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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Rena looked cute in that protective gear. I almost forgot she was a crazy person till those flashbacks. I get the feeling she and liam might end up doing something other wise why is she so obsessed with him. Is it because he's Bill's son the same way Bill wanted Liam with Steffy because he couldn't be with her? That's some creepy shit. I also agree that this is the fired time Scott has had chemistry with anyone but I put that all on RS who has made me hate her character and then love her in the next scene. This is what soaps are made of.

  • Love 3

Quinn has already done too much, but so far, no one has reported her to the police.  If she ventures into Sheila Carter territory, she will end up like her, off the program.  We can't have that.  We must have our shockingly evil but not too dangerous villianess, someone quirky and attractive, fun for us.  If Quinn were the typical obsessed mom, she would be jealous of any woman who talked to her son, but she is happy as a puppy over Hope, so she doesn't seem harsh and scary.  But stabbing someone in the neck with a toy sword is not a safe way to play, lots of vital stuff in the neck.  Be a leeetle bit sensible, Quinn, we want to keep you around.       

As for Quinn and Liam, yes, she could do that.  She mixes sex and fighting about as well as cats do.  If she and Liam had a knock down, do it right session, that would be all it would take to ruin the Liam-Hope relationship, and Hope would then belong to Quinn's son.  

  • Love 4

I agree with the above comments about taking Quinn too far into the darkness; once you get to murdering folks, odds are you won't be around for long. RS is a great addition to the cast; I would hate to see her wasted on some stupid shit like that. My hope is that this new "I am going to kill him" tact of Quinn's will be the nail in the coffin of her Liam vendetta. It is now becoming a little over the top, and just too unbelievable. Anyone with any common sense would have been picking up the phone and making offical complaints; harrassment, stalking, threatening, attempted murder to name a few. So, hopefully, Quinn's latest desire to off Liam will be the end of the road for this SL, because it has really run it's course. If the writers knew what was good for them they would take a page out of the veiwers book and capatilize on the amazing energy between RS and SC. Quinn could toughen Liam up a little, and he could teach her some manners; an added bonus would be the end of L/H, which are about as scintillating as watching already dried paint dry again. It would be a win/win all the way around.


I wanted to jump through my TV screen and kiss Rick yesterday. I got what Maya was saying, and I can understand her point of view, but Rick and Caroline are one of my favorite couples, and I am so glad he told Maya that he loved Caroline and was committed to her. Could this be the catlyst for the Maya character to show her true colors? I got the feeling in the beginning they didn't know which way to go with the character; there is something coming though when you get smacked down by your ex, and you overhear "your friends" talking about the lousy job you have been doing. 


I could totally see Ally as the HFTF spokes model, much more than Maya. KM is beautiful, but she doesn't have that model "thing", and frankly, I find her too mature to be modeling for a teen line.

  • Love 5

I'm not comfortable with how dark Quinn is. I'm not getting any campy fun out of it. I'm just finding her sickening. I think they are trying to make her a Sheila and it is a miserable fail. With Sheila we always knew that what she really wanted was to be loved, but even when she got it she couldn't feel it. She was tragic. And as bad as she would be, she always inspired compassion because we knew her vulnerabilities. I don't get any of that from Quinn. She's just a flat out psychopath. I have not been given any reason to care about her.

And I think her Chicken Head son is in denial about her. I don't see him as one of her victims, I see him as her accomplice.

Edited by SweePea59
  • Love 6

I simply don't get it.  What strikes me as odd is that none of these people ever go to the police.  There have been other incidents where Quinn attempted to terrorize Lame.  Yesterday's nonsense reminded me of the aftermath of the Big Bear assault.  Brooke actually did pick up the phone to call the police on Stephanie, but allowed (the operative word) herself to be talked out of it by Thorne.  His excuse?  "Mother wasn't in her right mind."  Gee, no kidding!  Oh, and here's the kicker: "You know she would have never hurt you."  Never mind that the demented hag acted like she was in a slasher movie and was going to do a Mama Bates and stab Brooke with a chef's knife.  Never mind that she hopped on her broom and flew to Big Bear to stop Brooke from "seducing" Thorne.  Never mind that Thorne was a grown man and a willing participant in this seduction.  It also reminds me of when Brooke was raped and learned that Stephanie facilitated her rape by telling Andy where he could find the extra key to Brooke's home, not to mention telling him that Brooke likes sex and would happily put out.  The police should have been called immediately and Stephanie should have never gotten away with it.  But, I digress.


It also amazes me how these clowns make excuses for criminal behavior by "fambly" members that they wouldn't tolerate from anyone else.  Maybe Thorne thought he owed Mommie Dearest one for keeping him out of jail when he shot Ridge in the head all those years ago.  Now we have Wynutt making excuses for Quinn.  I realize she's his mother and all, but come on, dude.  There are times when I distinctly get a Sante and Kenny Kimes vibe from them.   I haven't felt this befuddled about a mama's actions since the Texas Cheerleader Mom who hired a hit man to "take out" another girl because her precious baby didn't make the cheerleader squad.

