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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Will be interesting in the crossover episodes if anyone tries to redeem their Nazi counterparts because there might be some Oliver or Kara in them.  


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6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Will be interesting in the crossover episodes if anyone tries to redeem their Nazi counterparts because there might be some Oliver or Kara in them.  

I hope someone does bring this up. Also, that Oliver's future interactions with that BS character are informed by an understanding of how parallel universes work. 

ETA: of course, the writers could very well change how they've handled parallel words in the past and reinforce the idea the doppelgängers have "something" of the original characters in them to provide a rationale for KC's continued employment in the Arrowverse 

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Well, whether people like it or not, it was always pretty predictable that they would try something like that (he wants to try and redeem her because Laurel).

With them saying that BS is completely not feeling it, the question is whether it will make Ollie look like an idiot if he keeps barking up that wrong tree. I don't think that he is an idiot for trying (again this is just how it has always been handled in CW verse), but he would by an idiot for not getting the message. 

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I am one who is prone to have a fit over things but honestly with the way she's been treated so far I'm more going with this being one of those things they keep claiming and we never really see it onscreen. 

Maybe the rest of the team want to finish her off but he'll give her a pep talk before sticking her in the pipeline? Maybe everyone bops her on the head except Oliver who lectures her instead? That's how I see it rather any big plot about trying to redeem BS.

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1 minute ago, way2interested said:

They're not even the ones claiming it though. The EPs keep saying villain, and it's only people's spec that says "redemption," along with SA saying "well, Oliver has hope, I guess." Nothing about anyone trying.

hehe the good old "If I claim something enough it'll be true!"

Come on peeps, help me with my Olicity tot campaign!!!!! If we keep repeating it, they will give me an Olicitot!!!!!!!

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5 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:


ETA: of course, the writers could very well change how they've handled parallel words in the past and reinforce the idea the doppelgängers have "something" of the original characters in them to provide a rationale for KC's continued employment in the Arrowverse 

Isn't much to change since they've already shown that E2 is a slight deviation of E1. 

I think a lot hinges on how much of Sirens story from 5x10 is true.  If it is then trying to find redemption for her is totally in the cards and shouldn't be something Oliver gives up on at the moment. 

This is a show that keeps Malcolm and Slade around, both of whomhave done much more personal damage to the team so it's completely in line to continue that trend. 

But I don't expect them to treat E-X baddies as anything human. Though them most likely growing up under Nazi influence and knowing no other life will give the team a different outlook on them. 

12 minutes ago, way2interested said:

They're not even the ones claiming it though. The EPs keep saying villain, and it's only people's spec that says "redemption," along with SA saying "well, Oliver has hope, I guess." Nothing about anyone trying.

WM said it's possible but not in the cards at the moment so it's far from some made up speculation. 

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15 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

hehe the good old "If I claim something enough it'll be true!"

Come on peeps, help me with my Olicity tot campaign!!!!! If we keep repeating it, they will give me an Olicitot!!!!!!!

 They have a kid. His name is William so dream came true!

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5 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

 They have a kid. His name is William so dream came true!

Too old! Still want a pregnancy and a tot! Pregnant Olicity will be soooooooo cute!!!!! Makes me all squeeeeeee just thinking about it! Although I always feel bad for wishing it because apparently those belly things are awful to wear! 

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21 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

WM said it's possible but not in the cards at the moment so it's far from some made up speculation. 

I guess it is far from made up spec, I'll give it that, but "it's possible but not in the cards," basically puts it on the same level of spec as whatever the Huntress' plot would be if she came back since MG's been saying the same exact thing for years now. And even if the difference is that BS is actually a character, with the closest comparisons of Malcolm and Slade, they had at least been actively talking about their redeemable aspects ("they really care about their kids"), where BS' descriptions have been passive ("Oliver's/Lance's/the team's reaction to her"), kind of show that they aren't actively thinking about her redemption in the line of how they have in the past.

I just don't think it's this big understood "Oh, well obviously BS is going to be redeemed and obviously Oliver's going to be an idiot about it," that's been going around because at the end of the day so far it's not obvious and at this point is unconfirmed spec even if it might not be totally made up.

