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Small Talk: Out of Genoa

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lovesmesomejery, Toronto's kind of the same, only maybe a touch worse--if that's possible.

Very little is open, and I've stopped "live" shopping--delivery is a Godsend. I can get most things and a local fancy fish store is wonderful--they send someone within 30 minutes of your ordering. Fresh vegetables are a problem--because we're really forcibly discouraged from street shopping. A friend who was foolhardy enough to try the local liquor store yesterday sent a picture of people lined up many feet apart, and only one at a time allowed in. He gave up on grocery shopping, and set himself up for delivery--I don't know anyone who's still doing it in person. The province enforces once a week necessity shopping if you're extremely healthy; otherwise stay home. Nobody on my block's car has moved in nearly two weeks, including mine. [It's a 19thC area, so no driveways or garages--you park on the street and pay the city for the pleasure.]

So just nothing here.

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It sounds horrible to say but since I’m an essential worker and through that have to deal with people outside (I accept the deliveries to the nursing home and handle its mail and screen all the employees at the door) I kinda gave it up to God regarding catching the virus. I don’t go out more than absolutely necessary but still do buy stuff at the store and go to gas station and shit. 

My mom has been in a decline since this I don’t see her getting emotionally well or mentally sharp in the future. Her parents, my late grandparents senior years weren’t great so sometimes I wonder if she will start showing signs of dementia soon. That coupled with her unmedicated bipolar disorder will not be good. 

I said to George as I was driving today “what a world! When we are told not to leave our homes or we can die and that touching things or the air we breath can kill us.” Surreal times we live in. He just smiled and patted my hand with his paw from his car seat which means in dog “whatever bitch”. 

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  On 4/9/2020 at 3:34 PM, Petunia13 said:

Samesies^ 👯 I went to the grocery store today too and also had weird experience. Only a few people in at a time, social distancing and everyone in masks.  It was a little stressful to be honest and I didn’t want to browse or tarry since people could be waiting outside or at the end of the aisle to look at what I was loooking at but couldn’t cuz of the rules. A lot of the things I wanted were sold out and some of what I wanted I thought they had (Kite Hill (Vegan) sour cream, I eat a lot of potatoes and veggies and thought that would be a great way to spice up a cheap or free meal for a week or two) but I didn’t want to spend any extra time looking or asking an employee. One man criticized me for shopping without a mask 😷 

i didn’t bother going into Trader Joe’s there was a line out the door a half a block. There have some good stuff I could use ($2.99 falafel mix that makes like 6 meals! Plus other fun shit) but it wasn’t worth it to wait an hour outside and then inside rush my shopping! I want that falafel and other staples from there but I only have one day off a week. 


Petunia, I would give anything to get to Trader Joe's right now!  I rode by there maybe the third week of March and it was a zoo.  Shortly after that, the store closed down for a week because one of the people who worked there tested positive for Covid-19 - one of the earliest cases in our county - and they had to do a deep clean of the store.  I was so glad I hadn't gone in there because I'd be so worried  for two weeks!  I'm hearing that ever since it reopened, the lines to get in have been long and that it's a free for all in the store.  Everything is stressful enough without that.  They have excellent produce, though, and it's so much less expensive.  And yes, the fun shit is really good, too!

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I’m vegan (and poor) so obviously wanted to get some shit there but can’t justify waiting an hour outside then whatever time it took inside in my only day off. Especially w G in my car waiting. So I went somewhere else and grabbed what I could and it was still v anxiety inducing. 

I honestly think grocery, retail, and restaurants aren’t going to change for a long time like 2 months min and when it becomes more open they’ll still have new rules and many of the retail and restaurants won’t reopen. I’m honestly questioning if my gym will ever reopen. And if it does cancelling my membership and joining Equinox. The world as we know it is gonna stay weird a long time. I miss waitressing and fine dining but know the applicant pool will be insane and management and staff will be Titans after, so really question my possibilities for the future. I think I miiight be okay cuz I worked through this and “served” still and would have letters of recommendation from leadership but also know there’s 100s of thousands of servers out of work that will dive once the quarantine lifts for the high pay gigs.

I can’t live like this forever. I know some of you mentioned the same. Like how will we pay our bills next month or months after what kinda jobs will we get or have?!? 

