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I'm just gonna go ahead and say my favorite parts were the


The coordinated awesomesauce "arrowing" stances with Thea and Oliver side by side. Not gonna lie, I might have cheered at that one.  Thea and Oliver are what I am most interested in this season.


And the final line about "jaws not right".


Oh and CAITY LOTZ, CAITY LOTZ.  My girl crush lives


ETA: I am seriously so offended on Moira's behalf at this poor man's version in Jeri Ryan. Why are you bringing her in when YOU HAD THE QUEEN.  NEVER FORGET MOIRA FOREVER.

Edited by catrox14
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It looks like DD has Oliver captured at one point.  Please no more torture!



Oh Sara. I missed your outfit.

I have to admit to not being a fan of the abundant cleavage for fighting. What if her boob pops out in a fight, does she ask for a time out to tuck it back in? Although I guess she can use it as a distraction.

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The fight scenes are going to be interesting. Thea/Laurel require more of a stunt double then Sara. Because you know. CAITY LOTZ

Caity only filmed for what 4x03 and 405? Maybe? That is a quick recovery if they are already taking her in the field.

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I have to admit to not being a fan of the abundant cleavage for fighting. What if her boob pops out in a fight, does she ask for a time out to tuck it back in? Although I guess she can use it as a distraction.

That's a strategic advantage. All the guys will be staring at the booties while she kicks their asses.

Caity only filmed for what 4x03 and 405? Maybe? That is a quick recovery if they are already taking her in the field.

She's in 404 as well Edited by Morrigan2575
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Even just standing there Sara's Black Canary looks better than buckles..


Everything about Sara standing there looks better than Buckles. Just my opinion. 


Gods. I want her back as Black Canary. 

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SARA!!! My girl is back. I really wonder how they are going to make her more lethal. She's was always ready to kill before. 


The EP's said the League trains in all weapons, then they get to choose their specialty. Sara can use any weapon or her fists and legs. That's why she's closer to Comic Black Canary, then the other one. 


I figured she'd need a new outfit because her old one is rank, but now it looks like she'll have to give up her black outfit for Because Comics. Because they both can't be the Canary in a black outfit.  

Edited by Sakura12
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It's hard to know exactly when Caity filmed because she was doing LOT and filming so anything could be inserted into any episode like with what happened with the Flash Forward scene. 

The fight scenes are going to be interesting. Thea/Laurel require more of a stunt double then Sara. Because you know. CAITY LOTZ

Caity only filmed for what 4x03 and 405? Maybe? That is a quick recovery if they are already taking her in the field.

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Someone suggested Felicity was wearing Oliver's shirt.

I want.

I don't care at all for Laurels cosplay but I did like the scene of all the masked woman standing there. I hope Felicity is leading on the comms.

Whose necklace?

Neckline. Oops

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The fight scenes are going to be interesting. Thea/Laurel require more of a stunt double then Sara. Because you know. CAITY LOTZ

Caity only filmed for what 4x03 and 405? Maybe? That is a quick recovery if they are already taking her in the field.


I'm up for Sara doing all the main fighting while Thea and the other one are hiding their faces in the background. 

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Excited to see Sara back! Three seconds of her and she's more badass than an entire half-season of Because Comics.

I hope the action gets better this season. The promos get me excited cause it looks cool, and then I tend to find the actual scenes underwhelming. I hope with Sara back, we'll get some good stuff again. I mean, you have someone like Stephen playing your main character, he can do all kinds of practical stunts and yet you cgi him flipping into a train? I feel like when they stick to a more grounded approach in their stunts it always works better. I can't remember the last time rewound to watch a fight scene again, and I used to do that all the time in seasons 1 & 2.

Curtis looks fun and, while I am not at all happy about Felicity's story being tied to god-awful Ray again, maybe it really will be about her this time. I won't hold my breath though.

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I'm up for Sara doing all the main fighting while Thea and the other one are hiding their faces in the background.


I'm up for Thea and Sara to do the fighting side by side. I think Willa already has a better demeanor as a fighter with a side of crazypants and I want more of it.

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I think some of the scenes are from 4X06. Felicity finding about Ray might be one of them. Sara fighting with the rest is definitely from 4X06 since she will not be in a sane position before the Constantine episode. I was surprised to see her in her original costume. Maybe Oliver gets captured in 4X06 and Thea, Sara and Laurel try to rescue him thus the scene with Darkh and Thea,

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For Science.


THANK YOU! And good Lord, are they trying to kill the entire #Olicity fandom in one go?!?


I wonder if Felicity thinks what happened to Ray is her fault because she left, although his suit was already pretty functional at that point. 


Enjoyed the scene with Curtis and Oliver. 


I wish there were new scenes with Digg. 


Oh, and hello, Sara! That GIF with her, Speedy and Laurel looks pretty cool, I have to say.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Hoping that the SpeedyCanaries has some Felicity in there to give us a sense of Birds of Prey. The Canary/Black Canary are going to KILL IT! 


