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So Colton is back on set! And wearing a prison jumpsuit? Omg plis be alive, Roy.

When did I starting loving Roy, it was last night.

Blood Rush or his intro to TA when he asked if it was the Arrow Cave.
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So Colton is back on set! And wearing a prison jumpsuit? Omg plis be alive, Roy.

When did I starting loving Roy, it was last night.

Oh I so hope that means he's alive and will live through season four!  I hate the idea of Roy/Colton leaving the show, but if he does - I want him to be alive when it happens.  That way I know I can a) see him on a spin-off/Titans or b) he can guest star in later episodes - I will be happy.  I can't believe how much the idea that he might die upsets me, but I don't give two cents if Capt. Lance bites the dust.

Edited by nksarmi
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Naughty Catrox!!


In my defense, s7 of Supernatural is currently airing on TNT...I blame Dick Roman jokes


Also: "When in doubt, always go for the dick joke" - Robin Williams



So Colton is back on set! And wearing a prison jumpsuit? Omg plis be alive, Roy.

When did I starting loving Roy, it was last night.


Welcome to the club. We have cookies and whiskey

Edited by catrox14
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So Colton is back on set! And wearing a prison jumpsuit? Omg plis be alive, Roy.

When did I start loving Roy, it was last night.


What? Really? PRAISE. 


So...yeah....I knew I didn't want Roy dead, but I didn't realize how much I would be ecstatic by the strong possibility of him surviving until now. This makes me feel hopeful for his future, so that's good. I guess it's official; Roy is love, Roy is life.

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LOL he will ask her that then she will say "more than anything" maybe also "I just know I want to be with you" maybe the I love You will be in there too. Then Smoaking Hot Love scene begins

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I am ridiculously glad that Roy is alive.  (Now just watch me get pissed off season 4 when the lair gets too crowded again.)


Just reporting what an employee of the CW has said in a public forum. I find it completely ridiculous. Thrusting a sword through your protagonist is a-okay, but God forbid the sex scenes are too hot.

The difference between the US and the rest of the world (who restrict the violence and allow the sex).  You gotta love it.


I'm not a big fan of the "carrying the girl to the bed" generally, but you have to admit, SA is one of the few people who can actually do it.

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Going back and studying that promo for Science lol I actually like the way Oliver and Felicity are wrapped up in each other in the shot where he has his hand right underneath her ass it's sexy and of Course her shirt being removed and her on top of him. EBR is looking Hot in those scenes

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Holy shit, is this really happening? They even let Felicity have a good hair day for the Olicity sex. Bless. That scene of Oliver gently removing Felicity's glasses was so simple but intimate as hell. I've enjoyed witnessing my brother gradually go from "I don't want Oliver and Felicity to hook up" to "Yes, finally!"

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So Joe and Cisco are coming to Starling City in a Flash episode, not an Arrow episode. And Laurel is going to be on The Flash after all. I'm officially depressed/annoyed now.

Edited by Starfish35
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The difference between the US and the rest of the world (who restrict the violence and allow the sex).  You gotta love it.


I'm not a big fan of the "carrying the girl to the bed" generally, but you have to admit, SA is one of the few people who can actually do it.


The U.S. is extremely prudish compared to most of the rest of the world.


You would think SA would be able to pull off the "carry the girl to the bed" thing with ease, which is why his S1 anecdote about miscalculating when lowering KC onto the bed---and tumbling off the edge---is so funny.

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I'm not a big fan of the "carrying the girl to the bed" generally, but you have to admit, SA is one of the few people who can actually do it.

...and even SA had a mis-step when carrying KC to the bed in Season 1... Sorry, couldn't halp it. And I do get flashbacks to that Laurel/Oliver scene, and i bet there are gifs floating around with comparisons...


And still, my heart rejoices as I realize SA is sans shirt when he removes EBR's blouse. So she probably takes the matter into her own hands pretty quickly after he takes off her glasses (swoon!). Btw, that scene alone is the reason I'm starting to wear glasses to bed.


Anyhow, if the scenes are cut, at least we'll have Paris... erm, this promo. And millions of fanfics. With pictures.


It's funny how one thing sparked my interest in the rest of the season. And season 4. Those sneaky b@stards!


(But if it's true that you cannot be Lazarused without a relative close-by - I don't remember that fact from the comics, but there was this note floating around the forum - then Ra's just blew his chance at being resurected when he cast Nyssa away, since this 'verse seeems to be lacking Talia)

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That's weird, didn't they report at the time of shooting that Joe and Cisco were crossing over to Arrow? I have to check the past articles. Plus, Laurel wasn't mentioned at all. Who the hell told her Barry is the Flash??Lol

Back to Arrow, are we sure the Foundry gets literally blown up? At this point I'm guessing the police just finds it and they can't use it anymore. Wouldn't it be too late to destroy proofs after they're already in?