@OhioSongbird I don’t deserve George.  God was too kind to give me him. He’s always been amazing. The most amazing moment of my life was when he was a baby and I was walking him with a broken arm, no job, no money, no home, on the run from my partner and G looked up at me w a huge grin bouncing happy by my side and Rihanna’s stay played the line “something makes me think I can’t live without you and it makes me want to stay” and we locked eyes, that was the most significant thing that ever happened to me. 

  • Love 12

I don’t deserve George.  God was too kind to give me him. He’s always been amazing. The most amazing moment of my life was when he was a baby and I was walking him with a broken arm, no job, no money, no home, on the run from my partner and G looked up at me w a huge grin bouncing happy by my side and Rihanna’s stay played the line “something makes me think I can’t live without you and it makes me want to stay” and we locked eyes, that was the most significant thing that ever happened to me. 


You deserve every bit of George! We all need them and they need us. I miss my Peaches so much. She was my constant companion for thirteen years. Treasure every moment with George. 

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I've always believed in the Golden Rule, Karma, Kismet....what you do and how you act for/to others comes back to you 100 fold.  I truly believe animals are included.  Who hasn't come upon a stray dog/cat somewhere and just couldn't leave them and had a best friend for the rest of their life (sadly...my friend says you always outlive your pets...except the last one).  Something or some purpose lead them/you to the same place for a reason.  Our current pest....errr....pet is Casper, the pester puss.  He showed up out of nowhere (we're in the country) following hubby around on his walks.  He would show up some days, some not...hence the name. I liked him (he's a lover) but having dealt with male cats in the past who were not neutered marking their territory all over my house I resisted at first but then relented (I couldn't resist those beautiful green eyes...cat's...not hubs 😊) I finally agreed to let him in under the condition that the first time he sprayed he was back outside.  Dude has not let me down yet ...he rules the house and my husband.  The man gets up in the middle of the night to let him in/out (he's "free range" we don't have to keep a litter box, he prefers to do his business outside and he comes and goes as he pleases, always let's us know) feeds him hot dogs, Braunschweiger, and cat treats.

What am I....chopped livah, here?   

Wait...he'd probably feed me to the cat, too!

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I went to Costco two days ago, the first time since this all happened.  They are limiting the number of people who can go in to 200 at a time.  Luckily I got there at the right time, I didn't have to stand in line, but when I left there was a long line of people standing in a snowstorm!

You bring your cart in from outside, they spritz your hands, and they clean your cart.  Very organized.  Because there are fewer people, it is easy to physically distance yourself.  They seemed to have everything except flour and such.  They actually put a sign telling you what they are out of and also listing which in demand items they actually have.  

One thing that was odd was that there was virtually no fresh fish.

I used the self check-out for the first time and that worked great.  There was a very long line for cashier service, not sure why those people didn't self check out.  The staff was super friendly, helpful and even cheerful.  I felt a little guilty not wearing a mask.  I would say the majority of shoppers were wearing masks.  But not the employees.  The mask thing remains confusing, no matter how much I read up on it.

Mask Corona GIF by Team Coco

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  On 4/9/2020 at 6:18 PM, peacheslatour said:

You deserve every bit of George! We all need them and they need us. I miss my Peaches so much. She was my constant companion for thirteen years. Treasure every moment with George. 


ITA! You and George are a real team. It’s obvious how much he loves you and vice versa. ❤️

  • Love 12

I wear a mask mostly because i have allergies and will give a cough that scares people. Mostly I love my Amazon+ and watching MST3K and Riff Trax as the local drive ins are closed and I needs my bad movie fix.

God Bless Chewy as my hulking cats won't miss a meal or breeze pellets. 

My BPW Club - well me and my cousin - searched out TP and we bagged 2 rolls each and delivered boxes full of them to the senior center with tissues and snacks for the house bound seniors  and those who ride the Fact Bus and can't always go looking in 6 stores for the toilet paper. 

Got some glares from people thinking we were hoarders. We sent our big novel to an agent - Panama. 

Otherwise I stay at home and compulsivly watch Youtube. I used my plastic straws up making a wreath that looks like twigs. I made plastic egg galands using chenilles and...well plastic easter eggs. I planted spinach in a holey yogurt cup in a mason jar full  of water. Hydroponics.  

I mowed the grass

I got a roku and played with that, watching shows from my childhood in the 50's. Did you know Rawhide and Wagontrain were basically anthologies. I forgot. One Step beyond. Peter Gunn. Perry Mason.

