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What if the daughter is Rose Wilson xD.


On a serious note though. Frank Chens wife could be Patty. And he has a daughter if i remember correctly S1.

Edited by Velocity23
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My impression was that Moira didn't seem to know The Mother Without A Name Yet before the "Here's some money. Go away" scene. Though I guess there's no real reason for Arrow to remember that bit of continuity.

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I think from the description, her being a peer of Moira's, her daughter would be someone that Oliver and Thea knew growing up. Which limits the pool. Even if Diggle did have a heretofore unmentioned sister, there's never been any suggestion that they had that sort of connection to the Queens. Lyla either, which is another thought I had for a moment, that this was Lyla's mom. So I think we're limited to Baby Mama, McKenna, or someone we've never met before.


I think it's interesting that the description states that she was close with Oliver and Thea growing up, but doesn't mention that her daughter was. Could be that it was a late-in-life baby, or that this girl wasn't friends with them at all, and the only reason she's mentioned is because this "Patty" person is willing to go to extraordinary lengths to do things for her (like be a shady mayoral candidate, ala Moira Queen). Could be the daughter's a villain. Could be anything, haha.

My impression was that Moira didn't seem to know The Mother Without A Name Yet before the "Here's some money. Go away" scene. Though I guess there's no real reason for Arrow to remember that bit of continuity.


She didn't know her. She had an investigator write up a dossier on her - she wouldn't need that if it was the daughter of a friend, haha.

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Sigh. I'd rather this woman's daughter ended up being Robert's daughter too and therefore Thea and Oliver have a sibling they never knew about, than it end up being Oliver's Baby Mama. I'm already sick of the Baby Mama stuff and it hasn't even happened yet. I just wish they'd never gone there because kids ruin everything.


And like @apinknightmare said upthread, if Moira was close to this woman, then she would have known Baby Mama and it wouldn't have been so easy to pay her off. That's a pretty big lack of continuity if they go down that road. 


But I'm actually surprised a long lost child of Robert's hasn't turned up already considering he was always unfaithful. It would definitely add to the idea that the theme this season is about family. I know that's not been confirmed but there's definitely a lot of hints there.

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She didn't know her. She had an investigator write up a dossier on her - she wouldn't need that if it was the daughter of a friend, haha.

I'd forgotten about the investigator. Yeah ok that makes Baby Mama a lot less likely, I agree. So I guess I'm going to go with the daughter being a character we've never heard of before then.

This daughter being Robert Queen's daughter is definitely an interesting idea.

Edited by Starfish35
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But I'm actually surprised a long lost child of Robert's hasn't turned up already considering he was always unfaithful. It would definitely add to the idea that the theme this season is about family. I know that's not been confirmed but there's definitely a lot of hints there.


It would also tie into Oliver's long-lost kid coming back into play.

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It would also tie into Oliver's long-lost kid coming back into play.


Ugh. But yes. I can definitely see them doing that kind of parallel.

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Hee, Ollie and his daddy bang the same psycho, and Ollie and his daddy both have kids coming out of the woodwork.  Charming!


Considering that my position is that Oliver is a little too involved in his sister Thea's life, I'm not on board with a new half-sister.  If she's good he'll be all up in her biz, and if she's bad he'll be all amped to save her.  Yawn.  I'm thinking that's an excellent guess, though.


I'd be okay with her being Frank Chen's widow, but we've never met his daughter.  Not sure that fits the spoiler.  I can't really think of that many society daughters we've met.  McKenna doesn't really fit because I doubt the actress is coming back.  Helena's mom wasn't Moira's friend.  What other society daughters have we met?

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Something is missing from the casting call sheet.  If she is running for mayor of Starling City, then she must be INSANE.  I mean, that's an important note to leave out for an actor.  Maybe they'll just throw it out at the audition:  "Can you give that to us again with a smidge of homicidal mania?"


My vote is for a daughter we never met before. 

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I vote for a daughter we haven't met before. :-)  I am okay with her being Robert Queen's daughter but I don't particularly want another superhero in the making.


Based on the 2 spoilers about casting, I am thinking (hoping?) maybe we will get more than just LOT set-up in 4A. 

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Patty, a mayoral candidate who is deeply committed to her city and willing to risk her life to stand up for the people. Described as a female in her 50s-early 60s, Patty is a peer and an old friend of the late Moira Queen, and was once close with Oliver and Thea. She is also a mother, and cares for her daughter above all else…




What if it's Anna's mom?  Ray's murdered fiancé.  Her death spurred Ray to build a supersuit.  I could see it spurring mom on to try to save the city a different way. 


I know "cares" seems to indicate present tense, but maybe Anna had a sister or perhaps really isn't dead?  (I mean, who is really?)

Edited by BkWurm1
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That last line.. "cares for her daughter above all else" sounds ominous to me. Like something is up with the daughter and the mother cuts some throats to protect her girl ala Moira Queen. The daughter being close to Oliver and Thea is weird because of the age difference, I didn't get the impression that Oliver and Thea would have had the same friends. 


