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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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I bet JO is kicking herself by not coming up with the notrobynyet Twitter, but did not read carefully enough to see the person was joking that somone should make a gay lover, not that one existed


Well, people who write like an eight year old really can't be expected to read any better than an eight year old, I guess.  


My apologies to eight-year-olds everywhere.

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Yeah it was pretty obviously JO, worried that Meri's thread was being a bit neglected. So I guess my post here is giving her what she wants. She might even want everyone to know its her posting since everything from the name to the posting style was idiotically transparent if she was trying to be incognito.

BasqueGirl I guess at this point JO know a few people will check out (and talk about) her blog *because* it reads like a naïve 12 year old or a 50 year old virgin who has never even had a personal conversation with a man. But even when she was catfishing for money she was too lazy to make anything actually plausible to anyone who wasn't desperately unhappy and ready to believe anything for an escape, even a 5th rate hoaxer.

The sad thing is Sam doesn't know the only reason people talk about her is because her ignorant arrogance are far more interesting than Meri or any of the other Browns, who are also losers that just happen to be an anomaly right now. As soon a Honey Boo Boo 2.0 arrives on the scene, or some other equally disgusting white trash, she (and the Browns) will be replaced.  Sam's a freak and not a very creative one at that.


It's not the pretense of all the crap she's managed to come up with that's the attraction. She is comparable to a one ring sideshow (bearded/fat lady) type thing. She's currently the only show in town. Some other low life piece of scum will come along and she will lose her audience.

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I agree that the Batblog has taken a nosedive in quality. When I first read it I thought maybe it could be a guy, albeit, a bit of a weird guy. Now, it seems so obvious she is just writing crap down without even looking Into it first. For some reason, the thing that gets me really irritated is when " Lindsay" toots "Sam's" bell. It is so utterly pathetic, and the realization that JO probably has no friends and may have never even had a single friend, makes me a bit ashamed that I read her blog for comic relief.

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I agree that the Batblog has taken a nosedive in quality. When I first read it I thought maybe it could be a guy, albeit, a bit of a weird guy. Now, it seems so obvious she is just writing crap down without even looking Into it first. For some reason, the thing that gets me really irritated is when " Lindsay" toots "Sam's" bell. It is so utterly pathetic, and the realization that JO probably has no friends and may have never even had a single friend, makes me a bit ashamed that I read her blog for comic relief.

I only watched Sister Wives once, was amazed at the size of most of them, and of course Grody Kody. This forum is much more interesting to read than watching glorified low life on TV. I watched Honey Boo Boo once for the same reasons.


I'm not ashamed of watching Sam unravel, but that kind of amusement can only last for so long. My favorite thing to do is read very intelligent people's reaction to his slow, painful demise. I love this forum because most her 'have Sam's number'..their critiques of 'him' are spot on.


Sam has replaced the clan of Boo Boo for me. Same class of people, just doing the only thing they know how to do. Wallow in ignorance. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" comes to mind. No matter how much you research how upper class people  live..the truth is in the 'pudding' which is Sam's writing.


I love seeing 'him' struggle with it now...and watch 'him' running scared.

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Just going to throw this out there, for what it's worth: I was born with genes from both sides that trend to fat. I was a skinny little kid; in my adult life have been both slender, and very decidedly NOT so. A lot of factors play into the size of our bodies. I'm intelligent, well-educated, extremely happy in my life and marriage, and know EXACTLY what it takes to change my weight. Despite all that, my soul is currently housed in a fat body. It is what it is until I decide to change it.


When it comes to Meri and her sister wives, I may snark about ill-fitting clothing or their baffling claims to be grinding away at workouts, but I don't belittle them for the fact of their body size, any more than I would disparage Kathy Bates or Queen Latifah or Adele for their sizes. Talent, intelligence, integrity, and a wicked sense of humor--or the lack of all of the above--are the primary characteristics that get my attention.


And that's all I'm going to say about that. :)

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I agree, SometimesBites.  Attacking someone's appearance is going for low hanging fruit.  You can't always help your face shape, your hair color, your weight, your body type etc.  You could make the argument that well, they're on tv so they should take advantage of professional stylists or what have you.  But honestly, these people are so ridiculous, and so insistent in their ignorance, that there are a million legitimate things to pick at them besides their appearance.  


