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5 minutes ago, Chaser said:

No clue if there is any insider info and I also don't know the logic in this, but KP is tweeting about Vigilante being Slade's son.

But ... that doesn't make sense? Didn't MG say we'd recognize Vigilante last season and it was someone we've seen before? 

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Maybe MG goofed and it's not someone we saw before but someone that was mentioned before. Or there was some cut scene that MG forgot was cut. I don't remember. Did he say specially in S5 or just in general?

Edited by Chaser
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Ken doesn't watch Arrow, and he's mentioned before that he doesn't follow show-related press, so I'm sure he missed the part in the casting announcement for Joe Wilson about Slade's son being in the Special Forces, serving abroad, and being stuck in a foreign country. I think he's just wildly speculating.

Edited by lemotomato
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Maybe this is wrong but maybe Thea's coma could be some flashback while present day her is off on some sort of recovery. I don't know how her being in a coma for 7 episodes will make anyone happier. 

Also, I feel bad that William has to potentially lose his mum just so that they can play out the Oliver as a daddy storyline. I know they don't like reality that much but usually it would be quite traumatic for a kid that age to lose his mum like that and then spend his life with a stranger. And since the storylines are all about Oliver, I feel as though they might focus more on Oliver's struggle and less on the kid's pain. While I want neither, I still feel bad for poor William. 

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3 hours ago, Trisha said:

I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but here's the podcast where MG and WM were quoted above: http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/09/19/arrow-season-5-finale-commentary-guggenheim-mericle/

MG: "I love - I love Slade and Felicity's dynamic.
WM: "She gets him... She does not pull punches. At all."
MG: "It's such a blast to write."

MG: "Ump! There's our Olicity kiss."
WM: "There it is. Twitter, go crazy - or went crazy. (Laughs) It did go crazy."
MG: "Yeah, we, uh - we had all these thoughts and ideas and even some plans about the Oliver-Felicity relationship at the end of the season. But when we hit upon the - this whole Lian Yu gambit, um, we realized, there's really not going to be any time for, uh, a whole lot of lovey-doveyness."
WM: "No, but we definitely wanted to bring it in for a landing and set up the fact that they had put their past behind them in, uh, episode [520] [tv echo: She actually said "620" by mistake] and here we - you know, we're back with [unintelligible words-their comfortable being?] back together."

WM: "[Here's the scene] between, uh, Samantha and Felicity - and just putting to bed any sort of - our goal here was really to establish that there's no - we're not building a triangle of any sort whatsoever, (MG interjects, "no") that Samantha has long left Oliver in the rear view. And we really wanted to set up that Felicity and Oliver - you know, it's obvious that they still have this chemistry and they're still in love with each other. And it's also fun - it's fun to put something like that, an observation like that, in the mouth of someone who's essentially an outsider [unintelligible word] to the team. ... It was a fun scene to write. I love those two characters."
MG: "I think - I think I had added in a couple that you then took out. I said, you know, Felicity suggested a love triangle... and I think, Samantha says that, uh, we have enough problems with [unintelligible word-twitter?] as it is. And [unintelligible word] like, yeah, I guess you're right."
WM: "So true. [unintelligible words] lost their collective marbles, for sure."

WM: "This scene between Felicity and Thea is also one of my favorites...."
MG: "Yeah, they're great together. You know, we don't have enough opportunities to put Felicity and Thea in scenes together. Um, but we always really enjoy them. So they have a really great bond."
WM: "Yeah, with Thea being primarily now at City Hall, it is tougher to cross [unintelligible words] on the show... But we like Thea in City Hall...."

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WM: "This scene between Felicity and Thea is also one of my favorites...."
MG: "Yeah, they're great together. You know, we don't have enough opportunities to put Felicity and Thea in scenes together. Um, but we always really enjoy them. So they have a really great bond."
WM: "Yeah, with Thea being primarily now at City Hall, it is tougher to cross [unintelligible words] on the show... But we like Thea in City Hall...."

Uh, you're the writers. Guess what. That's on you. You can fix that instead of making it sound like "it's just too bad we haven't had more Felicity and Thea scenes. We wish we could, but don't blame us." I do blame you. 

I especially blame you if you put Thea in a coma in season 6 and still go, "it's too bad we can't have Felicity and Thea talking." All on you. 


