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The guy on reddit with the spoilers posted them for episode 14:


Episode starts with Oliver questioning the police captain about Cayden's mysterious death

She says some inmate killed Cayden thinking it's his mother lol

Oliver returns to city hall where he is questioned by a lot of people about the missing money. I think they're city officials? I don't really know anything about politics

They said that the city is about to shutdown because of lack of funds

Oliver promises to have the money in 48hrs

Oliver heads back into his office where an accountant arrives with Dinah

The accountant says that the money has been withdawn by someone

Oliver: "Do we know who?"

Dinah: "No, but I do have three guesses"

The bank protects their client's privacy and says that they will not show their CCTV footage so Oliver asks Felicity for help

Newbies are looking for the Dragon and friends, can't find them

The accountant returns to Oliver. Says that the bank now gave the CCTV footage. Probably from Felicity

From CCTV: BS is shown wearing a stupid wig walking inside the bank with a briefcase

Sonuvabich is with BS in like a cabin house thingy

Back in the mayor's office, Oliver, Thea and Sonuvabich talk about what happened to BS after she got shot. Sonuvabich tells them that he doesn't know.

Cutis has a new toy called "sonic something" that tracks BS signature(?) The toy released a hologram that shows what happened to BS after she got shot. They noticed she was being dragged. Rene notices some tire tracks

Sonuvabich brings some soup to BS. Says it's Laurel's fave.

Team OG starts searching for BS. They went to the same place the Newbies did. They saw some shoe prints. Felicity's tablet recognized it as Dinah's. They think Dinah kidnapped BS and is planning to kill her.

Team OG arrives in Helix Newbie's base. They got into some arguments 

Rene pisses off Oliver. Oliver points an arrow at Rene's throat. Diggle shoots at some gas pipe making Dinah and Curtis cough maybe 3 times. Team OG leaves. Newbies are mad lol

Plot twist: Rene did it on purpose. He put an audio device on Oliver's costume

Thea visits Sonuvabich in his cabin house thingy, she saw BS

Thea thinks the city comes first. She called Oliver

BS says she wants leave the country. She's scared of Dinah lol

Newbies heard it all. They tailed Team OG. Team OG noticed. Felicity finds the audio device and throws it out of the van. Newbies are mad lol part 2

Team OG arrives in the cabin house thingy. 

Sonuvabich thinks BS needs protection. Oliver demands to have the money first because she doesn't trust BS. BS wants to run away first.

Sonuvabich sides with BS. He thinks she's telling the truth and wants her to have a life outside the country

Curtis thinks he can follow Team OG using Diggle's chip but it would hurt him.

Dinah doesn't give a flying fuck

Team OG starts preparing for BS' safe passage

Diggle's arm started aching like that 'Must not fap' memes

Felicity restarted the chip. She's mad lol

Team OG told BS and Sonuvabich to go. Newbies arrive

Felicity is mad at Curtis for doing that to Diggle and their proprietary chip

Oliver: 'Not one more step'

Rene steps

Fight ensues

Sonuvabich and BS escapes. Dinah on pursuit

Dinah catches up. Hits Sonuvabich a couple of times

Rene and Curtis lost to Oliver

Dinah's about to do the same thing BS did to Vigilante

Curtis arrives and uses Talk no Jutsu on Dinah

Dinah: 'You know I have to'

Some more Talk no Jutsu and Dinah drops BS

BS blasted everyone away. She escapes

Team OG arrives and puts a collar on Dinah

Rene arrives. He's wounded and bloody

Team OG is back in the bunker. Thea worries about Rene because his wound from S06E01 opened

Sonuvabich believes BS will call back about the money

Curtis and Dinah is in the hospital and is worried about Rene

After Rene is healed they will hunt BS

Dinah thinks that maybe violence is not justice. Curtis' Talk no Jutsu is super effective

Oliver announced to his officials that the money is still missing

Oliver: 'I failed this city'

Some DA arrives to talk to the police captain about wanting to bury Oliver

Says he has proof but he needs the SCPD's full resources

Police Captain: 'I can see why Mr. Diaz likes you'

Doctor says that Rene suffered some traumatic hemothorax says the bleeding stopped but his lung re collapsed

Rene is to be transferred outside Star City

Felicity and Diggle arrive in the hospital to visit Rene. Dinah and Curtis didn't let them.

