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Maybe she really does break up with him (or he her) by the end of the episode. 

Not like she's going to have good excuses to give to why she'd have to run off from a date or something. 

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I hope the BF isn't around for long, but WM's comment in the GATV interview about how she's "really hoping the audience likes and pulls for" the BF makes me wonder. If's he's one-and-done, we wouldn't even have time to get to know him, much less like him and want him to be with Felicity. 

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29 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I hope the BF isn't around for long, but WM's comment in the GATV interview about how she's "really hoping the audience likes and pulls for" the BF makes me wonder. If's he's one-and-done, we wouldn't even have time to get to know him, much less like him and want him to be with Felicity. 

I was thinking about this from my most Pollyanna stance: that if the boyfriend is the cop, and he and Felicity end things amicably pretty early in the season, the audience will feel sympathetic for the guy being genuinely nice, and keep pulling for him in his cop storyline, not as boyfriend anymore.

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From the Collider interview:


Thea will be doing the same thing from her position in the mayor’s office, and also grappling, personally, with if she’s like her mother, at the end of the day, and whether she’s more Merlyn or more Queen.

I feel like we've been hearing this for three years in a row now, starting with the promotion for season three.  I'm really tired of getting my hopes up for a great storyline for Thea and then being disappointed. *has Grumpy Cat face*

Edited by Starfish35
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11 minutes ago, bijoux said:

This interview makes it sound like Ragman will be a part of the team. I don't remember that information from earlier. Do they have enough chairs and cases for all the suits in the bunker? It sounds crowded.

We haven't seen Los Halcones before, have we?

We knew Ragman was coming he was announced awhile back but, i assumed he was a one and done guest character.  They seem to be going overboard with the noobs.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I really wish they would quit acting like Felicity killed people.  She diverted a nuke someone else launched because she couldn't stop it.  I guess she should of just stood by and let it land on millions.  I understand her feeling guilty.  I just hate the narrative that she killed thousands.  People were going to die one way or another.

IIRC, Ragman is the one who recently suffered a tragedy.  EBR said something in an interview about how would Felicity feel if she came face to face with someone from Havenrock.  Ragman might be around for several episodes partially to advance Felicity's feelings of guilt.  I too thought he was a one and done.

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They are definitely going overboard with the newbies, at least that's the impression so far. How true that is, IDK. It's hard to judge. The trouble is, I don't care about any of the new people so spending a lot of time introducing them will likely bore me when I'd rather see the others I've spent 4 seasons watching. The only reason I vaguely kinda like Curtis is because he was introduced slowly here and there and we didn't spend too much time on him. Let's hope they do it that way with the others.

Are we really going there AGAIN with the 'is Thea a Queen or a Merlyn' crap? OMG. It's been 2 seasons now. She should know already and if she doesn't, I question whether she has some kind of brain injury preventing her from making a decision. 

Also, I'm fine with Ragman hanging around if it's to help Felicity's storyline. About time someone else was used as a prop instead of her. Though I'm not convinced that's the reason yet.

Edited by Guest
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44 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

So while there has been no announcement for a planned spinoff, it's sounding a lot like 5A is being hijacked to launch the baby vigilantes. Young Justice anyone?

I said the same thing months ago and, i still think they're testing the water. I don't care what SA says about Arrow not being used to launch another Show this season. They're testing these people out either for a spinoff or possible move to LoT, IMO.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Joe Dinicol is the Jewish character.  Dolph Lundgren is Kovar.  Do we know who is playing James/Prometheus?  Did I miss it?  Could he be the stunt casting in the blind item someone posted earlier if it pertains to Arrow?  I am so confused! :-)

Would Brett Dalton qualify as stunt casting because of playing a Marvel character?  IIRC, someone said David Rappaport started following him on twitter about the same time he started following Cody Rhodes.  Some were waiting to see if an announcement for the Berlantiverse was forthcoming but I haven't read anything.