  • Love 4

Quinn has already done too much, but so far, no one has reported her to the police. If she ventures into Sheila Carter territory, she will end up like her, off the program. We can't have that. We must have our shockingly evil but not too dangerous villianess, someone quirky and attractive, fun for us. If Quinn were the typical obsessed mom, she would be jealous of any woman who talked to her son, but she is happy as a puppy over Hope, so she doesn't seem harsh and scary. But stabbing someone in the neck with a toy sword is not a safe way to play, lots of vital stuff in the neck. Be a leeetle bit sensible, Quinn, we want to keep you around.

As for Quinn and Liam, yes, she could do that. She mixes sex and fighting about as well as cats do. If she and Liam had a knock down, do it right session, that would be all it would take to ruin the Liam-Hope relationship, and Hope would then belong to Quinn's son.

I want her gone. She's a sick, crazy, evil bitch and she's trying to kill Liam!! Hope wouldn't necessarily go back to Weanie if that happened because she's still not in love with him and crazy Quinn would still be alive. She already said she doesn't want her for a MIL, no woman would. I find it hilarious and very telling that she would never move in with Weanie when she has with Liam. That's because she's not in love with Weanie and always has been with Liam!!

I'm not comfortable with how dark Quinn is. I'm not getting any campy fun out of it. I'm just finding her sickening. I think they are trying to make her a Sheila and it is a miserable fail. With Sheila we always knew that what she really wanted was to be loved, but even when she got it she couldn't feel it. She was tragic. And as bad as she would be, she always inspired compassion because we knew her vulnerabilities. I don't get any of that from Quinn. She's just a flat out psychopath. I have not been given any reason to care about her.

And I think her Chicken Head son is in denial about her. I don't see him as one of her victims, I see him as her accomplice.

That's an excellent point. I think it's because she's already killed someone and he helped cover it up because that was alluded to yesterday. I've suspected that from the very beginning and now it's been confirmed. This wicked witch is evil personified and bat shit crazy!!
  • Love 2

I'm sorry but I really hate where they've been going with Quinn. She's hot and smart. Why do they have her obsessing over her son's romance instead of one of her own? It's sick and getting bloody boring. Why can't they introduce some fun new girl, maybe this Ivy will be the person, for Wyatt to pursue. And if he and Hope really are the end-game, she can get jealous and go running back to the Ostrich. But all her anger against Liam because he won't give up the girl he loves, who was his before Wyatt bogarted his way into their relationship, PLUS the crazy shit she's done to him (steam room, etc.), just makes her mentally ill and it's not funny or amusing in my humble opinion.


Do viewers really care that much about Hope's love life? Why the hell is it the center of the soap? Why do I watch this crapfest?

  • Love 8

Rena looked cute in that protective gear. I almost forgot she was a crazy person till those flashbacks. I get the feeling she and liam might end up doing something other wise why is she so obsessed with him. Is it because he's Bill's son the same way Bill wanted Liam with Steffy because he couldn't be with her? That's some creepy shit. I also agree that this is the fired time Scott has had chemistry with anyone but I put that all on RS who has made me hate her character and then love her in the next scene. This is what soaps are made of.


Maybe Scott is good at inappropriate chemistry.  When he was on OLTL, he played a teacher, and he had (to some of us anyway) a lot of chemistry with one of his students (in a story line about the student having a crush on him).   Not that it's the only kind of chem he's capable of, since I loved Dillon/Georgie on GH.  


But, yeah, Rena's done a great job at creating chemistry all over the place here.   And she just seems like she's generally having a blast in this role.  

  • Love 3

I think that RS is being wasted on the kiddie story, and Quinnsane just comes across looking ridiculous as a result.  Consequently, Wynutt comes across looking like the kid who can't win in a fair fight without his mommy running interference for him by holding the other boy down while Wynutt gets his licks in and calls the other boy a "punk ass bitch."  Then to add insult to injury, the mommy gloats that her son kicked the other boy's butt despite the fact that he clearly had help!  Not content with that, she simply won't leave the other boy alone.


I could see Quinnsane mixing it up with the grownups in her own age group and I honestly thought that she would be a formidable opponent for Bill's attention.  Instead, we have a grown ass woman going out of her way--to the point of threats, intimidation and violence--to ensure that some silly girl picks her son.  None of it makes a lick of sense to me and is totally turning me off of what could have been an intriguing and enjoyable character.  Nor, does it help that Quinnsane's son won't simply take the hint and move on himself as any other guy would have by now.  But, this show's trademark is having someone chase after a wishy-washy character.


