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It's weird that these three (?) nearly identical interviews are what have really pushed me into the pessimistic category when it comes to this show/this season, but apparently they're the straw. The combination of these quotes--about how Laurel has really "earned" this and how GA needs the BC--plus Sara's death, plus the flimsy reasons for the Olicity switcheroo, plus the Diggle OOC "you were right" speech, plus all the ridiculous stuff the EPs have apparently forgotten or are handwaving about their own show (no one knows that Sara came back to life; Team Arrow is still using the Foundry as its lair; Oliver's puzzling financial status)--has reduced my faith in the writers to just about nothing. They are showing absolutely no evidence that they are concerned about anything feeling true, or real, or earned. They're just moving pieces on a board, willy-nilly, to suit their season/series outline. Just hitting the marks with no regard to character or relationship integrity.


And yeah, I shouldn't put much stock in KC's interviews, because she is basically never on the same page as the writers or her castmates, but there is enough in there to make me believe that she's talking about things based on the episodes they've filmed or are filming, and based on what the EPs are telling her, so it's not all just her own headcanon (soulmates, hahahahahahahaha). We're getting Insta-Canary, and that's that.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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I don't think Laurel will get the CC. The producers have said multiple times super powers won't be on the show anymore with the exception of the flash obviously. I don't think they would make an exception for Laurel. 


Only that Marc G. recently said on Twitter that we will see a woman with superpowers on Arrow. Fans are obviously free to believe whatever they want, but I don't put much stock into the producer's denials knowing that they have backtracked before and that giving Laurel the Canary Cry would be a good way to set her apart from Sara's BC.



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I don't think she'll get a sonic cry, not because of what Marc said about no powers but because it would give her an advantage over Oliver. While Black Canary may have been the better fighter in the comics, this show is based around Oliver. I just don't see them allowing anyone who's permanently on the show having a power, when Oliver is powerless. It would make him almost obsolete. 

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Only that Marc G. recently said on Twitter that we will see a woman with superpowers on Arrow. Fans are obviously free to believe whatever they want, but I don't put much stock into the producer's denials knowing that they have backtracked before and that giving Laurel the Canary Cry would be a good way to set her apart from Sara's BC.


Do you have a link for that Striker?  I could only find tweets about keeping Arrow grounded and that if super powers are going to happen then that person would move to The Flash (referring to BR I'm assuming) I can't find anything about a woman with superpowers on Arrow. 


I'd be interested in what he has to say on the CC because I can't imagine them every doing that. The CGI and set expense (breaking windows) would really make a huge dent in their budget even Sara only used it once I believe? If Laurel does turn out to be the ONLY one with superpowers that is a very dangerous "special snowflake" road for them to go down.  I can't see them doing it but they've surprised me before.

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And SA was clear at the NYCC that superpowers were going to be on any other show than Arrow - he even addressed that the miraku was a launching pad for other things but that S3 was definitely grounded.


Also for the reasons listed above, I can't see the show giving an ally of Oliver's a superpower and still staying on the show.

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This again leads to the question of ok, how exactly does Laurel know about Star Labs - yes, she has a direct connection to Central City with her mother, but otherwise, unlike Felicity, Oliver and Diggle, she never met Barry or anyone else at Star Labs, and if Iris doesn't know about Star Labs/Barry, there is absolutely no reason why Laurel would.

Knock, knock.

Laurel: "Who's there?"

...Nah, just kidding, she directly opens the door. Anyway...

Slade Wilson, escaped from Lian Yu for the sole following purpose: "More plot contrivance demands that you know about Star Labs and the Flash. You're welcome, again."

Et voilà!


I do not understand how Laurel would be able to go toe to toe with Oliver. I can't grasp that at all. Mary-Sue Canary.

With those writers, and considering the latest spoilers especially re: her rapport with Ted Grant, we can add Canary Sue to the list of her nicknames. If only her possibly getting superpowers meant that she'll be shipped off to the Flash...but alas, I don't think so.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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I'm not surprised KC's best interview was with THR, they are one of the few entertainment sources that attempt journalism instead of PR smoke up your ass slobbering.


Re: a Laurel crossover with The Flash, I have zero doubt they'll give her the Canary Cry. Zero. It's juts a question of when, though I'd guess it would be sometime next season. Then again, I also thought they wouldn't kill Sara until they knew for sure the Black Canary lipstick looked good on the Laurel pig. I loved Sara's sonic thingamajig and if they are going insta Canary I'd honestly prefer there be some meta human justification for it.


ETA: for however complicated my feelings are about Laurel/KC Oliver please to be fucking the hell off when he tells what she can and can't do with her grief/rage. 

