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If all the newbies become regulars and they need another big bad regular for next season, they'd have a lot of regulars. So: SA, DR, EBR, WH, PH, KC, EK, RG, JH, and maybe one more.... Would that be more than usual? I somehow doubt that after having such a 'good' bad guy, they'd go with KC as the main villain. And I don't want Oliver to catch all the bad guys from the previous season again. 

Edited by Belinea

Yeah I don't think they can afford that many series regulars unless they give them reduced contracts like they did with Willa this year. I can definitely see that they'll make JH a regular but I am not sure about RG. Maybe they'll give Echo and Rick the reduced contract. Katie Cassidy can replace John Barrowman and they'll need a big bad to replace Josh. 

How exactly does it work? If you are a regular and your name appears in the credits even though you are not in the episode, will you still get paid? Or do you only get paid if you appear? Because that wouldn't be much different from recurring other than the fact that you can look for other jobs if your contract allows?

Edited by Belinea
3 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Regulars are paid for every episode they are signed for regardless of appearance. I think they are usually required to be available but that can be negotiated. 

Yes so Willa got paid for 14/15 episodes this year even if her name appeared in every episode. And the other seasons where she was contracted for 23, she got paid for all 23 even if she didn't appear in all of them. I think only Stephen, Emily and David have appeared in every episode and Curtis this season has appeared in every episode since he has the 23 episode contract.

Considering how hesitant I was when her role was first announced, I'm surprisingly ok with JH being promoted to a regular, mostly because I think it greatly lessens the chances for an imminent Black Siren redemption arc. It's unlikely they'll have two siren screamers on the team at the same time. Plus, I haven't minded the way they've used the noobs in the past few episodes. As long as they're providing support and quipping in the background, I'm fine with this news.

  • Love 16
1 minute ago, Cleanqueen said:

Congratulations to the actors, it's good to get that opportunity to have a steady job and your hard work get recognized. I am OK with this because then at least we have an established team and we don't need to worry about new team members. 

Are you sure? LOL. I don't see why this would stop them from introducing new masks next season if they wanted to.

  • Love 2

If they keep them together as the B Team in the background, that's fine, I guess, as long as Diggle doesn't have to babysit them. 

I wonder if this means they are going to keep the Mayor Oliver storyline and reduce the GA appearances. 

Would you rather him call people Hoss or Felicity "Blondie", cause I think those are our options. 

Edited by leopardprint

With JH upped to series regular, does that more or less confirm KC/BS as the Big Bad for season 6? Her character will be a tough sell in that role after everything we have seen in 5x10, but I am not sure if I can see them adding another regular cast member, either. That being said, I wouldn't be opposed to a Talia/Black Siren villain team-up - but only if Talia actually gets a chance to play and doesn't just lurk around in the shadows like this season. 

Edited by shadow2008
10 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Considering how hesitant I was when her role was first announced, I'm surprisingly ok with JH being promoted to a regular, mostly because I think it greatly lessens the chances for an imminent Black Siren redemption arc. It's unlikely they'll have two siren screamers on the team at the same time. Plus, I haven't minded the way they've used the noobs in the past few episodes. As long as they're providing support and quipping in the background, I'm fine with this news.

Steve has said that they were doing the slow burn with the DD/BC character. Therefore, we should expect they will do much more with JH next season.

My questions are - what about Thea? I don't see a place for Speedy in the Team (A or B). MG said she's not going to die. So what then? More Thea in the mayor's office, again? what about Lance? Actually, I'm really worried about Lance.

Realistically, they won't keep the noobs in the background for 23 episodes. I really don't care that much for these characters, I'm happy for the actors, but I'm expecting less time to OTA.  

Maybe it's just me, but I was also surprised with the tweet from DR about his road trip to Seattle to "clear his head". DR doesn't share personal things in Social Media, except his toddler musings, that I recall - quite the opposite of Steve basically. This just feels strange, that's all.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Buzzyspirit said:

My questions are - what about Thea? I don't see a place for Speedy in the Team (A or B). MG said she's not going to die. So what then? More Thea in the mayor's office, again? what about Lance? Actually, I'm really worried about Lance.

