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Basketball Wives LA - General Discussion

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On 7/17/2018 at 6:18 PM, Apprentice79 said:

To be fair, Black culture is not just Black American culture. There many different Black cultures around the world.   Evelyne is Puerto Rican, she has African blood, in her veins, like most Latinos.   You can look at her and see it.   I am not saying that she does not use her attractiveness, to get Black men, with money, who can give her, a comfortable lifestyle. However,  I do think that she is very comfortable with Black women because she feels a kinship to them. I do think that it has to do with their common African ancestry.  I don't get the vibe that she feels she is superior to Black women.  

Evelyn like me, is boricua from New York City. It is one of the few places that Latinos and African American folks have unity and kinship in a lot of  ways And spaces. I myself feel more comfy with AA women that my own Latinas never more evident than now that I am in Miami. 


That said I wouldn’t feel comfy with any of these broads because they are crazy,. 

Edited by lamujerdecente
  • Love 8

I think maybe I’m missing the issue here. I kind of thought that if you heard or knew that your friend’s spouse was cheating, the right thing to do would be to tell your friend. But all these ladies are acting like Jennifer was trying to ruin Shaunie or being malicious to Shaunie. I see how she might be trying to fuck over Evelyn by not keeping the secret for Evelyn, but telling your friend her man cheated is helping your friend, not harming. Shit, I’d want to know and I’d be pissed if I found out my friend knew and never told me. But Shaunie is pissed because Jen wanted to tell her. I honestly don’t get that way of thinking. Somebody help me out. Is it because she and Shaq are divorced now and they don’t want to stir up his infidelities anymore? And if that’s the case, why even call and ask him? Why not let it drop? 

  • Love 3


How can Tami say Evelyn lied about Chad? That’s fucking low as hell. She’s taking an abuser’s side and I don’t know if I like Tami anymore if she can’t support any woman’s basic right to not live with domestic assault such as what Evelyn suffered. Yes, not even a woman you hate deserves this. Tami is so wrong. 

Edited by Nowhere
  • Love 11
On 8/3/2018 at 4:42 PM, Nowhere said:

I think maybe I’m missing the issue here. I kind of thought that if you heard or knew that your friend’s spouse was cheating, the right thing to do would be to tell your friend. But all these ladies are acting like Jennifer was trying to ruin Shaunie or being malicious to Shaunie. I see how she might be trying to fuck over Evelyn by not keeping the secret for Evelyn, but telling your friend her man cheated is helping your friend, not harming. Shit, I’d want to know and I’d be pissed if I found out my friend knew and never told me. But Shaunie is pissed because Jen wanted to tell her. I honestly don’t get that way of thinking. Somebody help me out. Is it because she and Shaq are divorced now and they don’t want to stir up his infidelities anymore? And if that’s the case, why even call and ask him? Why not let it drop? 

Well, it's like you said, if Jennifer thought the rumor was true, she should have gone to Shaunie with it when she found out about it. Instead, she wanted someone else to bring it up On Camera and leave Shaunie to react to it ON CAMERA. Jennifer may have only been trying to be malicious to Evelyn, but she gave no thought to the fallout that Shaunie would face. She was willing to destroy Shaunie's long time friendship with Ev, disrupt the co-parenting relationship she had with Shaq, and harm Shaq's reputation all to get back at Evelyn. I would be side-eying Jen for that as well. That said, I don't get why Shaunie isn't MORE angry with Tami, because Jen obviously reconsidered that kind of messiness, but Tami was completely willing to put it out there after knowing about it for over a year. 

On 8/3/2018 at 5:00 PM, Nowhere said:


How can Tami say Evelyn lied about Chad? That’s fucking low as hell. She’s taking an abuser’s side and I don’t know if I like Tami anymore if she can’t support any woman’s basic right to not live with domestic assault such as what Evelyn suffered. Yes, not even a woman you hate deserves this. Tami is so wrong. 


Tami has a very long history of blaming the victim. She said that it was Jen's fault that the Harlem chick slapped her because "Jennifer asked for the slap." She said that it was Meeka's fault that Tami beat her up in the club, because Meeka raised her hand to make a point while talking. When her daughter called her to tell her she had been mugged, Tami was pissed at her for being stupid enough to get mugged. So, if she can blame her daughter for being a mugging victim, it stands to reason that she would blame the victim of domestic violence for ruining an "innocent" man's life. Let's not forget that Tami is also very used to being the assailant in physical altercations and usually sees herself as the victim in those interactions as well. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 11
On ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 10:49 PM, truthaboutluv said:

Late on this but I agree. As far as I'm concerned, for all the fighting, screaming, hair pulling that's gone on, on these shows, nothing was more disturbing to me than when Tammi came after Keesha, who understandably only lasted one season. Keesha was clearly not a fighter, not into the ratchet, screaming scenes and you could tell how genuinely intimidated and fearful of Tami she was. And the way Tami went after her when they went on whatever tropical girls trip they were on, was just disturbing.

