotten a report. I know I have, and that's the kind of medical information I'm thinking of, when I think of medical records, complete with a history of your vaccinations. 

Results straight from the lab, that's what I'm looking for. Then you bring on the medical professionals to explain the numbers to the people. 

I'm pretty sure that's what those fuckers want, they want a front row seat into her colon, so they can then make degrading, sexist remarks of course while they analyze it.

So in summation, he hasn't released his medical records.  He's released a damn doctor's note without the reports from the lab.

Where are they? If they want Hillary's then they better "cough" up his.

Edited by represent
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Yes! It IS sexism, whether we like to label it or not!  Whose medical RECORDS have we ever seen?  Why would someone be entitled to demand that kind of invasion of privacy?  And how could they keep on and on about Hillary's medical records and never ONCE mention also "needing" Trump's? Yes, it was sexism.

And it really irked me when the panelist tried to talk instead about Trump's records that he refuses to release (from ANY year)--the records that every OTHER candidate routinely has released for 40 years! The ones we should be entitled to see to learn about tax rate, charity contributions....basic honesty....conflict of interest, etc.

I guarantee that if Trump had released his tax returns already (fat chance, I know, just sayin'), Chris would be hammering away at Hillary for "having something to hide".  Hillary releases hers and they are beyond reproach so ... he's just not interested.  I swear, some of these people seem perpetually stuck in high school. Chris needs to get over his admiration for the rich, swaggering bully and stop trying to turn him into a working class hero. He's absolutely NOT.

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ETA: Haven't read the Newsweek link yet, but the Huffpo one points out that Trump's "doctor of 36 years" is DEAD.  Chris should really get on this, it's much more of a story than Hillary's non-seizures.

 Jacob Bronstein died in 2010.  Now, his son's a doctor and still practicing (though I doubt with the letterhead that Trump used for his letter).   But Trump didn't say his doctor was Harold Bronstein.  He said he was the "highly respected" JACOB Bronstein, who'd been "treating me since 1980."  Again, JACOB Bronstein died in 2010. 

Hillary isn't having seizures, but maybe Trump is experiencing severe and very troubling memory loss. (Alternative diagnosis is from Dr. Ted Cruz: "he's a pathological liar".)  Chris needs to be "fair and balanced" and spend some time on Trump's health (including mental health), not just Hillary's.

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Jacob Bronstein died in 2010.  Now, his son's a doctor and still practicing (though I doubt with the letterhead that Trump used for his letter).   But Trump didn't say his doctor was Harold Bronstein.  He said he was the "highly respected" JACOB Bronstein, who'd been "treating me since 1980."  Again, JACOB Bronstein died in 2010. 

Damn, folks on the board alone never cease in proving how incompetent the media is...My goodness they are lazy. No offense to Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Lawrence O'Donnell. They at least show me they are trying. 

This would have been perfect for "journalist" Chris Matthews to introduce into this segment last night. But no...unbelievable.

Then Dr. Harold Jr. needs to release the lab results of his "patient's" 2015 physical. Sure, attach your little doctor's note of analysis but let us see the numbers in black and white thank you.  That is, if the the likes of Matthews in the media are going to badger Hillary to release hers. 

Edited by represent
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Rachel did do quite a hilarious segment on the dead doctor's letter about Trump's "astonishingly excellent" health, back when the letter was released late last year.  I remember her tapping the desk with a pencil in that sarcastic "REALLY???" punctuation she creates with the clicks. 

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Speaking personally, as an MSNBC viewer, it's odd that Brian Williams' demotion has resulted in me seeing way too much of him.

While Lester Holt's promotion has resulted in me rarely ever seeing him...as was previously the case.

I guess I should be watching NBC News more.

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Kudos to Ron Reagan, that's right, hold your own. "You better watch that kind of language Boris..." LOL. That's all I want, hold your own and do not allow them to take over. Do not allow them nor the host of the show to bully you. Because I'm done with these spineless hosts.

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12 minutes ago, represent said:

Kudos to Ron Reagan, that's right, hold your own. "You better watch that kind of language Boris..." LOL. That's all I want, hold your own and do not allow them to take over. Do not allow them nor the host of the show to bully you. Because I'm done with these spineless hosts.

