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Brooks Tells All

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This thread is going to go like this:

It will remain locked and be opened once the episode has aired. Be respectful of one another. Play nice. ABOVE ALL ELSE...do NOT beat a dead horse. Seriously. Make your point and move on. If you are incapable of doing so and want to go back and forth with your fellow board members, you WILL be suspended.


I repeat: We will be skipping all of the mod notes and warnings and jump right into a week's suspension for anyone who can not follow these simple rules.


Lastly...don't be like this gif. Just don't. Okay? giphy.gif

  • Love 16

I just can't watch this stuff anymore. I had an appt with my hematologist (who is also an oncologist) for an iron infusion today and my treatments are done in the same large room as chemo treatments and I was sickened looking around the room at the people who ARE suffering through cancer and thinking about this hoax. Vicki and Brooks are horrible, wretched people for faking his illness. I don't care to what extent Vicki knew or when, she knew and that makes her decisions reprehensible. I hope karma gets them both.

  • Love 23



You got the Brooks show?  Am I just losing it?  I have all the women on the couch with Andy and the intro was "Secrets Revealed" which I don't show scheduled until 10:30.  No Brooks in sight here.

Not bosawks, but I'm in Texas and my DVR clicked on  (it records any RHOC epi) and it started with the Brooks Tells More Lies show and then went into the Secrets Revealed.

  • Love 3



You got the Brooks show?  Am I just losing it?  I have all the women on the couch with Andy and the intro was "Secrets Revealed" which I don't show scheduled until 10:30.  No Brooks in sight here.


Tunia - On the East Coast, the Brooks Tells All interview with Andy was on at 9:00 pm, followed by the Secrets Revealed show that is on now (stared at 9:30).  


On the other hand, if you missed it, you didn't miss much, given all the stuff that has come out over the last few days.  Brooks lying, sweating, gulping water.  Andy asks another question - Brooks lying, sweating, gulping water.  Andy asks another question - Brooks - rinse and repeat.  

  • Love 6

Thanks for answering, guys.  I just don't know what's happening here. My TV guide shows Brooks scheduled 9:00-10:30, then Secrets from 10:30-11:30.  So, was Brooks only a half hour - 9:00-9:30 then?  Wasn't planning to watch it until the later run anyway.  Just happened to switch over from the Jets/Bills game at 9:40 and it wasn't there.  Guess I'll catch it later b/c he's like a bad car accident...you don't necessarily want to see him, but you can't look away.


ETA:  Just saw your updates about the times, so it looks as tho the guide is incorrect.  Thanks again!

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 2

I hope we hear from a body language expert about his nonverbal story. Seemed awfully nervous and jumpy, the water drinking, the quick answers that didn't really explain much. I always knew he was a loser, I just can't believe how many layers of lies Vicki created this season. I went to chemo, I did a binder, I went to his appointments, blah blah.  None of it true.


I hope Vicki does not return.

Comparing herself to Jesus -- really?? She's vile.

Edited by Pepperminty
  • Love 18

I hope we hear from a body language expert about his nonverbal story. Seemed awfully nervous and jumpy, the water drinking, the quick answers that didn't really explain much. I always knew he was a loser, I just can't believe how many layers of lies Vicki created this season. I went to chemo, I did a binder, I went to his appointments, blah blah.  None of it true.


I hope Vicki does not return.

Comparing herself to Jesus -- really?? She's vile.


Vicki explained about the binder in the Secrets Revealed/Reunion Out-takes episode on just now.  She said that she did create a binder, with tabs, so that Brooks could keep all his paperwork organized.  She said that she gave it to Brooks, so that he could fill it, and she never saw what was inside it, he wouldn't let her, he got defensive and angry whenever she asked to see it.


Brianna actually defended and explained this, as well, so I do kind of believe her about that.  In my opinion, it's kind of like making a notebook for your kids on the first day of school, and giving it to them to fill with their notes, homework, handouts, etc., and then - poof!!!  You never see it again!  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 7

Vicki explained about the binder in the Secrets Revealed/Reunion Out-takes episode on just now.  She said that she did create a binder, with tabs, so that Brooks could keep all his paperwork organized.  She said that she gave it to Brooks, so that he could fill it, and she never saw what was inside it, he wouldn't let her, he got defensive and angry whenever she asked to see it.


Brianna actually defended and explained this, as well, so I do kind of believe her about that.  In my opinion, it's kind of like making a notebook for your kids on the first day of school, and giving it to them to fill with their notes, homework, handouts, etc., and then - poof!!!  You never see it again!  

How would Briana know how Brooks acted about the binder.  She hasn't seen or spoken to him in three years except at the Reunions.  Her mom also told her Terry Dubrow sent a colleague over to give Brooks an IV.


Did Brooks have a safe at the house he kept the binder in?  Somehow I doubt there was a lot of integrity floating around the house that Vicki could not have taken a peek when Brooks was in the bathroom-throwing up or taking a shower. 

