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Basketball Wives LA - General Discussion

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I have to say I agree with Tami & Shaunie. These girls are Immature. They are playing at being adult. If you are a mature woman who is confident in herself someone laughing,whispering and so on is not going to bother you. If you are truly self aware of yourself and know they really have nothing of value to say about you then you brush that mess off and keep it moving. 


Malaysia comes across as someone who has a head injury. The slow affected speech and low self esteem issues. 


Brandi her low self esteem rolls off of her with all the worrying about how people feel about her. When she learns it not about how people feel about you but how you feel about yourself she will lose that permanent sneer and nasty attitude.


Meaghan-see the above


Jackie needs a surgeon to get that fence post dislodged from her rear end.


Angel- did the right thing she is secure in who she is so she simply left the dramatics to the thirsty!


These LA girls are so easy to rile because they have no real experience of life. They have wasted their youth on worthless men and worrying about the thoughts of other people. 

  • Love 5

I know Shuanie isn't well liked but that was some boss bitch shit right there and it was glorious. "Thank you for your services." Simple and perfect. And then Brandie's "oh fuck" face gave me life. Why oh why would you go off on your executive producer when you have no known job or skills? When will these basketball wives learn that they are not as important as they think they are?

  • Love 4

Malaysia,Brandi and Meaghan will always stay fighting as long as they allow people to live rent free in their heads. When you have such low self esteem that you always feel someone is looking down on you, the problem is in your head .they all give Tami and Shauni power by telegraphing their own inferiority complex to them. The 3 of them are so easy to read because they all have the look of desperation and thirst.

I really do think Malaysia is slow mentally some sort of metal delays exist in her.

  • Love 3


I have to say I agree with Tami & Shaunie. These girls are Immature.


I might agree, but consider the source. On BBW Miami, Tami was swinging on chicks while in a restaurant in PARIS, you had Evelyn jumping on tables trying to hit a bitch, cast members slap boxing in upscale hotel lobbies, and all kinds of other complete fuckery going down. Shaunie even went so far to air that "meeting with her pastor" about how she was portraying black women through her "venue" of the show.


And NOW they're from the manor born, and look down their noses at the other girls, talking about immaturity - instead of saying "hey, learn from our mistakes, we made fools of ourselves in the past" type conversations?


Flaring Nostrils and Batshit Tami can take several seats, and STFU. 

Edited by Jade Foxx
  • Love 11

It's laughable, how Shaunie and Tami always manage to have an aside conversation shading the fuck out of the other girls, but somehow Brandi calling them out on it, is insecurity as opposed to fact.


Shaunie and Tami absolutely think they're better than these girls, and somehow more mature, when the record shows they were just as ratchet in Miami.  Should Brandi care? Of course not, but that doesn't make her childish or insecure to note what's clear to her.


Also, if you "fired" Brandi, she shouldn't have been at the reunion.  Remember, her services were no longer needed.

  • Love 8

That was real stupid if she really wanted that job (and there were moments when it crossed her mind - and face - that she was going too far) but damn if I wasn't cheering Brandi on. She got Ms. Shaunie ALL the way together AND told Tami's bully ass to step to the flat ground if she wanted to go there. She's not very exciting TV, except when she goes Hulk. And then she is straight gone.


Looking forward to the reunion when she makes Tami look crazy (with help from a guest star, Tami's wig) after calling her out on being on any reality show that will have her, ha! [you're next, Kendra!]

  • Love 7

Is Brandi gone for sure? She was a little boring but not as boring as Meghan was. Meghan (not sure of spelling) is strange looking, her head is shaped like Mr. Potato Head. I think Brandi is really pretty, at times she looks stunning to me.

I wasn't paying attention to the previews, is Draya at the reunion?

Jackie really is pathetic. She's old enough to be mom to most of these women yet she acts more childish than they do. Seeing the flashbacks and her talking about how they hurt her feelings and shit like that just made her look desperate and ridiculous.

Meghan has t-rex arms.  she is kinda built like a tall "little person."  Its interesting.


I might agree, but consider the source. On BBW Miami, Tami was swinging on chicks while in a restaurant in PARIS, you had Evelyn jumping on tables trying to hit a bitch, cast members slap boxing in upscale hotel lobbies, and all kinds of other complete fuckery going down. Shaunie even went so far to air that "meeting with her pastor" about how she was portraying black women through her "venue" of the show.


And NOW they're from the manor born, and look down their noses at the other girls, talking about immaturity - instead of saying "hey, learn from our mistakes, we made fools of ourselves in the past" type conversations?