'We're done with the 3 of you. Period.'

Some unknown place with a random guy

BS arrives bleeding from a gunshot wound

BS: 'I don't know what day it is'

Random guy: 'Are you okay?'

BS: 'I just escaped. I was kidnapped 2 years ago, I think'

Random guy: 'What's your name?'

BS: 'Laurel, Laurel Lance'


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Saying she's Laurel Lance does not make her the Laurel Lance she's pretending to be. Also, saying she's Laurel Lance does not equal redemption. (Took a glance at reddit comments. People think these spoilers are a sign of BS' redemption. Wonder how they'd feel if BS declared herself E1 LL, murdered a bunch of people in front of a large crowd and then ruined E1 LL's legacy.) 

Really hope this "pretending to be E1 LL (again)" doesn't last long - as in one or two scenes. But if it does ... I hope BS dug up LL's grave and took her body because otherwise, if they have no one check LL's grave ... idiots. What am I saying? Of course that's what's going to happen. 

Also, BS is going to say she's LL and was kidnapped 2 years ago in the same episode that they have footage of her in the bank recently? Footage that at least one person - the accountant - outside of the team sees. Please don't tell me everyone in law enforcement is so stupid they can't see past a wig. Also, please tell me they saved that footage from 601 of BS in SCPD. Again, please tell me this whole "pretending to be E1 LL (again)" does not last long. Why is everything about BS so messy right now? 

"We're done with the 3 of you." Oh, hey, that's exactly how I feel about the newbies! Oh, wait, it sounds like Dinah or Curtis is taking over for Rene in this episode. Unless he yells it out from his hospital room: "We're done with the 3 of you! This doesn't change anything!" (Also, will Rene remember he has a daughter? Probably not. Stay tuned for the next episode in which he, once again, forgets about his daughter.) 

100% done with Curtis. Guessing this leads to Smoak Technologies? 

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HOW DID 3-DICK 3-DRAGON NOT TAKE ANY OF THAT MONEY?!?? If he's really supposed to be a mastermind, I weep. 

Also, I'm surprised they had Curtis mess with Diggle's chip in a way that actually hurt him - and had Dinah so casual about it. 


Anyway, I hope all the newbies die. :)

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8 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Took a glance at reddit comments. People think these spoilers are a sign of BS' redemption. People think these spoilers are a sign of BS' redemption. Wonder how they'd feel if BS declared herself E1 LL, murdered a bunch of people in front of a large crowd and then ruined E1 LL's legacy.

I think people are assuming that now that she's claiming to be OG Laurel that it'll be tough to get rid of her. The team isn't likely to want to claim Doppelgänger, although it could be easy enough to prove by exhuming Laurel's body (provided BS didn't steal it - Laurel does have a thing for digging up graves), and Quentin's pretty desperate to claim her as his kid. I guess they think she'll come around to being somewhat less of a murderous asshole - the show's sanctification of Laurel post-death does make it seem like they'd be reluctant to publicly sully her rep. 

I guess the flip side to that would be BS laying waste to Laurel's legacy with the public, and if that happens I'm not sure most of them would care if it meant she stuck around and there was even a possibility of her going good and Oliver falling in love with her. 

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Rene and Curtis lost to Oliver

Thank God. I don`t want to live in a world where Oliver doesn`t drop the noobs like the noobs they are. Even if they are all fictional.



'We're done with the 3 of you. Period.'

Please stay away then. Offscreenville seems nice, especially from, say, October to May.   

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I'm sorry but once again are we supposed to be on the newbies side and feel sorry for them?! I can't believe they went there with Curtis doing something to Diggle's chip. That's unforgivable. And the newbies claiming they're done with OTA when they're the ones in the wrong? THEY ALL NEED TO DIE.

As for Laurel stuff, LOL.

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Well, I'm glad that the writers aren't insulting our collective intelligence by making us think Rene and Curtis had any chance in a fight with Oliver. And I can't believe they really went there with Curtis messing with the chip.

