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13 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

BR had a WB deal and was pushed on Arrow for a potential spinoff, he had no interest in going anywhere.

Neal M, not really sure. You can certainly contract a guest star for a specific number of episodes. 

I was curious so I checked. Neal was a regular according to tvline http://tvline.com/2015/07/10/arrow-neal-mcdonough-damien-darhk-season-4-cast/


Josh is a regular this season & Manu was in s2, so they tend to make their villains regulars.

6 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

I was curious so I checked. Neal was a regular according to tvline http://tvline.com/2015/07/10/arrow-neal-mcdonough-damien-darhk-season-4-cast/


Josh is a regular this season & Manu was in s2, so they tend to make their villains regulars.

TV Line was wrong. Go back and watch S4 credits, Neal is a Special Guest Star. 

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Personally i think with her loud stans crying on their mentions(they really got under their skin during hiatus because they affected many general fans who simply hated s4 and dominated the popular opinions making it look like everyone shared their views) and the bad ratings, they approached her team to have her back as Black Siren(her playing the villain gave them good feedback) for a couple of episodes. Her team asked for regular status, mainly for the paycheck(so like someone mentioned she will probably be only in some episodes like JB last season)and they agreed. The end.

I dont think theres any blackmailing and i dont think they love her and trully want her back as a regular(i mean they killed LL and replaced her with a brand new BC lol). I do think her stans non stop hatred and entitlement affected them and maybe her connections with the network helped them reach an agreement(you know she'd be gone for good if the network didnt like her) thus why she got a second chance ,if we are to believe there was some bts drama that went down in previous years. But anyway,ill be here laughing when her episodes next season hit new lows in ratings. 


What bugs me is that they trully give off the impression that a bunch of loud stans have power over a show. That if you make 100 accounts and spam with hate non stop claiming you are the real fan,they will listen to you. They kept preaching last season about raising the stakes and how Laurel was gone for good only to bring back her earth 2 version and potentially redeem her.  

They have been doing it months now but this announcement made it official in my eyes. Thats sad.

Edited by theOAfc
  • Love 3

Got home from work and my sister said to me, without preamble, "I'm not watching Arrow next season."  Hello to you, too.  I mean, it's exactly what I thought she'd say when I saw the news, so I wasn't surprised as she's nearly hate-watching as it is.  I might be out the door with her.  A lot will be riding on the way they wrap up this season.  The idea of KC as the S6 big bad is just laughable to me; I thought she was as mediocre as BS as she was LL/BC.  I might not have a S6 in me.  Such disappointing news. 

  • Love 18
46 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Thanks.  I guess the show runner's were grateful that they stuck around instead of taking on other projects since they weren't tied down then.  Is it possible to tie an actor down to a certain number of episodes if they aren't a regular?  - You know a whole lot more about the business than I do.

It is possible and it's also possible to insert a clause into an actor's contract that forbids them from seeking any other acting work for as long as filming is going on, but the actor has got to be willing to roll with it of course, because these types of contracts are not exactly very actor-friendly. I remember back in the 1990's, there was this huge drama around The Prince of Bel-Air because NBC wanted to reduce the number of appearances by the original Aunt Viv to 10 per season while also contractually obligating her not to seek any other acting work outside of the show. The actress wasn't having any of it because it would have cut her income in half and she wasn't going to be able to cover her expenses anymore. After a lot of back and forth, the two parties couldn't come to an agreement and the network ended up replacing her with someone else. 

Edited by shadow2008

I am pretty certain this wasn't an EP decision. Everything about this announcement is calculated by her team. Just after 5x10 we were told that we wouldn't see her again this season and marc specifically said they couldn't bring her back as BS because she wasnt a regular. And during Paley we find out that an announcement is coming up for her. Since when have they announced next season regulars this early in advance, never and most certainly not with a returning character. If she has that series regular status then shes certainly the main villain, I don't know how many episodes they negotiated but if she was even able to come back then she's certainly getting the 23 episode deal.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

You think  they'll be Arrow S6 villains?

I thought they were the one off LoT villains this season. They are great but I don't see how they can bounce them around as villains for different shows. 

It might not be under the title "Legion of Doom", but my theory is that they'll have a big villain team-up as the (4-show) crossover threat next season.

58 minutes ago, smoaksmichaelas said:

Lmao thank you! Like what. The only thing she has is the sonic scream. She's not a fighter. 

Well, not on Arrow,  where they massively de-powered her. On Flash,  she knocked over buildings and gave the Flash a beatdown.


16 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

I am pretty certain this wasn't an EP decision. Everything about this announcement is calculated by her team.

Are they really that powerful? If they didn't want her back I doubt she'd be back -- as a regular, no less.

Edited by Trini
  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

I am pretty certain this wasn't an EP decision. Everything about this announcement is calculated by her team. Just after 5x10 we were told that we wouldn't see her again this season and marc specifically said they couldn't bring her back as BS because she wasnt a regular. And during Paley we find out that an announcement is coming up for her. Since when have they announced next season regulars this early in advance, never and most certainly not with a returning character. If she has that series regular status then shes certainly the main villain, I don't know how many episodes they negotiated but if she was even able to come back then she's certainly getting the 23 episode deal.