Flaring Nostrils and Batshit Tami can take several seats, and STFU. 

 LOL @ from the manor born......

  • Love 1

I'm glad that Brandi--or someone,  finally told Shaunie off.  She's a bit of a hypocrite, and as everyone else pointed out, the Miami "ladies" are just as ratchet, maybe even more so at times, than the LA crew.  Shaunie and Tami wanna talk about the way the LA ladies are immature, etc.?  Well, in all my decades of living I have never been involved with a group of friends that operate the way the BBW do.  Never.  Between the fighting in public places, running across tables, etc., you have to always be in fight mode if you want to hang with this bunch. 


I'm all for women empowerment, but if Shaunie wants to put on airs and act like she's an all-powerful and smart woman, someone above it all, she would have been better off staying behind the scenes, keeping her mouth shut, and simply producing the show.  If it weren't for Shaq I doubt that Shaunie would be in television production. 

  • Love 3

Holy shit, this reunion might have been good but I can't tell. Any time one of them would talk, another one would talk over them, then the first one would get louder, then the other one would get louder...holy shit.

I was literally yelling "shut the fuck up" at my TV.

I loved how Tami, after completely yelling over everything Brandi said, then said that it's immature to not let her speak without interrupting.

  • Love 2

I'm still chuckling at Jackie saying she needed to get on Backpage, since she's all about making money, and John Salley replying, "well first you need to know how to suck a dick..."

I see Brandi figured she's already fired so she went on there to say whatever the hell she wanted. Nice to hear someone call Tami out on her bullying, only to watch Tami straight up lie about it never happening. Didn't she just tell Meghan she shouldn't have lied?

I definitely felt Draya's absence, especially since half the clips involved her. Plus I'm jealous of her lipstick.

  • Love 2

As messy as she is, I agreed with Tami's point.  You are a cancer survivor, that is courageous, amazing, something most people will be fortunate enough to never have to experience and it should be celebrated.  That said, it doesn't repeatedly belong on a show about bullshit and ratchetry.  Tell your story B, but there's no need to make a real and serious part of your real and actual life fodder for a storyline, not in an arena like this.  The way Draya expressed that was insensitive as hell also but I understood what she was saying.  It was like watching Amber on RHoNJ all over again.


Last night also highlighted what missdiva said above about their self esteem and immaturity levels.  The only thing that might make it difficult for me to legit agree with is the source(s) of the comment.  But yes if you're constantly reacting to what someone (whose opinion you claim not to GAF about) is saying about you, you're insecure.  You don't care about their opinions, remember?  How is it even possible to be offended by an opinion you already don't respect?    #dustpayment   Please see: Angel

  • Love 4

Zaldamo, my friend...what's a "THOUGHT" (THOT?) And since I'm already asking a stupid question, what's one more...what does "key key" mean? One of the women said she was "key keying" with the other women.

Sorry again for my many stupid questions but you're a great teacher!!

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 3

Zaldamo, my friend...what's a "THOUGHT" (THOT?) And since I'm already asking a stupid question, what's one more...what does "key key" mean? One of the women said she was "key keying" with the other women.

Sorry again for my many stupid questions but you're a great teacher!!

THOT = that hoe over there

Kiki means to chit chat & gossip

Edited by Jezebel97
  • Love 4

Mahara, there's no such thing as a stupid question doll.  I love it when a board bands together lol.  I'm expanding Jezebel's definition because you're both right.    According to UrbanDictionary.com:


to laugh...mostly at somebody. to giggle with a friend, to yourself, "carry on" with someone about something funny; talking it up, laughing on and on about something, that to others, may not be "as" funny.   


I can't explain why carry on and as are in quotation marks, please disregard.


Don't let these chicks throw you off girl, thot is an acronym modifying a noun (ho).  It cannot and never shall be used as a verb, cause, in the if it ain't broke column, there's nothing wrong with the actual verb (ho'in).



  • Love 4

Thanks Zal!! You're the breast! I'm kinda proud of myself for knowing that kee kee meant laughing. Score one for the old broad!

What did you guys think of the women's clothes? It looked like Shaunie forgot her shirt and Tami's pants looked like she had a diaper on when she stood up. I don't remember the rest, just those 2 stood out to me.

I think I'll miss these crazy bitches.

LOL!!!  at the typo.  My dude would high five you for that. 