I will somewhat give Meri and Christine and Robyn some slack because they grew up in this religion.  Unless you've grown up in a fundamentalist environment, you really can't imagine how shielded and completely controlled you are.  That being said,  they have all had enough interaction with the outside world - especially since moving to Las Vegas - that they are not in their little bubble anymore.  So continuing to make decisions willfully going against common sense is due to stubborness or stupidity.  There's a difference between being a horse with blinders on (not having the tools to see) and being an ostrich burying its head in the sand (not wanting to see). 


That being said, I am curious to see how Meri moves past this little hiccup of her online romance.  

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Sam is setting in motion ( I think) that the mother of the twins will change her mind-

"My cousin’s daughter does not want to help picking things out and I understand that. I told her we will keep the nursery door closed at all times so she can go in there if she ever wants to. That’s up to her."

I also read something on the blog about him buying valentines stuff for his 2 sons, and the pregnant girl didn't want to see them and wants a chest to store them in. Sam is notorious for editing the blog, so that part maybe re written or removed by now.

Sam also definitely reads here because he wrote that the twins are due Feb25, but the Dr. said they always come early.

I think I read on this board, that someone brought up the fact about twins coming early, and now it's in his blog.

Sam must take some kind of speed course to get a be a licensed foster parent by Feb, 25, because my friend is a foster parent, and wound up adopting a little girl, and it took longer that the few weeks Sam has been taking classes.

He also wrote a bad "lol" as I call it. (Of course everything he writes is bad) but this "lol" had to do with if you get a pregnant woman the wrong flavor Cheetos, she will throw them out the car window at 70 mph. That is beyond ridiculous, and probably came from a movie or tv show. He also wrote something about giving adult diapers to the pregnant lady and she got mad about it. He only did this because pregnant women have to change their clothes due to accidents on road trips or some such nonsense.

Maybe I read it wrong, but I swore that's is what he wrote. I've had 2 children, and one granddaughter and I, Nor my daughter ( or any pregnant woman I've ever known) never had to change clothes because an accident.

Sam also has Lindsay and some guy on speed dial now and private jets ready for when the twins are born. He said he thinks of Lindsay and the guy as his mom and Dad. I have no idea why, considering Lindsay is a bitchy alcoholic and I can't remember the guy's name he refers to as dad.

I can't believe all the nonsense "Sam" writes!

Although leaky bladder accidents are quite common, especially when carrying twins, the ridiculous crap about Cheetos being thrown out the window, and adult diaper baloney, makes it completely obvious the JO gets her material from a sitcom. What in the world made a friendless, childless, penniless , virgin woman think she could write about a wealthy, successful man adopting twin newborns. It has always been ridiculous, but now it has just completely jumped the shark. She has become the laughing stock of the Internet.

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Latest blog post (and most hilarious) by Sam the sham covers 'his' preparations for parenthood. 


Babies will be leaving the hospital in Batman onesies with matching hats!


He took the 'girls' out to dinner complete with a violinist selling roses.


He took them on a tour to show them all the buildings he owns in Chicago.


Then he painted the nursery because the furniture will be delivered today (on a Federal holiday).


He also hired an in home chef to make special foods for the white trash cousin and a private masseuse to come and massage her back for an hour.

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Latest blog post (and most hilarious) by Sam the sham covers 'his' preparations for parenthood.

Babies will be leaving the hospital in Batman onesies with matching hats!

He took the 'girls' out to dinner complete with a violinist selling roses.

He took them on a tour to show them all the buildings he owns in Chicago.

Then he painted the nursery because the furniture will be delivered today (on a Federal holiday).

He also hired an in home chef to make special foods for the white trash cousin and a private masseuse to come and massage her back for an hour.

I'm puzzled by this- "Everything will be assembled but the cribs. They are too big to transport all in one piece. I have to build those or at least help build them. I can't remember."

What kind of crib is too big to transport? I though all cribs use a standard crib size mattress due to safety? So how would the crib be "too big to transport"? And why can't Sam remember is he has to help build it or not? And I'm sure whatever furniture store he bought it from would put it together. Even JC Penney assembles furniture.

Now I just looked at the blog again, and another post is up for today. Sam is opening forums, because his blog is so popular, and he made so many friends that way four years ago.

Sam now states in his new posts that he built both cribs with help.

