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Season 6 First Looks

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I don't know if this is going in at the right place, but I am so sick of Lisa Rinna talking about Yolanda. Anyone talking about her. I am going through breast cancer, chemotherapy the worst thing ever. Lyme's disease is right up there with that. I pray that none of these woman especially Lisa Rinna! She puts her nose where it shouldn't be way to much. I hope they never suffer an awful disease like Lyme's or cancer. That is the only way they will ever realize the petty bull crap they have been fighting over is not worth it. Yolanda is a grown woman mature like no other besides Lisa Vand and Erika. It makes me so mad to listen to Lisa Rinna she doesn't have a clue of what suffering is. She needs a taste. Yolanda and Erika are the only ones who should worry about the dinner Erika had. She brings this crap up at the worst time ever. SHE NEEDS TO GROW UP. Somedays I can't get off the couch. Lisa isn't a friend she is the only false person there!!

I am so sorry for what you are facing.

I woukd say that Yo has bigger problems than Lisa Rinna not believing her. She has said on more than one occasion that she has close family members that don't believe her.

  • Love 5

It's me again. Lisa Rinna I wish she would read this and above if anyone knows how I can get it to her. Every time I listen to her complain about Yolanda it makes me want to scream. SHE IS CRUEL and owes Yolanda a huge apology. She needs Jesus in a big way. Im praying for all of them especially Yolanda. Much love MicheleIt's me again. Lisa Rinna I wish she would read this and above if anyone knows how I can get it to her. Every time I listen to her complain about Yolanda it makes me want to scream. SHE IS CRUEL and owes Yolanda a huge apology. She needs Jesus in a big way. Im praying for all of them especially Yolanda. Much love Michele

As someone also going thru breast cancer, I guess I have a different take on Yolanda. Yolanda is claiming to have a form of chronic Lyme that has never been accepted as a legit diagnosis. There have been so many contradictions in her description of her journey and she has used her illness to further her own petty agenda against some of the woman on this show.

I believe Yolanda had Lyme. I also believed she is going thru menopause and crazy depression over the end of her marriage. She has my sympathy for all of the above. I just wish she would be honest about the fact that these things are contributing to her current state, but what I cannot accept is her claims that what she is going thru is similar to people that suffered from AIDS when AIDS first came on the scene. My absolute worst day of dealing with breast cancer is nothing compared to what early AIDS patients went thru.

Lisa Rinna may not have shown a lot finesse in how she's questioned Yolanda, but Lisa hasn't said anything that viewers of this show haven't been thinking for at least two years now. Yolanda chose to go on this show. She knew or should've known that viewers were questioning her illness. She's acknowledged that members of her own family have questioned her illness. So while isa Rinna's approach could've been better, I am not bothered by the fact that Yolanda has had to address the subject.

On a personal note, I hope your treatment is going well and I will keep you in my prayers.

Edited by AttackTurtle
  • Love 20

As someone also going thru breast cancer, I guess I have a different take on Yolanda. Yolanda is claiming to have a form of chronic Lyme that has never been accepted as a legit diagnosis. There have been so many contradictions in her description of her journey and she has used her illness to further her own petty agenda against some of the woman on this show.

I believe Yolanda had Lyme. I also believed she is going thru menopause and crazy depression over the end of her marriage. She has my sympathy for all of the above. I just wish she would be honest about the fact that these things are contributing to her current state, but what I cannot accept is her claims that what she is going thru is similar to people that suffered from AIDS when AIDS first came on the scene. My absolute worst day of dealing with breast cancer is nothing compared to what early AIDS patients went thru.

Lisa Rinna may not have shown a lot finesse in how she's questioned Yolanda, but Lisa hasn't said anything that viewers of this show haven't been thinking for at least two years now. Yolanda chose to go on this show. She knew or should've known that viewers were questioning her illness. She's acknowledged that members of her own family have questioned her illness. So while isa Rinna's approach could've been better, I am not bothered by the fact that Yolanda has had to address the subject.

On a personal note, I hope your treatment is going well and I will keep you in my prayers.



Good post and well said.  Aplause!  I will add that Lisar is attacking Yo's lies not any sickness she may or may not have.  

  • Love 7

MICHELESEANIN, There are links in Yolanda's thread that will help you understand the scrutiny she is under from cast, posters and family.  It is far more complicated than it appears.  No one is attacking a sick woman.  I think you may shift your anger from Rinna to Yo. She is doing a disservice to all who are really struggling with Lyme and other diseases.  


I am so sorry for what you are going through.  Light and love to you.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 15

My thinking is that LVP had never truly forgiven yolanda for claiming Ken manhandled her..even if it wasn't true. I'm thinking Rinna went to LVP..and lvp saw this as an opportunity for payback so she convinced rinna to discuss it. Now rinna is at fault for going through with it...and what's interesting is thst I see no film supporting LVP encouraging this.

LVP is a clever one. I still like her..but she is the Alexis carrington of this show after all lol

  • Love 3

My thinking is that LVP had never truly forgiven yolanda for claiming Ken manhandled her..even if it wasn't true. I'm thinking Rinna went to LVP..and lvp saw this as an opportunity for payback so she convinced rinna to discuss it. Now rinna is at fault for going through with it...and what's interesting is thst I see no film supporting LVP encouraging this.

