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I agree, there's a lot of Laurel/Ted, Thea/Malcolm stuff too. I just want a nice episode just focused on Felicity, is that too much to ask? :p I really don't need the writers to shove 500 different plots into this episode. Regardless, hopefully those will be very small scenes. 


Also, apparently Laurel will tell Ted that Sara is dead but she won't tell her father? Ugh. So wrong on so many levels. That man needs to know. And he had a right to know before some random stranger who didn't even know Sara. 

Edited by wonderwall
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Oh crap.  Ray's going to be the one to comfort her, not Oliver. They really are screwing up Olicity this season.


There are more pictures of Thea than of Felicity but I'll try not to be bitter; at least there are more of Felicity than of Laurel (although Laurel is close).


Did I read someone post a spoiler that Oliver visits Felicity at work in this episode? Calling it now: He goes to see her, to check she's okay, maybe even to admit that her being in danger (or whatever is going on) made him realise that he can't keep holding her at arms length, and sees 50 Shades 'comforting' her with a strong, manly embrace. Then Oliver walks away looking dejected, leaving fans to wonder if he was going to say something meaningful and game-changing.

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THere's a whole lot of non-Felicity in the episode named Felicity Smoak. Then again, "Sara" had Sara in a freezer.  At least, Felicity is alive and breathing in this one. 


Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much Laurel. Again.  And wholly disconnected from Oliver, the main character.  Again.  And Quentin still doesn't know. UGH.


Have we ever seen Felicity cry so much in a short amount of time?  It's like the barometer of how depressing this show is so far this season - she cries in every episode she's in for more then 30 seconds.   That's a very bad sign if the light of the show is this distraught, constantly.


ETA: By the looks of this, it seems that MG was trolling again.  There isn't a single shot of Oliver and Felicity in the same room.

Edited by writersblock51
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Did I read someone post a spoiler that Oliver visits Felicity at work in this episode? Calling it now: He goes to see her, to check she's okay, maybe even to admit that her being in danger (or whatever is going on) made him realise that he can't keep holding her at arms length, and sees 50 Shades 'comforting' her with a strong, manly embrace. Then Oliver walks away looking dejected, leaving fans to wonder if he was going to say something meaningful and game-changing.


He goes to visit her in 3.07, not this ep.

Did I read someone post a spoiler that Oliver visits Felicity at work in this episode? 

Nah I think it's episode 7 where he visits her. 


I'm REALLY hoping the Thea/Malcolm/Oliver and Ted/Laurel stuff is a couple of minutes max each. REALLY HOPING. 


And to be honest, I'm tired of people crying on this show already :p Laurel filled the quota of it last year. I hope the show will get lighter in the second half of this season. Then again, I don't even know if I'll tune in. :/ 



Two things:

1st: Holy Smoaking!! present day Felicity is hot, but if i had to chose? yea, goth days Felicity will not get kicked out of my bed, if fact i'm willing to resort to handcuffs to keep her there. and she can bring present day Oliver with her.

2nd: she looks like a mix between Eliza Dushku and Evanescence Amy Lee.


and.. maybe this is the episode where Thea finds out about Oliver? dear TPTB make it happen!

Edited by foreverevolving

Have we ever seen Felicity cry so much in a short amount of time? It's like the barometer of how depressing this show is so far this season - she cries in every episode she's in for more then 30 seconds. That's a very bad sign if the light of the show is this distraught, constantly.

No, we haven't ever seen Felicity cry this much and it's pissing me off. I don't mind a few tears but can we please not have the one character who brings at least some actual joy to the show constantly bawling? This show is already depressing as hell.

Edited by NumberCruncher
  • Love 9

That is a great look on her. 


I'm really hoping all the other characters are keep to a minimum. I'm holding so tight to the title of this episode.


I hope the crying isn't full blown because I kinda feel I've had enough of it for now. And I really don't want Felicity to fall into that Laurel-trap, so it better be for a damn good reason.


Where's Team Arrow? 

  • Love 3

No, we haven't ever seen Felicity cry this much and it's pissing me off. I don't might a few tears but can we please not have the one character who brings at least some actual joy to the show constantly bawling? This show is already depressing as hell.