I've pretty much given up on cable and just took the 15 channels that came with my internet just because they were free. 



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My husband and I have tried to obey all of the suggestions/restrictions since this virus started. Our son is a veterinarian and has told us to stay home all of the time and let him shop for anything we need. He’s kept his hospital open as much as possible with very strict sanitary rules for his employees and clients. His income has reduced about 40-50% but he’s able to pay most of his employees as much as he can. This SB loan and payment will be a godsend for him and his employees. Our cousin is a dentist and his circumstance is exactly the same. He’s worried sick about all of the employees (friends) that he’s had to lay off until he can open his practice again. My husband and I are doing fine financially. We’re retired and were very hard working and fortunate to be able to take care of ourselves. We order dinner out from our local restaurants twice a week to try to help keep these places open and their employees given some kind of help. We have a wonderful young woman who comes to clean for us every other week. I’ve had to delay her services but offered to pay her anyway. She said she’s fine right now but will let me know if she needs a paycheck “in advance”. I just think that most of us are doing the best we can to help as much as we can but gosh, it breaks my heart to hear about folks like Petunia13 and others who are having such a hard, scary time every single day! I pray for all of us every day. I know that God will provide.

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Pulled my socks up, put on a helmet (figuratively) and went to deliver meals to school children. Thing1 and I picked up oranges, flowers and fresh vegetables from the corner vendor. Some of the parents and kids are starting to show the strain of isolation. I understand it; I feel dreary, sulky and out of sorts, too.

I stopped to visit my nursing home employee (tested clean and recovered from coronavirus, now at home). Thing1 and I dropped off supplies and flowers, standing in the front yard under an umbrella and she sat on a chair on her front porch. She's been doing physical therapy for 3 days at home alone. The PT clinic shut down, and insurance was giving her grief for another option. I jumped on that bullshit like white on Conan O'Brien, and she's got a PT appointment for tomorrow. 

Visited the other coronavirus employee living in his garage, separated from his family. He's recovering, still weak and congested; using a nebulizer, but uncertain if it's helping at all. His wife appreciated the box of supplies. She and the children are anxious of what will happen next. Hang on.

On the way home we stopped at a scenic overlook, and took in the view. Beautiful, with all the lush growth from the much needed rain.

We're playing alley bingo with the neighbors tonight.


  • Love 14
  On 4/9/2020 at 5:25 PM, lovemesomejoolery said:

Petunia, I would give anything to get to Trader Joe's right now!  I rode by there maybe the third week of March and it was a zoo.  Shortly after that, the store closed down for a week because one of the people who worked there tested positive for Covid-19 - one of the earliest cases in our county - and they had to do a deep clean of the store.  I was so glad I hadn't gone in there because I'd be so worried  for two weeks!  I'm hearing that ever since it reopened, the lines to get in have been long and that it's a free for all in the store.  Everything is stressful enough without that.  They have excellent produce, though, and it's so much less expensive.  And yes, the fun shit is really good, too!


We have no Trader Joe's here and it's Hawaiian themed!🤷‍♀️ I miss it so much.




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So a snowstorm three days ago, and for the first time during all of this, we could sit on our front porch and I got a bit of a sunburn.  🌞  Neighbours came by and chatted from two metres away.  

Saturday evening our neighbour is planning a sing-along; he has three songs planned.  Sweet Caroline (of course), that Journey song that everyone knows (of course), and LEAN ON ME!!!  Yay to the latter, as I have been a Bill Withers fan since forever.  

Come snow or hell high water, we will be singing Lean on Me!  And of course Sweet Caroline. 

Soul Train 70S GIF

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My best friend - 45 years and counting - you all have one, the person you talk to every day, see at least once a week and have since time began - is sick with the virus and not doing well.

She started to get ill last Thursday night and it's progressed rapidly.  She's 77, has several of the medical conditions that make this even worse, so it's sort of a miracle that so far she hasn't developed any lung complications.  I hope this still holds true when I talk to her later.  But she's been utterly miserable, with temps and sweats and chills and no appetite and body aches and weakness and syncopy and....

Her doctor, who is also mine, made a home visit yesterday, did a corona test and talked to her about end-of-life decisions.  There's always  a chance she'll pull through but an equal likelihood that she won't.