LVP is a clever one. I still like her..but she is the Alexis carrington of this show after all lol

Lisa admits that she does encourage all of them to talk about whatever they are talking about off camera on camera. LisaR calls LisaV/Kyle bringing up the hairdresser comment/Munchausen a number of times and LisaV tells her that if she, LisaR, is that concerned to bring it on camera, which is exactly what LisaR says happened. That is not being "manipulative" IMO. And it really doesn't differ from LisaR telling Eileen to "express her feelings" to LisaV about the "A" word conversation. It would be manipulation had LisaV brought up the word Munchausen but got LisaR to say it on camera, which is not what happened. LOL

  • Love 8

Lisa admits that she does encourage all of them to talk about whatever they are talking about off camera on camera. LisaR calls LisaV/Kyle bringing up the hairdresser comment/Munchausen a number of times and LisaV tells her that if she, LisaR, is that concerned to bring it on camera, which is exactly what LisaR says happened. That is not being "manipulative" IMO. And it really doesn't differ from LisaR telling Eileen to "express her feelings" to LisaV about the "A" word conversation. It would be manipulation had LisaV brought up the word Munchausen but got LisaR to say it on camera, which is not what happened. LOL

I think manipulation is all about the intent. Two people can both recommend a person to do the same thing, but if one has non-pure intent, than I think they are manipulative; and really it's all about trust. I think Lisar (and Eillen) feel that LVP's intent was harsh in wanting to get the "m" comment on camera. She certainly couldn't be the one to bring it up because of her relationship with Mo, but she wanted it out there. That's the case they are going to make - that LVP has been angry at Yo for a long time and wanted to get back at her. The thing that feels so sneaky is that it is being done off camera, so the audience doesn't get to hear the conversations or understand the dynamics. We can all see what Eileen is saying to Lisar and make our assessments because she is allowing us to see how it is happening.  LVP never does this. Not with Brandi and the stuff with Adrienne, not with Kyle in S3 and S4, and not now. 

  • Love 4

So who put the Münchausen seed in Lisar's head? I think Lisa is manipulative in that she seems to generally (off camera) float these rumours out there for the other housewives, but acts as though there's no intent to any of it. She knows how to create a receptive state of mind in the other housewives with her sparkly petting zoo and tea.

  • Love 1

I think LVP is manipulative, but also that these women are idiots for bringing the word Munchhausen onto television. Hello, this is season 6 already or something.  She has been preying on the weak since Season 2 or so. You have been warned.  Be manipulated at your own risk. You can't blame her for your own behavior at this point. We all have friends that do shit we don't like. Is LVP worth it?  Probably not IRL.  She doesn't really seem to have women friends. And with the exception of Martin and Mohammed, we don't really see her friends at all.  Her life is her family probably.  She has a great life. But take her with a grain of salt.  For me she is definitely fun to watch until she plays victim.  Just own your crap.  IMO her "Mohammed says No" wasn't innocent, nor was the "Is that when the affair started" or whatever wasn't so innocent either.  Just shrug your shoulders and wink and move on.

  • Love 2

I think manipulation is all about the intent. Two people can both recommend a person to do the same thing, but if one has non-pure intent, than I think they are manipulative; and really it's all about trust. I think Lisar (and Eillen) feel that LVP's intent was harsh in wanting to get the "m" comment on camera. She certainly couldn't be the one to bring it up because of her relationship with Mo, but she wanted it out there. That's the case they are going to make - that LVP has been angry at Yo for a long time and wanted to get back at her. The thing that feels so sneaky is that it is being done off camera, so the audience doesn't get to hear the conversations or understand the dynamics. We can all see what Eileen is saying to Lisar and make our assessments because she is allowing us to see how it is happening.  LVP never does this. Not with Brandi and the stuff with Adrienne, not with Kyle in S3 and S4, and not now. 

She is not getting anyone to do or say something they are not doing/saying already . Does anyone really believe that either Brandi or LisaR needed permission or even encouragement to say what they did? Really? Both of them, Brandi/LisaR are known for their mouth and saying what they think/feel without filters but LisaV somehow gets them to say things! LOL

  • Love 7

She is not getting anyone to do or say something they are not doing/saying already . Does anyone really believe that either Brandi or LisaR needed permission or even encouragement to say what they did? Really? Both of them, Brandi/LisaR are known for their mouth and saying what they think/feel without filters but LisaV somehow gets them to say things! LOL

Both of them acknowledged that she never expressly told them to say/do anything, but that they both "felt" manipulated.  To coin LVP's phrase which she so mind-readingly finished for Yo at Carlton's luncheon, there is so much freaking smoke around LVP, there has to be some fire. But at this point it doesn't matter. They all suspect her of being able to do this, so act with caution and watch your words/actions. If she suggests something, think 2x before following her suggestions.  It's very simple really.

  • Love 4

Sadly there are at least 2:00 wasted on this Lyme Alliance "award".  The ego on Yolanda is just out of control.  Gigi, "has exceeded my expectations."  http://www.allabouttrh.com/2016/03/18/yolanda-foster-praises-courageous-husband-david-foster-standing-real-housewives-beverly-hills/


If you hang through the video it goes into WWHL, with Seal and William H. Macy.  Seal is asked about Yolanda and David.