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35 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I guess it is far from made up spec, I'll give it that, but "it's possible but not in the cards," basically puts it on the same level of spec as whatever the Huntress' plot would be if she came back since MG's been saying the same exact thing for years now. And even if the difference is that BS is actually a character, with the closest comparisons of Malcolm and Slade, they had at least been actively talking about their redeemable aspects ("they really care about their kids"), where BS' descriptions have been passive ("Oliver's/Lance's/the team's reaction to her"), kind of show that they aren't actively thinking about her redemption in the line of how they have in the past.

I just don't think it's this big understood "Oh, well obviously BS is going to be redeemed and obviously Oliver's going to be an idiot about it," that's been going around because at the end of the day so far it's not obvious and at this point is unconfirmed spec even if it might not be totally made up.

Indeed. I doubt they have any immediate plans for it right now, we know there's a lot going on that won't involve BS very much and a lot of what we do know is BC vs BS. It's not totally made up and it is an obvious storyline for them to wonder about it some more since she's a regular this season. It's just that that quote means nothing in itself and we've no evidence from what they *have* been teasing or pap spoilers etc that it's happening. 

Whether any redemption happens probably depends on how long KC is around for this time. If she's a one and done villain maybe not, if whoever  insisted she rejoin the show wants her there for another then they'll probably explore the storyline. That doesn't mean she takes up LL's "rightful" place as BC since they've still just promoted JH. She could theoretically become another annoying MM hanging around long past her sell by date but we'll have to wait and see how the season goes before that. I do think a lot of LL fans will be pushing for it as the season goes on, especially after the crossover wedding. 

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14 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Will be interesting in the crossover episodes if anyone tries to redeem their Nazi counterparts because there might be some Oliver or Kara in them.  

I do wonder if perhaps that will be something that carries over from the crossover - that other Earth versions of characters clearly aren't the same. Like, maybe we'll get this "hopeful" Oliver about BS in episodes 1-7, but then after the crossover, he'll go, "Nope, no 'bit of Laurel' in her." 

53 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I just don't think it's this big understood "Oh, well obviously BS is going to be redeemed and obviously Oliver's going to be an idiot about it," that's been going around because at the end of the day so far it's not obvious and at this point is unconfirmed spec even if it might not be totally made up.

I honestly think this came from MG and WM talking about how redemption is a possibility, comic book sites taking that and going "soon-to-be-redeemed Black Siren" and people who want to see her redeemed then going, "See, she's definitely going to be redeemed."

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The thing with Malcolm and Slade is that Oliver never wanted to redeem them or didn't think there was anything good in them. He chose not to hurt Malcolm because of Thea and he went to Slade because he needed help. Not sure what BS provides him at the moment.

If Oliver truly wanted to redeem someone it would be Evelyn, and we seen him multiple occasions want her to be better. 

I would rather have him reach out to BS the same way he did with Helena and that he sees a potential good in her(Even though there might not be any good in her), it's no a coincidence they had BS use that line Helena did about once you let the darkness in blah blah. This would be a better approach then try to tie BS's redemption to the Laurel they knew. They built this picturesque view of Laurel that is so unrealistic that its become a running joke anytime they try to bring her up in to situations.

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I think there's a conflict/confusion over what kind of redemption they might have planned for BS (and I do think something is likely to happen later in the season). IMO the show will get more mileage out of BS being a villain. I can't see them having two meta canary criers - essentially the same character - permanently on Team Arrow. 

So I bet their idea of 'redemption' will be something along the lines of Malcolm Merlyn - essentially BS will still be bad but someone who helps out the team now and then for her own selfish interests. It's the only way I see her working long term on the show tbh. Not something I want personally but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Guest
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16 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Will be interesting in the crossover episodes if anyone tries to redeem their Nazi counterparts because there might be some Oliver or Kara in them.  

Ooo, I hope not. I don't want anything but WTFOMGBBQ, why is other me such a garbage person, and of course, lots of punching Nazis in the face. 