Glad Colton is on set, please Roy, don't die!!

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Still love the fact that they made a big deal about Quentin visiting Flash but didn't say a word about Laurel. Even after it was released in the promo. 


If the West and Cisco are in Starling City, why do they only interact with Quentin and Laurel? Does that mean Laurel still has her job then? Is this episode supposed to take place during 3x20 while Team Arrow is in Nanda?

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Well, Matt Mitovich thought Joe and Cisco were coming to Arrow. From his PaleyFest article -

a teaser reel included Laurel Lance’s introduction to Cisco (during his and Det. Joe West’s Arrow crossover).

Guess he was wrong. But yeah, I could have sworn the talk was of a double crossover. Quentin was going to Flash, and Joe and Cisco were coming to Arrow. But I guess it's all happening in the same episode, on Flash, not Arrow.

As for the timing, I am so confused about the continuity now. Because according to MG the timeline is messed up. But originally The Flash 118 was supposed to air before last night's episode, and that would have made no sense at all, because of 317's cliffhanger. But I'm not sure it makes much more sense for Felicity and Ray to dash over to Central City with Roy being arrested and Oliver still under suspicion. So I don't know what's going on.

Edited by Starfish35
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I've been thinking about the theory that the foundry blows up. I do wonder what they are going to do with the Foundry. Blowing it up would have been a good way to destroy evidence. It has some flaws now the OQ has been outed as the Arrow. Even with Roy's confession, he is too close to the Queens, that it would draw too much attention. An explosion at OQ's former & his sister's current nightclub would be too suspicious. It worked when there was no heat on the Queens, now it just doesn't seem like a good plan. Where's Tommy when you need him to load the basement with boxes and chairs??? And now Roy isn't even able to help with that task. They really are in a pinch, because how do you hide that much evidence? And where do you put everything? I wonder if RP offers him some office space. I also still believe the LL will come through big for OQ in 319 by helping to destroy the evidence piling up against the Arrow. But I definitely think the foundry set might be retired for the rest of the season and who knows about s4? It might be for the best, if they are gonna have that many people down there maybe they need a larger area or a differnt set-up to get better camera shots.

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Still love the fact that they made a big deal about Quentin visiting Flash but didn't say a word about Laurel. Even after it was released in the promo.


Well, Matt Mitovich thought Joe and Cisco were coming to Arrow. From his PaleyFest article - Guess he was wrong. But yeah, I could have sworn the talk was of a double crossover. Quentin was going to Flash, and Joe and Cisco were coming to Arrow. But I guess it's all happening in the same episode, on Flash, not Arrow.

As for the timing, I am so confused about the continuity now. Because according to MG the timeline is messed up. But originally The Flash 118 was supposed to air before last night's episode, and that would have made no sense at all, because of 317's cliffhanger. But I'm not sure it makes much more sense for Felicity and Ray to dash over to Central City with Roy being arrested and Oliver still under suspicion. So I don't know what's going on.

Yeah, didn't they post a photo of PB's trailer? Yet nothing about KC? They've advertised every single crossover, that's definitely odd. I don't know what to make of the continuity either, that Flash episode doesn't add up unless it's supposed to be before 317. And Felicity asks Ray if he got the suit working because they had some issues with it on Flash? I don't know.

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Just one question... I'm after a 10 hour shift in the kitchen plus a total of 4 hours commute, I have to be up in 7 hours to do it all over again..... How the FUCK!!. am I supposed to fall asleep now after seeing that clip?!!?!

I'm exhausted and yet at the same time I'm far too excited.


Also: I am like 95% sure there is a fanfic on AO3 that has a NP Olicity sex scene that goes exactly the way it is in the clip... I just can't remember the name of the fanfic right now.


also ETA:

I think the brand is an Arrow (which if i'm not mistaken looks exactly like the arrow in the intro this season)..





so it's possible the league brands members according to their league name.

Edited by foreverevolving
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also ETA:

I think the brand is an Arrow (which if i'm not mistaken looks exactly like the arrow in the intro this season)..



so it's possible the league brands members according to their league name.

Yeah, I definitely think the brand is for his League name. The weird thing is that this scene is in the promo for 3x19, when he's not supposed to join (according to the synopsis) until 3x20. Unless this is toward the end and sets up the next ep. But then why is the offer Oliver can't refuse in the 3x20 ep when he's already joined in 3x19?

