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MSNBC: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Vaulted)

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4 hours ago, car54 said:

Just saw on Twitter that Bloomberg has cancelled With All Due Respect.    I wonder if that means we'll see more or less of Halperin and Heileman on MSNBC, and who they'll give the 6 pm slot to.

I've always liked With All Due Respect, mainly because it's a quiet show.  No one screams over anyone else, they maturely discuss current events.  Donny Deutsch I can do without (had enough of him several years ago when he had his own show--such an ego!)

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@annzeepark914 you might want to give Donny another try.

I liked WADR except got tired of Halperin. I don't know why but I think "mealy-mouthed" when I see/hear him.

Donnie filled in for Halperin when he missed WADR and was a breath of fresh air. Color me surprised 'cuz until then I always thought of him as Donnie Douche.

He shows up on MJ once in a while but Joe has become so insufferable and shuts him down so often I don't know why he bothers.

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I did not know that Bloomberg was the owner (if that is the right word) for WADR.  I have only seen it once or twice.  Can't MSNBC just start a new show for that slot?  They certainly have a lot of talent that emerged in the campaign reporting, and they have been giving several of them opportunities to fill in as hosts on other shows. 

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They did an interesting but too-short piece on MTP this am about the counties that voted for Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016. When Chuck asked a former Obama voter why he voted for Trump, the man plainly said, because I think Hillary Clinton is a criminal. Boom. Drops mic. They could do a whole show looking at these counties, never mind 5 minutes. 

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On 11/19/2016 at 4:58 PM, jjj said:

I did not know that Bloomberg was the owner (if that is the right word) for WADR.  I have only seen it once or twice.  Can't MSNBC just start a new show for that slot?  They certainly have a lot of talent that emerged in the campaign reporting, and they have been giving several of them opportunities to fill in as hosts on other shows. 

Why not have one of the Road Warriors do a show with Kornacki? Call it Millenial Nation. I do think that WADR was too Inside the Beltway.

6 hours ago, Mumbles said:

They did an interesting but too-short piece on MTP this am about the counties that voted for Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016. When Chuck asked a former Obama voter why he voted for Trump, the man plainly said, because I think Hillary Clinton is a criminal. Boom. Drops mic. They could do a whole show looking at these counties, never mind 5 minutes. 

I saw that. It was very interesting. One guy who's dad was a Muslim immigrant from Albania said he was happy that Trump showed up in their area. Hillary never came.  It was nice to see Chuck talk to regular voters rather than Washington Insiders. Why is Tom Friedman on MTP practically every Sunday? He's very repetitive with his cellphone analaogies.

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1 hour ago, NextIteration said:

Oh goody, Arms Greenspan as a fill in for MTP daily...

Day Side MSNBC is all in for tRump since Morning Ho leads the empire.

I turned it off as soon as I saw her. 

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John Heilmanm was visibly disgusted with Kellyanne's lies about the New York Times article.  She claimed it didn't say what he said it did, even though he had just read parts of it.  I know he wanted to call her a liar.  I wish someone would call her a liar.  She does nothing but lie.     

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This dumbass Nina Turneer confirms every bit of shit that Sanders supporters represented.  Gabbard is anti-gay.

Fuck Nina Turner and her her picky recognition of what is good and bad...

She was one of the group that went after Doleres Huerta.... Of course Nina and her self importance are worth more.

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Stephanie Ruhl just had Sheriff David Clarke  of Milwaukee WI on to answer questions about recent cop shootings and the possibility of a Sessions appointment.


What a hateful glib person and I practically choked when she thanked him for his time. I think I need a shower.

Are they having these loathesome people on to scare me? Even more than I am now?

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On 11/21/2016 at 7:34 PM, SierraMist said:

John Heilmanm was visibly disgusted with Kellyanne's lies about the New York Times article.  She claimed it didn't say what he said it did, even though he had just read parts of it.  I know he wanted to call her a liar.  I wish someone would call her a liar.  She does nothing but lie.     

Actually Rachel Maddow called the Crypt Mistress a liar weeks ago and accused that thing of lying right to her face.  Rachel was livid and challenged that hag to come back onto her show.  Apparently, she lied about the extent to which Drumpf's fellow groper, Roger Ailes, was involved in the campaign.

I know I said I was done with cable news shows, but I can't fully quit Rachel and Joy, both of whom I can only watch in small doses because I'm still pissed off.  They're still fighting the good fight when so many others in media have bent over for Drumpf. 