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3 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Joe Dinicol is the Jewish character.  Dolph Lundgren is Kovar.  Do we know who is playing James/Prometheus?  Did I miss it?  Could he be the stunt casting in the blind item someone posted earlier if it pertains to Arrow?  I am so confused! :-)

Would Brett Dalton qualify as stunt casting because of playing a Marvel character?  IIRC, someone said David Rappaport started following him on twitter about the same time he started following Cody Rhodes.  Some were waiting to see if an announcement for the Berlantiverse was forthcoming but I haven't read anything.

James is Adrian Chase, the new DA played by Josh Segarra who's going to appear in first it seems in 504 and become Vigilante in 507 (or at least the Vigilante story is going to be in 507 according to a tweet from the TCAs IIRC). Prometheus hasn't been revealed yet but will appear in mask 501-502 per the sizzle reel. From how WM was talking about it, it kind of looks like we find out who he is sometime in 5a since she was talking about Oliver's reaction, but, like Felicity's bf, no actual confirmation of the person exactly. For all we know Chase could be Prometheus, but it doesn't look like it currently. I don't think that the blind item necessarily relates to Arrow given a bunch of more likely options.

If Brett Dalton was playing Prometheus, I guess that could technically qualify as stunt casting, but the blind item was talking about a major stunt casting, like movie-star level, so Brett Dalton wouldn't count in that case. I've also been waiting to see if he would be cast in anything in the Arrowverse too because of Rappaport's twitter but nothing yet so far.

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11 minutes ago, way2interested said:

James is Adrian Chase, the new DA played by Josh Segarra who's going to appear in first it seems in 504 and become Vigilante in 507 (or at least the Vigilante story is going to be in 507 according to a tweet from the TCAs IIRC). Prometheus hasn't been revealed yet but will appear in mask 501-502 per the sizzle reel. From how WM was talking about it, it kind of looks like we find out who he is sometime in 5a since she was talking about Oliver's reaction, but, like Felicity's bf, no actual confirmation of the person exactly. For all we know Chase could be Prometheus, but it doesn't look like it currently. I don't think that the blind item necessarily relates to Arrow given a bunch of more likely options.

If Brett Dalton was playing Prometheus, I guess that could technically qualify as stunt casting, but the blind item was talking about a major stunt casting, like movie-star level, so Brett Dalton wouldn't count in that case. I've also been waiting to see if he would be cast in anything in the Arrowverse too because of Rappaport's twitter but nothing yet so far.

Thanks.  I thought James was supposed to be an adversary while the DA was supposed to be an ally. LOL!  I am having a harder time keeping the actors/roles all straight this season.  I guess because there are so many of them. 

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I still think one of the eleventy billion new characters is ~secretly Prometheus. And I also wonder if they'll reveal it to the audience in 501, but ~our heroes~ will be blind to it until it looks totally dumb.

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2 hours ago, Sunshine said:

 I am having a harder time keeping the actors/roles all straight this season.

You're not the only one. Frankly, the only two on whom I don't need a refresher course each time they're brought up are Artemis and Wild Dog. And I regularly need to correct myself because I tend to call him Mad Dog.

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It's kind of unbelievable that the writers say they're writing towards something organic between Oliver and Felicity. Like oh the BMD was organic? I DID NOT KNOW. 

I'm expecting a double date, awkward season 1 scene. Considering we're getting back to basics. That is way organic. 

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7 hours ago, dtissagirl said:

I still think one of the eleventy billion new characters is ~secretly Prometheus. And I also wonder if they'll reveal it to the audience in 501, but ~our heroes~ will be blind to it until it looks totally dumb.

I still think the DA is going to be Prometheus

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3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I still think the DA is going to be Prometheus

I agree.


