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I hope that Jillibean is right - btw, glad you delurked!  But I just don't trust these EPs anymore and this season has made me pessimistic, esp. with the spoilers for upcoming episodes.  I wouldn't underestimate their arrogance, their apparent preference for style over substance, or their devotion to comic book "canon".


I don't trust them either, but isn't making Laurel the only thing they've stuck to comic canon for? Yeah, it's a big one, but from reading interviews it doesn't seem like something they were ever willing to deviate from, even after bringing Sara in. Maybe they will go back to O/L at some point, but they've shown a willingness to deviate from their canon couple, so I think the odds are in Oliver and Felicity's favor at this point.

Is this even remotely believable?




For all we know, Thea's about to get her ass kicked. He's blocking her shot so, yeah...to me that's believable. Maybe she took him by surprise here - it's difficult to tell what's going on in this one shot. Could be too that he's going easy on her at this point. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Is this even remotely believable?




It is if she's about to get knocked on her arse by Slade, yeah. But my guess is that Merlyn's secret brainwashing herbs are also secret martial arts mastery herbs. They've got herbs for every other bloody thing in the world (yet have decided against making a fortune in the medical industry by marketing them).


And is it any less believable than Oliver almost dying and then getting bitched out for it by his supposed friends when he gets back?

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I'm so glad that Thea finally finds out that Malcolm made her kill Sara.


Same! Seems like the pod people of the past three-ish episodes might finally be coming back to themselves. 


Slade seemed friendlier to Oliver than I thought he'd be, haha. 

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Oh sweet Godess! Thank you! Finally!

Now I'm looking forward to wednsday even more.

Well you know with the drug out of his system he is able to think straight.. Probably had some time to chill out a bit and realize that forgive but not forget is the way to go.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I have NO problem believing that Thea can block a move from Slade. The difference between the respective levels of skill acquired by Thea and Laurel in the same amount out of time is who Thea is trained by and how.


On screen we have seen enough training at the hands of her father, Malcolm Merlyn, a former of the League of Assassins, who has kicked Oliver's ass twice and killed 500 people with an earthquake machine and who is just as skilled an archer and fighter as Oliver and batcrap crazy to boot. It's possible the herbs made her more likely to remember the moves she has been trained to use, but let's say at minimum she's even doing two a days, when it was really probably like 8 hours a day or more because BSC Malcolm is training her which involved the mind mastery, the sword play and the hand to hand combat Malcolm knows, then Thea is already light years ahead of Laurel, who received none of that. Thea has enough skill to at least block one hit from Slade.  And assuming he's not Mirakuru'd up anymore it's even more believable. 

Edited by catrox14
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Without the mirakuru Slade is just a soldier, albeit a highly trained one, and while Thea doesn't have his years of training she could probably stand up to him to a certain degree in a fight, especially if he wasn't trying too hard. That said, based on that picture Slade's arm is on the inside of Thea's which makes me think she threw a punch and he blocked/deflected it. Which is easily believable. 

Edited by KirkB
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Oliver might need to save Merlyn FROM Thea to accomplish his goal of defeating Ra's Al Ghul.  Remember when Malcolm said the student needed to defeat the master...welp maybe Thea will be good enough, have enough of Merlyn's BSC dna to make her really dangerous and capable of taking out Malcolm at least temporarily.

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Oliver going back to save Merlyn because of Thea makes no sense now . Maybe the description was misleading. 


I hope so too. Because otherwise they're probably going to have Oliver go to the ends of the earth in dumbassitude for either a) not wanting Thea's last remaining "parent" (incredibly loose meaning of the word there) to die, or b) to give him the opportunity to redeem himself to her. Or maybe they're all keeping up appearances for Ra's for some reason to protect Thea (which doesn't make sense at this point). Or they're just going to have Oliver act like a dumbass in order to engineer another confrontation with Ra's.


Oliver considering going to Ra's to save Malcolm didn't even make sense when Thea didn't know that Malcolm drugged her, and now that she does and she specifically told Malcolm to his face in front of Oliver that she didn't want to be his daughter anymore makes even less sense. Unless Malcolm and Thea are playing some long con on Oliver (please, please no - not Thea), or all three of them are in on something together that they're not letting the audience in on for some kind of Unthinkable-level "gotcha" scenario.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Is it possible that the league will take Malcolm at the end of 14? Anyway I wonder what will prompt the reaction SA predicted we'll have..