Wasn't that a thing of beauty?  I cheered out loud.

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1 hour ago, represent said:

Kudos to Ron Reagan, that's right, hold your own. "You better watch that kind of language Boris..." LOL. That's all I want, hold your own and do not allow them to take over. Do not allow them nor the host of the show to bully you. Because I'm done with these spineless hosts.

I was listening on a iPod in the gym, but got the gist of the Revolt of Ron Reagan -- want to hear it loud and clear!  I can't believe something happened on Hardball that will make me tune in for the repeat! 

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Oh Joy...

Now I'm really depressed. Thanks Joy, you could have kept Trump's campaign connection to the Seinfeld show to yourself. I didn't need to know this. My lord, is there nothing sacred, LOL. Does everything precious and joyful have to be stained by the Trump campaign. 


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I can't remember if it was With All Due Respect or Morning Joe that put out that there are rumors of a Republican million dollar bounty for anyone who can get their hands on Hillary's medical records.

Ron Reagan is a good commentator, I've enjoyed him going head to head with Trump's surrogates a couple of times this past week.

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Twitter is not just being mean to Lochte, but to Brian Williams ("I saw Ryan Lochte get robbed") and suggesting Brian be sent to Rio to investigate.  Maybe instead of his new show, MSNBC could combine two franchises and present "Lochted Up with Brian Williams" -- and run it every hour on the weekends. 

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They can air this Locked Up (Lochte'd up) in about 5 years, like the ones they like to run all weekend, which aired 5-6 years ago.

Edited by Decoda
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12 hours ago, Decoda said:

They can air this Locked Up (Lochte'd up) in about 5 years, like the ones they like to run all weekend, which aired 5-6 years ago.

This shit is funny.

How disgraceful. So we have Hope Solo with her unsportmanslike behavior, I don't know what the hell her problem is...that shit just made it worse for her teammates.  She needs to find a therapist and/or another sport to take out all that aggression because kicking that soccer ball around isn't helping. Now we have these ass wipes thinking they're better than, and deciding to shit all over some other county. Never mind that the country literally is shitting all over itself, but that's their damn business. Do what you have to do, respect that you are a visitor in their country, then get the hell out of there, spoiled brats. This is about the third or fourth time in my lifetime that I've seen a news story with some dipshit American "kid" over in some foreign country getting his ass in trouble because he's American and therefore he thinks he rules the world. No respect and really just unaware/dumb. 

I hope they ship his ass right back to Rio.  He's thirty-two fucking years old, he's no kid. I thought he was younger than this...

Meanwhile, Michael Phelps is home back in his pool with his baby. Yep, Phelps for the win.   

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Is Billy Bush defending him? That's what it seemed like with Andrea Mitchell this a.m.  (Or Roberts--somewhere in that switchover time frame).  It was like, "well,he lied about this and that, but I think it's probably basically true." Because what kind of arrogant d-bag would make up a story like that, knowing how bad it makes the host country look, confirming some of the worst impressions about Rio and Brazil?

I'm rooting for Brazil in this, showing they're not incompetent and they take safety issues seriously. I'm glad they took Lochte's teammates off the plane, probably as they were high-fiving each other for getting out in time. If Ryan wanted to salvage any kind of reputation, he should hop on a plane to RIO today, give a press conference in which he humbly apologizes--to the people of Brazil, the police, the other Olympians and to Americans he's embarrassed--then take responsibility, whatever that means (I have a feeling they'd be pretty magnanimous from what I've read, if he just showed a little humility, honesty and contrition). That's what he should do--but based on what Billy Bush said, he sounds like a dumb...guy. 

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Yes, it was sexism. we like to label it or not!  Whose medical RECORDS have we ever seen?  Why would someone be entitled to demand that kind of invasion of privacy?  And how could they keep on and on about Hillary's medical records and never ONCE mention also "needing" Trump's? 