Her husband died about 10 years ago, no children and her brothers, for what they're worth, are both on the East coast.  But I can't be there to help her.  She's in San Francisco, I'm out in the suburbs, exposure is an issue as is transportation....  Luckily, in the last few days, a neighbor has stepped up and has gotten her groceries, and our doctor - a saint in my book - brought her a few things when he made his visit.

We've known each other since I moved to San Francisco.  We worked together at the hospital and just immediately clicked and have been friends ever since. 

Keep good thoughts, my preverts, keep good thoughts.

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Rabbi Shlomo Segal holds a ritual seder plate in front of a computer screen while conducting a virtual Passover Seder and broadcasting it on YouTube for his congregants, friends and family. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens) -- Brooklyn rabbi leads the way for virtual Seder


VIRUS DIARY: `The most Passover of Passovers I’ve ever had’


In a test of faith, Christians mark Good Friday in isolation


Judge rejects lawsuit over order; no religious exemption


Still scarred, Notre Dame lives anew in coronavirus crisis


Some churches confront virus restrictions on Easter services


Pope hails priests, health workers as ‘the saints next door’


Economic devastation looms on a Good Friday like no other



Judge rejects lawsuit over order; no religious exemption


A funeral director fights for New York's coronavirus dead


Ammon Bundy vows to defy stay-at-home orders for Easter gathering -- Hilarious, being that this is a hastily announced political gathering without a location, rather than a pious religious observance. The Bundy's are militant Mormon's that don't believe in the Trinity or the divinity of Christ. Jesus is reduced to an early prophet that proclaimed the first days of Mormonism, the LDS, and is most specifically not the Son of God. Go back to polishing your guns and plotting civil insurrection, Pinheads. [/rant]


There must be a Holy Week convention of insurrectionists and Neo-Confederates -- Mississippi governor declares Confederate Heritage Month 


Some defiant U.S. churches plan Easter services, ignoring public health guidelines -- “Satan and a virus will not stop us,” said the Reverend Tony Spell, 42, pastor of the evangelical Life Tabernacle Church near Baton Rouge, Louisiana. -- He expects a crowd of more than 2,000 potential coronavirus patients to gather in worship at his megachurch on Sunday. -- Say Amen! Somebody?


Mosques, streets quiet as Indonesia’s capital tightens rules



New York City hires laborers to bury dead in Hart Island potter's field amid coronavirus surge


Fed Chair Powell says U.S. economy deteriorating with alarming speed -- Don't tell the economists … Whoops! -- The United States is already in a recession, 45 economists say -- The last recession never ended. Idiots … Safe in your well-heeled think tanks and tenured university departments.


Coronavirus Task Force Briefing -- April 9, 2020


US economy unlikely to recover as rapidly as it collapsed


Nation’s only doctor governor offers sober voice on virus


Second US study for COVID-19 vaccine uses skin-deep shots


Spread of coronavirus accelerates in U.S. jails and prisons -- Related Update: Chicago jail reports 450 coronavirus cases among staff, inmates


The American Nurse -- A Special Online Screening


Justice delayed: Virus crisis upends courts system across US



US expels thousands to Mexico after largely halting asylum


Massive effort to get Los Angeles homeless into hotels


Coronavirus claims an unexpected victim: Florida vegetables


South Dakota pork plant sees rash of COVID-19 cases


Sen. Loeffler to sell stock holdings after trading scrutiny -- Going to take my ball and redeposit it in a tax haven. Suckers!


Senators block new coronavirus aid -- "Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job"



Tracking the novel coronavirus in the U.S. -- At least 465,295 cases of the highly contagious novel coronavirus have been reported in the United States and its territories, according to a Reuters tally of state and local government sources. The U.S. diagnosed its first COVID-19 case in Washington state on Jan. 20. -- COVID-19 cases as of April 10, 2020, 12:10 A.M. (ET)


Trust in the Administration's Virus Response Is Falling -- It's too late for the 16,000+ coronavirus dead, but the cries of their families will be heard


Disastrous jobs data sharpens the Administration's dilemma over closed economy


Adding insult to injury -- New CDC guidance for essential workers during coronavirus


Point of order: Congress weighs how to govern from afar


The Administration braces for congressional probes of coronavirus response -- Multiple oversight entities in Congress are vying to examine the response.