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The biggest problem I have with any type of BS redemption story is that she isn't Laurel. Their history with her is her aligning herself with Chase and assisting him in a mass murder plot. There is no personal history; they don't' know her. This isn't Malcolm, where they grew up with the Merlyns and he is Thea's bio dad. This isn't The Huntress where she had a connection established with Oliver and was going after Bad Guys. They've already said BS doesn't care about them so Oliver and Co caring about her to the point where they make excuses and allow her a season of wrecking havoc (ie hurting/killing people) just doesn't work for me.

TBH I don't see how she works as a villain or redeemed.

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3 minutes ago, Chaser said:

They've already said BS doesn't care about them so Oliver and Co caring about her to the point where they make excuses and allow her a season of wrecking havoc (ie hurting/killing people) just doesn't work for me.

This is what's bothering me too. It seems like it's basically going to be, "Well, she's not hurting any of us or anyone we care about but just going after random people, so it's okay to let her do what she wants while we try to find the 'bit of Laurel' in her even though there's no reason why we should even think it's there."

Now, hopefully that's not the case. Hopefully that's just what it seems like since we're getting promos of her blowing up the police station and then interviews with SA going, "well, Oliver wants to see if she can be redeemed." 

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18 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Will be interesting in the crossover episodes if anyone tries to redeem their Nazi counterparts because there might be some Oliver or Kara in them.  

Nice.  That could be intriguing but the crossovers are generally so shallow in terms of characterization that the best I can hope for is an off hand remark.

5 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Isn't much to change since they've already shown that E2 is a slight deviation of E1.

I can handwave a lot in sci fi and fantasy genre and I have but this "same characters but really really different people" drives me crazy.  It's just so utterly impossible.

If the Nazis had won, it's doubtful that Robert Queen would have been a rich man unless he and his father were both corrupt enough to support the Nazis. So either he would have been poor or he wouldn't have felt the need to atone for what he did so Oliver wouldn't have grown up the way he did. The only way it makes sense for Nazi Oliver and Barry to secretly be doing a Schindler and protecting the people in trouble.

For Black Siren, you don't suddenly turn that evil.  Either she always had it in her to be the kind of person who wishes she could hear her victims scream, in which case E1 LL also has that evil, or she would be morally conflicted over what she does. You can't have it both ways.

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-- On whether there's going to be a redemption arc for Black Siren, MG: "Having given a lot of thought both to getting the question and to the question itself, I'm kinda like - you gotta understand, it's been five years of Arrow and five years of a lot of, like, 'when are Oliver & Felicity going to get together?', 'when is Laurel going to become Black Canary?', 'when is Black Siren going to be redeemed?', and I'm like - I'm sorta like much more interested in answering and talking about the stories that we're telling now, as opposed to the stories we may tell in the future - or may not tell in the future." When reporter commented that it sounded like they weren't going to redeem Black Siren, MG: "We talk a lot about, you know, whether or not we should redeem her, how we would do so, um, but again, right now, it's - ... You know, one of the advantages of having a show, knock on wood, that you know is staying on the air, um, you can have a long con, you can make long-term plans. I mean, look at the - like, the William storyline. That storyline started out in Season 2 and it's really only coming into fruition in Season 6. So, that to us is - you know, the thing that excites us as writers, we really like planting seeds that, you know, don't come to fruition for a couple seasons. At the same time, uh, it's again - it's the advantage of having a long-running show. You know, I've worked on shows where you were like always on the verge of cancellation. You had to do everything immediately. And now we get a chance to - we get to take our time with it." (SDCC, Jul. 22, 2017: Seat42F video of press roundtable interview with MG, page 4 of New Spoilers thread)


-- WM: “I don’t know if there’s any question about whether or not the [idea] of redemption will come up; it has to... Her father is there. Oliver is there. Everyone is going to be asking whether or not it’s possible to find a little piece of Laurel, the Laurel Lance they knew and loved, in there somewhere.” That said, WM: “I think she’s interesting as a [villain]... Black Siren is a badass.” (Jul. 12, 2017 TVLine article, page 4 of New Spoilers thread)

Edited by tv echo
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Speaking of Black Siren, another BTS video with her (nothing really new and just reiterating BS is a villain, but does feature a clip from S6 of BC vs. BS):

I really can't wait until the premiere next week so they officially start promoting other characters. At this point, I think I'd even take a video about Rene if I can't get something, anything about Felicity, Diggle, Thea or Lance. That should say how sick and tired I am of how they're promoting the show this summer. 