  • Love 2

She is not getting anyone to do or say something they are not doing/saying already . Does anyone really believe that either Brandi or LisaR needed permission or even encouragement to say what they did? Really? Both of them, Brandi/LisaR are known for their mouth and saying what they think/feel without filters but LisaV somehow gets them to say things! LOL

I think this is true and you are 100% correct. Both Brandi and Lisar are lousy with their words.  I think this is why it is easier for them to be manipulated. They don't have good judgment. They say things they shouldn't in general, so pushing them a little bit works well if someone has a specific agenda. They are saying these things already, but probably not on camera. They are talking just like they are all talking. I will forever believe that they were all talking about how ridiculous Yo is/was.  The thing is, they didn't want to get caught stating the obvious - that she was making more of her illness than was really there - on camera. LVP in particular couldn't be caught saying something like that. Still, she wanted it out there and discussed. I think it is the same with Adrienne. She didn't like her and certainly had her reasons, but after the S2 reunion, she didn't want to be caught continuing to make a big thing out of Adrienne's claims. She wanted to be seen as very much above it all - never the grudge holder. But she did want it known that Adrienne was not a good person (in her opinion). She wanted it all out there what Adrienne had supposedly said about her. She just didn't want to be the one to say these things. So she let Brandi know that it was important to get it all out there. I'm not saying that Brandi would or would not have done this on her own; that is hard to know. There has never been a more fascinating/manipulative conversation on this show than the SUR tasting when Brandi spilled the beans about the surrogacy. LVP led Brandi along with question after question, which of course she already knew the answer to. But she wanted to get it all on camera, and acted shocked by each allegation. That was the manipulation, maybe not of Brandi, but of us - the audience. She knew all these things but wanted to act like she was hearing it all for the first time. Like she hadn't been pissed about it all because she didn't know about it all. She is so sneaky like that. And smart. It doesn't bother me at all and for the most part I like her. I respect the fact that she continues to be able to get away with all of this. She gets the information she wants out, yet is able to make the others look bad, and herself look like a victim. It is pure reality show brilliance. 

  • Love 7

I think this is true and you are 100% correct. Both Brandi and Lisar are lousy with their words.  I think this is why it is easier for them to be manipulated. They don't have good judgment. They say things they shouldn't in general, so pushing them a little bit works well if someone has a specific agenda. They are saying these things already, but probably not on camera. They are talking just like they are all talking. I will forever believe that they were all talking about how ridiculous Yo is/was.  The thing is, they didn't want to get caught stating the obvious - that she was making more of her illness than was really there - on camera. LVP in particular couldn't be caught saying something like that. Still, she wanted it out there and discussed. I think it is the same with Adrienne. She didn't like her and certainly had her reasons, but after the S2 reunion, she didn't want to be caught continuing to make a big thing out of Adrienne's claims. She wanted to be seen as very much above it all - never the grudge holder. But she did want it known that Adrienne was not a good person (in her opinion). She wanted it all out there what Adrienne had supposedly said about her. She just didn't want to be the one to say these things. So she let Brandi know that it was important to get it all out there. I'm not saying that Brandi would or would not have done this on her own; that is hard to know. There has never been a more fascinating/manipulative conversation on this show than the SUR tasting when Brandi spilled the beans about the surrogacy. LVP led Brandi along with question after question, which of course she already knew the answer to. But she wanted to get it all on camera, and acted shocked by each allegation. That was the manipulation, maybe not of Brandi, but of us - the audience. She knew all these things but wanted to act like she was hearing it all for the first time. Like she hadn't been pissed about it all because she didn't know about it all. She is so sneaky like that. And smart. It doesn't bother me at all and for the most part I like her. I respect the fact that she continues to be able to get away with all of this. She gets the information she wants out, yet is able to make the others look bad, and herself look like a victim. It is pure reality show brilliance. 

We don't know that Lisa knew Adrienne used a surrogate, they were neighbors but they were not friends. Brandi may have told her about it but I don't know that hse knew before hand. Kyle/Kim/Taylor knew but they were friends with Adrienne in real life before the show, Adrienne brought Taylor on the show.


I can see Brandi, Kyle, LisaV, Eileen....any of them asking Lisa if they should say whatever on camera and IMO, she would say if it concerns/worries them, then yes, say it. That is not manipulation in any form. She is not getting them to take her opinion on as their own against their will or do something against what they would normally do, that is manipulation. Asking someone their opinion, "should I say something" is NOT. LOL


Is LisaV smart, Yes. Does she allow others to hang themselves, Yes. Does she sometimes agree with what the others feel/say, At times but not always. Is she manipulative, No, she is not tricking anyone into doing/saying anything. Are the others looking for an escape goat, YES. Does Lisa hold firm control over herself, YES but again that does not make her manipulative, it makes her smart. She thinks before she speaks which is normally something most people admire....except of course when they blurt out something hurtful then they must blame someone that can/does control themselves. Really, for the first time, Lisa is fighting back against this allegation. I think she has had enough of the blame shifting game some want to play.

  • Love 7

So who put the Münchausen seed in Lisar's head? I think Lisa is manipulative in that she seems to generally (off camera) float these rumours out there for the other housewives, but acts as though there's no intent to any of it. She knows how to create a receptive state of mind in the other housewives with her sparkly petting zoo and tea.


LisaR has said, repeatedly, that her female hairdresser asked her if Yo has Munchausen. 


LVP did not put it into LisaR's head.  No doubt she told LisaR to stop yakking about it to her and to bring it up on camera to Yo if she wants to talk about Yo having the Munchies. 