The most disturbing part of that whole mess was seeing her go through Keesha's purse, after she'd essentially ran Keesha off, laughing like a maniac in the car, while both Evelyn and Shaunie were just sitting by, clearly, by the looks on their faces, totally uncomfortable and disturbed, but saying nothing. Then after she had the woman sniveling in her room, she still came in, forcing her to have to beg for her bag from her because you could see how terrified Keesha was. That whole thing was disgusting and I remember it was after that that the show really started getting a lot of backlash for all the negative portrayals of women and all the fighting, screaming, etc. And Miami slowly died after that, replaced by LA, only for it to more or less be revived now in LA.

Don't get me wrong, Tami makes me laugh sometimes and I totally follow her Bonnet Chronicles on Instagram. And I do think she has tried to get her anger and toxic behavior under control but the fact is, aside from the hoeing tendencies, she and Evelyn aren't much different in terms of both having been angry and violent bullies in the past. And that's why they've never been able to get along because it's two angry bulls coming at each other. I do think Tami's conversation with Jackie was telling of the other layer to their issues. That Tami was dismissed as lesser than and ghetto when she first came on the show (despite Evelyn not being any great cheese herself) and that really played on her self-esteem to where on some level she's still seeking these people's approval.

I remember just before she made Keesha beg for her purse back she whispered "I want you to know that the only reason I'm not going to hit you is because you look so helpless right now" in a creepy serial killer voice. That whole thing was so fucked up it even had Evelyn in tears afterwards. You could see how much Tami reveled in the fear she struck in that girl and had the nerve to get pissed at Royce when she got word of what happened and told Tami she was wrong.

  • Love 11

Shaunie pissed me all the way off. How can she, with a straight face, say that she doesn't know for sure that Tami brought up the rumor to drive a wedge between Jenn and Ev? What other reason was there for Tami to bring it up? It was a complete nonsequitur that had nothing to do with ANYTHING the women were discussing. Tami's only reason was to blow Jennifer up and get her ousted from the friend group.  The fact that she refuses to see that Tami is just as bad as Jennifer and in a lot of ways much worse when it comes to this whole situation is one of the reasons she has always frustrated me on the show. 

  • Love 6
On ‎8‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 11:41 AM, MatildaMoody said:

Shaunie pissed me all the way off. How can she, with a straight face, say that she doesn't know for sure that Tami brought up the rumor to drive a wedge between Jenn and Ev? What other reason was there for Tami to bring it up? It was a complete nonsequitur that had nothing to do with ANYTHING the women were discussing. Tami's only reason was to blow Jennifer up and get her ousted from the friend group.  The fact that she refuses to see that Tami is just as bad as Jennifer and in a lot of ways much worse when it comes to this whole situation is one of the reasons she has always frustrated me on the show. 

It is pretty obvious that Tami has always resented these ladies and has always wanted to destroy their friendship. She used the rift between Jennifer and Evelyne to get some dirt on her.  Rightly or wrongly, Tami has always felt judged and mocked by these ladies. I don't understand why at this stage of her life Tami even wants their approval.  It is pathetic..

  • Love 5

OG just lost me. How you gonna say you want to wait to see if your man is a good husband before deciding if he will be a good father, when you just admitted that you don't use birth control? Unless they are celibate, she is just playing Russian Roulette with pregnancy.  

And Jen is just way too much on her date. Seriously, how do you get to her age and not know what is appropriate new date talk? You don't have to have a lot of experience dating to know that you don't just start bashing your past relationships right out the gate.  She should be talking about who she is and not complaining about how she always gets fucked over. That shit ain't cute. 

  • Love 6

Wow Jen.  Take it easy on the first date.  Get to know them first before you start unloading all your shit.  

Oh my goodness - the "Got caught cheating" dude was a ringer for Merlin Santana!  It was really creepy.

Jackie can miss me with all her "I'm offended by their behavior" nonsense.  I think I might need multiple hands to count the times she's acted a plum fool during other cast members' events.  

Does anyone know what Kristen's job is?  Cause .I don't.

