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6 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

You would think but with this show probably not. They really arent big on relationships outside of their OTPs so Roy will most likely still be dedicated to Thea. 

The relationship I'm familiar with for Roy and Chesire didn't last and I don't recall them ever being super friendly even when they were together so who knows how they'd want to play it.    

6 hours ago, Angel12d said:

That "Daniel Porter" sounds like someone who might be involved in Helix Dynamics and can we not with that? 

Ughhhhhh, I don't want all these new characters. We have enough terrible/useless ones as it is.

How about Curtis decides to get in business with him instead leaving Felicity to have to go it alone?  So sad, she'll just have to name her company after herself instead.  

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Not enthused by so many new recurrings again, with the noobs going nowhere but I guess some of them will be there for specific arcs and then go and they probably want to explore other possibilities for keeping some around for show longevity etc. I'm slightly worried about them doubling up so much on the tech side means for Felicity's storylines, although it could be a Curtis S4 and Alena 5/6 situation rather than sidelining her, or in the case of the teen, being antagonistic "slaying superheroes" (eyeroll).  

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5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

The relationship I'm familiar with for Roy and Chesire didn't last and I don't recall them ever being super friendly even when they were together so who knows how they'd want to play it.    

Exactly  it goes perfect with this show.

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9 hours ago, Trisha said:

Apparently when asked for a spoiler this weekend, SA signed a photo with “it’s hard to fight family” which is making people on Twitter speculate that maybe a half-sibling surfaces. If they go that route, could be this new Jessie character.


Also, another fan report of DR making the baby comment, and a SA comment about William...

Edited by tv echo
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Maybe they'll genderbend the name Emiko or even bring in maternal cousin Mia Dearden to rub it in about Thea. Given Robert's philandering this is probably one of these least surprising soapy plots since William. I was actually kind of surprised Isabel never revealed that she'd had Robert's kid and that's why she thought the company should be hers over the affair. Though that kid would only be a few years older than William right now. 

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Ok crazy idea... but what if the fighting family isn't actual family but a version of Tommy. I know it's unlikely but Colin posted a cryptic tweet, and it seems his fate was left up in the air on his show. I know that would be something that would have the cast excited for.

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1 hour ago, Featherhat said:

 I was actually kind of surprised Isabel never revealed that she'd had Robert's kid and that's why she thought the company should be hers over the affair. Though that kid would only be a few years older than William right now. 

How old was Thea when Robert was having the affair?  I thought she was 9 or 10 which means the child would have been born around 2005.  Sadly, too young to stage a coup.

But not Robert's first infidelity.

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I don't think she went. Unless they are stupid enough not to give her, her own tweet about it. Which would be like them. 

On 5/30/2018 at 5:42 PM, Mellowyellow said:


I kinda love how the baby is randomly brought up in articles that aren't even focused on Arrow.

I know it says they aren't having a baby anytime soon but everyone keeps talking about the non existent baby! Seems like I'm not the only person with baby fever! I like it! 

It's the only thing that gets them hits. Lord knows they ain't getting it with Ricardo avocado. 

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11 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

I guess Emily snuck in under the radar? I don’t remember seeing any tweets about her visit, unless I missed them. 

I'm still not comfortable with this! 

Either she's the only one who didn't meet them or they didn't bother to tweet about her which makes me rage.

I think she was in LA the week SA met them so it's weird she didn't meet them. Or that they refuse to acknowledge her! This is infuriating!

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I don't think it's weird. She's said a bunch of times how she doesn't want to know things unless they do happen or she happens to catch a glimpse of the writers' board. No one can force her to be that interested or visit even if fans and even the writers want her to, and she still seems just as excited as SA and DR who do know more of what's going on.

Plus she's probably been way more focused on that play for the last few months.

Edited by way2interested
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From Spotlight Report interview with DR today (in Melbourne, AU)...


SR. Season 6 was a massive roller-coaster. (Spoilers ahead) The team got divided, Oliver went to Jail, Diggle is now working at Argus and Quentin Lance died. What can we expect from Season 7?
I wish I could tell you (laughs). I saw the script for the first episode of season 7 as is amazing. This season  will probably be one of the biggest and most ambitious to date.