I'm continually amazed by the way the newbies keep provoking Oliver and then acting like OTA are monsters when the consequences of their own actions bite them in the ass. They all need to buy a one way ticket out of town at the end of the season. I will never, ever, ever accept them as members of Team Arrow again. I'm terrible at holding grudges in real life, but I can hold a grudge against a television character forever.

Edited by KenyaJ
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1 minute ago, Cleanqueen said:

I think she is pretending now that Quentin has given her all the info about LL she needs and has him on his side.

Didn't Prometheus already give her everything lol  

But this would've been the perfect opportunity to get her out of the next 2 episodes instead of having her in 6x15. 

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5 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Didn't Prometheus already give her everything lol  

And Quentin gave her that picture, and a rundown of all the cute things they used to do when she was little. And she knows he isn't going to turn her in since he wants her to be his daughter so badly. 

She's sure as shit smarter than Dick D who couldn't even be bothered to get hold of the $70 million Cayden stole from the city (provided we don't find out later that BS gave it to him). 

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1 minute ago, way2interested said:

So the newbies track and listen in on OTA then? Irony?

Not to mention they reason they are doing it is they want to find BS so Dinah CAN KILL HER

But OTA are the monsters.

I really am starting to hate Reddit Spoiler guy telling us all the crap that is coming.  Now I'm stuck being pissed that much longer.  Ignorance would have been nice at least for a couple weeks during the hiatus.

I'm so weak.

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1 minute ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I felt bad thinking that about Curtis and THEY WENT THERE (or so it seems).

Same. I was like, oh no they wouldn't do that. I gave him the benefit of the doubt! 

I'm like an IRL version of that Tyra gif but instead of "I was rooting for you!" it's like "I didn't think you were that much of an asshole. HOW DARE YOU"

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I would've much preferred if Dinah had kidnapped Siren. Would've Been much more entertaining then what we seem to be getting in 6x14. 

And of course, Curtis gives Dinah another speech but of course this one sticks before she screeches. Which would've been hilarious for her to do only for Siren to be like ".....we have the same power! My insides can withstand the frequency "

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So after that summary, I'm 1000% done with Curtis for fucking with Diggle's arm and Lance for fucking up Oliver's life (AGAIN) and the city's well-being because of his obsession with his dead dead DEAD daughter. I hope they put him in a mental institution because that part about giving BS Laurel's favorite soup is straight out of Misery

The only silver lining to this episode is that it sounds like Rene is going to be out of the story for a while. Explains why RG has been in LA for the last couple weeks. Too bad he's back in Vancouver based on his IG

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Just now, BkWurm1 said:

Not to mention they reason they are doing it is they want to find BS so Dinah CAN KILL HER

But OTA are the monsters.

Lol, at this point the plot just make me laugh because now we're going on 5-6 episodes where the newbies are looking pretty bad (or at least 4 going after Oliver's apology). I still partially think that the writers are doing this on purpose, or at least still just don't want to make OTA look bad in this "fight", since they aren't even making an effort to remind the audience why the newbies are mad in the first place. It doesn't seem to be a priority to them at all, more like a plot point to explain why Oliver/the team can't take down the threats to the city until 623. The blatant disregard of the perception of the newbies (except for maybe Dinah since they did give her some if not still optically negative motivation) is amusing to me.

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I really don't understand what these writers are doing. There's no going back from what the newbies did to Diggle's arm and yet they're mad at OTA? I'm baffled.

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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

The only silver lining to this episode is that it sounds like Rene is going to be out of the story for a while. 

Good. Hopefully we don't have to see Dinah or Curtis either while he's gone and Roy is back.

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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

I really don't understand what these writers are doing. There's no going back from what the newbies did to Diggle's arm and yet they're mad at OTA? I'm baffled.

Since Felicity was able to restart the chip, I assume we are supposed to think it's not that big of a deal, but Curtis didn't know how much harm or not he was going to cause, I'm not going to forget that.  And again, he weighed possible debilitating harm against helping DInah find someone she wants to KILL.  He has no ground to stand on.  

4 minutes ago, way2interested said:

The blatant disregard of the perception of the newbies (except for maybe Dinah since they did give her some if not still optically negative motivation) is amusing to me.

I'd feel this way if I wasn't sure that some of them were absolutely rejoining the team.  That's where it stops being entertaining. 

