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S07.E05: Our New Normal

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That was sweet.  Jen playing doctor with the kids, passing out bandaids for everyone.  Watching Zoey give herself a 'shot' when Bill gave Jen hers.  I adore this family!   I

I loved watching Bill and Zoey while they waited for their appointment.  What a huge difference from the first time!  She was smiling and engaging.  Miles from screaming and terrified.  

Stubborn little Will seems to have met his match in Mama. Cute as he is, he still has to learn he can't have everything he wants.

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It would have been helpful if she hadn't given him the cookie 12 seconds after telling him no, not now, before bed, after bath, in a little bit. He got exactly what he wanted as he was throwing his fit (which wasn't really even a fit). Loved Zoey just walking around under the table like nothing was going on. 

I can't be the only one who thought Jen should hitch a ride with Zoey instead of struggling to walk. Take advantage of being little, why not! Actually, i kept thinking they could have gotten Zoey's doctor to go to Jen's room. Other than height/weight, it looked like Zoey's whole appointment could have taken place in Jen's room so she didn't have to try not to faint. Zoey was obviously having a blast with Bill while they were waiting. She's a doll. 

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I am so happy to see Zoey so progressed.  I was worried for all of them when they first got her, wow what a difference.  This is my feel good show of the week.  Little Will has a little temper but Jen seems to hold her foot down with him, so to speak.  Which is what a parent really needs to do instead of caving in.  He does seem preoccupied with eating, Zoey not so much.  I hope it is just a phase and passes in time.  He does seem to eat a lot for a toddler.  This family is terrific.


Maybe, again, I'll be tarred and feathered for this, but that was just plain depressing!  Did Will crack even one smile the entire show?  All I saw was Jen scolding him for wanting dessert (after she's obviously trained him to get dessert after a meal), even punishing him by pushing his chair in, all the other chairs too, and leaving him there while pointedly walking off with Zoey to play without him, her also scolding him for trying to "help" with the blood pressure bulb, and generally favoring Zoey over Will.  Oh, and Bill washing the dishes.  Oh, and then immediately giving him a cookie!!!  I'm not sure why they were so eager to have a family with two busy careers and (apparently) no grandparents to help, but that was just sad.  That said, Zoey is absolutely "adooorable," as they promised.  Bill: schedule your back surgery (can he, when he has to be constantly picking up and carrying those two kids)?  And Jen: calm down!

Edited by all4mom
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Also, I cannot believe that Jen, a doctor, and supposedly worried about her low immunity, would insist on going to a pediatric outpatient clinic and (it looked like) hospital cafeteria?  I even try to avoid the germs at my "family" doctor's office where there are kids with viruses, and she didn't even wear a mask?  As Bill pointed out, it wasn't necessary for her to be there (except to be on camera).  I hope Jen isn't beginning to enjoy the fame and adoration.  She did mention once that she'd love to be a doctor on TV.  Hope this was just an isolated "off" show.

Edited by all4mom
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What a wonderful family!  Two loving and involved parents and two wonderful children.  Jen and Bill do a great job of parenting the two children and encouraging their growth.  There are so many scripted "reality" shows out there but this one is the most real.  Jen, Bill, Will & Zoey are helping so many by showing how they, as a family, deal with cancer, blend a family with real discipline and love, withstand the terrible twos/threes, etc.  It is my one "don't miss" show every week. 

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I am very glad that Jen did not give in to Will's "Cake, Mommy, Cake" demands.  I agree that what they considered a "meltdown" certainly didn't seem like one to me.   I would suspect that Bill not jumping in the help Jen with Will is some sort of agreement that only one parent will be disciplining at a time.  They seem very regimented in the way they parent, which can be good or bad. 

I didn't think that Jen going to Zoey's appt was that big of an issue.  We didn't see it but I would assume someone walked her to meet Bill & Zoey since she had just taken Ativan.  I was glad to hear Jen's good news, but it seemed to overshine the details on Zoey's progress.  I would have liked to know how much weight and height she's gained, etc.   So the assumption is she's as healthy as can be?   Nothing more needed like all the procedures Will needed?

Edited by MrMattyMatt
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I do think Jen caved a bit early with Will & the cookie, but honestly with her fatigue it's not that big a deal and understandable.