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It's so stupid and her fans are gonna throw a tantrum when they realize she doesnt play any significant role once the show starts. They could've done like the flash did and make different gifs for the show and just make captions. I am tired of seeing her face and horrible make up that age her by 10 years.

Edited by Cleanqueen
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15 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

It feels like they're promoting BS more than Oliver sometimes. If you look at the last four videos uploaded to the Arrow playlist on the CW's YT, it's "Black Siren's Back," the S6 trailer, "When Quentin Met Siren" and "Canary vs Canary." 

Probably because most of the people Oliver interacts with in the first few episodes are OMG Dead! ?

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I am just laughing that even the media is getting annoyed. Matt Mittovich just said in the TV Line Facebook live session that he could only ask about Oliver, BS, BC and Deathstroke in his Fall TV preview with the EPs. Oh and that SA talked about Olicity in the theoretical sense. 

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3 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Matt Mittovich just said in the TV Line Facebook live session that he could only ask about Oliver, BS, BC and Deathstroke in his Fall TV preview with the EPs

Ha, Matt knows what's not going to give them enough clicks.

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For real, what kind of promotion is that? This is seriously ridiculous. If they were so strict about spoilers maybe MG shouldn't have told everyone about Diggle's and Felicity's story points this season. Or tell their actors to say nothing at all. I am getting annoyed by this. As if anyone seriously cares all that much about BC and BS going up against each other. I mean, if you like that, fair enough but it doesn't make me want to tune in on a new night.

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Five minutes before the premiere, the CW Arrow account will probably tweet out "tune in in five minutes to see who survived" and that will be the most they'll use the cliffhanger to promote the new season. 

Or it'll be "tune in in five minutes to see who wins in the Canary vs. Canary (since we seem to think that Black Siren was once Black Canary simply because the same actress plays the characters) rematch." 

The problem is that it seems to depend on which day you talk to an EP how they're promoting the new season. One day, it's "Felicity's new company!" "Diggle post-explosion!" but the next it's "nope, everyone could be dead, we're only talking about Oliver, William, BC, BS and Slade." 

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7 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

I am just laughing that even the media is getting annoyed. Matt Mittovich just said in the TV Line Facebook live session that he could only ask about Oliver, BS, BC and Deathstroke in his Fall TV preview with the EPs. Oh and that SA talked about Olicity in the theoretical sense. 

Meanwhile LOT and Flash got to answer questions about each character this season, even the ones that have been announced but not shown yet. We know more about what Zari will be doing this season than we (officially) know about Dig and Felicity and even unofficially about Thea and Lance. 

Even if the rest of the cast had for real been killed on the island it is crappy promotion. They aren't even reminding people they ended on a supposedly massive cliffhanger, they aren't even showing pictures of popular "dead" characters or really milking that Oliver's life is (supposedly) completely changed. If this was a real reboot no one would even know about it. I think BC vs BS will have its fans, as will Slade's story but it's not been great promotion for that. The only interesting thing was the fake Big Belly Burger ad.  

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Even assuming people care there's not much to tease about that either. KC hasn't been filming that much and they can't spoil their plans for the whole season that I imagine at this point aren't even set in stone and they will want to tease in the following months. We've been hearing the same piece of information for months, I'd be bored even if I cared.

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3 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

The problem is that it seems to depend on which day you talk to an EP how they're promoting the new season. One day, it's "Felicity's new company!" "Diggle post-explosion!" but the next it's "nope, everyone could be dead, we're only talking about Oliver, William, BC, BS and Slade." 