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Thank you, Howard Dean.  He's on With All Due Respect right now and he took issue with the phrase "white working class." He said it should be "working class" which reflects all working class Americans, not just whites.  I get so tired of hearing "white working class" and I'm glad someone finally said something.  

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I'm also glad Howard Dean didn't take the bait from Mark Halperin to name people responsible for the Democrat's loss.  And he likes that guy from South Carolina for the DNC chairman job.  I liked him when I saw him on Rachel, too.  His name is Jaime something.  I don't know anything about Keith Ellison's background (except he is a Muslim) or why there seems to be some controversy about him now, but I agree with Howard that it would be hard to be in congress and have the DNC job.  I think that was a problem with Debbie Wasserman Schulz (among other things).   

Looks like we are back in campaign mode and they are going to make us suffer through some Trump patting himself on the back event.

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I just heard about Jamie something on MSNBC.  James Clyburn's known him since Jamie was in the 11th grade (he's only 40, not Clyburn's age).  Clyburn's supporting him and says it should be a full time job, which I agree with.

I'm also sick of hearing about the "white (male) working class" that Trump appealed to.  The Democrats' message (unlike Trump's) is suitable for all working class Americans.  They could have gotten it out more--run more on how Obama brought back the economy and jobs and lowered unemployment and Hillary needed to keep expanding on those successes (rather than the "change" that would bring us back to Republican economics like Bush, Reagan and Hoover and the big deficits and, with two of them, the collapsed economy.)  And they didn't attack him in a focused enough way, with a message the media and public could easily digest. (Trump's a master at that one. "Crooked HIllary!" "Lyin' Ted"   "She should go to prison for her emails and hiding her pay for play scandals!" etc. etc.)

They could have done more with it, but that's not why Hillary lost. She lost because the Republicans ran a dirty campaign of lies, fake news spread on social media and cable and malicious interference on Trump's behalf by Russia and the FBI director.

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14 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

I just stumbled upon Erica Hill on HLN!!  Love her, but wonder why her show hasn't been advertised & HLN isn't listed as a "topic".  Anyone else watching?

I saw Alex Wagner on a CBS morning show the other day too as I was flipping around. Didn't stay long enough to see what program it was but although it's good to see her doing well, I felt bad that I wouldn't see her on MSNBC anymore.

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9 hours ago, shok said:

I saw Alex Wagner on a CBS morning show the other day too as I was flipping around. Didn't stay long enough to see what program it was but although it's good to see her doing well, I felt bad that I wouldn't see her on MSNBC anymore.

You can "thank" Joe Scarborough and Andy Lack for the new MSNBC.

'Scarborough’s glee comes from the network’s new harder news pivot, shown by Lack’s removal or demotion of several liberal hosts, including Touré, Krystal Ball, Ed Schultz, Alex Wagner and Al Sharpton.'


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21 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

You can "thank" Joe Scarborough and Andy Lack for the new MSNBC.

'Scarborough’s glee comes from the network’s new harder news pivot, shown by Lack’s removal or demotion of several liberal hosts, including Touré, Krystal Ball, Ed Schultz, Alex Wagner and Al Sharpton.'


You have no idea how sad I am to have to post this. I was sorry to see Sharpton and especially Schultz go (Wagner is a big talent, but I think she had a better job offer).

But... I have to (super-begrudgingly) say that I think all the changes have been for the best.  Having the post-MJ hours for more or less "straight news" (not very broad topics, sadly, but ... still...) then afternoon for some pretty mild mannered "discussion" shows (and, again, surprised to say it but Todd's MTP Daily has become one of my favorites. He actually questions-- issues, people, ideas in a way that seems more curious and analytical than politically biased.) 

But then, here's the main thing, I've grown to prefer this evening line up and don't miss Sharpton or Schultz (esp. the anti-Hillary Schultz) at all.  Hayes is excellent with issues, Rachel has a niche of her own that is valuable, and Lawrence hates DT with a passion. What's not to love?  I've even, Heaven help me, gotten to like "11th Hour".

If I was getting rid of anyone it would be Matthews, the old guard, but as he's scheduled now, he's easily avoided, so...there's that.

I hate to say it, but I think MSNBC is better now.

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2 minutes ago, Padma said:

You have no idea how sad I am to have to post this. I was sorry to see Sharpton and especially Schultz go (Wagner is a big talent, but I think she had a better job offer).

But... I have to (super-begrudgingly) say that I think all the changes have been for the best.  Having the post-MJ hours for more or less "straight news" (not very broad topics, sadly, but ... still...) then afternoon for some pretty mild mannered "discussion" shows (and, again, surprised to say it but Todd's MTP Daily has become one of my favorites. He actually questions-- issues, people, ideas in a way that seems more curious and analytical than politically biased.) 