We now had a show-runner of the series who will be taking the role full time, and her vision for the show is superb, I’m sure she will take it to the next level.

Oliver’s time in prison will be hard, and many things will happen while there.

Regarding my character, I can only share with you that he is still working at Argus with Lyla, and teaming up with the others once in a while to take down Diaz once for all. But, many things happen, there are some huge twists that nobody saw coming. It’s so good…I’m so sad I cannot tell you more.

Edited by tv echo
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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

We now had a show-runner of the series who will be taking the role full time, and her vision for the show is superb, I’m sure she will take it to the next level.

That sounds like a dig at MG, that he spent too much time with his other projects and not enough time on Arrow. Which may well be true.


Oliver’s time in prison will be hard, and many things will happen while there.

Regarding my character, I can only share with you that he is still working at Argus with Lyla, and teaming up with the others once in a while to take down Diaz once for all.

I'm happy for DR that he is exctied about his storyline with ARGUS but Oliver spending extended time in prison and more NTA even if they take down Diaz doesn't make me want to tune in. At this point, I hate NTA so much that even hearing about them sends me into a rage.

Edited by statsgirl
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12 hours ago, statsgirl said:

That sounds like a dig at MG, that he spent too much time with his other projects and not enough time on Arrow. Which may well be true.

I'm happy for DR that he is exctied about his storyline with ARGUS but Oliver spending extended time in prison and more NTA even if they take down Diaz doesn't make me want to tune in. At this point, I hate NTA so much that even hearing about them sends me into a rage.

Because it was a dig at MG. He was the only part-time show-runner. You can tell last season, David was not happy with how things were being done and I don't blame him. 

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I don't know how I am going to spend the next 5 months waiting for the Olicitot!!!!! This is the most difficult wait EVER for me!!!!!!! It's good but it's soooooo hard!!!!!!!!!

I hope there is a baby and not just a grown up child that appears through timey wimey stuff! I hope we see the baby transition into a toddler! 

I wonder if it's just a pregnancy or will there be an actual birth in S7 too. 

They better give Olicity a sturdy robust baby and not put them through any crap baby wise! 

I waaaaaant the Olicitot right now!!!!!!!!!!!!! *wails*

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1 hour ago, scarynikki12 said:

A baby is a really great reason to finally fortify the bunker (or wherever they set up their next vigilante lair) so that it can't be invaded.

I agree with you the bunker was never really safe. 

With everyone knowing who GA is and by association who she and William are they need to be protected. 

Just a question though. OQ, FS and W are now known but everyone else’s identities are still unknown correct? Doesn’t seem fair but then the writing never has been. I mean at least out Rene!

Edited by BunsenBurner
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From Moviehole interview with DR (posted in Spoilers thread and Starling City Times thread)...

-- DR: "Some of these fans are talking about 'Oh I would love to see…' yeah they’ll see it.  'Wow it’s time to see, why don’t try…' Yeah we’re going to try it. It’s kind of, to some degree, answering some of the things I think fans want to see.  And I think in other ways, taking it in directions the fans would never have thought of." 

Edited by tv echo
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3 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I hope there is a baby and not just a grown up child that appears through timey wimey stuff!

Since DR keeps saying “baby” and not “kid” I think (hope?) we’re safe. I wonder why this wasn’t on the list of things Beth told him he couldn’t spoil? Maybe she knew he’d already blabbed at previous cons, or they are trying to win back the Olicity fans and give them a reason to tune in again.

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13 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I wonder why this wasn’t on the list of things Beth told him he couldn’t spoil? Maybe she knew he’d already blabbed at previous cons, or they are trying to win back the Olicity fans and give them a reason to tune in again.

Lol, I feel like it was going to be on the list but he spoiled it (since DR always tries to pump people up just by himself) before there even was a list so all she could say was, "ugh, fine....don't say when"

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What do you think she’ll bring that’s a little bit different than in the past?
David: I think some of the stuff is just…some of these fans are talking about “Oh I would love to see…” yeah they’ll see it.  “Wow it’s time to see, why don’t try…” Yeah we’re going to try it. It’s kind of, to some degree, answering some of the things I think fans want to see.  And I think in other ways, taking it in directions the fans would never have thought of.  And really to Mark and Wendy’s credit, and to Beth’s credit, for season six, I think we ended in a way people didn’t think we were going to end it. There was no big bad guy ending finding justice, it’s continuing into season seven, putting Oliver in the prison and all that.  I mean, that was a risky for our show.