  • Love 10

LisaR has said, repeatedly, that her female hairdresser asked her if Yo has Munchausen. 


LVP did not put it into LisaR's head.  No doubt she told LisaR to stop yakking about it to her and to bring it up on camera to Yo if she wants to talk about Yo having the Munchies. 


LisaV said, I don't think we should be talking about this as Rinna read the definition off of her phone on camera.  So I am not sure.  I can see LisaV telling her to bring it up with Yo though.  

  • Love 3

I became hooked on reality TV with Survivor one, the first season.  That started it all. 


I have prided myself in not succumbing to the hate posting that is so prevalent. I have remained comfortable above the fray, understanding that we do not see it all.  We see an edited story. I have been able to stay in an objective position. Until now. 


That changed for me when Yolanda reached beyond the reality show.  She has now crossed the line to seek and accept awards for her work.  Oh dear god.  What is happening here?  It makes my stomach turn.  I really does. 


Respected posters here, who do not have the time to read all the threads are defending Yolanda.  They do not have the entire story.  What we see on the shows dictate what many think. Someone actually called David an asshole.  Not their fault, they don't know the full story. 


Yolanda is an elitist bitch.  She is repulsive to me.  A liar and a fame seeker. Why am I so outraged at her?  Because she has stepped way beyond reality TV. She is stumping for the queen of Lyme title.  She is now involving vulnerable people who actually believe the false information she is spreading. 


I am repulsed with her agenda, sickened by her narcissism and hold a deep concern for her children who believe her.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 14

Geneva Wasserman.  She was also the person the cease and desist letter was sent to-not Brandi.  Of course I know you know that Wire, but just repeating it.

Thanks, I couldn't remember her name and was too tired/lazy to look it up! LOL

Why was Brandi in contact with Maloof's Lawyer?


I don't know how those 2 became friends, I hope ZM knows and fills us in, but there were close enough for GW to fill Brandi in on some Maloof secrets, which Brandi used as weapons against Adrienne.

  • Love 4

Thanks, I couldn't remember her name and was too tired/lazy to look it up! LOL

I don't know how those 2 became friends, I hope ZM knows and fills us in, but there were close enough for GW to fill Brandi in on some Maloof secrets, which Brandi used as weapons against Adrienne.

Maybe they drink at the same place.

Wouldn't Wasserman be super liable and in violation of legal codes of conduct if she was leaking Maloof info?

Maybe they drink at the same place.

Wouldn't Wasserman be super liable and in violation of legal codes of conduct if she was leaking Maloof info?

I would assume she could be held liable for revealing private info and Adrienne/Paul sent her a C&D letter but by then the damage was already done. Either Taylor or Kim said that this wasn't news to her, that many knew but no one spoke about it so that may be why they didn't pursue legal action beyond the letter.

  • Love 1

Maybe they drink at the same place.

Wouldn't Wasserman be super liable and in violation of legal codes of conduct if she was leaking Maloof info?

Wasserman was the person who introduced Brandi to Adrienne. At the time she was Adrienne's attorney. She was also friends with Brandi and introduced them at some fund raiser (there are still pictures of the event out on the internet). Apparently there was a falling out between Adrienne and Wasserman at some point. She is the one who told Brandi about the surrogacy. As Zoeysmon said, Wasserman was the one who received the C&D letter, which started the whole lawsuit deal. She was told to stop talking about Adrienne's personal business, and Brandi's name in particular was cited as a person she needed to stop talking to. Some have said that Wasserman could have been in some legal jeopardy (danger of losing her law license) because of the revelation, but I'm not sure if it was ever clear that she abused attorney/client privilege. I would love to have heard from Wasserman, because it would be interesting to hear what she thought of being brought into this drama. It's always been my belief that one of the reasons they bleeped that scene was because Brandi used Wasserman's name when she did the reveal. She always gives her source to lend credibility to whatever she is saying. Part of the contracts these ladies sign says that they cannot sue Bravo. I never believed that Adrienne was the one threatening to sue, but that Wasserman might have. She isn't part of the show and could probably stop them from bringing her in if she wanted to. JMO of course.

  • Love 7

Thanks, I couldn't remember her name and was too tired/lazy to look it up! LOL


I don't know how those 2 became friends, I hope ZM knows and fills us in, but there were close enough for GW to fill Brandi in on some Maloof secrets, which Brandi used as weapons against Adrienne.



Wasserman and Brandi were photographed at a fundraiser in Las Vegas in October  2010.  The only way Adrienne knew Brandi was through Wasserman who Brandi used to get her  on the show.  Brandi has told so many BS stories -remember Cedric Martinez, her gay BFF. http://www.wetpaint.com/did-brandi-glanville-fake-her-friendship-with-cedric-martinez-to-get-on-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-697236/   **and then oops not BFFs  Brandi had an agent and the agent's goal was to get her on RHOBH-she had already filmed a pilot that was never picked up with Carlos King, Executive Producer of RHOA.  So Wasserman, as Adrienne's business attorney, arranged for Brandi and Adrienne to 'meet' and Brandi to meet the producers-it is called an audition.  There was no filming by Bravo of a charity event where Brandi was holding Adrienne's dog-it was an out and out audition because Brandi had done a full out media blitz with she and Cedric being BFF's (February 2011).  Essentially the cover story was friend of Adrienne's. 