It was hard for me to concentrate on an individual outfit but I did find Tami's hairline particularly compelling.  I think Malaysia is a beautiful girl, but for her own good, I'd like her to talk less or simply stick to one syllable adjectives.   Loved the weirdness of Brandi's hair, I think maybe I just like that she's gorgeous enough to do virtually anything to that head and successfully pulls it off.  This isn't fat shaming, as I'm a fellow thickarilla but Meghan is too much a pear to go around in a coochie cutter dress with no drawz on.  She hates Draya but wants to be her.  Jackie is too old for any and all this shit and I want her to quit it with the fiddle dee dee I've never sucked a dick routine.  Girl we don't care, but you have been married every year for 20 years and your real shit?  The legit Harry Winston stuff? might just be slobworthy, I'm just saying.   Either way, still don't care.  Really what I wish she knew was that she'd look amazing with a short Halle pixie cut.   I was too busy wondering when Shaunie was gonna take her ass off her shoulders to really pay her outfit some attention.  She has a beautiful face but ::hwvoice:: I feel liiiike, she don't really ever try with her look.  It's fine, but she's got ny fashion week money and she never looks like it to me.  Maybe that's a good thing.  Priorities, I guess.  Tami, now that shit looked like the professional/tear away section at Joyce Leslie.   I  still can't hate that girl because she always looks like at any minute a titty could come swinging out.  Sue me, I like a chick who stays on ready set lol.   Angel looked nice and I like shiny and the silhouette works I guess, but it's whatever at this point.  Everywhere I go, women are dressed like a Kardashian in a bodycon, I'm sort of over it. 


I don't think I'll miss them, they make me feel like I should switch to decaf.

  • Love 2

Nobody bothers me more than Shaunie.  I think its such BS for her to insert herself into the show and then use her position as executive producer to ensure that she can talk shit to everyone, but no one can ever talk shit to her.  If Shaunie wants the attention and the good that comes from being featured on the show, she should be on the same level as everyone else.  The girls shouldn't have to feel some fear from treating her the way everyone else would be treated.  And it sucks because it means if you can't call Shaunie out, you might as well never call Tami out either since they are always on the same side.  These shows work when everyone can be called out and be part of the drama.  Shaunie shouldn't be on the show and make herself above that.  If she wants to control how everyone talks to her she should just be EP and stay off the show.


And there were a whole lotta messy looks up there last night.  


Jackie is a 50 year old woman dressed like a 20 year old video ho from 1982.  Fishnet stockings?  I haven't heard about those since Morris Day and the News.


Shuanie needs a bra.  Like she really, really does.  I'm not sure why she keeps trying to make droopy boobs happen, but its not a good look.  She either needs a bra or a plastic surgeon.  Who is telling her she looks good without a bra?  Why do they keep doing that?  Although I will give props to Shaunie for not going to ghetto fab "red bottoms" route with her shoes.  She was the only one up there who doesn't have to prove they have money by buying a pair of red bottoms.  Good for her.


Tami looked like "a Pimp named Slickback's" ratchet grandmother.  She is another one that needs a bra.


It says something when Angel is the prettiest one on the couch, Angel normally looks like a drag queen to me.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 4

Nobody bothers me more than Shaunie.  I think its such BS for her to insert herself into the show and then use her position as executive producer to ensure that she can talk shit to everyone, but no one can ever talk shit to her.  If Shaunie wants the attention and the good that comes from being featured on the show, she should be on the same level as everyone else.  The girls shouldn't have to feel some fear from treating her the way everyone else would be treated.  And it sucks because it means if you can't call Shaunie out, you might as well never call Tami out either since they are always on the same side.  These shows work when everyone can be called out and be part of the drama.  Shaunie shouldn't be on the show and make herself above that.  If she wants to control how everyone talks to her she should just be EP and stay off the show.


And there were a whole lotta messy looks up there last night.  


Jackie is a 50 year old woman dressed like a 20 year old video ho from 1982.  Fishnet stockings?  I haven't heard about those since Morris Day and the News.


Shuanie needs a bra.  Like she really, really does.  I'm not sure why she keeps trying to make droopy boobs happen, but its not a good look.  She either needs a bra or a plastic surgeon.  Who is telling her she looks good without a bra?  Why do they keep doing that?  Although I will give props to Shaunie for not going to ghetto fab "red bottoms" route with her shoes.  She was the only one up there who doesn't have to prove they have money by buying a pair of red bottoms.  Good for her.


Tami looked like "a Pimp named Slickback's" ratchet grandmother.  She is another one that needs a bra.