Though I guess we suppose to forget once again that Laurel is technically wearing Saras jacket. But I guess I can forgive them for these continuity errors if the scene is badass enough.


And it looks like we'll get a brief GA/BC scene though it probably involves everyone. BC zip lining off of his arrow.

Edited by Primal Slayer
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OMG, seeing Sara being all badass made me so happy. It also makes me bitter that she's going to take her awesomeness to LoT and leave us with Canary Lite.


Also I've seen all of 20 seconds of Curtis in the various trailers and promos, but I already adore him. Adore. Seeing him in a scene with Oliver is already making me so happy.


And I need Olicity sexy times right damn now. I love that Stephen has already tweeted the gif of that scene.

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I see difference between tweeting a set photo and making a reference and tweeting a pic of sexy Olicity.

I thought perhaps he and EBR might up the PR to troll the audience with the death speculation but both have been at it this weekend.

Her retweet and response to the Smoak jersey and the IG pic. His Smoak brother in law tweet, the Olicity gif and now this.

I like it. Just surprised.

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When I was reading your post, I had the horrible thought that maybe the EPs would consider killing Felicity an "elegant" way to put the company back in Oliver's hands.  Married or not, Felicity's will could leave Palmer Tech to Oliver, and he then changes its name to Queen Inc.  


No way, no how does Bruce Wayne even consider merging Wayne Tech with Queen, Inc. with Oliver at the helm. Not happening. Not unless it's a hostile takeover on Wayne Tech's part. I am fully confident the future merger is all the result of Felicity Smoak. 


I don't know if Olicity are homaging/recreating the Spider-Man/Mary Jane kiss or working their way into some 69 sexy times (what? The Americans did it.) But mark me down as a fan. 


I'm so excited for EK/Curtis to show up. I feel like he'll be a great addition. Finally, Sara, glad you're back. You were missed. Please continue being the badass you've always been.

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Awesome sizzler - I must admit fav scenes are the upside down/side kiss. Very superhero kiss. And the Curtis Scene with the jaw line. It's funny and I love how he is moving his jaw almost to throw CH off. FS reaction is priceless.


Pleasant surprises - SL back fighting in black. Blink & u'll miss it MM fighting Nyssa.


Sad but expected reveals - Not much of Dig (although I do like more of the emphasis on bromance rehab even if its only for the "team") & FS stealing a card for OQ's guilt playbook about RP.


Lastly - Where the hell is RP? That looked like a ransom video or off to find myself/potentially hurt myself video. I hope they don't make his blowing up & disappearing about his romantic heartbreak over losing FS. That's just way too melodramatic, esp considering he's leaving the show.

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No way, no how does Bruce Wayne even consider merging Wayne Tech with Queen, Inc. with Oliver at the helm. Not happening. Not unless it's a hostile takeover on Wayne Tech's part. I am fully confident the future merger is all the result of Felicity Smoak.


Because she's shown business savvy and a killer instinct? Oh wait...

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From the Flash trailer. Barry to Oliver: If you save Star City you can get one also.

Did Grant gain some weight? It also looks like he sporting his hair in a different style too? Both make him look a little bit more mature. Look at Oliver he's actually smiling and laughing. Loving how Stephen has been able to incorporate a softer side to the "Arrow" uh um "Green Arrow"! :)

Edited by Ann Mack
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Lastly - Where the hell is RP? That looked like a ransom video or off to find myself/potentially hurt myself video. I hope they don't make his blowing up & disappearing about his romantic heartbreak over losing FS. That's just way too melodramatic, esp considering he's leaving the show.

I figured he's just still small and they can't find a way to make him big yet.

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I don't know if Olicity are homaging/recreating the Spider-Man/Mary Jane kiss or working their way into some 69 sexy times (what? The Americans did it.) But mark me down as a fan. 

Those were my thoughts as well. It's the CW's 8p version of the 69. Show that a little more motion, then edit a cutaway and let the imaginations run wild.

Whatever their intentions, its hot and it works for me.


It does look like she might be wearing his tshirt (totally steal from O/F fanfic, but still hot) and her hair is really disheveled. I also thought that it might be her black potential skydiving suit she wore w/ CH (from spoiler pics a few mo ago). But why would he be shirtless.

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Love seeing Sara back in her rightful "Black Canary" outfit and Thea some how I feel them trying to tie Laurel in to this fight believably is going to be a challenge. I really hope they just keep the camera on Sara and Speedy both who have had more in-depth training with League of Assassins teachers. I know Laurel was trained by Nyssa (for all of maybe 3 weeks). Plus its gonna be hard trying to convince most that Laurel is at the same caliber of fighting as Sara (rising from the dead or not) and Speedy (trained and rising from the LP).


Oh well can't wait to see Sara back in action that sliding across the floor hell her just standing there breathing again has got me excited already!

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