And I'm sorry, but I didn't see her favor Zoey while playing. She didn't scold Will, dhe included him.

While I can't snark abt her leaving her hospital bed to go to Zoey's appointment, I think looking back she'll realize how harmful to herself it could've been.

I wonder if they'll be taking a trip to Delaware for Zoey as well.

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From what I saw, Will really didn't have a meltdown, but of course we don't know what the editing left out.  I like to think that he was headed to a meltdown, but by Jen basically ignoring him, he realized that it wasn't going to get him what he wanted.  I think she handled it pretty well.  And we don't know just how long it was before the kids got their cookies.  I also didn't think Jen was favoring Zoey when they were playing doctor.  With two toddlers, there are going to be issues with sharing and that is what she was reacting to with Will.  No matter what, Bill and Jen seem to keep calm and don't raise their voices.

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I was also a little confused as to why Jen had to rehearse the doctor's appointment with Zoey (it could've been just playtime, but Jen pointedly stated that it was because of her pending appointment the next day).  Zoey's already had at least one doctor's appointment, with Bill in India, and was just fine with it.  I, too, would like to know more about her condition (she appears to have been well cared for in the orphanage, despite their initial fears about it) and especially if they're planning genetic testing to determine her type of dwarfism.


Bill shows up with Zoey for the appt and the nurse asks for the name so Bill says Klein followed immediately by Jen saying Klein...was Bill's Klein not loud enough...being picky I know but I truly wanted to say shut up Jen!  I agree they didn't have to play doctor either as Zoey was fine with doctors as we had seen and she was not getting needles or blood taken.  They could have weighed and measured her at home and Jen could have felt around in her mouth there too but of course they had to let her be doctor and give her a glove.  Jen put the whole focus using the doctor's kit, having Bill give her the needle and the show was all about her not Zoey. I guess it is obvious I like Jen less and less with each show and wish Bill would grow back his balls on occasion.  Will is showing signs of becoming a spoiled brat and if they don't get it in check now when he is that size there isn't a hope in hell when he gets bigger and wants to lash out.  

Edited by jodo
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I believe Bill has always been the submissive one in the relationship, as evidenced by his moving from his work and family in NYC (did they buy that house together, or was it his house first?), as well as vacationing where JEN likes, at the beach.  But in marriages where one is -- what did Bill call it -- "strong-willed," one partner always has to cave to the other; my brother is similarly married, and it works...  Happy wife, happy life!  At least Bill has a sense of humor about it, and that makes me chuckle.  I do believe Jen loves and appreciates him, but she runs the show.  How did Will go from Golden Child to budding brat in one week, and why does his stocking say "William" (the whole Mommy/Baba stocking thing -- Jen again -- I just cannot)?  I will miss some of the sweeter moments from when they were just "The Little Couple," such as the "coxswain" laugh riot.  Yes, I am obsessed with this show, and I criticize Jen for being OCD!

Edited by all4mom
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Jen has mentioned on a couple of occasions that she has a type A personality.  It works for them, so if it ain't broke don't fix it.  Bill doesn't seem to care.  Some couples work better that way.  Regarding discipline, I've noticed with a couple of my married friends that one of them usually takes the lead in disciplining their children.  If I ever get married and have children, I have a feeling that person would be me. 

Will just seems like a typical child to me.  He's pretty well behaved to me, he just has his little fits sometime.  I have a huge sweet tooth and I love having something sweet after dinner.  As long as they're making sure he's getting all his nutrients, a little something sweet afterwards doesn't seem to be sooo bad.  The two cookies they had looked pretty small. 

I'm more curious to see when they are going to start potty training him.

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They could have weighed and measured her at home and Jen could have felt around in her mouth there too but of course they had to let her be doctor and give her a glove.