I hope the crying isn't full blown because I kinda feel I've had enough of it for now. And I really don't want Felicity to fall into that Laurel-trap, so it better be for a damn good reason.


Where's Team Arrow? 

Maybe it's when Felicity realizes her mother has been kidnapped and she can't figure out where she is? I'm sure that would be a stressful situation...


Didn't you hear? Team arrow is taking a break because it's all about Laurel and Thea now :D :D :D Ugh I miss Team Arrow :/ Makes me bitter how much I miss them. Because it's clear the writers know that Team Arrow is the core of the show. 

  • Love 5

I will be really bitter if they use Felicity's backstory episode to bring Ray and Felicity closer. I want the present storyline to be about the people she loves the most: Oliver, Diggle, and her mother (family). I will even be good with Roy, but I don't want Ray involved.


I don't think the EP is trolling, I think we will get Oliver/Felicity. I just don't want it to be a subtle nod to the audience. And I don't want it to be a redo of Ep2 i.e. she better not be crying about him.

  • Love 4

Maybe it's when Felicity realizes her mother has been kidnapped and she can't figure out where she is? I'm sure that would be a stressful situation...



I think it's more likely that this is right after mom left the office so three options: someone is dead or sick and mama Smoak is there to deliver the news (maybe mom is sick?), or mom makes a hurtful jab at Felicity (intentionally or not), or is asking for something- money.

It could be good news too, like honey i'm getting married! but..

Edited by foreverevolving
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Someone on twitter asked about the Olicity with 'interest' in 3.05. Quality or Quantity? He said Quality but no kiss. I'm not sure I even want to speculate on that.


ETA: I don't think she is crying over Oliver. It wouldn't make any sense given how Felicity has handled things so far. *Granted sense is rather rare with this guys. They have been pretty sure about her characterization. 

Edited by 10Eleven12
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Although I'm not crazy about the writing for him, I didn't dislike the character so far, for the little that I saw. But my knee-jerk reaction at the promo picture was:


Go away, Ray. Go the fuck away.


Because, no matter how is this will play out, it's the second time that Felicity breaks down in front of him and I don't like it. I already didn't like that she went to work for a guy she considered was stalking her, and used her to takeover her friend's company.

Is this how she's going to be written in their relationship, in order to make Ray look like Mr Big Strong Sensitive Male that poor fragile female needs, and to establish him as a romantic option for her? Thanks but no thanks. If so, I prefer a thousand times "dickhead" Oliver, at least Felicity isn't weakened in order to make him look good - which what happened so far makes me fear will happen.


And if it happens that she needs comfort and it isn't Oliver or Diggle (you know, Diggle? Her friend who was keeping guard in his car in front of her appartment last season?) or both who comforts her, as should be, I will be so pissed off that Ray will skyrocket at the top of my shit list, just behind Laurel.


So much for the positive vibes, sigh.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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I think they brought it on themselves though.  After five months over the summer of promoting Olicity, they give us "blink and you miss it", and then it's full speed Laurel!


And of course it's not quantity, that would take time away from the Laurel and Thea stories.  I'm clinging to AK tweeting that SA and EBR were acting their butts off in 3x09.  Even if it wasn't an Olicity scene, at least they were acting together.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 7

None of the character centric episodes this season-or really ever- have really focused entirely on the particular character so I'm not too worried that Thea and Laurel are heavily features in the episode. This season seems to be focusing a lot on the development and story-lines of the female characters which to me is always a good thing, even if I'm not entirely pleased with where the they are taking them, I guess I'll just wait and see. I'm just glad they finally released the promo pics. I wonder what the reason was for the delay.  

Edited by ban1o

I don't like the idea of Oliver being missing for any amount of time.  I'm afraid that drspaceman10 may be right - in Oliver's absence, Laurel is going to take over the Arrowcave and start bossing everyone around.  The EPs will probably have her take the leadership position in Team Arrow (further cementing her future Black Canary role) in spearheading the search for Oliver.  Then after he is successfully rescued, everyone will love Laurel.  (sarcasm)


I'm also tired of the Goth girl computer geek stereotype (Abby on NCIS is a prime example).  But I can accept it for Arrow because they wanted to go the opposite look of present-day Felicity.  If current Felicity was a brunette, then flashback Felicity would probably have been a blonde.