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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

I really don't understand what these writers are doing. There's no going back from what the newbies did to Diggle's arm and yet they're mad at OTA? I'm baffled.

My guess? Curtis says the problem was only temporary (since it sounds like Felicity fixes it by restarting the chip?) and they only had to do it because OTA didn't share information. Or something along those lines. Basically something that makes me go, "No. Shut up, Curtis/Dinah/Rene/newbies." 

(Ignoring, of course, the fact that the newbies were only going to "eventually" tell OTA about Vince and don't seem to think they need to share information but need to keep reminding OTA "this doesn't change anything.") 

But yeah, I really don't see how we're ever supposed to want the newbies back.

The season better end with only OTA part of any Team Arrow and the newbies gone. I don't care if they're dead or leave town (or this Earth). Just gone. No more NTA. 

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The newbies don't have a leg to stand on. I'm sorry but they don't. They've repeatedly not shared any info. Felicity is the one who has to inform them something is even happening in the city; until then they're clueless. Why should OTA continue to help when they've repeatedly said nothing has changed? And then for the newbies to put a bug on Oliver when they're mad about being spied on???? The hypocrisy! And for them to harm Diggle and then be mad at OTA because Oliver fought Rene and rightfully won??? IDGI. I really don't. 

This storyline is even worse knowing the team will likely get back together by the end of the season when really OTA need to tell them all to piss off. They're horrible!

Edited by Guest
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2 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'd feel this way if I wasn't sure that some of them were absolutely rejoining the team.  That's where it stops being entertaining. 

I guess my thing with this is like BS until the show actually acknowledges it or some form of it, I'm not either.

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Just trying on the devil's advocate hat

1 minute ago, insomniadreams88 said:

The season better end with only OTA part of any Team Arrow and the newbies gone. I don't care if they're dead or leave town (or this Earth). Just gone. No more NTA. 

What are the chances that Arrow REALLY is going to go there and Rene retires to go be with his daughter and Curtis and DInah relocate to some other city to keep fighting crime.  Dinah keeps the BC mantle.

But what if... dear lord this hurts to even type...what if the show runners really do intend to bring back KC full time next year as the frenemy muscle on the team?  

Somebody talk me down from the crazy.  

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6 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I really don't understand what these writers are doing. There's no going back from what the newbies did to Diggle's arm and yet they're mad at OTA? I'm baffled.

And they're mad because Rene got injured? That was an entirely foreseeable consequence of trying to take on Oliver. If a lethal fighting machine tells you not to take another step and you do it anyway . . . well, bitches have to learn. I'm confused about why Diggle and Felicity went to visit him in the first place. After the shit they pulled, OTA should be done with them.

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1 minute ago, way2interested said:

I guess my thing with this is like BS until the show actually acknowledges it or some form of it, I'm not either.

It's hard to live in the moment but I may have to try to keep my sanity, lol.  

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1 minute ago, KenyaJ said:

I'm confused about why Diggle and Felicity went to visit him in the first place. After the shit they pulled, OTA should be done with them.

Being the parent to a toddler must've given Diggle endless patience to withstand tantrums. 

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14 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Good. Hopefully we don't have to see Dinah or Curtis either while he's gone and Roy is back.

Oh Roy! I'm so happy he's returning, but I bet after seeing Roy and Speedy in action (parkour!) I'm going to want NTA back even less. And I already want them dead, so...

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2 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Good. Hopefully we don't have to see Dinah or Curtis either while he's gone and Roy is back

I'm trying to think about the end of the season and what the writers' endgame with this storyline could possibly be, and I'm stumped. It sounds like the newbies cross unforgivable lines in this ep (including spying on OTA and hurting Diggle, then being all sanctimonious about it while Dig and Felicity try to be the bigger people and visit Rene). AND THEN just when we're convinced the show doesn't need NTA anymore, we'll be gifted with episodes in which Roy and Thea re-join the team. It's like they're trying to make us realize how much better this team can be without the newbies.  Even if they eventually are the ones responsible for taking down Diaz (or whoever the big bad is), I still don't want them back on the team. The only way I can see it playing out is if one of them (Rene?) dies, and the other two realize how in over their heads they were and come back with their tail between their legs. But even if that happens, the damage to those characters is going to be so hard to recover from. And what was the point? I'm so confused...