I know the question was asked how Stephanie and Quinnsane differed.  For me there's a key difference.  We at least understood the root of Stephanie's hatred for Brooke and the Logans, which was revealed in the show's first year.  We learned that Eric's broke his romance off with the late Elizabeth Henderson because he had a one-night stand with fast-tail debutante, Stephanie Douglas.  We saw when Beth reentered Eric's life 25 years later and we saw and understood why Stephanie was so insecure.  She knew that she was Eric's second choice and that motivation colored her actions for the rest of her tenure on the show.  We saw her obsession with Ridge early on, as well as her ambivalent relationships with her other children, and we were actually invested in the characters.  Given that Quinnsane and her son are new to the show, I've yet to understand why Hope is so important that Wynutt has to have her.  Will he die or something?  I understood her anger toward Bill when she first arrived, but even that was over the top because the anger was misplaced given that she lied to her kid about the existence of his father and never informed Bill in all those years that she decided to have the baby.  I was actually worried we were going to have Morgan Redux III when Quinnsane became obsessed with Bill.  And, that's the other thing.  This chick changes obsessions the way most of us change our underwear.

  • Love 5

I loathe Maya even more for tattling on Oliver. He said that a while ago when he didn't have real feelings for Aly. Now he does, and that bitch Myrna (ha) is going to mess up their sweet relationship.

Agree re: taking Quinn too far. It's fun to watch her craziness, but it's a dead end for her character. When she first appeared Quinn was interested in Eric, but that was just dropped.

  • Love 4

Why do Quinn and Wyatt think that Deacon has any kind of influence in Hope's life?  In all the time they've known her, she hasn't mentioned him once.  Then he pops up and everyone starts pouring out their hearts.  Another example of why Quinn and Wyatt get on my nerves: no firsthand knowledge of any of Hope's part, but positive they know how her future should go.


Yeah, I would have brought out that recording on Oliver too after hearing him trying to get me fired.  Eff that.

  • Love 1

Of course he was. He was trying to talk his girl into going for a position that was already filled. As exemplified by the fact that Aly said, "I don't want Maya to lose her job." It's not like there was an open casting call for the position. That's like saying that Ridge didn't want to fire Oliver, he just wanted another photographer to do everything Oliver did and he wanted Oliver to stop showing up at FC.

  • Love 1

With the focus on love triangles, there are so many missed opportunities on this show. When Wyatt joined the show, I would have preferred to see Liam and Wyatt getting to know each other as brothers. I have always disliked the Hope/Wyatt SL. The scenes with the brothers are much more interesting. I'm meh on the love scenes as there have been too many of them. In the last few months, I began watching the show again and they seem to be mixing things up with more characters interacting and a couple of more long term relationships. Depending on the writing, I may watch for a while longer.


Is Quinn really there, or is Liam imagining things? I don't think the writers have thought this through, or maybe Quinn hasn't thought this through, but killing Liam won't send Hope running back to Wyatt. Nor will enlisting Deacon's help. What would send Hope running is Liam acting out of character, doing something so shocking or unacceptable, that Hope just couldn't be with him anymore. Quinn thinks she is smart; thinks she is ahead of the game with L/H, but if she was smart she would change her tactics, she would funnel all that energy, and whatever darkness and hatred drives her, into winning Liam over. You get a lot more bees with honey than vinegar. Instead of breaking into Liam's house to terrorize him, or try to do him physical harm; the very things that would cement Hope to him, she should unleash her inner Cougar and engage in a full blown seduction. I am convinced that she has latent desires for him, and all that anger she was venting in her workroom was her efforts to deny those feelings.


I am liking the Deacon/Wyatt scenes; they have something there. If Deacon knows what is good for him, and if he wants to win points with his daughter, he will cut his ties with Quinn, move out of her place and in with Wyatt. I could see that working, and going a long way to deepen the whole SL with H/L/W.


Maya has moved out of my "nice girl" category, and into full on bitch. I get that she is unhappy, but seriously, what does she have to be unhappy about? She came to LA with nothing. When she met Rick she had nothing, yet her brief romance with him has given her everything. She has a fabulous job that most people would kill for. She is an accepted member of the FC's family. She sits on board meetings, and gets to make decisions about a company whose clothes she could only look at and admire a year ago. She has friends, and a wonderful guy who loves her. Carter may not be at the Forrester level, but he sure isn't the dregs of the barrel. He is accomplished, educated, handsome, and given his budding friendship with Ridge, on the inside track at FC's. Outside of the fact that taping folks is wrong, and in some cases illegal, it seems that she is only going to let Rick and Caroline hear the worst parts of what Oliver said. Additonally, that was quite a while ago, and Oliver has come to care for Ally since that time. And at the end of the day, Ally will be the one to suffer. Is Maya clueless to how fragile that girl is? She has made some incredible strides, mostly due to Oliver, and thinking that he used her could set her back decades. Oliver may be out of line pushing Ally to go for the modeling thing, but I see it less of an attack on Maya, than an effort to boost Ally's confidence. Besides, Maya has no one to blame but herself for her faltering performance. She is the one who let her jealousy of Oliver and Rick get in the way, and her failures can easily reflect on Oliver as his failures, given that he is the photographer. Oliver knows he is on shaky ground because of Ridge, so I see nothing wrong with him trying to protect his gig. He shouldn't lose out because Maya has a bug up her ass about not being a damn Forrester.