But then, here's the main thing, I've grown to prefer this evening line up and don't miss Sharpton or Schultz (esp. the anti-Hillary Schultz) at all.  Hayes is excellent with issues, Rachel has a niche of her own that is valuable, and Lawrence hates DT with a passion. What's not to love?  I've even, Heaven help me, gotten to like "11th Hour".

If I was getting rid of anyone it would be Matthews, the old guard, but as he's scheduled now, he's easily avoided, so...there's that.

I hate to say it, but I think MSNBC is better now.

I agree with your analysis of the current line-up & happy to hear that Brian aka Wiliams&Wallace have charmed you.  Yes, Matthews has got to go ... too many interruptions!!

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Agreed. Some of those names were kind of a, Really? They were on?, for me too. I was thinking there were others purged. And Rev. Al is back on Sunday mornings. I have a real knee jerk reaction to him (not a good job one) but he can be thoughtful and informative.

And while I don't necessarily miss those purged I wish they had left a bit more of a  daytime liberal slant. MJ has become, for me, unwatchable. Even for the snark factor.  And chances are I will criticize JoeS every single chance I get. Douche.

BriWi? Nah. But Nicole has impressed me. Chris Matthews is too hyper and quick to talkover the guests and they all end up speed-talking.

I pretty much bowed out of my political-junkie phase in the year 2000 and mainly got by with network news. Wish I hadn't gotten so invested this time 'round. Now I'm about back to network news only. I can only take so much.

Edited by NewDigs
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The theme of MTP today was the campaign in the "post-truth era." Good lord.  Orwell called this "post-truth" crap - aka LIES - 70+ years ago. Quit normalizing it with a cute name.

Kellyanne Conway had the crazy balls to protest against Todd's assertion that Trump lost the popular vote by arguing that had they known they were going to win the electoral vote, they would have campaigned in California, NY, NJ etc and gotten more votes there. Yeah and if my grandmother had wheels she would be a trolley car.

And in the spirit of bipartisanship, Joel Benensen was useless. When Todd asked what they would have done differently in the past two weeks, Benenson replied, We would have done more. Huh. When Todd pressed him on that he ahumina ahumina that they would have asked for another debate. Why is it so hard to say, we would have campaigned in Wisconsin and Michigan?

Edited by Mumbles
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27 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

Yeah and if my grandmother had wheels she would be a trolley car.

This made me smile.  My late mother-in-law used to say it all the time, and I don't think I've heard anyone else use it.

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7 hours ago, Mumbles said:

The theme of MTP today was the campaign in the "post-truth era." Good lord.  Orwell called this "post-truth" crap - aka LIES - 70+ years ago. Quit normalizing it with a cute name.

Kellyanne Conway had the crazy balls to protest against Todd's assertion that Trump lost the popular vote by arguing that had they known they were going to win the electoral vote, they would have campaigned in California, NY, NJ etc and gotten more votes there. Yeah and if my grandmother had wheels she would be a trolley car.

And in the spirit of bipartisanship, Joel Benensen was useless. When Todd asked what they would have done differently in the past two weeks, Benenson replied, We would have done more. Huh. When Todd pressed him on that he ahumina ahumina that they would have asked for another debate. Why is it so hard to say, we would have campaigned in Wisconsin and Michigan?

"Post truth"? Please be joking.

Kellyanne and the "would have campaigned in Cali" stupidity. You know what? He was here in the primaries. We don't like him. If he came back, probably more people would have gone to vote against him. Same in NY (who've also seen more than enough of Donald Trump).

I have never heard one interesting thing from Benenson, sadly.  But at least he doesn't lie, like Every. Single. Trump. Surrogate.

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On 12/2/2016 at 7:51 PM, Medicine Crow said:

Well, in my opinion, it was inevitable ... With All Due Respect signed off today.  Buh bye!!!

But but but, they replaced it with another hour of Hardball ? 


On 12/3/2016 at 4:40 AM, shok said:

I saw Alex Wagner on a CBS morning show the other day too as I was flipping around. Didn't stay long enough to see what program it was but although it's good to see her doing well, I felt bad that I wouldn't see her on MSNBC anymore.

I saw her this morning on CBS This Morning along with Gayle King, Norah O'Donnell and Charlie Rose. It's a decent rather low-key show. Sometimes almost too low-key. But it's not as frenetic as most. 

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46 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

But but but, they replaced it with another hour of Hardball ? 