It says something when Angel is the prettiest one on the couch, Angel normally looks like a drag queen to me.




Baby, you old like me, come on and sit rightchere.  You might not wanna say the word stockings, them's fighting words in these parts. 


Morris Day and the Time.  LOL!!!  I love ya'll. 

  • LOL 1
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You know what annoys me the most about this?


BBW Miami was cancelled, and now Shaunie brought herself and Tami over to BBW LA, and now she wants to bring Evelyn.  Bitch, if your show was cancelled for a reason and no one is begging for it to come back, why are you just trying to recreate it on another show that had nothing to do with you, Tami, or Evelyn?


This was the first season I watched BBW LA, and I think it will be the last.  I stopped watching BBW Miami because I didn't like that show -- and now Shaunie wants to bring her crew to LA and make the other women on the show kowtow to them, because apparently you can't say anything to Shaunie or she will have your job.  And by extension you can't say anything to her buddies either, because Shaunie will have their back and you can't say anything to Shaunie.  Boo on that.

  • Love 3

I stopped watching Friday Night Fights ... err, BBW Miami because I couldn't take them anymore.


I came back to BBWLA -- in spite of a good Draya hate I enjoy -- because those raggedy ass Govan sisters and especially Put Up Your Dukes Laura were finally gone. And now she wants to drag Tami and Evelyn to LA? If I wanted to see Evelyn I wouldn't be ignoring her ass on Oprah's channel (and really Oprah? You weren't going to have reality programming, amiright? I could maaaayyybe see you stretching Iyanla's ass as "therapeutic," but I'm not letting you get away with then sliding Evelyn's ass out of an episode and into a show, and trying to call it inspirational TV. No ma'am. I won't allow it.)


Skipping their thirsty asses to any reality show that would have them indeed, Brandi.



Baby, you old like me, come on and sit rightchere.  You might not wanna say the word stockings, them's fighting words in these parts.



Ha! Callback!

  • Love 4

Ok folks, I'll paste this in a couple of places since it includes "stars" from several series. "The Next 15" produced by Carlos King seems to be the next iteration of "Surreal Life" without the living together part. New York (Tiffany Pollard), Jennifer Williams, Laura Govan, Benzino, Karamo (first openly gay black guy on Real World), Claudia Jordan and others explore what it's like trying to make a career of reality tv. Meta meta trash. Hopefully ego clashes, desperation, and immaturity will give us something good. I can't imagine that Jennifer or Benzino will be that interesting, but we'll see. Slated to start in Feb on TVOne. http://www.realitytea.com/2015/11/09/claudia-jordan-star-new-reality-show-next-15-tiffany-pollard-benzino-jennifer-williams/#/slide/1

  • Love 1

Dear Brandy,

Rocking an ill fitting blonde Beyonce-like wig is not the best look for you, boo boo. Last year's color/style showed more of your natural beauty. Please rethink this gaudy ass look. ?

Does production just pick some random ass corner in Beverly Hills to shoot a five minute scene? (Jackie/Malaysia)

Tami trying to concieve at 45 to please her 20 something boyfriend? 


  • Love 3

Oh, show. I just can't quit you.

I thought I was gonna be done with this mess when Draya left. But curiosity coupled with nothing else to watch on a Sunday night brought me right on back to these heinous wenches. And not much has changed. Tami is still trash. Shaunie is still lame. And Jackie is still delusional.

I agree on Brandy and the blonde wig. Just no. She's a gorgeous girl but it's not a good look on her. The same with original recipe Angel and the look she sports in her talking heads. She looked much better with the more toned done look she had in her scenes with new Angel. Seriously ladies, less is sometimes more.

I dig Malaysia but she's coming close to losing me already. I like her shade when it's directed at the likes of Tami and Shaunie but less so when it's directed at a new girl who has done nothing to her. Besides, Duffey looks like she goes upside Tami's head in the previews for the season. That alone, makes me want her to win! lol 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

2 girls named Angel conversation.

The Instagram seamstress from last season doesn't understand why the other girls don't wanna hang out with her. They should be making her their



Right. I kept thinking surely she was going to correct her. I guess friends don't care if you look/stay stupid.

1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

2 girls named Angel conversation.

The Instagram seamstress from last season doesn't understand why the other girls don't wanna hang out with her. They should be making her their



LMAO .. And she said it TWICE. I'm not sure what was funnier - using the term in the wrong context, butchering the pronunciation, the look on new and improved Angel's face or her distracting fake butt.