  • Love 5

Tunia - On the East Coast, the Brooks Tells All interview with Andy was on at 9:00 pm, followed by the Secrets Revealed show that is on now (stared at 9:30). 


I'm on the East Coast too and it was the same here on Long Island.


I had a feeling that Andy would add an opening monologue before the interview.   Bravo needed that "disclaimer."


FYI..........I created a thread for the Secrets Revealed episode. 

  • Love 6

After watching this fool for a half an hour, I've come to the conclusion that he's the one responsible for introducing the word "minutia" into Vicki's altogether embarrassingly limited vocabulary and responsible for her subsequent incorrect usage of the word.  The only other big "reveal" is the involvement of Jim Bellino in Brooks' doctor choice, and I wonder if that's even true.  Alexis was recently on WWHL (to defend her email as regards Tamra's religiosity, mostly), and Andy had already taped the Brooks interview at the time of that WWHL, but Andy didn't bring the Brooks/Jim/doctor connection up (to my recollection).

  • Love 11

Huh. Vicki "misspeaks" which causes the confusion.


Flashback Vicki: I haven't gone to any drs. appointments, just one chemo appt. 

Interview Brooks: Yes, Vicki has come to around 15% of my dr. appts.


Past Blog Vicki: These women hounded Brooks for an hour/hours at what was supposed to be a celebration; they invited him under the pretense of celebrating with cake but it was just to grill him.

Interview Brooks: Understand this, Andy - I have spent a grand total of 10 minutes with these women talking about my health. Everything they got came from Vicki. Andy: You mean at Cut Fitness? Brooks: Yes. 


Fast talking, half-answers, jumbling situations. Yep. Clarissa explained it all, all right.


I never watch these episodes after watching them once - but this season I'm for sure going to watch the repeats, to see just how many times Vicki "misspoke" and "confused the women" with Brooks sitting right there never once correcting the mistaken info.


Only new thing I learned is that Brooks "had to" give an interview to Radar Online about his "very private" cancer that he didn't want to even be part of the "storyline" before the season even started, a month after their story about him and the prostitutes. Mmmkay. Alrighty then.

  • Love 18

How would Briana know how Brooks acted about the binder.  She hasn't seen or spoken to him in three years except at the Reunions.  Her mom also told her Terry Dubrow sent a colleague over to give Brooks an IV.


Did Brooks have a safe at the house he kept the binder in?  Somehow I doubt there was a lot of integrity floating around the house that Vicki could not have taken a peek when Brooks was in the bathroom-throwing up or taking a shower. 

I have no doubts that Vicki talked to Briana about the "binder" AFTER the breakup and I wouldn't be suprised that whenever Briana asked Vicki questions about Brooks health Vicki would say she couldn't get to the binder.

No mention from Andy on WWHL.

I think he may be really pissed about this whole situation and is done with giving it any more air time.

Andy has to be mad, really mad. That Brooks gave E his fake proof/evidence and gave E a statment admitting he lied about the reports right before Andy airs his interview has to have pissed him off big time. One way or another, Vicki will pay for this with Andy.

  • Love 8

Yup!  Especially since that BS interview cost Bravo $10,000.

Well at least we now know what Bravo pays for a 1/2 hour of bullshit.

I think Vicki will be gone next season just like Gretchen was pushed out after her lies about the love of her life Slade their non-marriage and ghost babies.

Andy doesn't like when people go off script and he is made to look the fool.

  • Love 6

I just can't watch this stuff anymore. I had an appt with my hematologist (who is also an oncologist) for an iron infusion today and my treatments are done in the same large room as chemo treatments and I was sickened looking around the room at the people who ARE suffering through cancer and thinking about this hoax. Vicki and Brooks are horrible, wretched people for faking his illness. I don't care to what extent Vicki knew or when, she knew and that makes her decisions reprehensible. I hope karma gets them both.

I hope you are ok, as I hope everyone else who has shared stories will be ok.

              I wanted to re-post your post because I will not watch the show if Vicki is back next season because of the reasons you stated.

              I was fine with Bravo setting them up and exposing them , but that is where it ends for me.

  • Love 8

I hope you are ok, as I hope everyone else who has shared stories will be ok.

              I wanted to re-post your post because I will not watch the show if Vicki is back next season because of the reasons you stated.

              I was fine with Bravo setting them up and exposing them , but that is where it ends for me.

Thank you Cheerio; I'm fine, just chronically anemic. All my best to whoever may read this that is dealing with an illness.  


I am with you on leaving if Vicki is back. I like the other ladies enough to continue watching but not if my views will in any way line Vicki's pockets; the snark on PTV will have to do (and it never fails to deliver...)!!! 

  • Love 6

Thank you Cheerio; I'm fine, just chronically anemic. All my best to whoever may read this that is dealing with an illness.  