Jen said she hadn't felt around inside Zoey's mouth because she didn't have gloves at home and didn't think to get some from the hospital. As for disciplining Will...Bill was busy with dishes. It's usually best for the one disciplining in a situation to do it alone so that the child will learn to respect and follow the directions of the person disciplining them. If Bill had stepped in it would encourage Will not to listen to Jen. I find myself stepping in when my grandson doesn't listen to his Mom and I have to stop myself. You can clearly see that Jen's shot before treatment is done in the open. Will and Zoey know what is going on as evidenced by Will and the band aids and Zoey with the shot. I wonder if Jen has shots in the stomach sometimes. Otherwise, why would Zoey attempt a shot there on herself. I know when you get daily shots there are a list of places to do them (arms, legs, stomach and hip/butt).

Jen shouldn't have gotten out of bed for Zoey's appt, but, it being Zoey's first appt in the States with an International clinic, I totally understand her wanting to be there. (Darn that was a long sentence.) I look forward to this show every week. My hubby hates her laugh, but, I just ignore it.

I almost melted when Zoey initiated that kiss with Jen in the hospital cafeteria. She has come so far. That is a testament to their love and commitment to their children/family.

As for the cake/cookie. Will wanted cake, Jen kept telling him they didn't have cake they had cookies. She left him to calm himself and he did. She tried to calm him with logic, but, he wasn't having it. He calmed down fast enough. I think that exchange wore her out though. She ran off right after the cookies and it seemed like she was going to sit down or rest. I'm so happy to know she came through this successfully. I do have to say she has a beautiful smile and looks better with the turban than she did with that pixie cut. I like how she curled the wig last night and hope she grows her hair out like that. My other hope is that they find a more stylish cut for Zoey. I know toddler hair can be finicky to do anything stylish with, but, I hope Jen can girly Zoey's hair up a bit.

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I thought Jen playing doctor with Zoey was a good idea.  Yes, she's been to a doctor before, but she's two.  A lot has happened in her life since her last visit.  I'd like to see her do it again before the next visit.  It keeps the kids familiar with the instruments those strangers stick in their faces, and the familiar is easier than the unknown (or not remembered) to cope with.

I didn't see her favor Zoey either.  Will tried to take the toy Zoey was holding and Jen intervened. 

As for walking off and leaving Will sitting at the table...she didn't go far and she kept a close eye on him.  She had tried to take him down from the table and he didn't want to go.  Between the options of leaving him to decide just sitting there was boring and not getting him anywhere, or forcing him down and trying to redirect him while he has a tantrum, I'd walk away too.  Sometimes any attention is a reward.

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I think it isn't that Bill is submissive, he just doesn't sweat the small stuff--and he often uses humor when thngs get tough.   I think Jen has gotten so far in her life because of her type A personality--it made her a doctor, got her married, got a beautiful home and now a family--they just handle things differently.  I think her little head to head with Will was also probably because it was the end of a day, and  they both were tired.    I thought she did ok, and he certainly wasn't really bad at all.

It seems to be true that the second child develops quicker sometimes because they have an older sibling--Zoey is already talking up a storm --probably because she has Will to chatter to all day.    She has really blossomed in a very short time--I thought she seemed happy and at ease with both parents and even going to the hospital and having her physical.   

I hope we see Jen get her good news soon that she is done with the treatments--they are so brutal, and to add 2 toddlers, and  filming a TV show--it's amazing what all they had going on at that time.

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I think Jen is parenting correctly, and really needs more intervention from Bill, especially regarding Will's behavior.  Will seems to resent Jen telling him to do something.  As I said before in my previous post, Will obeys Baba, but not so much Jen.  He doesn't even want to kiss Jen on many occasions, yet is always kissing Bill.  I think Will needs more one-on-one time with Jen.  He is very spoiled and must be reigned in or he will be a very unhappy child with few friends.  This is just my opinion, but I have seen this toddler behavior before and unless it is corrected, the child can have major socialization problems!   Zoey is really blossoming well and is affectionate with both parents.  I wonder if she has achondroplasia like Will or another form of dwarfism because her arms and legs seem more in proportion to her body and her head is not unusually large like Will's.  I know sometimes achondroplasia is mis-diagnosed.  There is a form of dwarfism called hypochondroplasia,which is a modified form of achondroplasia, and also something called pseudoachrondroplasia, also a more modified form of achondroplasia.  I guess we will eventually find out.  I love this show and can't wait for the next episode!

Edited by KarenReilly
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They could have weighed and measured her at home and Jen could have felt around in her mouth there too but of course they had to let her be doctor and give her a glove.