I donut understand.

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Lol you do know you are talking about the CW right? You really think they would have spent so much time/money on the scene just to be cut out. I would say they gonna make a cut version and WB is saving some goodies with the uncut version for the DVD.

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1. Do not give the audience what it wants

2. The kissing scene in the promo for 301 was somewhat different from what was shown in the episode

3. A couple of Buffy/Spike love scenes were shot but did not make into the episodes, and showed up a few years later on fan sites

4. MG has said that a few scenes from the promo will not appear in the final episodes


I see the Olicity scenes as bait on a hook, but that's the cynic in me. I would be very happy to be wrong in this instance.

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I see the Olicity scenes as bait on a hook, but that's the cynic in me. I would be very happy to be wrong in this instance.



Nah, I don't think they're stupid enough to release something like this and then cut it out or censor it into pointlessness. It might not look exactly like this, but it'll be in there, and it'll probably be close to as graphic as the CW will allow. 

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Regarding MG's comment that there are some shots in yesterday's preview that won't appear in the final episodes -- Why would you put something in a preview that's not going to be seen in the aired episodes?  It's like a bait-and-switch.  You just end up with angry fans.

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Regarding MG's comment that there are some shots in yesterday's preview that won't appear in the final episodes -- Why would you put something in a preview that's not going to be seen in the aired episodes?  It's like a bait-and-switch.  You just end up with angry fans.


If it's to do with the sex scene, I wonder if it might be because they're not bound to content guidelines the way they would be if some of this stuff was to air on broadcast television. If it's a true content issue, then I'm not sure people would be upset by something being in a preview that they legitimately could not show on TV (at least I wouldn't, so I'm speaking for myself) - I wonder if that's why this didn't air after the last ep like The Flash aired their preview after their last ep? If it was something they decided to cut for time or whatever, then yeah, that's stupid. 


Could just be that some of the scenes they put in the preview will be aired from a different angle or whatever, kind of like the kiss from the premiere. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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I said this before but his follow up comment tells me he was just trolling to get a reaction.  Yes there are scenes that won't be in the released version but it might not have anything to do with the Olicity scenes.   Or, as we've seen before, some of the Olicity scenes could have been cut but replaced with other scenes because they used a different take in the final episode.


The way I look at it, the ILY scene that aired in 223 was much better without that kiss that was filmed and cut.  For all we know, the scenes that air in the episode could be better (in their own way) than what was in the promo.  

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Nah, I don't think they're stupid enough to release something like this and then cut it out or censor it into pointlessness. It might not look exactly like this, but it'll be in there, and it'll probably be close to as graphic as the CW will allow.

This is the money couple . They better show a HAWT love scene lol. All this talk about that promo and I just heard the song "Thought I'd died and gone to heaven" by Bryan Adams. Knowing what the song is about it fits the Olicity sexytimes lol

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I've been thinking about the theory that the foundry blows up. I do wonder what they are going to do with the Foundry. Blowing it up would have been a good way to destroy evidence. It has some flaws now the OQ has been outed as the Arrow. Even with Roy's confession, he is too close to the Queens, that it would draw too much attention. An explosion at OQ's former & his sister's current nightclub would be too suspicious. It worked when there was no heat on the Queens, now it just doesn't seem like a good plan. Where's Tommy when you need him to load the basement with boxes and chairs??? And now Roy isn't even able to help with that task. They really are in a pinch, because how do you hide that much evidence? And where do you put everything? I wonder if RP offers him some office space. I also still believe the LL will come through big for OQ in 319 by helping to destroy the evidence piling up against the Arrow. But I definitely think the foundry set might be retired for the rest of the season and who knows about s4? It might be for the best, if they are gonna have that many people down there maybe they need a larger area or a differnt set-up to get better camera shots.

Are they blowing up the foundry?  I know we have been speculating that but SA's comment was about blowing up the show "but not really". We saw a BTS picture with SA and the foundry was a mess.  He also had on special gizmos with lights.  Now we know from the promo that Oliver fights the bad guy via Ray Palmer & ATOM suit.  A fight in the foundry could have resulted in the mess.  Arresting Oliver, SCPD in foundry, beating up Roy, Ra's doing whatever might all be considered "blowing up the show" since the are headed back to Nanda Parbat in 3.20.


Assuming Felicity & Diggle are returning to SC in 3.21, Diggle might be hanging w/Laurel and Felicity with Ray.  Now that the city is in these heroes-Laurel & Ray (eyeroll)-hands Ray might let Felicity operate from her office at PT.

Edited by Sunshine
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Oliver is back in 321 as well, so is Maseo and I believe Thea.  There was a big night shoot with all of them together.