Virus outbreak delivers tech darlings a harsh reality check


Cash-starved hospitals and doctor groups cut staff amid pandemic


Philippines backs Vietnam after China sinks fishing boat -- Sharp elbows instigating WWII 3/4.


A New Front for Nationalism: The Global Battle Against a Virus -- As if authoritarians and fascists ever stop their machinations.


Alaska governor says abortion decision not political -- It's never political is it.


UK truck driver pleads guilty in deaths of 39 Vietnamese


Pope creates new expert commission to study women deacons -- We'll release our findings in 30 years.


Angry California anglers disrupt sport fishing ban meeting -- It's all about MEEEEEEeee and my blinkered interests!


Cannonball Rally of one -- A Team Exploited the Coronavirus Pandemic to Set a 26-Hour 38-Minute Cross-Country Record


Tokyo Olympic CEO hints games could be in doubt even in 2021 -- Tokyo will be left with a slew of new athletic facilities … and a burgeoning debt load. Welcome to the recession³.


John Prine’s wife remembers late singer, praises caregivers


Mad magazine illustrator Mort Drucker dies at 91


Phyllis Lyon, famed LGBTQ activist, dies



Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 6

@boes prayers for your friend. *Hugs*

I passed my exam. I got one question wrong in the RAMQ portion and one wrong in the claim form portion. Although the teacher later admitted the question was wrong and they used the wrong class for tooth decay. Personally, I feel I shouldn't be punished and answered the question correctly. But whatever, it bothers me but putting up a stink won't be worth it. And the end of the day I passed and I am happy.

  • Love 15
  On 4/10/2020 at 5:36 PM, jewel21 said:

@boes prayers for your friend. *Hugs*

I passed my exam. I got one question wrong in the RAMQ portion and one wrong in the claim form portion. Although the teacher later admitted the question was wrong and they used the wrong class for tooth decay. Personally, I feel I shouldn't be punished and answered the question correctly. But whatever, it bothers me but putting up a stink won't be worth it. And the end of the day I passed and I am happy.


Congratulations! We knew you could do it. I am honored to know such a brave person as you. You're taking hold of life with both hands and making your own destiny.

Edited by peacheslatour
  • Love 11
  On 4/10/2020 at 5:36 PM, jewel21 said:

@boes prayers for your friend. *Hugs*

I passed my exam. I got one question wrong in the RAMQ portion and one wrong in the claim form portion. Although the teacher later admitted the question was wrong and they used the wrong class for tooth decay. Personally, I feel I shouldn't be punished and answered the question correctly. But whatever, it bothers me but putting up a stink won't be worth it. And the end of the day I passed and I am happy.


And to do so well, in the midst of all this! Congratulations!

  • Love 11

Heavenly Father, hear our prayers. You Who chastise with pity and heal according to Your will; grant aid to Your servant boes friend. Attend her sickness and show mercy upon her. In Your understanding, restore her to health and recovery; for You are the Physician of our souls and bodies, and to You do we send up Glory: to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Both now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

  • Love 9
  On 4/10/2020 at 5:36 PM, jewel21 said:

I passed my exam. I got one question wrong in the RAMQ portion and one wrong in the claim form portion. Although the teacher later admitted the question was wrong and they used the wrong class for tooth decay. Personally, I feel I shouldn't be punished and answered the question correctly. But whatever, it bothers me but putting up a stink won't be worth it. And the end of the day I passed and I am happy.


Wonderful news, jewel! You worked hard for this.



  • Love 11
  On 4/10/2020 at 5:36 PM, jewel21 said:

@boes prayers for your friend. *Hugs*

I passed my exam. I got one question wrong in the RAMQ portion and one wrong in the claim form portion. Although the teacher later admitted the question was wrong and they used the wrong class for tooth decay. Personally, I feel I shouldn't be punished and answered the question correctly. But whatever, it bothers me but putting up a stink won't be worth it. And the end of the day I passed and I am happy.


That is great news!  Congratulations on a wonderful achievement.....


Edited by lovemesomejoolery
  • Love 10
  On 4/10/2020 at 6:36 PM, Cupid Stunt said:

Heavenly Father, hear our prayers. You Who chastise with pity and heal according to Your will; grant aid to Your servant boes friend. Attend her sickness and show mercy upon her. In Your understanding, restore her to health and recovery; for You are the Physician of our souls and bodies, and to You do we send up Glory: to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Both now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.