You have a very devoted Olicity fan base who want to see Oliver and Felicity together. Do you think about that, moving forward?
MERICLE: Oh, yeah! At some point, we do think about it, and then you have to stop thinking about it. The funny thing about Felicity and Oliver is that it’s not in the comic books. Like you, I don’t come for a comic book background, and I feel like I speak for those members of the audience, who are a lot, that don’t. The thing about having Emily [Bett Rickards] on the show is that it was clear Emily and Stephen [Amell] had chemistry, and we wrote to that. Right now, they’re in an ambiguous place and we’re going to see where that goes. We’re going to lean into wherever these actors and characters take us, and that’s the fun of it. That’s why you can’t always please everyone. You’re in charge of figuring out what’s best for the show, creatively. Sometimes that isn’t what the Olicity fans or the Laurel fans want. Sorry guys!
*  *  *
How do Felicity and Oliver feel about each other moving on?
MERICLE: You’re going to see a lot of both of them reacting to this decision they made. Between seasons, they’ve definitely had a conversation about, “We’re going to work in the bunker. It’s going to be great.” They didn’t really get to that question of, are we going to date? So, when all that starts to come out, they’re going to have to make decisions. If they’re not going to be together, what are they going to do? They’re not going to be single for their own lives. They’ll have to see what happens. They’re going to have some big feelings. There might be some toes that get stepped on, for sure.

The more I read WM's interview comments, the more I'm convinced that Oliver & Felicity will not be reconciling any time soon.


MERICLE: Felicity has been tracking all of the new vigilantes in town. Evelyn Sharp, who will be Artemis, is somebody that Oliver is pretty confident that he can mold. He succeeded in turning her in Episode 419, so he’s like, “Okay, maybe her. But, this other guy? This Wild Dog guy? No idea what this guy is going on about!” Wild Dog is the one who gives him the most trouble, early in the season, and he’s also the guy who has his own dark past and is going to be dealing with his own legacy. And then, Ragman has a very spiritual identity and he comes from a place of really honoring his Jewish religion. He’s going to present some moral challenges to Oliver. He’s like a parent to these guys. They’re going to drive him crazy.

I don't think Ragman is the previously announced Jewish character because Joe Dinicol just doesn't come off as a physical threat - unless he's one heck of an actor (see character descriptions below).  However, I wonder if Ragman is somehow related to Derek Zaba (either in the present day or through ancestry).  Tbc, I'm not saying this just because both are Jewish.  But WM makes a point of highlighting the spirituality and Jewish faith of both characters.

Previous Ragman spoiler -- Joe Dinicol will play the recurring role of Rory Regan, the mystical DC Comics vigilante known as Ragman. Fresh from a personal tragedy, Rory hopes to find answers in Star City, where he ultimately crosses paths with Green Arrow. He will first appear in the second episode of season 5.  (Jul. 23, 2016 Entertainment Weekly article, page 40 of Spoilers thread)

Previous Derek Zaba spoiler (still not yet cast) -- S5 will introduce the recurring character of Derek Zaba, a man of fierce intelligence whose wit and humor belie a person wrestling with deep-seated demons. Derek looks to his Jewish faith to ground himself, having been raised in a devout family, and while usually kind and well-meaning, he also can come off as a physical threat. (Jun. 16, 2016 TVLine article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)

Edited by tv echo
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Here's something interesting - Laura Hurley is saying that Prometheus is "James", the character that TVLine spoiled back in May.  Now this is probably just a big assumption on her part.  However, she doesn't seem to know that TVLine then confirmed in June that "James" is Adrian Chase...

How Arrow's Big Season 5 Villain Will Connect To Oliver's Past


It looks like at least one of those demons will be wrapped up in a pretty package. Prometheus' alter ego - who is currently known only as "James" - has been described as a contemporary of Oliver's who is extremely charming and charismatic. He has a trauma in his past that set him on a quest for revenge. Considering how kill-happy Oliver was in Season 1, it might be hard not to side with James at least a little bit. Oliver killed kind of a lot of people, and some of them probably deserved lighter sentences than being shot to death with arrows.

