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If the show ends, or even if SA leaves the show but Arrow continues with a new GA, I just want Oliver to be alive and living his happy life with Felicity and their Olicitot(s).

I also want Diggle to be alive... and for Baby Sara to return somehow.

Edited by tv echo
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13 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I think this season we're going to get a better idea of how long the show can last.  This is the first year where they really don't have a specific frame for the show.  There's nothing it has to line up with so either that freedom will open up new avenues of storytelling or will prove they have nothing left to do but spin their wheels.  Given how they are now saying Arrow will be more of an ensemble show, I think they want it to go on and on and on but I'm not sold on the concept yet.  If the ensemble part means we get more and better Diggle, Felicity Quentin and Thea, great, if it means Rene and Dinah and Curtis get equal billing I'm going to get bored quickly and start missing the flashbacks.

Agreed. I think this season is going to be the test for me to see if I stick with it  -- but I'm not really sure quality/ratings are going to have much of an impact on its survival. I assume that 0.5 demos are the new norm and that no one at the network is expecting more at this point except for the crossover eps.  So if ratings don't matter (and that increasingly seems to be the case with the CW), then what's the deciding renewal factors? Streaming profitability? Buzz?  If it keeps making them money in licensing deals, I could see this show limping along for seasons without most of the original cast, like the final years of ER.

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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

I don't know if i want to see the stills from 6x01.

The stills will probably be just Oliver, William, Dinah, Slade and BS. Maybe if we are lucky, there will be some of the other characters right before the explosion happens on the island, but I wouldn't count on it. 

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2 hours ago, Trisha said:

 So if ratings don't matter (and that increasingly seems to be the case with the CW), then what's the deciding renewal factors? Streaming profitability? Buzz?  If it keeps making them money in licensing deals, I could see this show limping along for seasons without most of the original cast, like the final years of ER.

I think the CW might want to keep four Arrowverse shows on, especially since it's the show that started it all.  It wouldn't look good to cancel the mothership.

For the record, the middle ER cast (Abby Luka, Kerry, Neela) was the one I liked the most.  I couldn't stand the self-centeredness of Carter, Carol and Mark.

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I wonder if they're also going to hold back on episode synopses.

Then again, I'm not expecting the premiere synopsis to tell us anything we don't already know. Probably something about "months after the events of the finale, Oliver's adjusting to his new life, blah, blah, blah, Black Siren a villain in Star City, blah, blah, what's left of Team Arrow..."

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Even though they've mentioned storylines for my faves, I still need to *see* stuff to get hyped. Right now I'm like a level below meh. Haha.

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My problem is that the promotion for the season seems to be all over the place. Sometimes, it's "everyone could be dead!" or "Felicity's going to be on The Flash, but we can't tell you if she survives on Arrow." Other times, it's "well, we have X coming up for Felicity/Diggle/etc." Then you have the promos that are basically, "here are Oliver, BS, BC, Slade and William. We're not even going to mention that cliffhanger and the fact that other characters do exist on the show." 

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2 hours ago, Angel12d said:

Yeah, I think we all know what the 601 stills will be. ?

A BC for you and you,  an evil BC for you... you will all get one but the main price is DaddyO and Myson. 

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27 minutes ago, Belinea said:

A BC for you and you,  an evil BC for you... you will all get one but the main price is DaddyO and Myson. 

Don't forget Slade. He'll be in there, too!

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4 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

My problem is that the promotion for the season seems to be all over the place. Sometimes, it's "everyone could be dead!" or "Felicity's going to be on The Flash, but we can't tell you if she survives on Arrow." Other times, it's "well, we have X coming up for Felicity/Diggle/etc." Then you have the promos that are basically, "here are Oliver, BS, BC, Slade and William. We're not even going to mention that cliffhanger and the fact that other characters do exist on the show." 

I think EPs and actors are a bit more willing to agree that it's ridiculous not to tease anything at all. Wendy and Marc seemed pretty willing to tease story lines for Felicity. David was hinting at Diggle's and Felicity's. Stephen teased MySon and a little Olicity at cons (can't remember if he talked about Diggle or Felicity). But the official network promos have been all Oliver/Slade/BC/BS, with a dash of Curtis. 