We guessed the whole ending long ago but just hoped that they would realize how CRAPPY of an ending it would be and decide not to do it, both with the GA reveal to the public and keeping Diaz around.  We figured it out but also figured out why it was a terrible idea.  Wonder when they will.  

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Saw this when I clicked on a tweet that @KenyaJ posted in the Social Media thread - wonder why he was going around telling people it was happening if it hasn't been approved and they haven't been able to get it approved for a while (just did a screen cap of the last two tweets since she attached a pic I'm not sure she'd want circulated outside her Twitter):


Screen Shot 2018-06-10 at 6.17.29 PM.png

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Maybe he just got ahead of himself. Saw it on the board when we met to meet and just started blabbing about it before Beth told him later "....this isnt even set in stone you dummy"

It'll probably happen but its funny that its not even greenlit yet.

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15 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Saw it on the board when we met to meet and just started blabbing about it before Beth told him later "....this isnt even set in stone you dummy"

Probably not - he confirmed the baby storyline to someone at the same con yesterday. 

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Probably not - he confirmed the baby storyline to someone at the same con yesterday. 

And today he is going back on it he's changing his tune ever so slightly? Or its just something that he failed to mention to fans previously or something had to have happened where he found out it wasnt set in stone.

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4 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

And today he is going back on it he's changing his tune ever so slightly?

No, he talked to both fans yesterday. Unless he got a call from Beth in the middle of the con, I don't think anything changed between him telling the person it was happening and telling the other person that it hadn't been greenlit yet. 

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I think it's probably safe to say that the baby was/is part of the plan for the season but that like anything really big, the network has to weigh in and could be for other reasons as well subject to change.  But even if it didn't happen this year, it seems pretty clear it's happening at some point.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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I think some of the stuff is just…some of these fans are talking about “Oh I would love to see…” yeah they’ll see it.

I’m crossing my fingers that at least one of the fan “I would love to see” things we get is Felicity building Smoak Tech without Curtis trampling all over it. At the very least, I hope the new tech entrepreneur character is there mostly in support of Felicity’s story arc and not Curtis. Realistically, I know it’s probably not going happen but I can still have hope for it.

As for the Olicity baby, David’s been dangling that spoiler since (I think) Nashville, spoiled it again in London and then confirmed / not confirmed it in Melbourne. Has he ever wavered on spoilers like that before? 

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1 minute ago, kes0704 said:

I’m crossing my fingers that at least one of the fan “I would love to see” things we get is Felicity building Smoak Tech without Curtis trampling all over it. At the very least, I hope the new tech entrepreneur character is there mostly in support of Felicity’s story arc and not Curtis. Realistically, I know it’s probably not going happen but I can still have hope for it

My hope is that the Tech guy steals Curtis away from Felicity and that she decides screw it, she's going to do it all on her own.  

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2 minutes ago, kes0704 said:

I’m crossing my fingers that at least one of the fan “I would love to see” things we get is Felicity building Smoak Tech without Curtis trampling all over it. At the very least, I hope the new tech entrepreneur character is there mostly in support of Felicity’s story arc and not Curtis. Realistically, I know it’s probably not going happen but I can still have hope for it.

Yeah, I'm hoping that if she's in protective custody, she'll decide that trying to build a company with Curtis is too difficult in her absence. She can let him have Helix and start her own cybersecurity company. 

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7 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

What does Felicity building a company look like on screen? What are people expecting to see?

I'm probably in the minority, but I don't really care about seeing Felicity building a company for the company's sake if it doesn't tie into the larger plot. Just like I wouldn't really care about Oliver sitting around being mayor just to give him something to do, because that's boring. I would like to see something like an investor being interested in her company who isn't what she/he seems (not necessarily a villain, just someone duplicitous for personal gain or whatever) that she susses out rather early, and has to figure out how to defeat on her own. Or a villain interested in her tech (but done in a less cheesy way and for a longer period of time than Brie Larvan), or her developing tech for a specific need within the team - I like the implant, but I don't think that's a very interesting long-term story, because there are limited ways to make that tie into a larger storyline (and because they kinda already tried that once with Brie Larvan). I'd like to see her succeeding (with some stumbles), rather than the nonsense they did with Palmer Tech where she wasn't fully committed because of stuff going on beyond her control, and because the CFO had it out for her.