Yeah, I'm worried about Thea and Lance too. I think we'll be able to start figuring out what's going to go on with Thea next season as soon as she's back on-screen again and we find out where her head is at.

As for Lance, they'll probably keep using in the same capacity as they have been, occasionally showing up, no matter what his job is/what's going on with the mayor's office, if Oliver is still mayor or not. I can't see them killing him off, especially since I'm sure some people in the writers' room are all eager to see him dealing with BS on a recurring basis, no matter how cruel that is to Lance. 

  • Love 2

I would have thought Lance would be around just to witness his beloved Laurel (sort of) as a villain, though I guess he doesn't need to be a regular for that. But he hasn't had much to do at all this season and is fairly expendable.

Thea has barely had anything to do and it would be easy to send her to pastures new.

Diggle: Hope not but again he's had very little to do this season, even in comparison to previous years

Chase: Probably gone?

Curtis: I guess likely to stay but I wouldn't miss him much.

Felicity: it would be a surprise if she left unless the "Slow Burn" of BC is a romance between her and GA next season and they need FS out of the way.

They simply could be adding more and more regulars as the show ages as many shows do to give people time off to relax/do other projects at the same time etc.

Also some of the cast will likely be on less than the full 23 ep contracts.

Edited by Featherhat

Hoss is just slang for Boss...I don't see an issue. I am glad we're done with the Blondie thing.

They can certainly try to introduce new masks next season but I don't see them joining the team since WD and BC are now series regulars.

Also the actors might be series but we don't know if they're signed on for the full 23 episodes next season.

Also this just confirms that Olicity will be busy making babies while the B team saves the city at night.

  • Love 4
47 minutes ago, shadow2008 said:

With JH upped to series regular, does that more or less confirm KC/BS as the Big Bad for season 6?

Considering that Felicity managed to knock her out and everyone else managed to get her captured in no time,  I'd have a hard time buying her to be some sort of upper villain. She was used as a villain of the week on the Flash and even on Arrow she was used in that manner. However you can say that she might be able to manipulate the team emotionally. But then again, how long before that gets old?

How many season are the originals signed for? S6 or S7?

Edited by Belinea
  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:


They can certainly try to introduce new masks next season but I don't see them joining the team since WD and BC are now series regulars.

Also the actors might be series but we don't know if they're signed on for the full 23 episodes next season.

Also this just confirms that Olicity will be busy making babies while the B team saves the city at night.

I agree that being regulars doesn't mean being around all 23 episodes but they had other two newbies at the beginning of the season so I can see them adding new vigilantes, maybe just temporarily, to the team. The fact that it's overcrowded already seems to be a problem for us, not for the writers..

Yeah..although I don't really care about Olicity being busy making babies..I'd rather watch them save the city side by side. JMO. 

Edited by Midnight Lullaby
  • Love 2
34 minutes ago, shadow2008 said:

With JH upped to series regular, does that more or less confirm KC/BS as the Big Bad for season 6? Her character will be a tough sell in that role after everything we have seen in 5x10, but I am not sure if I can see them adding another regular cast member, either. That being said, I wouldn't be opposed to a Talia/Black Siren villain team-up - but only if Talia actually gets a chance to play and doesn't just lurk around in the shadows like this season. 

No, it just solidifies exactly what MG has said, KC/BS will be an antagonist in S6.  I don't think they'll set her up as the Big Bad. KC can't carry a scene and has no charm or chemistry. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 18

IMO, Thea works better as a civilian than she ever did as Speedy. I'd prefer to see her explore her tendencies to follow in her mother's footsteps rather than struggling with her bloodlust.

And if we must have new people on Team Arrow, I like the combo of WD, Dinah, and Curtis much more than WD, Curtis, Ragman, and Artemis in 5A or last season's additions of LL and Thea. 

  • Love 1
35 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I agree that being regulars doesn't mean being around all 23 episodes but they had other two newbies at the beginning of the season so I can see them adding new vigilantes, maybe just temporarily, to the team. The fact that it's overcrowded already seems to be a problem for us, not for the writers..

Yeah..although I don't really care about Olicity being busy making babies..I'd rather watch them save the city side by side. JMO. 