Guest Star, but not recurring. Why get a big name for that?

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The daughter being close to Oliver and Thea is weird because of the age difference, I didn't get the impression that Oliver and Thea would have had the same friends. 


It's the mother who is described as being close to Oliver and Thea, not the daughter.

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So basically every spoiler now leads to a long lost sibling.... :)


I'm for bringing a maternal figure back to Starling... I hope she is kinda evil but good but not so good like Moira. Chen's wife is an interesting thought. It could also link back to the Undertaking so it might work. I'm hoping she does not have superhero/power children. I might even like her as a LI for Quentin.


As for her daughter - I'm thinking someone we never met before. I can't imagine its the first Baby Mama #1 candidate we met because Moira would have never given her money to move out of town. And if she was Moira's friend's daughter, Moira would have used something else to kick her out as money would probably not be as effective motivation if she had money. Here's hoping there is no connection to any other Baby Mama drama.

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As for her daughter - I'm thinking someone we never met before. I can't imagine its the first Baby Mama #1 candidate we met because Moira would have never given her money to move out of town. And if she was Moira's friend's daughter, Moira would have used something else to kick her out as money would probably not be as effective motivation if she had money. Here's hoping there is no connection to any other Baby Mama drama.

If Baby Mama had been their social class, I think Moira would have made them get married.

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If Baby Mama had been their social class, I think Moira would have made them get married.

Yes, no.  Oliver was pretty spoiled rotten.  I think it would have been her first instinct so as to save face with her friend but oh, her baby was upset, so screw society. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Idk why I just really need this. And y'all know it has jack to do with the comics. I think Oliver needs to be connected with the city somehow. I want him to dedicate his life to it by being a vigilante as well as trying to change the city from within.


I think it would be a good storyline. 

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I'd actually love it if they got back to the root of Oliver's original mission/vendetta against the corrupt 1% 'ers. I always thought that was a refreshing take on the vigilante aspect of things. Yes, that was a part of him in the comics too, but it was always something that was more interesting about the character, imo. The idea of a billionaire going after white collar criminals exploiting the poor was unlike other superheroes. I was disappointed when they dropped it completely.

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Crack theory.   It's Moira's  twin sister.  Yes, why I DO want Susannah Thompson back. I don't care how. (yes I know she says she won't come back but money talks sometimes)

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I feel like its almost too early in the series for Oliver to run for Mayor considering all of the other Mayors we have seen, especially after his Mom ran. Perhaps this old family friend can bring him into civil service but wait until s5 or 6 for him to actually become mayor.


Catrox14 - I LOVE your crack theory! I mean unknown twins or look-a-likes is out there for a believable plot, so not as on board with that. BUT, anything to get Susannah Thompson back on the show... I could hand wave a lot.

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Maybe they are just recasting Raisa? And she is the mother of a secret Robert Queen child? Though I probably read that in a bad fan fiction somewhere...

Nope - that's the real life story of Arnold Schwarzennegger banging his live-in housekeeper in the home he shared with Maria Shriver and having a secret love child.

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Nope - that's the real life story of Arnold Schwarzennegger banging his live-in housekeeper in the home he shared with Maria Shriver and having a secret love child.

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I know it is being rude and might be upsetting for some fans but I am not that much looking forward to more Laurel and more Laurel/Oliver. Their interactions never made the show better. I am not saying they made it worse but they didn't make it better either. (I hope against hope they decided against a L/O/F triangle) I understand that with Sara coming back, she'd be affected the most and therefore have more to do there but since I never really enjoyed the sister episodes, I am already dreading the family drama again. I know that this is not a nice thing to say but I was hoping for more Diggle and more Team action and less of Canaries/Oliver interaction. 

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It's not rude to say what you want see more of vs. what you don't.  Although I might disagree with you re an LOF triangle, simply because it would be an utterly hilarious trainwreck.  Not only is there no chemistry between L and O, I truly believe SA cannot stand Laurel.  (No clue how he feels about KC, but I really think he hates Laurel.)

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MG oversells ever Oliver / Laurel interaction. I honestly don't think this year is going to be any different.  Putting Oliver between the sisters was one of the worst story choices on this show, I can't see them doing that again. I think that Oliver and Laurel's interactions are really going to be in the field. If like DR is implying, that HIVE is the Big Bad and Diggle's brother and Felicity's father are some how connected to it, I can't see Oliver off in the Lance Drama and Diggle and Felicity handling the season's threat.


MG's answers to Oliver / Laurel questions and Laurel questions in general are so generic. Oliver and Laurel will have scenes together. There will be more Laurel. There will be kick ass Laurel. All of these are just kind of Duh answers. Of course they are going to share screentime. Of course you will see Laurel in S4. Of course you will see Laurel fighting. 

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My hope is that Sara is resurrected. We get a decent reunion between her and Oliver and then Oliver removes himself from the situation and let's the Lance family figure out their stuff. With Oliver/Felicity back and then Sara back, Laurel steps away from Team Arrow. Team Arrow needs to do some healing and Laurel needs to reconnect with Sara and her father.