I think that is likely actually. Episodes always end in a huge cliffhanger 

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But aren't we supposed to be on the Malcolm redemption arc now?  This season has been a complete mess.


That sounds more like a reaction to Thea defeating Slade in a fight.  Yeah, right.


However since ep 15 is Nanda Parbat, the LoA taking Malcolm is probably right.

Is this even remotely believable?

It's one of the few things that is for me because she's swinging wildly and he's blocking her.


What I find less believable is the idea that knowing how Slade feels about him, Oliver would let him out of the cell, especially with Thea there who he's all crazy about protecting.


And then there's Malcolm saying "You have to go to the island to get back your killer instinct" and the shot of Oliver saying "You're not a killer, Thea".  Make up your mind, dumbass (which is what they're reduced Oliver to this season).  Either you took her to the island to teach her to be a killer, or you don't want her to be a killer. It can't be both.


If "Sara" was "a love letter to Sara", and this one is "a love letter to fans"  I'm beginning to think that MG saying "love letter" is code for "avoid this episode if you don't want your blood pressure to go through the roof".

Edited by statsgirl
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What I find less believable is the idea that knowing how Slade feels about him, Oliver would let him out of the cell, especially with Thea there who he's all crazy about protecting.


I'm not sure Oliver does let him out of the cell - seems like when he's talking to him, it's after he's been locked up again, since Slade mentioned Thea being lost. Kind of looks like Oliver goes in the cell and looks in on what seems to be a dead guard (or someone who's not Slade, at least). If I had to bet, Malcolm either let him out or engineered the scenario where he was able to get out on his own.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I had a thought. Katie Cassidy said we would be "surprised" by Laurel's reaction to finding out Thea killed Sara (but considering KC also thinks there's an L/O/F triangle, I trust her less than I trust MG). We will also find out Laurel's new trainer, she has scenes with Nyssa and there's an episode called "The Offer". What if Laurel offers herself up to the League (and to be "trained"). Laurel comes back in the finale, trained and competent. Boom. The LoA thing is tied up a bit, Thea and Laurel know the truth and Laurel is trained by the same people Sara was so now she's an expert martial artist too!!! 


I don't want this to happen, but if it means Laurel is off the screen for a bit and we can get back to the show being about Oliver's journey and not Laurel's that would be great. 

Edited by HighHopes
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I had a thought. Katie Cassidy said we would be "surprised" by Laurel's reaction to finding out Thea killed Sara (but considering KC also thinks there's an L/O/F triangle, I trust her less than I trust MG). We will also find out Laurel's new trainer, she has scenes with Nyssa and there's an episode called "The Offer". What if Laurel offers herself up to the League (and to be "trained"). Laurel comes back in the finale, trained and competent. Boom. The LoA thing is tied up a bit, Thea and Laurel know the truth and Laurel is trained by the same people Sara was so now she's an expert martial artist too!!! 


I don't want this to happen, but if it means Laurel is off the screen for a bit and we can get back to the show being about Oliver's journey and not Laurel's that would be great. 


We discussed something similar pages and pages back. It's a possibility, but she's in town in 3x17, so if she offers herself up then Ra's lets her honor her RSVP to the Dyla wedding, haha.

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We discussed something similar pages and pages back. It's a possibility, but she's in town in 3x17, so if she offers herself up then Ra's lets her honor her RSVP to the Dyla wedding, haha.

Ah, I must have missed that discussion sorry! 

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Lol. As if I needed any more evidence of this show's Waller's incompetence. Seriously, Merlyn, a mass-murdering psychopath that has been gallivanting all over the world, is able to infiltrate A.R.G.U.S.' maximum detention island prison to release Deathstroke, one of their highest security risk inmates, so that Merlyn can use him as a live training dummy for Thea and Oliver, and Waller does nothing about that? Logic fail #547.

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eh so Slade's return is underwhelming. Disappointing 


I wonder why it's underwhelming? Because Malcolm let him out, I guess? And what's the point of sending them to the island to hone their killer instinct if they don't actually kill him? Or do they, and everything Oliver did last year is just completely null and void? Ugh.