  • Love 8
  On 4/10/2020 at 2:20 PM, boes said:

My best friend - 45 years and counting - you all have one, the person you talk to every day, see at least once a week and have since time began - is sick with the virus and not doing well.

She started to get ill last Thursday night and it's progressed rapidly.  She's 77, has several of the medical conditions that make this even worse, so it's sort of a miracle that so far she hasn't developed any lung complications.  I hope this still holds true when I talk to her later.  But she's been utterly miserable, with temps and sweats and chills and no appetite and body aches and weakness and syncopy and....

Her doctor, who is also mine, made a home visit yesterday, did a corona test and talked to her about end-of-life decisions.  There's always  a chance she'll pull through but an equal likelihood that she won't.

Her husband died about 10 years ago, no children and her brothers, for what they're worth, are both on the East coast.  But I can't be there to help her.  She's in San Francisco, I'm out in the suburbs, exposure is an issue as is transportation....  Luckily, in the last few days, a neighbor has stepped up and has gotten her groceries, and our doctor - a saint in my book - brought her a few things when he made his visit.

We've known each other since I moved to San Francisco.  We worked together at the hospital and just immediately clicked and have been friends ever since. 

Keep good thoughts, my preverts, keep good thoughts.


Oh, boes........I'm so sorry.   Sending good thoughts your way.

What an amazing doctor you have.

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  On 4/10/2020 at 7:43 PM, PatsyandEddie said:

Nice going jewel! 👏🏻🥂

Oh boes, this virus has taken so many wonderful people. I pray that your friend is able to beat it. 


Same here ❤️

And @boes , I usually visit my family in NorCal about once a year (my immediate family resides in Solano County, which is an hour away  from SF in good traffic ). I would be more than happy to make a visit for coffee or something the next time I'm up that way. *hugs*

  • Love 13


This Is What Happens When the Federal Government Abandons You -- Local officials and health-care workers are losing faith in the national response, and struggling to improvise their own solutions. -- The butcher's bill comes due.


Coronavirus Task Force Briefing -- April 10, 2020


The Administration and state governors at odds over coronavirus response


The most important lesson of the 1918 influenza pandemic: Tell the damn truth -- “The government lied. They lied about everything”: A historian on what went wrong in 1918.


5 lessons from World War II for the coronavirus response -- The evidence from World War II strongly backs up the paradigm that policy should focus on relief now and stimulus later. -- Where is Franklin D. Roosevelt when we need him?


The US has a collective action problem that’s larger than the coronavirus crisis -- Data show one of the strongest predictors of social distancing behavior is attitudes toward climate change.


What it means to “gather” for Easter, Passover, and Ramadan this year -- Many religious communities will celebrate holy days online. That doesn’t mean every house of worship will be empty.


CDC changes guidance for drug Trump recommends to potentially treat coronavirus -- The update to hydroxychloroquine guidelines removes dosage language. -- Related: NIH begins trial to test hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19


Key China coronavirus hospital says HIV drug beneficial to patients


Up to 150 Saudi Royals Infected With Coronavirus: Report -- It strikes the high and low and the big and small


Federal support to end for coronavirus testing sites -- Related: The Administration is woefully confused about why more coronavirus testing is vital -- And wants to relax social distancing ASAP. His latest briefing showed he doesn’t understand how we get there.



How racism and poverty made Detroit a new coronavirus hot spot -- The rising death toll, disproportionately among black residents, has led Michigan to create a racial disparities task force.


Why a coronavirus vaccine could take way longer than a year


Why We’re Running Out of Masks -- The United States’ secretive medical stockpile was prepped for a bombing, not a pandemic.


White House tests journalists for COVID-19


Coronavirus pandemic breeds Washington lobbying boom


No halt to culture wars during coronavirus outbreak


Coronavirus is not just a tragedy. It’s an opportunity to build a better world. -- “Coronavirus is a great moral drama taking place before our eyes. And the script has not yet been written.” 



Housing market chills, layoffs, companies boost virus fight


Junk bond prices rally after Fed offers lifeline to riskier credits -- That's bad.


US job losses surge as world leaders urge Easter distancing


Coronavirus crisis could plunge half a billion people into poverty: Oxfam


Consumer prices fall most in five years as gasoline plunges and travel costs decline at record pace


Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says US could be open for business in May -- Enjoy coronavirus wave two, three, four ...