Missed that.  I would think they would still have to operate from somewhere other than the Foundry just because SCPD knows where they were operating from. 

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Regarding MG's comment that there are some shots in yesterday's preview that won't appear in the final episodes -- Why would you put something in a preview that's not going to be seen in the aired episodes?  It's like a bait-and-switch.  You just end up with angry fans.


Quick rundown, TV episodes usually have 3 cuts -- Director's cut, that usually runs long, and doesn't really care about whatever constraints networks work with. Then comes the Network cut. This one is done mostly for time. Cutting it down to ~42 minutes. The Network cut is then sent to the content rating folks, and to the lawyers. And if there's any concern from either of those groups, that will have to be dealt with before the final cut is OK'd for broadcast.


This kind of promo, that has scenes from several episodes ahead, is most likely working with Network cuts for 320 and 321. 321 might be on the Director's cut stage still. If there are any scenes from 322 there, then they're not even at a cut yet. There are dailies. So yeah, it's almost inevitable that stuff that got on the promo -- yes, for BAIT -- will end up different onscreen.

Edited by dancingnancy
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SInce it's listed as TBD, does that mean it hasn't gone through the Content censors yet? 


I didn't see this, but someone mentioned that is looked like Laurel had a bag at the hanger in the promo. I'm assuming she shows up to go and then Oliver tells her she needs to stay for the city or another version of 'it started with the three of us.' It's annoying that all season MG says Team Arrow has grown, it will never be the same again and then in a pivotal episode for the Season/Oliver/the Team - It's back to the O3. I'm glad for it because I've been missing that all season, but seriously MG? #Troll

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Missed that.  I would think they would still have to operate from somewhere other than the Foundry just because SCPD knows where they were operating from. 

Yes, I expect they will have to find a new place to set up.  Even if the Foundry isn't destroyed there's clear indication that it's compromised and unavailable to them because of Lance.

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I honestly don't see any scenario where the sex scene gets cut out altogether...shaved down for censorship purposes, yes, but clearly the CW/showrunners want us to know it does happen because they spend a healthy amount of time focusing on the lead up to it in the promo. I'm okay if it gets edited down for the broadcast because at least we got to see solid proof there was ample naughtiness filmed, heh. The full cut is going to pop up eventually--either officially or unofficially.

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Yeah, it's not just "hands" that were rubbing.  Although I really do think it's just his deep breath.  I'm 100% fine being wrong, though.


You have to check the slowed-down version.  He's also rubbing his thumbs on both her thighs, while she has her hands on his chest.  And she's probably topless at that point, because he's more sitting up when she takes off her bra, so he's laying down with his hands on her thighs looking up at her while she's topless.  Pretty awesome.


Not that I didn't believe you, but I had to see for myself this "rubbing his thumbs on both her thighs." I couldn't see it on the video, the cuts were too quick and most of the GIFS are either too dark or cropped. But FINALLY I came across a GIFset last night that showed both hands. Yeah, it's totally awesome ;) So here it is, the result of my research — for science



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The next time MG needs to sell a buttload of copies of his book, probably. 


Although if they were smart they'd make us pay for it.

I have no doubt this is the likelier scenario...especially if MG is involved in the decision.

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I seriously need to know why Oliver's getting branded with an arrow in 3x19 when he's not supposed to join the League until 3x20.

Maybe it doesn't?  Maybe they spliced something from 320 into the 319 trailer?  

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I thought that sizzle reel was a preview for the rest of this season's episodes, not just for 3x19?


It is, but Oliver's getting branded in the actual preview released for 3x19. 


Well, actually they only show him with his arms over his head and shaking in 3x19 - which I assume is the branding, so I could be wrong - they cut the actual brand out of the clip. It was in the preview clip for the rest of the episodes.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I missed the night shoot with Oliver and Maseo, too. Is it in the Spoilers Only thread?

not sure it was from Canadagraphs, i don't think he had pictures just tweets about catching all of those people after filming and getting autographs

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Regarding MG's comment that there are some shots in yesterday's preview that won't appear in the final episodes -- Why would you put something in a preview that's not going to be seen in the aired episodes? It's like a bait-and-switch. You just end up with angry fans.

Since the trailer is for the last five episodes, which they are currently filming, not all have been cut into their final broadcast version yet. Any scenes from 3x22 (currently filming) especially would be pulled from near raw dailies. Different takes and angles will likely be used in the final cut. 3x23 hasn't started filming yet, right? So nothing from that.

Edit: Or, you know, what DancingNancy said.

Edited by TrueMyth
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