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They will probably recapture him and after going home deal with Thea's anger towards Malcolm for using her to kill Sara. I swear I will be so annoyed if Thea won't care about Malcolm's fate but Oliver will want to save him because he lost his father and doesn't want Thea to lose hers. Why on earth would Oliver care about Malcolm if Thea wants nothing to do with him.

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Are there any present day Starling City scenes in 3x14 I wonder? 

MC has said, yes there will be, but I expect them to be limited but painful...wasn't there talk about Laurel getting a glass case in 3.14?

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I believe MG said on tumblr that there will be a few. 



MC has said, yes there will be, but I expect them to be limited but painful...wasn't there talk about Laurel getting a glass case in 3.14?

did he specifically say Starling City though? The only thing I remember is that he said not all present day scenes will be on Lian Yu. 

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MC has said, yes there will be, but I expect them to be limited but painful...wasn't there talk about Laurel getting a glass case in 3.14?

She gets called Blacked Canary in 3.14. I think the case was just a "keep watching response." Won't be surprised if it happens then though since Oliver accepted her as a member in Canaries.

did he specifically say Starling City though? The only thing I remember is that he said not all present day scenes will be on Lian Yu.

No. He didn't specify.

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In that new promo Thea is yelling at Malcolm and it looks like she is doing that in her apartment. So that would probably be a present day scene after Thea and Oliver returned from the island. 


Yeah, I'm guessing they'll be back from the island a bit before the end of the episode. Definitely in time for Oliver to do something dumb again!

Edited by apinknightmare
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In that new promo Thea is yelling at Malcolm and it looks like she is doing that in her apartment. So that would probably be a present day scene after Thea and Oliver returned from the island. 

aah you're right. I was watching it on my phone so I couldn't really tell. That's definitely her apartment. Probably towards the end of the episode 

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Lol no. I find it a little hard to believe that Thea could get the drop on Slade. And I hope they don't try and sell it like Slade is oh so weak because he's been in prison. I bet he's been working out while staring at a picture of Oliver on his target board or something. We'll see how it plays out. I'm definitely watching this episode because I love Slade. Aside from his weird motivations, he was a great villain.


I haven't watched the promo though but I'm assuming Oliver told Thea? Finally. I was wondering when it would all come out because Thea was also hiding the fact that she knew Sara was dead after Laurel told her not to tell Oliver. LOL they are all so messed up with their lies. The theme this season isn't identity, it's LIARS who LIE.

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The sad part of me is wondering whether this will be the episode that Manu Bennett draws a line under because they treat his character so poorly.  I mean they've managed it for Susanna Thompson and Caity Lotz.


I need that man on my screen dammit.

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I had a thought. Katie Cassidy said we would be "surprised" by Laurel's reaction to finding out Thea killed Sara (but considering KC also thinks there's an L/O/F triangle, I trust her less than I trust MG). We will also find out Laurel's new trainer, she has scenes with Nyssa and there's an episode called "The Offer". What if Laurel offers herself up to the League (and to be "trained"). Laurel comes back in the finale, trained and competent. Boom. The LoA thing is tied up a bit, Thea and Laurel know the truth and Laurel is trained by the same people Sara was so now she's an expert martial artist too!!!

I like it, especially Laurel going off to Nanda Parbat, but what doesn't make sense to me is why she would.  She's there to "save" Starling City so to go off to Nanda Parbat for months would leave the city defenseless without her.  (I don't think she cares about her day job any more so I'm not going to bring that in to the argument.)


Any other person would say "I just got beat up twice, I need to learn more" but that's never been Laurel.  She's always been the bestest and right away.

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Lol no. I find it a little hard to believe that Thea could get the drop on Slade. And I hope they don't try and sell it like Slade is oh so weak because he's been in prison. I bet he's been working out while staring at a picture of Oliver on his target board or something. We'll see how it plays out. I'm definitely watching this episode because I love Slade. Aside from his weird motivations, he was a great villain.


See I think Thea could get the drop because the last person Slade would ever expect to see there is Thea, much less that she would be a competent fighter on any leve.


. It's not like he's been privy to what has been going with Thea and Malcolm.  So she would be easy to underestimate. 