Sam sure can build things fast, because 5 minutes ago under his Presidents' Day post, he couldn't remember if he had to build them and now according to his forum announcement, he has helped build them.

Also Sam is supposedly going to just waltz out of the hospital with the twins wearing batman onesies? Don't twins usually stay in the hospital longer than single babies that are born? He's making it sound like they are doing home with him in like, 24 hours or something.

Edited by Becki

Well Sam has edited his blog again, under the Forum and Against post, or whatever it's called, he talked about building cribs blah, blah. Now he has added that the pregnant woman went to the doctor and she has dropped, and it's going to happen very soon. And wouldn't you know it, Sam forgot to buy crib sheets! He thought they came with the crib. Silly man!

Also Lindsay sent him a Mister Milker, which makes my stomach turn. It's like a pair of fake breasts that a man wears to breastfeed. I'm sorry but that is sick.

I wish I had taken a screen shot of the blog, because that nonsense about the Dr appt and the Mister Milker and crib sheets paragraphs weren't there when I read the blog the first time.

Edited by Becki
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Maybe pretend babies are larger than real ones? If she can own several buildings in Chicago, several planes and businesses, she can surely manage super-size twins.


There is some sort of psychotic truth in Jackie's need for large and multiples, I would really love to know what happened in her pathetic life to cause all of this. She should be locked away and involved in intense psychotherapy. Or maybe someone should just beat the hell out of her? I would gleefully volunteer.


She's needing the forums now because she's losing attention and needs a new angle. And another platform from which to find new victims.


The crap networks need to come up with a reality based game show. Match the scenario to the sitcom...or something. It's clear to everyone she is ganking scenes from TV.

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I'm sure it will come as a shock that Jackie mentioned a few entries ago (can't remember which because the entries on her rag of a blog blend together) that there would be no photos of the 'twins'...maybe..just a hand or foot. Because even a fourth grader knows that reverse-image won't bring up the location of an original image if it's only a small part of that image.

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Latest blog post (and most hilarious) by Sam the sham covers 'his' preparations for parenthood.

Babies will be leaving the hospital in Batman onesies with matching hats!

He took the 'girls' out to dinner complete with a violinist selling roses.

He took them on a tour to show them all the buildings he owns in Chicago.

Then he painted the nursery because the furniture will be delivered today (on a Federal holiday).

He also hired an in home chef to make special foods for the white trash cousin and a private masseuse to come and massage her back for an hour.

Because a teen who is about to deliver twins that she is giving up for adoption wants to go on a tour of Chicago to look at all of the buildings someone else owns, meanwhile she can't afford to keep her babies... Sounds legit.

I don't know much about real estate, but I have seen in other forums where people relatively easily look up who owns a building. I strongly suspect that a search of Chicago would not bring ups Samuel cooper or any other related entity, in fact if Google could do a planet search I feel like the results would be zilch.

I had a weak moment last night, I read the 40 questions which is JO's classic list of things she wants to talk about but doesn't know who to being up so she has someone else "ask".

I guess she needed to open the forum because here there is suspicion of her posting and she can't control if we talk about it, but if it's her forum she can control. Or it's a venue for all of her personalities to talk to each other. Either way public interest is dropping so JO is grasping at straws to stay relevant.

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Because a teen who is about to deliver twins that she is giving up for adoption wants to go on a tour of Chicago to look at all of the buildings someone else owns, meanwhile she can't afford to keep her babies... Sounds legit.

I don't know much about real estate, but I have seen in other forums where people relatively easily look up who owns a building. I strongly suspect that a search of Chicago would not bring ups Samuel cooper or any other related entity, in fact if Google could do a planet search I feel like the results would be zilch.

I had a weak moment last night, I read the 40 questions which is JO's classic list of things she wants to talk about but doesn't know who to being up so she has someone else "ask".

I guess she needed to open the forum because here there is suspicion of her posting and she can't control if we talk about it, but if it's her forum she can control. Or it's a venue for all of her personalities to talk to each other. Either way public interest is dropping so JO is grasping at straws to stay relevant.

You are probably right. Surely there is more than one person making up the Sam character. Unless she literally lives and breathes online (poorly) researching her lies and bantering back and forth with her-selves. What kind of life is that? And what motivates her? If it was for monetary gain you might could half way, almost understand it. The only other explanation is that she is insane..and surely some family member must know. UNLESS it's the whole clan doing it.