It's more like depends on which type of interview. Off the cuff not directly from CW (Collider's mostly Trollhunters and general MG interview, MG's tumblr, etc.) it's "here's some stuff" anything from CW (TvLine, SDCC, official promo, etc.) is "Everyone is dead." TPTB are the ones ruining this, not whatever MG or WM feel like talking about.

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I'm so glad I'm spoiled up. If I was a casual viewer and had seen what TPTB have been promoting, I don't think I would tune in for the premiere. It's beyond stupid that they aren't playing up who lived?! more and plastering that everywhere. They can't let go of Moonlighting but clearly learned nothing from Dallas and Who Shot JR?

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And the consequence of the dumbest cliffhanger ever continues... It wouldn't be so bad if they hyped up that cliffhanger but they're acting like it never even happened. IDGI.

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38 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Even assuming people care there's not much to tease about that either. KC hasn't been filming that much and they can't spoil their plans for the whole season that I imagine at this point aren't even set in stone and they will want to tease in the following months. We've been hearing the same piece of information for months, I'd be bored even if I cared.

Maybe it's one of those situations where a lot or most of her stuff has been shown in the promos/BTs interviews already? That is assuming the paps are right and she hasn't been shooting more than we realise. Not that I want to and I can't imagine its much of a selling point for anyone, but they haven't been promoting Oliver as Dad that much either, except for the same "bad man" scene and that's a storyline they're officially *allowed* to promote. Do more of a promo of Oliver trying to get Raisa to help him with the kid or something, that would at least be different. 


And the consequence of the dumbest cliffhanger ever continues... It wouldn't be so bad if they hyped up that cliffhanger but they're acting like it never even happened. IDGI.

Acting like it never happened but embargoing any mention of characters people care about is the worst of both world IMO. 

Edited by Featherhat
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I'm honestly at a loss for how the CW is playing it. I can only rationalize by thinking the CW figures no one be lives any of the regulars died (and really no one of importance died) so why play the Who Lived, Who Died card?

I really don't get it but, the CW has always sucked at it.

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1 hour ago, Velocity23 said:

I am just laughing that even the media is getting annoyed. Matt Mittovich just said in the TV Line Facebook live session that he could only ask about Oliver, BS, BC and Deathstroke in his Fall TV preview with the EPs. Oh and that SA talked about Olicity in the theoretical sense. 

Could the very limit talking points be some kind of test to see BS's draw for the show?  It feels deliberate but makes no sense.

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This is a new level of suck.

Ignore the cliffhanger

Pretend everyone died

Promo an entirely new show/cast

and come October ... Psych? Everyone lived and it's basically the same cast with occasional appearance by BS and Deathstroke. 

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I'd just like to know what went into the decision regarding promoting this summer, because it seems like it went like this:

EPs: "Okay, we said Dinah's Black Canary in the finale, so we have to promote her because she's BC. Plus, we already said JH is a series regular in season 6."

Voice of reason: "RG was announced as a series regular in S6 at the same time, so are we confirming he's alive too?"

EPs: "No."

Voice of reason: "Well, no one will believe that Felicity and Diggle are dead. And MG already said he'd never kill off Thea."

EPs: "Black Siren also definitely survived, even though we left her unconscious in a temple."

Voice of reason: "But Felicity, Diggle and Thea - "

EPs: "Slade too. Let's promote his two episodes about his son because sons are super important."

The CW: "Got it. Black Canary is alive. Black Siren is alive. Slade is alive. No one else exists." 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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22 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Could the very limit talking points be some kind of test to see BS's draw for the show?

If that were the case then you really couldn't help the EPs.

No offense to any fans but if you are an EP and after five seasons you don't know which characters sell/create buzz and which are just 'meh' you haven't really been paying attention to your own show. I get that there are people who love KC but even then you have to admit that Arrow a) hasn't treated her well and b) she wasn't what made the show. It is not like she was irreplaceable. So to solely promote the show with her evil doppelganger and her replacement fighting the same fight, it might not keep people interested for long. Furthermore, some might even be confused. 