Edited by blixie
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 loved Sara's sonic thingamajig and if their going insta Canary I'd honestly prefer there be some meta human justification for it.

I guess this is where we'll differ because giving Laurel the canary cry just to fast track her journey as BC would just scream (pun intended) lazy writing. I truly hope they don't give Laurel powers because then it'll just overshadow any of Oliver's abilities. This show is called Arrow not Arrow & Canary. And to be honest, I really REALLY don't want any powers on this show because it would just ruin the whole theme of being 'grounded' . I mean, the Mirakuru was bad enough... 

I think she's just being mean.Or she's trying to be funny. There's no way she would spoil that in an interview lol. 

KC: "What makes you think it’s a final goodbye…?"

Me: The friggin EP when he said Sara was deader than dead. 


Smh that's just cruel now. :p

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I admit I tend to avoid KC interviews because they only end up irritating me, so I don't know if this is how she usually answers, but I'm struck that she answered the question about Ted Grant by talking about how he responds to Laurel instead of how Laurel - her character - responds to Ted. Re-reading this, I don't think I'm making sense, but I'd like to read what she thinks of Ted. How Ted affects her life and her journey. Or, let's be real, I just need to go back to avoiding certain actor's interviews.

From the TV Line interview:


The one thing I will say about our show, which is great, is that Sara is very much a huge part of Season 3. She drives Laurel, she is inspirational for her. She motivates her


I just find her really annoying in print interviews, or any interview media. In the last couple of new interviews she keeps saying how people (new character + Nyssa) are going to be almost infatuated with Laurel. Rolling my eyes.

She sees everything only from her point of view. It's kind of fascinating really.  Not how Laurel is going to be impressed by Ted Grant, but how he and Nyssa will be impressed by her.  How Brave&Strong Laurel is.


The only thing she says about Sara is that Sara motivates her.  Not how good Caity Lotz was, not what a tough act to follow, it's all and always about Laurel and Laurel/Oliver.




Could someone explain to me why in every interview there is the implication that after Sara's death Laurel and Oliver's balance would be broken, or that she might somehow blame him? I'm asking because honestly, had I not read any of this, I wouldn't have even thought that.

Laurel always blames other people, never herself.

If Oliver hadn't taken Sara on the boat, she never would have been up on that rooftop in black leather being shot.


She always tried to see the best of him and always thought the world of him, though there was the playboy side that she struggled with. 

Yeah, and Oliver needs her because she stands up to him. Which one is it, babe?  And no, she didn't struggle with the playboy side at all, she willfully shut her eyes to it.

Edited by statsgirl
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giving Laurel the canary cry just to fast track her journey as BC would just scream (pun intended) lazy writing.


Making her Insta Canary is lazy no matter how you slice it, but I'd buy meta human over two lessons + Leather Jacket = bad ass respectable fighter who can toe to toe with Oliver/Nyssa. UGH. I really just think that is where they are headed. 


But I also don't give a tiny tin fuck about powers on the show or not, Mirakuru is already canon, if I wanted grounded I'll watch The Wire or MSNB's wall to wall Lockup sessions on the weekend. When I watch comic book stuff I want super powers. I'm game for Atom to get his shrink on too.

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Another KC interview:



All these allusions to Sara possibly being alive means she's either an idiot (because if that'd turn out to be true, why would you spoil it?) or, if it's not true, just mean. And sad.

She probably thinks she's being cute although it is just mean. Caity was under contract for 3 episodes - 3.01, 3.02 not sure what the third is but it will either be a flashback or dream.

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In the last couple of new interviews she keeps saying how people (new character + Nyssa) are going to be almost infatuated with Laurel.


Besides finding that insulting, it's also just so difficult for me to fathom.


I just think of Michael Bluth in re: George Michael's girlfriend Ann.  "Her?"

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Are you talking about this tweet?  




Looks like he's messing with them and he answered 2 questions in one, so he's not saying we will see a woman with super powers, IMO.


Yes, that's the tweet. Like I said, fans are allowed to think whatever they want, but personally, I'll be shocked if the show ends a couple of years from now and Laurel has never gained her Canary Cry.


She probably thinks she's being cute although it is just mean. Caity was under contract for 3 episodes - 3.01, 3.02 not sure what the third is but it will either be a flashback or dream.


I think her third appearance will either come in a flashback told from Nyssa's POV in episode 4 or she'll be back for a rehash of her death scene where they'll reveal who the killer was.