I am with you on leaving if Vicki is back. I like the other ladies enough to continue watching but not if my views will in any way line Vicki's pockets; the snark on PTV will have to do (and it never fails to deliver...)!!! 

IMO, it is telling that Andy has NOT had Vicki on WWHL since E outed Brooks's fake documents and his admitting he lied. If Andy were interested in giving her a chance at a redemption arc next season, he would have had her on tonight, if not earlier this week BUT....NOTHING! Instead Vicki went on ML show for soft ball questions designed to make her look like THE victim of Brooks/HWs.

  • Love 5

As a survivor, the only way I can even set eyes on this wretched creature is try to step outside of my body (that by the grace of God is still living) and try to look at this fool objectively. I'm not very successful but listening to talking about fighting a fair fight makes me want to throw things and hurt people - people named Brooks. Despicable. Cancer isn't a g-d joke, something to, be casually faked for what? Camera time? Casseroles? It took my fertility, body organs and a lifetime of having to describe all these scars to every new man I meet. But, hey, some people just fake it for attention! (lots more to say but a liiiitle drunk tonight! Easiest way to deal with the babbler! :) )

  • Love 17

No mention from Andy on WWHL.

I think he may be really pissed about this whole situation and is done with giving it any more air time.


Honestly, I thought this was really unpleasant & hard to watch.  He's not a good liar, but he sure is a smug one.  Now that we know everything he's saying in this thing is an outright lie, why even bother to watch it?  I bet Satan Andy wasn't expecting him to admit he was lying all along about the cancer -- at least not yet.  Man, I hope it's the last we see of this truly sleazy/slimy con artist.  


Interesting how he placed an awful lot of blame on Vicks.  What a weasel.  Why in the world were you hangin' with this piece of shit for 4 years, Vicks?  Ugh, just ugh.


Please, Satan Andy, recast Vicks with one of Shannon's richie-rich nutsy friends (I'm sure she's got plenty to chose from).  Time to send Vicks packin' or demote her to friend status.

  • Love 10

I noticed this show was only 30 minutes long instead of an hour after seeing the promos during thr reunion reruns. Did Brooks' recent admission prompt this or was the plan all along?

Brooks channeling his inner Martin Short twitchy, sweaty lawyer character wasn't a good look for him. I mean it was great for me, but for him, not so much.

Oh my gosh! That's exactly who it reminded me of in the reunion!

So, was anything new revealed?

  • Love 3

I have no doubts that Vicki talked to Briana about the "binder" AFTER the breakup and I wouldn't be suprised that whenever Briana asked Vicki questions about Brooks health Vicki would say she couldn't get to the binder.

Andy has to be mad, really mad. That Brooks gave E his fake proof/evidence and gave E a statment admitting he lied about the reports right before Andy airs his interview has to have pissed him off big time. One way or another, Vicki will pay for this with Andy.

Do you all think Brooks "confessed" to "E!" as a way to screw Andy as a parting gesture?
  • Love 7

E and Bravo are both owned by NBCUniversal.

IMO, the "investigation" and "interview" E did on Babbling was all done to perpetuate a storyline.

Also, IMO, it was an ineffective attempt at image rehab for Bravo.

Bravo insisted on having Babbling as a cast member. They filmed the material and aired it. Bravo could have made different choices. They didn't. Instead, they made money.


Edited by Scrambled Fog
  • Love 3

Brooks channeling his inner Martin Short twitchy, sweaty lawyer character wasn't a good look for him. I mean it was great for me, but for him, not so much.

Yes! That was exactly it!

"I’m not being defensive. You’re the one who’s being defensive. Why is it always the other person who’s being defensive? You ever ask yourself that? Why don't you ask yourself that?"

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 7

They didn't come up with the lie. They didn't team up with Fraud Juice to try to make money off an "I have cancer and now I don't!" storyline.

The scam artists here are Brooks and Vicki. You know what they say - they can't film what you don't give them.

Evolution Media, Bravo, the cast, and NBCUniversal are all complicit in the scam.

That is my opinion.

  • Love 1

I loved Brooks line that it wasn't the show that broke them up it was the women.  



They didn't come up with the lie. They didn't team up with Fraud Juice to try to make money off an "I have cancer and now I don't!" storyline.

The scam artists here are Brooks and Vicki. You know what they say - they can't film what you don't give them.

The women are part of the show-it is not Vicki's show.  Brooks breaking down how he feels about the other women was funny.  I really don't think Shannon made it all about her and Dr. Kaneeli-I think Brooks saying the reason he didn't go was production had the wrong dates and oh he had two flat tires indicates he was all about him.

  • Love 3

 Interesting how he placed an awful lot of blame on Vicks.  What a weasel.  Why in the world were you hangin' with this piece of shit for 4 years, Vicks?


Because like attracts like.  Her best friend is Tamra. That tells me all I need to know about her moral compass.


She hung out with that POS, Brooks, for 4 years for the same reason she's hung out with Tamra for 9.  Vicki is a POS.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 10

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