I am not going to quote your entire post MulletorHater, but that is a complete and perfect summation of what is wrong with the Quinn SL. It has become beyond ridiculous to watch this dynamic, beautiful woman have nothing in her life but this obsession with her son. Additionally, your comparisons of Quinn and Stephanie were spot on. There just isn't enough story, or history, to support Quinn's hatred of Liam. With Stephanie you could understand it if you looked at it from her perspective. Her hatred for Brooke grew out of her hatred for Beth, and once Brooke moved into the fold and started "taking" all of Stephanie's men; you could get why she felt the way she did. Of course Brooke never took anything from Stehpanie when you consider that Ridge wasn't married (at least in the beginning), Eric was well on his way to divorcing Stephanie when he and Brooke got together, and Thorne was divorced when he and Brooke hooked up. And besides all that, as her sons, and two grown men, Ridge and Thorne should have been able to decide who they wanted to be with without Mommy's interference. The only person Stephanie should of had a beef with was Eric. Being jealous and upset because your husband has fallen for someone else is understandable and a natural progression of feelings. Quinn just makes no sense though, and has become one dimensional and quite Natasha like in her cartoonishness.


Is Liam the Bionic man or something? His wounds heal with lightning speed. That black eye was gone by the evening of the same day Wyatt punched him, and now that puncture wound in his neck looks like a dot.

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 6

Incidentally, I don't disagree with anything Oliver said about why Aly should be the spokesmodel over Maya, nor do I disagree that Maya needs to adjust her attitude (I do disagree about Carter -- if she doesn't love him, she doesn't love him, no matter his pedigree; it is what it is: a rebound she was biding her time with because she thought Rick was doing the same). I also don't think that "the truth" is meant to get back to Aly -- that's why she brought it to Rick and Caroline and not to Aly directly. I just think, re: Oliver, that when you start trying to talk someone into taking someone else's job (even if the person losing their job isn't your primary goal), you put your ass out there for retaliation. I don't think he's insecure in his job -- Maya said that he just bought a car that he was hesitant to get before because he wasn't feeling that great about his job security.

  • Love 2

As a new viewer, I was totally surprised by the recent turns from Maya!  I didn't know she and Rick had been an item, and I hadn't seen any evidence of her still pining over him.  Until, all of a sudden, she can't stop ogling him at the meeting, and then BOOM, in to the sauna with him.  Way to ease in to that and make me believe it, show.  That, combined with the Oliver stuff, is making me thing she's about to go totally crazy, whereas before she seemed like a relatively reasonable person.  


I don't get why Wyatt would even want Hope at this point.  She tried him out, and decided she didn't want him.  Not only that, she chose someone else over him!  I guess it's a pretty common soap trope, but it makes no sense to me why he would want to be someone who has been pretty clear that he's not her number 1.  "Hey, I know you like Liam more than me, and you totally tossed me aside, but take me back!  I'm fine with being someone you settle for!"  Just don't get it.  Especially since, honestly, I don't see what's so great about Hope.  

  • Love 5

I haven't seen any of the scenes where Ollie is actually falling for Miss F. And what I continue to see is him playing her. My interpretation of him trying to convince Miss F to model is more of him playing her. He knows she'll never agree to that. And he's flattering the hell out of her. Maya is just a junior psycho and a flake. She should be grateful for what she has, as any sane person would be. She should be doing her job better. And while the Forresters are all about nepotism, they wouldn't fire a good model and replace her with a family member that they know is full-on nuts and not cut-out for the job. I think they would give her some smaller modeling assignment if Miss F all of a sudden came to them and said, I'm not shy anymore and I want to model. And Maya is too freaky looking anyway. She has dolls' eyes. (Like Jaws, haha.)


I do love how Deacon is conning WhyNutt. You would think that that chicken-headed son of a bitch, (and by bitch I mean Quinn!), would be able to smell Deacon a mile away. Man, WhyNutt is stupit. No wonder his mommy has to fight his battles for him. I just don't get what's in it for Deacon. Liam and WhyNutt both being $Bill's sons might possibly be able to offer Hope the same financial package, although Liam does work for his father so the way things look now he's getting a bigger slice of the Spencer Publications pie. And Steffy's out of the picture. I would think that if Hope and Liam are in love and want each other, why wouldn't Deacon be pro that relationship. Does he have something again't Liam that I'm not aware of or forgetting? I'm just not getting why Deacon would be helping Quinn either, other than for the fuck of it. There are no Forresters or Marones involved. If anything, I think Deacon would be to Hope all "whatever you want, honey." I'm not seeing any prize to inspire this con from Deacon.