‘A Tragedy Is Unfolding’: Inside New York’s Virus Epicenter


Pandemic Insurance? Wimbledon's $2 Million Gamble Paid Off


The Pandemic Will Cleave America in Two -- Some will emerge from this crisis disrupted and shaken, but ultimately stable. Others will come out of it with much more lasting scars.


Airlines and TSA report 96% drop in air travel as pandemic continues



Quarantine bakers are making flour a hot commodity


A New Covid-19 Crisis: Domestic Abuse Rises Worldwide


She lost her job because of coronavirus. Now she and her son sell masks on a street corner


How Normalcy Went From Misnomer to Safe Word -- A recent uptick in Google searches for the term signals a longing for the usual state of affairs.


France rules Google must pay news firms for content


Toy manufacturers look to reduce carbon footprint


The Least Eco-Friendly Things You Buy at the Grocery Store


Harvey Weinstein Charged With Additional Sexual Assault Count



Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Useful 1
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  On 4/10/2020 at 1:35 AM, jpagan05 said:

We have no Trader Joe's here and it's Hawaiian themed!🤷‍♀️ I miss it so much.


What does this mean? We have no Trader Joe’s here and it’s Hawaiian themed. I miss it so much. And I don’t believe for one minute that someone went to Walmart and it was out of human food but had cat treats. Why don’t people just tell the truth or say this is just a funny anecdote to brighten your day?




  • Love 2
  On 4/10/2020 at 5:36 PM, jewel21 said:

@boes prayers for your friend. *Hugs*

I passed my exam. I got one question wrong in the RAMQ portion and one wrong in the claim form portion. Although the teacher later admitted the question was wrong and they used the wrong class for tooth decay. Personally, I feel I shouldn't be punished and answered the question correctly. But whatever, it bothers me but putting up a stink won't be worth it. And the end of the day I passed and I am happy.


Hooray! 🆗

  • Love 9
  On 4/10/2020 at 9:39 PM, peacheslatour said:

Wouldn't it be cool if we could all meet up some day? We could wear fancy hats and flowers in our lapels. I can just see us making reservations at a Victorian Tea Room "Yes we'd like a private room for our organization. Name? Oh, we're Preverts."


I would wear my tiara, hee!

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@boes I'm truly sorry. What a helpless feeling. You are both in my thoughts and prayers💓



Yaaaay! @jewel21

  On 4/10/2020 at 9:39 PM, peacheslatour said:

Wouldn't it be cool if we could all meet up some day? We could wear fancy hats and flowers in our lapels. I can just see us making reservations at a Victorian Tea Room "Yes we'd like a private room for our organization. Name? Oh, we're Preverts."


I have fantasized about this....

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  On 4/11/2020 at 1:22 AM, Petunia13 said:

Making sure people social distance...



@boes I’m so sorry to hear about your best friend and will be praying for her ❤️ damn this virus! 


If you look closely that man is on oxygen and clearly has some underlying health issues. Unfortunately, it appears he has no one to do his shopping for him and has to risk exposing himself to the public, hence the head piece.  It's sad, really. But also quite genius. 

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So this morning, actually just after noon, hubby showed up with a frozen turkey.  The fresh turkeys were all gone.  No problem, except he really, really wanted to eat turkey TODAY!  BTW, I have never cooked a turkey, although I cook pretty much everything else.  I said, no problem, we can have turkey tomorrow, or Sunday or whenever.  Because I know you cannot thaw and cook a turkey in 7 hours.

But, he wanted turkey TODAY!

I told him it is impossible to have a frozen turkey at 12:30 pm and expect to eat it this evening before midnight.  I googled it to show him how long it takes to thaw a turkey, even in cold water.  7 to 9 hours.

He spent the afternoon bathing the turkey, hosing it down, inside and out, and it went in the oven at 5 pm.

And we were eating a delicious turkey before 8 pm.  Plus homemade gravy.  And we had some stuffing (aka dressing) that we put in the freezer a few months ago, and enjoyed that too.

season 9 wow GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

Edited by bannana
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Tulare County, Calif., is largely rural, and many students who attend Outside Creek Elementary do not have internet access at home. © Ryan Christopher Jones for The New York Times 

For Students at a Lone School in California, Class Is Still On


People infected with coronavirus may have no symptoms -- According to Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25% of people infected with the new coronavirus don't present any symptoms or fall ill, but they can still transmit the illness to others.