  • Love 4

Will someone please let Kristen know that letting her child act a fool isn't cute? There is a way to let a two year old know that throwing her things everywhere isn't acceptable. She just sat there looking at her husband like she was at a loss and she wants to have more kids. Uh no girl, you aren't ready. 

  • Love 5

I'm going to need Shaunie to step up and question Tami. Tami said that she told Jen she wasn't going to bring up the rumor unless there was proof. Since there was no proof, and Jen had obviously changed her mind about the whole thing, I need Shaunie to ask Tami why she decided to bring it up over a year later without provocation. Because the only reason I see is that Tami wanted to blow up the friendship between Jen, Ev, and Shaunie. If there was a different reason, we should know what it is. Otherwise, Shaunie is full of shit when she says she doesn't know for sure that Tami brought it up to ruin her friendship with Evelyn. Because as much as I dislike Evelyn, she has every right to be pissed that Tami put her on blast for a rumor that she damn well knew wasn't true. Or at the least, she knew there was no proof of it. 

I don't know if they are going to do a reunion or not, but if they do, the host needs to seriously question this whole situation in a way that makes it clear what exactly Tami's motive was. 

  • Love 7
54 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

I'm going to need Shaunie to step up and question Tami. Tami said that she told Jen she wasn't going to bring up the rumor unless there was proof. Since there was no proof, and Jen had obviously changed her mind about the whole thing, I need Shaunie to ask Tami why she decided to bring it up over a year later without provocation. Because the only reason I see is that Tami wanted to blow up the friendship between Jen, Ev, and Shaunie. If there was a different reason, we should know what it is. Otherwise, Shaunie is full of shit when she says she doesn't know for sure that Tami brought it up to ruin her friendship with Evelyn. Because as much as I dislike Evelyn, she has every right to be pissed that Tami put her on blast for a rumor that she damn well knew wasn't true. Or at the least, she knew there was no proof of it. 

I don't know if they are going to do a reunion or not, but if they do, the host needs to seriously question this whole situation in a way that makes it clear what exactly Tami's motive was. 

There is a rumor going around that Jennifer skipped the reunion.  So, she was not woman enough to take her lumps or defend herself. 

It is clear that Jennifer was very angry at Evelyne and wanted to lash out. However, Tami is worst than Jennifer. She sat on this and waited for the right time to blow up the friendship between Shaunie and Evelyne.  

  • Love 3
On 8/3/2018 at 4:42 PM, Nowhere said:

I think maybe I’m missing the issue here. I kind of thought that if you heard or knew that your friend’s spouse was cheating, the right thing to do would be to tell your friend. But all these ladies are acting like Jennifer was trying to ruin Shaunie or being malicious to Shaunie. I see how she might be trying to fuck over Evelyn by not keeping the secret for Evelyn, but telling your friend her man cheated is helping your friend, not harming. Shit, I’d want to know and I’d be pissed if I found out my friend knew and never told me. But Shaunie is pissed because Jen wanted to tell her. I honestly don’t get that way of thinking. Somebody help me out. Is it because she and Shaq are divorced now and they don’t want to stir up his infidelities anymore? And if that’s the case, why even call and ask him? Why not let it drop? 

In this situation, I'm more on Jen's side than Tami.

Tami went ape shit on Evelyn after she found out about Kenny.

All of the ladies agreed (Jen, Tami, Malaysia) this rumor was brought up a year ago. Tami having gone through such an issue with her ex knocking boots with a costar - my first instinct would have been to forewarn my friend Shaunie OFF camera so she wouldn't be blindsided if it were ever to surface on camera. No one brought it up in that year.  Look to the one who brings it up a YEAR later ON camera. Tami is the one with something to gain if this came out. She would gain if: Evelyn & Shaunie friendship suffers, embarrassing Evelyn, and causing a rift between Jen and Evelyn. Now because she didn't accomplish any of the first 3 goals, she's just going to go after Jen.

  • Love 3

It's very interesting that the advice Kristen's mom gave her (if someone is not getting it or pretending not to get it, then just walk away), is exactly what CeCe did with regards to her interactions with Kristen.  

One of the things that has stayed constant from BBW Miami to LA is Jen's bad breath.  How has she not addressed that personally yet when it has been mentioned on TV for over a decade?!?!  I'd be popping Ice Breakers regularly before every meet up.  

Absolutely loved Jackie's sunglasses!  Why does Jackie have to turn everything into something sexual?  Every time, without fail.  