WM: "[Here's the scene] between, uh, Samantha and Felicity - and just putting to bed any sort of - our goal here was really to establish that there's no - we're not building a triangle of any sort whatsover, (MG interjects, "no") that Samantha has long left Oliver in the rear view. And we really wanted to set up that Felicity and Oliver - you know, it's obvious that they still have this chemistry and they're still in love with each other. And it's also fun - it's fun to put something like that, an observation like that, in the mouth of someone who's essentially an outsider [unintelligible word] to the team. ... It was a fun scene to write. I love those two characters."
MG: "I think - I think I had added in a couple that you then took out. I said, you know, Felicity suggested a love triangle... and I think, Samantha says that, uh, we have enough problems with [unintelligible word-twitter?] as it is. And [unintelligible word] like, yeah, I guess you're right."
WM: "So true. [unintelligible words] lost their collective marbles, for sure."

Didn't Oliver and Samantha sleep together once? Maybe it's just me but this sounds like, "yes, they had a past together," not, "it was a one night stand that ended up with her pregnant." 

And why would MG even think to have Felicity suggest a triangle? That's awful. Thank god that was deleted. 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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16 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Uh, you're the writers. Guess what. That's on you. You can fix that instead of making it sound like "it's just too bad we haven't had more Felicity and Thea scenes. We wish we could, but don't blame us." I do blame you. 

Seriously. This is like them saying "It's where the story took us". Nah, you can write the story however you want.

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30 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Didn't Oliver and Samantha sleep together once? Maybe it's just me but this sounds like, "yes, they had a past together," not, "it was a one night stand that ended up with her pregnant." 

And why would MG even think to have Felicity suggest a triangle? That's awful. Thank god that was deleted. 

Oliver had a girlfriend who was not Samantha that she knew about so how serious could it have been? And yes she left him so far in the rear view that she completely erased him from their child's life. Can they please just bury the Oliver ruined Samantha's life subtext along with Samantha?

She also blew up his relationship so she's clearly not a casual observer. 

Edited by leopardprint
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MG might've been joking/trolling about the Felicity-suggested triangle. I couldn't tell.  They do seem to engage in revisionist history when it comes to Samantha. They also raved over Anna Hopkins.

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7 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Oliver had a girlfriend who was not Samantha so how serious could it have been? And yes Samantha left him so far in the rear view that she completely erased him from their child's life. Can they please just bury the Oliver ruined Samantha's life subtext along with Samantha?

Samantha blew up their relationship so she's clearly not a casual observer. 

This is what I don't understand. Oliver had sex with her like once AFAIK, got her pregnant, tried to be there for her until Moira paid her $2M to skedaddle out of town and keep the kid away from Oliver.  But somehow, Samantha is being painted as the victim of Oliver. Yeah Oliver did a shady thing by cheating on Laurel with her, but he straight up told Moira what happened. He's not responsible for the lies Moira and Samantha told. Ugh. I am so over this stupid SL.

7 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Oliver had a girlfriend who was not Samantha so how serious could it have been? And yes Samantha left him so far in the rear view that she completely erased him from their child's life. Can they please just bury the Oliver ruined Samantha's life subtext along with Samantha?


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I would guess just trolling, no way would any of the players in that scenario be into a trio or triangle. Anna Hopkins wasn't the problem with Samantha, she's a good actress in other parts such as Defiance but Samantha really was a thankless part. Of course now that she's likely dead they'll probably be sanctifying her 9even more) and her/and Oliver's relationship, at least for a few episodes before they forget she ever existed so we have Dadiver or the Spawn is shipped off to offscreenville with Raisa or random Clayton family members.

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MG sounds like he's talking about the audience not having to worry about a potential triangle. From my experience online, the audience does tend to worry about things like this. I really didn't and thought Samantha was whacked commenting on the state of Oliver and Felicity's relationship while they're trekking over Craphole Island to find her beloved son, who had been kidnapped by a murdering psychopath. This seemed like an odd priority to say the least.


It looks like AA is filming.

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4 minutes ago, bijoux said:

MG sounds like he's talking about the audience not having to worry about a potential triangle. From my experience online, the audience does tend to worry about things like this. I really didn't and thought Samantha was whacked commenting on the state of Oliver and Felicity's relationship while they're trekking over Craphole Island to find her beloved son, who had been kidnapped by a murdering psychopath. This seemed like an odd priority to say the least.

Yeah, from listening to it, it sounds like the whole point of the scene was just to establish to the audience "THIS IS NOT A PROBLEM ANYMORE. THE KID/HIS MOM WILL NOT CAUSE DRAMA BETWEEN OLIVER AND FELICITY ANYMORE." even though we technically knew that already. 