From my spoilers compilation:


--  For S5, Arrow is adding the series regular role of “James,” an “irrepressibly charming” contemporary of Oliver’s who is described as “a man on a mission” — out as he is to avenge a tragic, violent loss from his own, years-ago past. The casting call seeks an actor of any ethnicity, in his late-20s to 30s and who comes across as a physical threat. The character is said to “just as easily shake your hand as your best friend or break your neck as your worst enemy — and you never know which one is coming. Either way, he’s more than capable of having a good time as he does it.” (May 2, 2016 TVLine article, page 36 of Spoilers thread)


-- TVLine confirmed that Adrian Chase is the previously reported "James" character, stating: "As TVLine first reported, Chase is described as an 'irrepressibly charming' contemporary of Oliver’s and 'a man on a mission' — out as he is to avenge a tragic, violent loss from his own, years-ago past. He is someone who could 'just as easily shake your hand as your best friend or break your neck as your worst enemy — and you never know which one is coming. Either way, he’s more than capable of having a good time as he does it.'” (Jun. 16, 2016 TVLine article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)

Edited by tv echo
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20 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I said the same thing months ago and, i still think they're testing the water. I don't care what SA says about Arrow not being used to launch another Show this season. They're testing these people out either for a spinoff or possible move to LoT, IMO.

Yeah, I got the feeling as soon as they started announcing the new masks. But I kinda figured maybe an ep or 2. This seems like a retread of last season when half of 4A was spent on LOT. I'm just annoyed because I can see them shortchanging the stories of Oliver, Diggle and Felicity again because they "ran out of time."

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Didn't they say Vigilante shows up in 5.07?  If so are we thinking Adrian Chase is both Vigilante and Prometheus?  Wouldn't it make more sense for someone else to be Prometheus?  The reporters might be as confused as me.  :-)

MG said in the IGN interview that Oliver & Felicity had talked during hiatus like most mature couples would,  WM said in the Collider interview they talked about working together but didn't get as far as the question of dating.  Toes were going to be stepped on.  Are the EPs confused too or is this what they are clarifying in 5.05 even though Felicity is dating in 5.01 (unless BF is FP related)?  If toes are stepped on it doesn't seem like the boyfriend is FP related.  If it is what is clarified either she & BF break/broke up and they agree to try again or he attempts to move on soon after even if it's not in 5.05.  

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I figured the dating stuff pretty much starts in the first ep since EBR said that she takes a shine to the guy pretty quickly. Seems like maybe it'll still be new then (if she doesn't wind up meeting him in the premiere) and the dating issues between O&F will get addressed shortly after, probably before 5x05?

Edited by apinknightmare
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Does it really matter if Thea is a Queen or a Merlyn?  One was willing to do anything it took to keep her children safe no matter who else got killed, the other was killing to kill thousands to take revenge.  Neither is a great role model.

9 hours ago, tv echo said:

The more I read WM's interview comments, the more I'm convinced that Oliver & Felicity will not be reconciling any time soon.

Sadly and reluctantly I agree which kills the last bit of real enthusiasm I had for the new season as opposed to "I'll see where they go with these new characters and decide then if I'll watch".  WM said "They’re not going to be single for their own lives" but there's a difference between six months after your engagement ended and the rest of your life.

I have never enjoyed a show where the endgame couple broke up and dated other people and I really don't think I will on Arrow either.

On 8/18/2016 at 8:02 AM, tv echo said:

SA responded to a fan's concern about how Olicity has been treated by writers/cast in all the spoilers coming out since S4 ended...

I just want to  call b.s. on Stephen Amell and stop trolling.

They had only done 5 days of filming but everyone had the script for 502 and I'm pretty sure SA knew what was coming up until the mid season break.

Edited by statsgirl
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Ha! I assumed Felicity was already dating him in 5.01 and we were going to see her with him on a date, or kissing him goodnight, or worse to establish he was her boyfriend and not just a date. MG's "difficult moment" for Olicity fans. Especially since Felicity dating is probably more about Oliver doing something (moving on or making an effort to repair their relationship) than it is about Felicity. I really need to stop thinking about this.