I saw that as nothing more than one doctor showing courtesy and respect to another doctor.  As for weighing and measuring at home--for this particular visit--which was to show progress since Zoey has been in the states, they probably had to be done in the doctor's office and documented in the records accordingly.  


I'm not sure we are all watching the same show, or at least not through the same eyes...  ;)  Jen went on and on about "no cake, not tonight, Mommy didn't make cake, no cake" and only came up with the cookie thing later.  When Will refused to get down (without his cake, which he's clearly used to, and which he earned by eating broccoli), Jen very snippily said, "Okay, come on, Zooey, let's go play, Will doesn't want a cookie, let's go get a cookie, help Mommy push in the chairs." and left Will sitting there.  Immediately after, Bill got him down and they had cookies.  Why move from the table to the high chair for a cookie?  I'm also a Type A, and that's why I didn't have children -- I knew they'd drive me crazy and I wouldn't have the patience for it!  Jen just wanted to be a mother, like her friends/family.  Whether or not it's going to make her happy beyond achieving that goal for the world to admire remains to be seen.  Bill's a born father!  But we're all entitled to our opinions and interpretations on this, however biased they may be by our personal backgrounds/personalities.  I just hope Will's spirit won't be crushed. 

Edited by all4mom
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Will has this face he gets when he is miffed with Jen and I have never seen him use it with Bill although Bill does not correct Will at all does he, no wonder Baba is the favorite.  I agree he is becoming spoiled in some ways and Bill just keeps saying "he is Will" like that explains it...all kids have a "will" but it can't always be used and interpreted as his personality.  It is discipline nothing more.  Will wants it and usually gets it.  Zoey was playing with the doctor's kit and Will took it away from her prompting Jen to ask Will to bring it back which he didn't do, she said she would count to three, she didn't...nuff said there, Will does what he wants with no repercussions.  Bill heard all that I am sure and he should have stepped into the room when Will was not forthcoming in giving it back to Zoey and said Will take it to Zoey now and say you are sorry.  That is not overstepping Jen, that is helping her raise 2 kids, they have to co-parent and not let things go, kids count on that. 

And another poster said it correctly....no smiles from our Will this week.    

Edited by jodo
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Again, I didn't see Will "take" anything from Zoey or refuse to give anything back (are we watching the same show?).  It was more like Jen wanted that to be "Zoey and Mommy Time" and Will made the mistake of coming along (Bill was busy washing the dishes).  And I stand corrected: Will smiled when the dinner plate was put down!  I still say salad doesn't stick with you long and they need more bad comfort food with a higher fat content like good ole' mac-and-cheese!  Bet Jen would never allow that.  Agree that Bill and Jen need to get on the same page; Bill laughed when Will painted his hand at the pottery place, and then Jen scolded and punished him for doing the exact same thing when they were having "Mommy and Will Time" painting the pictures.  Doesn't Jen watch their own show, lol?  Epic inconsistent parenting fail!  Bill is laid-back, but I don't see Will as "spoiled"; he just doesn't cotton to Jen.  Zoey seems cool with all parties, although there's an unmistakable twinkle in her eye when interacting with Bill.

Edited by all4mom

It was on the show where Jen, Will and Zoey were on the floor and Jen had the blood pressure on her arm and took it off to give to Zoey and Will grabbed it and Jen said Will come on let's share and Zoey raised her arm up and had a mad look on her face and in the voice over Jen is talking about two toddlers sharing etc...it was a clip on TLC's site I watched a clip of that same show which included Will coming into the room at first and took the doctor's kit box away from Zoey so that part wasn't on the show.  Will was very "will"ful in this whole episode, signs of the future.  

I agree the food needs to be more filling for the kids and they need to eat more frequently maybe...all kids love mac and cheese for the most part!  

I don't like Will's behavior at times, especially when it comes to Jen. I also never liked the way Bill tolerated and allowed Will to treat Jen the way he does. Bill got a taste of his own medicine when he couldn't connect with Zoey early on. I feel that Will doesn't respect his mother and that may have to do with her size. Will is about the same height as Jen now and getting bigger due to his healthy appetite. I understand that idea that one parent shouldn't overstep another when it comes to discipline but Bill is also the parent that is around the children more. He should have stepped in and corrected Will instead of always allowing Will to "be Will." He should have come to Jen's side, stood firm and repeated what Jen said to Will. 