Well there is still vigilante and whoever he is under the mask. Artemis betrayed the team and then Ragman left when BC joined and when Artemis was there Diggle wasn't fully on the team. I think by making BC and WD regulars it means they now have the core team and I can't see Diggle or Felicity leaving the team to make way for a temporary recruits. 

They can make babies and still save the city, it's just that they know someone else is out there so they can take a break a night or two.

Just now, Cleanqueen said:

Well there is still vigilante and whoever he is under the mask. Artemis betrayed the team and then Ragman left when BC joined and when Artemis was there Diggle wasn't fully on the team. I think by making BC and WD regulars it means they now have the core team and I can't see Diggle or Felicity leaving the team to make way for a temporary recruits. 

They can make babies and still save the city, it's just that they know someone else is out there so they can take a break a night or two.

I think there's no way of knowing if the writers deem the team big enough or not.

Yeah, I understand. I was just saying I have zero interest in that. Just a difference of opinions.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I think there's no way of knowing if the writers deem the team big enough or not.

Yeah, I understand. I was just saying I have zero interest in that. Just a difference of opinions.

I guess if there is another interference then yeah they might just throw Arrow under the bus again so we won't know but hopefully it's a good sign that both new team members were made a regular and not just one.

I wonder what this casting news means for WH? I'm guessing PB will have slightly more screentime next season purely because E2 Laurel looks like Quentin's daughter and that will have some conflict and emotional fallout (at least, I'm assuming?) but it doesn't look great for Thea, IMO. I'm a little concerned what it means for Diggle and Felicity too tbh. 

Sigh. Oh well.

1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

I'm a little concerned what it means for Diggle and Felicity too tbh. 

If they brought them on because they like the current dynamic it doesn't have to mean anything for Diggle or Felicity. Outside of Very Special Episodes, they're still getting more screen time than the newbies for the most part. 

  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

I guess if there is another interference then yeah they might just throw Arrow under the bus again so we won't know but hopefully it's a good sign that both new team members were made a regular and not just one.

No, I meant even without throwing the GA under the bus. Nothing stops the writers from adding new team members. We think it's not a good idea but what we think has never stopped them before. 

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

If they brought them on because they like the current dynamic it doesn't have to mean anything for Diggle or Felicity. Outside of Very Special Episodes, they're still getting more screen time than the newbies for the most part. 

It's not so much screentime I'm concerned about tbh. I want good story for them (it's a dream, I know, haha). I mean, Diggle has basically been "pep talk man" this season and not much else, you know? 

Hopefully the lack of flashbacks will really help things. I don't begrudge new characters at all. I just want a better balance/writing for all.

Well, they won't kill Thea off, so they have to keep her around one way or the other. Also wasn't there speculation that Dolph Lundgren could join the show for more? Maybe I imagined it. Well, anyway, he is now also part of the new Aquaman movie. 

And maybe I remember it wrong but wasn't their a spoiler that indicated that Tinah might have some trust struggles or something like that... 

Also she and BS have an opportunity to bond over the same powers and a similar backstory. Can you imagine: "That happened to you?; No way it happened to me too." ;-)



1 hour ago, Buzzyspirit said:

Maybe it's just me, but I was also surprised with the tweet from DR about his road trip to Seattle to "clear his head". DR doesn't share personal things in Social Media, except his toddler musings, that I recall - quite the opposite of Steve basically. This just feels strange, that's all.

1 hour ago, Featherhat said:

Felicity: it would be a surprise if she left unless the "Slow Burn" of BC is a romance between her and GA next season and they need FS out of the way.

MG said Felicity isn't going anywhere but has he said anything about Diggle? If I were paranoid and suspicious (which I totally am), I could twist this weird no PR from Felicity and cryptic DR comments into they are leaving the show. When did WH's contract get reduced? They couldn't be reducing their contracts next year, could they? 

ETA: Diggle's major storyline kinda happened off screen and Felicity's Helix storyline is only coming into focus now. Billy and Havenrock ended up more about other characters so I haven't been happy with their stories this year but excellent point about the flashback time being freed up.

Edited by leopardprint
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