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5 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

And why would MG even think to have Felicity suggest a triangle? That's awful. Thank god that was deleted. 

MG really just doesn't get the nuance of what he's writing a lot.  but probably he said it to yank the listeners' chains.

8 hours ago, LolaRuns said:

But you suggested that she was more popular than Ollie/that a lot of people would actually tune out if they thought that Thea might have died. 

Even SA knows what a pain Oliver was last season and Felicity is a very popular character and she makes Oliver more watchable.  Thea not so much but I'm willing to bet she's more popular then BS, BC and MySon, that the promos are pushing.

I didn't have a chance to hear the commentary yet.  What makes everyone think that Samantha is dead?

Edited by statsgirl
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In the interview with David Ramsey at FanExpo, he nixed they surviving the island by getting to a safe ARGUS bunker, (sorry fanfic writers)and having Lyla save them.  He said the magic of the island saving them was warmer.

Any more ideas?

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6 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Oliver to Dig, maybe? 

Could be to any of the originals tbh. Diggle, Felicity or even Thea. I wouldn't even be surprised if it's directed at Felicity. We know a few people who will relish that. Haha.

4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

In the interview with David Ramsey at FanExpo, he nixed they surviving the island by getting to a safe ARGUS bunker, (sorry fanfic writers)and having Lyla save them.  He said the magic of the island saving them was warmer.

Any more ideas?

Magic? Ughhhhhhhhh

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8 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Oliver to Dig, maybe? 

That's what I was thinking. And it's the beginning of the end of the Oliver/Diggle conflict at the beginning of the season, just in time for the crossover/for Diggle to officiate the O/F wedding? 

1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

Could be to any of the originals tbh. Diggle, Felicity or even Thea

The poor girl's likely in a coma. I don't think she deserves to come out of it only to hear that. 

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I think it's probably to Diggle, which is bad enough, but if he says that to Felicity I'd be super pissed. Oliver of all people has no right to say that to Diggle, Felicity or Thea imo, especially after what a jerk he was last season. He should say it in a mirror,  haha. 

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Just now, insomniadreams88 said:

The poor girl's likely in a coma. I don't think she deserves to come out of it only to hear that. 

Well, we don't know for sure if she's in a coma but good point! ? ?

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4 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Oliver to Dig, maybe? 

Sounds like it would be to Diggle to me, especially if Diggle's going to be going through some dark stuff. Lyla's in 607 too, so maybe it has some Diggle vs. Oliver A plot.

1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

Any more ideas?

With the island saving them being closer, I was thinking something like just maneuvering where there are less bombs (hence the running) with Felicity and Curtis figuring out where to go/how to disable a few or something like that (with SA's tease of Felicity being good at math) 

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I'd love it if he actually said that to Barry. But they're not filming the crossover yet so...Sigh. There goes my dream.

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5 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I'd love it if he actually said that to Barry. But they're not filming the crossover yet so...Sigh. There goes my dream.

He doesn't specify when he says the line. Maybe he is reading a crossover script. We can hope right? Lol

On Arrow, I don't really feel it fits any character tbh. The other way for sure but not from Oliver.

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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

I'd love it if he actually said that to Barry. But they're not filming the crossover yet so...Sigh. There goes my dream.

Barry is a constant disappointment.

1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

In the interview with David Ramsey at FanExpo, he nixed they surviving the island by getting to a safe ARGUS bunker, (sorry fanfic writers)and having Lyla save them.  He said the magic of the island saving them was warmer.

Any more ideas?

The cave with the magic orb doodad thing? 

Edited by leopardprint
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Oh I know! It's Thanksgiving at Oliver and Felicity's place. Oliver is doing the cooking (of course) and Felicity wants to help but Oliver says no. Felicity's 'helps' anyway. It's a total disaster but Oliver isn't mad, he's disappointed. It's all firty flirt. ?

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29 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Oh I know! It's Thanksgiving at Oliver and Felicity's place. Oliver is doing the cooking (of course) and Felicity wants to help but Oliver says no. Felicity's 'helps' anyway. It's a total disaster but Oliver isn't mad, he's disappointed. It's all firty flirt. ?

You know, if it weren't for SA's comment on Twitter, I actually read that as something that could be flirty. It really depends on the delivery. Although best guess is still probably a serious line reading to Diggle.

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Maybe this is wrong but didn't she wear this outfit before? Or parts of it? Either way she looks really pretty. 

Also, does this mean that Felicity is indeed ALIVE? Who would have thought that if he hadn't spoiled it... ;-)

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