Chris's curiosity about medical records may be many things, but it is not sexist.  George W Bush released hundreds of pages of medical records in 2000 and 2004; McCain released over a thousand pages. The bigger question is whether we need that kind of information (I would argue to a limited extent, yes, we should know if a candidate has health issues because the Veep choice becomes important), and how much. And we certainly need it from both candidates. 

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whetherwhether we like to label it or Yes, it was sexism. we like to label it or not!  Whose medical RECORDS have we ever seen?  Why would someone be entitled to demand that kind of invasion of privacy?  And how could they keep on and on about Hillary's medical records and never ONCE mention also "needing" Trump's? Yes, it was sexism.

I totally agree it is sexism, but not because she should release her records.  I think it's sexism because nobody is asking for Trump's records. If he can put forth some note, a note that Rachel Maddow once again chuckled at on her show last night, then so can Hillary.  That's exactly what she did, she put forth a detailed note from her doctor. Why the hell should she have to put forth more? Because the University of Clinton Conspiracy Theorists say she should? Nope, I'm with you, sexist.  But in truth it isn't new for presidential candidates to release their medical reports, the people electing them into office have the right to know if they are going to be physically fit for the job.

For me, all Chris Matthews needed for me not to call him sexist was to respond with yeah, sure she should give us a more detailed health report, but at the same time her opponent does.  I'm sure I could knock it down to him just being unfair, but I won't, I'm still going with sexist.  

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I was glad to see Rachel mock the Trump "doctor's note" again, but I'm still waiting for the media to pick up on the very real possibility that the note is completely fake.  (Fake looking letterhead, deceased doctor/wrong name supplied by Trump himself, ridiculous unprofessional wording--hopefully some reporter will call the office to confirm if "Dr. Bronstein" actually is treating him and genuinely wrote that note). Hillary's doctor's letter's authenticity--and her complete rejection of all that mumbo-jumbo Chris was going through, like Hannity--is undisputed.

Chris' giving all that airtime to the alt-right fiction of Hillary's "strokes" and Hannity's desperate search for a doctor willing to look at video clips and say, "Maybe." without much critical thinking remains extremely aggravating.  That's what these people are great at (like with "swiftboating") bringing their discrediting fantasies into the mainstream media.

Don't any Hardball staffers read the NYT and Washington Post, Huffington Post, etc.  every day looking for information, even if he's too lazy/too busy to? 

Yesterday's Washington Post fact checker completely debunked the "Hillary's Health" accusation--giving it 4 Pinocchios.  Unless they have a well-informed guest--AND Chris actually lets him/her talk--"Hardball" is just so sloppy.

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Yeah, I see Drumpf is doing a speech. Look, MSNBC is going to lose my viewership if they continue to carry his speeches from 8-11.  His orange ass keeps cutting into my prime time shows on this network. Brian Williams and Donald Drumpf, don't want to see them between these hours.  That orange ape knows exactly what he's doing cutting into the prime time line up.

Edited by represent
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1 hour ago, Padma said:

I was glad to see Rachel mock the Trump "doctor's note" again, but I'm still waiting for the media to pick up on the very real possibility that the note is completely fake.  (Fake looking letterhead, deceased doctor/wrong name supplied by Trump himself, ridiculous unprofessional wording--hopefully some reporter will call the office to confirm if "Dr. Bronstein" actually is treating him and genuinely wrote that note). Hillary's doctor's letter's authenticity--and her complete rejection of all that mumbo-jumbo Chris was going through, like Hannity--is undisputed.

Chris' giving all that airtime to the alt-right fiction of Hillary's "strokes" and Hannity's desperate search for a doctor willing to look at video clips and say, "Maybe." without much critical thinking remains extremely aggravating.  That's what these people are great at (like with "swiftboating") bringing their discrediting fantasies into the mainstream media.

Don't any Hardball staffers read the NYT and Washington Post, Huffington Post, etc.  every day looking for information, even if he's too lazy/too busy to? 

Yesterday's Washington Post fact checker completely debunked the "Hillary's Health" accusation--giving it 4 Pinocchios.  Unless they have a well-informed guest--AND Chris actually lets him/her talk--"Hardball" is just so sloppy.