MG never said that we wouldnt see her again because she wasnt a regular. He said it was hard to get around peoples schedules if they arent a regular. Unelss im remembering wrong.

Ok that was a lot to catch up on. Ha.

I actually had a very zen chill reaction. Maybe because I was always indifferent to Katie/Laurel then out right loathing her. So I surprised myself haha.

I think it's going to be a clusterfuck in terms of plotting next season cause if they are redeeming her then it means they literally have two characters who serve the exact same purpose doing the exact same thing.

If she's the big bad then I'm sorry it's going to be the lamest big bad storyline ever since Black Siren is hardly formidable in the wake of those that came before her.

She could work as a henchman I suppose of the big bad. I almost wish the writers made me care about Dinah and the obnoxiousness of reading all the Oliver/Dinah romance forever cause fake sides posts didn't make me resent hearing about the character cause I would have liked to be able to feel sorry for Juliana who is probably no longer a garuntee on the show when poor thing probably had it her head she was going to be series regular and new star. Marc's vague tweets to the contrary aside I don't see them keeping both. 

On the plus side I'm feeling pretty positive now that they are going to lock down Olicity more then ever in the season finale that I won't be surprised if they are reengaged in 5x23 and come back planning their wedding in 6x01.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

Considering there are people above them that make the final say then yes I'd say they could still not want her and bring her back as a series regular. 

Ah, so it's more like the showrunners don't have actual control over their show?
The only show I can think of right now that had an regular actor leave then return was Jorja Fox(Sara Sidle) on CSI. Don't know if that was a network or studio directive, though.


17 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

On the plus side I'm feeling pretty positive now that they are going to lock down Olicity more then ever in the season finale that I won't be surprised if they are reengaged in 5x23 and come back planning their wedding in 6x01.

I can see them eloping.

Just now, Chaser said:

Legit question.

Why do you think they brought her back?

No one is more surprised then me to think that MG may have wanted her back since I have always stuck to "I dont think he likes her or he doesnt like LL" but I think someone on the show enjoyed her as BS and felt a creative rejuvenation for her. I don't think it is CW mandate, if anything it is GB mandate as it was for Black Canary.  

3 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I wonder if they will take the time out to address Laurel lance being alive again in Star City or just pull a Flash and ignore it. 

My guess? If she's going to be around on a full-time basis - or enough of one that the public knows about her, villain or not - all questions about a Laurel Lance being alive in Star City will have been taken care of over the summer and there will be one or two lines of dialogue about it in the premiere. I feel like they do have to address it considering they gave this Earth's LL a statue and had a ceremony for it. 

My hope is that they do announce Juliana as a regular and they get rid of Wild Dog. Maybe he can finally get his daughter back and he can leave town to raise her. I imagine they'll probably keep Curtis, but hopefully he decides to stay in the lair with Felicity as a compromise to win Paul back. Then they find a way to get Thea back into the main storyline, and that way, we can FINALLY have more than three female characters. I don't imagine they'll do any of this right, but that's the dream. 

Also, if they can guarantee that Oliver and Felicity are going to be a couple and not E2 Laurel and Oliver, then that's one more step for me to be able to tolerate having KC back. I'm not sure I want them eloping, mostly because I need actual growth from Oliver to prove that he can be a better man and husband for Felicity, but I just need a guarantee that they're not going to just do a Because Comics switcheroo. Also, no babies. The one thing this show does not ever need is children being anywhere in the forefront. Baby Sara JJ works well because we hardly see Diggle's child. We don't need any pregnancies on this show, not until the series finale. I don't know if I'm in the minority on that, though. 

I think they can have both Dinah and Black Siren on the show, even with their Canary Cries. If they can have multiple archers, they can have multiple metas. 

I do think that Black Siren will be a major villain, but I have a feeling she'll be teaming up with the true Big Bad of the season. She seems to be a better minion than an actual leader. My hope is that she's working for a female Big Bad. I'd love to have season six as the Year of the Females. But those chances are slim to none. 

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

I wonder if they'll reuse that ring. 

I normally like cushion cuts but I didn't like that ring. 

Hahaha @Mellowyellow I love the shallowness of your viewing :p 

Everybody else is dealing with the clusterfuck of truly terribly writing (and acting) they'll have to deal with next season; and then there's you and me: "Olicity will probably plan their wedding" "Hope Oliver buys a better ring" *high five* kindred spirits. 

We are terrible.

  • Love 2
48 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

TV Line was wrong. Go back and watch S4 credits, Neal is a Special Guest Star. 

I actually watched the opening credits a moment ago and Neal wasn't listed among the guest actors. His name came right behind Paul Blackthorne's and he was credited as "Special Appearance By". I think what happened was that Neal signed a series regular deal, but he's an actor with a lot of clout. Big name actors like him don't like to see their name get lost in the shuffle, so they demand a special clause in their contract that they are to be billed differently. The "And" and the "With" credits were already taken by Barrowman and Blackthorne. Ergo, they had to come up with something else. It reminds me of Heather Locklear, who was a series regular on Melrose Place but she was always credited as a Special Guest Star throughout the show's run. 