I saw her this morning on CBS This Morning along with Gayle King, Norah O'Donnell and Charlie Rose. It's a decent rather low-key show. Sometimes almost too low-key. But it's not as frenetic as most. 

Alex may liven it up. She can get pretty frenetic at times. :)

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Oh come on.  Wasn't it Hardball, or whatever they called the show that replaced WADR, that had the "Breaking News" that Biden might run for president in 2020. For Cripes Sake, 2020, I can't stand it any more.  Their breaking news is so ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, car54 said:

Seriously, if Trump is going to do his freaking rallies could they do them at 7 so we don't have 2 hours of Hardball and so they don't take up 1/2 of Chris Hayes show?

Is that why "All In" started with some good looking headlines and then....needlescratch....another damn rally? I was going to watch "All In," because I like Chris Hayes' tweets and he seems like a good interviewer and the show looked like it was going to cover interesting stuff. Annnd.....no thank you. Changed channel to watch Shark Tank. Stop it, MSNBC. If I want lies and newspeak, I'll read 1984 for the tenth time since the election.

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Stop it, MSNBC. If I want lies and newspeak, I'll read 1984 for the tenth time since the election.

Thanks, potatoradio--I needed that!  It really has finally become 1984, hasn't it?  I remember when we hit the real 1984 and life was still basically normal, I thought we'd escaped his predictions.  But Trumpism was just 22 years late on arrival.  It's here, it's ugly and it's scary.  Now they feel free to lie and then half-lie their way out of the lie...and that's ok with their supporters.  Fake news?  A nutcase drives up from NC with a gun and storms into a pizza restaurant in DC because he believed the crap that is making the rounds via fake news.  So, it really is up to MSNBC and the rest of the broadcasters to take back the news, and do it as soon as possible because things are getting out of control.

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4 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

So, it really is up to MSNBC and the rest of the broadcasters to take back the news, and do it as soon as possible because things are getting out of control

From your post to every MSNBC bigwig's ears. 

MSNBC could really be a really key player in leaning forward again instead of wallowing in their identity crisis:

1. PM Joy

2. Buh-buy Spittle Boy and Bri-Wi

3. No more "Breaking news" about a single orange shithead tweet, rally, or anything else he does for attention. He's well past due for a timeout.

4. Fuck this "fair and balanced."  No more Death Eater Conway, Corey whatshisface, or any other propaganda puppet. I'll check Faux News if I need to hear any of their bullshit. I highly doubt it will change and I've already heard enough.

5. You are allowed to go as far right as Nicole Wallace and Eugene Robinson. The saner shade of right wing. 

6. Seal Meek-a and her d-bag cohost in a big old Starbucks tumbler and send them over to Fox. 

7. Maddow is your fucking crown jewel. Treat her like it.

That is my Christmas wish list for MSNBC. I'm sorry to say it's gotten much bigger since the days of "geez, that Jacob beat reporter is kinda hipster annoying..." 

Was there still a Santa in 1984? Or was it Comrade Nick? 

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Potatoradio...I don't know how to drag down a post..but this is about your wonderful, wonderful rant.  I can't think of anyone who could have said it better.  I got together with some friends this morning (age range 69-73) and if the F word was said once, it was said 100 times.  The times we live in are making us crazy angry.  Our adult children and grandchildren would be appalled...if they only knew!  We mostly came of age in the 60's, have been very active politically, have cried in the last month or so and gotten really really angry.   I don't know that we can survive as a country under Trump and the Repubs leadership for 1 year, let alone 4.

We need some fire-breathing Democrats to stand up and start screaming; just like the Tea-Party and ignorant, bigoted Republicans do.  The Dems need to put these fire-breathers on the news every night.  All the CNN and MSBC shows; Meet the Press, etc.  They need to stand on the steps of the Capital every day and get interviewed.  Put their faces, disgust and anger out there.  It is waaay past time for the Dems to do that.  

I like Nancy Pelosi, can tolerate Schumer, et al.  They have certainly paid their dues.  But we need activist leaders...no center-right need apply.  We need them to STAND UP for our party and our country.  No compromise.  They want to repeal Obamacare?  Social Security? Medicare?  Fine.  Let them OWN it.  Obstruct them all the way.  Loudly and proudly.  THAT is how we get things done.  Go big or go home, politicians.  Literally.

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Good grief.

Where the fuck do they find all of these Trump apologists?

Stephanie Ruhl is trying to hold Billion Dollar Buyer's Tilman Fertitta's feet to the fire but this good ol' boy sees absolutely no Trump conflicts of interest but Hillary?? Evil.