Chris Matthews is losing credibility this year. He must be furious that Hillary refused to endorse his wife in the Congressional Primary. A few days ago, Chris was rating about the Democrats not controlling Congress since LBJ was President. Chris forgot that Obama & Carter had the House of Representatives & Senate with Democratic Majorities.

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24 minutes ago, oakville said:

Chris Matthews is losing credibility this year. He must be furious that Hillary refused to endorse his wife in the Congressional Primary. A few days ago, Chris was rating about the Democrats not controlling Congress since LBJ was President. Chris forgot that Obama & Carter had the House of Representatives & Senate with Democratic Majorities.

Bold mine: I said the same thing to my husband last night.

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Before his wife lost her primary, he used to speak less negatively of her--he would talk about what her speech writers should be doing for her, and how she could work on her performance skills--but since that primary he's been pretty much all Trump all the time.

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7 hours ago, Padma said:

I was glad to see Rachel mock the Trump "doctor's note" again, but I'm still waiting for the media to pick up on the very real possibility that the note is completely fake.  (Fake looking letterhead, deceased doctor/wrong name supplied by Trump himself, ridiculous unprofessional wording--hopefully some reporter will call the office to confirm if "Dr. Bronstein" actually is treating him and genuinely wrote that note). .

I find it fascinating that the doctor who supposedly originally wrote this is dead.  It reminded me of a search for a job years ago (when actual letters were mailed), and all of the letter writers of recommendations for this professional job were dead, even noted by the applicant ("It is so unfortunate that all my referees are dead").  Either the veracity of the letters was suspicious, or it was very dangerous to write letters for this person.  (The person did not get far enough in the process for us to determine which option was more likely.)

Edited by jjj
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Let's see if this network picks up the Trump doctor story, the way they like to run with the conspiracy theory that Hillary might be "ill." Let's see...I don't think there's  a day that goes by lately that I don't wish Maddow, Hayes, O'Donnell and Reid would leave this network.  You won't hear a word of this on Morning Joe I'm sure, but all day you'll hear about Hillary's "illness" story and nothing on how the Trump's doctors certification as a fellow lapsed and the American College of Gastroenterology would like him to stop using the title. Yeah, he's totally qualified to give Trump a clean bill of health. He looks so damn sleazy in his picture, oily and sleazy.    Let's see if they pick up and run this story from a journalist on this network that sure as hell does her homework and doesn't commit fraud and pedal conspiracy theories. 

Is this network going to pick up on and run the story of Paul Manafort put out by the Associated Ppress tonight?  That he waged a covert influence campaign for the pro-Ukraine -Russian gov't.? He didn't disclose his work as a foreign agent, which is required by law. You think Morning Joe will cover this one? Incompetent slime ball that Joe. I want them to run all this all over this network, like they do when they get shit on Hillary even when it comes from Alex Jones and his friends.

Is Morning Joe going to pick up on Lawrence O'Donnell's reporting of the racist things that Bannon has said about black people. The quotes were "divine." Or is he going to talk about him as matter a fact, like his white supremacist words aren't actually on paper?  I guess he doesn't think this matters, to give specifics.   No?  I read the summaries over on the Morning Joe thread, don't see anything about Bannon's white supremacist views at all.

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12 hours ago, represent said:

Let's see if this network picks up the Trump doctor story, the way they like to run with the conspiracy theory that Hillary might be "ill." Let's see...I don't think there's  a day that goes by lately that I don't wish Maddow, Hayes, O'Donnell and Reid would leave this network.  You won't hear a word of this on Morning Joe I'm sure, but all day you'll hear about Hillary's "illness" story and nothing on how the Trump's doctors certification as a fellow lapsed and the American College of Gastroenterology would like him to stop using the title. Yeah, he's totally qualified to give Trump a clean bill of health. He looks so damn sleazy in his picture, oily and sleazy.    Let's see if they pick up and run this story from a journalist on this network that sure as hell does her homework and doesn't commit fraud and pedal conspiracy theories. 