Tami asking Dennis the Menace "what's the budget" Whatever you are will to spend Lady Eloise because we all know TOMMY AINT GOT NO JOB! 

  • Love 2

A year later and nothing has changed.  These chicks stay ridiculous. 

Malaysia looks great, as usual.  But the white dress she wore at the end was dangerously close to a vag flash.  Her body looked amazing though!

This episode was really boring, but I see they plan to amp up the drama to a 87 for the rest of the season.

Shaunie, Tami, and Jackie can go somewhere with the "Brandi needs to apologize to Shaunie" nonsense.  What is she apologizing for?  For standing up for herself and not letting Shaunie belittle her just because she's "Shaunie O'Neal"?  <inset eyeroll>

Also, "I wanna be swelt" will never be forgotten!  Lol!

  • Love 4

I forgot how horrible it is to listen to Malaysia butcher words. And this new wig she has? Girl, stop. So fake looking.

Brandi, hanging on to this "beef" with Shaunie will only last but so long, but I guess that's why you brought on Duffey to give you a little third party relevance. (these last scenes have her looking like Lil Kim with the blond wig and light foundation)

My ratchet side is looking forward to the Tami/Duffey fight to see if ol girl still has it. My money is still on Tami. A beer and a cigarette will beat a fake bourgie agent's gf mimosa any day.

Angel/Angel are boring. 

Jackie, you know just like we do, no one wants Doug. Seriously. No one. 

LOL at the fourth wall breaking. "Jackie will bring the messy stuff. That's her {JOB}" (paraphrased)

I'm mad at Tami exposing her IKEA furniture kits on tv.

  • Love 5

Brandi is ridiculously pretty but you can't see it through all that makeup and contouring. When they were all at the beach without a lot of makeup, Brandi was gorgeous. That contouring on her nose is so bad. It makes me cringe because now I know how pretty she is naturally. 

Malaysia wears a lot of makeup but she does it well. I'm not against makeup but learn how to do it and leave your nose alone. You're not MJ.

Edited by Nowhere
  • Love 4
On 7/18/2016 at 9:07 AM, KungFuBunny said:

2 girls named Angel conversation.

The Instagram seamstress from last season doesn't understand why the other girls don't wanna hang out with her. They should be making her their



Wait though.  Let's really really think about it, doesn't escape goat kinda make sense?  It's the person you pin something on, then they run away.


I agree with Malaysia Brandi needs to stay with Jason for the foreseeable future.  Apparently he cut off her Ali Express card and we're all being made to suffer the consequences. 

I saw a coming attraction of Angel talking to Jackie.  HDTV is not this girl's friend. 

2 things - Duffy's "outfit"  so.   We're just nekkid in public now? That's really a thing?

This is Jackie's third marriage?  sideyes Doug.

I know this only works with conflict and all but what is Malaysia's issue with Duffy?

Tami talking about getting pregnant for dude


  • Love 4
51 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

I know this only works with conflict and all but what is Malaysia's issue with Duffy?

Her issue is that Duffy has known Brandi longer; she's jealous.  I used to enjoy Malaysia, but the way she acted at the party, as well as how she treated Angel during the sit down she called for, is making her extremely unlikable. 

Also, what in the hell was Angel talking about during her conversation with Malaysia?  Something like, "you know gangstas have to do stuff in secret," or some shit like that. 

So how long do we think it will take before Other Angel runs away from Jackie screaming?

I saw on VH1's website that Shaunie has her own show, so why is she still on this one?

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

Her issue is that Duffy has known Brandi longer; she's jealous.  I used to enjoy Malaysia, but the way she acted at the party, as well as how she treated Angel during the sit down she called for, is making her extremely unlikable. 

Also, what in the hell was Angel talking about during her conversation with Malaysia?  Something like, "you know gangstas have to do stuff in secret," or some shit like that. 

So how long do we think it will take before Other Angel runs away from Jackie screaming?

I saw on VH1's website that Shaunie has her own show, so why is she still on this one?

Ah hater shit.  It doesn't look good on her at all.  Malaysia was the most likeable for me.  She seemed very ride or die-ish.   Straw grasping?  Unbecoming.

Because it won't be long until the new one tanks.   The *cough* struggle of being a single mom raising 5 kids.  In a mansion...with 2 nannies...a housekeeper...cook and a cabrillion bucks a month in child support.   First of all, it's totally relatable, we know how she feels right?  Second of all it's never been done on television before lol.    As starter marriages go, girl you done good.  Now siddown some damnwhere.  Don't hear n'air word from Juanita Jordan.