**Former BFF is Darrin Harvey's ex-wife Michelle Harvey who was recently seen on the travel show on Bravo.  She and Brandi had a falling out when Brandi married Darrin in Las vegas and then tweeted about it and much later declared it a publicity stunt.  Michelle was on the same pilot as Brandi.


Moving forward to Reunion filming, Brandi concocts this story that Adrienne had wanted the group to meet to take down LVP.  If one listens carefully Adrienne denies it at the Reunion and Brandi inserts it was a "business person" of Adrienne's.  (Geneva Wasserman)  Apparently, Adrienne and Paul were (rightfully) upset over the Maloof Hoof and the not using The Palms as a filming venue and LVP's rather caustic comments in general about Adrienne.  Now Geneva Wasserman has been let go by Adrienne.  The fact is the "meeting" never took place.  This becomes part and parcel for the whole LVP and her relationship with the tabloids.  Camille, Kyle and Adrienne have all been approached by someone from Radar on Line and he claims, that LVP sells stories.  Only Adrienne is stupid enough to run with it even though you hear both Camille, Taylor and Kyle confirm it.  LVP then claims she was told by the publisher of Radar on Line, the person was a phony reporter.  Here is the Brandi story about her connection to Radar On Line http://www.realitytea.com/2014/07/10/brandi-glanville-clears-up-rumors-explains-why-a-certain-media-outlet-hates-her/


So when the cast is in Ojai Brandi very carefully gets Adrienne to say on camera she gave birth to the twins.  This is somehow suppose to make Adrienne the biggest liar on the face of the earth and to get even with her for not returning phone calls or hanging out with her.  It also puts Brandi in favor with LVP because LVP has never gotten over the "selling stories to the tabloids" accusation.


Season 3 begins and Adrienne and Kim are both angry at Brandi.  LVP is angry at Kyle (Bobby Fisher comment and not defending LVP), Taylor is a mess, and in wanders Yolanda who buddies up to LVP's new BFF, Brandi.  Brandi just can't say it enough about these "older" women being her mom and big sister.  So for some unknown reason, without even really knowing her, Yolanda gets on the hate Kyle and Adrienne train.  I still maintain that Brandi far more than LVP coloured Yolanda's opinion of the others.   


So fast forward and Brandi is continuing to fill Yolanda's fog brain with dislike of the others.

  • Love 5

Interesting information about Wasserman.


I think Brandi was brought on the show for one reason.  To launch Vanderpump Rules.  It was all about that trashy waitress that screwed her husband while Brandi was pregnant and went on TV to tell about it.


The rest was all window dressing, the pretend friendship with Adrienne, etc.  Brandi had a famous ex, with an even more famous new wife, so that helped, but really, I think it was all to help get cross-over viewers for LVP's planned new show.

  • Love 6

September 26, 2011 was Brandi's first appearance on RHBH I think, season two.


January 16, 2012 Sheanneana (whatever) shows up on RHBH and Lisa launches SUR.


January 7, 2013 Brandi has her sit down with whatshername.


January 7, 2013  Vanderpump Rules First Episode, no idea how long they were in pre-production or when they filmed though.

Edited by Umbelina

September 26, 2011 was Brandi's first appearance on RHBH I think, season two.


January 16, 2012 Sheanneana (whatever) shows up on RHBH and Lisa launches SUR.


January 7, 2013 Brandi has her sit down with whatshername.


January 7, 2013  Vanderpump Rules First Episode, no idea how long they were in pre-production or when they filmed though.

They filmed Season 2 beginning in the early spring of 2011.


SUR opening was right around July 14th, 2011.


I am going to guess the Scheana scene was filmed in spring of 2012.   Vanderpump Rules usually films close to the same time as RHOBH.

  • Love 2

September 26, 2011 was Brandi's first appearance on RHBH I think, season two.


January 16, 2012 Sheanneana (whatever) shows up on RHBH and Lisa launches SUR.


January 7, 2013 Brandi has her sit down with whatshername.


January 7, 2013  Vanderpump Rules First Episode, no idea how long they were in pre-production or when they filmed though.

Brandi was no novice at "Reality" shows when she joined the BH show so I wouldn't put it past her to know that VPR was in the works for LisaV/SUR. I also wouldn't put it past her to try and get close to LisaV when she joined the show in hopes that Lisa would fire Scheana or at the very least, not use her on the VPR show. There is no way Brandi didn't know where Scheana worked, that Lisa was her boss and that Lisa was a HW before she auditioned, no way. Brandi is far too calculating and always knows who is who and where they are, after all, she is a tabloid junkie from way back.

  • Love 4

Did I say anything about Brandi being a novice?  I just said launching VPR, via the mistress banding her husband while she was pregnant, and going on TV to talk about it, was the reason she was brought on the RHBH.  Other than that? There is no way she fit in with the RHBH cast, heck, she wouldn't have even fit in on OC.

I understand that and was adding in that Brandi was not used but was in fact using others to exact revenge. She is very, very calculating and I do believe she had a game plan intact well before she got the BH job. Brandi is a "scorched earth" type of person, she could care less about who she hurts when she wants her pound of flesh payback, including her 2 sons. Brandi blew it big time because of that, she could have come out on top had she moved on but she just will not let it go, no matter what and has destroyed/hurt herself more than Eddie/Scheana/Leann ever did.

  • Love 7

I became hooked on reality TV with Survivor one, the first season.  That started it all. 