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9 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Does it really matter if Thea is a Queen or a Merlyn?  One was willing to do anything it took to keep her children safe no matter who else got killed, the other was killing to kill thousands to take revenge.  Neither is a great role model.

Sadly and reluctantly I agree which kills the last bit of real enthusiasm I had for the new season as opposed to "I'll see where they go with these new characters and decide then if I'll watch".  WM said "They’re not going to be single for their own lives" but there's a difference between six months after your engagement ended and the rest of your life.

I have never enjoyed a show where the endgame couple broke up and dated other people and I really don't think I will on Arrow either.

I just want to  call b.s. on Stephen Amell and stop trolling.

They had only done 5 days of filming but everyone had the script for 502 and I'm pretty sure SA knew what was coming up until the mid season break.

But it doesn't matter how much SA knows, it's the company line that he is going to be parroting. 

Edited by Chaser
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6 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I just want to  call b.s. on Stephen Amell and stop trolling.

They had only done 5 days of filming but everyone had the script for 502 and I'm pretty sure SA knew what was coming up until the mid season break.


SA's answer just made me roll my eyes.  They were talking up Ep 505 at SDCC (Olicity's "big" episode).

In other news, all these new wannabe vigilantes are just multiplying like tribbles. Ugh.

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13 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I just want to  call b.s. on Stephen Amell and stop trolling.

They had only done 5 days of filming but everyone had the script for 502 and I'm pretty sure SA knew what was coming up until the mid season break.

I don't think he's trolling. It's a nicer way of saying "they're only going to really talk about the first couple of episodes until after the new season airs." They have been mentioning 5x05, but I think that's just to keep shippers invested in the face of some not-so-great news regarding O/F.

7 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Ha! I assumed Felicity was already dating him in 5.01 and we were going to see her with him on a date, or kissing him goodnight, or worse to establish he was her boyfriend and not just a date. MG's "difficult moment" for Olicity fans. Especially since Felicity dating is probably more about Oliver doing something (moving on or making an effort to repair their relationship) than it is about Felicity. I really need to stop thinking about this.

For whatever reason I thought she would've been dating him for a while since I figured (assumed) that the boyfriend was just around mainly to provide a reason why O&F didn't get together over the summer, and that when MG mentioned that O/F had a conversation about their feelings over the summer, that dating was included. Since it wasn't, and WM mentioned that they hadn't discussed dating yet and that toes were going to be stepped on when it gets brought up it made me think that if it isn't new-new (as in starts in the first ep), it's new enough that Oliver still doesn't know about it yet. And it also made me think that the difficult moment for Olicity fans that MG was talking about wasn't necessarily a scene with Felicity and the boyfriend, but a talk about the boyfriend and dating - and that the dreaded "moving on" convo might be in the premiere. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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The sooner they have the 'moving on' conversation, the sooner they can get back together. They sooner they have the temps, the sooner they can get back together.

I think it's a good sign this stuff could happen so earlier. It bucks their pattern but sticks with TV cliches. I think Morrigan has the right idea about this season being a reversal.

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I honestly would rather they had had the "moving on" conversation over the summer so I wouldn't have to see it. There is no good going to come out of that on my screen.  I bet Felicity is going to bring up that she's dating someone new and we get to see Oliver's heart break twice, first because his old team won't come back and then because Felicity is moving on.

10 minutes ago, JenMD said:

In other news, all these new wannabe vigilantes are just multiplying like tribbles. Ugh.

"Tribbles" is perfect.

9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I don't think he's trolling. It's a nicer way of saying "they're only going to really talk about the first couple of episodes until after the new season airs."

That's not what he said though. He implied he doesn't know what's going to happen.

He's media savvy enough that he could have come out with something like "We've only been shooting the first episode.  It's going to be a journey for them".