Meanwhile, you have The Flash who all but shouted Felicity's crossover to the world. 

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I think they just don't expect all viewers to follow such specialized promotion like cons or following people on instagramm. I think they think that there is a section of viewers whose mode of promotion are just promos and at the most tv guide articles and episode summaries. 

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5 hours ago, tofutan said:

I think they think that there is a section of viewers whose mode of promotion are just promos and at the most tv guide articles and episode summaries

I think that’s how most of the audience probably gets their show info. It’s still incredibly dumb that at this point they aren’t even teasing that anyone apart from Dinah and BS lived to those people - they’re teasing that they all died, which is...yeah, just unfathomably stupid.

Edited by apinknightmare
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9 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Meanwhile, you have The Flash who all but shouted Felicity's crossover to the world. 

I always get that feeling that they'd love to have her on more. Therefore every time she does go there, they make sure to let everyone know. 

9 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Meanwhile, you have The Flash who all but shouted Felicity's crossover to the world. 

I always get that feeling that they'd love to have her on more. Therefore every time she does go there, they make sure to let everyone know. 

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4 hours ago, LolaRuns said:

One would think that if they were going with that angle, they would at least go all the way. Like have fakeout promos where it looks like Ollie is grieving.

That could backfire on them because unlike Barry, Oliver is not the most popular character on  his show.  If they're doing a fakeout of Felicity or even Thea being dead, viewers might just decide not to tune in until they get confirmation the character is alive.

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I like Thea, but is there any hard data to suggest that she's a "most popular" character for that many people? (mind: character I hate the least is not the same as a true favorite character) I think most people would disapprove of her dying, but more in a "that would make the show too dark" kind of way. 

IMO it would be pretty easy to cut a trailer that shows off some of the best moments of the supposed to be dead characters and go all suggestive with the Who! Will! Live! 

Stikes me as more interesting than the pretty anemic trailers we got so far. 

Edited by LolaRuns
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13 minutes ago, LolaRuns said:

IMO it would be pretty easy to cut a trailer that shows off some of the best moments of the supposed to be dead characters and go all suggestive with the Who! Will! Live! 

This! This is how I would promote the show right now. Maybe Deathstroke is popular enough, but this BC and BS aren't audience draws, so focus on the characters you know are beloved. Ask the audience to tune in to see whether Felicity, Diggle, Thea, even Lance, are dead or alive. Most of the audience probably already kinda know the answer but it would still make for a more proactive campaign than the dismal ones they've had so far.

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What about the trajectory, Marc? The trajectory!

16 minutes ago, Chaser said:

But how can they be together if she's dead?

I'm confused...the promos... aren't accurate?...SHE'S ALIVE?! THIS IS BRAND NEW INFOMATION!

Ghost Felicity sounds like some expensive FX. 

Edited by leopardprint
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Does she wake up from her coma in a Thanksgiving miracle? Just in time for the big crossover.

Also if they is the episode were Roy comes back, it may be a Theory reunion. I hope so.

Edited by Chaser
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Promos suggesting that Felicity didn't survive would kill any enthusiasm I have for the new season far more than the BS/BC/Deathstroke/William promos do now.

Thea may not be a major fan draw but I'm willing to bet she's more of a fave than Rene, Curtis or even Quentin. No one would care if Samantha dies, except that she wouldn't be able to take William away if she did.

ETA:  If they only gave WH a 13 ep appearance, and they're using one of those for one scene in the Thanksgiving episode, it sounds like they don't have much planned for her.

Edited by statsgirl
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8 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I love the implication that they were planning a whole lot of lovey-doveyness at the end of the season

I mean, sure. But why miss the opportunity to pretend like so many fan-favorite characters are dead! And add a kid to a super-hero show! And highlight the return of a villain! And the presence of a character that's been on the show one year! Why give a lot of people what they want, when you can have all that?!

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1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

This! This is how I would promote the show right now. Maybe Deathstroke is popular enough, but this BC and BS aren't audience draws, so focus on the characters you know are beloved. Ask the audience to tune in to see whether Felicity, Diggle, Thea, even Lance, are dead or alive. Most of the audience probably already kinda know the answer but it would still make for a more proactive campaign than the dismal ones they've had so far.

i don't claim to know what the audience likes or doesn't like, but even if they really thought BS or BC was a draw, those promos are just boring. Like they could cut a promo actually showing off cool scenes, maybe try to set up as The Meeting of The Canaries. At least fake it like it is building up for something. 