I'm not super picky, but I'd like for them to do something they haven't done yet - and I'd rather them not do it at all if it's going to be a half-assed mess. 

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6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm probably in the minority, but I don't really care about seeing Felicity building a company for the company's sake if it doesn't tie into the larger plot.

Yeah, it's a tight spot for the writers. If it's too connected to Oliver/the main plot, then it won't seem like it's Felicity's own plot. But if it's not connected to the main plot it might fizzle out (Felicity's s4 plot) or feel very out of place and might even be uninteresting to some (Laurel's s2 plot). Tbh I also want the plot to be basically just how you described it.

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm probably in the minority, but I don't really care about seeing Felicity building a company for the company's sake if it doesn't tie into the larger plot.

That's why I'd prefer to see her company have something to do with cybersecurity. As we've seen over the course of six seasons, there are so many ways to tie that into villain of the week stories or the season-long arcs. I don't see any way that Helix Dynamics can tie into the plot, unless the new big bad is trying to create an army he/she can control through people's bio-stimulators.

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5 hours ago, kes0704 said:

As for the Olicity baby, David’s been dangling that spoiler since (I think) Nashville, spoiled it again in London and then confirmed / not confirmed it in Melbourne. Has he ever wavered on spoilers like that before? 

I think he and SA both waffled a bit on the wedding. One minute, definitely confirmed *wink* next con "maybe possibly" etc. And there were conflicting reports over double crossover wedding or not. I still think it's likely to happen but may not be set in stone/fully approved yet (or plans change due to whatever issues etc) or its possible that like the wedding they want to keep it more underwraps than DR confirming it so early on. 

So upset by the latest developments! I feel like Reddit after Oliver and Felicity got married. ??????

Come now, it's not *that* bad ;) Reddit refused to believe the spoilers when there was paparazzi footage of the double wedding leaked because such a travesty could never happen and immediately started hoping this was just a quickie starter marriage (ignoring the last 4 seasons) and ignoring the fact that they claim Nyssa is his true first wife. 

Edited by Featherhat
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I think with Felicity's company storylines will naturally tie into it plots when the time is right.  Basically, an" if they build it the stories will come".  Break ins,  stolen tech, late nights, rendezvous after dark, clients, employees, investors, products, press and government interaction, being a target other than because she's married to the fricken Green Arrow, using tech to save the day or cause the problem -  it feels like there are oodles of ways for her own company to bolster what Felicity personally brings to stories.  

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9 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:


Maybe he just got ahead of himself. Saw it on the board when we met to meet and just started blabbing about it before Beth told him later "....this isnt even set in stone you dummy"

It'll probably happen but its funny that its not even greenlit yet.

I'm actually glad David told someone that it's not 100% approved yet because then Anti-Felicity Olicity people can get in a false sense of security that it's never going to happening which will make it that more joyous occasion when it does happen. 


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I don’t want a baby, but this sounds like maybe David trying to take a step back because he wasn’t supposed to spoil it. He did say Beth emailed him a list of things not to spoil, and then changed his tune. I’m not about to get my hopes up. He spoiled the wedding, deathstroke returning, Siren returning, etc... way in advance and it was all true. One can hope, but unfortunately I do think that damn baby is coming.

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10 hours ago, kes0704 said:

As for the Olicity baby, David’s been dangling that spoiler since (I think) Nashville, spoiled it again in London and then confirmed / not confirmed it in Melbourne. Has he ever wavered on spoilers like that before? 

Was the season 7 board even filled out when David started talking about the Olicity baby? I can’t quite recall, but I’m pretty sure he was blabbing about it even before he had his meeting with the writers. That being said, in a recent interview he did mention some of the big stuff he heard still had to be approved by DC/WB. I can’t decide if he jumped the gun, or if this is damage control...

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