Batfish isn't even trying anymore.  A simple google of any weather site would have let her/him know it was cold and snowy in Chicago yesterday.  Not the kind of day for anyone to be out shopping or traipsing around Chicago, nor on a bus so you could see the skyline/architecture.  No mention of snow anywhere, even though we got around 4".  It started around noon and into the evening.


If I weren't so lazy, I'd google to see if we even have tour vans with glass topped roofs in Chicago because I've never seen any. 

Edited by chi-girl
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My quote function doesn't seem to be working at the moment, but someone mentioned that the kids really seem to love Meri. It reminded me of that one young lady who had escaped polygamy and went to visit them for an episode. The name Colleen is stuck in my head, but I'm sure that isn't correct. I think it is something like that, though. In an interview, she said Meri was the nicest, warmest, and most welcoming to them, and Christine was the worst. 

Well Sam has edited his blog again, under the Forum and Against post, or whatever it's called, he talked about building cribs blah, blah. Now he has added that the pregnant woman went to the doctor and she has dropped, and it's going to happen very soon. And wouldn't you know it, Sam forgot to buy crib sheets! He thought they came with the crib. Silly man!

Also Lindsay sent him a Mister Milker, which makes my stomach turn. It's like a pair of fake breasts that a man wears to breastfeed. I'm sorry but that is sick.

I wish I had taken a screen shot of the blog, because that nonsense about the Dr appt and the Mister Milker and crib sheets paragraphs weren't there when I read the blog the first time.


In JO's mind, a man using a Mister Milker (I'm not even going to google that, because I'm sure it's a real product and I'm 100% sure I don't want to see it) is the height of comedy. JO probably counts "Problem Child 2" and "Ernest Goes to Jail" among her favorite knee-slapping comedies. She's beyond corny.  


I don't think JO is giving Sam up because he gets a lot of attention, and she's genuinely proud of her creation. The woman has spent hours upon hours crafting detailed blog posts and tweets about Sam's "amazing" life. The fact that the details of Sam's life are easily picked apart and debunked doesn't matter to JO; Sam is her biggest accomplishment in life.


From JO's (I mean Sam's blog) this morning:


"I told them go out today, have fun. I gave them spending money this morning. Go grab lunch and just enjoy Chicago. We are all having cabin fever and they need to enjoy it. She said they will go to lunch and see if her daughter can walk to stores near by or not. I left them the keys to my new Escalade. And now I’m thinking I should have left them the Range because it’s much smaller to park."


Because women who are pregnant with twins and due in a week or so are usually able to go traipsing around the frozen tundra that is Chicago in February. Also, JO: people do not drive downtown unless they have to, for whatever reason. We take public transportation, cabs or Ubers. Please make a note of that and have Sam post from the back of an Uber sometime.


"I have to slug my way through 8 hours a work, go to my Foster Parent certification class tonight, grab pizza on the way home and then host 2 of my friends for dinner and cards. I just hope everyone calms down before I get back. My goodness. I expected them to gang up on me but not like this. It will be okay. Just breathe through the stress."


JO: being a CEO is not like working a shift down at the Pick N' Save. Business owners and CEOs work constantly. I have a regular, mid-level job at a corporation and I sometimes put in 55 - 60 hours a week, depending on how busy we are. Maybe I should put in for that VP position Sam was advertising a few weeks ago...I'm sure no one at his company(ies) works more than a 20 hour week. And he probably gave them two weeks off for Presidents' Day, because he's just such an awesome guy.

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Her tweets are displayed on the side of her blog now. Last night she had "Rover" instead of "Range". She changed it because more people would likely know it's a Range Rover instead of a cheaper vehicle. Last night's tweets stated she has is having a nanny.


"No one said much on the drive home. I'm taking my cousin to go buy a bigger vehicle. My Range (was Rover) won't fit everything and the nanny plus kids.


Buying this for my Dadmobile. 2015 Cadillac Escalade. All black."


So she not only is having super sized babies she has a super sized nanny.  It's all about price and size.


What. A. Freak.

