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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

LOL, you know that's what's going to happen. How will they ever put their precious feels aside to save the big meanie?!

I know. I'm rage-y just thinking about it. 

I wouldn't be surprised if all of OTA are in trouble and need saving. The writers really are up the newbies asses this season. Anything to prop them, I guess. Won't change how I feel about them though so... *shrug*

1 minute ago, calliope1975 said:

They can save the day, then they can GTFO. 

I'd prefer if they die and OTA save the day themselves...like they have been doing for six seasons now.

Just now, Angel12d said:

The writers really are up the newbies asses this season. Anything to prop them, I guess. Won't change how I feel about them though so... *shrug*

I still wouldn't call sending one off-screen, having one being called out in narrative as being kill-happy, and one who pointed out they would be hurting Diggle but did it anyone because his teammate told him to "propping," or, if it is, this is some real arm twisting style propping.

But anyway, it would at least be nice if Rene didn't want to help since Oliver put him in the hospital (his own fault but whatever) and then Dinah and Curtis take their adult pills and tell him to shut up while they realize how childish and emotional they've been acting. Not that I necessarily want them back, but it would still be a chance for them to basically take blame, especially since this is well beyond where they have audience reaction to this plot and have seen the opinions on the newbies' actions. 

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2 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I still wouldn't call sending one off-screen, having one being called out in narrative as being kill-happy, and one who pointed out they would be hurting Diggle but did it anyone because his teammate told him to "propping," or, if it is, this is some real arm twisting style propping.

But anyway, it would at least be nice if Rene didn't want to help since Oliver put him in the hospital (his own fault but whatever) and then Dinah and Curtis take their adult pills and tell him to shut up while they realize how childish and emotional they've been acting. Not that I necessarily want them back, but it would still be a chance for them to basically take blame, especially since this is well beyond where they have audience reaction to this plot and have seen the opinions on the newbies' actions. 

I'm talking about the fact that it's possible (obviously we don't know for sure, this is all spec of course) that OTA might need saving just so the newbies can save the day. That's what I mean by propping because OTA have been doing this for six years and suddenly their only hope is the newbies? Haha. It's just dumb and such bad writing.

But again, this is just a theory. We need more spoilers before we run away with it. 

Also, it's hard for me to theorize how the newbies should come back because I don't want them back on the team at all. I just know it's going to be badly done and they'll very likely skip over the real issues, which is that the newbies are the worst and completely in the wrong. ?

1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

I'm talking about the fact that it's possible (obviously we don't know for sure, this is all spec of course) that OTA might need saving just so the newbies can save the day. That's what I mean by propping because OTA have been doing this for six years and suddenly their only hope is the newbies? Haha. It's just dumb and such bad writing.

But again, this is just a theory. We need more spoilers before we run away with it. 

Oh, I totally get that, ha. I just remember after 609 there were weeks of people completely betting that the writers would throw OTA under the bus to make the newbies look right, and now, when literally the opposite has happened, the fear still continues. Sure, for all I know, they'll go reverse last minute, but from what they've done so far (plus idk what stance this would give for Oliver, like what opinion or lesson or story thing he's supposed to go through for this if he literally doesn't learn anything from having the newbies come back), I don't see it and honestly have been seeing more hints of the newbies recognizing that they're wrong.

Lol, ultimately I guess this is giving me just annoying flashbacks about articles' continuing insistence that the show will jump back to GA/BC, so it's just me. It's still possible, but the show isn't showing it.

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3 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Oh, I totally get that, ha. I just remember after 609 there were weeks of people completely betting that the writers would throw OTA under the bus to make the newbies look right, and now, when literally the opposite has happened, the fear still continues. Sure, for all I know, they'll go reverse last minute, but from what they've done so far (plus idk what stance this would give for Oliver, like what opinion or lesson or story thing he's supposed to go through for this if he literally doesn't learn anything from having the newbies come back), I don't see it and honestly have been seeing more hints of the newbies recognizing that they're wrong.

I thought this because I don't trust the writers. It's as simple as that. But I'm always happy to be wrong. 

(Though I still have to wonder, are we supposed to think the newbies are wrong? I still can't get a handle on the writers' intentions with this whole plot. Because, yeah, OTA have been nothing but mature and have done everything right, IMO, while the newbies have been entitled asshole brats who have crossed the point of no return and yet I can't believe the writers would think this was a good idea. How can they not see they'd turn the audience against the newbies when really they should be doing everything to make people like them? And that's why I have these moments of going "Wait, are we supposed to be on the newbies side?!" The whole thing baffles me tbh. I just don't get it probably because I don't get the endgame here.)

4 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

The whole thing baffles me tbh. I just don't get it probably because I don't get the endgame here.


