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31 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

If ME has only 4 more episodes, I wonder if that means that he's not the season's Big Bad after all.  The Big Bad usually rises and then stumbles during May sweeps.

The Big Bad is usually revealed or makes the big move in x09 though, which CJ did, not to mention that he already had a new manufactured vendetta against Oliver. I'm partially wondering if they're going to pull a Defenders or


The Last Jedi

and have a last minute, slightly disappointing switch in villains, but at this point none of the other villains have been put in enough predominance to take over that, except possibly Watson if she ends up being a villain or BS but she hasn't had any connection to Oliver whatsoever since 510.

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Definitely started wondering if they were gonna go Luke Cage/Defenders route and Dragon or maybe even BS would end up being the Big Bad, which would be really disappointing. I mean, at least with Luke Cage they replaced Mahershala Ali with Alfre Woodard! Making Elektra the Big Bad in Defenders was a big miss, IMO.

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You know, they did set up a way for him to just leave Star City and for someone else to step up as villain team leader. As far as we know, his son could be alive. He disappeared while Cayden was in ARGUS custody, right? What if he finds out his son is still alive and he finds him/decides to leave to find him? 

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Absolute shame if they dump ME/James after 613, he's a great actor and truly interesting character. Only other interesting character/actor on that team is Anatoly and, it doesn't seem like he's getting a lot of scenes.

Crossing my fingers that they spread out ME's remaining 4 episodes or add more to his contract for a surprise May return

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Richard Dragon has been written and acted like a dimwitted drug addict so far, but maybe it was done on purpose to make it all the more shocking when he kills Cayden and takes control of the villain team? Or maybe we're finally going to get a female Big Bad in Black Siren? That would certainly be a lot more surprising than a predictable redemption arc and at least in her case, I could buy it if she were to kill Cayden considering that she's a meta with superpowers.  

Edited by strikera0
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If Richard Dragon becomes the big bad I say everyone on twitter spam the actors twitter account with pretty Felicity and Olicity gifs and all the best of lists Felicity/Emily has landed on (best of lists that I've never seen any character he's played appear on).....

you know just to show our appreciation and enthusiasm for what a totally evil and super scary Big Bad he is with his soooo intimidating printed money. ?

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If Team Bad guys looses its best member before the finale and his plan fizzles in 6.13 that's way lamer than any of LOT's LODs. I guess they could bring him back for the finale eps, Slade didn't actually appear in that many present day eps in S2 and Ra's was only in 10 eps of S3, though it felt like a lot more. But if this "will kill a significant amount of the world's populace" plan is done with before the finale, then we might have a problem as it leaves us with BS, Dragon and Anatoli and the only one of those I'm at all interested in is Anatoli. I guess CJ could not be seen but still be pulling strings and others take over his plans like Rip is barely on LOT even before recent developments and the show used proxies. 

Right now I can't imagine being interested in Dragon as the Big Bad even if the actor hadn't made a complete asshole of himself on twitter and I don't think KC can pull it off either. If ME really doesn't return I guess they could reveal someone else was pulling his strings all along and have a new character step in. 

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1 hour ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I could actually see Vigilante being the Big Bad, if for no other reason that him being on Team Villain seems off for what we know about him so I figure there's got to be a reason he's there.

With Vigilante's past as a former undercover cop, it would make more sense for him to be a double agent, who's trying to take down the group from within. 

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I know they're not going to keep it and it'll be cut so that she just vanishes when Lance turns around. But, man I wish they keep her ducking behind the wall in the scene .  She looked like a woman with wet toenails running to feed the meter. ??

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3 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

That clip is too funny! It's almost "cute," except cute doesn't match BS or her relationship/situation with Lance so it comes as cringe-y.

I guess it depends on how their "relationship" develops after she "let him go" in ep 9. Either she is stalking him out of actual "caring" about him or it's part of CJ's big plan (seeing as that's ME's last episode for now it seems) or both. 

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I just want Lance to have a storyline that’s not about his daughters (or other Earth’s versions) or drinking. I don’t think I’m going to get my wish.

Also, I really hope they don’t keep that little run in the episode. Doesn’t seem like Black Siren to me at all. 

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5 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I dont understand why Siren goes out in public with no disguise but then makes sure to hide from being seen by someone who may know her.

Yep. I find it strange that they seem to be avoiding/ignoring the potential in Black Siren pretending to be LL to the public. 

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51 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Yep. I find it strange that they seem to be avoiding/ignoring the potential in Black Siren pretending to be LL to the public. 

Especially since they were so worried before that Evelyn or BS would ruin LL's legacy such as it was. I guess it might come up or might not depending on whether the writers feel like it. MM certainly didn't act like he had to hide the fact that he was alive and might be recognised as a very famous mass murderer by anyone, so it just might not come up unless they want to do another round of St Laurel talk/use it as part of Lance's storyline. 

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8 hours ago, Featherhat said:

I guess it depends on how their "relationship" develops after she "let him go" in ep 9. Either she is stalking him out of actual "caring" about him or it's part of CJ's big plan (seeing as that's ME's last episode for now it seems) or both. 

I have a hard time imagining BS and Quentin’s relationship will ever reach the point where cute can be used. Even if the show tries to play it as if BS is starting to care for him. FTR I think it’s CJ’s ploy though I can see the writers try to make it seem like BS had a change of heart. I just don’t think KC can play it with any nuance.