3 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Hahaha @Mellowyellow I love the shallowness of your viewing :p 

Everybody else is dealing with the clusterfuck of truly terribly writing (and acting) they'll have to deal with next season; and then there's you and me: "Olicity will probably plan their wedding" "Hope Oliver buys a better ring" *high five* kindred spirits. 

We are terrible.

Haha well have you seen my username?

Diamonds are a big deal to me!

I'm sad they lost all the Queen money so we never got to see Felicity wear the jewels in the Queen vault!

I'm kinda torn between them eloping so it's a done deal or another wedding with a better fitted wedding dress!

As I read on reddit:  "Sara dies, Sara comes back as Canary (could've stopped here), Sara dies again, Laurel becomes Black Canary (could've stopped here), Laurel dies, Evelyn becomes Black Canary, Evelyn switches persona to Artemis, Laurels alternate earth 2 counterpart exists and is the Black Siren, a woman named also named Dinah with the scream exists and becomes Black Canary, Black Siren hypothetically comes back and becomes "The Real Black Canary, I mean it this times guys!!", Dinah Drake dies. What's next?! Diana Pants? Tinah Rake? Tara Flake? Lory Lake? Drizzy Drake?!"

  • Love 13

I am drawing a total blank on what E2 LL's relationship with E2 Oliver was but I would like if her first appearance in S6 lampshades this and she tells them she kicked him to the curb for being a cheating boyfriend with terrible hair.

At this point they should just own this and have a new Canary every half Season.

Edited by leopardprint
1 minute ago, leopardprint said:

I am drawing a total blank on what E2 LL's relationship with E2 Oliver but I would like if her first appearance in S6 lampshades this by where she tells them she kicked him to the curb for being a cheating boyfriend with terrible hair. 

He died apparently.

But my head cannon says he took off with E2 Felicity that's why she hates Felicity so much. 

  • Love 5

It's a sweet deal. If she's a regular then presumably she gets paid for all the episodes whether she's in them or not.  How is Arrow affording this?

1 hour ago, theOAfc said:

What bugs me is that they trully give off the impression that a bunch of loud stans have power over a show. That if you make 100 accounts and spam with hate non stop claiming you are the real fan,they will listen to you. They kept preaching last season about raising the stakes and how Laurel was gone for good only to bring back her earth 2 version and potentially redeem her. 

This.  Hate tweets work, apparently.

While I think her Black Siren is 1000x better than her Black Canary, I don't think it's worth having her back as a regular.

  • Love 9

Meh, I'm basically neutral on KC, so this news doesn't really affect me much either way. KC has always been better in villain or anti hero roles, so maybe this will work better then when she was Laurel.

Also, is it totally wrong that I am super pumped for Bratva vs. Chase coming up? Not that I think its a good call on Oliver's part or anything, but after last week, I am REALLY looking forward to Chase fighting against people who don't hold back whatsoever. I think Chase is an awesome villain, but he needs an ass kicking. I'm sure Oliver will end up ending him (although I'm hoping Felicity actually gets him locked up forever at some black site or something, while Ollie takes a long ass break from superheroing), but until that happens, the guy needs to be taken down a peg.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

It's a sweet deal. If she's a regular then presumably she gets paid for all the episodes whether she's in them or not.  How is Arrow affording this?

This.  Hate tweets work, apparently.

While I think her Black Siren is 1000x better than her Black Canary, I don't think it's worth having her back as a regular.

She has to be contracted for at least 13 episodes to be considered a series regular and they would only have to pay her for those 13 episodes. S1-4 she was contracted for all 23 episodes, then they had to pay her if they didnt use her.

1 minute ago, Morena said:

Is Willa is regular and only in 14 episodes?

Her contracted episodes changed from 23 to 14. 

  • Love 2

For me, this announcement cast a lot of doubt on S6. I think the problems of S5 can be boiled down to an imbalance between comic book (mask) stuff/non mask stuff. Adding another mask beyond the two that look to be coming signals to me that they are doubling down on it. 

ETA: I don't have strong feelings about KC/BC/BS so that part doesn't bother me.

Edited by leopardprint
  • Love 4
Just now, Sunshine said:

Just wondering with Black Siren being a regular if Quentin Lance is on his way out.  He doesn't have to be but I do wonder if an evil doppleganger for his daughter might be too much to bear?  He was conveniently absent for all her episodes to date in S5.    

"All her episodes to date in s5" aren't really all that much though? Isn't that just 501 and 510?

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Just wondering with Black Siren being a regular if Quentin Lance is on his way out.  He doesn't have to be but I do wonder if an evil doppleganger for his daughter might be too much to bear?  He was conveniently absent for all her episodes to date in S5.    

They put him through some stuff that he managed to handle. A doppleganger? He'll just laugh it off.

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