  • Love 3

With the focus on love triangles, there are so many missed opportunities on this show. When Wyatt joined the show, I would have preferred to see Liam and Wyatt getting to know each other as brothers. I have always disliked the Hope/Wyatt SL. The scenes with the brothers are much more interesting. I'm meh on the love scenes as there have been too many of them. In the last few months, I began watching the show again and they seem to be mixing things up with more characters interacting and a couple of more long term relationships. Depending on the writing, I may watch for a while longer.

ITA about Liam and Weanie bonding more but then they went with the nasty triangle. I think Bell did it to make Hope OK to be with Liam because now she's done the same thing he did with that skank Steffy.
  • Love 1

Is Quinn really there, or is Liam imagining things? I don't think the writers have thought this through, or maybe Quinn hasn't thought this through, but killing Liam won't send Hope running back to Wyatt. Nor will enlisting Deacon's help. What would send Hope running is Liam acting out of character, doing something so shocking or unacceptable, that Hope just couldn't be with him anymore. Quinn thinks she is smart; thinks she is ahead of the game with L/H, but if she was smart she would change her tactics, she would funnel all that energy, and whatever darkness and hatred drives her, into winning Liam over. You get a lot more bees with honey than vinegar. Instead of breaking into Liam's house to terrorize him, or try to do him physical harm; the very things that would cement Hope to him, she should unleash her inner Cougar and engage in a full blown seduction. I am convinced that she has latent desires for him, and all that anger she was venting in her workroom was her efforts to deny those feelings.

I am liking the Deacon/Wyatt scenes; they have something there. If Deacon knows what is good for him, and if he wants to win points with his daughter, he will cut his ties with Quinn, move out of her place and in with Wyatt. I could see that working, and going a long way to deepen the whole SL with H/L/W.

Maya has moved out of my "nice girl" category, and into full on bitch. I get that she is unhappy, but seriously, what does she have to be unhappy about? She came to LA with nothing. When she met Rick she had nothing, yet her brief romance with him has given her everything. She has a fabulous job that most people would kill for. She is an accepted member of the FC's family. She sits on board meetings, and gets to make decisions about a company whose clothes she could only look at and admire a year ago. She has friends, and a wonderful guy who loves her. Carter may not be at the Forrester level, but he sure isn't the dregs of the barrel. He is accomplished, educated, handsome, and given his budding friendship with Ridge, on the inside track at FC's. Outside of the fact that taping folks is wrong, and in some cases illegal, it seems that she is only going to let Rick and Caroline hear the worst parts of what Oliver said. Additonally, that was quite a while ago, and Oliver has come to care for Ally since that time. And at the end of the day, Ally will be the one to suffer. Is Maya clueless to how fragile that girl is? She has made some incredible strides, mostly due to Oliver, and thinking that he used her could set her back decades. Oliver may be out of line pushing Ally to go for the modeling thing, but I see it less of an attack on Maya, than an effort to boost Ally's confidence. Besides, Maya has no one to blame but herself for her faltering performance. She is the one who let her jealousy of Oliver and Rick get in the way, and her failures can easily reflect on Oliver as his failures, given that he is the photographer. Oliver knows he is on shaky ground because of Ridge, so I see nothing wrong with him trying to protect his gig. He shouldn't lose out because Maya has a bug up her ass about not being a damn Forrester.

I am not going to quote your entire post MulletorHater, but that is a complete and perfect summation of what is wrong with the Quinn SL. It has become beyond ridiculous to watch this dynamic, beautiful woman have nothing in her life but this obsession with her son. Additionally, your comparisons of Quinn and Stephanie were spot on. There just isn't enough story, or history, to support Quinn's hatred of Liam. With Stephanie you could understand it if you looked at it from her perspective. Her hatred for Brooke grew out of her hatred for Beth, and once Brooke moved into the fold and started "taking" all of Stephanie's men; you could get why she felt the way she did. Of course Brooke never took anything from Stehpanie when you consider that Ridge wasn't married (at least in the beginning), Eric was well on his way to divorcing Stephanie when he and Brooke got together, and Thorne was divorced when he and Brooke hooked up. And besides all that, as her sons, and two grown men, Ridge and Thorne should have been able to decide who they wanted to be with without Mommy's interference. The only person Stephanie should of had a beef with was Eric. Being jealous and upset because your husband has fallen for someone else is understandable and a natural progression of feelings. Quinn just makes no sense though, and has become one dimensional and quite Natasha like in her cartoonishness.

Is Liam the Bionic man or something? His wounds heal with lightning speed. That black eye was gone by the evening of the same day Wyatt punched him, and now that puncture wound in his neck looks like a dot.

Quinn is there for real. We saw her devilishly make her murder weapon and he heard noises outside. Sure there was a storm but the noises he heard were around the house. She has absolutely no feelings for him whatsoever and I just don't understand where this is coming from. Thankfully it won't happen. There's been plenty of build up to her Liam hate because he's never stopped trying to get Hope back, hence her uber hate for him. Exactly about Deacon. Why on earth would he choose to live with her of all people? He's more stupid than I thought!!