Is this network going to pick up on and run the story of Paul Manafort put out by the Associated Ppress tonight?  That he waged a covert influence campaign for the pro-Ukraine -Russian gov't.? He didn't disclose his work as a foreign agent, which is required by law. You think Morning Joe will cover this one? Incompetent slime ball that Joe. I want them to run all this all over this network, like they do when they get shit on Hillary even when it comes from Alex Jones and his friends.

Is Morning Joe going to pick up on Lawrence O'Donnell's reporting of the racist things that Bannon has said about black people. The quotes were "divine." Or is he going to talk about him as matter a fact, like his white supremacist words aren't actually on paper?  I guess he doesn't think this matters, to give specifics.   No?  I read the summaries over on the Morning Joe thread, don't see anything about Bannon's white supremacist views at all.

Bold mine.

What's "funny", to me, is that he didn't give Trump a clean bill of health but instead said that Trump's tests were all "positive".  If my doctor told me all of my tests were positive I'd be really really worried.

It just makes this whole thing even more ludicrous that no commentators seem to care to report this. The report is a big ol' lie! Probably forged. 

But Hillary? She's practically stroked out 'cuz she's older than dirt. And few mention that they're about the same age. But I've seen her helped up steps, laugh (awkwardly?) and godonlyknows what's next.

People of the News: Do your homework! And maybe report back? Geesh.

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Listened to part of last night's Hardball on Sirius this afternoon. Not only is Matthews not fair, I think he's unbalanced. And a little in love with whatshername Conway.

Joy should have the 7:00 slot and Rachel and and Chris Hayes should split the 9-11 slot with part-time moderators of their choosing. At 11:00 they can replay Joy. At midnight drag out Matthews and BriWi.

See how easy it is?

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I second give Joy the 7 pm, but I need O'Donnell to end my evening (I won't be watching BriWi unless I have insomnia).

I don't understand why they are making the other hosts do an 11 pm until Labor Day--is Williams in the Hamptons?  

I did enjoy Joy at 11--her discussion was a little more free-wheeling than the earlier shows.

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Well, this is embarrassing. I didn't know Larry had his own show. My DirectTv menu shows a Hardball repeat at 10:00. Hmm. 

No problemo. Makes it easier.

Joy at 7.

Keep Hayes and Maddow at 8 & 9. 

Larry remains at 10.

Viewer-vote on which aforementioned show gets replayed at 11.

Drag out BriWi and/or Matthews for midnight. If there's Breaking News. Otherwise repeat Hayes and Maddow.

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37 minutes ago, car54 said:

I don't understand why they are making the other hosts do an 11 pm until Labor Day--is Williams in the Hamptons?  

I did enjoy Joy at 11--her discussion was a little more free-wheeling than the earlier shows.

Shhhhhh -- it is just fine to wait until after Labor Day!

And I also am enjoying the 11 PM shows (8 PM West Coast) -- they are largely unscripted, and as long as the guests are well-informed, it goes well.  The earlier shows all have pre-planned segments. 

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I watched a bit of MSNBC tonight and saw the commercial with Rachel, Arms Mitchell, Chuck Toad and others I can't remember right now. It seemed like it was aimed at stupid and seemed so obnoxious. I can't find it online anywhere or I would have included everyone that was in it. 

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Listening to one of the morning show panels discussing the Syrian conflict today, I became convinced that one participant was saying. "President AssHat".  Which, you know, would be about right.

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Lawrence O'Donnell crushing on Cher last night was adorable.    I was a little surprised that she said that the President she'd been closest to was Jimmy Carter.  That seems like an interesting match.

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1 hour ago, car54 said:

Lawrence O'Donnell crushing on Cher last night was adorable.    I was a little surprised that she said that the President she'd been closest to was Jimmy Carter.  That seems like an interesting match.