Promos suggesting that Felicity didn't survive would kill any enthusiasm I have for the new season far more than the BS/BC/Deathstroke/William promos do now.

I would argue that even the "only experience promos and maybe tv guide summaries" fan crowd would be smart enough to know that those kind of promos are usually fakeouts and that the only point to tune is to figure out HOW they get out alive. And it's not like the show is that far away. I mean it would be one thing if those were the promos after the finale/during comic con where you have to spend the whole summer thinking about it. But if the answer is basically right around the corner?


 I'm willing to bet she's more of a fave than Rene, Curtis or even Quentin. 

But you suggested that she was more popular than Ollie/that a lot of people would actually tune out if they thought that Thea might have died. 

Edited by LolaRuns
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I was still holding out a slight bit of hope that Samantha was in a coma but nah, she dead. Yikes if Thea really is in a coma this whole time though. How does that add up with Oliver being happier??? I am confusion.

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4 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Yikes if Thea really is in a coma this whole time though. How does that add up with Oliver being happier??? I am confusion.

I wouldn't expect anyone with a loved one in a coma to be depressed over it day-in/day-out six/seven months after the fact. I think it also depends on the prognosis. Is it a legit medical issue that's keeping her out, or is it a TV issue where they don't know why she hasn't woken up and expect her to open her eyes at any moment. Considering he probably thought she was dead at one point, a coma like that wouldn't be such a downer, haha.

Edited by apinknightmare
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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I wouldn't expect anyone with a loved one in a coma to be depressed over it day-in/day-out six/seven months after the fact. I think it also depends on the prognosis. Is it a legit medical issue that's keeping her out, or is it a TV issue where they don't know why she hasn't woken up and expect her to open her eyes at any moment. Considering he probably thought she was dead at one point, a coma like that wouldn't be such a downer, haha.

Good point. It's just Oliver has spent so much of his time saving/protecting his sister over the years that I find the idea of him not moping around while she's in a coma to be a little odd. Haha. But you're totally right. And now that I think about it, maybe him being happier is just a way to describe him over the season? IDK.

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2 minutes ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

Samantha could just be injured and unable to care for the demon spawn for a bit. I just can't see them killing her after how much they've sanctified her, she is the "mother of Oliver's child!#!" after all. 

I don't know. Now that William knows who Oliver is, I can totally see them killing Samantha off. That way they can say, "see, someone did die on the island" without having to kill off a series regular. Also, if she dies running off to find William, it'll be, "she was just being a good mother and trying to find her son." Similar to her plan to wait until they got to the plane in the finale to then turn around and go running around the island looking for him. 

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19 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Good point. It's just Oliver has spent so much of his time saving/protecting his sister over the years that I find the idea of him not moping around while she's in a coma to be a little odd. Haha. But you're totally right. And now that I think about it, maybe him being happier is just a way to describe him over the season? IDK.

S3/S4 Oliver was borderline obsessive about Thea to the point that he sacrificed his own life instead of sending off her evil deadbeat dad whose actual fault it was. It kind of made sense since she was his only living family but I guess now that he has Myson, it's like "See ya, Thea!" 

Who's keeping track of the Thea Queen coma count? I think this will be 4? 

So many female characters sacrificed on the altar of Myson and Dadiver. 

Edited by leopardprint
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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

If she's in a coma, then Samantha's probably dead nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

It's so weird but, I read KenP' s tweet and my first thought was Thea is dead not coma.

No idea why, could just be me being crazy

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38 minutes ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

Samantha could just be injured and unable to care for the demon spawn for a bit. I just can't see them killing her after how much they've sanctified her, she is the "mother of Oliver's child!#!" after all. 

Can't wait for all the "It's what Samantha would have wanted.", " I promised Samantha...", "I owe it to Samantha...", etc. 

...or she is never mentioned again. 

Edited by leopardprint
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That was a guess that didn't cross my mind, but I guess it makes sense in a way, if he thinks Oliver killed his father.  

ETA:  Except I guess it doesn't fit the thing about it being someone we'd seen before. 

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