"He won." "Everyone knew what they were getting." "It's just pennies."


Liking Stephanie more. She seems to come loaded for bear but the Trump assholes supporters are too slimey to grab hold of. 

Edited by NewDigs
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57 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

Liking Stephanie more.


Yes. She used to be on Bloomberg tv in the mornings when the markets opened and everything was changing so quickly.  She was a pistol. Totally on top of any market changes. She's doing very well here too. She doesn't stutter and stammer and it doesn't seem like she lets anyone's get away with too much BS. (Unlike a certain Mrs. Greenspan). 

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When I first saw Stephanie a week or so ago, I thought she was a kid right out of college that someone had seen some talent in.  Not quite! She's got some good credibility from Bloomberg, seems sharp and unafraid (I like how she calls Trump "Donald" when talking about him, although it's weird) and OMG is 40. 

Whatever miracle non-aging secret she and Chris Jansing have, I wish they'd share it.

I'm really happy to be seeing a little more of another new CNN hire, Ali Velshi, but I wish they'd put him on at a better time of day. They have the late afternoon slot now that Halperin's show is off. Maybe something there would work for a little bit harder, more economically and broader focused news than "all Trump all the time".

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They just had Peter Hart on the morning show to talk about a focus group he just did on the transition....they ran a clip of a woman who said she was pleased with the transition so far because Trump has picked a bipartisan cabinet and has shown he wants to work with Democrats.

Words fail me. 

I wonder if they'll show the full focus group at any time, I'm curious if there was any clarification of such misunderstandings, or at the least, inquiry on the basis of such misguided opinions.

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I heard that woman and said "WTF?"

Chris Hayes did a town hall with Bernie in WI this past week and the Trump voters were the same way---they were "hopeful and optimistic".

There seems to be more than lead in their water.

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On 12/7/2016 at 2:23 PM, Kemper said:

 I got together with some friends this morning (age range 69-73) and if the F word was said once, it was said 100 times.  The times we live in are making us crazy angry.  Our adult children and grandchildren would be appalled...if they only knew!  We mostly came of age in the 60's, have been very active politically, have cried in the last month or so and gotten really really angry.   I don't know that we can survive as a country under Trump and the Repubs leadership for 1 year, let alone 4

I have the same reaction as you do, @Kemper, which is why MSNBC is pissing me off to the point where I can't watch anything except Maddow or I will lose whatever food I happen to be able to keep down in my now-constantly nauseated stomach. 

I don't hold out much hope, but maybe our country's swing to the right will open up a big new market for the angry liberal left. By the popular vote count, I'd have to think there are at least 2 million of us thoroughly disgusted and angry and looking for a new or revived source of progressive viewpoints. Because, Meeka whining about how we have to give that...thing...a chance or more and more cable pundits telling the liberals to shut up and not be closed minded? Yeah, not gonna work. There's a big market out there now for furious Dems and progressives who want ideas on how to fight to get our country back. I sure hope SOMEBODY figures this out...

There's a new forum for politics and current events here, btw. Pop on in if you like - 


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I would think that this would be the perfect time for MSNBC to Lean Forward again.  Remember how Keith Olberman tapped into the anger over Bush and Cheney?  HE put MSNBC on the map.  Yes, there is Chris Hayes, Rachel and Lawrence at night.  But that does not quite make up for the more and more unbearable Chris Matthews (I weep as I type this..but he needs to retire)..and the rest of their bland daytime programming.  I can't even go into Morning Joe..not on my viewing schedule anymore.  Have the ratings suffered since they have been outed as in the tank for Drump?  Andrea Mitchell needs to be given a midnight time-slot.  After Brian Williams...who appears to be now entrenched at 11.  

I look at the evening lineup as a crumb to their former progressive audience.  Why can't they find a slot for Joy Reid during the week; not just subbing for someone.  Maybe give her Chris Matthews slot.  Maybe they can give Chris and Andrea Mitchell their own show.  On weekend afternoons.  Or the late-late time slot.  I can't help but hope that Joe and Meeeeekaaah flame out; literally.  One of these days his head is going to explode and all that will be left of the both of them is a scarf and fleece jacket; thrown over the back of a chair.  My ideal morning show would be a simulcast of Stephanie Miller's show; but she doesn't come on til 9.  MSNBC needs someone with fire and passion on the left to rant alongside Joe. Every. Day.  AND a killer sense of humor and irony.  Something I am sure Joe thinks HE has.  Bless his heart.

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