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Because it won't be long until the new one tanks.   The *cough* struggle of being a single mom raising 5 kids.  In a mansion...with 2 nannies...a housekeeper...cook and a cabrillion bucks a month in child support.   First of all, it's totally relatable, we know how she feels right?  Second of all it's never been done on television before lol.    As starter marriages go, girl you done good.  Now siddown some damnwhere.  Don't hear n'air word from Juanita Jordan.

Eh, so not interested in rich people pretending they're "struggling".  I can't stand Shaunie.  However, if she did a show that discussed strategies for how to snag a big time baller with marriage and popping out big headed kids, then have an affair with your trainer all while squirreling away your husband's cash in a separate bank account with only your name on it, I could be here for that because at least it would be real.  I can't with Shaunie acting like she's better than all the other ladies when she's just as ratchet at the rest of them. 

Edited by luckyroll3
  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

Eh, so not interested in rich people pretending they're "struggling".  I can't stand Shaunie.  However, if she did a show that discussed strategies for how to snag a big time baller with marriage and popping out big headed kids, then have an affair with your trainer all while squirreling away your husbands cash in a separate background with only your name on it, I could be here for that because at least it would be real.  I can't with Shaunie acting like she's better than all the other ladies when she's just as ratchet at the rest of them. 

Yasssss mother!  Present.  Because, each one teach one.  I'd watch for a friend.  Lol.

  • Love 5

Oh, Malaysia, you really took the L this week. First, letting Angel chase you out of Duffey's event. And then just having a pissy attitude overall. Brandi is being more patient with her than she deserves.

Tami and Shaunie are so gross. And I wish this show would stop trying to make it like Shaunie is some big boss. If she had power like that, she would not have had to endure seasons of the Govans and Royce. So, girl, boo. 

Everyone looked so tore up this week. If it wasn't a jacked up weave, it was a poor fashion or make-up choice. What happened to these girls? lol 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

I agree with Malaysia Brandi needs to stay with Jason for the foreseeable future.  Apparently he cut off her Ali Express card and we're all being made to suffer the consequences. 


Tami talking about getting pregnant for dude


You just shut right up. I mean it. Shutthehellup. She had a good line of credit with them people and here he done ruint it. 

Tami needs a job. She done trotted him from Celebrity Wife Swap to Marriage Boot Camp to this. Something's gotta stick. Won't nobody EVAH say Tami Roman didn't work that reality tv hustle. Ol girl aint punched a real time clock since 1992. 

1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

Eh, so not interested in rich people pretending they're "struggling".  I can't stand Shaunie.  However, if she did a show that discussed strategies for how to snag a big time baller with marriage and popping out big headed kids, then have an affair with your trainer all while squirreling away your husband's cash in a separate bank account with only your name on it, I could be here for that because at least it would be real.  I can't with Shaunie acting like she's better than all the other ladies when she's just as ratchet at the rest of them. 


58 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Yasssss mother!  Present.  Because, each one teach one.  I'd watch for a friend.  Lol.

Hell, I'd watch for me AND my bout to head to college daughter. Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go..." I bet Shaunie momma got a real nice house and Shaunie still gets to live a nice life. 

39 minutes ago, Dream Boy said:

Oh, Malaysia, you really took the L this week. First, letting Angel chase you out of Duffey's event. And then just having a pissy attitude overall. Brandi is being more patient with her than she deserves.

Tami and Shaunie are so gross. And I wish this show would stop trying to make it like Shaunie is some big boss. If she had power like that, she would not have had to endure seasons of the Govans and Royce. So, girl, boo. 

Everyone looked so tore up this week. If it wasn't a jacked up weave, it was a poor fashion or make-up choice. What happened to these girls? lol 

I never had this love for Malaysia so many seem to have. She always seemed a bit too fake "keeping it real" for me. She only kept it real as long as she was running the situation. Her code switching is even off. She's fake bourgie with her jambalaya vocabulary. Don't try to be Jack and Jill if you ain't seen na'an side of the hill. Just be you.

Ratchetry aside, the BBW: Miami women* did have a leg up when it came to style and fashion. Their gear and looks were more timeless, less 5-7-9 attempts at trendy. Or in Brandi's case, Aliexpress.com.

*Who did they make fun of for the wretched kitten heels??? LOLOL I still remember that foolery.

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 5

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