I have prided myself in not succumbing to the hate posting that is so prevalent. I have remained comfortable above the fray, understanding that we do not see it all.  We see an edited story. I have been able to stay in an objective position. Until now. 


That changed for me when Yolanda reached beyond the reality show.  She has now crossed the line to seek and accept awards for her work.  Oh dear god.  What is happening here?  It makes my stomach turn.  I really does. 


Respected posters here, who do not have the time to read all the threads are defending Yolanda.  They do not have the entire story.  What we see on the shows dictate what many think. Someone actually called David an asshole.  Not their fault, they don't know the full story. 


Yolanda is an elitist bitch.  She is repulsive to me.  A liar and a fame seeker. Why am I so outraged at her?  Because she has stepped way beyond reality TV. She is stumping for the queen of Lyme title.  She is now involving vulnerable people who actually believe the false information she is spreading. 


I am repulsed with her agenda, sickened by her narcissism and hold a deep concern for her children who believe her.  

I agree with all of the above and would like to add that Yolanda has a negative impact on all of the truly ill people who really deserve our support and sympathy. She makes all of these fake statements about not being able to drive, read, write, get out of bed, wear makeup, which are contradicted by her actions and posted on social media. She has really made others question the credibility of people who really are ill. That makes me angry.

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I understand that and was adding in that Brandi was not used but was in fact using others to exact revenge. She is very, very calculating and I do believe she had a game plan intact well before she got the BH job. Brandi is a "scorched earth" type of person, she could care less about who she hurts when she wants her pound of flesh payback, including her 2 sons. Brandi blew it big time because of that, she could have come out on top had she moved on but she just will not let it go, no matter what and has destroyed/hurt herself more than Eddie/Scheana/Leann ever did.

To put this in the here and now, no released RH has spent as much time, after being released, denying being fired, claiming she quit, promising to come back, talking about coming back, going after co-stars (much like the clip shows) as Brandi Glanville.  She used the same energy  to get on the show.  She was only stopped  from RH total domination by exercising poor behavior across the franchises and fighting with other RH.  Brandi had fights with Nene, Cynthia, and Kenya, RHOA, Joanna RHOM, Ramona and Bethenny RHONYC.  Now she came back to stir up more trouble with Lisar.  


On a happier note it seems Brandi was walking a runway (after building the show up big time) and slipped.  I guess media wasn't interested even though , Brandi mentioned it and had a friend ice her ankle.  All this changes Wednesday when Brandi is back on the show.  Lisar isn't totally blameless in all this saying she missed filming with Brandi because. . . .  

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September 26, 2011 was Brandi's first appearance on RHBH I think, season two.


January 16, 2012 Sheanneana (whatever) shows up on RHBH and Lisa launches SUR.


January 7, 2013 Brandi has her sit down with whatshername.


January 7, 2013  Vanderpump Rules First Episode, no idea how long they were in pre-production or when they filmed though.

Thanks for those dates. It always helps me put things in perspective.  Here are some other very important dates:


December, 2009 - Scheana Marie goes on Access Hollywood to tell the world she is hurt because her married boyfriend is cheating on her with Leann.  She had just recently begun working for LVP. 


May, 2011 - The press reports that Brandi Glanville is joining The Real Housewives.  They have already began filming, and the news is everywhere. 


August, 2011 - Pandora Todd gets married - Scheana Marie is seen in wedding pictures. 


This is the thing. I have zero idea if Brandi had any idea why she was being hired. I really think she believed it was about the Cedric deal. The thing I am 100% convinced about, is that LVP absolutely knew who Brandi was by the time news hit the media that she was joining the show. If she didn't remember the fact that her waitress had done an interview 18 months before about sleeping with a married man (I can see his name meaning nothing to LVP), but is there anyone who could buy the fact that Pandora didn't mention the connection to her? Pandy got married a mere 3 months after they started filming, and Scheana was close enough friends with her to be on the guest list.  Surely Pandy upon hearing the news that Brandi was joining her mother's show mentioned something like "hey mom, that gal you are filming with is the one who use to be married to Scheana's lover".  If Pandy didn't, then surely someone else at the restaurant would have mentioned it? If you've watched VP Rules, it's obvious how LVP gets involved in the muck of everyone's personal life. No way that she didn't realize this little nugget early on. Maybe Brandi realized it as well. For sure Brandi never had any power; LVP always did. I certainly wouldn't put it past Brandi to use LVP in any way possible to get what she wanted, which was a role on the show. She was desperate for it and probably would have done anything (for instance go along with the fake Cedric deal that LVP and Bravo set up,


None of it changes the fact that LVP knew exactly what was going on, and knew the relationship between Scheana and Brandi and used it as a platform to kick off her show, then denied it time and time again later on (this is the problem and the manipulation - the fact that she kept denying it when the timeline would tell the truth).  I think it would have been fine with Brandi as long as LVP stayed friends with her. It only became a problem when Brandi walked the streets with a dangling tampon and LVP decided that enough was enough. You can out someone'e surrogacy on TV and hurt them and their family, but if you appear to be hurting yourself, that is simply a bridge too far. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 3

Thanks for those dates. It always helps me put things in perspective.  Here are some other very important dates:


December, 2009 - Scheana Marie goes on Access Hollywood to tell the world she is hurt because her married boyfriend is cheating on her with Leann.  She had just recently begun working for LVP. 