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Africans in Guangzhou are on edge, after many are left homeless amid rising xenophobia as China fights a second wave of coronavirus


A plan to defeat coronavirus finally emerges, but it’s not from the Administration


I’ve read the plans to reopen the economy. They’re scary. -- There is no plan to return to normal.


Regenstrief Institute Coronavirus Symptom Survey -- Data collection and information on the survey.


Why it’s so hard to see into the future of Covid-19 -- The most difficult thing for an epidemiological model to predict: human behavior.



A fight over data infiltrates coronavirus response -- Coronavirus modeling has become the latest partisan flash point. -- Math is hard.


US rocked by 6.6 million more initial unemployment claims last week -- An unprecedented economic collapse continues.


The Administration tells faith leaders to let the country 'get healed' before holding in-person services


Why America is still failing on coronavirus testing -- To end social distancing, we need mass testing. America is not there yet.


The Administration shuttered pandemic monitoring program, then scrambled to extend it


The Administration aides look to punish World Health Organization -- And intends to announce a new approach to the global health body next week. -- Mutual destruction theory in action



A remote Amazonian tribe has recorded its first coronavirus case


Exclusive: Navy commander says virus-struck aircraft carrier crew 'struggling' after captain's firing


Exclusive: 'I don't think anybody was ready for this Covid,' says head of federal prisons


Coronavirus Strikes at Least 2,100 Senior Facilities Across U.S.


Can a pandemic remake society? A historian explains. -- It’s happened before. Here’s what it would take to happen again.


Amazon was already powerful. The coronavirus pandemic cleared the way to dominance -- The global health crisis has forced 250,000 US stores closed, clearing the way to Amazon’s dominance.


The US Postal Service is in peril as coronavirus eats into mail deliveries


Quarantine and Instagram are making Leslie Jordan the star he's always been -- One recent video found Jordan attempting a crossed leg yoga pose and some meditation. "Holy s*** I don't want to be up in my mind," Jordan deadpanned. "It's like a bad neighborhood, honey. You do not want to be up there alone."


Driving and Travel Restrictions Across the United States


Social distancing isn’t a personal choice. It’s an ethical duty.-- Why we should foreground our commitment to the common good in the fight against coronavirus. -- Related: What are the rules of social distancing?



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Postal Service looking into absentee ballot delivery irregularities in Wisconsin


Abortion is banned in Texas, again


Having weird dreams in quarantine? You’re not alone. -- Why so many people seem to be having vivid dreams right now, explained by an expert.



Edited by Cupid Stunt
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  On 4/11/2020 at 6:45 PM, SweePea59 said:

Dear boes, a friend of mine (late 50's) and her mother (late 70's) had a bad mystery virus in the fall in NYC. They share an apt. All symptoms matched covid19. One thing she credits to their recovery is yoga breathing. As difficult as it may be, perhaps deep breathing will help your friend. 

@JEWEL21, Congrats!!! 


I have heard this as well. Hey, it beats the snake oil some people are pushing and it won't make you sicker.

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Yessss!!!  I do that every morning to energize and bedtime to wind down.  Lie down, relax and breathe in slowly for a count of ten, hold briefly,  breathe out for ten several times.  Sounds contra/weird/backwards to wake up or go to sleep but it works.  Something I learned in yoga class years ago.  Does open up the air sacs.

Glad to hear Steve is feelin' good.  A nice shower or bath can work wonders. Cue up some good strutting music...The Meters or Average White Band and you two can par-tay.....

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@boes were you able to speak to your friend today?  Checking in to see how she is......

I just saw on the news that California's stay at home was extended to May 15th....I don't know if I heard that wrong or not.  Something about wanting to ensure that the great work everyone has done there to flatten the curve "sticks" and there isn't a recurrence....

Edited by lovemesomejoolery
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  On 4/11/2020 at 11:43 PM, lovemesomejoolery said:

@boes were you able to speak to your friend today?  Checking in to see how she is......

I just saw on the news that California's stay at home was extended to May 15th....I don't know if I heard that wrong or not.  Something about wanting to ensure that the great work everyone has done there to flatten the curve "sticks" and there isn't a recurrence....


Thanks for asking, that's really sweet.  We talk a couple of times a day.  No change for the worse, still no obvious chest involvement, so that's good news.  

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