Cher was great, even just by phone, and ITA that LOD's fanboying was so endearing (a nice change from his usual!) I loved when Cher gushed over Hillary and how "cute she looked", then hesitating to say it, "she looked so pretty".  I can't explain it, but I liked hearing her complimented as a woman because I'd been thinking also how pretty she looked--at 68, too. (Maybe it was especially nice after the Trump group bashing her as "looking so ill" and "not having physical and mental stamina", etc. Especially as I think Kellyanne Conway and Ann Coulter look too pale and sickly under the harsh cameras in their interviews and they're a lot younger than HRC.  Anyway, they've got a lot of nerve attacking her on fantasy illnesses so I don't mind criticizing their OWN looks one bit.)

I think Trump was watching last night (does he ever turn off the television?). Because today at his Florida rally, he was blathering on about how "Hillary doesn't give speeches" (okay, he must have missed the part where Cher was so unexpectedly moved by her "amazing" Provincetown speech), and "no one cares", "no one turns out to see her", then added "except Hollywood celebrities...the ones who don't look hot anymore." I've seen enough of this guy to feel pretty certain that was a dig at Cher as that's where he always goes.

73 days is too long to wait, but I want to see Hillary run the table on Nov 8 and smack that smirk off Trump's face as he spews out lie after lie (tonight I'm sure Lawrence will spend time with today's speech, shown during Thomas' hour, that she's "committed so many, many crimes" including "racketeering". Ari Melber was on afterwards, explaining that "racketeering" includes murder, extortion, gambling, and other things that have absolutely nothing to do with a private email server or meeting with some CFF donors as SOS.)  I know it won't happen, but I soooo hope for a 50 state sweep! Please, America?

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I thought that the word "elderly" had grown out of favor but there's Dr. Ben Carson calling both candidates elderly. 

Really, Ben??? 

Used it on MJ and then on other morning MSNBC programming.

Just me?

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If you don't follow Cher on Twitter, you should--she is VERY political right now and she gets so riled up over Trump she's very entertaining.

I have this secret tinfoil hat theory that since his campaign management change, Trump has a tiny wireless earpiece and Kellyanne is in his ear feeding him talking points.   His way of speaking since the change is different--and it's not just the teleprompter.

I'm praying for a landslide for HRC, but I still get nervous every time one their "scandals/not scandals" leak in the press---I think they're right just to stay as quiet as possible and let Trump hang himself but it's hard to hear it all day every day.

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28 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

I thought that the word "elderly" had grown out of favor but there's Dr. Ben Carson calling both candidates elderly. 

Really, Ben??? 

Used it on MJ and then on other morning MSNBC programming.

Just me?

I use elderly interchangeably with senior, but I may be wrong.  Usually, if I think someone is older than me (72) they're elderly.  LOL.

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6 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

I use elderly interchangeably with senior, but I may be wrong.  Usually, if I think someone is older than me (72) they're elderly.  LOL.

Too true. The older I get the the more I dislike "elderly". Not even crazy about "senior" now. lol

 Elderhostel, a few years ago, changed its name to Road Scholar. And I just don't hear "elderly" in such common usage now.

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Elderly is how I apply to people who need aid to simply get about due to their age lol.  And this from someone that does consider both candidates' age an issue.  Not that I would vote solely for someone because they are younger or wouldn't vote for someone because they are older.  I just think it fits in with the stress of the job and it is an eight year one as far as this voter is concerned when he goes into the polls come November.  I think we have a said state of affairs that our political system seems to have a huge lack in younger dynamic and talented leaders on either side.  Of course even if I had the entire run of Republicans that were all, barring the Furious Yam, rather younger than Clinton, none fall into the category of dynamic and talented, let alone leader.  


I used to catch Cher in the oddest placest.  C-Span's call in show.  I think she once called in to Chris Matthews.  Always gives a nuanced, off center spin to things that I can really appreciate.  She is one of the few celebrities that actually seems engaged and knowledgeable.  I was always surprised when Affleck got all kinds of laudatory attention for his progressive attempts to be relevant politically when Cher was actually discussing policy over on CSpan better than the politicians CSpan was covering.  Not that I think Affleck isn't engaged, he just seemed like such a talking point naif compared to Cher on so many levels and it was odd that the only other person in the media that was noticing at the time was Joel McHale on The Soup!

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Cher was great.

I prepare taxes for a living so I always enjoy the tax return discussions. Lawrence has had some good guests on talking about it and I'm glad he keeps bringing it up.