May, 2011 - The press reports that Brandi Glanville is joining The Real Housewives.  They have already began filming, and the news is everywhere. 


August, 2011 - Pandora Todd gets married - Scheana Marie is seen in wedding pictures. 


This is the thing. I have zero idea if Brandi had any idea why she was being hired. I really think she believed it was about the Cedric deal. The thing I am 100% convinced about, is that LVP absolutely knew who Brandi was by the time news hit the media that she was joining the show. If she didn't remember the fact that her waitress had done an interview 18 months before about sleeping with a married man (I can see his name meaning nothing to LVP), but is there anyone who could buy the fact that Pandora didn't mention the connection to her? Pandy got married a mere 3 months after they started filming, and Scheana was close enough friends with her to be on the guest list.  Surely Pandy upon hearing the news that Brandi was joining her mother's show mentioned something like "hey mom, that gal you are filming with is the one who use to be married to Scheana's lover".  If Pandy didn't, then surely someone else at the restaurant would have mentioned it? If you've watched VP Rules, it's obvious how LVP gets involved in the muck of everyone's personal life. No way that she didn't realize this little nugget early on. Maybe Brandi realized it as well. For sure Brandi never had any power; LVP always did. I certainly wouldn't put it past Brandi to use LVP in any way possible to get what she wanted, which was a role on the show. She was desperate for it and probably would have done anything (for instance go along with the fake Cedric deal that LVP and Bravo set up,


None of it changes the fact that LVP knew exactly what was going on, and knew the relationship between Scheana and Brandi and used it as a platform to kick off her show, then denied it time and time again later on (this is the problem and the manipulation - the fact that she kept denying it when the timeline would tell the truth).  I think it would have been fine with Brandi as long as LVP stayed friends with her. It only became a problem when Brandi walked the streets with a dangling tampon and LVP decided that enough was enough. You can out someone'e surrogacy on TV and hurt them and their family, but if you appear to be hurting yourself, that is simply a bridge too far. 

There is no way that Brandi didn't know where Scheana worked, who she worked for and that Lisa was on the BH show. There is no way that Brandi didn't do everything she could to get on the show. She had already shot a "reality" show pilot with another HW producer if my memory serves me right, so she already had a contact to help her get on. As much as some believe that Lisa used Brandi for VPR, which was already a done deal when Brandi signed her Bravo contract, Brandi also used Lisa to extract some public humiliation for Scheana on national TV. What better way to do it than to have a sit down with her on camera and point out the fact that you, Brandi, are the victim in all of this and that she, Scheana, is the harlot. Brandi had the majority of viewer support for the episode and blew it because she overplayed her hand, something she is prone to do.


Pandora got married during season 2, not season 1 and I think most of the VB servers were present and SUR wasn't open yet. When season 1 ended, the break out stars of the show were Kyle and Camille, not LisaV. Lisa didn't really become a fan favorite until the end of season 2, the reunion, and that was because of what Brandi revealed about Adrienne's supposed plot. So, Brandi did have "power", it was in how she slithered up to Lisa and used Lisa to further her own agenda.


I also don't think Lisa is as involved with her employees lives like we see on her VPR show. I think what we see on that show is, well, just for the show and not how she operates her businesses in real life. Did Lisa know Brandi was the (ex) wife of the married man Scheana slept with, I don't believe so but it is always possible. That said, I doubt that Lisa knew that Brandi was still harboring such hatred for Scheana as it was Leann that EC married and Scheana was not ECs only mistress during the marriage and that is according to Brandi.

Edited by WireWrap
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As MOTERCITYMOM65 points out though, she also knew Sheaenaea from her daughter, and she was at her home for the wedding.  Lisa seems pretty close to her frankly.


Aside from that though, what in the world is wrong with Brandi trying to get a job?  So what if she knew Lisa's VPR launch plans?  She did the sit down for Lisa, but what she objected to was being blindsided with Sheaeannaea showing up all over the place, and Lisa not giving her a head's up, as any friend would do, or even a decent coworker would do, given the circumstances.  She agreed to ONE, not to repeatedly having the little bitch thrown in her face.

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As MOTERCITYMOM65 points out though, she also knew Sheaenaea from her daughter, and she was at her home for the wedding.  Lisa seems pretty close to her frankly.


Aside from that though, what in the world is wrong with Brandi trying to get a job?  So what if she knew Lisa's VPR launch plans?  She did the sit down for Lisa, but what she objected to was being blindsided with Sheaeannaea showing up all over the place, and Lisa not giving her a head's up, as any friend would do, or even a decent coworker would do, given the circumstances.  She agreed to ONE, not to repeatedly having the little bitch thrown in her face.

Not to mention, there was the concern about Brandi and the Cedric connection. Are we supposed to believe that when LVP and Pandy were talking about that (most certainly they would have been when news that Brandi was joining the show hit the news) that Pandy didn't throw out the Scheana connection? Both Scheana and Pandy have said they grew close almost as soon as they met. If Pandy didn't say anything, no one else at the restaurant did? It just makes zero sense. I detest Brandi and did almost from the beginning, but just because she was wrong on so many occasions doesn't make LVP right. This continues to be one of the best examples of how she plays things from behind the scenes, yet for whatever reason denies it when pressed. She seems to think that admitting she knew about the Brandi/Scheana situation from the beginning makes her look bad, because it goes against the narrative she was trying to sell. I think this is also a reason for her reputation as being manipulative. The others all know that she was using this to her advantage, yet was careful to keep it all off camera.