Maya needs to die. I'm so sick of her and have been since day one!! She played that recording because she's spiteful and jealous of Aly and Caroline. She's got a great man she doesn't love and she needs to let him go so he can find someone who does. I don't understand where BnB is going with her but I wish they'd kill her off!!

Edited by meow
  • Love 3

ITA about Liam and Weanie bonding more but then they went with the nasty triangle. I think Bell did it to make Hope OK to be with Liam because now she's done the same thing he did with that skank Steffy.

Naw, I think it's'cuz he's been on auto pilot for the last seven years and run outta ideas. Hope/Steffy was an extremely watered down version of Brooke and Taylor and now we've got a watered down Ridge/Nick dynamic. And if I recall correctly, not too many folks were particularly crazy for that the first time around.

But even still, two wrongs don't make a right. Hope can still do better than this wishy washy lemming who just now woke up because he has some competition and Steffy was out the picture and nothing Whineyett or Quinnsane's done makes me like Ridge 2.0 any better. Mileage varies, of course.

  • Love 3

As a new viewer, I was totally surprised by the recent turns from Maya! I didn't know she and Rick had been an item, and I hadn't seen any evidence of her still pining over him. Until, all of a sudden, she can't stop ogling him at the meeting, and then BOOM, in to the sauna with him. Way to ease in to that and make me believe it, show. That, combined with the Oliver stuff, is making me thing she's about to go totally crazy, whereas before she seemed like a relatively reasonable person.

I don't get why Wyatt would even want Hope at this point. She tried him out, and decided she didn't want him. Not only that, she chose someone else over him! I guess it's a pretty common soap trope, but it makes no sense to me why he would want to be someone who has been pretty clear that he's not her number 1. "Hey, I know you like Liam more than me, and you totally tossed me aside, but take me back! I'm fine with being someone you settle for!" Just don't get it. Especially since, honestly, I don't see what's so great about Hope.

IDK why Hope would ever want a criminal like Weanie in the first place and I'm glad he's the number two loser, LMAO!! It serves him right the way he's always disrespected Lope. He always was delusional that Hope was in love with him. She would never live with him either let alone marry him like she would Liam and that's very telling. Hope said Weanie was fun and adventure but Liam is marriage and children. She knows who the better man is and that's Liam!! :)
  • Love 2

Naw, I think it's'cuz he's been on auto pilot for the last seven years and run outta ideas. Hope/Steffy was an extremely watered down version of Brooke and Taylor and now we've got a watered down Ridge/Nick dynamic. And if I recall correctly, not too many folks were particularly crazy for that the first time around.

But even still, two wrongs don't make a right. Hope can still do better than this wishy washy lemming who just now woke up because he has some competition and Steffy was out the picture and nothing Whineyett or Quinnsane's done makes me like Ridge 2.0 any better. Mileage varies, of course.

I don't have the history with the show that u and others do as I've only been watching for 4 yrs. I still think she was only with Weanie for the reason I stated because now she can't use that skank Steffy as an excuse to stay away from Liam but to each their own. She's always been in love with Liam and wanted to marry him. Skanky Steffy has nothing to do with the reason he's with Hope, not at all. Liam said that Hope was always the one which is why he keeps trying to marry her and divorcing that skank. I'm not sure what u mean by two wrongs not making a right. Would u please explain? Thx. Edited by meow
  • Love 1

Of course he was. He was trying to talk his girl into going for a position that was already filled. As exemplified by the fact that Aly said, "I don't want Maya to lose her job." It's not like there was an open casting call for the position. That's like saying that Ridge didn't want to fire Oliver, he just wanted another photographer to do everything Oliver did and he wanted Oliver to stop showing up at FC.

So she goes narc on him? Myrna could have taken Oliver aside and let him know she still has the recording. Instead she runs to tattle. And not out of concern for Aly.

Edited by LittleIggy
  • Love 4

So she goes narc on him? Myrna could have taken Oliver aside and let him know he still has the recording. Instead she runs to tattle. And not out of concern for Aly.

LOL at Myrna!! IKR? What is wrong with her anyway? I know she's jealous but she's going too far!! Wait until carter finds out that she took the recording to Crick when he told her several times to leave it alone. I think he'll be furious.

All I could think during the "bang (Liam image) ...bang (Liam image) ...bang (Liam image)" forge scene was OMG they're absolutely foreshadowing LiQ banging:)

Good luck with that!! Liam won't bang another woman because Hope has always been the one. He'd kill that evil witch in self defense before he ever did that.
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I don't have the history with the show that u and others do as I've only been watching for 4 yrs. I still think she was only with Weanie for the reason I stated because now she can't use that skank Steffy as an excuse to stay away from Liam but to each their own. She's always been in love with Liam and wanted to marry him. Skanky Steffy has nothing to do with the reason he's with Hope, not at all. Liam said that Hope was always the one which is why he keeps trying to marry her and divorcing that skank. I'm not sure what u mean by two wrongs not making a right. Would u please explain? Thx.