Thea of course stays with Team Arrow because the Diggles kind of adopted her and she wants to spend as much time as possible with her brother. I'm wondering tho if because Sara and Thea share the resurrected thingy and MG response to the Laurel/Thea scenes means that Thea is going to be spending time in the Lance Drama. Not for that. 

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The only way I'll stand Oliver and Laurel is if they are helping Sara. But even then I'd rather it be Quentin and Oliver helping Sara. Laurel can be off somewhere calling herself a hero (in a perfect world, offscreen). Mostly because IMO. KC is at her bitchiest in scenes with Sara/Caity. It's like she doesn't know how to separate her personal feelings from that of her characters. She says her lines one way, but her body language and tone of voice is the complete opposite. 


I'm all for Sara and Thea scenes. They are supposedly friends which we barely ever saw. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I don't want for Oliver to have a secret half-sister, i think a secret half-brother of about the same age (or a bit younger) could work better. And make him a love interest for Laurel! Sister swapping is so last year, brother swapping should be all the rage in Starling City!


(JK. Mostly).

Edited by FurryFury
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I'm all for Sara and Thea scenes. They are supposedly friends which we barely ever saw. 

Now that would be somewhat interesting. How does Sara react to her killer even though Thea didn't know she was doing it? And what will it do to Thea?  Knowing the writers she probably won't hold a grudge and it will be ok in a single second, maybe two. But still it could have some nice drama elements. I assume that the first half of the season will be building towards Sara's return because she needs to be alive again once the spin off begins or at least she needs to be on the verge of being back. 

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If Sara finds out that it was Malcolm that brainwashed Thea to kill her, I imagine Sara will want to go after him with her "No woman should ever suffer at the hands of men" mantra.


I want Sara to tell Thea she doesn't blame her at all for what she did. Malcolm killed her and used her as the weapon. Sara being like Oliver will most likely blame herself for what happened to Thea. She was the one trying to kill Malcolm. 

Edited by Sakura12
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How does Sara react to her killer even though Thea didn't know she was doing it?


I'm sure Sara will forgive her (if Sara herself is in the right mind, of course). I mean, Sara has done worse. Thea was just a weapon.


What I want is for Sara to kick Malcolm's ass, but that won't happen, unless she'll be in a crossover near the end of the season (I doubt Malcolm will last past s4).

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I think Sara/Thea scenes would be interesting. Coming face to face with your killer/victim (even if Thea was drugged at the time) has got to be a mind fuck. And then there's the fact that they both took a dip in the pit and whether or not that will have lasting effects. I'm not sure about Thea (although I hope so because it's another side to explore) but Sara is bound to have some lasting problems. She was dead and buried for a year (at least I'm assuming).


Saying that, I hope they don't spend too much time setting up Legends of Tomorrow. I'm a bit tired of Arrow being used as the starting point for all these shows. It means characters I love get sidelined and we all know who that will be.

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I don't want for Oliver to have a secret half-sister, i think a secret half-brother of about the same age (or a bit younger) could work better. And make him a love interest for Laurel! Sister swapping is so last year, brother swapping should be all the rage in Starling City!


(JK. Mostly).

You do realize that if Oliver had a secret half-brother he could be a love interest for Thea?  He and Thea would have no biological relationship. LOL!  Sorry for putting that out there although Oliver's reaction might be priceless!


I think with Roy gone Laurel/BC is probably going to become Oliver/Arrow's main field partner.  I do think that is where they are headed - if not this season then next. 

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You do realize that if Oliver had a secret half-brother he could be a love interest for Thea?  He and Thea would have no biological relationship.


Haha no, it didn't occur to me. Wow, these writers would totally go for it!

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You do realize that if Oliver had a secret half-brother he could be a love interest for Thea?  He and Thea would have no biological relationship. LOL!  Sorry for putting that out there although Oliver's reaction might be priceless!


I think with Roy gone Laurel/BC is probably going to become Oliver/Arrow's main field partner.  I do think that is where they are headed - if not this season then next. 

Then it would really become a soap opera!! I swear they are gonna have to start having family trees on the walls to keep all the relationships straight.

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And I'd find that more palatable than Laurel becoming Oliver's main field partner. *shudders*

My biggest problem with Laurel out in the field is I usually find that her BC screen time really takes me out of the action and story.  Everything screeches to a halt and I sigh and look at the bad wig and the awful lipstick and then the obvious stunt woman (cue bad wig hair in her face).  I just don't want to dread watching the actions scenes.   Roy and his flips were kind of silly at times but at least the show never sold him as Arrow's equal and I am dreading this if Oliver and Laurel are regularly paired in the field.  I miss too much on screen when I'm busy rolling my eyes in disbelief. 

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I kind of got the impression they were setting up Oliver with Thea and Diggle with Laurel. We know that Oliver and Diggle will be on the outs for a bit and Thea just suited up to be Speedy who is Green Arrow's sidekick, who Black Canary is never supposed to be, so it would make sense if they went Oliver/Thea and Diggle/Laurel.

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