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6 minutes ago, tenativelyyours said:

Elderly is how I apply to people who need aid to simply get about due to their age lol.  And this from someone that does consider both candidates' age an issue.

Which is odd (and I don't mean this as a way of calling you out, @tenativelyyours - just observing!) since Reagan would turn 70 in 1981 when he actually took office for his first term. Not to mention it is now known he did have memory issues while still president.

And with all the talk of health and well being, both FDR and JFK (who suffered from Addison's disease that stayed hidden from the public) managed to be effective presidents.

I'm not saying a person in poor health should have such a stressful job; but it's hard to state conclusively who has what condition or issue when it is usually the "other side" throwing mud. (Of course that brings us into "doctor's note" territory, but I'm too tired to debate that particular mess right now!)

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I guess I  don't see that it is odd at all.  Reagan actually proves my point.  The memoirs of FDR's family and staff after his death show how much his own people took a huge burnt of the work and activity especially during his last term.  Kennedy actually was not a good example at all since I find his assassination actually overshadows how inept his administration was many times and how it stumbled and bumbled.  I think had he lived he might have been a bad president which many seem to think is impossible for some reason.  Well his death of course. 

I think age is an issue.  And should be.  It shouldn't be the only one and it shouldn't even be a determining one, but it should be one people think of if the same people they want to make cognitive decisions on that affect the nation and world are being done by someone the same age as your nana whose keys you think should be given up.  And my issue is that for some reason age is seen as a taboo until suddenly it is Clinton's age never minding her opponent is the same age essentially.  But overall, Sanders age was seen as off limits for the most part and on this network I saw many look downright terrified whenever the subject seem to veer in that direction in the weird focus on why Clinton and the party weren't playing nicer with an arriviste who had no real interest in that Party other than their cash and opportunity.*

I don't want someone who is twenty running the nation either. 

And for that matter I do think even in four years the Angry Yam is well into sitting on his porch yelling at kids to get off his yard...when there are no kids and his yard is his own living room.  I shudder to think if he spent eight years in office. 


*Saying this as a loather of pretty much the entire private party system that tells us how and where and why we can vote in the junked up primary system that has, imo, help further cripple an already limbless from self-mutilation, political system.

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Carville is killing it talking about the Clinton Foundation on With All Due Respect tonight.    Saying his political self can see saying shut it down--but his concience knows doing that means people who need the charity will die.   Well said.

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I have to give Trump credit for something--he really does understand how to manipulate the media.

On Sunday the NYT had a DEVASTATING article about Trump being in debt for $700 million (give or take), and how much of it is owed to foreign banks, including Deutsche Bank and the Bank of China (as in the country he keeps attacking).  Taken together with his unwillingness to have ANY financial transparency, this is a very serious issue. (And, yes, Lawrence has had on several guests to discuss it--Go, Lawrence!--but he can't do it alone.)

It's not a coincidence that since Bannon and Conway arrived Trump's campaign has completely changed. He does "softening" via Conway (who is apparently the one lying to him about the "hidden voters" so that he doesn't crack up by the reality that he's losing, badly).  And then he has the mean attack dog message from Bannon--Hillary's at death's door and can't cope as president....Hillary's committed "many, many crimes", including (wait for it) Racketeering!!!!  

And most of the press (including Mitchell and Todd and Matthews as well as those on CNN--Fox, of course, is a given) just keep showing the incendiary clips from his rallies and asking every guest, over and over, about "pay to play" etc.  Not a peep about Trump's banking issue--or the likelihood of so many --very serious-- financial conflicts of interests he would have as president, if he would only let us know.

I'm sure Hayes will get to it, if he hasn't already. And LOD is.  But I was disappointed to see Conway is on with Rachel tonight. Bannon may, per Josh Green, take inspiration from studying Rachel's methods of taking on people, but I think she's generally WAY too soft. I wish, so much, that Conway would be on with LOD or Hayes instead. Rachel just cares too much about being liked and probably is simply "too nice". Hopefully, something will come from it, but I'm not holding my breath.

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