Edited by tv echo
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...and Ray ? Didn't the EPs say something about him invading every part of Oliver's life (QC, Felicity, and maybe at the end in the arrowcave) ? B. Routh said something about seeing drafts for his future superhero suit, it has to serve one day...

None of the character centric episodes this season-or really ever- have really focused entirely on the particular character so I'm not too worried that Thea and Laurel are heavily features in the episode. This season seems to be focusing a lot on the development and story-lines of the female characters which to me is always a good thing, even if I'm not entirely pleased with where the they are taking them, I guess I'll just wait and see. I'm just glad they finally released the promo pics. I wonder what the reason was for the delay.  


True. Felicity was featured a lot in the Laurel-centric episode too, Diggle/Thea shared 3.03 etc...

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I think the Goth girl look for Felicity might be less of a lets make her dark and edgy in her past and more of a in the comics Felicity has black and blue hair what storyline could we write to fit that look. Just a guess it's an easter egg that TPTB decided to use.


I'm all in favor of Ray. Not because I love him. Although the week before last bought him major brownie points for giving her an office and an EA of her own, but because I will accept any storyline that gets her the hell away from Laurel at this point. If I can't enjoy Team Arrow scenes in the Arrow cave anymore because of Laurel then I need to enjoy Felicity scenes out of the lair.  

  • Love 8

I think the Goth girl look for Felicity might be less of a lets make her dark and edgy in her past and more of a in the comics Felicity has black and blue hair what storyline could we write to fit that look. Just a guess it's an easter egg that TPTB decided to use.


I'm all in favor of Ray. Not because I love him. Although the week before last bought him major brownie points for giving her an office and an EA of her own, but because I will accept any storyline that gets her the hell away from Laurel at this point. If I can't enjoy Team Arrow scenes in the Arrow cave anymore because of Laurel then I need to enjoy Felicity scenes out of the lair.

I love him, but it is very true that thus far, a scene with Ray is a guaranteed scene without Laurel.

Bless the prods for putting a shirt on Ted, though.

  • Love 3

Because, no matter how is this will play out, it's the second time that Felicity breaks down in front of him and I don't like it.


Is this how she's going to be written in their relationship, in order to make Ray look like Mr Big Strong Sensitive Male that poor fragile female needs, and to establish him as a romantic option for her? Thanks but no thanks. If so, I prefer a thousand times "dickhead" Oliver, at least Felicity isn't weakened in order to make him look good - which what happened so far makes me fear will happen.

A thousand times this. Forget woobifying Oliver. How about we not woobify Felicity in order to prop up Ray as Mr. Super-sensitive Nice Guy. Even when Felicity has cried or been scared before, Oliver and Dig have reassured her but she has never come off as a needy damsel. Even after The Count kidnapped her she was composed enough to tell Oliver to sacrifice herself to keep his no-kill vow and once he did kill him she was more concerned that Oliver had been shot than she was for herself. I really don't need to see her sobbing so Ray can swoop in and play the hero because Oliver can't be her knight in shining armor. Ugh.

  • Love 16

A thousand times this. Forget woobifying Oliver. How about we not woobify Felicity in order to prop up Ray as Mr. Super-sensitive Nice Guy. Even when Felicity has cried or been scared before, Oliver and Dig have reassured her but she has never come off as a needy damsel. Even after The Count kidnapped her she was composed enough to tell Oliver to sacrifice herself to keep his no-kill vow and once he did kill him she was more concerned that Oliver had been shot than she was for herself. I really don't need to see her sobbing so Ray can swoop in and play the hero because Oliver can't be her knight in shining armor. Ugh.


The trouble is, the presentation of him as a super sensitive Nice Guy who appears to take advantage of her distressed state to ingratiate himself with her is even more gross than anything they've done with Oliver. You already had 50 Shades condescendingly tell Felicity, 'oh, you're not angry at me' as though he knows her mind better than she does. It's only a series of small steps from that to being her shoulder to cry on to being the guy who thinks she owes him sex, because he's been so 'supportive'. Blech.