I wish MG still did the tumblr. I wonder how he'd respond if someone asked him why the promotion goes out of their way to make 'fetch' happen. It just seems boring to me. Once again Canaries are fighting for something, Oliver does Daddy things while forcing GhostDiggle to be his Arrow replacement because Dads should stay at home. And people who are newer dads get to call the shots. But maybe GhostDiggle won't mind because he is dead after all. Maybe Arrow will end like the Sixth Sense... 

Edited by Belinea
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37 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Maybe it's one of those situations where a lot or most of her stuff has been shown in the promos/BTs interviews already? That is assuming the paps are right and she hasn't been shooting more than we realise. Not that I want to and I can't imagine its much of a selling point for anyone, but they haven't been promoting Oliver as Dad that much either, except for the same "bad man" scene and that's a storyline they're officially *allowed* to promote. Do more of a promo of Oliver trying to get Raisa to help him with the kid or something, that would at least be different. 

Acting like it never happened but embargoing any mention of characters people care about is the worst of both world IMO. 

That's what I'm thinking too. That for the moment there isn't much going on with BS and with William/Oliver so without meaty SLs there's nothing more than what we saw to tease and if things will change for the second part of the season they wouldn't talk about it now anyway.

It's a stupid cliffhanger but they could have at least kept the mystery between Felicity, Thea and Samantha and then reveal only dumb baby mama died, teasing things about Dig if they really wanted to. But it's problematic with Felicity because they always have people asking about her and her relationship with Oliver.

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10 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I'd just like to know what went into the decision regarding promoting this summer, because it seems like it went like this:

EPs: "Okay, we said Dinah's Black Canary in the finale, so we have to promote her because she's BC. Plus, we already said JH is a series regular in season 6."

Voice of reason: "RG was announced as a series regular in S6 at the same time, so are we confirming he's alive too?"

EPs: "No."

Voice of reason: "Well, no one will believe that Felicity and Diggle are dead. And MG already said he'd never kill off Thea."

EPs: "Black Siren also definitely survived, even though we left her unconscious in a temple."

Voice of reason: "But Felicity, Diggle and Thea - "

EPs: "Slade too. Let's promote his two episodes about his son because sons are super important."

The CW: "Got it. Black Canary is alive. Black Siren is alive. Slade is alive. No one else exists." 

I don't know why EPs are getting blamed for this when they're the ones that have actually talked about Diggle/Felicity. This is clearly on The CW. They're the ones in charge of the promos, they're the ones arranging screeners and interviews and what the media can ask/report. 

This is NOT on the EPs.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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But aren't they the ones who put together the Comic Con trailer? Because that one was as underwhelming to me as the rest of the promotion thus far.

In any case, the person doing the promotion shouldn't do promotion if this is considered good promotion.

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16 minutes ago, Belinea said:

I wish MG still did the tumblr. I wonder how he'd respond if someone asked him why the promotion goes out of their way to make 'fetch' happen. It just seems boring to me. 

What could he say, tell people to take it up with the marketing department?

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17 minutes ago, Belinea said:

If that were the case then you really couldn't help the EPs.

No offense to any fans but if you are an EP and after five seasons you don't know which characters sell/create buzz and which are just 'meh' you haven't really been paying attention to your own show. I get that there are people who love KC but even then you have to admit that Arrow a) hasn't treated her well and b) she wasn't what made the show. It is not like she was irreplaceable. So to solely promote the show with her evil doppelganger and her replacement fighting the same fight, it might not keep people interested for long. Furthermore, some might even be confused. 

I wish MG still did the tumblr. I wonder how he'd respond if someone asked him why the promotion goes out of their way to make 'fetch' happen. It just seems boring to me. Once again Canaries are fighting for something, Oliver does Daddy things while forcing GhostDiggle to be his Arrow replacement because Dads should stay at home. And people who are newer dads get to call the shots. But maybe GhostDiggle won't mind because he is dead after all. Maybe Arrow will end like the Sixth Sense... 

My thought is it isn't coming from MG or WM but the higher ups because I agree, I think the EP's know what works and what doesn't but if they wanted to prove that, maybe the quickest way is to let the opposing voices try their way and fail.   

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