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Summary for 3x05 - The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak:



CHARLOTTE ROSS (“NYPD BLUE”) STARS AS FELICITY’S MOTHER — When a cyber attack brings Starling City to its knees, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are pushed to their limits to contain the destruction. Life gets even more complicated for Felicity when her mother, Donna (guest star Charlotte Ross), stops by for a surprise visit. Meanwhile, Ted Grant (guest star JR Ramirez) questions Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) motives, and Thea (Willa Holland) buys an apartment with Malcolm’s (John Barrowman) “estate” money, which infuriates Oliver. Nolan Funk guest stars as Felicity’s ex-boyfriend. Michael Schultz directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Brian Ford Sullivan (#305).

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I'm surprised that Ted Grant wasn't in the promo for episode three.  I might tune in to see his intro, but I get the impression that next week features very little Felicity.  I think I'm skipping episode four since there's little or no Felicity in that one.  The first half of the season isn't sounding that great to me, actually.

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I noticed Laurel mentioned there too. Do not put bad thoughts out there! 


Also noticed Diggle and Roy weren't mentioned. It just says Oliver and Felicity are pushed to their limits. Not Team Arrow. Is that interesting to anyone else?

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I hope Diggle gets to meet Donna Smoak.

David Ramsey tweeted during that episode that he had fun filming with Charlotte Ross.  Stephen did too so I assume they both meet her.  There is also a picture where Diggle has Digglette and Oliver/Stephen has the diaper bag at the Verdandt set.

Edited by Sunshine
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3x03 for Diggle.


How is 3x03 Diggle's ep? The flashbacks seem to be Thea and Malcolm training. 


Also noticed Diggle and Roy weren't mentioned. It just says Oliver and Felicity are pushed to their limits. Not Team Arrow. Is that interesting to anyone else?


Frustratingly so

Edited by wingster55
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Okay, gonna call Tommy as the killer. Killer has to be known to the audience. EPs consider this season a reboot, which makes sense since they have to figure Flash is an opportunity to bring in new viewers, so fhey have to establish the killer if s/he's not onstage already. The big reveal in the crossover lines up timeframe of the mystery reveal, and is supposed to be the biggest shock in show history, so is likely Sara's killer IMO.

Tommy didn't do much besides exist in this ep. But if his job was merely to be established, he did it well. If we see more mentions of him, establishing for new viewers that he was Laurel's boyfriend, Malcolm's son, if Thea regrets not knowing he was her brother, etc, then that will be additional evidence.

Maybe Sara really is coming back. Would explain this no real burial idiocy, as well as the rather callous tone BTS folks have used to discuss her. I've never felt like they were discussing a dead character. Their tone is just off. They all had scripts through 308 before the premiere aired, so they all know what's up.

Hell, maybe they were both targeted by HIVE, maybe they want them to use against Oliver, Malcolm, and Nyssa. Maybe this is Sara's Ravager storyline. Hell, maybe Tommy is Ravager #1, a la Grant Wilson. They obviously feel free to play with that identity.

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There always seems to be a disconnect between the Laurel described by KC in her interviews and the Laurel depicted on the show.  KC's laughing and joking about Sara's death showed incredible insensitivity.


Regardless, reading those recent KC interviews makes me less enthusiastic about watching this season.  Suddenly, I'm less optimistic that Arrow will make it to five seasons.

Edited by tv echo
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From TVLine:


Are there any past characters coming back to Arrow in Season 3? Along the lines of Kelly Hu’s China White? –Alamin
As you may have heard, Katrina Law will soon return as Nyssa al-Ghul, and given what happened to her lover Sara, the LOA badass “absolutely” has some bones to pick, Katie Cassidy told me. “You will see [Nyssa go through] a wide range of emotions,” Cassidy previewed, “but ultimately, through the resentment and negativity, youll get a chance to see [her and Laurel] sort of come to understanding.”


I’ve heard conflicting reports — will Arrow’s Ray Palmer be turning into The Atom or not? –Bill
“Anything is possible,” showrunner Marc Guggenheim allows, before adding: “My instinct is if Ray Palmer is going to shrink he’ll probably shrink on another show. With The Flash in existence, there’s no compelling reason for us to do superpowers on Arrow.” That said, the EP teases, “We have plans for Ray that don’t involve shrinking but are actually really cool.”




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If Laurel does go over to The Flash for an episode, I doubt it would happen this season at all. My guess is they would wait until they get some feedback on her arc. The Flash is too new to risk putting Laurel on it. I want Arrow to stay outside of the meta-human world so I really don't care about the Canary Cry.

Great.  So Laurel might cross over to The Flash as part of her journey toward becoming the Black Canary, and kill their ratings as well.

Edited by tv echo
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Great.  So Laurel might cross over to The Flash as part of her journey toward becoming the Black Canary, and kill their ratings as well.

If she does can they keep her?  I'm not watching the Flash except for maybe 1.04.

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