As one example of why I started to not care for Liam, he and Hope had a fight and she broke off their first engagment. Steffy comes slutting by and he not only propses to her, but gives her Hope's ring that was probably still warm. Then MARRIES her the next day in Aspen.

Their relationship is always like that...running from one another instead of actually talking TO each other. Liam would turn to Steffy every time there was a hiccup with Hope. This is compound by the fact that most of Scott Clifford's scenes had him staring like a deer in the woods, and coming across as a deer stuck in headlights when everyone from Hope and Steffy to their mothers and brothers and probably Stephanie at some point were barging in telling him which of the two idiots he should pick.

At least Ridge went outta his way to woo the women he was with and I've been told earlier episodes made referrence to Ridge's. ..er, talents in the bedroom. Liam's never done that with either of them.

All I could think during the "bang (Liam image) ...bang (Liam image) ...bang (Liam image)" forge scene was OMG they're absolutely foreshadowing LiQ banging:)

With B&B, any pairing where the parties were never believed to be related is automatically placed in the tolerable category.

Maybe her wanting to bang Liam could've made for a convincing reason for her to be Team Hyatt if she hadn't tried to kill him already. But then, Bill called Brooke an opportunistic skank and looked at where that ended.

  • Love 1

As one example of why I started to not care for Liam, he and Hope had a fight and she broke off their first engagment. Steffy comes slutting by and he not only propses to her, but gives her Hope's ring that was probably still warm. Then MARRIES her the next day in Aspen.

Their relationship is always like that...running from one another instead of actually talking TO each other. Liam would turn to Steffy every time there was a hiccup with Hope. This is compound by the fact that most of Scott Clifford's scenes had him staring like a deer in the woods, and coming across as a deer stuck in headlights when everyone from Hope and Steffy to their mothers and brothers and probably Stephanie at some point were barging in telling him which of the two idiots he should pick.

At least Ridge went outta his way to woo the women he was with and I've been told earlier episodes made referrence to Ridge's. ..er, talents in the bedroom. Liam's never done that with either of them.

With B&B, any pairing where the parties were never believed to be related is automatically placed in the tolerable category.

Maybe her wanting to bang Liam could've made for a convincing reason for her to be Team Hyatt if she hadn't tried to kill him already. But then, Bill called Brooke an opportunistic skank and looked at where that ended.

Liam isn't that man anymore. He's totally devoted to, and in love with, Hope. Also as far as Aspen goes, Liam had absolutely no idea whatsoever that that skank Steffy had Bill lock her in a gondola so he thought she'd totally left him as she's done before. Skanky always had to trap Liam to get him. Gawd she was so pathetic and desperate!!

I wish they'd resume showing what $Bill & Brooke are up to. Now that the fishes threw back Ridge, they should be getting married already.

ITA. Hopefully now that the boring Ridge crap is over they'll get back to it.
  • Love 2

So she goes narc on him? Myrna could have taken Oliver aside and let him know she still has the recording. Instead she runs to tattle. And not out of concern for Aly.

Oliver doesn't know that she made that recording. Plus...I mean...a lot of people could have done a lot of things differently. Maya could have done that, Oliver could have not started trying to angle Aly toward taking Maya's job, Maya could have not let her personal problems affect her job (and she was only made aware that it was affecting her job last week), Oliver could have not started dating Aly just to have an in with a Forrester. Thinking about it, it was only a few weeks before he started hanging out with Aly that he was kissing Maya in the hallway, telling her the exact things he's now telling Aly. My point is that it's not like Oliver was minding his business and she just decided to pull that out of nowhere. I think it's pretty clear that her telling was direct reaction to what she heard him saying.

  • Love 2

Oliver doesn't know that she made that recording. Plus...I mean...a lot of people could have done a lot of things differently. Maya could have done that, Oliver could have not started trying to angle Aly toward taking Maya's job, Maya could have not let her personal problems affect her job (and she was only made aware that it was affecting her job last week), Oliver could have not started dating Aly just to have an in with a Forrester. Thinking about it, it was only a few weeks before he started hanging out with Aly that he was kissing Maya in the hallway, telling her the exact things he's now telling Aly. My point is that it's not like Oliver was minding his business and she just decided to pull that out of nowhere. I think it's pretty clear that her telling was direct reaction to what she heard him saying.

IMO Oliver has real feelings for Aly and always has. It has nothing to do with her being a Forrester. IMO he couldn't fake kissing her like that or looking at her the way he does.
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If Oliver's feelings for Ally were always sincere, there would not be the recording. He got involved with her to secure his position at Forrester. I don't know what his feelings are now because most of the time I FF through their scenes, but the bit I've watched makes them questionable. A man can almost always fake anything seduction-wise if the prize is big enough and it's not like Ally is ugly or unappealing. He doesn't even have to go that far too woo her.