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“Divided” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)

OLIVER DISCOVERS A SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT CAYDEN JAMES — Despite losing half his team, Oliver (Stephen Amell) remains confident that he, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Diggle (David Ramsey) can stop Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson) and Black Siren (Katie Cassidy). However, when he discovers one of Cayden’s secrets, he decides to team up with an unlikely ally. Meanwhile, Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) spends time with Vince (guest star Johann Urb). James Bamford directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#610). Original airdate 1/18/2018.


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Is it possible that Felicity's dad stuck around for one more episode and he's the "unlikely ally"? 

I love all the OTAness of that description (though I'm guessing the fact that the next episode is called "We Fall" means that Oliver is wrong and they can't, in fact, do it without the newbs). Also, yet another Bam ep? Sigh.

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Would Argus be the unlikely ally? They are probably pissed at the Team for letting James out but I don't see it as unlikely.

1 minute ago, Trisha said:

Is it possible that Felicity's dad stuck around for one more episode and he's the "unlikely ally"? 

I love all the OTAness of that description (though I'm guessing the fact that the next episode is called "We Fall" means that Oliver is wrong and they can't, in fact, do it without the newbs). Also, yet another Bam ep? Sigh.

My first thought (and big Wish) was that Oliver discovers a tie between James and Noah.

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6 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Is it possible that Felicity's dad stuck around for one more episode and he's the "unlikely ally"? 

I love all the OTAness of that description (though I'm guessing the fact that the next episode is called "We Fall" means that Oliver is wrong and they can't, in fact, do it without the newbs). Also, yet another Bam ep? Sigh.

Yeah presumably the point of this storyline is to convince Oliver and more importantly us viewers that the noobs are necessary and awesome etc. Although I hope noobs have as many issues as OTA will probably be having, especially as they don't know each other that well and Dinah will be spending time with Vince. 

I want Oliver's surprising ally to be Anatoly, but I think it's too early in the season for any type of possible reconciliation between them, especially if ME is only going to be sticking around for a few more eps. Noah might be a candidate, especially as they brought TA back for 1 minute of screentime otherwise, but is it surprising when it seems he and Donna have had a reconciliation of some sort and he isn't acting like he's a wanted fugitive. He definitely does make sense as having something to do with/knowing about CJ though. 


So Oliver is totally going to team up with Agent Watson isnt he?

I'd forgotten about her, but it seems a bit of an abrupt turn around in the storyline unless she's personally attacked or something.

Edited by Featherhat
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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Would Argus be the unlikely ally? They are probably pissed at the Team for letting James out but I don't see it as unlikely.

My first thought (and big Wish) was that Oliver discovers a tie between James and Noah.

Argus is a good guess, they do have ties to the James story.

I went with Roy but, then remembered he wasn't filming until maybe 613/614 or not until January.

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25 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I love all the OTAness of that description (though I'm guessing the fact that the next episode is called "We Fall" means that Oliver is wrong and they can't, in fact, do it without the newbs).

Tbh since it didn't imply that the newbies were doing wonderfully without OTA, I'm still going on that it'll be more of a mutual need kind of like what they tried to do with 609, like OTA can't handle the big bad without extra help (which is technically true, all of the finales they needed more than just the 3 of them) but the newbies can't handle themselves or regular villains without OTA leadership or something like that. I did laugh that it seems like the show/description is really only concerned with OTA and how Dinah relates to the villain rather than the actual newbies who were the source of the drama in the first place.

Edited by way2interested
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"Unlikely ally" could be anyone. Remember when Felicity was the "surprising source" Oliver turned to in 603? 

So we know that OTA finds out about the team of villains in 610, but we don't know if they find out everyone on it. If they do, they could find out that Vince is part of it while Dinah's off spending time with him and Rene and Curtis ... just don't care that she is?

It seems like Team Newbies is just going to be a mess (Rene's testifying against Oliver and they can't really trust he won't turn on everyone else, Dinah's meeting with her ex who's part of the villains team and Curtis hates being behind the computers but that's where he'll likely be stuck unless they have no one on comms), and I really can't see OTA thinking they need them for anything but more bodies in the field since Diggle can't fight right now and it'll only be Oliver out there and it's not the best idea for him to be fighting without backup.

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16 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

That hack Bamford is directing 4 eps this season right? Is 610 his 4th or third ep?

He directed 601, 608 and 610, so he has one left this season. I'm betting that it's the finale.

Edited by tv echo
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2 hours ago, LeighAn said:

I like that Kirk follows this tweet up with liking a tweet that insults Micheal's character and begs for Dragon to kill him off. You're a gem of a man Kirk. 

I'm still stuck on the fact KA refers to himself by a nickname and hashtagged it. Who does that? ?

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2 hours ago, LeighAn said:

I like that Kirk follows this tweet up with liking a tweet that insults Micheal's character and begs for Dragon to kill him off. You're a gem of a man Kirk. 

Ugh, really? Though I probably shouldn't be surprised. I used to like KA. And then I saw how he is on Twitter and that changed. Plus, considering his character hasn't done much ... which isn't on him, it's on the writing and his intro was weak, but to be honest, because of how he is on Twitter, I don't want to see more of him. I don't want to see him lead the team of villains if ME is really gone after 613ish, so I'm really hoping that doesn't happen.

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