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Just now, statsgirl said:

That's not what he said though. He implied he doesn't know what's going to happen.

He's media savvy enough that he could have come out with something like "We've only been shooting the first episode.  It's going to be a journey for them".

He didn't imply that he doesn't know what's going to happen - he implied that he does know, and that everyone needs to wait and see. 

And he can be media savvy all he wants - if he's been given a company line (which seems to be that Felicity and Oliver are friends, and how groundbreaking the show is to keep her on as his partner after a broken engagement! and neither one of the EPs has mentioned anything at all hopeful about a reconciliation) seems like he's probably going to stick with it. 

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Yeah that last interview Wendy gave about moving on not being something they talked about and it being an issue made me think the bf thing was very new maybe even just a date a that point.But then if it's like that idk why are they calling him a boyfriend and pissing people off for no reason since a date or few is very different than what most people have been thinking so far which is that Felicity was in a relationship with the guy for at least a few months of the hiatus.

They've been pretty confusing about olicity in interviews imo.Like MG in the ign interview making it sound like everything about their break up and relationship was resolved in a conversation offscreen and then WM basically saying it wasn't or WM saying how Felicity has nothing but the bunker left and saying olicity is ambiguous and in the next answer talking about her boyfriend.I think they should have learned how to sell a will they won't they thing way better than that. 

I do still think they're getting back together in the February sweeps, nothing they've really said in the promo of season  5 makes me think they won't. But yeah its probably going to be contrived in 5A with the trying to move on but realizing they can't which is something they really should have learned by now.

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25 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

I do still think they're getting back together in the February sweeps, nothing they've really said in the promo of season  5 makes me think they won't. But yeah its probably going to be contrived in 5A with the trying to move on but realizing they can't which is something they really should have learned by now.

Pretty much. I also fully expect that the whole Olicity are just friends now will last until they start pimping for November Sweeps. Since 505 is an Olicity episode you'll probably get quotes that talk about one step forward, 2 steps back.  Then around MSF there will be another positive Olicity scene. Then i expect the MSF post mortems and the Winter Premiere press to talk about Olicity reunions and stuff.

Honestly, this is different then previous Seasonsx S2 in particular where the company line went from went from Yay Olicity to...what is tis Olicity you speak of?  Seriously, check out the 180 the Producers did between November and February during S2.

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Yeah, I have no doubt they have an O/F story arc planned that is timed by Sweeps months. Guggenheim all but admitted they're stalling because they realized the show's gonna last longer than 5 seasons. Which in turn makes me wonder whether the network ordered them to stall.

Another thing that I'm certain was ordered on them is the eleventy billion newbies. Corporate WB wants ALL the superhero IPs it can fit into live action, and they get the last word.

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40 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

Yeah, I have no doubt they have an O/F story arc planned that is timed by Sweeps months. Guggenheim all but admitted they're stalling because they realized the show's gonna last longer than 5 seasons. Which in turn makes me wonder whether the network ordered them to stall.

Another thing that I'm certain was ordered on them is the eleventy billion newbies. Corporate WB wants ALL the superhero IPs it can fit into live action, and they get the last word.

My lowered expectations have reached the negative zone. I'm trying valiantly to take a wait and see approach, but, maybe it's because I've been dealing with a sick pet and am fairly down in the dumps, I'm not seeing much to be excited about. For all the talk about getting back to basics, it seems like estranged Olicity, some aspect of Digg's life changed due to Barry's boneheaded decisions, an umpteenth retread of Thea's identity issues, and a ton of newbies that I fear may take over the show a la LOT. Maybe what getting back to basics really means is Oliver gets to fight people a bunch alone instead of sharing his action time.

I know this is how TV works, and I don't know why I always expect something different. That's my bad. Perhaps something enticing will come out of HVFF next weekend. 

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I honestly think all the back to basics stuff and mentioning season 1 and 2 is just a way to attract all the people complaining about the show moving away too much from a grounded show and is basically just a line. I think it will just come down to the main villain being human and not having magic or superpowers.They already have flashpoint affecting them heavily which is a time travel thing and we know of at least one crossover with a show that has superpowers, none of that was really basics for arrow. 