Why is Zell on this show?  He was obnoxious and disgusting on L&HH Hollywood, but I'm assuming since he's not on there this season, he wasn't asked back.  Please remove him from my screen!

OG looks so much better without the straight weave/extensions.  She still needed a damn lip liner though.

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

OG looks so much better without the straight weave/extensions.  She still needed a damn lip liner though.

I agree. I thought she looked amazing with the afro. It's definitely a good look for her. 


14 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

It's very interesting that the advice Kristen's mom gave her (if someone is not getting it or pretending not to get it, then just walk away), is exactly what CeCe did with regards to her interactions with Kristen. 

Yes, I thought that was interesting too. Kristen doesn't seem to understand that she sold CeCe out to be friends with Jen and Ev. So, CeCe walking away from her is what a normal person would do. 

  • Love 3

I’m enjoying this season and am glad they’ve finally managed to do pre-production and come up with a full cast that is consistent unlike other seasons when it feels like the newbies are in and out all season long until they find something that sticks. I actually would bring all three girls back, although I feel Cece and OG have contributed the most in terms of story. Kristen I’d only keep due to her connections to others. 


Now with Amsterdam I was surprised that Cece was the target. When it comes to Evelyn I understand her frustration because Evelyn and Jen did come for her. I don’t understand why everybody acts like Cece is the crazy one, especially Kristen. It bothered her so much that she brought it to Cece’s attention, but she seems upset she won’t let go. The dinner argument was silly. It’s not throwing shade to say you wouldn’t go to someone’s job and demean what they do for a living. In no way does that mean you’re saying they don’t work. You could tell Kristen was being messy because she’s mad at Cece. Cece is smart not to fool with her anymore. It’s very transparent what she’s doing which is get close to the queen bees to improve her chances of returning next year. I’m glad that Cece was able to defend herself though. I hope next week she does well as it continues. I hope Kristen’s tears don’t work to make her feel she’s the problem. At least at the reunion or something I need Kristen called out on her shit. 

Still majorly shocked that Jackie has managed the entire season acting normal and civil. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, KnotsLanding said:

I’m enjoying this season and am glad they’ve finally managed to do pre-production and come up with a full cast that is consistent unlike other seasons when it feels like the newbies are in and out all season long until they find something that sticks. I actually would bring all three girls back, although I feel Cece and OG have contributed the most in terms of story. Kristen I’d only keep due to her connections to others. 


Now with Amsterdam I was surprised that Cece was the target. When it comes to Evelyn I understand her frustration because Evelyn and Jen did come for her. I don’t understand why everybody acts like Cece is the crazy one, especially Kristen. It bothered her so much that she brought it to Cece’s attention, but she seems upset she won’t let go. The dinner argument was silly. It’s not throwing shade to say you wouldn’t go to someone’s job and demean what they do for a living. In no way does that mean you’re saying they don’t work. You could tell Kristen was being messy because she’s mad at Cece. Cece is smart not to fool with her anymore. It’s very transparent what she’s doing which is get close to the queen bees to improve her chances of returning next year. I’m glad that Cece was able to defend herself though. I hope next week she does well as it continues. I hope Kristen’s tears don’t work to make her feel she’s the problem. At least at the reunion or something I need Kristen called out on her shit. 

Still majorly shocked that Jackie has managed the entire season acting normal and civil. 

Evelyne's dislike of Cece is so juvenile.  It is like she was going after Cece because her real target Tami was not there and she wanted to divert attention from Jennifer who is loathed by the cast, especially by Shaunie.  Shaunie is done with Jennifer, Jennifer attacked her family.  That was a bit much for her and I understand Shaunie's contempt for her.

Jennifer seems so lost, I do think that Tami was worst than her. Jennifer was being vindictive out of her hurt feelings. Tami set this whole thing in motion to get back at Evelyne. 

I am glad that Cece stood up for herself and did not let Evelyne intimidate her. She is still a vile bully.

Evelyne's racial slur was really below the belt. I hate it when people of color use other people of color's race against them. If she could say that to Cece, she would say it to any of the Black women on the cast. Shaunie should not have let her get away with that mess.

Kristen is a disloyal bitch. I cannot stand her.  I do think that she is stunning to look at. I love her hair curly. 

I hate Shaunie making excuses for Evelyne. If Shaunie felt that Cece was being shady, then, she should have said something to her and not let Evelyne be her attack dog.  You are a grown woman who raised 5 kids, you should be able to handle your own battles. I understand why Cece kept her distance.  She knows that Evelyne and Shaunie are tight and she assumed that because she is not getting along with Evelyne, that Shaunie would not be nice to her.