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LOL.  Well I guess we know what Jackie's fantasy life consists of.  Keep dreaming Jackie.  Maybe if you got some counseling, medications and some sense you too could be a well adjusted, wealthy, Catholic, handsome, vegan, successful business owning,  world traveling, Pulitzer winning author (I'm sure it's coming) thrice scorned by women, real estate guru-ing, construction company owning expectant father of twins.  Or not.  I mean, you'd have to leave your basement and your cheetos and sweatpants to actually accomplish any of this outside the internet. 


Do you think Meri has ever actually come clean about how close she got to "Sam"?  It sure seemed like Kody was desperately trying to retain some dignity by denying that you could engage in an emotional affair online.  I wonder if she ever got through Kody's force field of delusion.


Jackie!  Are you taking suggestions for Sam's adventures?  I think you should work in some kind of switched at birth scandal with the twins. 

Edited by DeusExMaraschino
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Long time lurker here that came over after the demise of TWoP.  I love to read these forums when I get the chance- they provide me with my daily dose of entertainment when I get downtime at work.  So thanks and keep all the witty posts coming!


I never followed the Sister Wives forum posts, but I became intrigued after the catfishing situation.  Today as I popped over to the Samuel Cooper blog to see what was going on with this crazy show I came to the decision that I can't endure another post of "Sam's" daily minutia.  What will "he" post next - how many times he goes to the bathroom during his day with detailed descriptions?  It seems that's the only aspect of his fake life from waking to sleeping he has omitted from his LONG BORING posts.  It was fun to check in for some comic relief and entertainment at first, then it was like a train wreck I couldn't turn away from and now its just a great big Y-A-W-N.  Not to mention an insult to my intelligence.  Jackie - that daily dose of your alter ego Sam's fake life you keep churning out lacks any shred of authenticity.  Its become sadly obvious that you have very very little real life experience.  Sad being the operative word.  You make me sad... and knowing you will not publish this on your ridiculous little blog Im telling you here since we all know you read this forum obsessively.


I'm a busy girl with a REAL job, REAL children (three), and REAL duties and activities .  I can only follow one circus freak show at a time and since Kanye West started having a mental breakdown in addition to all the other mayhem going on with the Kardashians I am going to have to jump ship and head over there now.  Nothing new to see with Jackie/Lindsay/Sam/cousin and pregnant daughter/fake twin baby boys et al.  Just a sad bunch of old news beaten to a pulp.  Thanks for all the laughs Jackie -  but I gotta go.....

Edited by Juliannah
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I don't know because well, I don't have a lot of money, but I feel like when people actually have money and are actually generous with it, they don't feel the need to remind everyone at every turn that they have so much money that they give it away at every whine without a worry... And ESPECIALLY a CEO, they don't get rich by pissing their money away.

My sister and I are complete polar opposites when it comes to money (well everything really but for this example we're gonna stick with money) I'm more of a spender, I don't just throw money around and waste it, but if there is say a shirt that I see that I like ill buy it (assuming I can), even though I am currently not working (I just finished school I swear I'm not a scrub I'll be a registered nurse in about 3 weeks, fingers crossed) without giving too much thought. On the other hand my sister is a marketing exec with Comcast, she has an MBA, and does pretty well for herself especially because she doesn't have any kids, but if she sees a shirt she likes she'll wait until it goes on sale, or she can find it cheaper... Even though she is better off financially than I am and really does not need to worry about waiting for things to go on sale.

My point being, while everybody is different, but chances are you would not be the CEO of 6 different companies by throwing money around like there is no tomorrow.

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When I read SAMs blog today, I was thinking the same thing someone here brought up. A woman pregnant with twins that's due anytime now, is not going to want to go anywhere period. At least that's how I felt close to my due date, and I was only carrying one baby each pregnancy. Also SAMs whole blog about how he did a Jerry McGuire impressions because of what the "girls" said to him this morning was just, I can't even think of a word to describe how ridiculous that scenario sounds.

And finally, how would Sam have the time to run a forum on his website when he is going to be the father of twins? I babysit my 9 month old granddaughter, I'm 43 years old, and I'm so wiped out from babysitting, the last thing I would do is have a blog and be a moderator on my forum. I want to go to bed at 12 at night, when my daughter gets home, and my only job is babysitting! So how is a millionaire, property owner, CEO of several companies, and a father with newborn twins going to have time to moderate a forum? I like the feed of tweets on his blog, he doesn't know what "Crocs" are. The shoes that people wear. I guess the pregnant cousin wants a pair or something because the help you get around better? According to what I could read of the tweet. Crocs let you get around all right, my mother in law, broke her arm badly and needed surgery because her crocks stuck to her wooden stairs, and when she fell her arm got trapped in the banister. It almost ripped her arm off, she had to get shoulder surgery too.