The only thing I could possibly think of is they needed to get Oliver to some low point because this is Arrow but couldn't do it with Diggle or Felicity because they've done that already. So now they have Thea leaving, the city being in danger months ahead of schedule, OTA being somewhat outnumbered, and newbie drama. Oddly enough the only thing that relatively isn't in trouble is Oliver's role as a parent, which ironically is what he was worried about at the start of the season to begin with. Maybe it comes back to that point somehow? I do remember a joke spec a while ago that this was all just a plot to show how totally patient parents Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity were and to have Oliver ultimately reflect at how far he's come.

This really fucking blows two straight episodes of hardly any Oliver and Felicity, the lead male and Female Who the fuck in the writers room thinks is gonna watch Dragon, BS and NTA dominating these episodes? Why the fuck can't we have OTA full episodes  and Olicity Sexytimes in 620? Sorry for my excessive F word but this is writers smokin that shit lol 

  • Love 14

6.18 Oliver centric. 6.19 Oliver is in 1 scene. EBR films for a day. 6.20 Felicity in 1 scene. SA unknown.  Maybe Oliver is taken end of 18. We see Dragon has him in 6.19. Felicity realizes he’s missing and raises alarm. (1-3 scenes).  Pick up with Oliver having been beaten in 6.20.  Felicity’s scene is reunion, probably similar to 5.17 ending.

You got fire crackers in actors such as Stephen, Emily and David who can elevate a scene by just being in the background even if they are not the main focus and they are barely filming. We're stuck with wannabes, countless birds dead and alive. 3D Dick Dragon, a person who wants to be seen as an equal all the time, annoying Rene and deranged Quentin. Get out of here so annoying.

Edited by EmilyBettFan
  • Love 10

Okay, fanfic writers, please warm up your fix-it fic generators for this arc.

Can we get some TV gossip people to weigh in on this? Who's hot now? If you give me names, then I'll start drafting requests for the Arrow writers to explain themselves and send one a day until we find out what is happening.  Thea leaves soon, right? Do we know how much David Ramsey has filmed for 6x19 and 6x20? Because right now three of my four reasons for watching Arrow seem to be viewable with 10 minutes and a YouTube account, heading into sweeps.

  • Love 2
26 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Well, the ratings haven't exactly plunged, have they? So people are watching, even if they are hate-watching.

I’ve just been debating this with myself because as much as I love Oliver, Felicity and Diggle, I also can’t see the point in continuing to watch a TV show that frustrates more than it entertains, no matter how much I like the cast. 

One thing I will give them though is that the current season always makes the previous one look better by comparison.  

  • Love 1

Well if there's been minimal days shooting for SA and EBR for the last couple of eps, they'd better be making these scenes count or saving up the screentime for an epic (NON FATAL) showdown in the finale arc. I'm severely uninterested in a lot of screentime for the toddlers or DDDragon. If Anatoly would like to step up that might be a bit different. I say non fatal because I don`t want them to get the idea that a way to making up for this lack luster season would be to off Dig or Felicity (I`m not truly thinking they are at this point) although I wouldn`t be surprised if Lance was a gonner. 

OTOH (she says hopefully) there's still a few days to go with this one right? And IIRC there have been previous reports of characters not filming much and the actual episode turned out to either have quite a bit of them or some very quality scenes to make up for the lack. 

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I'm okay with NTA saving Oliver if that's how the story goes because I know Oliver would save any of NTA in heart beat regardless of whether or not their assholes. 


But what I don't want to happen is NTA to act like sanctimonious assholes about deigning to take time out of their superior lives to save Oliver's inferior one. And if they keep being written the way they are being written I worry that's what will happen. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Featherhat said:

OTOH (she says hopefully) there's still a few days to go with this one right? And IIRC there have been previous reports of characters not filming much and the actual episode turned out to either have quite a bit of them or some very quality scenes to make up for the lack. 

Yeah, I’m waiting to see who the paps say is filming next week before writing off the ep. We’ve gotten freaked out by a seeming lack of screen time before and it turns out fine. I think EBR usually films 3-4 days; if she’s filming all through the start of next week we might be good. I know that she talked about how great the producers were earlier this year to give her time off to promote Funny Story, and that wasn’t detectable on screen.

Someone asked KP if DR has filmed 620, but he has responded yet.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Chaser said:

Well she’s normally 3-4 days right? Maybe she films all next week? 

They might be filming mostly NTA and Actiony scenes this week. 

Hopefully. ?


9 hours ago, Angel12d said:

How long does filming an episode usually last?


9 hours ago, Chaser said:

I think it’s normally like 8 or 9 days.

They've been filming 8 business days per episode this season.  620 started filming on Monday 3/12 and, will go through Wednesday 3/21. 