  • Love 5

I can’t believe I forgot to mention the slur! Shaunie is backtracking on Twitter saying she condemned the remark in her interview. The thing is, all those girls blew it off. If a white cast member called someone the N word it would be a big deal, as it should. I just wish Cece would get the same consideration. She’s the lead problematic “troublemaker” they’ve ever tried to create on this show. 

  • Love 4
37 minutes ago, KnotsLanding said:

I can’t believe I forgot to mention the slur! Shaunie is backtracking on Twitter saying she condemned the remark in her interview. The thing is, all those girls blew it off. If a white cast member called someone the N word it would be a big deal, as it should. I just wish Cece would get the same consideration. She’s the lead problematic “troublemaker” they’ve ever tried to create on this show. 

That showed me who Evelyne truly is.  Call her anything you want, but, don't use her race against her.  She had just come back recently from Puerto Rico, where she lamented on how her people were treated unfairly because of their color. Then you go and use a racial slur against another woman of color.  Cognitive dissonance, she is shameless.. I hope twitter goes after her hard. She deserves their scorn..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 7

I tried to watch this but couldn't make it past Evelyn's childish kee-kee-ing with Shaunie and Kristen on the shuttle. I can't believe the bitch had the nerve to say, "she's lucky she's not dealing with the me from four years ago." Why? You still doing the same childish bullying that you pulled on Royce, Tami, and Jennifer. 


I'm going to probably end up streaming it at work, but I just don't get what the problem with CeCe is. She hasn't done anything except defend herself and her livelihood and Kristen is just a disloyal bitch. I can't believe that she would be so messy about family. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, MatildaMoody said:

I just don't get what the problem with CeCe is. She hasn't done anything except defend herself and her livelihood and Kristen is just a disloyal bitch. I can't believe that she would be so messy about family. 

The problem is that she dared to defend herself and be classy about it and other people still wanted her around.  And fuck Kristen.  She's the type that is worse than the bullies cause she'll pretend to be your friend until the right person/clique starts paying attention to her, and then she drops you with the quickness.    

  • Love 9
40 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

The problem is that she dared to defend herself and be classy about it and other people still wanted her around.  And fuck Kristen.  She's the type that is worse than the bullies cause she'll pretend to be your friend until the right person/clique starts paying attention to her, and then she drops you with the quickness. 

I'm actually kind of curious about Malaysia's take on this whole thing. She seems to be siding with Kristen, but I think it's because Kristin is in her ear and she hasn't heard Cece's side of things. I don't follow any of these women in real time so I don't know if she has had a chance to comment on the backstabbing Kristen is doing or if I have to wait for the reunion. 

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, lasandi said:

Why is Kristin mad at Cece?  The text said, Byron said he doesn’t want etc.  She doesn’t get mad at her father in law but she’s ready to kill the messenger.  Unreal.  

I despise Kristin so much. She threw Cece under the bus to ingratiate herself with Evelyne and Jennifer. I don't understand her over the top anger towards Cece.  I am team Cece she is too good and normal for this show. 

From the previews of the season finale, Malaysia is going to spill some tea on Jennifer  wanting to hurt Evelyne's daughter in her vendetta against Evelyne. I never understood why Evelyne and Jennifer reconciled. Their friendship was toxic and their breakup was even uglier. 

Jennifer has gotten bitter and nastier as she got older. I think that Jennifer expected that she would be further in life. 

  • Love 7

It feels like Kristen knows she wouldn't dare get at Byron so she's taking it all out on Cece. She's the worst kind of bitch. A bitch that doesn't think she's really a bitch. And I so agree. Cece is too good for this show. The other girls know it and that's why they can't stand her. They want her to get down in the dirt with them and she continues to refuse. She actually conducts herself like a woman with a genuine livelihood that understands the repercussions of acting a fool on national tv. 

  • Love 7

I call so much BS on Kristen's "outrage" that Byron doesn't visit her kid.  She claims it's been 7 months since he's seen the daughter.  While I know the timeline on this show is super wonky, I distinctly remember several times when all 4 of them (Kristen, her husband, Cece, and Byron) have been together, prior to Kristen and Cece's falling out, and I highly doubt that was more than 7 months ago.  You mean to tell me she didn't have any opportunity to bring it up, even off camera, while they were all still in good standing with each other?  It kinda feels to me that Kristen needed a way to get people on her side.  I don't trust her at all.  It's like she already didn't like Cece, but knew she couldn't really do anything about it because she was technically family and everyone else liked, so she used this as an opportunity to ingratiate herself with new people and immediately turn them against Cece.  Something about it all just seems really calculated.  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Dream Boy said:

She actually conducts herself like a woman with a genuine livelihood that understands the repercussions of acting a fool on national tv. 