Plus, seriously, Ally may be a nice girl and all, but what does she bring to the table other than being a nice girl and being a Forrester? Has she even ever had a boyfriend before? If he fucks her, OMG, watch the hell out, because if it didn't last or she found out he was betraying her, she will lose it. As in totally.

  • Love 4

If Oliver's feelings for Ally were always sincere, there would not be the recording. He got involved with her to secure his position at Forrester. I don't know what his feelings are now because most of the time I FF through their scenes, but the bit I've watched makes them questionable. A man can almost always fake anything seduction-wise if the prize is big enough and it's not like Ally is ugly or unappealing. He doesn't even have to go that far too woo her.

Plus, seriously, Ally may be a nice girl and all, but what does she bring to the table other than being a nice girl and being a Forrester? Has she even ever had a boyfriend before? If he fucks her, OMG, watch the hell out, because if it didn't last or she found out he was betraying her, she will lose it. As in totally.

I disagree. Even if it started out that way he has real feelings for her now and there's a spoiler I just read to support that. If someone FF's most of their scenes, they couldn't possibly know?!!

Well, sure, I mean, Steffy's not even in town. Hope has Liam's undivided attention now, because Steffy took herself out of the running.

No because Hope has always been the one and he said that twice. Skanky always had to trick him to get him to marry her because she knew he was in love with Hope and wanted to marry her, hence the gondola trap on Ajax Mountain. That's why he divorced Skanky once and annulled the other marriage. That's why he keeps trying to marry Hope. She's always been the one. He's never been in love with Skanky. She was only the rebound when Hope dumped him. :) Edited by meow
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Oliver's sincerity has been questionable from the beginning.  That may have changed when he was helping her let go of her anger towards Taylor.  Perhaps it's evolved into something real for him.  But, even recently, he's been shown having wistful memories of his relationship with Hope.  Thorne's concern that Aly is a little too young for Oliver isn't without merit.

Edited by Snaporaz
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Oliver's sincerity has been questionable from the beginning. That may have changed when he was helping her let go of her anger towards Taylor. Perhaps it's evolved into something real for him. But, even recently, he's been shown having wistful memories of his relationship with Hope. Thorne's concern that Aly is a little too young for Oliver isn't without merit.

No it isn't but that's another issue that Oliver will have to prove to Thorne. There's a current spoiler

that says that even if Oliver's feelings about Aly weren't real in the beginning they r now.

I sure hope so because I really love her with him and he's so good for and to her!! He had one flashback of Hope, big deal. It's not like he's been dwelling on her for months.

  • Love 1
No because Hope has always been the one and he said that twice. Skanky always had to trick him to get him to marry her because she knew he was in love with Hope and wanted to marry her, hence the gondola trap on Ajax Mountain. That's why he divorced Skanky once and annulled the other marriage. That's why he keeps trying to marry Hope. She's always been the one. He's never been in love with Skanky. She was only the rebound when Hope dumped him. :)


Agree to disagree.  I would have agreed with this early on in the triangle, but, by the end, he really did love Steffy, which he was open about to both Steffy and Hope.  Honestly, he put more effort into going to Steffy in Paris after she lost the baby than he ever put into tracking down Hope to straighten out any of the misconceptions that caused their numerous breaks. 

  • Love 7

Fixed the spoiler tag. If you guys are on mobile like me you can use (spoiler) your information (/spoiler) BUT use [ ] instead of parenthesis and it will tag your spoilers. There's a button for it at the top of the edit window if you are not on an iPad.

Thx, I'm on an android phone. So it works like this,

, or do u put the spoiler itself in it? Hope and Oliver were yrs ago so that's not a spoiler right? Thx.

Edited by meow
  • Love 1


your spoiler then [/spoiler *final bracket here.

And yes Oliver & Hope is old but you said "there is a current spoiler" etc... So for those who don't read the magazines, or follow twitter etc...we tag those current things we hear.

I forgot about that spoiler and I didn't know the rules until now. I'm not used to posting on a spoiler free site. I have a poor memory so I hope I don't forget. Thx for the info. Does this board have smilies?
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Oliver and Hope were involved?

Yes, Turtle.  Oliver was Hope's first boyfriend.  In the wackiest case of mistaken identity ever, Oliver had sex with Brooke at a masquerade party.  He thought she was Hope, and Brooke thought he was Ridge.  When Hope found out, she couldn't get past it and she broke things off with him.  Too bad, because they were really sweet together.  He carried a torch for her for a long time (and maybe still does?).  He even has the Chinese character for "hope" tattooed on his ankle.

  • Love 4

The Pose boink is one of the reasons I can't wrap my head around the way this nuRidge acts over Brill. RM! Ridge can laugh off the mistake as Brooke pulling whacky hijinxs (and this while MARRIED!) but moving on with Bill after leaving her over a text to the ex she is least likely to get back with? Omg, so unforgivable!!

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