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10 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

But what if... dear lord this hurts to even type...what if the show runners really do intend to bring back KC full time next year as the frenemy muscle on the team?  

I'm already braced for this. I've been expecting this ever since she was brought back this year. But no, it's not the show runners. I don't think anybody on the show wanted her back or expected her to be back. But friends in high places, you know ... I don't think she'll be a frenemy, though. I think she will continue to be a thorn on their side. But if both Quentin and Thea leave this season, who's she gonna interact with? Dinah? Because I can't imagine her interacting with the core trio, not after what they've been showing us this season. 

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1 minute ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I'm already braced for this. I've been expecting this ever since she was brought back this year. But no, it's not the show runners. I don't think anybody on the show wanted her back or expected her to be back. But friends in high places, you know ... I don't think she'll be a frenemy, though. I think she will continue to be a thorn on their side. But if both Quentin and Thea leave this season, who's she gonna interact with? Dinah? Because I can't imagine her interacting with the core trio, not after what they've been showing us this season. 

You've reminded me that BS hasn't had any one on one scenes with the Team yet so that does help to ground me. 

I've never before considered they'd keep her or put her on the team.  If she has any signs of redemption, sending her back to E2 or letting her walk the world offscreen is normally where my mind goes but the neewbs are soo awful, for a second it seemed almost reasonable to trade those three terribles for one awful.  

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I get the two teams fighting but even that was a dirty move by Curtis. I'm going to guess when they reunite that they use that excuse. 


But I just can't understand the writers and how they are portraying NTA. Ever Since The split they've made them look horrible.

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3 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

You've reminded me that BS hasn't had any one on one scenes with the Team yet so that does help to ground me. 

I've never before considered they'd keep her or put her on the team.  If she has any signs of redemption, sending her back to E2 or letting her walk the world offscreen is normally where my mind goes but the neewbs are soo awful, for a second it seemed almost reasonable to trade those three terribles for one awful.  

I just remembered - isn't 6x15 called Doppelgänger? Maybe they will be dealing with the fact that she isn't actually the Laurel she's passing herself off as. 

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11 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Oh Roy! I'm so happy he's returning, but I bet after seeing Roy and Speedy in action (parkour!) I'm going to want NTA back even less. And I already want them dead, so...

I don't want them dead at this point. I especially don't want Dinah dead because that just opens up the door for Black Siren to be redeemed and made into Black Canary 4.0. So she just needs to stop and get it together.

Rene and Curtis can go off to the Flash. LOL

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So Curtis does deliberately mess with Diggle’s chip. I have to say it surprises me because I never thought the writers would take his character that far. 

Curtis would have to be the newbie with the least fandom love and they’re writing him to deliberately hurt Diggle, a core member of OTA, and one that has a lot of fandom love. The only way they could have sabotaged his character more is if they had him mess with Felicity’s chip.

Please tell me the writers know that Curtis hacking Diggle’s chip is not an equal action to Felicity doing a little satellite tracking. It is a million times worse and I don’t know how they ever come back from that. 

This whole “civil war” storyline is so incredibly stupid and NoTA are wading into worst characters ever to appear on Arrow territory (and that’s saying a lot because, hello Snoozen!).  I don’t think it’s possible for the writers to get me even slightly on board with an eventual return to the bunker for Dinah, Curtis and Rene.

Edited by kes0704
Spelling, again :(
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The rest sounds nightmarish, but Black Siren walking around pretending to be Laurel could be fun. I'm picturing a sort of Faith pretending to be Buffy when they swapped bodies: "You can't do that.  It's wrong!" and then rolling her eyes.

The newbies situation proves something I've thought for a while, that if you are a character who is in conflict with Oliver, even if you are good, you will begin to be hated by the audience.  I wasn't sure if it was just with romantic conflicts--the show made both Laurel and Felicity be in the wrong when they fought with him--but this proves that if you are running counter to Oliver in any way the writers will make sure that you will lose, both in being right and being sympathetic in the eyes of some or all of the viewers.

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The whole BS storyline is seriously the least of the show's problems. I don't even care what they do there, haha. But the newbies, wow, I've never hated a bunch of characters more. 

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