So yes, it's entirely possible that EBR/Felicity will film 2-3 days next week which will get her normally 3-4 days of filming.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

CW is so weird. S1-3 all ended around this date. S4-S5 they threw in an extra break to push Arrow's finale back a week (Flash and SPN too IIRC).

Yes June 18th is what TV Line reported.


Supergirl resumes Season 3 on Monday, Jan. 15, but then will turn its time slot over to Legends of Tomorrow starting Feb. 12. The Girl of Steel will then reclaim her Monday home starting April 16, and air new episodes straight through to the Season 3 finale, which will air June 18.



Also May 17th is the last Thursday of May Sweeps. 

Edited by Velocity23
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Maybe Diggle asks for the newbies help to save Oliver and Felicity?

"asks" a.k.a. "Listen you children, I waited far too long for those two to get that honeymoon, so the three of you are going to shut up, put on your adult pants, and help me go get them back, because I am sick and tired of all of this crap"

Hopefully, ha.

Edited by way2interested
  • Love 8

PLEASE let Curtis choose his boyfriend and his boyfriend then says he's moving out of Star City because of all the vigilantes and Curtis goes with him. That is the only way I'll accept a storyline about Curtis right now. 

Really, the only time I'd like to see Curtis on my screen is when he begs for forgiveness for hacking Diggle's chip. 

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, WindofChange said:

Diggle deserves the spotlight. And 620 may be saved after all... 

Which makes me wonder where Felicity is? I'm thinking both she and Oliver are taken and tortured together? RIP ME IF THIS HAPPENS

Oh god I'm imaging a Scenario where Oliver and Felicity are taken and tortured together and Oliver has to watch DDragon and BS Torture Felicity??

2 hours ago, way2interested said:

"asks" a.k.a. "Listen you children, I waited far too long for those two to get that honeymoon, so the three of you are going to shut up, put on your adult pants, and help me go get them back, because I am sick and tired of all of this crap"

Hopefully, ha.

Hahaha I would love to see this at least a Version of this

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, jay741982 said:

Oh god I'm imaging a Scenario where Oliver and Felicity are taken and tortured together and Oliver has to watch DDragon and BS Torture Felicity??

 Actually, that spec made me think about Oliver being tortured, thus forcing (or trying to force) Felicity to do some of Dicky’s bidding. They lost/offed their hacker guy, so they may need her. I’m not really convinced it would go that way, but that’s where my mind went after reading the spec.

6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

So, do Diggle and Oliver face this challenge together (given the ep title), or is the challenge a bone of contention between the two of them (since Oliver makes a daring move that could cost him everything)

My guess, based on filming and title. Oliver makes a decision probably around GA that sends Diggle down his own path. We know that EBR filmed heavily (early on) for this episode but, otherwise it's a Diggle, Dyla episode with a little Oliver. So, I'm thinking a 216 type split with Oliver/Felicity reversed (if that makes sense).

Hopefully this ends the whole I want to be GA crap.

Edited by Morrigan2575

This article contains comics history on Dragon (including his ties to other comics characters), but I only quoted a few portions - posting here because I don't know how much Arrow will take from the comics...

BY JESSE SCHEEDEN   March 16, 2018


Not everyone needs superhuman powers to stay competitive in the DC Universe. For a select few, it's enough simply to be very smart and very good at martial arts. And if there's anyone who can give Batman a run for his money in that department, it's Richard Dragon.

With Dragon playing a pivotal role in Arrow: Season 6 lately (in the form of Kirk Acevedo's Ricardo "The Dragon" Diaz), we figured now would be a good time to break down the character's comic book history and how a benevolent teacher became a bloodthirsty crime lord.
*  *  *
The original Richard Dragon has been effectively MIA since the start of DC's New 52 reboot in 2011. In his place, a new character named Ricardo Diaz Jr. has emerged and claimed the name for himself. Diaz claims to have killed his master and taken his name, suggesting that the original Richard Dragon is now dead. Following his father's death at the hands of John Diggle, Diaz trained with the League of Assassins and became a formidable warrior. But whereas the old Richard Dragon used his abilities for good, Diaz craves only power and revenge.
*  *  *
Arrow marks the character's first significant non-comics appearance. Kirk Acevedo's Richard Dragon is heavily inspired by DC's New 52 comics, even down to the fact that he's known as Ricardo "The Dragon" Diaz rather than Richard Dragon. Initially, Diaz played a supporting role on the series as a partner to Michael Emerson's character Cayden James, but recent episodes have revealed Diaz to be the true villain of Season 6, one who's been quietly manipulating both James and Team Arrow as part of a bid to take control of Star City. It remains to be seen if the series will flesh out Diaz's background or possible ties to the original Richard Dragon.

Edited by tv echo
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