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My point being, while everybody is different, but chances are you would not be the CEO of 6 different companies by throwing money around like there is no tomorrow.



leighroda,  I tend to think of it like boyfriends on Facebook.  The more people brag about how awesome their boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse/significant other is,  the more I kind of side-eye them.  In my experience,  those people are the ones that are desperately trying to convince everyone that they are SO!! HAPPY!! But when I talk to them on the phone, they are on the verge of breaking up, there's cheating or abuse going on, etc.  I'm not talking about normal run of the mill "Look what I got for my birthday!"  I mean the over the top stuff.  Or maybe I just need different Facebook friends.  :)


So if someone needs to brag about how much something cost or throw brand names around, they probably are flat ass broke.  Jackie is a broke dumb bitch pretending to be wealthy AND interesting/handsome/whatever. If she were any good at this, she would know that Sam is absolutely not the type to brag about his wealth and make other people feel bad.  She can't even be consistent with her characters.


Basically, Sam is the George Glass to Jackie's Jan Brady.  With a side of super cool, swears like a sailor, rebellious Lindz.

Edited by DeusExMaraschino
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I don't know because well, I don't have a lot of money, but I feel like when people actually have money and are actually generous with it, they don't feel the need to remind everyone at every turn that they have so much money that they give it away at every whine without a worry... And ESPECIALLY a CEO, they don't get rich by pissing their money away.

My sister and I are complete polar opposites when it comes to money (well everything really but for this example we're gonna stick with money) I'm more of a spender, I don't just throw money around and waste it, but if there is say a shirt that I see that I like ill buy it (assuming I can), even though I am currently not working (I just finished school I swear I'm not a scrub I'll be a registered nurse in about 3 weeks, fingers crossed) without giving too much thought. On the other hand my sister is a marketing exec with Comcast, she has an MBA, and does pretty well for herself especially because she doesn't have any kids, but if she sees a shirt she likes she'll wait until it goes on sale, or she can find it cheaper... Even though she is better off financially than I am and really does not need to worry about waiting for things to go on sale.

My point being, while everybody is different, but chances are you would not be the CEO of 6 different companies by throwing money around like there is no tomorrow.

She has no point of reference for levels of wealth, and is too lazy and stupid to add some research and nuance to her fantasy.

The Jackies of the world are the ones who win the lottery and in a year are more broke and debt-riddled than they were before they got the big check. In the world of rootin-tootin, beer-swillin, fight-pickin, ciggy-in-the-teeth Jackie, being "rich" means being Richie Rich. Or Scrooge McDuck. Sammy probably likes to wear his silk skivvies while he sips his morning cappuccino in the walk-in safe, cause he loves the smell of money in the morning.

Edited by SometimesBites
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well at least in MY opinion, such as it is, it appears that, similar to the authors of The Nanny Diaries, Overton doesn't have the creative chops or writing skills to pull off a plausible or even remotely interesting new story line to keep her cadre of supposed "fans" interested. 


Regarding the "forum" - I'd say you could hear crickets on that page, but it's so dead, even the crickets have no interest.



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Who in their right mind would register over there so they could comment?  You have to provide an email, and if you post the wrong thing, "Lindsay" will flood your mailbox with naked selfies JO has taken of herself in her bathroom mirror.  That is what she reportedly does to people who piss her off if she has their email.  


Funny for a hacker with *mad skillz," she doesn't attack your hard drive and turn it into sawdust like you might expect.   I guess she thinks making you look at JO naked is a harsher punishment.

  • Love 2

Who in their right mind would register over there so they could comment?  You have to provide an email, and if you post the wrong thing, "Lindsay" will flood your mailbox with naked selfies JO has taken of herself in her bathroom mirror.  That is what she reportedly does to people who piss her off if she has their email.  


Funny for a hacker with *mad skillz," she doesn't attack your hard drive and turn it into sawdust like you might expect.   I guess she thinks making you look at JO naked is a harsher punishment.

