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SNL in the Media

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Oh whoops, my bad. I was seeing that it was about her and her dad everywhere, and after some research I think people may have misinterpreted her interview on Howard Stern and made assumptions.


But according to Rolling Stone, Maddie Ziegler, the dancer, will appear with her on SNL. Oh God pleeaaase let Kate do her little dance again.

Assuming that the characters will be versions of the original four ghostbusters, but not necessarily exact copies, I would put McCarthy in the Bill Murray role. I think Jones would be fantastic as the non-scientist who joins the team in the Winston role.


The question is, which one plays Ray and which one plays Egon.  I think you make McKinnon Egon and Wiig Ray. 

Not sure where to place this, but the 19 day marathon of SNL begins tonight on VH1Classic, I have a few episodes ready to tape, not sure, but it looks like they are skipping some? I just did a quick scan of the episode descriptions on my cable. Anyone else looking forward to this?

*raises hand*


I just wish VH1 Classic was in HD, they play the episodes in a very small box in the center of my screen. What seasons are they starting with?

I've been scrolling through the channel guide and adding episodes to the DVR. I kind of wish they were playing it from the beginning, because I'll probably be burnt out by the time they reach the Hartman-years, and especially by the time they hit the original cast. They play the episodes from the late 90's through the present season so regularly (I'm pretty sure VH1 plays all of Justin Timberlake's episodes every weekend) I'm not too excited for the first week of the marathon. I still miss when Comedy Central had the rights to SNL reruns. They did a really good job of balancing episodes.

The general internet reaction to the Ghostbusters news is very negative.


The way I see it, there are a lot of things making this seem like it will work.  I like the casting, and am particularly thrilled with McKinnon. Feig is a good choice for director.  Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd are both extremely supportive of this idea.  It has one unknown for me, and that is what kind of script they've got. The original movie was just so funny and inventive.  And that brings me to the couple of negatives I see.  First, if people want to compare any version of Ghostbusters to that first movie, they're almost certainly going to find the first one better, because the fist one was flat out great.  Second, no Harold Ramis. Ramis is my hero I didn't know I had until the early days of IMDB.  Hopefully they can make this movie without his genius playing a part.


And here's a link to what roles the cast will play:


Our friends at Hitfix shared the following inside character info:


“Kristen Wiig is playing Erin Garber, a published author on the subject of the paranormal. Erin now works for Columbia University.Leslie Jones is playing Abby Bergman, who co-authored the book with Garber. Since publication, the two former colleagues had a falling out and went their separate ways. Abby more actively chases ghost a la Ghost Hunters. This tension between academic investigation (Wiig’s character) and mainstream media investigation (Jones’ character) is central to the story. Kate McKinnon is playing Abby Berman’s new partner, Jillian. Melissa McCarthy is playing Patty, an NYC subway worker who stumbles across the main, supernatural threat in the film.”


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Interestingly, that is a quote in the article I linked from another article at Hitflix.  When I went over to Hitflix to see it in context, there is a big editor's note explaining that they had a little chat and decided to speak about the cast and the story in broader strokes at this point.  Heh.


So I'm reading that as either, Hitflix doesn't have the story exactly right at the moment, or that while that might be what the concept is today, it is not necessarily the way it is going to be going forward.  It also seems like maybe Hitflix was guessing which actress was going to play which role. The edited version says that they are assuming that the subway worker is going to be McCarthy because it sounds perfect for her.  

Most of the negative reaction I've seen online is coming from whiny little pissbaby MRAs/meninists who say that the reboot is "ruining their childhood," as if the day this movie is released in theaters the original will fade into the ether and be erased from the memory of everyone who has seen it (there's also a bunch of other misogynist bullshit I've seen that I'm not going to repeat because it's so ludicrous). Reboots happen all the time, franchises continue. Look at James Bond. How many of those have there been? The fact that the actor is constantly change doesn't alter the story. Yes, some people are going to like certain Bond actors more than others, but a new Bond has not and will not cause the franchise to go up in smoke. It's the nature of it. So why can't Ghostbusters be the same thing? It's a continuation of a franchise. There's no story-dictated reason that states that the ghostbusters have to be men. The story works just as fine with women.


And then, of course, there's the "I don't mind Ghostbusters with women, just not these women" smokescreen excuse. I saw one person write on Tumblr that they just couldn't believe any of these actresses as ghostbusters. Ah yes, none of these women have that unique quality for a role where the person performs a job that is entirely fictional. In other news, only young boys with black hair and glasses are believable as wizards.

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And then, of course, there's the "I don't mind Ghostbusters with women, just not these women" smokescreen excuse.



I think that's it exactly.  I'm seeing some not very subtle "how could they do this with women" comments.  It's so tiresome and lame.


And I think because there are so many connected with SNL, it just becomes an extension of the brand where people just complain all the time anyway. :)    


ETA : Alright.  This is what I was hoping to hear to hear about The Anniversary show!

Edited by vb68
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And I think because there are so many connected with SNL, it just becomes an extension of the brand where people just complain all the time anyway. :)    


ETA : Alright.  This is what I was hoping to hear to hear about The Anniversary show!


Yes, because the original movie is actually known for refusing to allow anyone even remotely connected with SNL on the set.


New complaint I saw: apparently the reboot is supposed to have "a more somber, scarier tone" according to some Tumblr user. Where they got this information is beyond me. These actresses weren't hired because of their large bodies of dramatic work.


Lol at this quote from the article:



They are having a 40th anniversary, I think, in two weeks.


I have super high hopes for the special (the commercial gives me chills) but the uncertainty in this quote ("I think") is kind of off-putting. You think they'd have been locking shit down left and right for months now. And maybe they have, but idk, this makes it seem like Eddie was literally just called up, and he's one of the biggest stars they have at their disposal. Just a heads up that y'all can spend more than a week working on this. Don't disappoint me, SNL. I'm missing Downton Abbey that night.


That being said, I'm really happy they got Eddie.

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The commercials for the Anniversary Show are really getting me excited.  Every time they aired during the Superbowl, it seemed like more names were added. 


Jane Curtin, Laraine Newman, Bill Murray, Adam Sandler, Norm MacDonald, Casey Wilson, and Jason Sudeikis are all coming.


Among the notable hosts are Peyton Manning, Derek Jeter, Robert DeNiro, Tom Hanks, and even Betty frigging White.


Scratching my head at Jack Nicholson.  I think he only appeared once with the Roxbury guys and never hosted.  It's cool he's going, though.

Shocked to see Norm MacDonald's name on those commercials.  While I know Don Ohlmeyer was his primary foe, I didn't think he and Lorne had much remaining tolerance for each other either (then again, he was asked back once to host).  


Then again, if they're going to have Chevy and Lorne in the same place already...


I didn't notice Dennis Miller on that list.  


And not that he isn't a hack in many ways, but I feel sorry for poor Joe Piscopo.  Allegedly he's grateful they even are going to let him sit in the audience during the reunion show.  While Eddie Murphy, his partner in most of Eddie's best sketches, is on stage.

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