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Lol no. I find it a little hard to believe that Thea could get the drop on Slade. And I hope they don't try and sell it like Slade is oh so weak because he's been in prison. I bet he's been working out while staring at a picture of Oliver on his target board or something. We'll see how it plays out. I'm definitely watching this episode because I love Slade. Aside from his weird motivations, he was a great villain.

I haven't watched the promo though but I'm assuming Oliver told Thea? Finally. I was wondering when it would all come out because Thea was also hiding the fact that she knew Sara was dead after Laurel told her not to tell Oliver. LOL they are all so messed up with their lies. The theme this season isn't identity, it's LIARS who LIE.

I want Slade to survive the Episode so he can eventually come back to Starling and Target Felicity to get to Oliver Edited by jay741982
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eh so Slade's return is underwhelming. Disappointing 

To be fair, what has been overwhelming or exciting on this show this season? Oliver's return was meh, his death was meh, this whole season is essentially 'meh' with a side of "that doesn't even make sense". 


I hope that Thea finds out through Oliver. If she doesn't, I hope she gets angry at him for not telling her the truth. I hope she lays it on him for teaming up with a man who made her a murderer like Felicity did. I HOPE. But my hopes never usually come true so I should just stop talking. 

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The sad part of me is wondering whether this will be the episode that Manu Bennett draws a line under because they treat his character so poorly.  I mean they've managed it for Susanna Thompson and Caity Lotz.


I need that man on my screen dammit.


Me, too. I can't help but compare to Veronica Mars with several cast members saying they would work for free on the movie when the Kickstarter first began. These poor Arrow folks keep getting insulted with the writing; I don't blame them for refusing to return.


I think Thea could get the drop on Slade, but I don't think she could beat him in a fair fight. I suspect that Slade regrets what he's done, though, and is willing to take some hits or sacrifice his life or whatever the plot needs him to do. I hope he escapes and reunites with Rose, the daughter he's never mentioned. 

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The Thea that left sc & returned are not physically the same so I could see her getting in a few good shots on Slade, esp if mirakuru is out of his system. Its similar to alias or Nikita, where w/ proper training the females on the shows could seriously beat up any opponent male or female. Gotta give it to MM he is a well trained fighter & he did seem to put in some time into training Thea. It would also justify some of Olivers motivation to train w MM if he's that good of a trainer. MM is the devil & I wouldn't trust him, but a little training sessions wouldn't hurt, so long as Oliver keeps his brain on now that he has agreed to work with MM.

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Well, Manu's got a part in a new fantasy series, so I guess if he's back on Arrow it's only in a limited capacity.


Nevertheless, I need him to drop a few truth-bombs on Oliver as well - especially regarding his collaboration with MM and how morally inept it is.

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I want Slade to survive the Episode so he can eventually come back to Starling and Target Felicity to get to Oliver

This is what I was really hoping for when they announced Manu Bennett was coming back, plus I'd like to see a Slade/Diggle fight now.


Slade on Lian Yu with only Oliver, Thea and Malcolm sounds boring.  Possibly Slade will make a remark about Sara and Felicity to Oliver but that's the show doing 'tell not show 'again.

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This is what I was really hoping for when they announced Manu Bennett was coming back, plus I'd like to see a Slade/Diggle fight now.


Slade on Lian Yu with only Oliver, Thea and Malcolm sounds boring.  Possibly Slade will make a remark about Sara and Felicity to Oliver but that's the show doing 'tell not show 'again.

My first thought when it was announced Slade was coming back was "Ooh maybe he comes back for revenge against Oliver and Felicity, it could be a good Episode for Olicity fans" but nope this is MG running the show. Your idea of a Slade/Diggle fight is awesome so of course MG wouldn't do it!. I won't be Surprised if MG has Slade mention Felicity and even Sara

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From MC Tumblr. I was assuming that the "ish" was in the flashback but maybe a Slade mention counts too?

Well, Someone asked MG on Tumblr when Oliver realized he loved Felicity or something like that and he said he'd be interested in what Olicity fans would think of 3x14 (or something along those lines), so I assume some feelings will be talked about in the ep.

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 He also said earlier that he thought the Olicity in 3x14 would break twitter.  It's interesting how he's pulling back farther and farther on how positive he thinks the fan reaction will be.  Hopefully the last three episodes have been a reality check for him, from the 'Laurel pretending to be Sara' in 311 to the Laurel/Felicity scene in 313 that we were all going to love.

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