YES!  It's not just that. She also seems to be aware that her behavior on TV also has repercussions for her relationship and Byron's reputation. If Kristen is SO upset about Byron not seeing her daughter, she needs to take it up with him. She couldn't be bothered to defend CeCe to Jennifer and Evelyn when they were insinuating she was a prostitute. But she thinks that CeCe should plead her case to Byron? Maybe Byron wasn't cool with her kee-kee-ing with Jen and Ev about his fiance being a hooker and Kristen not setting them straight. Maybe, just maybe he doesn't want to deal with that bullshit and is just supporting his wife. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

I call so much BS on Kristen's "outrage" that Byron doesn't visit her kid.  She claims it's been 7 months since he's seen the daughter.  While I know the timeline on this show is super wonky, I distinctly remember several times when all 4 of them (Kristen, her husband, Cece, and Byron) have been together, prior to Kristen and Cece's falling out, and I highly doubt that was more than 7 months ago.  You mean to tell me she didn't have any opportunity to bring it up, even off camera, while they were all still in good standing with each other?  It kinda feels to me that Kristen needed a way to get people on her side.  I don't trust her at all.  It's like she already didn't like Cece, but knew she couldn't really do anything about it because she was technically family and everyone else liked, so she used this as an opportunity to ingratiate herself with new people and immediately turn them against Cece.  Something about it all just seems really calculated.  

Exactly! I was coming here to say something similar. She can’t say the real reason she doesn’t like CeCe, probably can’t admit it to herself, so she has to make up something!

Now I am on CeCe’s side and I can’t stand Kristen BUT, can we agree that CeCe says sly little shit and then backtracks?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

I call so much BS on Kristen's "outrage" that Byron doesn't visit her kid.  She claims it's been 7 months since he's seen the daughter.  While I know the timeline on this show is super wonky, I distinctly remember several times when all 4 of them (Kristen, her husband, Cece, and Byron) have been together, prior to Kristen and Cece's falling out, and I highly doubt that was more than 7 months ago.  You mean to tell me she didn't have any opportunity to bring it up, even off camera, while they were all still in good standing with each other?  It kinda feels to me that Kristen needed a way to get people on her side.  I don't trust her at all.  It's like she already didn't like Cece, but knew she couldn't really do anything about it because she was technically family and everyone else liked, so she used this as an opportunity to ingratiate herself with new people and immediately turn them against Cece.  Something about it all just seems really calculated.  

She is also a liar. She lied and Cece said they had no jobs. She was venting about Jennifer and Evelyn's implying on TV that she was a prostitute. The happy ending line was said in front of Kristin and she laughed with them. She is disloyal and shady.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Portae said:

I’m wondering how Cece and Byron got together, and if Malaysia and Kristin feel a sense of loyalty to the first wife.

Good observation. I never thought of that... I think there are a lot of things that we do not know.  I think that there are issues between Kristen's husband and his dad.  Kristen said in her talking head, that Cece is not part of the family yet, it was very loaded. 

Allegedly, Cece was Byron's mistress while he was still married to his wife of 29 years. Apparently the ex-wife is calling Cece to testify about Bryon's finances in their ongoing spousal support battle. 


Edited by Portae
  • Love 1

Now we know what the build a whore comment by Jackie meant. At the time, It was a non sequitur when Jackie blurted it out in a petty argument with Evelyne. In hindsight, it all makes sense.

Wow! Jennifer's goose was cooked, she was scared and Evelyne showed surprising restraint. Jennifer was awful, but, a part of me felt really bad for her. She ran her mouth so much and to anybody who would listen about her grievances against Evelyne.  She obviously forgot what she said and to whom. 

I still think that Evelyne is vile.  I always got the vibe that she made a lot of mistakes with Shaniece and still feels guilty about that. 

Tami is bad too. These women are just bad news and they bring out the worst traits in each other.

Shaunie should also be angry with Tami, but, now I understand why she was so angry with Jennifer. She knows through personal experiences with Jennifer that she will go really low to tear a person down and will not hesitate to use that person's kids to do that. 