I thought Jen handled Will's tantrum like a pro. She wasn't mean but she let Will know she wasn't bargaining with him at that time and went off to play with Zoey. When Will came in and started taking over, Jen included him in the play session. I feel Will only stared to be more affectionate with Jen once he saw Zoey's bond with their mom. 

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 All I saw was Jen scolding him for wanting dessert (after she's obviously trained him to get dessert after a meal), even punishing him by pushing his chair in, all the other chairs too, and leaving him there while pointedly walking off with Zoey to play without him, 

Jen made a few attempts to get Will to get out of the booster seat at the dining table.  He refused.  Jen isn't strong enough to lift him out.  So she pushed his chair back in which is safer than leaving the chair pulled out and turned to the side as Will could tumble out.

  I still say salad doesn't stick with you long and they need more bad comfort food with a higher fat content like good ole' mac-and-cheese!  Bet Jen would never allow that.  

Will doesn't need mac & cheese  - no-one does. He's a bit chubby as it is and tends to eat everything put in front of him.   Why do they need 'bad comfort food with a higher fat content'?  Happiness and comfort through food?  We have enough fat kids in this country that grew up with that philosophy.  I actually liked what they served this time.  Last episode when they gave Zoe that ridiculously large PB&J sandwich (large for her size) seemed either uninformed or lazy to me.  Sure it's easier to feed kids large portions of crap but it isn't in their best interests.  Little people in particular need to watch their weight even more closely.

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I saw zero wrong with the meal that was served to the children.  There was a small portion of what appeared to be a pasta dish, vegetables and a salad.  Looked pretty much like a balanced meal to me, and if either of my kids were acting the way Will was, I'd have left them in the chair too until they calmed down.  All small children get demanding and cranky when they don't get their way, but saying no is how they learn and if it means leaving them in their chair for a while, then so be it.

Edited by LegalParrot81
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If you remember on the Christmas episode, Will is playing with part of the track and Bill says, "Put that down, it is not a toy."  Will immediately drops it and gives it to Bill.  When Jen asks Will for the remote control, Will refuses to give it to her and begins to cry.  She says, "Are you ready?"  Will folds his hands, but still lashes out at Jen by making a hitting motion when her back is turned.  There is a problem here.  Will does not obey Jen!

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On a shallow note, I liked Jen's wig a lot better this episode. Either it's a new one, or they thinned her other one out. She looked lovely. 

I was also a little confused as to why Jen had to rehearse the doctor's appointment with Zoey (it could've been just playtime, but Jen pointedly stated that it was because of her pending appointment the next day).  Zoey's already had at least one doctor's appointment, with Bill in India, and was just fine with it. 

I think it's a great idea to practice and role play the situation, even if she's done it before. I know lots of children that 'rehearse' going to the dentist, getting their hair cut, etc. 

Bill shows up with Zoey for the appt and the nurse asks for the name so Bill says Klein followed immediately by Jen saying Klein...was Bill's Klein not loud enough...being picky I know but I truly wanted to say shut up Jen!  

This actually made me laugh, cause I notice myself doing stuff like that as well. It's annoying for sure, but I do think it's just habit. I also think that in a hospital setting, Jen will always speak up and try to lead the situation (again, out of habit!). 

Re: Bill and Jen's parenting... I think it's unfair to make too many harsh judgments on their style. I know they're used to being on camera by now, but I'm sure I would act differently with my daughter in front of a crew than I would by myself or with my husband. Sometimes they come off a bit loosey goosey, but if they appeared too strict, we'd all be saying, "Woaaah relax!". I always remind myself that editing is a very real thing, and we are only catching a snippet of what went down. 

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We only see a fraction of their lives/parenting..this week  only a 30 minute episode. And of course TLC is going to edit it for the most dramatic effect. I saw affection between Will and Jen and I saw Will acting like a typical toddler.  I just try to enjoy the show, and the antics of the kids, and I don't sweat the other stuff because we really don't know what the rest of their lives are like, and what actions they take to properly parent Will and Zoey.  Both kids appear pretty well adjusted, and with all that has happened to Jen in the last few months I think she is handling things pretty well, as is Bill. 