  • Love 4

Not to mention, there was the concern about Brandi and the Cedric connection. Are we supposed to believe that when LVP and Pandy were talking about that (most certainly they would have been when news that Brandi was joining the show hit the news) that Pandy didn't throw out the Scheana connection? Both Scheana and Pandy have said they grew close almost as soon as they met. If Pandy didn't say anything, no one else at the restaurant did? It just makes zero sense. I detest Brandi and did almost from the beginning, but just because she was wrong on so many occasions doesn't make LVP right. This continues to be one of the best examples of how she plays things from behind the scenes, yet for whatever reason denies it when pressed. She seems to think that admitting she knew about the Brandi/Scheana situation from the beginning makes her look bad, because it goes against the narrative she was trying to sell. I think this is also a reason for her reputation as being manipulative. The others all know that she was using this to her advantage, yet was careful to keep it all off camera.

First, the Cedric/Brandi connection was a lie, it was a story that production made up as a way to intro Brandi to the group, as was the lie production made up about Brandi/Adrienne being friends and their kids going to the same school. All the HWs knew these stories were lies but they have to stick to them least they break the fourth wall.


Pandora and Scheana became friends quickly, not Lisa and Scheana and I really doubt that Pandora told her mother every little detail she heard from Scheana about her life. I don't know any daughter that tells her mother every detail about her friends lives, I know I didn't. Also, Brandi uses her maiden name, not her married name, so unless Lisa knew what her maiden name was to begin with or that Scheana knew what Brandi's maiden name was the connection is not as easy as some might think. As far as I know, Brandi used her married name during her marriage, so that information would not be common knowledge.


If Adrienne thought, or if Faye thought that Lisa knew all this info from the get go, they would have spilled the beans on that after Brandi pulled the surrogacy reveal stunt, yet neither ever did and Adrienne never mentioned it after she quit the show, she never even alluded to it in any interview she gave after leaving.


As for Scheana being on the BH show as often as she was, even Andy says that although Lisa is listed as a producer on VPR, it is an empty title and had no bearing on the BH show. Lisa has hire/fire power (as these idiots really do work in her restaurants) on VPR, not on BH, the producers on BH are the ones to hire/call which VPR staff they want on the BH show, not Lisa. Those producers hoped that there would be fireworks between Brandi/Scheana because everyone knew that Brandi was a fully loaded cannon with no trigger guard, poised to go off on any and all. I go back to why would Brandi want to be around Lisa in the first place as she knew Lisa was Scheana's boss before she signed her HW contract. There is where the manipulation begins and it wasn't with/from Lisa.....it started with/by Brandi.

Edited by WireWrap
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I give Lisa a pass only because I can barely wrap my head around it myself. With all the reality tv shows and infidelity at the time (and still now) I was thoroughly confused and conflated Leann/Eddie with the Dean/Tori Spelling affair. Maybe Lisa knew, maybe she didn't, but she was very supportive of Brandi despite the Shenaynae business. She can only peddle the "LeAnn stole my life" routine for so long. If it hadn't been for her association with Lisa, Brandi wouldn't have a book or a podcast right now.

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The premise that Lisa enacted some years-long con in which she initially disdained Brandi upon her hiring by BH production - which occurred over a full year prior to filming for VPR commenced and an entire season before the show was even approved for pilot (since, at the time, reports were that Kyle and Lisa's pre-season 2 reunion "disagreement" erupted over their competition for series unique to their specific lives) and initially defended Kyle's ugliness toward her before subsequently making besties just for the possibility of a scene on a spin-off that had yet to be greenlit makes no sense to me. And, in any case, Brandi voluntarily participated in the tete-a-tete with Scheana - if anyone was incentivizing her to do that, I'm sure it was Bravo, probably by providing a nice monetary bonus. So if the any suppression of negotiations, glossing over of maneuvering, and elisions of strategizing therein occurred, I think it's a stretch to characterize it as "manipulation" (because it's all pretty standard fourth-wall discretion), and if it does indeed qualify as such, it's "manipulation" of the audience. Eileen, Brandi, Rinna, and Erika have complained and/or are all grousing about Lisa's "manipulation" of *them* and their cast mates. This is rather a distinction with a difference and in deliberately conflating the two, they're actually just as dishonest by not addressing their genuine problems but instead reaching so hard that their arms are about to fall off with nebulous, idiotic grievances about how "Lisa hasn't apologized sincerely enough to my standards for asking about a topic that I myself broached on camera except, really, my perpetuation of the issue isn't about something concrete like a mea culpa but about me 'expressing' myself to 'my friend' except she's really not my friend because I tell all of our co-workers that she's manipulative but why do I need to apologize for disparaging her behind her back even though I'm nominally all about 'expressing' myself transparently and I've spent over two months and ten episodes grinding an axe over the ostensible importance of apologies."

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Every single news article I could find about Brandi joining the show called her "Eddie Cabrian's ex-wife" in the title. No way that there could have been any confusion about who she was. And I agree about not telling my mom everything about my friends private lives. The thing is that Pandy and LVP are also co-workers. If my mom and I worked together, and a new chick was just hired that was once married to a guy that another coworker had slept with and had talked about extensively - while still married to the new chick - we would be chatting about it.


Edited by motorcitymom65
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