Kristen is still an idiot, but, I loved how she calmed Malaysia down. Despite her meltdown, Malaysia said that she still held things back, to not cause more turmoil between Jen and Evelyne. I have a feeling that Jennifer spilled all the tea about Evelyne's private life to the whole world.  Tami was not shocked about the tea about Shaniece when Shaunie gave her an update about the drama that she missed. Her reaction let me know that Jennifer had told her those vile things as well.

Tami was right to not participate in the trip because Jennifer would have blamed her for everything. She was also right to call Jennifer a phony and a hypocrite regarding Evelyne. 

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

I can't believe I ever was a fan of Jennifer in the first few seasons. She is such a huge liar. Idgaf what Shaniece did [and I believe every word of it], but what was her need to spread a 20-something year old's business to a bunch of 40 and 50 something year old women, when she's not even in their circle of friends?! Not to mention that some of the info she gossiped about stemmed from when Shaniece was under age! 

I can't with her. She has lost my respect for the duration she's on this show. Very good drama, but for a very cruel situation to spread amongst people. If she had a problem with Shaniece "whoring herself" and running the household, then why not take it up with her mom AKA 'yo best friend Ev'? 

Evelyn and Jennifer deserve each other. The people in their lives do not. I hope they both get shunned by the group. 

And Kristen's weak, following ass needs to not return to my screen next season. She brought literally nothing to this season. I'll take Cece's backtracking ass all day over her. 

Edited by RealitytvLover
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WOW! That was a major shit show. I don't understand how anyone would talk shit about a teenager like that just to hurt her mom. What is more troubling is that Jennifer knew this girl since childhood and was sitting up claiming to love her. That is just low down!

I am at the same time, suffering second-hand embarrassment for that major public scene in a foreign country. I really wish these women would keep their drama local rather than making Americans look that much worse to other countries. 

I still can't believe that Jackie made it the entire season without showing her ass! That is what is truly insane about all of this. Jackie came off as almost normal this season. I'll have more later, as I just watched the episode and am still parsing through it all. 

  • Love 9
On 7/23/2018 at 11:49 PM, truthaboutluv said:

Late on this but I agree. As far as I'm concerned, for all the fighting, screaming, hair pulling that's gone on, on these shows, nothing was more disturbing to me than when Tammi came after Keesha, who understandably only lasted one season. Keesha was clearly not a fighter, not into the ratchet, screaming scenes and you could tell how genuinely intimidated and fearful of Tami she was. And the way Tami went after her when they went on whatever tropical girls trip they were on, was just disturbing.

The most disturbing part of that whole mess was seeing her go through Keesha's purse, after she'd essentially ran Keesha off, laughing like a maniac in the car, while both Evelyn and Shaunie were just sitting by, clearly, by the looks on their faces, totally uncomfortable and disturbed, but saying nothing. Then after she had the woman sniveling in her room, she still came in, forcing her to have to beg for her bag from her because you could see how terrified Keesha was. That whole thing was disgusting and I remember it was after that that the show really started getting a lot of backlash for all the negative portrayals of women and all the fighting, screaming, etc. And Miami slowly died after that, replaced by LA, only for it to more or less be revived now in LA.

Don't get me wrong, Tami makes me laugh sometimes and I totally follow her Bonnet Chronicles on Instagram. And I do think she has tried to get her anger and toxic behavior under control but the fact is, aside from the hoeing tendencies, she and Evelyn aren't much different in terms of both having been angry and violent bullies in the past. And that's why they've never been able to get along because it's two angry bulls coming at each other. I do think Tami's conversation with Jackie was telling of the other layer to their issues. That Tami was dismissed as lesser than and ghetto when she first came on the show (despite Evelyn not being any great cheese herself) and that really played on her self-esteem to where on some level she's still seeking these people's approval.

I agree that girl was bullied by Tami

  • Love 3

I was grossed out by this episode and for once felt some shame for loving these ratchet messes of shows. Evelyn looked guilty AF when it was revealed what Jennifer had said. I think the cost of this game flashed before her eyes. Do I think she will learn? Nah these people are fame addicts. But that was sad to watch. And I don’t know how she allowed that in. For real. That was vile shit about her child. 

Jennifer is a nasty wench but I am done with Malaysia. I grew up in Spanish Harlem. I can drop kick a bitch with out dropping my drink if need be. That ain’t a marketable skill. It is the mark of trauma. Terrible fashion aside and in desperate need of a thersauras, Malaysia was the least offensive to me for years. I caught her low down tami like comment about Jenn and her abuse. 