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What I really notice since Zoey joined the crew is how much more Will is sucking his thumb!  It is ALWAYS in his mouth if food or drink is not.  He even inserted it between bites of his cereal...he is feeling Zoey's presence and more insecure with it I think...I am not a shrink but he seems to take more comfort in that and also seems to need more comfort now.  He also is speaking like a baby.  I only hear one word from him at a time.  He is as baby like as Zoey is and although I can't understand or hear her yet I think she is putting more than one word together.  Will is a fan of communicating by waving his hand instead of speaking and they allow it.  Bill could certainly be helping Jen out more with the kids discipline wise.     

I think re the food no one is saying feed him fries and burgers more (like they have been at restaurants) but give him food that will stick with him more, that child is hungry...when was the last time broccoli and salad filled you up?  Certainly not me.  How about some sweet potatoes mashed up and some meat loaf and veggie sticks with some hummus dip.  

I think Will is feeling a bit out of it with Zoey there, he is not getting all the attention anymore from Bill or Jen....Bill is now doing housework instead of being on the floor with Will hanging out on his back.  

Zoey is copying Will big time which is even more reason to address Will's behavior before they have two to deal with.  Zoey went under the table (because she can..lol) and I heard her say CAKE.....gee wonder where she got that from.  Were they that used to having cake every night.  Again why not give them a treat of fruit and a piece of cheese for dessert to satisfy that sweet tooth?

Edited by jodo
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You are absolutely right, mollybygolly!  For every 6 hours of filming, we see approximately 23 minutes of their lives--and most likely 23 minutes of what the producers want us to see.  With all the trashy reality shows on TV, I am happy to watch The Little Couple for the entertainment that it offers--they do not try to shock us with revelations of their sex lives, infidelity or their bathroom excursions.  We shouldn't be picking apart their parenting skills based on a few minutes out of their lives (unless, of course, it is outright wrong).  And if Will is starting to act out, then it is exactly what is expected in the growth and development of an almost-3-year-old.  

It's a still a reality TV show after all for "entertaiment".  I don't hate these people, I really do enjoy watching them and find it one of my favorite shows.   But I certainly will discuss them here and snark away.  I think I noticed that Jen and Bill are listed as co-excutive producers for the show (or something similar) so I am sure they have some if not the majority of input on what pieces of their lives they show to us.

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What MrMattyMatt said; they are co-producers, so can't call foul if something unflattering is shown, and they ARE opening their lives to us for praise (which I think Jen is quite enjoying) as well as criticism.  I, too, enjoy the show, but see them as humans with good and bad traits; not through rose-colored glasses; nor am I elevating Jen to some superhuman plane because she has cancer as so many are...  Also, I stand corrected on cakegate: While Will was still at the table, Jen (after going on and on about cake), says, "If you chill, LATER you can have a cookie, before bed."  Then she caves and he goes straight from the table to the highchair for cookies (Bill is still washing the dishes, which he started right after dinner, so it's not bedtime.)  Poor Will must be so confused, and I, too, noticed some regression. Jen had to remind him to use a utensil and napkin; really?  Cast your mind back to the FIRST meal they ever shared in China, in the hotel restaurant.  Did they not marvel that Will automatically used utensils and cleaned up?  With the napkin, I mean (we know he "cleans up" food).  Also, when Bill was in charge and Jen was working, seems to me there were more burgers brought in, Chinese takeout, and Goldfish for snacks -- more filling food.  Anyone who's tried to diet will confirm that just veggies (or even pasta without much oil) don't fill you up for long, and children DO need fat.  Has she consulted a dietician, or is she just panicking at the thought of having an obese child (being a perfectionist)?  Will is clearly less happy since the adoption - whether that's Zoey or because because Jen is at home doing the parenting now.  I noticed, too, that Bill says, "You don't need to be here." in the promo, but it's edited out of the show.  He's probably feeling pretty run-over and overwhelmed.  But to end on a positive note: Zoey is ADOOOORABLE!  :)

Edited by all4mom
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