It's easy to register there. Just Google Ten Minute Email. Several Websites offer email address that work for ten minutes, or however long you need them too. Register with the ten minute email, then when you get the confirmation link, you just click it, and your in. Just remember your Ten Minute email address for login. Or you can get a gmail account in a phony name for free.

  • Love 1

SAMs blog is experiencing trouble, I keep getting this message when I try to visit-

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Additionally, a 503 Service Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

It's easy to register there. Just Google Ten Minute Email. Several Websites offer email address that work for ten minutes, or however long you need them too. Register with the ten minute email, then when you get the confirmation link, you just click it, and your in. Just remember your Ten Minute email address for login. Or you can get a gmail account in a phony name for free.


Maybe I will do that.  But I will make a real email, not a ten minute one.  I may want to email Sam. I have heard he is much more open in emails.  I have a lot of questions I would love to ask him that I doubt he would answer publicly, lol. 

  • Love 1

Maybe I will do that.  But I will make a real email, not a ten minute one.  I may want to email Sam. I have heard he is much more open in emails.  I have a lot of questions I would love to ask him that I doubt he would answer publicly, lol.

I laughed when I read on SAMs blog a while ago about the 20 or 40 questions thing. Where he would take questions from people and answer them. I was thinking yeah right, Jackie is really going to answer the questions people ask her.

I noticed when I read it, that the majority of questions were stupid questions, that I doubt anyone on this board would ask, for example- How long have you been Vegan?

And I don't understand this, Sam claims his real name is Samuel Jacob Cooper or whatever it is supposed to be ( I think that was one of the phony questions I read) if that is his real name, then why wouldn't he show his face in pics on his blog or Twitter? His excuse is that he would lose his vast empire of businesses because his clients are Catholic. Well, wouldn't his clients be able to Google his name and read all about Meri on his blog? If he's using his real name, like he claims, why can't he use a pic? Of course I know the real reason why, but his logic makes no sense, he will publish a public blog using his real name, that his customers can google, but he can't post a pic?

I remember reading on his blog that his real name is Samuel Jacob Cooper, but no one in his business world or friends call him Sam, they call him Jacob, or some variation of his real name.

And I hardly think wealthy Catholic folks care what a businessman would do in his spare time, as long as his is making them money.

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The cockroach's blog this morning states she's putting sexually explicit voicemails with Meri on Youtube. 'Lindsey' has reworked them, whatever that means, and there's over 100 of them. This is beyond sickening. 'His lawyers' are writing up warnings to add as popups.


Lindsey had them on the batcrap blog as private. WTF? Why don't the Browns do something??? This...there are no words.


Someone needs to stop it. I really thought she had run out of steam where Meri was concerned. Sam is dangerous. 'He' can NO longer say he ever loved her.

  • Love 2

well at least in MY opinion, such as it is, it appears that, similar to the authors of The Nanny Diaries, Overton doesn't have the creative chops or writing skills to pull off a plausible or even remotely interesting new story line to keep her cadre of supposed "fans" interested.

Regarding the "forum" - I'd say you could hear crickets on that page, but it's so dead, even the crickets have no interest.


I'm sure JO's multiple alias' will have that forum jumping in no tim... I'm not gonna lie in a weird way it fascinates me to see how she interacts with herself, but not enough to really care.

I was thinking about what reality series could be her next target... Maybe Matt from little people big world... Or any of the teen moms... Or even the obvious choice catfish. I wouldn't put it past JO to think she can outsmart Nev and Max.

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When I was a child I had a very active imagination. As an only child, I played by myself most of the time, and JO fantasies remind me of when I played with my Barbies! I was fascinated with big families that lived in big beautiful houses, and crafted my Barbie play after that. It was actually really fun, and then I GREW up and live in reality! However, it is possible all my fantasies helped me mold my ideas of what I wanted my life to be. I do have a large family and live in a nice home.

If she would take an iota of her energies and use it to actually build a real life for herself, she wouldn't need all these fake identities. If she had not ripped off and hurt so many people she would be pathetic, but she is too pathological to even feel sorry for.

  • Love 3

Sam's fake twins were born today, ya'll. Hopefully their bio mom was able to get all of her shopping/schlepping around in frigid Chicago done yesterday. Sam did give her money and the keys to his brand new Cadillac Escalade (his "dad-mobile"), after all.  


I can't believe JO just keeps going with this shit.

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