Do better Malaysia. And btw you and Jackie are full of shit fighters. I seen crazy bitches attack. See Porsha from Atlanta.

See Teresa guidice. 

Rageful crazy ain’t got time to fix the hair, pose and talk shit. 

Jenn is trash tho. I stopped being friends with girls. I wasn’t dragging their children’s bysiness in the streets. 

You is trash. 

  • Love 6

What in hell happened to CeCe during all that melee?  She was with the group when they joined Jennifer, Evelyn, and Kristen, sitting towards the other end of the table.  When the back and forth between Jen and Malaysia started, she was there watching.  But when it escalated, she completely disappeared.  She was nowhere to be seen and also wasn't there when the ladies walked back to the hotel and their smoke out on the roof.  Am I crazy or did she disappear. 

Jennifer clearly doesn't understand how the game of chicken works.  You don't actually dare people to reveal all when you, yourself, gave them ALL the damn ammo!  I'm not sure if she's that dumb, or she was banking on the other ladies not wanting to get all the way down in the dirt and actually reveal the vile things she shared.

Malaysia tossing that table reminded me of the very first episode of BBWLA, when she tossed one of the ladies aside to get at one of the Govan sisters, I think.  Everyone was like, damn she's strong!    

19 hours ago, RealitytvLover said:

Idgaf what Shaniece did [and I believe every word of it]


39 minutes ago, lamujerdecente said:

Evelyn looked guilty AF when it was revealed what Jennifer had said. I think the cost of this game flashed before her eyes.

Yeah, I believe it too.  And I agree that Evelyn seemed like she had a pang of guilt for some of her choices while raising Shaniece.  I must say though, the fact that she didn't toss Jennifer's sorry ass over that bridge shocked the hell out of me and showed that she has grown some.  

18 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

I still can't believe that Jackie made it the entire season without showing her ass! That is what is truly insane about all of this. Jackie came off as almost normal this season.

Could it be that therapy is actually working for her?

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

What in hell happened to CeCe during all that melee?  She was with the group when they joined Jennifer, Evelyn, and Kristen, sitting towards the other end of the table.  When the back and forth between Jen and Malaysia started, she was there watching.  But when it escalated, she completely disappeared.  She was nowhere to be seen and also wasn't there when the ladies walked back to the hotel and their smoke out on the roof.  Am I crazy or did she disappear. 

Jennifer clearly doesn't understand how the game of chicken works.  You don't actually dare people to reveal all when you, yourself, gave them ALL the damn ammo!  I'm not sure if she's that dumb, or she was banking on the other ladies not wanting to get all the way down in the dirt and actually reveal the vile things she shared.

Malaysia tossing that table reminded me of the very first episode of BBWLA, when she tossed one of the ladies aside to get at one of the Govan sisters, I think.  Everyone was like, damn she's strong!    


Yeah, I believe it too.  And I agree that Evelyn seemed like she had a pang of guilt for some of her choices while raising Shaniece.  I must say though, the fact that she didn't toss Jennifer's sorry ass over that bridge shocked the hell out of me and showed that she has grown some.  

Could it be that therapy is actually working for her?

Jackie is insane but I think she is a good medication place. She also is not the best Mommie her damn self,  according to reports so she was wise to stay quiet. 

I do think Evelyn has grown some, because the old her would have beaten Jen with that chair Malaysia threw. 

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Yeah, I believe it too.  And I agree that Evelyn seemed like she had a pang of guilt for some of her choices while raising Shaniece.  I must say though, the fact that she didn't toss Jennifer's sorry ass over that bridge shocked the hell out of me and showed that she has grown some.  

I believed it as well. I think she did a lot of fucked up stuff in her quest to catch a big fish and Shaniece had to be the mother in their relationship.  Evelyne wanted a baller, the easy life and did not want to be in the hood with her mom. Plus, she was a teen mom and still a kid herself.  Has Evelyne ever mentioned a father, her mom recently found her own  father after the hurricane in Puerto Rico last year.  I doubt she remained with Shaneice's dad.  Jennifer is awful and sad. She seems like an empty person and her bougie persona is her way of making herself feel better by looking down on everybody.

  • Love 4
On 9/13/2018 at 8:53 PM, phoenix780 said:

Wow. I watch embarrassing amounts of reality TV and that was...surprising. Fascinating, though. Felt real, too.

Did Jennifer ever deny saying anything in general? It seemed to me like she never answered the "did you say anything" question, like she only denied specifics. She's a terrible liar. 

Does Jen have brain damage? Serious question. ?

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