 I don't even know how much we will see Oliver fight alone considering all the newbies they added and the fact that Thea and Digg will be back at some point.The only thing that really makes me think they'll remember Oliver is their main mask when comes to fights is the fact that SA really seems to hate how weak they often made Oliver look in season 4 and probably said something about it.

I mean  i remember all they talked about for season 4 was the lighter tone and by the end a big death took over the show from 4.18 till the finale, Felicity was shot and paralyzed, Digg killed his brother and left his family to join the army, Oliver lost his kid and his fiancée, the team was broken up, a nuke hit and killed tens of thousands of people. 

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I think they'll get back together towards the end of the season..they will give moments hinting at that during the season of course but from the interviews my feeling is they want to drag it out..they keep saying "we will see.." and MG said they are close to what they were in season 1, so platonic partners, and I think they can and want to play with that for a while..

I'm more interested to see what they plan to do with Felicity because as I said I find the back and forth in tv relationships boring so I'm not excited about Oliver and Felicity at the moment. Felicity instead could have an interesting development this season if they explore her guilt about what happened last season..but even there I will have to wait and see because they said this is going to be a big story for her this year but MG also said she will be closer to season 1-2 Felicity and make innuendos at Oliver and I don't see how they can have a ridden with guilt Felicity that makes jokes. I need to see how it plays out on screen.

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I find all the mentions of going back to S1's groundedness kinda B.S. - considering AK's interview when he revealed that GB was secretly plotting to introduce superpowers (Barry) to the Arrowverse while the first half of S1 of Arrow was still airing, and that they had been basically lying to the media and the public when they said back then that Arrow was the superpowerless superhero show.  

If Prometheus really does turn out to be D.A. Adrian Chase, then the writers are basically making S5's Big Bad a combination of S2's Brother Blood and Slade Wilson (good guy public official who's really a villain, and secret frenemy revenge plot).

Edited by tv echo
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9 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I'm more interested to see what they plan to do with Felicity because as I said I find the back and forth in tv relationships boring so I'm not excited about Oliver and Felicity at the moment. Felicity instead could have an interesting development this season if they explore her guilt about what happened last season..but even there I will have to wait and see because they said this is going to be a big story for her this year but MG also said she will be closer to season 1-2 Felicity and make innuendos at Oliver and I don't see how they can have a ridden with guilt Felicity that makes jokes. I need to see how it plays out on screen.

I think the odds of Felicity's feelings being explored are greater than Thea's (which I would put at just better than nil)  but less than Diggle's.  They keep saying they want to go back to s1 and 2 levels and Felicity's feelings about Havenrock have no place in a season that's about masks and newbies.  At least Diggle's feelings ares about fighting and killing. 

But only Oliver gets to wallow in guilt on this show.

MG says platonic partners and WM says toes will get stepped on.  Those two things are inherently contradictory.  (I wonder how Felicity can make the kind of sexual innuendos she made in season 1 when she's lived with Oliver for almost a year, or any innuendos at all if she has to shut down her feelings for Oliver while she's in a new relationship.)  And while it is possible to be platonic partners after being in a relationship that is endgame if you tamp down the feelings, you can't do it if one of the people is dating others.  Both Oliver and Felicity dating other people is the sort of horrible writing I've fast forwarded through on other shows.

The newbies had better be really great season 5 because at this point, they and Diggle are all I'm looking forward to.

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I'm not sure there's anything at all I'm looking forward to.  There's also nothing I'm dreading, which I guess is good.  I just am feeling pretty apathetic about it all.  At most, I have some mild curiosity about the Flashpoint effects.  Beyond that, I can't point to anything that excites or intrigues me about this upcoming season.   *shrug*  Maybe that will change when the season actually starts.  

Edited by Starfish35
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