This is the problem with this sort of storyline. Even unintentionally, it carries all the worst elements of Nice Guy Syndrome, and usually makes the guy look more like a sleazebag than anything else. It was the same on Chuck, with Routh. He comes across all supportive and nice to Sarah, sensitively acknowledging her heartache over Chuck, sharing bits of information about his own sad past, and it all just looked like he was wheedling himself in under her guard, with the intention of claiming her. At least on Chuck they had the sense to make him a villain and have Chuck vanquish him in the end.

  • Love 8

Does anyone else think it's odd that Felicity's mom is at her office? I just think that's really unprofessional and yet another way they are forcing Ray into the plot because you don't bring your mother into your workplace. That's unheard of to me, unless it's an emergency or something. Seriously the only reason I'm seeing Mama Smoak at QC at all is just so Ray can swoop in and be all charming and a shoulder to cry on when Felicity is upset. I hate it. It's so contrived.


Also, I'm looking at all the promo pics and there is a lot going on for an episode that's supposedly about Felicity. There's Oliver/Thea, Thea/Malcolm, Ted/Laurel, and somehow Felicity's story has to fit into that too. It just feels like they're forcing too much into every episode. Let's just say my expectations are even lower now.

Edited by Guest

My parents often visit me at my office when they're in town. Sometimes it's the only time I could actually get to see them, so I don't think it's odd Mama Smoak is at QC. I could totally buy her just stopping by to say hi to her daughter.  Also, Felicity has her own office, which believe me makes it's easier to "entertain" visitors during office hours.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Maybe it's because I'm liking Ray and I currently don't mind the direction of his character and the relationship with Felicity? But I'm wondering if it would be as contrived or as...disliked if it was Oliver and not Ray who was meeting Felicity's mom at QC?


And I agree with SmallScreenDiva that parents do often visit their children at their child's office. Especially when they are visiting from out of town.


(I also don't have an issue with Felicity crying in the promo photos. The girl has been through some tough stuff emotionally in the last month or so).

  • Love 5

Maybe it's because I'm liking Ray and I currently don't mind the direction of his character and the relationship with Felicity? But I'm wondering if it would be as contrived or as...disliked if it was Oliver and not Ray who was meeting Felicity's mom at QC?

Haha yeah me to I like Ray and don't really have a problem with his relationship with Felicity. I don't know why they have Felicity crying all the time though lol. It makes me sad :(

Edited by ban1o

Does anyone else think it's odd that Felicity's mom is at her office?

My mom used to visit me at my law firm frequently, and almost all the other lawyers had family/spouses drop by at one point or another. Just yesterday, my co-worker's wife and two year-old daughter came by for a visit. So I don't find it unusual of unprofessional, but I suppose it would depend on the work environment. In Felicity's case, I'm pretty sure Donna drops by uninvited, but to me, her actions aren't a reflection of Felicity's professionalism. I think it's way more unprofessional to take personal calls while your boss is on your office waiting to talk to you. I've been fortunate to have super-cool bosses throughout my career, but I never would have expected any of them to be okay with that.

  • Love 4

The hug Mama Smoak is giving Felicity has F. in a different outfit than the crying scene. I wonder if it's at the end of the episode when Mama goes to Felicity's office to say goodbye.


I've never had a parent or friend visit me at a workplace, even when it was one where they work (hospital and my dad was in to see his patients). I wasn't high on the management ladder and it would have been frowned on.

Edited by statsgirl

I'm assuming the scenes with Mama Smoak in the blue dress and Felicity crying are from early in the episode and later that day/night she and her mother (still wearing the same clothes) are kidnapped (separately, I assume).  So the one where her mother is hugging her in her office (in different clothes) is probably from the end of the episode after everything has been resolved.

Edited by Ceylon5

Wow ok. It's just in every place I've ever worked it's not acceptable to even take phone calls from family during work hours, only in case of emergency, so the idea of family or friends visiting seems really strange to me. I wouldn't dream of doing that. You live and learn I suppose. I did consider that Mama Smoak drops by unexpectedly but she easily could have dropped by at her house. They clearly needed Ray there. I guess that's what I was saying.

Where did Stephen say he had been filming less than usual that spurred the theory that he Oliver was "left behind" I remember seeing people talking about it but I don't remember when?

It was in his interview with the Wall Street Journal (it's on his Facebook page).

Edited by apinknightmare
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